
Warcraft is such a small explanation. Today is to continue to bring you a A non-mainstream competition in Lingguagua So this game The brothers saw it too. Leading quack is using the undead Was born in the lower right corner of the map of Quake On the top left is a red Terran player

It must be a string of English Let’s take a look at an exchange between the two sides of the game. The undead hit the Terran Lin Quagua didn’t use his starting block. Instead of using the undead Let’s see how the performance of the exaggerated game will be played.

Or what kind of one will Lin Guagua use? Non-mainstream tactics to fight the opponent Because there are really a lot of quack tactics recently. And now they are still fighting with their opponents in different races. The words of the undead

Before, I remember that condensation was also a thousand powder willow used several times. very beautiful So look at this game on top of this picture. How will Lin Gua’s tactics be used? Then if everyone likes Lin quack You can also take a look at Warcraft III. Lin quack quack quack’s commentary

Quack’s first perspective is still very interesting. Have said this sentence There is a fraternity to say ah Xiao Fan I like to listen to your explanation Lin Gung’s explanation was a bit of a shock. In fact, it is not Quack words

Perhaps because I was playing the first angle of view of the game At such times In fact, it is really difficult to control your emotions. But, to be honest, it would be more passionate. But it will be more comfortable to watch. Xiao Fan’s truth is that sometimes a little monk chants sutras. Right?

Just this concept Let’s take a look at this side. When condensing the starting hero, he chose the Lord of Fear. Ah, the opponent is a Paladin starter. Maybe it is. The blacksmith also built The soldiers are a little slower. The police officer came up and pulled a puppy to hit the opponent’s farmer.

Fear hits paladin I feel that both heroes are quite targeted. That Paladin has a hand to shine with the holy light. Fear has a hand to sleep The night is summoning Well, this side, Lin Guang, was also sold. I went back to the city and bought a lucky place and a skeleton stick.

Should be ready to practice mining This puppy is still chasing the farmer. Hey, this farmer is going to turn back Is this farmer so brave? Paladin didn’t even come to help you. I can’t chase my face anymore. Er… Still want to chase also want to chase

The farmer gave this opportunity to the turtle. It’s time to, er, take a walk. Hey, this puppy, oh, it’s a mistake. Can you walk? Should be able to go Should be able to go The fear on this side is still leveling. The opponent Paladin has been captured. A holy light

I want to kill this Shi Sen. Don’t just say you dare to come again I just fell asleep You little dog, hurry up and go Here, another holy light, Shi Sen, hides in. Then Paladin can shine the holy light from a distance here. Three holy light to kill a Shi Sen turn

I don’t think it’s earned. It’s not necessary It is better for this Terran to train himself. Because you didn’t stop Lin Quagua’s link Master, just fill in one Lingguang was originally intended to mine and not upgrade science and technology. At this time, Paine will go home and have a look.

A knock on the militia With a musket Directly set this level 5 lobster man melon This way, the words now are really in the past. It’s okay to rebuild the root tower and have a look. Then, fear is also continuing to practice. In this case, the two sides will still practice each other.

The paladin on this side played a defense ring plus four Another intellectual book. Ah, the team leader here is talking about it. It takes a few more dogs to get this lobster. This lobster has high armor. Six point armor is a little immovable.

Let’s take a look at the Terran after practicing this point. Paladin to level two Where will I practice next? Do you want to mine At present, human science and technology has not yet risen. The musket continues to be mended That quack At present, the distribution mine is already open. What about fear here?

Do you want to buy another set of skeleton sticks when you go back? Another piece of blessed land light Do you want to open a mine? Here comes another piece of land. No go up Where to go after summoning Then let’s take a look at Guagua. Should Guagua continue to practice?

Well, here we are at the Fund Lab. The curse sect waits for an opportunity The coagulation light here is using the hinterland to practice. The advantage of this is that puppies will return blood faster. And a blood-sucking aura The whole chain will be easier. That’s when the Terrans knocked on the militia.

Prepare to practice this crazy one on the left Our troops are under attack Hit a reborn sword Look at both sides. It should all be mining. The Terran side should also be open. Moreover, the Terran wave uses muskets to fight for zero flowers. This wave of puppies still has advantages

The dog’s musket is still very difficult. Special musket round volley If your dog goes up and scratches can’t scratch Because there is the light of paladin in What about this side for melons? Or motor-based Quickly raise fear first. Four machines move

The opponent here also wants to come to the goblin in the lower right corner. First level It turned out that this point was gone. Go to the ore division with continuous scraping But the mine is also ready. There’s an ice tower. Then look at the opponent like this. Four muskets are coming.

One paladin over Is there a tower here or should we pay attention to it This puppy here is careful. Oh, just walk The opponent didn’t find it. In the eyes of the opponent, there is only aura to divide the mine. This point dropped a stone sengua melon This wave you also came

But in terms of this aura This wave really can’t hit Forget this wave Let’s go. I say I sleep Paladin gives you a musket Can’t kill You really can’t kill such a dog. It’s gone directly This musket still has an advantage. Can fight and can resist also not brittle

Then hang this wave like this To pull out all the dogs in the house It is estimated that the only way to pull it out is to pull it out. Because the aura saw the opponent did not go That can only spell Fear can sleep on this side

Surround this musket with one hand The opponent still wants to shine This is Sen. If you click again, you will call 13. It’s acceptable for Linggua. You hit it There is no need for divine light to shine 14 Then the opponent will not withdraw here. This musket is going to die a lot.

Back to the city This must be going back to the city Because there’s an ice tower in your musket. You can’t pull it. This wave of opponents knocked out two 13 The curse killed a dog I used a book to go back to the city Dead a musket

I feel that my opponent is not right either. The melon put down the second drop of blood Now, 13, continue to make up for it. Now build more towers. Opponent’s words The tower is already being built here. Crazy is good. Waiting for an opportunity Summon Complete Now, look at the red people

At present, science and technology have also been promoted by two points. It is easy to hang up. The two books on this side have also stopped. Technology is needed. Even if it’s all puppies or ghosts or whatever. After the technology You at least have a dog. Can increase attack and defense

Can also mention Ah, if you don’t exercise restraint… If this puppy alone has zero attack and zero defense Even if its power is not strong It’s the same with any soldier. Including orc headhunters ac of the dark night Even the people’s militia To rise to science and technology to do

Can also rise to the top The Capstone Militia are inheriting their offensive and defensive upgrades like Fordman The change of peasants has not changed the militia. Then take a look at the aura here Practice the ore on the right again. Peacock Plume can also rise to four The people here are very smart.

I bought an airship. Paladin with four muskets The preparation is to sneak attack the mine of ordered melons. After coming down Just click on Shi Sen’s divine light and take a photo. Click off one and start to hang up the mine lid.

The mine lids on both sides of the finless porpoise are still a little different. The mine cover here You see, the space behind is bigger If you want the musket to stand here It will be very convenient to hit this farmer. Here, it feels like the space behind is a little smaller.

Here is also quite big It’s not too big here. Feel here is the biggest Summon Complete Let’s take a look. What about the light here? Already level four fear Do you want to continue to practice Still want to practice that level five fear A third-level blood sucking can also be used. home words.

At present, a force with a population of 32 is zero. There is no other population. Continue to put the second mine Continue to look at the second sub-mine. The fear on this side is still leveling up. The game has just been played for nine minutes. This wild monster is sleeping

Let’s take a look at Paladin. That’s also the goblin display in the upper left corner, which will rise by four. To the four-week paladin I feel that I can raise a halo. Invincible does not need to be upgraded to two levels. I feel that three auras will be much better.

As long as the musket can stand Because now the aura of fear is already enhanced. This holy belt top halo words In fact, this musket really can’t move Mind fire plus attack and defense Who can hit this musket? What about the condensation here first fear? Ready to run to the opponent’s main base

The opponent’s airship is ready to look to the right. Is the madness of condensation open So a look really is a curse Just want to point out the ore distribution of 20 hanging Our troops are under attack Quack this wave is to the opponent’s main base took a look

Found so many tower house sealed again Can’t get in This is nothing for the peacock This paladin is really invincible at two levels. These three auras feel better This musket is brittle without armor. The Terrans also built two in this goblin lab. I built a farm.

Do a good job of visual field investigation Quack now Ouch So many dogs. Three thirty-nine population of puppies There are two more areas on this side. This is four areas. The attack and defense here are also being mentioned. Already attacked. One horse rises well Two attacks should also be mentioned.

Let’s see if this plate is a wave of puppies. This tactic seems to have 120 played before. Is to play 120 120 hit zero also used If you accept the rental dog In fact, there is only one thorn left in the house. I want to stick to obstacles

That this side of the fear comes to the lower left The Terrans are on the top right. Both sides are practicing a turtle of their own You practice I also practice The upgrade of condensation will rise faster. A fear of level five is coming soon. It is OK to play a rebirth equipment

Study completed Lanling king this point of golden light flash five levels of fear At present, paladin’s words haven’t reached me yet. Six skills are still a few points short. That quack. At this time, it upgraded a three-level rotten bee colony. Take a purple medicine Ready to go to the opponent’s madness

Ouch, what’s wrong with this mine? What’s wrong Tower wow The opponent is the White Tower. What about this side? Quack went to the store and bought a stealth potion. Prepare to steal the opponent’s mine. Then forget it This is divided into three holy towers in the past

This fear feeling can only put a revenge Wen Jun The second auxiliary sub-group may not be able to come out. How does this whole subduction grouping Or go here Pull back after the fight. Forget it. Forget it. Forget it. Spirit Monster Forget it Can’t hit This way.

The opponent’s Paladin has a few muskets. It is to continue to divide the mine on the right side of Linghang. Just don’t give zero hanging mining There is also a Santa Tower. There’s Santa outside It’s too hard for fear Find a corner and put a dive first. The dim king hides again

The opponent this wave of farmers should pay attention to pull away Don’t go yet Don’t go, it’s coming Oh, why don’t you go That ginger is bright Find a seat and try again. Two farmers died. Then the others have to go quickly. React to the opponent Withdrawal study completed

Lanlingguang can also be divided into groups with two revenge planes. However, the rival farmers were dragged away. The effect is not big Come here again and see what it is. If you hit it, you will hit a farmer. It’s a waste of time past direct point But

But the opponent has a gun turret No way. And here’s the artillery turret Even the melon is estimated to be stunned There are a lot of towers here. There are also many kinds. Every tower. Plus fear Simply go back. The Red Terrans use airships Then continue to practice the 12 o’clock position.

This side can shine the holy light on this musket. You see, if there is no halo Oh, this musket Does this musket have no holy light? Ouch, what are you doing when you ask him to pull I want to say that I carried it for half a day.

You don’t give me the holy light You use a blood stick There is a holy light He didn’t repair it. What’s wrong with this brother? I played well in the early days. Yinguang here continues to mine. No matter what Just open the mine first.

The opponent also built two farms in the top ten in two places. Eight monsters level five fear devil to go up Opponent Paladin’s go down The two sides fought. And then go down each Go up That fear on this side takes another stealth potion Also want to harass

If you hang up at home now, it’s four crypt-popping puppies. Then he put a slaughterhouse 3kmAlso in the body Wow. So many puppies. Here is also ah a lot What about fear? Come here, Paladin Continue to beat back the madness of the aura Fear in the past found the opponent too light

Have a reaction This can’t get in The opponent out of the tank Besides, it has upgraded a rocket barrage. What is this? Does he think that aura will flow between heaven and earth That is not ah Guagua this wave of words Is the puppy with a population of 80 ready to rush?

Two attacks and two defense crazy dogs should be upgraded Because with three technologies, they go very fast. That spirit monster this wave is coming All the puppies together. I am a puppy with a population of 80. mighty buy good All good blue screen purchase The opponent was dumbfounded when he saw Paladin.

What? Oh, this wave is okay The top is invincible This pani’s three-level upgrade and two-level invincible Just don’t rise halo I think this wave of words If you get a three-level halo Two levels of blood is enough Paddington just use the airship to operate it. Because if there’s a level three aura

You six armor plus one This musket is really good. Two more muskets have been left here to shine. This is God. He didn’t want the right side of the mine. But Guagua bought a bomber here. It seems that there are three bombers here. I bought three bombers directly. This wave is coming.

Should an army with a population of 86 blow up tanks? Study completed This side is going to be fried together. Don’t spread out To spread out If you don’t disperse, something will happen. Blow it up and blow it up. This way, ouch This tank is useless. Tanks, you can’t hit puppies.

Wow Lin Quack The 80-population puppy rushed directly to the opponent group And the Red Terrans At present, Paladin has also come to Linguang’s crazy advertisement. This wave doesn’t matter just change it Fear to level six The zombie fire turret is not very useful either. surrounded by puppies I can’t beat anyone.

Our Muscles Little Children Well, in that case… This wave for the red race The crazy moment is gone. I can’t hit it here. There are tanks. I really can’t beat the melon and went straight back to the city. Ouch, come back to the city The tanks were surrounded. Wow so many puppies

Another rotten swarm This puppy is very suitable for tank playing. Hit very fast Well, tanks can’t hit puppies again. There are not many muskets here. In fact, the red Terrans should fire their guns. Isn’t it great to shoot this puppy with a firearm?

What about this fear? It’s a one-on-one fight with Paladin here. This tank is going to be finished. Oh, this fear level is coming up This wave of Terrans has a problem choosing I mean, no tanks Tanks can also feel But you can’t hit these puppies head-on. Can’t fight I can’t even fight

The fear has expired. Ouch, Paladin, be careful. There is a single pass Come on, let’s go. Sleeping, sleeping You wanna go no way This back to the city you must call ah Three layers inside and three layers outside to surround you

Now a wave of dogs with a population of 70 have been shut down. Three attacks and three defenses are up Keep the three muskets on this side In order not to condense light mining The red men continued mining at 12 o’clock. The wind mine here is still facing the light.

I didn’t knock it off. But it doesn’t matter This mine won’t last long Lingguang is going Then Lin Guang doesn’t have much money now. After all, it is divided into mine owners and mine money, although there are many But has been consumed What about the opponent? Paladin chose to come stealth

What is this opponent doing? I feel that my opponent also wants to play some non-mainstream games in this set. As a result, after encountering the tactic of Lin Guang The opponent is also reasonable. I can’t say for sure. The opponent originally wanted to use paladin to play non-mainstream

Then this wave was caught again. These two tanks can’t get away. There are so many puppies around your tank. I can do it myself. I can also stand This is so much fun So many puppies. Ouch, don’t send this tank like this. The paladin on this side goes on.

To point out this world god of aura No matter the light line Anyway, here comes your tank I’ll give you some You see, this tank will be surrounded when it comes out. Fear is already seven levels and half experienced. Wow, this dog is so fast. 68 population three attack crazy dog

There are two blood suckers It’s like the main base of the current human race. Although Tadot This puppy is unreasonable Rush in Hellfire hit began to slowly dismantle In that case, the opponent Paladin can only come back. If you don’t come back The house was demolished sooner or later.

The condensed line is unreasonable. Just tear down the house I don’t care about anything I’ll just tear it down After dismantling all the way, leave This hellfire has finally been knocked out. But Hellfire also carried a lot of damage

There are still a lot of imps to ensure that there are still a lot of them. This way, you’re off Keep rushing in. Oh, my opponent’s words. I feel that I am really a little confused now. How can this be done? Then why do you have so many puppies

At this time, the militia had not knocked yet. The artillery turret is here. This wave is still to be dismantled The aura puppy is still rushing up What about the ore now The opponent’s musket is still slowly point But it’s already eight levels of fear, a wave of puppies firing turrets.

Otherwise, I can’t carry it. The firepower of this turret is a bit fierce. This turret is really a bit of a firepower. The dog couldn’t carry it. Guagua this wave of troops also died a lot To continue to push home The troops who cut off the tanks were attacked.

What about here? Another cannon was fired. You’ll have to drop this gun. This fear is already eight levels and half experience. Almost. This is the last gun. If the push is completed That for the human race This main base will also be lost. The Terrans don’t have much money to build towers now.

This paladin’s body is not blue either. Be careful of being surrounded by paladin with a stealth potion First top invincible What about this aura? Oh, it’s surrounded. No way Then return some blood like this Paladin said I couldn’t hit. I can’t fight without the holy light. Lin Guang’s puppy should still be mending

I took the stealth potion here. I said I can’t help you being invisible. Well, here, you see, many puppies are rushing forward. This way, this wave of dogs surrounded the cross again. surround the tank. I dug up the ore. Still stepping on it

What about the rival Terrans? A bunch of towers were built at 12 o’clock. This spirit hanging is also forced to break the tower array Aladdin made him slip out After all, stealth also can’t fight What about the condensation here? It’s ready to put the opponent Three main bases have been removed.

Home’s main mine to 700 much of the economy What about puppies? There are no puppies with a population of 45 for the time being. three attacks and three defenses Then continue to dismantle this base. Go in and tear it down for you. Pie is waiting for an opportunity.

Ah, at this time, for Paladin Not to the six people this set In fact, if the fire gun I feel just can hold Even if you put out a little gun to defend at home, it might be much better. Just rely on artillery alone. Artillery can’t move after all

I’ll hang up here and go back to the city. Still want to save their own mine This paladin’s still bought another invisible potion. What about this wave? Puppies surround it again Waiting for you to end invincibly Yeah, now I want to knock this tower out.

When the holy light shines, it is to kill the god of death. This tactic is a bit like fq’s. It’s a paladin to harass your mine. But now for the light of the words Waiting for you to end invincibly I want you to look good This side still want to go

Invincible to be gone There is an invincible body Ouch, this side is surrounded again. There are too many puppies. In that case, it is definitely impossible. You said in front of the peacock to be simply afraid. Said I this lose face That will surround again Another seven-second invincible curse

The next invincible paladin is almost time. Well, it consumes like this I said I’m not leaving either Take this stealth potion or stealth Want to go I’m coming over a rotten swarm Take a picture of blood at 94 o’clock. Oh, the top of the tower is gone. Level 9 is scared

Wow, that’s for the human race. I didn’t think there was a dog left here. Take a direct photo Now the Terrans have 12 o’clock bullets and a wave of towers. This tower seems to be more than just ah It’s really impossible to build a tower with opponents alone. You light build the tower

You have no money You leave all your money on the tower Only passive defense. Can’t attack In terms of condensation Not really. I’ll turn a few bicycles and push them slowly. Do the Red Four have the money to resurrect now? No money left The opponent is also a miracle

We are also attacking Lin Quack. In the end, it was the crazy dog tactics of the 80 population. defeated the opponent Get the victory of this game Thank you brothers for watching again.


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