
Hello everyone I am Big Fly A new day has begun Ready to go today Laiyang is almost less than 100km away. Pack your things Continue today’s itinerary get up I looked at my express. Should be almost there tomorrow There is one last thing All nailed to Laiyang Including my stove

There are also some things used in the car. I ‘ve been waiting for the express these days. I didn’t expect to be there. Burn some hot water This is the food left over from last night. There is a little bit more Drink earlier. I ‘ve lost a little bit of blood today.

The snow was very thick when I came here yesterday. Also stopped a few cars rent a small house It was the campsite last night Let’s go. Departure Today is still the first Train 2206 continue to ride It’s warm today and skiing starts. The whole road is full of water. drop the chain

Stop the car Oh, this car has a problem every day. Because the weight-bearing is not the same as the weight-bearing one. Keep dropping This is Rice Town. This town is quite big There is a precious metal refining field next to it. So say more prosperous This way. Leave the words here

20km later there is a town Ha ha ha ha ha Direct departure Today, it may still be dark. Go to the town ahead and get supplies. Don’t stop here This side of the road is also all hilly not the very flat kind One up, one up, one up But it’s okay

The road is wider The snow here is really thick. I painted for two days Not finished yet This roadside is full of rabbit footprints. This season, rabbits are the best. And if it’s a smelling string dog. Because the rabbit can’t jump See those footprints? Someone must be catching rabbits. This need not think

It must be limited to dogs. Just the kind of thin dog Oh, yes, I have already dealt with it now. Then I’ll wait for the payment, right No, no, no. I just started to deal with it. I just started processing After so many years of payment

It will take years to make the payment. This is more serious for our people Now the sea of people down the road Okay, okay. What information do you need over there What cooperation is needed Just call me when the time comes Uh-huh, okay, okay, okay Okay, okay. Rest for two minutes

The accident six months ago has not been dealt with until today. The result was just about to be dealt. Because the injured person on the other side of the subject’s car is serious. At that time, I still can’t get out of bed. Maybe it’s my side.

Because it was an accident between the two sides. Up to now, it has been dragging Call today. That meaning will be dealt with immediately I guess it will take years to finish it. At the time, I thought This matter will definitely not be finished for a while.

The snow on this side of Shandong This year is also very, very thick Extra thick It took two days. It was bigger before it melted. When I returned to Weihai that day It’s snowing heavily in Yantai It should be this snow. This picks up today Tomorrow will be warmer than today.

The day after tomorrow, you can cool down. Turn left onto National Highway 206 And 10km. This 10km is better to ride I feel like it’s all downhill I will leave before dawn May arrive after dark For the ideal of infinite yearning Along the way infinite sentimental With already scabbed scars

Continue to chase the fleeting time The decent flowers are blooming on the hills. That you are the distance I seek Once the ignorant youth Wind frost sword carved face Have we changed now? Once I was not afraid of wind and rain All over the world for home Although the heart occasionally hurt

Don’t worry too much There are 67km If you buy supplies Actually, just camp here. There’s a little shed over there Go up to that little shed There is no guarantee. Mountain forest and fruit Green Wanggezhuang This is Wanggezhuang Town Should This town is so small There are only a few sellers.

The supermarket is here. buy something There’s grain and oil here need something Make it all up. You get the meat. No pancakes here. I asked anyone who doesn’t sell pancakes nearby. I bought two buns. and instant noodles water ham sausage That’s all Dinner tonight Right here in town today Camping.

The blood is a little stiff. this is quite deep There’s a gazebo over there Ouch, eat so hard Can we camp here? It’s slippery down there. a little water There’s ice down there This is the main street lamp next to the town. I feel good

You can still have something to eat in the town tomorrow morning. Camping here tonight There’s snow down there I feel that I can’t find a good place to find it. Definitely go out Without a house. Still want Outdoor camping may be in the snow Let me clear it Clear not moving

I am full of water below That won’t work That’s it. Superchild threw it here I’m not leaving tonight either. Camping here. If I leave again Can’t necessarily find a better than this campsite Spread directly on this snow The ground is all frozen This is all the snow water painted during the day

It freezes at night. a little slippery If you knock it, it’s easy to buckle and break it. I feel like It’s too slippery The sun should come from this position. The snow over there is not much During the day, it is still pulling So I didn’t choose to pitch a tent on this.

I’m afraid when I get up in the morning The salt dripping on it is not good. So it’s on the snow. make food I bought instant noodles tonight Cook a instant noodle Then ham sausage And the old godmother This is really cold Oh, I feel colder than the northeast

My feet are freezing off I also wear two pairs of socks Wearing two pairs of socks doesn’t work. damp cold I bought two steamed buns The energy of the instant noodles is not the energy of the ham noodles is not Then eat a steamed bread I bought two meals

When the time comes to buy Not only can’t buy I can’t eat it after I buy it Take it with you Find a good place with chopsticks Put it in the scabbard cut ham sausage Today’s words have been turning over the mountain Tomorrow. And found now flash

After arriving in Laiyang, the road will be level. This piece of words What is the name of this mountain? I don’t know. Anyway, there are so many scattered hills. There’s a Rushan over there I turned over Kunyushan that day. Anyway, this piece is still more. Uneven road If you want a flat road.

Now it takes about two or three hours to get up a lot. Tomorrow is 70km. I don’t know if I can get to Laiyang Where to calculate The main express has already arrived It’s frozen. There is not much paint inside. A fire will arrive Otherwise he has ice

Is a bottle of water enough? I feel a bottle is not enough for a bottle and a half These are pretty much Brush some drink Two packs of instant noodles will be broadcast This small pot also has a pack of instant noodles. To be honest, I don’t want to put this oil bag

If you put it This pot brush is very difficult to brush I this what Non-stick sample clear soup noodles Just a little salt. Main cold days without hot water Heat The pressure cooker can’t be brushed at all. OK let it cook for a while OK OK ripe ventilation Give him a break

Duck Eating I feel that the cooked instant noodles are a little too strong. A knife may break Not bad Lao Gan Ma Noodles Then another steamed bread this steamed bread is quite big Eat quickly into the tent The car was covered with frost. The humidity here is relatively high.

I changed it again when I got up tomorrow morning. This winter town It’s so quiet Not a single person Sticking a warm treasure Looking for stones. If I freeze off Good night, everyone. Tomorrow. If Laiyang can turn over The words of this mountain Just try to turn it over

You don’t have to take the mountain road. But can’t turn over Then Stay on the road for another day or two. Come here See you tomorrow



  1. 大飛抗冷的裝備要夠,車禍理賠有著落恭喜你,那單車就更新比較好,騎行才安全,祝你回家ㄧ路平安!

  2. 我很懷疑,氣罐用火烤不怕爆炸嗎?真的很危險⚠️!大飛,你從來不回應粉絲的留言?這麼大牌嗎?

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