7 หนังสือพัฒนาตัวเอง | OF THE YEAR 2023 | ไม่อ่านพลาด!! | self-improvement books | OF THE YEAR 2023

Hello, today I will talk about the art of Listening for trends from the book think Again. Think and think again, Betty. Yes, I’ve been hiking for about 13 km, but he still hasn’t seen any sign of anything. In life, traveling long distances is not unusual.

It’s new for you, growing up in the northern region. Uganda, at that time she had to walk Walking to school is a distance of 6 km and I survive on 1 meal a day. In a large family where her uncle had 8 wives, she later worked her way up to work in Parliament.

Of Uganda and has taken on a challenge that None of her colleagues dared to do that. that is, trying to make peace with the group leader Rebel Sir Joseph Kony leads the resistance army. of God in the 1990s, before he and the rebels

Murdered more than 100,000 people, and kidnapped more than 30,000 children. This was in 1990, viewers, causing more than 2 million Ugandans to become fans. Locally, Betty is trying to persuade me. The president of Uganda sent her

Can we go and negotiate a bit? That’s the feeling. Wow, I don’t see anyone being able to convince or speak. So, let me go talk to the leader, something like that. This will end the violence you have been dealing with.

The rebel group finally got it after trying. For several months, this group of people felt like I was negligent. It’s a possibility. Having to negotiate with a woman is Betty.

Is it right for the audience to be a woman and then go vegetarian? Negotiate with the leader of the rebel group to reduce the severity. Let’s be more violent. Whatever you do, it will be difficult. No, Betty negotiated until permission was granted.

Let me go see Kony. He’ll call soon. She said that Mom on that side called Betty. Mother, and even agreed to leave. forest to begin peace negotiations. Efforts to create peace will be ineffective. It was successful, but opening up to Kony was willing to talk.

It has been considered an amazing success. Efforts to end that violence As a result, Betty was chosen as an outstanding woman. of the year in Uganda recently. Talked to Betty and asked her what she gave to Coney. And how could his army be open-minded, Chief?

Rebels, Betty explains, are the heart of the matter. Not to convince or even persuade, but It is listening that is not good listening. Yes, just talking less is a set. Skills in asking and answering at the beginning of the performance Caring more about the interests of others

Trying to determine their status or prove it. ourselves, we all can be experts in Asking questions out of curiosity Truly, without any hidden agenda to fix it. Yes, help, give advice, convince or do. Can be correct, as the reporter named Kate

Murphy wrote that it was more convenient. The party clearly expressed its own opinions. Jane, trying to make other people change. That can be a difficult job because even if we With the best of intentions, we might as well be smitten. The role of a preacher standing on a pedestal and becoming

Is the prosecutor giving a closing statement or something like that? Or is it a politician who repeats a speech? All of us are at risk of being born. The reaction corrects automatically, according to Mi and Roni explains that this is desire. To edit the answer and propose an answer.

Expert Motivational Interviewing and to counteract autocorrect reactions. Simply put, when a bone is broken, people might want it. Is it right for a doctor to treat you? But if it’s a problem What kind of heart-related problems do they have? He often wants more sympathy than

Cure or fix, that’s what Betty is. I intend to give it to the people of Uganda. Start traveling to rural areas to visit Thank you for the people who live in the country. She thinks some of them may have relatives in the military. Yes, from Joseph Kony, the leader of that chapter.

And may know where he is and things like this Even though she had no training in Motivational interview but she entered Intuitively mind the philosophy of this interview. Yes, in each camp, each camp is you, you. Announce to people that she is not here to

Teach, but you come to listen to curiosity. I want to see and her confident humility do. Let Ugandans marvel at peacemakers. Other people came to teach and tell. Stop fighting, those people are preaching their plans. yourself in relieving conflict and blame

What are you trying to do, uh, blame the past for failing? Yep accepted Betty, who at that time was an officer. The city by profession does not tell him what he must do. She even sat patiently in front of the group.

Fire for many hours, taking notes, interjecting in long lines. To ask a question, if you want to scold her, I will. Please feel free to do this, Betty tells the rebel leader. Well, if you want to scold me, that’s fine with me.

You want me to go, so I’m going to show you. Seeing the determination to create peace Yes, Betty agreed to live in the camp even though they Lack of proper food and hygiene. She invites people to vent their frustrations. and recommend remedial measures that should be taken, they said.

She said that giving outsiders a chance to perform Opinions are rare and valuable. I admire her for giving them the power to create. The solution to their own problems caused them to arise. Their sense of belonging ended with Calling you Mom is a word of love.

To the elders, receiving this honor Considered very impressive. Specially impressive. Because Betty is a representative of the state which They are seen as oppressors in many camps. Soon people offered to take her for advice. I know the coordinator and commander of Josef’s army. Coney said: Even the devil wants others to listen.

If anyone likes it, don’t forget to click “Like” and “Subscribe”. And if you have any questions. What would you like to share or suggest? Comment below for the day. I’m going to say goodbye for now. Thank you. Hello. Dear listeners, today I’m going to talk about

The book success Secret of Sherlock Home. I’ve done it a long time ago , 2 Ep. If anyone hasn’t seen it yet, wait a minute. I will paste it for you to see which clip it is.

What is it? But whoever doesn’t want it? Go back and watch it and want to know what it was. What is this book about? I’ll read the introduction first if you don’t want to listen.

At the introduction, you can press the clip to go to the middle of the code. Of the case, you can tell about Sherlock Home, what are the various points of view, things like this, but If you want to get more enjoyment out of it, listen to the introduction.

You can do it. Let’s get started. Why do we use characters in novels that do not exist? Really exists as an example in action. our lives as well. It seems that Started writing a book called Secret Code to Success like Sherlock H is

Unlikely, but please try to open your mind. Look first, many readers who are Reading this book, you probably feel skeptical. Likewise, it is not strange that you feel this way. But in the end, Sherlock Home will definitely convince you, it seems.

The views and ideas of this book will Seems ridiculous because reading stories about Characteristics of a hypothetical character, Mu, who is a professional How can an English detective who lived in the 19th century teach us? Audience answers on this matter are relevant.

It is extremely related to birth. Sherlock Holmes’s identity is the person who gives. Born named Sir Thor Conandoi. He lived from 1859 to 1930, which was a genius. No matter what aspect you evaluate, Doi was born.

In a large family which is the old Silpa family For him, therefore, not only created a character. The most famous literature in Only one history has come up. It also revolutionized the form of mystery literature. Alone by starting to use the plot.

So complex that readers, even those who Highly educated people still feel puzzled about dogs. And Conan Doi has changed the novel. Investigate according to the original plan which predicted the event. In advance, there should be a scientific mechanism. high class which will slowly spit out like

Accurate and precise like a clock mechanism. K has also produced many works besides stories. Over 56 short stories, 4 novels about Sherlock Holmes and Koandoi. I also write fiction novels, including volumes. Many different genres, another 35 stories, ranging from science fiction. all the way up to supernatural documentaries.

Both the history of the Boston War Accident in South Africa too, Conan. This is more than a writer, he is a writer. that has power, character and thirst His knowledge was limitless. Doctor from training and later became

A doctor in the late 19th century, he liked adventure. When he was young he traveled on Went on a ship to leave whales in the North Pole for 6 months and almost drowned in the cold sea. It’s cold in the North Pole area. Himself in 1894, he practiced skiing.

On your own and join a ski trip Passing through the Elf Mountains for the first time. His later life was preoccupied with About mentalism and finding things that we can’t see. He has become a member of a group of ghost hunters. It’s official, which is the first group in the world as well.

Yes, using scientific techniques to Study supernatural phenomena even though There are many different results. I even tried working as a detective in real life. Yes, by investigating the case or is it a simple case? It’s not a lot, it’s about 2 cases.

It’s just that there was a decision to convict the wrong person. Yes, it was wrong for a poor person to act in such a way as to help two men avoid the death penalty. The effort in making the case. His work exposed the weaknesses of the legal system.

British criminal acts that contributed to the establishment of Court of Appeal for Criminal Cases in the early 20th century . These are related to Chalok. Home, how do you say all of this, right? More importantly, it involves How successful is it for you or me or the listener?

Is that right? The answer is that Andoi people have put in their acharnpop. myself and the wastefulness of those The people around me go down in Home character is therefore character creation. A major who has greatness above all prototypes. All together, more than that, the story of

There’s more to Home than just the ordinary. About a detective, but we can Consider the best chapter of Sherlock Home on 2 levels at the same time as follows. You may choose to read the story of the force of vengeance. It’s about adventure that brings fun.

Have fun for the time or you may I didn’t read this for entertainment. Yes, but read to study the features. It’s all about genius, you can choose. All of this is a self-help manual. From Victorian times that explains how you will create

Expertise in your chosen field of knowledge and will do what seems impossible How is this possible? It has been shown. It’s a step that, um, Nonandoi is not. Just made up a story based on the Yod Case code. It’s only excellent. It’s still hidden.

I accept some things and sometimes I don’t accept them. Teaching us about philosophy and style Let’s think about it by putting it in the story. It’s about his secret code. as he had already done As for the question of whether Andoi people purposely put on the body.

Incorporate these into his fiction. Is this what those elements are? from his subconscious onto his paper A book without his knowledge would be like this. Mite is a question that no one has yet found an answer to. However, in these mysteries there are

Definitely there and waiting to be discovered. This book will help you discover important secrets. and will make you believe that the principles of Koandoy’s success is still remarkable. Important and modern until today. More than a century has passed since then.

Yes, we should forget the old image of Sherlockmo. It’s temporary that he is. He is an intelligent, witty, and believing person. High self-confidence and love of adventure. Qualities that every great hero has There must be one, but we should try to consider him in

A different perspective, as if he were Quality fabric work that consists of various fabric scraps. The colors are stitched together or better yet, should we? Consider him as an avatar. Collection of outstanding features of the author himself. This includes friends and acquaintances who

I have the ability to keep it in mind. Play a role in the upper class society of English, because he is a man Received a high education, this is the first thing. He therefore became associated with important scholars. The greatest in that era.

Time for Doi to create his own characters. major in his own investigative literature He couldn’t help but borrow the characteristics of What is special about each person like this? The people he knew combined with his characteristics And what kind of personal personality is this?

Because if you ask someone who is like Geniuses write stories. After all, there is a high possibility that the writing His would have no substance to Julia TR’s concept. He probably couldn’t intentionally make food taste bad to find Make a living for yourself and talented athletes.

Something like Michael Jordan inevitably cannot play deliberately. Basketball gives lottery results to those who are excellent. cannot be anything other than someone who has This is the reason why we are excellent. You should study the story of Sherlock Holmes thoroughly. It’s true because Home is a character in the story.

A story created from the story Of people who actually live, come together. Therefore, what this character does is Things you can actually do, sir, I mean. Really like that, if you have to do anything, You must follow it successfully.

Classify and separate the matter into parts. First, as in the book about secret codes. To achieve Shock Home’s success, we must dissect Home’s principles using a mechanic’s method. Is it possible for someone to take apart an old car that Convert it into a racing car and drive it.

Hands performed carefully and with care It’s extremely important that you have to use talent. Very much and hard work to assemble. those parts together in During that time we will discover many things. Not only will it completely

Change your perspective on Sherlock Home, but that also provides a brand new set of weapons to Used to solve problems and eliminate various obstacles. It can happen in your real life as well. Be prepared to let go of old beliefs in This great detective and his original beliefs

About success, now let’s try. Let’s take a look at a little bit of an example from a rough book. Let’s see what it’s like before we get into the meat. Seriously, Sherlock Ho really exists. Some of Home’s magical powers, such as the ability In estimating the shape of a person and

Completely analyze that person’s biography. Complete if anyone has ever seen the movie, right? Sherlock Holmes saw people and was able to speak. He explained. You can do it, right? Let’s use some small details. Just a few things are not a problem. Made up in any way while people

Andoy is also a student of medicine. There I used to study with a teacher. That often makes students feel surprised. regularly by using the ability to Analytical thinking and deductive reasoning It’s amazing, like when a patient who has never

I know this medical professor who is Koan Doi’s teacher is a teacher who has never Do you have any knowledge about that person? Instead, it only took a moment to open. Revealing information about what happened to the man who walked in there. I’m a patient who walked in here from

What kind of profession do you have? What kind of world history do you have? etc. More details about This matter is in the topic of secret code number 4, which we’ll talk about later. Doi never forgets. These ceremonies and when the time came for him to build Sherlock Home, he thus

Created this teacher’s twin. That’s good news for both you and me. Both the listeners and me Because that’s proven to be talent. Ho’s stuff is not surreal or possible. No, viewers who are listening to me. Here you may feel the same way. Maybe we will do the same thing at times?

Sometimes we encounter people around us doing the same thing. Well, if we choose to work hard, we’re tired. and hard at first, we may not succeed It can be accomplished in the same way. The investigative principles that appear in Sherlock Hes can be applied to almost any science.

Every branch is easily accessible for people in the mountains. Has been highly respected by Contributions to the development of criminology and Modern forensic science, everyone. Law enforcement duties around the world know this. Be amazed at the variety of techniques Sherlock uses.

Used in the story, they bring up many techniques. such as deploying them in their own peacekeeping work Yes, neither Andoi people have ever received training. What is this about enforcing the law? Well, not without any formal training. In any way, he just used the method.

Science and analytical thinking Diagnosis that he has learned in School from medicine to analysis criminal behavior in the same way We should study and consider techniques and methods. What kind of home stuff does he use to fix this?

What kind of crime problem is this and use it to solve it? Problems that occur in the real world our own as well, whether it is a problem About choosing a career to fight against Difficulty in doing business or matters that must You decide, or it may be an attempt to find

Make a living doing what you love. These things will never go out of style and can be used. Can be used in the real world no matter what. Are you a student or a single mother? Stay at home and be a senior executive. Is it a surgeon or is it someone you love?

Even reading investigative literature. Anyone can use several principles immediately. Yes, in changing a person’s own attitude. To have more of a home feel while searching. To find success, you don’t need to fill out a form. Personality assessment is complicated.

No need to read and read piles of thick textbooks. Regarding self-development in any way, let’s be a lot. Very much. In fact, the personal characteristics of Home has many features such as attention to detail. Subtle wing of confidence like myself. strong self-confidence, focus

Thoughts are like intense laser light. It’s something we can all learn from and take away. Can be used no matter what age you are or whether you have whatever level of education it is

You are going to see the contents of each chapter soon. It has adopted the various methods that you use to adjust. Change your attitude or habits to focus on To success, let’s get it. Home’s principles.

There is no era which is the content of the book. This book is written in the writings of the Andoi At district. Include principles for success which are the content. of this book into his writings. But he was not the one who invented this principle. Certainly countless people have taken the lead.

The base or the principles for success? to apply again and again until they adopt Success stories that happened in Tell us about your real life, right? Yes, even though many of those people may not. I’ve read the great book Don Sueb once.

Koandoy’s masterpiece is capturing the principles of These achievements are gathered together in one place. That is the story of Sherlock Home and Still allowing his character to show his potential. You can come out into the book world before you enter. Any codes or ideas, the introduction isn’t finished yet.

Viewers, how to use this book. Just a little more and it will be over. The most important thing must be Said it from the beginning, in reading. Is this book for understanding or fun? You don’t need any knowledge about shlok. Home has come before, even if you’ve never read Home’s case.

You can come and even just one case. Understand and follow the ideas of this book. Quickly and easily because in each The role has many quotes from the book. Also included is a summary of the storyline from the episode. It’s relevant if someday you happen to want

To read SH of Home in its entirety, right? I hope that you will be inspired. With such a mind, this book reveals Solving the problems of only a few cases. So you don’t have to worry while you Read this book and you will gain knowledge.

About Oandoy and those who influenced him His work includes information about the situation by Typical of England in the Victorian era. Please think of this book as Sherlock’s secret code for success. Strategies for success that combine stories Mysteries of history and personal life together. This book consists of chapters

Short articles that range in length from a few paragraphs pages until reaching a length of 5-6 pages. The book is designed for readers. There are many different types. You may read from page From the first to the last, but if you were born To be a detective to find specific pieces of information.

Please feel free to skip some chapters and choose. Read only the chapters that pique your interest the most. You can get it first because of the content of each chapter in Almost all of these books have different endings.

Into that chapter, the audience and listeners choose to listen In any chapter, you will always understand that chapter. There is no need to Read from the beginning or listen from the beginning. Conan’s ingenuity is that he Realize that the path to success is not What skills are required to be mastered?

Far away and no need to search for mysterious knowledge that has been difficult to obtain in any way, the road to success Success is all around us. We just You just have to learn how to find it. Now let’s get to the actual content. Well, how is it? Now I’ll continue talking

From, well, the last 2 Eps that I’ve done have taken a long time. Now, viewers, after listening to this EP, you can go listen to the previous EP because Like I said, no matter which chapter you listen to, Well, that’s the thought and ending of that chapter. What kind of connection is that?

The audience can listen to what I am about to say. You can continue. Secret code is 7 7. I’m happy to hear all the details. I do. Good to hear all the details no matter what it is.

Regarding the matter or not, in As someone who has worked as a doctor for many years Yes, including having lived in the compressed air community of The city of Birmingham in England is one before returning to writing another book At one time Arthur Conan was aware of

The importance of accurate diagnosis Yes, I know that considering the causes of the world You must take the patient’s history in order to know. All data first means washing. Scour through to find some details. Yes, which sometimes the patient is unwilling to open.

Very revealing, but he is still interested in outside elements. Which shouldn’t have any connection at all. such as a rash, light coughing, or feeling like you have All these strange-tasting foods are

Which the patient may not have thought about having to tell the doctor You have to ask questions. He knows that questioning things. These are often boring things. Details that seem meaningless to Related to illness by Exactly and is the key to Diagnose disease correctly and appropriately as well. So it’s no surprise that

Sherlock Home has a similar attitude. Regarding the importance of detailed information Yes, I need all the good information. And the bad part and the scary part without caring I am sure that his customers will think these things. Is it important or not? It’s easy to say.

That when the customer came to ask Home to help solve the case Can you please tell me what kind of home is this? Will you sit and listen and let the customer tell you everything? Whether it is something that seems important or not

It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad or what you like or don’t like. Anyway, you have to tell it all. A short story about Sinister Home Mansion. Detailed information to solve the case. One of the most complex cases that can be encountered. His client, Violet Hunter,

Is a young woman hired to He is a kindergarten teacher at a strange mansion. It’s called Copper Beach, which is located in the countryside. of the mansion offered her a handsome salary.

But there is a condition that she must cut her hair short and wear a dress. Deep blue and every night you sit Sitting in the living room with your back turned. With a large window, it’s not enough for children.

The one she has to take care of is even cruel to the point of catching animals. A little one could suffer and she was right. Ordered not to set foot inside another wing. One side is like the other side of the mansion.

She came to see Home and told me the story from just now. Then they stopped for a couple and spoke. Details that seem unrelated at all Oh, but Home said I’m happy to listen. All the details are relevant. Whether it’s related to the story or not, I’ll listen to the side sentences.

The tree is extremely important and is Things that only professional problem solvers would think. People came out to stay at the mountain and including Home as well. I know. The importance of this story is because it is

That will help process the actual events that are happening. At that time, it is important to stop. Feelings of disbelief or judgment Keep it and collect as much information as possible. As much as you can, ask about everything. I’m not sure. that information appears to be unrelated

It may become the most important information later. Okay, this is the way of working that people To enforce the law, you must learn it. But initially, the first step is to gather information. Get it all, not just interesting information. Or just excited? The key is here.

Yes, viewers, the first step is to collect information. All data is not just the data that we are interested in. The official would not say that please tell the story. Only important information for me to listen to. That would force witnesses to evaluate. the importance of the story and predict future events

Face it yourself, they may not dare to express themselves. See and ignore important points because you think they are not. Yes, it is important according to their own feelings. Therefore, we do not have to tell everything.

Yes, at the end of the matter of paying attention to details. The details of the teacher who was frightened turned out to be It’s very beneficial to Miss Hunter herself. The puzzle is completed at the end using testimonies. of her, the reason she was hired as Home teacher because of her appearance

Similar to the daughter of the owner of the mansion. He received a large inheritance from his mother. Has passed away, her father called for it. money from her but when she refused he arrested her

Locked in another closed passage on the right side of the body. The building Miss Hunter was hired to sit in. At the window, do you remember? For the person you love. of his daughter looking in from the street.

He saw and thought that she was his lover. It was because Home encouraged her to tell every story. To the utmost, she gave every detail. as he needed to use it in the overall case including some details that are not It’s related to this matter.

I just didn’t pay attention to it. Yes, but if you cut out the details just Even if it’s just one little thing. Regarding the outfit, the color of the hair must be short. Only ordered her to sit at the window. Something like this would probably never solve the case at home.

This is until success can be known for sure if the information Each piece of information is separated from each other. It would probably make it difficult to understand the overall picture. If you have that information included.

Together we will be able to solve the story in the end. If you are trying to solve a big problem. Think about quantity first. Quality, search for the information you have. A lot of all of them, even if it’s all in one piece. Boring details, don’t avoid searching.

If you find some truth, take a deep breath. Enter your lungs and block your mind to ask troubling questions. Leave when you have all the information. You will be able to begin to differentiate between what is valuable and what is not. has value or extracts useful information from Useless information. Step

2 is extremely important because It takes time and deep attention. that Home had said in his last adventure One of his stories from the letter Nadapp said: that the most important thing in the art of investigation That is the ability to be aware of things.

The facts appear which is the issue. Which one is the main issue first? Otherwise, effort and understanding His care was uncontrollable. It causes concentration and asks people to look at the problem whether it is No matter how big it is, it is only an island.

A crime has occurred only for which there is evidence and The entire environment is waiting to be discovered. Begin solving each problem with care. It’s the same level that Home has and you’ll feel like you’re falling. Stunned by the result, number 8, let’s try to calm down and consider our position.

Let’s try to capture the truth that little we know. Be a little confident in case there are new facts. If this happens, you may be able to put it in place easily. Yes, if we talk about calmness under pressure.

Push and Conan Doi is an experienced person. In this matter, he can control his mind. When in a situation with acne and ax face, in 1880, when he was only 21 years old, he signed a contract to be a doctor on a hunting ship. A whale in the North Pole for 6 months

. One day he hunted on a raft of ice. A large size sir, he slipped and fell into the The cold ocean is like ice. Without anyone agreeing, so he I have to struggle to survive alone. The ice raft was too deep for him to grip.

Yes, then he sank and sank again. The last moment, which he later called It’s a time when he plays tug-of-war with It’s death. I quickly grabbed the seal’s back. The big one that just got killed is pulling it out. He was able to successfully pull himself out of the water.

Shift your weight well so as not to drag the cat. The creature entered the water with him calmly. His calmness and quick wit saved his life. So the captain of the ship gave him a name for the water.

The great diver of the North Pole. The Andoi people gave him the characteristics of a doctor. What he has for Home is economic stability. Strong emotions and inner motivation In moving towards the problem and solving it by I don’t think about escaping the problem, approaching it no matter what.

Well, complications are something that one doctor has. You have to encounter them regularly throughout your work. The author of the story Shock Home, Khon Adoi Dee, shows the intelligent people who have unique characteristics. Those who are responsible for making decisions in life and Dying every day if you are

Facing a big problem and not knowing what to do What’s next? Listen to Home’s advice. From the story of the ghost’s foot, in which the top detective works on a case that There is a complicated case and while

Wat San is currently staying in Conwall. Home has been received. Asking for help in solving a challenging case, that is. A woman sat frozen on the A chair. Sit in a very still position for a while. Two male brothers sat on each side and shouted. Laughter and singing were impossible.

Our sanity and people are like, what kind of insanity is this? Sir, I don’t know why their expressions are showing. The greatest fear they had ever experienced. Any mental problems and being a citizen

It’s a good thing about that city. Many people in the city are different. Convinced that they are victims of power Is it supernatural or not? Home is involved. Investigation, but couldn’t find any evidence at all. Little when he comes to a dead end. I couldn’t find a way, so I invited Wat San.

As his partner, he suggested that he walk along the cliff. Why are you looking for ancient stone darts? This cliff, let’s try calming down and considering our situation. Let’s see, Watson continued as we walked. Together at the cliff, let’s try to capture the meaning. It’s true that we know little to be certain.

Please allow time for new facts to emerge. up so I can put it on the way it is It’s convenient. Then Home begins to process. Rearrange the evidence according to your understanding. of himself, but when he processed his initial thoughts He simply overlooked it and abandoned the matter.

First, I looked over and put it before you. Viewers, during this time we will leave one story behind. Until there is more definite evidence. First, let’s use the remaining time this morning to find it. Better knowledge about Stone Age humans In other words, let’s go hunt for stone darts.

To have fun and relax before the temple. Sunnian could only feel astonished after 2 hours had passed and he had already talked with What a prehistoric tool, what a lesson. Pottery scraps when there is a problem I’m confused. Let us sit back and relax and think about it.

Make an appointment to meet a friend and feel refreshed. Or as many books tell you, problems or ideas. We like to come late at night or while taking a shower. Viewers because our hearts are comfortable like this. You will see this type of behavior appear. Time and time again in the story Home

Has said that at least it captures Important facts because there aren’t any. What better way to clarify matters than to Arrange the facts for another person to listen to. And in the story of the black-hearted dictator, he did. Warn a customer who had arrived and was about to find out.

I feel confused and confused. Please sort it out. Think about it again and tell me about it. The scene where the incident happened is given a new sequence. Please give me the sequence. Something new like this, even Home encountered this situation.

It was difficult again and again but he was able to. Bring order to chaos and use reason. You can face your emotions, he said to Wat San Nai. The story of the character is important. The first step is to not give in to judgment. There is bias because of personal qualities.

For him, each suffering person is One unit is one factor in the problem. That’s all the emotional properties are. Opposed to a clear review of reason. Another reason why Home is He was very successful because he never

Afraid to admit when you feel helpless. He never tried to pretend that he knew this case was difficult. It’s so cool. It’s like how you talk and think. Without reaching a dead end, he said so. Come out and realize the benefits of stopping. Temporarily suspending consideration of the words in the episode.

One of the best known appears in A short story about the Red Haired League at that time. When he has to find a complicated mystery. In particular, he replied that it was a problem to have to

Smoke up to 3 tablets of drugs at once and had to beg. Don’t say anything to him for 15 minutes. Another thing is don’t disturb me while I’m smoking for about an hour and thinking. Yes, often Home lets time pass by. Without doing anything, he often spent hours in

Sitting with your hands playing your violin. It’s about recharging yourself and letting go. Let his conscience work and consider who he is. Worry about the little details of the actual case. Koandoy purposely pointed out that Home gave It’s no less important than relaxation.

The science of investigation, which has results Let him be successful. You can see that from Wasan gave a lecture on an episode from San Nibat. The redhead noted his wonderful personality. This was constantly manifesting itself, I thought. It is always meticulous and thorough.

His extremely clever reaction was that. To the calm mood and poetic nature of the mind. that overwhelms him from time to time, sir, there is no time What will such changes be like? As stiff as when he sat immersed in Chair, in the midst of thoughts that arise

What’s going on with these old textbooks? He also takes time to sit and think about things like this. Yes, there are a lot of them these days. Psychology and practical psychologists provide The importance of taking breaks, even if you Always walking towards the deadline and this matter.

It may be counterintuitive to you, but taking a break for a few minutes will help you avoid problems. that is tired from work, similar to pressing It’s your computer’s reset button. Don’t forget that whenever you feel Tired, restrain your desire to focus.

Look for the next job before suspending, suspending, suspending. Just for a moment, which is oppressive. Your ailing brain cells must do this. If you work hard, you should create a form of relaxation. Smoke-free according to your own version. The same is true of the popular drug-smoking activity.

Know your home like you might go out for a walk. You can play for a moment or read a book or whatever. I don’t know. Secret number 9. There’s only one rule. There are no rules in the world. What does one person

If you can invent it, others will be able to invent it. You can get the same whenever you know. Feeling discouraged and thinking that you may not reach your goal? Worse, you think you can’t. The success factors may be because of you. Not skilled enough or do not have a good enough background

Or do not have enough funds, please consider The following facts are number 1: Thoro Andoy, author of the literary code genre. The greatest in the world has never taken a course. Writing at all, he studied subjects. Medicine and study to gain knowledge about

The book itself, number 2, even though they have others What kind of names and reputations do your relatives have? But Oandoy had to live in poverty. Or you could call it poverty and resentment. many years and had to work hard to find Enough money to support the family. 3 Even though Conan

Doi created the famous detective character An immortal sound appeared, but he never composed it. The detective profession never receives any form of training. Criminology or what is it about? It’s a real story that Home uses in its investigations. Amputated comes from the medical experience of cattle.

Undoi, but it has an influence on those who Detectives and enforcers have used the law many times. Over many eras, number 4: Home is an arrogant and arrogant person. His nose was sensitive and he was so thin that he could be called emaciated.

Something like this is very skinny, but unattractive people can’t get it back. Has sharp eyesight, no detective in him. His demeanor doesn’t even exist. There are no routines that modern case solvers should have. Yes, a journalist reviewed it. Memories about Doi in 1892.

He was a good-humoured, kind-hearted, simple man. He had a tall, flowing body and dark skin. Because he likes all kinds of outdoor sports, whether It is said to be football, tennis, bowling and cricket. Another thing is that Home and Oh have almost nothing. They are the same in terms of appearance and

Personality of mind, but that’s not a problem. 5 If you think you’re not successful, you can’t. If you had a good life when you were young, think about it. Koandoi’s father is an alcoholic and Died in a rehab center, his brothers and sisters. He died when he was still a child.

Since he was not yet a year old, another person died at just 2 years old. In addition, the family still has to Move to another place often, going back and forth. 6 When Andoi people have decided that they want Being a writer doesn’t get help. or special support in any way

Starting from scratch like many people. Started composing work from the beginning of his career. doctor in a few minutes while waiting to be examined The patient scribbled a few lines of text. What was crazy about his early days as a writer? Yes, I received rejection letters from magazines.

Leading leaders of that era rejected all of their writings. The first long volume of Sherlock Home, a strong, vindictive episode, was rejected by the publisher. Many magazines, and finally the Beeson Christmas annual, will be available for purchase for just $38. Even Home itself probably wouldn’t guess.

That people like Oandoy would write deep books Secret investigations can be carried out, but that doesn’t count. His writings have created a phenomenon. that has shaken the world literature industry and It is still popular until today. The picture that appears is that Andoi people are just people.

Who looks like a middle-aged London man Fat and chubby figure, who lives in At the end of the 19th century, it was men. Ordinary person, right now you may feel that the point The destination is still far away. You may not It can be explained by reason that uh you will suffer.

How did you succeed? Why? You might You will feel like you will never reach your destination. Yes, no matter where your destination is. Believe it or not, if a stranger Walk up to greet you and consider your life. They might agree with you and say, well,

Great, you need to open a graphic design company. Sure, you can do your own thing, but you’re just 25 and you’re still working at McDonald’s. You probably can’t, or maybe you want to be an artist. It’s a cartoon but it’s crazy and you’re not finished. It’s a bad art university. Who knows?

A stranger might say the same thing that Aoch did. Oil has already been caught, but what will happen if He believed that those people would just be doctors. A Londoner who is respected and People who are successful but are not happy Like many colleagues in the profession

Yes, secret code number 10. Start small. It has been one of my regular things for a long time. It’s the little things that are always the most important to us. I can see that Home has an investigation strategy. Excellent, with inductive results. That is, we usually start by finding a little evidence first.

Always like yarn, buttons, stains on Paper, etc., is traced to small things. Big things by finding new evidence to expand on. The original evidence suggests Wasan Nai. The story of the Black Heart Mastermind when Home Walking into the scene of the crime, I’m usually in jail.

Kneeling and turning his attention to the detectives of Scotland Yard at Scotland Yard Detective The whole group overlooked it. The base he frequently encountered would lead to solving the case. Avoid crimes and catch the criminals. No, sir, he never looked for important traces.

Or a large piece of evidence first, but he is satisfied Start investigating from a small case. You can see this principle of his during the opening of the story. Episode after episode, when Home meets Among his first-time customers, he often Invite visitors into the reception room.

Guests and tell them to tell their stories. in detail from the beginning. Often people You may feel confused and bewildered when you read this because of the leading people. Offers a lot of information that doesn’t seem to have any meaning.

How important is the engraving before later? They, in their position as experts, will understand the issue. of the problem in the end, no matter what, it’s good. Still many steps ahead of us, as in

The story is that the couple is confident in remembering Suron’s strength. I want it. Let Home help you find your lost lover. Here, she tells a long story. which has content that is unlikely to be a problem

That was born until Wasan was Home’s partner. Nia thought in her heart that I had assumed in my heart. All the time she spoke in a snail-like manner. Yes, that’s what Sherlock Holmes probably felt. I’m totally fed up with Wat Sankid, but it’s the same. Instead, he listened to her with attentiveness.

In the end, it wasn’t enough. Home was still diligent in giving. She goes on and on about her life. Keep telling the story and exclaiming when It’s gotten to the point where your story has made me interested. Most definitely in the end, the details looked at. It’s like it’s not important.

The key to unlocking the answer to her lover lies in What is considered according to Thiel’s method of solving cases? Home’s por has many benefits. The first is that we hardly feel any pressure at all. Because by nature, small tasks often It is quite easy to complete.

Yes, this is one of the reasons that Home often gets. Comparing all police officers by the fact that they It’s different at this point, so he doesn’t care. Willing to solve the case quickly. Don’t be quick to take matters into your own hands. Do you accept or want to put yourself in front?

What kind of newspaper is that? Receive praise from your superiors when you Pay attention to this factor: pressure. In having to solve the case quickly This is what often leads to erratic analysis. Eat it and burn it and ignore the clues.

Important, but instead of walking to the place There was an incident and I asked myself who killed Home. Instead, he asked what this place had to say about him. With some events that happened, he didn’t.

Came to hunt down the murderer immediately but started Take apart the scene of the crime and look at it bit by bit. Whether it was the Brahma chair, the weapon the murderer used This will help him find the hundred thousand baht and find the knot.

Is something like this enough? We can use it. Same attitude in pursuing goals our lives, you may have heard The old proverb says that taking it slow will bring you beauty. Currently consulting on business and use Life still teaches us to use the same principles.

This is actually a management philosophy. All groups were born from this idea. The division of work structure is used in The United States Department of Justice is the method Classify and allocate large tasks. into a smaller, more organized mode. A small pattern, mostly Organizational chart organized according to duties.

Received portions from large project work Hierarchically large until the sub-units are The person or department whose duties must be performed When it’s finished, what’s the schedule? This method allows the government to manage The highly complex structure provides Success can be achieved like the structure of a ship. Carrying new aircraft, development project

What kind of software system etc. is this? Scottish Medicine trusts Home to help with this. cases often because the department’s detectives often Bogged down with so many questions they had to go. Confronted like who committed the crime? How do we catch criminals when murders occur?

What happened? They only saw a forest. What was that? But forget that a forest consists of many trees. Oh, look a lot, do it like Sherlock Home, that is, separate it into sections one at a time. Secret code number 11.

Have you ever felt puzzled as to why? Sherlock Holmes never thought of working like this. Reports directly to Scotland Yard and is a detective. Let’s go know about the department and we’ll survive, so we’ll try. Let’s consider this matter from statistics. Success in extorting case after case

Lao was able to become a commander of the department. In just a few months, but he didn’t I’ve thought about this before, but Home doesn’t want it. Bind yourself to a routine, you imagine. Look what will happen if you have to be His superiors want to work at

I want to set a work schedule. Do your own work. He wants to find the case himself. Home is a great detective. But what? More importantly, he is also an entrepreneur. A business that is very great as well. He himself did the same thing by leaping forward.

From the medical field to another field. before turning away and ending up writing a book However, he is not just a writer. Just a normal book because he still Build up your status until you have a living situation. Which is comfortable because he is a writer.

The first time that Home characters were created at the time That most writers tend to compose works Write with an ending and no content. Connected to other episodes, revealing a delayed story. The story and the closing story are in the same book. Or should I write it as a continuous chapter?

Yes, it’s in a magazine like this. A long composition divided into sections, each of which The week will end with a motivating closing note. Readers buy the next issue of a magazine because they want it.

We will know the events in the next episode, but the Android person came up with a good idea. Why did he? Therefore, one character was not created which appeared. Within every story, every episode, what? Like this and each episode has a mystery to solve. Unique, which is the essence of combining work

Write a composition that has content that ends at the beginning. with literary works that have the characteristics of continuing episodes Because of something like this, he was successful. Immediately, Londoners in the Victorian era were

I fell in love with the strange detective character. This strange person, if you try changing the cable TV channel continuously, you might find him. Like people who make money on the show. A place where you can earn a living for yourself very well. Sometimes it’s too good for them.

Do tasks that you can’t find in the instruction manual. Yes, in choosing any work, such as a list. What kind of a pair of great collectors travel around America? Here, two men were walking around. country, go find the garbage piles of villagers, which have Many treasures and valuables are hidden in them.

Buy a can that has rusted on it. As for old cars and broken bicycles, then Often they are redecorated. Great profits from these networks besides There is also a program like Dirty Work on the Discovery Channel. Run the show and become a billionaire by Follow the lives of business entrepreneurs at

Dirty, ragged, and smelly. Together they earn a living. I have to collect the carcasses of animals that have been crushed to death. Yes, viewers, some people raise worms, some have to. Pick up fermented guava gum from shoes or process it. oil waste for reuse or even storage

Owl’s vomit sucks, I don’t have a point. wishes to demand that you resign from your job regular to head for the odd job Including myself, I also see that the work Regularly, this doesn’t just create income. Even though you’re in the same world, you

There are also different styles and methods. There are many different ways to spend time. Work 8 hours a day. Ability. that your speciality may take you to the point A destination that you never thought you’d reach. The key is to know first that you

You can make a living doing anything. It must be number 1, like Sherlock Home. Secret code number 12: approach the problem with an empty mind. A football team that everyone can guess at playing. That’s correct. It would be difficult to hope to win because of the pair.

You can guess the way in the fight. Your game plan. They are easily the director who created them. A movie with a repetitive storyline that people Viewers can guess the story from beginning to end. This probably will never win an Oscar. Because the audience knows that the movie

How will this story end from the beginning? Nowadays everyone says that if we want to experience Success whether in sports business Our art must have characteristics that everyone can guess. What is not said is that it must be new and unique. Be one and have to be brave, which is

That’s true, but there are conflicting statements. Yes, viewers, that is the key that will lead to To be new, unique and one of a kind The only thing is that using the method at the end is easy. and has the most methodical approach to progressing Destination is an important factor.

One that has made Home extremely successful. The only thing left is that we usually start to solve problems as well. The method is always the same. Home will start the case. With an empty and open mind.

That is, he will begin working on the case without any bias. There was no pre-determination of who was who. Who is the perpetrator or who will be? Pure, no one is inclined to seek results. The result of wanting to be home is to feel happy. Controlling uncertainty and feelings

It’s even more fun to make a mistake when the case suddenly breaks. The angle caused him to fall back into darkness again. It’s definitely fun to approach problems mentally. Home’s empty heart was influenced by Practicing medicine of Koandoi while Koandoy studies at the University of Edinburgh.

It is a place to practice the process and methods. Excellent science. Science at the beginning of the 20th century once revealed that the scientific method It emphasizes that medical students can understand the problem. With an empty mind, that student

Must accept the facts as they appear and Must not be satisfied with just solving half-hearted problems. In addition, when he found the answer, he must Follow that answer wherever it leads. Yes, Andoy people have made Home stick to the method. It is very scientific.

Sometimes the reader may guess the structure. You can have fun in every episode of the story. Yes, let’s use a systematic method, this method is like this. Over and over again, it’s similar to pressing Mother.

Print the cookies onto the kneaded dough. You should read the story of Chalok Home and see if you Will you find this type of structure or not? No. 1. Home welcomes customers in the office.

His work and then ask the customer to tell him about the problem The information is as clear as possible . No. 2: Home sits and listens attentively. and will interrupt just to ask a question. Only let the matter become clearer. Yes, he will evaluate and give his opinion.

Only a small part of the customer. Point 3: When the customer has finished telling the story, Home then decides whether Will you accept the case or not with the information you have heard? Make a decision. Good luck belongs to the reader.

Yes, he usually takes on almost every case. What about the owner of the mysterious case meeting Home? That is no different from when a patient comes to see the doctor. Yes, and it is the same with the doctor. In general, Home is not judging patients. It’s his, no matter what he has done.

To the point of putting yourself in a difficult position This difficulty, sir, judging them will be helpful. Whichever way it will only make the other party feel further. Resist and do not cooperate or give Less cooperation, the important thing is focus. Focus your attention on the data to find a solution.

Take appropriate remedies before the pilot takes The plane took off in the sky and they had to explore it on foot. around the aircraft and inspect its various systems The plane is fully pre-formatted. This is something that must be done every time. Before and inspection before boarding the plane

This will not change at all. Yes, otherwise I’ll be woeful if I stop checking when. I think there’s some fallout because it’s a method. Makes us confident that the various systems of the machine It’s in ready-to-use condition, Home Smart. Enough to realize that being successful

As a business operator outside the norm Or is it a detective who advises people? What’s the matter? I’m the only one. Indie. Yes, we need to use a strong action plan. Hold and crawl in the same detail. This is strange that accessing the problem according to

A step-by-step plan has been given to you. A stable base for him, which is That allows him to bring innovative ideas. Extremely extreme about extorting cases. Crime can be practiced and tested. Immediately, regardless of the behavior of chasing and looking for the person

A murderer like this would be a little unconventional. But he never deviated from his plans. Prepare yourself to face Problem solving is the most important part of the problem solving process. The problem is, don’t act recklessly until you do. Keep your mind neutral with an empty mind.

Like go home first and walk in too. An open mind and you will be ready to accept. Facts that come in to us are based on emotion and diligent review. Your own actions will have the opportunity to advance in

In life, there are only people who reconsider their actions. Always yourself, only you will understand that you How is he different from others and what will he have? Opportunity to advance in life than others. It cannot be denied that graduates who graduate from Varad often Will be a successful person in the field

They don’t have to worry about it working. that I don’t like and don’t have to worry about biting Kum The matter of compensation is too little because Their ability determines the answer. They have already taken their place. Why do students Warad University therefore has superior abilities.

Others, I think this is an important mission in Production of graduates of Huat University The faculty members of Warad University are all He is a very knowledgeable and talented student. who had the opportunity to study within the gate This university is all about kids.

Studying at the elite level and this is what I accept. Guarantees the quality of a good university. The best in the world. Huat University has criteria for The only criteria for accepting students is that you have

Knowledge and abilities are not accessible to teachers. whether you will have money to pay the tuition or not The university is happy to offer scholarships. To you, oh my goodness, really a student who has

What kind of abilities do you know that will catch the eye of the teachers? of Harvard University, this one is me I’d like to know as well. I think it might. It is said that the students have many abilities.

In many ways, students may have an advantage over students who have Definitely just one area of ​​ability? That this may not be the real reason must be seen. Criteria for branches that accept students as well.

What kind of interpretation does it mean to be an elite level kid? But surely the faculty member must wish to Got students who are geniuses and students. Students with diligence and true determination come to study. In addition to what has been mentioned above. Faculty members of Huat University also give

It is important to review the actions of students. It is also said that there are only people who review actions. Always own only to understand that How is he different from others and will there be opportunities? Advance in life more than others not only But only students must review their work regularly.

The actions of the university’s own faculty members Likewise, they never stop talking. Think and review your own actions in order to To be more perfect and have the opportunity Progress in life again as It is the number 1 university. The results of the

University’s achievements have a high reputation. Famous all over the world, however, this is not It means that Harvard is perfect. Is everything right? Have you heard it from the beginning? Is it all right? It’s 2007. Professor Harry Loos, who teaches in

Huat University for more than 30 years, he wrote a book with related content. with the disadvantages that exist in universities Professor Lewis said that the disadvantage The first is that Warad University gives importance to with the development of teachers’ knowledge and abilities

Too much, including giving importance to Recruiting students who are students at the level elite, forgetting that the main duty of Education is the cultivation of knowledge. and morality for students to be knowledgeable and ability and being responsible for society Yes, he also analyzed the main arrangement. Teaching formula, scoring criteria

Cooperate in academics, rules and attitudes University administrators then make proposals. Various wastes that still exist in the university. His agenda suggested that teaching and learning should be improved. It is student-centered. In order for the university to progress More of what Professor Harry Loose has to offer. The disadvantages of Warad University this time

Yes, Professor Ward Gardner of the Faculty. Educational science says that he is a person who has Brave and with excellent intelligence, able to write A book like this can be published by a university. I accept criticism and will improve on the shortcomings. Various things that are available for the better, I think people

All young generations should reconsider. Your own actions improve your disadvantages. It has the same characteristics as Huat University because of its age. Young people still have energy and creativity. It is from personal experience that I know. that those young people who are making progress

In life faster than others is usually the person who Always review your own actions. Because of always reviewing your own actions That makes us see our own mistakes. and became an almost perfect person in But in the book it is said that he is a person

It’s perfect, but I adjusted it a little. I don’t think anyone is the most perfect. I sincerely hope that the experiences My own past, including various stories that Learning from others will make people young. Girls can see and be able to correct mistakes. own mistakes for progress and Success in life

Yes, first impressions are really important. Yes, researchers spend a lot of time. Years, study the various methods that we use to make decisions. others in seconds, which sometimes results Research on this matter is clear. Research in 2011 found that people who wore clothing with a pattern

If the brand name is attached to it, it will be seen as a person. that are more prosperous even though the brand has no effect to attractiveness, friendliness, or However reliable, research is often Showing us that we are stereotyping others. How much has it gone like a study in 2008

That showed that people who wear glasses Nia is often viewed as being more intelligent, even though the job Research studies will show us results such as But the important thing to remember is that The first impression is not about creating a personality. Shine like you are not yourself.

Your own identity is therefore important as well. A study in 2005 found that when people People use unnecessarily long and extravagant words. Just to try to make myself look human. What’s actually smart is doing it like that. It becomes harmful and causes them to be viewed as

Less clever than you think when you’re suggesting You yourself are creating an impression. First of all, introducing yourself is an opportunity to oh. Show off in a way that’s in your control. Introducing yourself in Each time not only gives you a chance to win hearts. Someone can still make you open.

New businesses have customized the substances they want to media and help others show off their skills Better than before, I think it’s about introducing yourself. It is one of the most important lessons from How to praise yourself without looking ugly? This book doesn’t matter who you are.

Intern and chair of the guidance committee Body is a very important matter for everyone. Being prepared is what will happen. Showing off or introducing yourself can go a long way. The best communication experts Writing an article for Frost Company magazine, she

Tells us a little secret that people Those who are good at speaking live have their secrets. I didn’t improvise, but I prepared well. It may seem contradictory, but the preparation To speak without any plans is important. Hello. Yes, before going on to listen to the knowledge.

I’d like to invite you to click Subscribe because from back-end statistics, it says more than 80% are viewers who haven’t subscribed yet. Thank you very much. Yes, I’m watching something like this, but I’d like to invite you to Subscribe or press

The bell so you don’t miss any good clips. It’s like this. Practicing the introduction will help. You take the conversation to the next level. Will change from Nice to meet you to Nice to meet you. What I know is that I work in marketing. I’m glad we’ve been in touch with each other.

What kind of marketing work does it take to manage a team of 10 people? I want to talk to you more about this. about management and would like to show you some A little bit about how I’m sure the project Me and my team are successful. The most in our department. Be prepared.

Always keep it because you never know. Who is the other person checking your hand? Be wise in choosing your words. Be wise in choosing them. Speech means using thought, choosing words, and practicing them. Speaking in front of the mirror, many people think that this might be I’ve already made a prediction or calculation.

Use myself as my introduction example. Each time in the following status will be used. with a special audience only. All 3 types of introductions are similar, but they are different. It varies greatly according to the group of people listening to the water. The tone and mood of the introduction, type 1, is

For listeners who are executives. An example for you to listen to is that the audience on class A has a company named B that is a development company. Leadership and professionalism that trains CEOs and founders regardless of business area. Being visible and giving your opinion

Leadership as a celebrity has It is more important and remunerative than in the past and the CEO of the brand is a public figure. Appropriate public identity is therefore key. You can rest assured that no opportunity will be missed or left behind. money on the negotiating table, this is why it is recommended

Leading like this works, I know that those who Management wants to hear what they want. Heard, which is money to be specific. That is, what can I do for them? What are the consequences of not hiring me? Introduction number 2: The audience is, uh, a meeting.

Seminar for teenage women, but I think I think men should get it too, okay? Hello, my name is a, and I’m an executive at Company B that helps people find their voice. myself, especially women, I am interested in women Everyone, no matter how old they are, what profession they have.

What kind of attitude does it feel good to talk about? Their career achievements and boasts of them. That’s why. That’s why I’m here to talk to you. This second type of introduction works for me. I want to inspire my audience.

Talk to people who are not executives and plant Instill a feeling of confidence in my listeners. People in this age group, such as students who Shining, feeling empowered to take a leap into their working world, I want the audience Know why they should listen carefully to me. Introduction

No. 3 This one is an introduction. Let people who are potential customers Hire us. My name is A. I am an executive of Company B, which is a human resource development company. Lead and professionalism that trains leaders Across all career fields, how to present yourself

Their best and most successful Successful in doing business at this point, I have trained Hundreds of customers, each customer comes to me. along with the problem of being noticed There are many specialties that we deal with on a basic basis. From strategies that have been proven to be really effective and

An exercise I have developed over the past nearly 10 years, here is why this third introduction works: I am Proving why clients should hire me and highlighting Emphasize what I have done for others. Bring up the statistics to get him to pay me.

Especially saying I did this. How long have you been here and how many other people have you done it with? People, try doing this in your introduction. Choose 2-3 different audience groups. Yes, and practice customizing your introduction. with that audience when you have a target program

The meaning and audience of those things will become as a source of information, this method will help refine the your passion and makes you very efficient. I’ve been practicing this type of introduction for almost 10

Years and I still do it over and over again. It’s a process. Don’t be afraid to speak up. You also have a good listener when giving advice. The body in front of the mirror is always a mechanism of introduction. Some important elements that help create A good first impression starts with your eyes.

Eyes are very important and this has been proven too. It’s science. A 2006 study from the journal Apply Economic found that eye contact between a sales pitcher and his or her customers increases Increase the ability of customers to remember transactions Details from the seller can be meaningful.

It’s important that you maintain eye contact with customers. The more you do, the more likely you will be remembered and looked good. The more trustworthy you are, the more you look into people’s eyes. Research on eye contact from the Psychological Association

English, many pieces show that we often have ideas. Seen downwards with people who avoid eye contact. We continue with the assumption that they He will be less sincere and at least If that person is a woman, they will be careful. Less than vice versa, we tend to believe the words of

People who can look into our eyes, please show us this research. Let your friends see what I’m reading. For viewers to see, there is also sending Classic signs that can be used to express yourself. That’s a check. I won’t let it go. You go check hands with other people with the hand that

Wet termite softeners are strictly noodles. There is nothing worse than having your life taken away. Sheeva had a slight sweat of someone coming. Let’s check hands with you in a professional context. Yes, doing that will tell the other party that it is not. You have to be serious right away so there’s research.

Support this especially when Talking about women, a 2008 study in the journal Apply Psychology found that a strong handshake was related to Interview grading has a strong effect on people. more women than men, research results from Bama University finds a firm handshake A girlfriend may be a form of self-presentation that

Efficacy for women is another study. I surveyed students in the business field. who are paired together and conduct a simulated negotiation Yes, they found the pair they had been told to. The hand check at the beginning of a negotiation is often Ending their negotiations with a satisfactory outcome

For both sides, or in other words, the people. I like holding hands. Holding hands will Facilitate exposure and work Working together doesn’t require you to step on your toes. Anyone just needs to join hands with the other party to Show that you really want to be there.

Public relations psychology, education The mechanism of crowd psychology reveals that Many students have the possibility of falling Under control by an invisible government By adjusting various incentives to be consistent with Matches with their own group on the Graham Wararat side.

Rima and others also studied about The thoughts and minds of people are constantly He estimates that people are limited in their thinking. Expression and motivation with the use of emotions Feelings cannot be explained psychologically, however. Each person for this reason arises a question.

That if we understand the mechanism of force Motivating the thinking of a group of people is now possible. It is impossible for us to control or organize. Regulation of people’s thinking in accordance with values It’s our popularity that most people don’t know. Is it like that or not?

Carry out propaganda recently. It is possible to prove these things. At least it shows the part that is Important and can see the limitations of the concept of thinking. Until now, crowd psychology It is starting to become a science that is widely accepted.

Has increased a lot and the mystery of human motivation Not all has been revealed yet. At least in theory and practice there is The consistency has been very successful. Enough to make us see a sample case. Yes, that makes us understand the impact.

That followed in the minds of the people along with The mechanism of thinking goes in the same direction. Same thing, just a car driver can Control the speed level by changing Fuel, yes, this one is very interesting. Propaganda is not a science.

Doing experiments in a lab like this, but there is The experiment has been evident before. Will conduct a study on crowd psychology. Seriously, right now it’s just science that shows to see that there is a process of entering knowledge To be used to control people and have main input

Various things to people which can be verified From people’s thoughts that changed when compared to the idea of ​​no change Yes, modern propagandists are educated. It’s very much about people and I study it. systematically and enter ideas He has researched well, if substantive. The important thing is the matter of massive product discounts.

All over the country, he will study people. large by using services from newspapers or having A group of people who act as observers. or do your own research by focusing on What important issues are this, for example? He has assessed that the format

This product most people do not value. It is trustworthy and will require a change in mindset. People feel satisfied with products like this. must not fail to observe what That wife gave the final answer. Husband buying a car or a suit or a t-shirt

Yes, implementing the method systematically makes The results are not always as desired. From various situations there are many elements. Something beyond his control. Yes, he may be aware of the possibility that Under these various circumstances, the line International flights are useless from the proposed The flight was as intended.

This is even a matter of possibility. everything in order to achieve results according to various official plans city, but he is not sure what events did Dreaming about flights will keep you from hiding. The public knows the truth that has happened in some places. Could it matter or some pilots might not?

Had flown during the day before, although he did Thought control in crowd psychology And still have to face the risk of guilt Mistakes happen all the time advertising. I believe it is in the economics section. Sociology is not science at all.

That gives accurate reasons about The fact that humans have made contact, talked and traded If you are a leader with enough influence, that you will have the conscience to cooperate Or not, you can use your influence. itself in automatically dominating a group of people

But most leaders really don’t want to. Will gather together to meet or protest. on the streets with the goal of creating political influence Ideas in crowd psychology due to Humans are social animals by nature. He thinks of himself as a member of a social group.

Even when he was alone in his room. along with closing the curtains completely. His thought structure was also monopolized by Influential group. Wow, I like this sentence. A lot when I’m secluded in a room. alone or even myself or the person

Did you hear something like this? Is it a misinterpretation? Anyway, I apologize. Comments will tell you. Even when he shut himself up in a room. Even with the curtains completely closed. We still have things like this in our thought structure. It is monopolized by a group of influential people.

Who likes to sit in the office and think about stocks Which one should I buy? There is no doubt. So in my head there was a plan to buy stocks. The truth is that it is cut. His decisions come from influential people. He received it from the outside world, right?

It controls our thoughts without us realizing it. Things like this, they buy train shares because they have Missing yesterday’s headlines and another reason That the train stocks were in his head was because

He was impressed by the dinner on the train. Is it very fast or is it because of the policy of liberalizing the force? Are there more jobs or is it because of a well-known company? Is it famous or is it because someone has

Said that JP Rakanon has acquired some shares? For something like this on the military side, we can summarize. that the thoughts of a group of people do not think in a box and transmitted to other groups of people by thought

It will come from stimulating the creation of regular routines. day and creating emotions in Organizing your thoughts in the beginning will It comes from following trusted leaders. which leaders are considered the mainstay of cultivating the path The idea goes into crowd psychology.

Take action to raise the level of thought or make The resort’s reputation has fallen into disrepute. Therefore, there is enough reason to give the bank Come to help or make the main market Property also caused panic. It also creates a trend for that book.

Sell ​​like hotcakes or make a movie received an award, but in the case of an example of leading to the inability to control thoughts or A group of people who have their own ideas.

It doesn’t mean that people have to stay. In the same old framework, the way of thinking or holding on has not changed. Firmly stand on the same idea or use experience. of the group a few years before that there were One political candidate pledged to the people that the people must receive benefits

If you choose him, it will make millions of people People didn’t vote for him because of the words. That benefit is just one word. Okay, there might be many words, but the book misses out this word.

Let’s put it in the form of a keyword because it has the word The benefits appear to be linked to The word corruption has not long been a word. There is a group of people who use it in the right way.

A moment that will create fear in the people. Hit the majority in a unique way. Use the same words repeatedly or make changes to words. Sometimes the propagandists speak in a new way. Able to change the use of emotions The crowd’s feelings were felt in the UK at the time.

In the midst of a war, the people were taken away. Still, the hospital is considered a matter of honor. There is a lot of celebration because of doing this. It will increase the control and supervision of the people who receive it.

Easier to get injured, assess that the majority of people Yai will stay in the hospital longer and have mental illness. Be conscious of acting like a patient very well. When there is a change in the place of migration of people From the hospital to the post office The people’s reactions were praised.

The praise would suddenly disappear and no one would expect it. Is there going to be a change in the treatment location? Sick in this institution when the word “hospital” is said Nurse repeatedly until it dominates people’s thoughts will do it. Giving people the ability to visualize seizures. Lead people to distinguish between

Nurses and other places are therefore not possible. It is now possible to break free from the illusion of Thoughts are gradually formed by thoughts. that is newly entered will be a stimulus People’s feelings towards the factory Various nurses replace human beings, very few people

Be aware of the various reasons that create motivation. The heart that thinks like that, people may believe that he Bought a motorcycle because he had done some research. The car buying and selling market is very good.

So I conclude that this car is definitely the best. I think that if I think like that, sometimes they will buy it. Because his friend had money to buy a new car. Or had the money to buy this car last week?

Or is it because his friends believe him? Is it impossible to have a car like that? Because it’s a car that has the same color as your friend. There are most psychologists who have the same orientation. If you think like that, you can see that thinking and People’s actions are mostly compensatory.

Desires that disappeared from repressed feelings For a long time, these things may have been a desire. that does not create mental value or has Good benefits, but because of the subconscious mind of He has shown some value. that received the expressed desire

He felt ashamed and refused to accept what had happened. Depending on yourself, people who are about to buy a car may think that he wants to use a car to go anywhere How do you say you want to go anywhere?

Yes, it is important and he himself should walk. It might be better for him to hang around for his health. I want a car because it’s a symbol. shows his social status indicating that he Are you successful in business or want to Satisfying the wife element

In general, most humans will be awakened. Stimulated by the motivation that they get. Conceal and hide the deep desires of It was they who this matter caused. Crowd psychology shows that Successful propaganda must do Understanding the motivations of most people Really and must not cause people to have reason to accept.

Accept what they have done so there is no It is necessary to understand the structure mechanism. You can create a society, no matter what group it is. Which faculty or how big is the engineering department?

You may also know about the cylinder and piston. that makes the car move and sway but no matter After all, he knew exactly what energy level did it. Make the machine unable to work or continue Human desire is also energy. that helps drive the social machine

Just understanding people makes one Propaganda can control people’s thoughts. people in a wide circle and create ideas to be connected to the social structure of the day Propagandists in the past relied on His writings were on reaction mechanisms.

In psychology and then took up writing These are used with us, it is expected that the idea Humans work like machines. type, whether it is the nervous system and the joint center The nerves will have a reaction. Create motivation all the time like

It is a system without any control power. Like a mechanical man, the same way a lawyer would. Must stimulate desire towards each form. People come to use their services, this is a theory. Psychological reactions used to be seen as strong Frequent stimulation, tends to occur repeatedly and often

It will cause the creation of habits or inculcation of attitudes. Think repeatedly until it builds and builds confidence. It is strongly expected that this is an old method. the old man of the merchants, where they often play

The role is a butcher looking for an opportunity to sell. Bacon has increased in price, so the trend has been cultivated. Think of it by placing a full-page advertisement that looks like you’re eating. Eat lots of bacon, eat bacon because it’s cheap.

Because it’s a good thing because it helps replenish energy. Provided to you all modern sales techniques. It creates a bond with the social structure. Overall and based on the principles of Crowd psychology is important for us to establish. The next question is who influenced the indoctrination?

The answer is definitely the world’s love of eating. Doctor, then on the side of modern traders I asked the doctor for advice on what to say to people. How to turn to eating bacon? Traders know this well. that most people follow the advice of Doctor Panak, a trader, understands the

The psychological relationship between people and you. Doctors are very good propagandists from the past. Then there was the process of publishing the message to How to persuade readers to buy products This is an example of advertising. One type that can cultivate a perspective

Ideas can be both direct and indirect. An example of this message is that you must purchase Brand name shoes, from now on, advertisers Will look for ways to cultivate ideas and give importance of people’s thoughts to Control your emotions and stuff.

Sold out even though the advertising seems targeted. It’s meant to create attraction for 50 million people , but actually it’s about creating traction. Attract each person more than sales techniques. Modern models have found that it is possible to have Contact creates relationships among the masses.

To use the principles of psychology and create emotions and knowledge. worn to meet his goals instead Will push the sales straight, but he Instead, he got rid of the practice of forcing sales. Create situations that enhance emotions. Most people’s feelings have changed so that

It will cause more buyers to buy the product. For example, if I want to sell a piano, it must be It’s definitely difficult when there are people coming in. Commonly purchased by me using text that is attractive.

What’s interesting about this is that you bought Pianomo from the beginning. This is a piano that is as cheap as a piano. There is this world-class artist who plays here. This is the last chance for you to seize.

This year it can be said that both It’s all true, but they will have to face it. Conflicts with other piano manufacturers and There must be competitors advertising indirectly through on the radio or create car advertising messages in Competition for customers when there is

Try to explain it to people in a visual way. A beautiful apartment on the competitor’s side may also Searching for an interior decorator to decorate Apartments in high-rise areas. The committee is an important part. Decisions regarding this competition

There will begin to be a consensus through the people. Powerful because there are many monetary benefits Millions are involved, making people start to accept I found out about this through the newspaper. various magazines and from publicizing pictures other forms until causing various buildings to begin to

Developing more effective methods One thing is to take advantage of The modern crowd spreads ideas. Passed on to each other. Example cases can be seen from National competition in soap carving Ivy has opened schools for all groups of children.

Imitate the professional carvers who carve The national newspaper found that this soap man was Soap that is very good for carving, the Proctor and Gamble Company is offering rewards to good white soap carvers. Ultimately, the contest is under sponsorship.

By the Arts Center in New York City, which is Arts organizations that influence the world The school director and many teachers around Countries are happy to do so. Movement to support this matter at the theater Study through the school’s main placement.

Sculpting formulas are part of the course. Art contests in various places also cause School competition between rural schools And in the city, Ivory soap is soap. that were converted into decorative sculptures from home because many mothers do not have to leave

Very strong cleaning power and no need to waste time with No cleaning at all because of the oily carving. It is clean work in itself. The best sculptures are selected. Carved from local competitions and brought Put it on display at the national competition.

There are important art installations in the city. New York every year is different. In the matter of judging the work from the contest Various arts, national competitions in the early days There will be approximately 500 pieces of sculptures attended. The 3rd time there will be

As many as 2,500 pieces and the 4th time there will be more than 4,000 pieces together if there is an advertisement. Definitely publicize it carefully. that there must be work for Sculpt to compete in There are more and more contests every year and it will make Public relations was very targeted.

The goal is to raise the level of thinking. By showing the fact that this type of soap Not only is it a soap used for mothers. Home alone but also soap appropriate for her family and children Moreover, people have motivation in psychology.

Most of them are similar in that they give Important to work like this, whether it’s a work of art Social work competition, carving part Large often causes grouping together. Work schools for the nobility, for example This can be seen from leaders in various fields of work.

It’s about performance and in the end it doesn’t matter. So much of it is that work is about mother motivation. Various things with the behavior of groups of people will make people Most accept the leadership and authority.

Driving to dominate the mind like That someone pressed the button to encourage people to have the strength to wake up. stimulated and made people begin to have I feel like going to work for Salak in order to make ends meet.

Hope and desire at this point is considered something. Important to make propaganda work successful It was accomplished well by leaders who had the power to Propaganda campaigns will come in if there are any. The issue of benefits is involved. They are only the actions of the advertisers.

Believe doesn’t seem to have any interest. Simply put, it is the duty of the Public relations in order to discover that customers His interests are in the same way as everyone else’s. Or other groups or not in this case? Such as the soap carving competition.

To see the difference between artists and Students who have supported the idea in A way to praise or praise the work being organized because Actually promoting competition is there. The issue of benefits is also involved. All of which were planted by these people.

Embed and encourage the new generation to learn about With more art, various groups have an effect. Interests overlap and create situations. Earn endless profits, for example. For example, a railway company hopes to develop its business. The public relations person also conducted a survey.

What are the views of service users on the matter? of the benefits they receive from it The company has created interactions with society and raise the level of thinking of the people at the same time

Let’s talk together before going to watch and hear more knowledge. Yes, I would like to invite all my friends and brothers and sisters. Those of you who are watching, I invite you to subscribe because the statistics behind the house are

Found to be 80 90%. The viewers who read this did not come from Subscribe, but I would like to sincerely thank you for that. You can watch, but if possible, I invite you to Subscribe and press. Set the bell so you don’t miss any new clips.

It’s like this. Thank you. Let’s go watch the clip. You can continue, which helps people feel confident. Mindful of factories and new industries, so there are factories. Business work comes in all the time until it is published. Various technical information is not just the case. Examples of equal rewards

It can be seen that the railway company has begun to operate Business has become more flexible. The goal is to promote business expansion. More benefits for railway companies and citizens The people also agreed to cooperate together. It’s good and they take care of each other very well.

Banking institutions use the same investment principles. As for the benefits that customers receive in the hope that customers will embed money into More bank accounts or the Diamond Point store itself. They may change their strategies with guarantees. Gems that are not for sale by anyone

Buyers feel at ease buying gems in the store. or the banking company itself creates the service Provide information on introducing recipes for making bread. Encourage customers to buy baking ingredients Eating bread at home, persuasive advertising concept The new era can be summarized according to psychology.

By adhering to the principle of selfishness. In the book it says that I tried to explain. About propaganda in social life Many chapters on modern Americans and how Some advertising raises questions. Come up with who they are and why. An invisible government that manipulates ideas of us, whether it be our emotions

Feel our feelings and control the way we act. Our lives in the next chapter I will try to explain. How to create propaganda for the unit Organizations are special and explain about with advertising guidelines that may go beyond what you think That’s the end of it for psychology.

Public relations if anyone has an idea. How do you see it? How is it different? I’m truly sorry for any mistakes I made. Comments, exchanging warnings or talking to each other. Yes, when the previous EP I had already done. It’s about propaganda with leaders.

Politically, who hasn’t seen it yet? Yes, you can click and continue watching. Today I will take my leave for now. Thank you. Do you believe in online love? In the book I’m trying to write sweet words like this.

What kind of words are used to express love in chat? Viewers, among these words, which words are there? Some things that make you feel shaken? These instead of someone’s name, what will that person be like? Let the audience try to imagine it. Yes, because the words in the book are words.

Something like a memory in a cool breeze. What kind of bagpipe song is this from the land of birds? I understand that you’re trying to convey sweet words. If you like to communicate through the online world, you must have

A name gets into your heart and into a person’s brain. We are amazing. When we see a name we will… The first memory came up, then the picture The other person’s good looks will naturally arise. An alphabet or language that he created himself. For this reason, perfect online lovers also

It happened. Xiao Qian and Xiao Wu also We know each other for this reason. Be careful of being stolen. Just tricked you from online, Xiao Qian. Start working normally 2 years after quitting work. She likes to go to various website forums. Get to know someone who uses a pseudonym.

That Sia Wu on the literature board said the words He is polite and has a sense of humor. Deep in literature, both of them are close to each other. A lot. After talking for a while, we made a video.

Find each other until good feelings arise. Then the 2 people will call or send a message. Like, yeah, chat and talk like in the present day. This is what Xiao Qian felt like.

She falls in love with Sia Wu more and more every time. Because Brother Wu came to work early in the morning, so that’s enough. If there was any problem, Xiao Qian would consult him. Being the first person, he himself gave advice back.

Patiently and without realizing it, if not When we talk, Xiao Qian’s heart knows. It feels weird. I can’t tell if it’s correct. Has anyone tried it? The comments came several months ago. One day Sia Wu suddenly said that he had something to do at home. I need money urgently, please ask Xiao Qian.

Xiao Qian transferred ten thousand coins to him. Are you afraid of being impersonated? Who is Sia Wu’s chat? I’m impersonating you, so I thought you’d call me to find out. It’s better to confirm what happened. Is it true or not? The young woman was hesitant, but

In the end, I decided to call the other party. Xiao Wu promised that he would return the money two months later. After that, both of them still We continued our relationship, but after 3 months passed, Sia Wu never mentioned it. Just one word about the borrowed money.

Qian Nii felt that her chest was hot and bothered. Because I don’t want to end the relationship and let go. This online love that looks like a real couple doesn’t. The topic of money has been mentioned before.

After this, we should probably be able to get Sia Wu. Find every excuse to borrow money from Xiao Qian again. Once and for all until Xiao Qiannian endured it. Unable to take it, he regained consciousness and filed a legal action.

With the other party in the end, arrogant and deceitful in society Online, they are good at guessing people’s minds. How to please others when you enter the web board In literature, he will pretend to be a gentleman.

If you know each other because of playing games, then I’d be god-level skilled if I wasn’t a skilled technician. The heart will have a sense of humor and fun that will come into the island. Holding on to your lonely heart really tightly.

These people are not criminals or living with Some people are famous for their scams. Good work, even a piece of research. Tell us if a person falls into An environment that was unfamiliar to him and his morals. It will drop down quickly because

There is no pressure from social criticism. Worried about moral criticism from others in the world Online is like this. Network. Cyber ​​networks are wide-ranging, each person is different. Mask even close friends or friends. Join the event if there are no photos or text.

How can I know who really is who? Maybe this person looks polite and polite? Be careful of your words and attitude in the society in which you live your life. Being in the online world can take off the mask.

The last piece can be removed, the hidden identity. Deeply came to take over instead and manipulate it. The story of deception and false advertising has increased. The important thing is that innocent people like us will give it away.

How can I get out? I advise everyone to stick to it. There are two principles for dating in public. The first one is number 2: Don’t talk about money. Yes, when did the mention of money come up? Please be careful. If you’re lucky, Nowadays, many websites are forced to

Use your first name and last name sometimes. Is it right or not? There are more laws to control it. Anti-scam techniques released by experts Recommendations will become more and more careful and concise. Yes, aside from being careful not to be deceived by words. Speaking elegantly, if there is a financial transaction

When it comes up, we have to keep the evidence. Like this, even if you are deceived, I’ll be able to find a way to pay it back in some way, yes. Is it with this kind of pain? Continue the topic.

There you go, the truth of broken dreams in online love. Yes, I can’t help but be tired of my dreaminess. People aren’t really just walking in the middle of the road. At night he saw the light from the fireflies and thought,

It is a light of hope for those who lack love in The real world, when seeing the words invites you to know. Feel the heart-warming few sentences in The internet thought he had found his true love. Yes, psychologists say that you focus on Where does the mind go, mostly things like this?

It will increase more because when you yearn for things. The more you will be interested in that thing until that thing It is so important that other matters are overlooked. It’s all like this. It’s this kind of thinking that drives us away.

Grab the love you want without stopping. Slack. If you can’t control it, you will fall into The state of intoxication in love can easily be seen. Most illusions in the online world come from imagination. Our own is exactly the same as what we talked about. This feeling of control from before.

Dreams are what we create. It was he who created the other person to be the ideal lover. Then add to it and make it complete. My own idea is that of a great lover. Perfect, that’s what came out from the online world. Running in our hearts, technology in

Nowadays, whether it’s a fancy camera Photo editing application. Wait a moment. The camera is cloudy. How long has this been going on? These all distort the perception. and can see all of us, plus Hidden behavior of online lovers

Yes, enough for both sides to meet face to face. This suddenly happened and the dream shattered. Yes, later, let’s talk about the young man. My name is Siew Kai. I’m a young man. Graduated from college and found true love. Beautiful in the online world. He gives his all.

The love that happened this time, sir. The young man was sleep-deprived and waited until 2 a.m. just to receive it. Phone call from the other party. Who is it? I have to comment. I don’t eat or sleep.

Wait for a reply message from your loved one. Said he was going out or going somewhere. I took the time to sit and worry about the weather. Traffic even costs the final price of things there.

Sae Kha paid a certain amount of money to buy a ticket. To fly to meet his online lover. The young man had to return with disappointment. Yes, the other party not only has a different appearance.

From the pictures that I’ve seen, I’ve seen him confiscate and even speak. Rudeness and manners also seem out of place. One consultant who sent an email told me about it. Let me tell you, I know a man. The internet felt like it was a perfect fit. Move your relationship status from friends to

As lovers, we have never met before. I want you to I sent you a picture, but I didn’t dare to send it. I thought that I might not be beautiful. Enough to be like something that catches his eye.

This is why I looked for pictures of beautiful girls in The internet, oh my, sent it instead so that He likes me. We’ve been together for 2 years. It’s been a long time. During that time he asked to meet me.

Many times, but I always refused. I was afraid. That if he gets caught I’m afraid he’ll break up with me. Not long ago we met face to face because He begged to see my face so he could see.

I immediately said that I was a fraud. Deceiving his love for 2 years, I feel really bad. I can’t live without him but I ask. No matter how I cry to him, he still doesn’t forgive me. Well, what should I do? People are drowning in this. Love that you can create easily.

Yes, because it’s mysterious, what fascinates me. More than this, it is a feeling of nostalgia. Something like this is something that online lovers can do. The best would probably be the rushing power. that is mixed with painful feelings This is it. However, people must

Face reality when it comes to love. Returning to the world of reality, the dream is extinguished. The feeling of falling from a great height is the head. A broken heart when you devote knowledge. Feeling lost in online love, try reflecting for a bit. That I accept everything that happens based on

Internet relationship or not? Online is just one way to get to know each other. Yes, many people swear by confidence that I If you’re this conscious, I know what to do. No, but is it really like that? No. In psychology, there is a theory that explains it.

That when you are in a smooth situation, you don’t get angry. I’m worried. People often get screwed by the environment. It’s easy to become infatuated. In the end, it leads to Feeling depressed and depressed, what do you want?

The same if you get to know each other face to face or You will know if you form a relationship with your lover online. It feels like everything is as smooth and easy as a crab. With the hoof of a rose, the unfaithful counselee

My partner has an online lover saying that I don’t think so. Having come this far, why can’t I withdraw? It is said that what is Reason is real and what is real has a cause. As a result, Grandma saw that online love is Serious disaster, online love may exist.

It really exists, but we should see it as a process. One of the things is getting to know each other before starting a relationship. True, if you are a person who has a passion A variety of places to build friendships with others.

It’s easy, then online love isn’t. A good method for looking for someone to love. Your social environment is rather narrow in your opportunities. Have made few friends of the opposite sex or work What’s the commotion? Don’t worry about finding a partner. Through online love or the internet, what kind?

Yes, it might be a way to help you make friends. with new people because it saves time. There’s a lot of it, but if you love online, don’t be dizzy. I absolutely must know the basic information. the other side, such as age, income, condition Family, relationships with family members, page

At present, the WeChat program is becoming popular. You can find friends from friends of friends again or even register Selected official dating website Choose and find people who have the qualities to match. I’m the best. The person who wrote it recommended

WeChat, right? But we Thai people like to use Facebook and play things like this, right? Play IG or something like that? If you exchange with the other party, you have to. How to maintain a loving relationship online

Stable for a long time. This matter is quite The danger may be that you both are The imaginative person does not dare to face the It may be because the other party has something to hide.

If you don’t dare reveal it, the best way is Try to get your online love back to you. The truth is as quickly as possible. It’s a shame that online love is a way to get to know each other.

One thing first, but it’s not a relationship like a couple. True love must grow from Being close to each other in real life, getting to know each other. More during the relationship, deep love develops.

I was touched and then took my hand and walked into the wedding ceremony. Together, friends, what are your opinions? Try exchanging comments and books. This book is a pillow-side manual for psychology. Love. If anyone is interested, I have a link in the description. You can click and order.

Please don’t forget to click “Like” and “Subscribe”. I apologize for any mistakes I’ve spoken. For today, I will take my leave for now. Thank you. I will build a business and investment with a GPS mindset. I am the emperor of Gian Kai Mi.

It can be done by inheritance as well. What is it like to be a great fighter? But it is the number of rounds that can be stood on. The greatness of a writer is The eloquence of the words and thoughts interspersed. Beautifully between the great lines is wisdom.

That is strung together and cannot be measured by Know and understand the basics of all great people. There is a legend at the foundation of the creation of heroes. Just as a good seller doesn’t undercut the price.

Because the price that is cut is a cut of value. Your own personality and true humanity is the price. True to ourselves in creating a business that To thrive, we must have an understanding of the basics. Base on helping friends The business creates stability and maintains the hand.

A career that is a rule of nature is It is not dependent on the time of manifestation. If you break the laws of your nature, You will know immediately without anyone telling you anything. Yes, every business is all trade. That selling products at discounted prices is contrary to

Nature and the truth of nature will be arranged. dealing with those things yourself without you having to Unshaken in any way, he let him run after him. The path will never end, you must choose to do it.

That is ready enough when they are refused to sell you. Just have to do more, keep doing more. Get better because diligence beats laziness. Always lazy. Be aware that the person who chooses The direction of undercutting is people who don’t have Powerful enough to reach the goal

Yes, that means being lazy if you do. If you are a hard worker, you will have higher value. At any price this is a simple natural law of every world. It’s up to you how you choose to do it.

Choosing the script and the evening that should follow things is not possible. You can fix anything, choose what you You can control it in order to solve the problem. You stop complaining and get up and do your duty. You may not get immediate results. Which is normal because everything

Must spend a period of time together, but everything One that you immediately get is a new person. Get new habits that give you and benefits in long term, which is the real asset that will Be with you forever without having to let anyone come. Any honor or award will be given to you.

What’s the benefit if you can only sell it once? Successful in only one month if you have to exchange with The brightness of the spirit within you, work hard. Until you can admire yourself, then you will

No need to fight with any world, it will become a mechanism by It’s natural in you because you overcome difficult things. The most difficult thing is defeating evil desires. yours and this is the beginning of It makes a difference between you and others. It is a device between the superficiality of desires.

With the valuable depth between acceleration Hurry with the understanding between wisdom and ignorance. Therefore, from now on, no matter what business it is How many times will you have to start over any investment? I will do it well with a strong feeling. Mentally every time. What is a mindset?

A good mindset is a mindset that understands nature and accepts the nature of that thing. Yes, you already know that creating life. Building a business and investing is very important. Risk is included in the story and the word Risk is not always negative.

To the uncertainty of which may be correct or may be good Wrong or bad things happen naturally. Therefore, a bad mindset is a mindset that resists and does not accept mistakes. Mistakes that may occur, try and seek. Find only a way that doesn’t make mistakes and be afraid of making mistakes.

Forget that every success comes from Trial and error, trial and error, countless times. Aviation innovations or inventions called that the light bulb if you are a person who understands and accepts There is a risk that you will use internal knowledge to support your needs. Mistakes that must occur during

There is definitely a way to have a knowledge set from outside. Doing as much as possible may not help create the correct mindset. Therefore, designing the way of thinking and Understand nature until a good mindset is born, that is, learning and honing internal subjects. Within you, open your beliefs.

Yes, you must have faith and openness. Yes, I mean ready to adjust my perspective. to new opinions if their reasons will That means refuting your previous beliefs. Even though you can listen until you understand. thoroughly and then put it into practice with yourself

Itself until such results are produced, then belief Changes automatically. The reason why one must have an open mindset ready to grow or grow mindset is because of the nature of People are born from having no knowledge and It matters how old you are.

New to you, you don’t know anymore, you go out and seek Always know, but if you only take what you You already know, become the starting point, you will become A person who immediately sets the framework for his own development.

Or what is called a fix mindset. From easy to difficult, start every time. Like starting with easy things and then moving on to things that It gets progressively more difficult, as I said. It has been said above that people start out without Do you know or did you know from searching for information?

And at one level, you may still not understand. Well, or maybe starting to understand at some level, but You still don’t believe it, right? Still not believing with all your heart, you can’t do it. That is continuous and the nature of Another human that will follow is you.

Might as well give up on it in the middle. The nature of creating a business or investment Yes, or even the way of life will be. In the same direction, short-term results are not

Tell whether you are currently right or if you are wrong about the game. The life of the investment game must be looked at in the long term. Yes, so starting with something easy. and not beyond the ability to understand fully

That is the foundation for accumulating confidence. various understandings for you to cope with with things that are more difficult in the process of taking action You can continue to do and understand in the future. Don’t be discouraged by the long distance. The importance of the long term, please give your opinion.

It’s more important in the long term than the short term. Because the method is a short method that It’s the best in walking towards the goal because It will keep you safe from getting lost in

Two important things. The first is not knowing the picture. The long term will affect the short term path that may It can cause you to go in the wrong direction. Realizing it again, I went back to starting at the point.

Starting over, the second thing you will encounter is knowing the long-term picture but getting stuck in a trap. of short-term images causing you to accidentally wander off the path continuously, in the end it takes time Walking towards the goal is longer anyway. Stay cool enough to wait for it.

Is it important to survive before making a profit? It can be said that you have to focus on the process. Before results, give importance to Survive in business on the way to To be successful, you have to talk to yourself well. Give yourself encouragement before talking to other people.

Create beliefs for yourself to be strong. Tightly, find a way to not lose, support it. Yes, then find a way to win. You have to design. Set your expectations well. Method 1 is that you have to

Study failure to understand that at the bad point. What would be the ultimate scenario of the following? And is it worth it or not before struggling to study? Another way to succeed is that you must Arrange the importance of various matters in Your life must be clearly understood first.

Whatever must be done first, do it first. Yes, what should I do later? What do I like? Do it later or wait and don’t do it now. There’s no harm. These things will make you starve. Endure it, train your mind and survive in business and another way is that you must

Always remember that if the worst happened It depends on how you decide and how to handle it. And if you fall, what method will get you up? Get it as quickly as possible. Stay cool enough. Waiting to get it is a matter of the mind. Yes, as I always emphasize, intensity

Inner strength must be coupled with seeking ways. and outside information. Everyone’s encouragement is there. You can only give me the strength of your heart. You, you have to create it yourself. In the end it will be cool.

To have enough to wait for it is to not focus only on seeking. Happiness, profit or success? It is that you have to find a way to not suffer. Managing Expectations: How to Survive in A difficult situation like this will It’s even better because if you can do it like this,

You will be happy and be able to wait. Automatic. I want to be afraid of making mistakes. Don’t be afraid of failure, look at the value. Yes, I would like to say that this was a mistake. It’s not scary, what’s scary is The place you trust is not right, so don’t be afraid.

It’s a mistake if it must happen. You try to be careful according to your knowledge and The ability that you have is a treasure trove at this time. When you have to decide to do something. As always, you know that because humans We start from ignorance. It shows that in

The reality is that people should try and make more mistakes. Try it right and if you just dare to take specific actions. Only things that are certain to be correct are true. You might think to yourself that this is right.

Parentheses, you probably haven’t done much in your life. How much is it because of the investment? Or put in any effort or brain power, it depends. It’s equal to having its own risks. Yes, and therefore uncertainty equals some wrongness. Some are right if you don’t understand things.

You will not dare to invest in anything. Or do it boldly and be afraid of the results. There is no way to the fullest either, and that’s important. The reason you invest in something is because It will give you results and rewards. Take risks, not invest because you think it will happen.

Is it like this or in the future, which it may not be? It’s worth the risk, so I would like to ask you to review this set of minds when you are confused. Or before investing in anything.

Will it make you not afraid of making mistakes? Brave enough to decide not to do anything at all. It’s a risk because of fear of making mistakes. Or being afraid of losing and not taking action means that

You definitely have a chance of losing, so use the compass or GPS mindset that I told you about in the set. This is for you to understand and accept. The nature of things that will happen. Continue until the end and there is A new story arises again.

This continues so that wisdom will arise. When you understand and accept these nature Yes, which of course has nothing to do with intelligence. Or not being smart at all because when you enter The mind rules the nature of wisdom that arises within oneself. You will make yourself aware that there is nothing.

That you must adhere to everything Follow the process you have in place which may There will be mistakes along the way. It’s normal. The internal subjects that you practice have accumulated. Until it can be taken out and used immediately, you will not have Fear sucks and you are ready to accept whatever.

Well, it can be developed and fixed in every matter. What are you stuck about? Not everyone has these mindsets or they get them from being good at studying. Is it number one or has a large collection of knowledge? Ultimately, it depends on who understands the rules. Nature has more to offer, so a

Good mindset will make you design your life will make you happy. Methods of thinking and understanding consistent with Nature in the most appropriate way, it’s not. Yes, for nothing else than for you to have fun and There is happiness in doing things. continuously until the end and You can be successful every time


สั่งซื้อหนังสือ 📚 ได้ที่ลิงค์นี้เลยครับ 👇

(เล่ม 1 )

(เล่ม 2 )

(เล่ม 3 )

(เล่ม 4 )

(เล่ม 5 )

(เล่ม 6 )

(เล่ม 7 )

#ช้อปปี้ถูกชัวร์ #ถูกชัวร์ไม่มีหลอก

0:00 – THINK AGAIN (1)
5:48 – เชอร์ล็อกโฮล์มส์ (2)
53:29 – ฮาร์วาร์ด เล่ม 2 (3)
58:13 – อวยตัวเองยังไงไม่ให้ดูน่าเกลียด (4)
1:06:53 – โฆษณาชวนเชื่อ (5)
1:27:57 – คู่มือข้างหมอนจิตวิทยาความรัก (6)
1:39:15 – THE PROMISE KEEPER (7)


#พอดแคสต์พัฒนาตัวเอง #พัฒนาตนเอง #JPS #podcast #หนังสือดี #หนังสือดีบอกต่อ #หนังสือพัฒนาตนเอง #หนังสือเสียง #จิตวิทยา #สรุปหนังสือเสียง #ประสบความสำเร็จ #สำเร็จเร็ว #ข้อคิดจากหนังสือ #รวย #ความรวย #หาเงิน #ลงทุน #เรียนรู้ #Money #ความสำเร็จ #การเงิน #แรงบันดาลใจ #business #คำคม #คิดบวก #คำสอน #นักพูดสร้างแรงบันดาลใจ #การใช้ชีวิต #คิดลบ #mindset #แรงดึงดูด #กดแรงดึงดูด #คำคมคนสำเร็จ #มหาเศรษฐี #passiveincome #สะกดจิตให้รวย #คำพูดดึงดูดเงิน #ตั้งเป้า #คนรวย #คนจน #รวยง่ายๆ #ความลับคนรวย #รวยได้ง่ายๆ #อยากรวยทำไงดี #อยากรวยทำอย่างไร #วิธีคิดของคนรวย #stevechen #jawedkarim #ทัศนคติ #ทัศนคติคนรวย #rich #กำลังใจ #ออมเงิน #เพิ่มความรวย #ไม่มีทุน #mindsetsuccess #ลงทุนง่ายๆ #รวยได้ง่ายๆ #ผลงานวิจัยคนรวย #ผลตอบแทน #ไม่มีทุน #กำไร #วางแผนการเงิน #อยากเกษียณ #ออมเงิน #เคล็ดลับ #เทคนิค #อยากมีเงินเยอะ #เพิ่มความรวย #อยากรวยทำไงดี #เงิน #เงินเฟ้อ #หนังสือดีมาก #สิ่งที่คนรวยทำ #สินทรัพย์ #นักลงทุน #ขุมทรัพย์การลงทุน #ความลับของคนรวย #สิ่งที่คนรวยทำ #ธุรกิจ #วิธีคิดคนสำเร็จ

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