🔴Who did it Better Salvo Pancakes or Boogie2988? Black Bar Twitch Meta?

Well hello everybody happy holidays is what  I should be saying you know it’s me Miltown   Miltown in the morning hey it’s back guys what  an adventure it’s been my computer you know I’m   learning you know but we’re learning together it’s  it’s a beautiful beautiful thing um but as I was  

Saying guys uh my computer it’s it’s almost  done Z bro like when I started valid opinions   live I invested did in a used um computer uh it  it wasn’t it was just you know like a i Ryzen 5  

I believe it has in it and um I think it’s the  power supply or something because like whenever   it’s like streaming it’s kind of okay it might go  out so first and foremost if I cut out on you guys  

Blame the piece of [ __ ] computer but whenever  I try to export anything at 1080 even 720 like my   computer can’t hack it and it just shuts off on me  just completely powers out so I don’t know if it  

Just can’t hack it anymore like it used to do it  but it used to always give me [ __ ] but I would   have to like export like two or three times to get  it to fully export so I don’t know there’s just  

Issues with that and whatever you know but live  streaming it’s fun for me we get some technical   mistakes as always um but it happens by the way  guys did you see the little dancing peaw in the  

Corner it’s a it’s a holiday Miracle you know some  people have Elf on the Shelf I got dancing peepaws   and I think that fits you know I I really think  dancing peaw is a good thing um before we take to  

The news I just want to show you I got dancing  Peepaw over here as well and we got him in the   lower corner but we also got him here so um one  second I got to show you guys we got we got peeps  

Everywhere guys no shortages of dancing peepaws  I tell you what guys um and as you guys can see   the weather in Milwaukee is a bit as throughout  the day 46 tonight about 54 tomorrow now by late  

Sunday night into Monday morning the rain returns  we stay pretty soggy through a good chunk of the   day on Christmas day does get into a bit of a  low as we go through the night but still some  

Showers even on into our Tuesday maybe a couple of  sprinkles on Wednesday we do start cooling down a   bit not a huge drop but getting closer to seasonal  as we go through Wednesday and Thursday and as a  

Result we could see some snowflakes mix I got a  lot of Stu Wednesday maybe a couple I got a lot of   stuff I wanted to get off my chest guys as far as  the spurgys go um how is the is the audio halfway  

Decent guys I’m not I shouldn’t have any more reir  issues I don’t think I should I should Paradox I   think it’s it’s only fair if if I’m gonna flaunt  Peepaw like that I gotta kind of do one as well  

You know I got to do a fat man Shuffle um but  it’s all in good fun I think people has come to   understand that you know we have our good days and  our bad days and just don’t want to catch me on my  

Bad days I guess um just like I couldn’t believe  I was I was hanging out in the chat uh when bwick   was streaming for his birthday the other day and  zy was in there and and a bunch of people who were  

My quote unquote enemies and like we were all  getting along it was like a really good time I   I I was having a blast with it guys um sorry I  know you guys don’t want to see the commercials  

There so just pop up here with me it was a good  time and I gotta really say you know we did U the   commentary Community Awards sorry guys I know it’s  not what you guys expected you wanted a straight  

Steady video and my computer just can’t do that  right now and um I was talking with PT parking   tigers um he was like well why not just split it  in half and I like well if I’m going to split it  

I might as well split it into all different kinds  of segments um so that way I can get get the views   you know what I’m saying each segment you know  and then that’s that’ll bring in more views that  

Way so I’m kind of doing that I got you know to  the first of the year to keep putting out little   videos here and there so on like a a slow day or a  slow news day I’ll just put out you know a segment  

From the the award show that way if you know my  computer can do these little segments I mean I   still got to try to like export them two or three  times but you know I I’ll figure it out guys you  

Know what I’m saying I’m not a rich man I really  am not I think everybody’s made fun of that fact   that um I’m not a super wealthy man never mama I  always said I was never a wealthy man but uh um I  

Got to get rid of this Pew I like this I like  I like one dancing peaw um that’s that’s more   than enough um but yeah I I think it is what it  is I’m going to come along as the you know 2024  

Is really going to be my year I’m really cranking  up production on everything I’m going to be doing   a lot more live streams um I feel like a lot of  people are kind of kind of getting on board with  

The miltown thing lately you know um yeah a lot  of people let’s just let’s just put it all on the   table right now Paradox um a lot of people have  been advising me against PT a lot of people have  

Spoken very ill about the guy and um it’s cost me  a lot of friendships it it really has I don’t want   to say a lot but it’s cost me four or five people  in the commentary Community who I once talked to  

Who no longer talked to me anymore just because  I like the man’s tweets um and I understand like   losing some of these people it it doesn’t really  matter cuz like hugen is one of them um but the  

Guy’s been I mean at first he trolled the [ __ ]  out of me like he heckled the [ __ ] out of me   to the point where like he had me second guessing  if this is what I wanted to do um and I I I come  

I did this is before I knew the whole Red Bar  lore and and who parking tigers as a person was   um but then he like flipped one day like I you  know I I don’t know if like he was just asking  

Me questions veiled through heckles if that makes  sense like it was kind of like he would ask me a   question and then poke fun at me at the same time  but then I would give him a genuine answer to the  

Question and I don’t know if that impressed him  or whatever but he just like flipped on me one   day it started getting really cool with me and I  I’ll be if you’re nice to me I’ll be nice to you  

Um and I’ve always you know been that way there’s  hardly anybody I just boldly come out and attack   I’m not that kind of person where I’ll just say  I [ __ ] hate you guy I’m going to um just [ __ ]  

Talk F you and I I I may have done that with K hu  but yeah I was I was bitter let’s just be honest   I was bitter about K hu um just coming into the  community and taking over I felt like she saw a  

Wounded animal in all the drama that was going  on with me and Ela and she just she capital and   I can’t hate on somebody for for capitalizing on  a a space in the market but I did and and it was  

Wrong that’s why I think making peace with k was  needed but um back to parking Tigers it’s like   he just flipped on me one day and started being  really cool and I was cool back to him and then  

Like we’ve actually done some projects together  and he’s helped he actually helped a lot with   the commentary Community Awards he uh had made a  whole subsection in his uh Discord server for the  

Awards and uh Believe It or Not PT has quite  a little army you know he has a lot of um I   don’t want to call him fans but he has a lot of  Compadres and you know him and his Compadres uh  

Really helped me with nominees and um they told  me what they liked and but they were very vocal   about what they didn’t like now did I just say  [ __ ] it I’m not going to run with it because  

Parking Tigers didn’t like it no as you can see  uh I still ran with everything and and I’m GNA   be honest I think parking tigers in some some  instance he NS on stuff that he knows will be  

Very unsuccess uccessful for me uh for example the  puppets thing I I love puppetry I really do and I   want to incorporate puppetry into my Channel at  some point and I felt like I was being so rushed  

To put it into the award show um and I think  parking tiger knew I wouldn’t be good enough   in such a short amount of time and he wanted me  to fail but he still wanted me to incorporate  

It into the award show um to see to see fat man  fall flat on his ass and I think I’m wise enough   uh in this game right now where I can see where  I was making mistakes and and had I not been so  

I’m eager to please I would have still you know  you’re you’re going to see some light puppetry   in in some upcoming videos coming up but nothing  major um because I’m not ready yet I that [ __ ]  

Takes a little bit of practice I’m not a [ __ ]  you know you it just takes a lot of work so it   wasn’t ready yet and I didn’t incorporate it but  had I listened to p uh I think I would have had  

It all over the the award show and the award show  wouldn’t be getting as good as reception as it’s   getting instead I took the route of AI voices  and and that’s just as good it’s it’s still  

Parody it’s still puppetry in a in a sense you  know um the only thing that I need to work on   in my opinion is um animation uh as far as the  mouths moves I saw that shock mouths uh Mitch by  

The way we made an award for Mitch we’re going to  talk about that in a second but um uh hold on let   me see if I can pull this up who what’s Salvo  doing on Twitter on the front page um that’s  

Not something I wanted to open up to Salvo just  right there whoa there Salvo um but shock mouth   uh made a video and I thought this was so good  guys wait no fighting now [ __ ] fighting no   fighting no [ __ ] fighting sorry about that guys  good get the [ __ ] in no fighting the animation’s  

So good wait now fighting now [ __ ] fighting now  fighting no [ __ ] fighting so good good income h   no fighting great job Mitch let me just turn this  off here Mitch did an awesome job but that’s what  

I want to work on um hugen does it a little bit  too but hugin’s isn’t as smooth as that um I I   don’t know I know there’s a plug-in you can get  for Adobe Premiere that does all that for you I  

Just got to look into it um but that’s I kind of  want to do more of that coming up in the future   I think that’s a lot of fun really Paradox so you  see I thought he got a permanent ban it it wasn’t  

A Perma ban it was just a um a regular three-day  ban e I’m not going to lie I I saw that I saw I   I went on I saw Salvo was going live and I was  like all right let’s see what salvo’s talking  

About and this is while I was watching Bad Wick  do his hot tub stream and uh I popped and there’s   [ __ ] Salvo um sao’s got like a very see here  I am judging another man’s body but it’s 2023  

Um sao’s got a very egg shaped body does he not  I mean uh let’s go back and take a look hold on   let me just make sure I got it pulled up here uh  we don’t need to see stuff that here we go sel’s  

Egg shaped body um we’re going to go here very  egg shaped right like especially in the in the   midsection for those of you who do not know  uh this is Salvo pancakes he is a prominent   member here in the commentary community and he’s  Infamous for all the the reasons uh someone should  

Not be famous for intense to the term Infamous I  guess but uh he does everything wrong but by doing   everything wrong he Garners a lot of uh coverage  so I mean who’s it’s a it’s a very it’s it’s a  

Conundrum when you talk about Salvo pancakes you  really never uh know what if if the story you’re   covering is going to be wholesome or um piss  filled no I’m Jo I’m joking Salo I’m joking um  

But yeah the guy has a very odd shaped body and  he was like doing the helicopter with his penis   I guess um I don’t want to like let’s look at it  but uh let’s see what’s I haven’t really checked  

To see what salo’s up been up to like said I got  really no it’s just a happy holidays chill stream   today guys I’m kind of just hanging out with you  guys and um of course in Salvo fashion there are  

Thousands of tweets about him being there it  is this is the one that got me guys look at this that’s the one that got me I’m not  even gonna lie to you guys I got to make   that bigger man I’m sorry I don’t mean to  like that’s the thing about Salvo is you  

Know the guy has his moments man you cannot  say he is not a tad bit entertaining I I   want to zoom in and make that bigger  but it just don’t want to do it but uh that’s I mean it’s so good guys it’s  funny what are the comments on this not  

All heroes wear anything at all L my um you  should be getting more comments than this   Salvo I’m I’m kind of shocked finally  forgetting pain BL blah he’s got lots   of ads on his wow oh this isn’t even  Salvo um sexiest on Twitch just it’s

Everywhere uh yeah and he was trying to  get all of his viewers to like message   somebody and Dextero that’s who it was he  was trying to get all of his viewers to   who is Dextero does anybody know who that  even is I mean look at this guys it’s all  

Over so it’s everywhere guys um Salvo and  then I after Salvo it was boogie 2988 like   Boogie came out of nowhere um and did it I  think drama Alert covered that let me see here

D will show it all here we go here we go black  bar meta black bar meta black bar meta black   bar met black bar Mana you got to you got to  raise the bar up that’s too I think I can move  

This black bar hold on let’s see oh my god let’s  see can you still can you actually see oh there   you go oh you can’t see nothing see can’t see  Peter Griffin oh my God I’m his ball youus your

Channel meat curtains exactly got pull the  [ __ ] dude’s got a double belly B it’s a   double bubble he got the double bubble  famous twitch I showed you my titties   you showed up be nuts I saw your nuts d D those  that Tommy he said those were not that’s skin he

Said sorry guys I mean I’m a I’m a big guy  myself um I mean that ain’t got [ __ ] on my   BBL I’m just saying it’s a that is something  we went from Salvo I mean I can handle Salvo  

You know let’s just let’s just go compare guys  we had souo pancakes uh with his little egg egg   shaped you know uh midbody I guess you could  call it you know this is almost you know Salvo  

[ __ ] is almost PG compared to big bug you  know this is this is almost fun and innocent   you know what I’m saying when you see little  uh little Wiggly here you know when you see  

This you’re like okay I can handle it you know  not too bad but then you deal with the the meat   curtain Boogie and you’re like holy balls  man and and you know I it makes you wonder  

What what possesses Boogie to feel like he has  to do that for views I mean don’t get me wrong   we’re talking about it right now so he’s  winning but it’s like does it I put this   like on the level of prostitution in a you  know he’s Boogie’s essentially a sex worker

I don’t two sets of meat curtains exactly Paradox  what do you do with two sets of meat curtains God   forbid man holy [ __ ] and I feel bad for his  old lady well she’s not even old so you can’t  

Even call her an old lady I feel bad for his  um girlfriend she’s the one who has to lift the   curtains talk about flabby flab on flab and then  God forbid I don’t I know I shouldn’t be talking  

Like this but can you guys imagine if Boogie  is uncircumcised imagine the [ __ ] SCH smegma   and nastiness that goes on in that man’s penis  crevice I can’t guys I can’t it’s too much man   this is what’s going on at the end of the year  in uh the good old online communities bro it’s  

I’ll stick with my dancing peepaws bro I’ll  stick with with dancing Salos I’m sorry but   the wiggle gets me every time I don’t I don’t I  don’t know what it is but it gets me every time  

Guys oh man so I couldn’t believe that guys I I  really just couldn’t it took me by surprise oh   and then another thing that recently came up in  my life guys is I was playing gems of War right  

And you know you can only play so much Gems of  War before you’re like what is my life coming to   so then I did it guys I jumped in Rage sh Legends  I [ __ ] you not guys I love the [ __ ] game it  

Is a lot of fun and I mean for a past time game  there’s there’s nothing that beats it I was so   invested like the story line so far sorry guys it  is so hot don’t make fun of my hair I didn’t brush  

It too well um I’m really invested in this game I  love the storyline um yeah I you can’t you can’t   gecko you really can’t erase that from your mind  and that’s that’s good old Boogie you know boogie  

2988 to be precise um and that’s the twitch meta  that’s going on right now that’s what people are   doing on Twitch it started with that one young  lady uh morg pie I believe uh she censored you  

Know she cut the camera right there and then  uh twitch said we’re going to go with tasteful   nudity they’re allowing artistic and tasteful  nudity and this is what it has become it’s [ __ ] crazy sorry guys but um it’s been insane uh  everything online is changing rapidly 2024  

Is going to be a a crazy crazy year uh I mean I I  have good things in store I think a lot of people   um who are creators have high hopes for 2024 I  know uh Leah something who’s a fellow Creator  

Here in the commentary community uh she had stated  a few weeks ago that she was um only going to be   talking about content creators who have 10,000  subscribers or more in 2024 but now she posted  

A tweet saying she thinks she might go back on  that and I say you’re G to have to cuz how are   you going to talk about me because I don’t have  10,000 subscribers but we all know super Dave is  

Very entertaining and uh a must Talkabout kind of  gu see who is morg pie Paradox I’m still trying   to really figure out the lore on morgpie a very  unique looking woman she she has a very unique  

Look I will say that much um let’s see what else  is popping off on the good old Twitter besides   Salvo pancakes um the man I just got to say one  more thing about Salvo is he really knows how to  

Get himself uh into the new cycle he really does  guys we all know I love look at that beauty meta   PCS let me just put in a quick plug here guys  cuz um I’m a sucker for a good PC and meta PCS  

Does awesome awesome job and uh peaw has been  working with meta PCS for his philanthropy fund   they just gifted uh badwi a beautiful meta PC  um these guys are awesome I believe they send   you the the components to a computer and then  I think bad Wick’s got to assemble it which  

Is kind of of an interesting um okay they’re a  porn star gotcha um metap PC does awesome work   guys and they make look at these beautiful PCS uh  if I had it my way guys and I was a millionaire  

I shouldn’t say if I had more money than I have  now um that’s where I’d be shopping guys that’s   where I’d be shopping uh what do we got going  on here another person riding the beastia no  

You know I for those of you guys who don’t get  on the Twitter train I it took me so long to get   involved uh in this platform we got another P  there’s dexa doing his good old uh this is the  

Person that Salvo was trying to get a hold of  sorry uh just like this thing it’s just like it yeah okay I’m sorry I I was just playing  around I’m calling it guys that’s fake that’s   [ __ ] first of all you can see the guy’s got  shorts on um that’s some [ __ ] that’s super  

[ __ ] I I’m calling it now guys that’s [ __ ]  oh I I meant to bring this up Jeremy hail’s   update I I was going to talk about Jeremy haes  I I know a lot of you guys are really here for  

The commentary talk and everything but I just got  to bring this up about Jeremy hailes real quick   so you guys know um Jeremy hails we were talking  about the whole contempt ACC Court situation and   it was he charged was he not charged everything  okay so there are two cases going on Jeremy Hills  

Is indeed being charged contempt with court  that’s a separate case there’s a whole bunch   of stuff going on with lawyers and videos being  requested to be removed from Facebook and um I   guess Jeremy has asked or Jeremy’s representation  has asked this judge to step down from the case  

Crazy crazy [ __ ] I wish there were Bears on the  news um no but but good call should check out the   news real quick um but before we get there  I just got to say the the message form the  

Facebook group that I’m a part of uh the Otter  Creek whatever uh Shady Bunch or whatever just   deleted like eight of its most prominent members  because they are not sing hard enough for Jeremy  

Hails is that some [ __ ] or what guys I really  find that to be crazy Let’s uh go back to the news guys and they’re talking about uh beer hopefully  well today we live in Milwaukee out here sipping  

Bruskies and petting a lot of pups it’s a dog  friendly Brewery we’re doing a last minute   Market dog friendly Brewery only in Milwaukee guys  told you I live in a great we have something for   everybody on your list and they are fanny packs  you thought they were done they have never left  

They are still cool and we have one for everybody  in the family so uh we have a wide selection of   dope Fanny f for aanny p they really are fashion  St come down and some fanes with us and sip on  

Some bruskies Andrew what’s really cool is who  said let’s wear our fanny packs older people   are wearing fanny packs too those designs are  so popular where did this idea come from not   only the fanny packs but just this last minute  market last minute Market comes from being a uh  

Procrastinator which I am guilty of came out of  I guess pandemic boredom but that doesn’t sound   the farmers market that’s right there say that  we provide the coolest in Milwaukee Milwaukee’s   number one fny pack company it’s 45 degrees 45  degrees in Milwaukee Wisconsin and it’s almost  

Christmas that this somebody’s got a weather  machine I tell you guys shit’s insane widely   reported they’ve been here the whole time come  on today 10 to 4 and snag yourself a dope Fanny   all right hey thank you so much for being with  us this morning very cool stuff happening there  

Not only the FY packs but they have cool shirts  some beers there as well too fun times it’s some   great last minute gift ideas Super Saturday and it  is uh yeah I I I finally have how come this news  

Girl looks like he’s about 18 years old yeah you  were saying used to be kind I don’t know if I can   get with that guys like Christmas Eve used to be  my day wow you’re really pushing the envelope all  

Right well there’s something to that though the  excitement of being out there if you are going   to be out there enjoying the excitement of Super  Saturday as we’ve been calling it we race around   B please take a little extra time use a little  extra caution visibility is very poor I’m down  

Paradox I’m always down fanny packs and bruis  you know that’s we should get we need Koozies   for our BR and fanny packs can you know we got  to we got to look the part we got to look super  

Milwaukee at or near zero visibility so slow down  make extra look at that [ __ ] man you guys and   this is Christmas man I told you somebody’s  got a weather machine look at thiss exactly   top of the mod building can’t even see anything  so yesterday was very mild unless you got a I’m  

Telling you warm low we picked up around a quar  of an inch worth of rain mostly the southeast   corner of our viewing area got that steadier  rain just some sprinkly stuff farther north   and Northwest but that quarter inch the puddles  that resulted from it 18 1875 was the last time  

Right now at 45° we’re already incredibly the  points up there what’s the temperature where   you guys are froming should best who’s doing that  right now in the commentary Community to our East   now we’re kind of into a low does pick back up  again though okay Australia we’re also sitting  

Firmly in this warm air as you can see and looking  throw the no problem ice for some of that go track   everything mil today short term maybe a couple  of sprinkles and some patchy drizzle otherwise  

Cloudy conditions and very mild all day in fact  very mild all night it is going to be well into   the 40s tonight we’ll be near record for warm lows  the next two or three nights Saturday should be  

A generally dry day save for some patchy drizzle  and a couple of sprinkles steady Southeast Breeze   and again very very mild conditions Sunday  looks to be a pretty easygoing day uh but by   Monday we’re into that rain so today 50 46 for  tonight December 23 very very get the [ __ ]  

Out of will be about 10 12 de War you before  tomorrow now by Monday we’re back in the rain   we’ll continue with that steadier rain through  the morning early afternoon then kind of taper   off to some showers later afternoon and evening  and maybe get into a brief Low by Tuesday night  

A couple of rain showers and snow showers still  in the forecast though for Wednesdays we do start   to cool down just a little bit if we look at our  temperature model here can see mild mild so much  

Going on here just a little bit of a dip through  Wednesday and Thursday why is this weather report   taking forever is it just me or has this weather  report been on for a long time but in the metime  

Feeling more like spring 50 today 54 tomorrow  and around 52 on Christmas day Monday 48 as we   kick off Quan going to have Christmas 40 on  Thursday all right well have you ever left   something behind when you maybe headed on a trip  well a pukei girl was Pewaukee girl was pretty  

Heartbroken on a recent vacation friend so to  speak behind at the terminal Fox 6’s Ashley   Sears shows us how the airline stepped in I feel  like they do the same story every year best part   of a big trip can be the welcome home one look  around Mitchell Airport this time of year makes  

You realize why for one Pewaukee family a warm  greeting looks like a douche bag on the plane the bar I I like the CT I’d be okay of the trip  fat people do way better in cold I’m just  

Saying realize until we were mid-flight that she  had left Gracie behind Jessica baren I told you   stuff the animals guys they do this story every  [ __ ] year stuff Swan would be tagging along but   she accidentally forgot her at the teral well  obviously that stuffed animal didn’t mean too  

Much to the [ __ ] kid did it teach your kids some  [ __ ] responsibility why don’t we I don’t care if   it’s the holiday season there’s no wrong time to  teach responsibility to a child message making   this happen hey ready as they stepped off the  plane somebody’s looking for you Lucy and Gracie  

Reunited again are you so happy kid don’t give a  [ __ ] about that [ __ ] stuffed animal even more   special what do you say thank you yeah teach  your kid at least well done I like your shoes

Lady what a [ __ ] story guys her first paycheck  leave it to Fox 6 News with their heart melty   [ __ ] [ __ ] nothing is as heart melty as dancing  [ __ ] people I’ll tell you what guys I’m sorry  

Guys that [ __ ] got me pissed that [ __ ] news  report had to had to let loose a little bit oh   man I felt a little spicy there for a second but  uh you guys I like you know always got the news  

On standby here at uh miltown in the morning  that’s what we like to do we watch a little   news and you know Fox News to be precise um God  damn it guys back to back to should we peeps out  

Twitter again guys just to see what’s popping off  on good old Twitter um I know I can do it I can   I’m getting I’m getting better at this guys I’m  getting better booah and like I said guys this is  

What happens when I have absolutely no docket and  I’m just [ __ ] around with you guys I’m literally   just surfing the internet with you guys I don’t  I don’t care this is this is content hash content

[ __ ] and my content is looking at other people’s  content how about that for some for some uh Med and I’m not really seeing much  going on guys seriously some   [ __ ] is pregnant uh some [ __ ] has these dogs here what what’s going on here her vagina got bit

Okay okay hash content I’m telling you packet  and ship it what’s Crowder talking about this   guy is a douche recently because the science  or really just science right not the science   copyright science says uh that it’s not correct  here’s a reminder of what it sounded like then  

The CDC is now recommending that people including  those vaccinated go back to wearing masks indoors   in uh regions of the country that are seeing  substantial or high rates of covid-19 spread   the World Health Organization is urging fully  vaccin people to continue wearing masks as  

The Delta variant spreads worldwide masks matter  these masks they matter it matters it saves lives   it prevents the spread of the disease so if you  have a physical covering with one layer you put   another layer on it just makes common sense that  it likely would be more effective and that’s the  

Reason why you see people either double masking  or doing aversion what5 don’t let Co win wear a   mask I the science right Mr Fouch there such just  immediately making a logical leap if the science   shows that one condom helps then two would just  make sense never mind the friction would cause  

Them to create micro tears apparently right now  Lionsgate has a mask mandate that they just put   back into effect for I believe their Santa Monica  offices anybody that goes into the office has to   have a mask in a university in Atlanta basically  said we’re going to mask for the next two weeks  

There’s no parties yeah yeah that’s going to work  on a college campus no parties or large Gatherings   and everybody has to go back to wearing a mask so  we’re not talk like this is again Alex Jones it’s   happening with private companies but again that’s  just they testing what’s the science is that what  

Stepen Crowder’s talking Alex Jones was right now  I’ll just be the one to say it Alex Jones kind of   has been right lately he’s right more than he’s I  shouldn’t say that uh but he has been right about  

Quite a few things and I will I will give you  guys that uh I wouldn’t say he’s always right   about every thing but um yeah Alex Jones man he  doesn’t change the fact that he still owes like a  

[ __ ] ton of money to that the families of uh the  whole situation there at hook what science do we   have on mask now well let me just rapid fire this  for you and the referen are available okay key  

Factor number one masks we now know can actually  and by can mean are actually poisonous so here’s   a new study that came out here in the last couple  of weeks researchers at uh Book University their  

K94 which by the way are very similar to The n95  Masks they were found to release high levels of   volatile organic compounds you’ve heard the term  tvoc right so eight times the recommended safety   limit we think that’s a that sounds bad eight  times is more than seven but in this case it’s  

Bad so can we just round that down to zero no fou  you can’t just manipulate it anymore wow it’s key   fact number two okay masks we now know remember  we did this in schools they hurt children in a  

Multitude of ways measurable ways quantifiable  ways one of the ones that pisses me off the most   remember they would always say hey what harm is  it if we lock everything down look it’s just a   safety measure at this point air in the side  of safety I’m sorry this guy just really his  

Voice pisses me off I’m having a really hard  time trying to get through a 4 minute and 39   second clip I don’t care what the information  I don’t care if the information is pivotal or   not it’s or vital for that matter it’s just this  guy’s voice drives me bonkers I’ll try a couple  

More seconds guys but I don’t understand how  a cloth mask uh hurts children as though there   were no consequences as though fundamentally  altering our economy was not a consequence   hey look air in the side of safety right so kids  work so kids do their class by Zoom a little bit  

How did masks hurt them well lockdowns hurt them  mentally by the way we’ve now seen record numbers   of inhibited emotional development we’ve seen  slower language development also if kids wear   the mask too long they could end up looking  like this that’s a problem that we deal with  

Psychologically we’ve seen increased anxiety we’ve  I’m done I I can’t [ __ ] you Steven Crowder you   are [ __ ] G I can’t can’t and it has nothing  to do with his politics it has to do with him  

And yeah it’s just him that guy is a real piece  of [ __ ] work I tell you Air India what’s got going if you guys don’t have Twitter you guys are  missing out on this good information I mean  

Where else can you see see Trisha p is in a bunch  of pigs I’m telling you you guys it’s it’s that’s   hash good content I’m telling y’all oh you know  I think I need to go streaming more often with  

No agenda I I really think it’s it’s the way to go  um not many people are doing it these day this day   and age just you know chilling with no agenda oh  that’s not a a good look um I don’t know why it’s  

So stretched like that does that look any better  yeah that looks better we’ll just rock it like   this for a little bit um yeah see what else we  got going on Boogie what’s Boogie talking about   here nothing good Boogie him and that girlfriend  of his um it’s quite quite interesting Dynamic but  

If the guy’s happy so be it if it’s not illegal  so be it Joe Rogan he’s always getting oh but he   you’re yeah it’s called strategy he’s yelling  at you can’t run up to him and hit him like if  

You and your husband hit each other that’s one  thing you don’t run up and hit other contestants   no hey hey he no hey hey he got in Joe’s face  and then he got too close to Joe oh my God and  

Then all of a sudden they start going at it and  I was like all right I got to break this up cuz   Joe’s going to kill him you’re the biggest on the  planet hey hey hey hey what are you doing what

[ __ ] it’s really all you could say about  Joe Rogan he’s known for being a a [ __ ] I   mean what else can you say about the [ __ ]  fella um but guys I’ve been going now for 43  

Minutes just a quick little check in with you  guys um again I just wanted to say I found it   absolutely fascinating that um that Forum that  I got some subscribers from that follower the   some followers and subscribers from that  Jer hae’s fan forum the Shady Bunch it’s  

Called I found it absolutely insane that uh  as a Christmas miracle they called it uh they   deleted like seven of their most vocal engaging  members of this group because they weren’t sing   for Jeremy haes hard enough that’s like that’s  like like a Taylor Swift fan website uh Banning  

A couple people because not only did some fans  like Taylor Swift but they also like Beyonce I   couldn’t I couldn’t get over it man so I promised  a couple users from that Forum I would mention it   uh hopefully get them some justice because from  what I understand these guys broke absolutely no  

Rules um their only crime was uh trying to start  discussions and U not always blindly following the   rest of the sheep um so that’s crazy I also  am going to be doing an interview with that   lady Victoria uh she’s a a very well-known um  opponent I guess you could call her of Jeremy  

Hails she’s been speaking out against uh his  actions for a long time um I’m not trying to   start no stuff here with this guys I’m not trying  to stir the pot I just want to ask her what was  

Uh her motivation behind sending me the emails  she did uh I want to ask her what soured her on   Jeremy Hill’s content and um um does hearing what  he just did for Otter Creek in Levy County um with  

His Christmas at the creek celebration where he  gave over $100,000 now I’m not one to always uh   kiss Jeremy Hill’s ass or anything but the man  did just do uh momentous work for charity talk   about philanthropy to a Next Level uh the guy  seriously gave away $100,000 if not more worth  

Of toys that were donated from his subscribers  and followers um helping out so many families   in need talk about a Christmas miracle Jeremy  Hills provided that to so many in need the news  

Coverage was was momentous guys um U real quick  let me see if I can pull this up for you guys give   me one second and I will be right back I just  want to see if I can find this for you guys so

One okay sorry guys uh you’re going to have have  to look kind of small but here’s the news article   uh well one of them I found I found two of them  so this is from the Shady Bunch uh YouTube group  

And uh this is the screen grab I found so I  believe it is out of Tampa’s uh Gainesville   tv20 in Gainesville out of the water tv20 C  tells us how long people waited for the event  

Get a car and get a truck I get a dinosaur Jonah  and many other children were excited to make it   to Santa’s Toy Shop and people waited hours just  to get in thousands have made their way out here  

To Otter Creek for christas in the creek and if  you take a look behind me this line just keeps on   going Gates opened at 5:00 p.m. and the last car  wasn’t parked until around 8:15 after cars were  

Lined up all the way to Chiefland after you make  it through the big line You’ll enter Santa’s Toy   Shop where you can find bikes skateboards stuffed  animals and more and then at the end you you can  

Take a picture with Santa and Mrs Claus the  goal of Christmas in the creek is to spread   joy and give free gifts to kids of all ages I  think this is really great what they’re doing  

Um for kids and families who maybe can’t afford  to have a good Christmas I think this is really   good YouTuber Jeremy hailes gathered donations  and bought toys himself to fill Santa’s shop   with 10,000 free toys and kids like Jonah lit  up when it was their turn to look around Mario  

Mario all of the gifts were unwrapped and kids  were able to pick out five you can pick out   what you want and um like you can actually see  what you want and pick it out without like being   surprised with Christmas the bad weather didn’t  put a damper on anyone’s Spirits not even the  

Grinch people were filled with happiness after  seeing their kids meet Santa and get to pick out toys HS says he couldn’t hold this event last year  because the mayor at the time wouldn’t leted him  

But now he hopes to go even bigger next year  for all the kids in Otter Creek K Lewis TV 20 news so like I said guys love the guy or hate  him you really can’t mess with uh Jeremy hails  

Like that let me just get out of this here you  know uh it’s it’s so cool seeing people do you   know positive stuff and uh Jeremy hails love him  or hate him is doing positive stuff and uh the  

Guy that runs this uh band group it’s another one  of my like new obsessions you know uh the fandom   of Jeremy Hills is quite something guys there’s  some good in there but there’s a lot of bad eggs  

As well and I like kind of stirring the pot in  there from time to time uh it’s all in good fun   though just as long as you guys know that I really  have no ill intentions when um it comes to Jeremy  

Hills I’ve all the hatred in my heart has went out  the door uh as far as that man goes now I’m just   interested in covering him as an Entertainer and  that is my right as an American and as a content  

Creator um with all that being said guys I’m going  to get out of here I wanted to say I wish you all   happy holidays thank you all for getting me to 600  subscribers that is a big accomplishment uh it is  

Super Dave 2024 coming up here guys we’re about  to kick everything into um overdrive seriously   everything is going hardcore and uh we’re not  going to stop we’re going hard we’re going ham um   2024 is going to be our year guys let’s get that  partnership Let’s uh bring that ad Revenue in and  

Um start making a real living let’s start making  a real go of this let’s start living the American   dream guys um cuz that’s what life is all about  right happiness it’s supposed to be at least so  

Um whatever holiday you celebrate uh I hope it  is the happiest uh it’s that time of year guys   where I reflect on a lot of um the past and uh  whether that’s good or bad it’s to be determined  

Um but I look at where I am today standing on  my own two feet and that is a blessing sober   and strong um and I got 600 of you guys back  in me and cheering me on and that gives me all  

The strength I need so with all that being said  guys I love you and I will see you guys um 2024

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  1. I'm pretty sure at some point I fought with parking in the def noodle chat 😅 Just continue to be your authentic self the rest will fall into place. And I stan PUPPETS!! BRING EM

  2. Dude, honestly, do the content you're comfortable with doing and you shouldn't care what content other people want you to make. If they want that type of content they like, they can go make it. Simple. Hope you get your PC issues fixed. Have a good Christmas, Sir!

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