Sayulita Mexico, what to expect.

We took an Uber from Bucerias to Sayulita it  was 294 pesos approximately $17 for a half   an hour ride we booked our stay through  Airbnb it was about $28 for three nights   here’s the bathroom the kitchen that you just  saw a minute ago that we never used the hot  

Water worked pretty well for the shower it  was a rustic like cabin with stone um the   bedroom was upstairs it reminded me a lot of  the movie jamanji with vines growing through   the open bricks in the walls that you can see  here but surprisingly no bugs a lot of smoke  

Though because someone was doing some burning  and the smoke had come through into the room wave hola we are in Sayulitaand found out right  now that we don’t have any Internet in our unit   which sucks for downloading uploading editing our  video as well here not good no mention ever on the

Site so there was a small balcony also off the  bedroom but there was no chairs or anything uh   to sit there were two poles in this area hang  out at the pools weren’t in good shape and we   didn’t really spend much time there there was  cobblestone streets and the streets were narrow  

When we were there in late December there were  lots of tourists I think it’s easier to walk   as parking I think was nearly impossible yeah  driving there I think could be a real nightmare   because there’s a lot of golf carts a lot of  motorcycles um and traffic just not moving very  

Fast as you can see this streets were lined with  restaurants especially the closer you got to the   beach it was very colorful I I loved it I mean  the the vibe there was really cool you know you   could sit outside you could sit inside um there  were street performers although we don’t have  

That on camera here we are walking towards the  Center Square where you will see a lot of shops   and artists and selling stuff there were some bars  in that area too and some restaurants and now into  

The Center Square like pet said the outer part of  the square was lined with restaurants and [Music] bars Sayulita from the Mexico for the [Music] I’m not sure what the expat population is in   Sayulita seemed to be mostly younger people it was  really kind of more of a Party Town yeah that’s  

The same vibe that I got too more of a party town  as you can see here there’s more what I would call   Street dining in other words tables on the street  further impacting the traffic issue I think the  

Further that we walked from the center of town it  seemed like the prices got a little better um not   being so close to the to the center area prices in  restaurants or prices and other things no prices  

And restaurants if you can’t find your golf cart  look Sayulita it’s probably here there were golf   carts everywhere here we are getting ready to walk  down a Alleyway and there were a lot of them and   they all had shops and restaurants and things  of that nature in there here we are coming up  

On a restaurant as a matter of fact and Paulette  is walking down and she’s getting ready to check   out a t-shirt that says no bad days no bad days  for me I felt that Sayulita was easygoing peaceful  

And had a strong sense of community and I think  that it heavily relies on tourism Sayulita had   that small town very welcoming feel to it it  was different than like Huatulco which was a  

Nice town in its own right or some of the other  beach towns that we’ve been to Sayulita is a town   of about 5,000 permanent residents but it really  swells during the tourist season which is um the   time that we were actually there I thought it  was really easy to walk around and probably  

Difficult to drive in as you can see with all  the traffic and how slow they go but really it   was an easy place to to get around we discovered  that there’s only one Road in and one road out  

Of Sayulita Sayulita I think has a lot to offer to  everybody you can go hiking biking surfing fishing   sailing or well watching I think maybe if we had  been there longer than 3 days we might have done  

Something else some other activities but for  the 3 days that we were there we just soaked   it all in so if you do make it to Sayulita make  sure that you go down some of these back streets  

Some of these alleys and stuff you really run  across some pretty cool stuff um you know the   colorful house painting um just a little bit more  the local atmosphere we really enjoyed walking   around on some of the back streets what you see  hanging there was coconut shells with streamers  

Hanging from them Paulette thought they looked a  lot like jellyfish The venders were not pushy in   selling their products well walking around the  area we ended up bumping into some subscribers   that recognized us which doesn’t happen very often  and here they are anybody looking for some Artisan  

Alebrije or beautiful decorative containers  no money no honey the story of my teenage years at there one to the right [Music] right and here’s  someone getting ready to try on their angel wings here’s my pizza that was very good  Marc always gets Pizza I ordered this dish  

That only had three meatballs and like four  little pieces of bread it was crazy and the   price was very expensive yeah and then here’s  a breakfast meal an omelet toast and potatoes   and scrambled eggs sausage potatoes and pancakes  was mine I was hungry that morning this is the  

Bill for the breakfast and um here we are you  can get a drink outdoors I got uh five street   tacos at this Taco Stand they were very good  it was Marc’s birthday dinner that’s right   um got them with cherizo the total cost was  75 pesos and here we are having a couple of  

Drinks back out on the street with my crazy  old man look oh my gosh that salad was so good [Music] Sayulita is a town on Mexico’s  Pacific Coast it’s known for its warm weather   and warm ocean water surfing restaurants line up  the main street in town you will find a street  

Food Beach food vendors um there’s also bars  on the Main Street and offside of the some of   the side streets uh the vendors on the beach will  sell regular stuff found by them such as jewelry   clothing oysters wood carvings package nuts candy  chips stuff like that just the regular stuff that  

You always find there it seems um known for its  beaches with strong surf like the Central culita   Beach to the west Los Muertos Beach is more  sheltered and sandwiched between protective   rocks Southwest the Marietta Islands have diverse  Wildlife such as humpback whales and dolphins it  

Is truly a surfer’s paradise offering lessons  um and board rentals of all types the Bay has   nice areas that are perfect for beginners for  the advanced Surfer it offers plenty of fun   uh and challenges too while surfing it’s a great  place to learn stand up paddle boarding although  

We didn’t participate in any water activities  well wait I did but not by choice yeah so when   Marc and I were on the beach um I like collecting  shells so of course I went down there to collect  

Some shells and you know that in Puerto Vallarta  I had stubbed my toe and I was walking around kind   of lame for the whole trip well there was a big  wave that decided to come in further than it had  

Been and I actually got caught in it so I tried  to run with my stupid foot but because the sand   you know sinks in and I couldn’t run as fast as  I normally could from the wave it really soaked  

Me um so Marc was over in the corner Marc with  his video stuff sitting on some steps no I think   on that one you did end up getting a little bit  wet it was later when I went to go rinse myself  

Off because I had sand I went back to the water I  went back to the water to rinse myself off oh no   that’s when a big wave got me that’s right it was  big came from nowhere and I got caught in it and  

I tell you what these waves are strong it knocked  me down to the ground additionally another one of   these waves uh almost got all of my electronic  gear so I was as I was flying my drone out to  

The ocean the wave came in I had to pick up my  gear and go in the meantime my drone is out over   the ocean um but thankfully I was able to get to  a little bit higher ground but I still got soaked  

From basically my knees down I yelled at you one  of those times Marc Marc like to pick up your   stuff yeah anyhow so I went down the the ocean  covered me um or you know the water from the big  

Wave that came in and I had sand everywhere I mean  everywhere it’s amazing how that stuff can get   in your clothes anyhow two young girls that were  walking by came over to rescue me and what I was  

Trying to do too is I had sand in my shoes from  earlier so I was trying to rinse them off well   I held on to my sand I mean my sorry I held on to  my shoes as I went down for the count not willing  

To let them go um so I think that’s probably why I  went down too cuz my hands had shoes in them yeah   and it how the girls were real nice they’re like  oh let me help you are you okay of course Marc  

Was sitting back there by the time he noticed me  I was already on the ground and the girl came to   my rescue um but uh yeah nobody nobody else came  to my rescue they were probably laughing at this  

Old lady falling down in the ocean getting out  their phones to video it in case the ocean took   me away uh on my final last day and saw yolita I  don’t know yeah yeah it was um I was glad to see  

That pette was okay and then it was just kind of  funny after that but well funny for you but I was   just soaked from head to toe we had to go back to  our Airbnb so that I could take a shower and get  

All that wet gear off of me yeah thankfully the  Airbnb was not that far away no but it seemed far   when you have a lame foot however I think it  would have made a great video and uh if I was  

Entering that in America’s Funniest Home Videos  I think I would have won for sure and um flying   overhead you can see all of the vendors that were  on the beach as well as these tents that you can  

Rent out um or if you buy a drink or something  like that from a restaurant they’ll allow you   to sit in them and a lot of people were bringing  their own umbrellas and chairs too to the beach  

Now Paula and I have been to quite a few beach  towns and this one um was different we really   like this one you liked the other beach towns  too but this one just had sort of a special  

Vibe about it I don’t know if it was it seemed a  little younger a little more I don’t know hippie   in a way maybe artistic I don’t know what it was  but I know for me it just really worked I mean  

We’ve been to Progresso and part of Yucatan and  Bucerias but this one I don’t know it just really   had something that I really liked from it yeah  it was really very beautiful town so for final  

Thoughts and would we go back again let me answer  that I thought it had a Charming atmosphere and a   welcoming Community whatever this town is doing  they’re doing right the vibe was Surfer hippie   party touristy it was easy to walk through town  no Hills so to speak of a little pricey because  

Of being a tourist destination I really liked it  a lot for me I would definitely go back again yeah   would definitely go back to you for all of the  reasons that Paulette just mentioned and leaving  

Sayulita we took a taxi van that Marc flagged  down in town that we took to our next destination

We visited Sayulita Mexico for the first time. Here’s our experience and our thoughts on the beautiful place on the Riviera Nayarit. Sayulita Beautiful beaches and art scene.


  1. The food looks yummy! Sayulita is cute and colorful. The beach is way too crowded during high season for my taste. The water at sunset is gorgeous!

  2. I went to Sayulita the first time in 1996 and loved it
    Nice, quite and relatively inexpensive
    Now in my opinion, it is a horror show
    I can appreciate that different people are looking for different experiences

  3. I visited a couple years ago and i thought it was on the pricey side. We had some yummy good food. Getting to and from airport in PV was expensive..not sure i would visit again

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