UK Van Lifers STOPPED by the Police in MALAYSIA

You speeding 8 km – 70.5. we have speed test, you speeding huh? the limit speed 60 km per hours only, then you speed. After spending the past couple of  months exploring Malaysia in our UK Campervan Trudy, we’re excited to be heading to  a traditional fishing Village on Malaysia’s northwest coast,

Before we continue our  long drive north towards Thailand and Beyond. It’s not what you look at that  matters, it’s what you see. – Henry David Thoreau. Okay so the plan of action today, we’re going to be heading along to Ipoh, where we’ll stop for lunch hopefully in the old town,

There’s some cool things to have a look around there so that’ll be nice, and then we’ll continue West towards Taiping and Kuala Sepetang, but I’m not sure how far we’ll get today we’ll  probably stop somewhere the other side of Ipoh or Taiping, So let’s hit the road!

There you go it’s a little bit busier on the drive down than it was so when we drove up this morning! I’m going to actually be on the edge of the drop! Never good Marianne… Good thing is it’s nowhere near as bad as a Tea Plantation in Turkiye!

See the rivers coming down between the tea bushes? Just so beautiful, it’s manicured isn’t it? It just looks reminds me of like you know the Paddy Fields, it’s just got that look  of the layers, yeah I love it. Finally it looks like  the sun is thinking about coming out!

It was interesting to drive through the little towns, seeing all the different restaurants and shops, big trucks! Oh that was a bit tight ! There’s a cow on the side of the road!

Is it tied up? no! no? Oh yeah it is, oh yeah it is, thank goodness it’s tied up, otherwise it would walk in the road – you don’t normally  see cows wandering by the side of the road! We are driving past so many poly  tunnels in the valley, it’s obviously the farming centre.

There are loads of strawberries and  stuff growing in poly tunnels up here in the mountains. We just had a truck drive past flashing frantically, nobody else is flashing? I think it’s unlikely he’s a Tread the globe Superfan! not here ha ha Oh we got stopped by the police how exciting!

Yes we did, I should probably get our paperwork. Which side is he coming? are we still morning ? No, hello, hello, hello, how are you? Ok thank you! you speeding 8 km, 70.5 we have speed Test. You are speeding huh. the limit speed 60 km per hour only,

Then you speed 80 – oh my goodness where was the sign? just here? no no no.. wait ha, because there was a sign with 60 but then it was crossed out! 11.56, oh 8 minutes ago …. oh I’m sorry. because I saw a sign and I had a cross through it.

We get our driving license, so what do we have to do? I issue you summons for you, and you pay at police station, okay perfect, can? can. or pay here,

It’s up to you, which is normal? Pay at Police station 300 RM okay perfect, or Pay Here 100 RM – oh can we pay 100 here? yeah Can? Can, Yes can, can Radioing our numberplate to his colleague Do you need to see our paperwork? okay  okay no no no….

Okay thank you bye. We sat there processing what had just happened, were we speeding? Maybe we were? I guess if we were, then having the opportunity to pay a lower  cash rate and not drive to the police station and get points, was a great option.

But were we actually speeding? I guess that’s one thing we’ll just never know… I love this, look at this motorbike! funny! We’re just coming into the outskirts of Ipoh, and a lovely Temple look it’s built into the into the side  of the mountain there, that’s very cool!

That looks nice doesn’t it? yep. now we’re going to park up, find somewhere to to go for lunch! I love the umbrella on the motorbike  above his phone, to stop it overheating and probably to stop the glare as well, and also if it rains? Very cool!

Okay we’re only a km from Old town, so 1K Marianne we’re going to turn right, and it’s very very hot again! the shorts are back on! It didn’t take long to warm up! I love the old school style of buildings here, but yeah we are going to try and park up just right down here,  

And then have a little walk around. The orange number plate looks like a British car, it’s not! But most of them are black so I’m not sure  what the orange ones are? Yeah do tell us, let us know in the comments below if you know.

So yeah let’s turn down right down here I think this is like the busy part of town, but we’ll see what happens, it will be an interesting drive if we can’t park, well it’s a bit busy Marianne! What you reckon? it’s lunchtime!

So on the street here, they’ got the signs that you got to put the scratch display tickets on show, which we don’t have but we might be able to find one if we’re lucky enough that somebody pulls out as we’re driving past,

If not there is a car park just around the  corner so we might be able to get in there if we’re lucky. It is all absolutely rammed! we are going to be very lucky to get a spot here! follow all the cars, that’s rammed, we are not going to get in there!

Okay we managed to park up, so now we just need to figure out I think they probably display a ticket in the window? Oh they’ve got a parking permit. So we just need to go and ask and see where we buy one from. Okay stay in the van  just in case somebody comes.

Boy is it hot out there! Oh my goodness! It is roasting! Apparently this  street is an app Street, you’ve got to do it on your phone, oh right, and he said he can help me and he asked what’s your Malaysian car number? and I said it’s an English car,

And he said the app won’t accept it – oh really? So we have to go to a street with the coupons. So I asked where are they? and he  says oh I don’t really know, but he said just drive around they are there. Oh xxxxx hell!

There you go, we can’t actually pay for the parking on that street because we don’t have a Malayan number plate! So we go down here,  turn right here, So we need to look at the signs, and see if we can find a coupon area – too big, can’t get in that one! Okay!

We tried, we’re trying our best guys! It’s looking a bit disastrous but we’ll keep going. Do you ever wonder why we don’t do cities in a van?! Yep – vans don’t go very well in cities! So after driving around for nearly an hour we’ve given up on Old town Ipoh,

We can’t just keep driving around all day, it’s quarter to two, and I’m flipping starving! Yes, he needs to eat! so we’re going to head towards the temple that we also wanted to see here, and we’ll find somewh to stop and eat on the way. turn left and then turn right.

Okay we’re heading out of town, and we’ve found a couple of possible eating spots in this housing estate, all Malaysian food’s good, generally, so, let’s see what we can find. This was the point when our day got worse. The Next Day

So our time in Ipoh didn’t go quite as planned, and actually after filming this I had a bit of a funny turn. I had a bad head headache, I had some visibility problem, shimmering, I would say it was migraine?

But the result was that we had to find somewhere to stop, we checked into a little hotel here in Ipoh, I had to lye down for the afternoon, we didn’t go and have the lunch that we planned, but that is what happens sometimes when you’re on the road.

So if you’re wondering why the video suddenly stopped  yesterday that is why! But today is a new day, I’m feeling great, the sun is up and we’re going to carry on our journey. So this morning we’re go to the temple that we planned to see yesterday,

And then we’re heading west towards a very cool Malay fishing town! Oh this looks amazing! it’s random how we find these little places, well it was next to the hotel where we were staying in practically! Free parking pay if you wish, I like that! Okay, thank you, oh the shades over there? Thank you!

As we came in we spotted these ponds, and you can see movement, I think there’s fish?! We take you to quite a few temples, but as I’ve said before, the beauty is that every Temple gives you a different feel, and a different vibe.

I think you can actually hike all the way to the top there’s a Viewpoint up there, but because I wasn’t feeling great yesterday, I’m not going to wear myself out first thing in the morning,   because it’s only 8:00 in the morning. Oh there are loads of fish?! I love fish, it’s very easy to fool them!

You do that, they all come here, because  they think I’m throwing food! I’m so mean!! So the hotel did warn us that  there could be tour buses turning up, which is why we came early but they’ve  arrived already! Bright and early.

It’s funny how the local monkeys always  know where the tourists are! You can see them on the roof and running around, where this tourists is normally foods and snacks and water. We’ve seen a few cave temples on  our travels in Malaysia,

And I love that looking from the outside you have absolutely no  idea of its size until you actually step into the cave. what a fantastic looking Temple, Right let’s go and have a look Okay, this isn’t going to disappoint and all I’ve got to say is …!

The cave was discovered back in 1926 by   Chong Sen Yee and his wife who came to Malaysia from China, the couple spent the next 50 years working  to transform the cave into an amazing and peaceful place of worship. The temple is filled with the most wonderful coloured hand painted frescos.

This is definitely the most amazing cave  Temple we’ve been in since we’ve been in   Malaysia, and there’s a lot of them, it’s a wow! It is just beyond words how beautiful it is! Is it just me, or does that look like the outline of Trudy on the wall? in the electric cable?

I think Trudy has been epitomised here! I think they have, maybe memorialised?! I think we were supposed to come here because that definitely looks like Trudy! Just when you think you’ve come  to the end, there’s more stairs leading off, more tunnels, and amazing artwork all over the walls the ceilings.

So these are the steps that go all the way up to the top, you can see there’s a few warning signs, because the sign’s there, and then there’s a hole in the cave roof, it’s almost like if you’ve got any of those it’s going to take you up to heaven!

It is saying don’t do it! it’s a real risk! It might only be a quarter past 9 in the morning, but I’m hot and sweaty already! We just changed our shirts, we freshened up! Right, it’s about  an hour and a half drive now to the West Coast.

Okay looking at the road we’re  about to join, I think it might take us longer than an hour and a  half this morning, but we’ll just go with it! Yeah it’s Saturday today so it’s  Saturday traffic maybe? I don’t know…

Okay we’ve come off onto a smaller road, because I think it’s probably faster than the toll road, so yeah, look this road is empty, the other one was rammed! It doesn’t make any sense. I love the old wooden buildings, mixed  in with the not quite as old buildings.

Okay we definitely made a good choice because look we’re running parallel to the road we were on, and it’s still jammed, good job love So we’re nearly there we got a few km to  go, these trees are looking mightily impressive by the side of the road here,

I’m looking forward to this fishing Village because it should be filled of traditional buildings, a river, a fishing Community and we haven’t visited one of those yet since we’ve been here in Malaysia. We’re just passing through lots of the traditional styled houses. Okay, we’re arriving in the town, oh there is a basketball match going on!

And we’ll just have to see if we can find somewhere to park up. They spotted the Youtube sign on the van, so we gave them a sticker! Thank you! Go straight. go straight and try not to kill anyone! You’re welcome (for the sticker!) there you go right outside the police  station! That’ll do!

Right, so I’m pretty sure, if we turn right down here, it should take us down to the waterfront. That is the local petrol station. I love these bikes with these side cars, isn’t that great? Okay we’re nearly in the Town Centre, there’s definitely a distinct smell of fish walking around that’s for sure!

Keep to one side though because it’s a road. It’s a Road? Yes it is a road! Motorbikes come over here! So this bridge, we should be able to get a good aerial view of the fishing Town. Wow, oh my goodness ! Look at these boats! how cool is this? This is amazing!

So walking past those houses and getting that  distinct smell of fish, it’s because the boats are coming in, and then they’re Mooring up at the back of these houses and bringing their catch in, and processing the fish there obviously,  hence the smell of fish.

It’s interesting all the houses at the back are open, you can see all the way along to receive the fish! This seems to be the main thoroughfare through the town connecting both sides, and the young guys that were giving us cards, told us they do lots of boat trips here,

And you can go out to the Sea and go around the fishing Village and have a little look. There are some unsavoury practices too where you get to hold puffer fish, that that have been caught that have blown up, that are still alive, not really my cup of tea. Watch out for that bike!

Watch out love, watch out, there’s a bike coming! So we’ve come across the bridge and just going to have a little walk through the village here, apparently the bridge wasn’t actually built that long ago, the only way before was to get over by boat,

You can smell the joss sticks from all the temples that are dotted on the streets. A fun place but these are roads for motorbikes, so you just have to be aware when you hear a motorbike, you have to jump out of the way! I just love all the traditional houses, it’s just an absolute fantastic place,

Oh it’s beautiful, like I said you’re ready don’t get more traditional than this, you can see all the fishing nets, fishing is what  the village thrives on it’s their livelihood. really lovely isn’t it?

It’s chaotic and over stimulating on the brain, with all the bags and the bottles and the pots but it feels very traditional. that is the way to carry ladders! Look how beautiful these plants  are, they almost look like Bonsai style,   they got like a really fat root with  beautiful pink flowers on. Good morning.

Everybody’s super friendly you walk past the houses and they’ll smile, give you a little wave, so don’t be put off from walking  through these traditional places, they can seem a bit intimidating if you’re if you’re not used to it.

I love that look at that bike they’ve actually put a car tyre on the side of It. And these ones look at that for a rain cover for the monsoon season, then the the houses at the back all back onto the forest and the mangroves. There’s a huge amount of mangroves here.

What we got? laksa? Laksa? Yeah, are you local to here? I’m local oh okay and local people come to eat here, yeah most people come to buy aunty food, it is spicy with rice? sour and spicy. and what do you do, mix the two together ?

So it’s like onions? no these are noodles with the veggies, Okay, yeah normally we’ll buy that and then we put our Seafood. Oh you put …it’s like a base?  and then you put your own stuff into it at home? Oh so you add your fish and everything… It is like a fish soup?

Yes and other stuff like prawn, crab and everything And it is all made here? Nice! You can’t get more tradition than that “tap pau’ as they call it over here, take out – it’s like a Do-it yourself take it  home and make your own laksa,

They give you the ingredients and you just add in your chicken or your fish or whatever. Whats your name? My name is Peaye, thank you very much for the lesson on Laksa! You can see the fish drying here, out in the  sun, preserving it for another time.

So we’ve come back over the bridge now onto the other side, it looks like there’s a little market. Kuala Sepetang as it’s known today, used to be known as Port Weld. Back in the 1880s, it was home to the terminal station of Malaysia’s first Railway line that ran from the nearby town of Taiping.

The line was dismantled in the 1980s, but you can still  see the original station sign. got some food stands oh prawn fritters. Look at all these dried fish! So they’re all freshly caught, they’re all dried, she seal packs them, and it lasts for 6 months! Wow amazing, thank you!

This is a fish market and it smells very surprisingly not  fishy at all! No it doesn’t! Well we hope you enjoyed that little walk  around the fishing town here, it’s immensely hot! Oh it’s 35.6 that’s why it feels hot !!

So we’ve jumped back into Trudy and now we’re heading to Penang, which is where we’re going to spend the next few days! He got a bit close Marianne, that is!! these trucks coming are very cool, these red ones they’ve got no side doors… I’ve never seen  those anywhere before!

Did you see that? that is really weird, why is that? It looks like the old horse and cart and then they just put the roof over the top! look how long that bridge is! That is Penang that is where we are going now!

We are just about to go over the bridge to Penang! I can’t believe it ! It is Penang! We’re going to Penang!! Open in 2014 the Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah Bridge, also known as Penang second bridge is a whopping 15 miles or 24 km long.

That makes it Malaysia’s longest bridge and the second longest in Southeast Asia. You can see out there, all of these are fish farms, as far as I can see …..look Welcome to Penang! So while we’re here in Penang, I’ve spoiled us, I booked four nights in a really nice hotel called the Olive tree,

And the reason we’re staying in a hotel is because it’s pretty well our fourth year anniversary since we set off from the UK. and I think we deserve to spoil ourselves !! Yes we do, and I love you – thank you! So it’s going to be movies, popcorn, food and of course a few cheeky beers!!

There we go Olive Tree – wow it’s massive! We did arrange to keep Trudy at the front so we’ll see… There you go we’re all parked up! Whow,  it’s a bit blowy today, we’re going from that to that! Owww lovely, I feel like we’ve jumped  into luxury! We’ve even got a little welcome card,

That’s amazing and you got a fruit platter! I have got a fruit platter!!! I feel important now… we are so important today! Oh my goodness you’ve actually got a  amazing view, I have got a window! ha ha look at that – wow look at that!

We got a kettle, oh we got water, a little fridge, we can go and get a few beers later !  A wardrobe, an ironing board Marianne, and  a nice bathroom, this is lovely! Okay we’re spoiled, we are! We are definitely spoiled!

That night we treated ourselves to a wonderful dinner in the hotel and the food did not disappoint, you’ve got to spoil yourself every once in a while! The perfect end to a very busy day, make sure you join us next time we’ll be exploring Penang and then heading to Thailand!

Driving around the world in our UK van it’s not unusual for us to be stopped but what happened on this police stop was a first for us.

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Travel vlog 627 | December 2023 | Malaysia | Country 37/197

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  1. Usually when something happen, our local friends will said, that's Indon/Bangla/blablabla. The matter of fact, we all knew what's going on. LOL Till today, still many people supporting that old chap in jail. You help me I help you. LOL

  2. Come on, are you Malaysians, especially the gullible ones in the comments section really don't know how corrupted the police force is? Almost 99% are out hunting for money, hiding under bridges, corners, behind trees looking for money. This has been going on for decades. At least they ate trying to get money from you through bribery and not outright just robbing you. Consider yourselves lucky. And whatever you do, please do not step back into this country bo matter how genuine the offer is to 'fight corruption'. Bodies disappear in Msia, no matter what nationality you are. This is an accepted culture in the police force

  3. A good traffic policeman, very kind. In order to facilitate foreigners who didn't know where the police station was, and to save others time, he immediately provided a one-stop service. I will give you 100 here and 300 from the police station. This policeman is a good example.😂

  4. Hi, we hope this incident doesn't spoil your plan to explore more of our beloved country, Malaysia. Stay safe and have a pleasant trip. Fyi, our authorities are already looking into this matter.

  5. Sudah Pergi saja dari Malaysia, Mari Datang ke Indonesia. Kami akan menyambut Anda dengan Ramah, Dan Polisi kami sudah Ada perubahan menjadi yang baik. Kami punya Lokasi² Wisata Menakjubkan diberbagai Daerah kami.

  6. That clearly police bribery in the broad daylight or we called Duit Kopi here in Malaysia 😂 what a shame this officer, I thought already 2024 no more this bullshit, corruptions is the biggest cancer here so be careful, as Malaysian I'm really sorry for this, this really bring bad image to our beloved and beautiful country, lucky you recorded this, must teach them some good lesson, stay safe guys.

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