Most expensive hotel 🇻🇳 world’s cheapest country

It’s squ yeah thank you wow so beautiful  this video I’m going to be vlogging at the   most expensive hotel in the world’s cheapest  country in the evening is more beautiful in   the evening it’s more beautiful well  I think I came at the right time you

Know little Kim Little Birdies this is  I Jam in spa in a swimming pool okay I   think it’s too cold to swim even I’m I’m not  going in for that today before we get to the   Metropole Hotel we’re going to do a full  walking and eating tour in the old quarter  

Of Hanoi at the most famous food spots pimp  beautiful thank you it’s my brother thanj we   are right in the heart of Oldtown just a block  from WM Lake and we’re going to go to King Roy   which is a beautiful little dessert shop  it’s probably loud and crazy here we are  

Stuck in the middle of Hanoi traffic but they  make these gorgeous little baked buns they’re   less than a dollar and they’re delicious we can  make it through this maelstrom we will get you there didn’t get any good shots of it but  the baking process is pretty beautiful and  

Unique so they were sold out of my favorite ones  which are like coffee flavored but each bun is   actually like filled with the goopy stuff and  then popped with this little spiral of cheese   that’s sweetened and then baked on and forms  this ridiculously beautiful crust they’re so  

Delicious man you’re going to get super fat cuz  they’re really buttery and Rich but they’re yum   I kind of got a decent shot of it here like  when I pan over but you don’t really see the   effect of what she’s actually doing it’s  this like delicious baked icing CFE Cafe  

CA chocolate coffee no no home okay more whatever  eventually I figured out and I just got a couple   chocolate ones they’re still delicious and  they’re like 10K which is maybe 30 cents or [Music] something let’s dig in this road see  if we can find a spot where we’re not going  

To get absolutely crushed by traffic this  is one of my fav sweets to grab in Hanoi   they just swirl a little bit of icing on  top and then bake this one is going to be   stuffed with a little bit of chocolate  I think will be sweeter they also do a  

Nice one it sold out right now but has like a  coffee butter swirl on top let’s see how this is [Music] m oh it’s so yummy perfect little snack just goof it I lost it I lost the [Music]

Chocolate King Roi is so good less than a buck all  right guys I’m recording this the second time cuz   I’m a on and I just left my microphone turned  off but basically I was going to tell you that  

Hanoians will try and run you down and kill you  with their motorcycles they do not care at all   and this isn’t a joke I’m being dead serious or  if it’s funny it’s like a sign way you just got to  

Stick your arm up and then like try and give them  cut eye and not slow down cuz if you go backwards   they won’t see that coming and they’ll hit you and  like that’s just basically the role here and no  

I’ve been with my parents before who are elderly  and used like a cane and a walker and the no did   not care at all they don’t slow down an inch  or give for anyone you got to love it so we’re  

Coming up to like the main intersection right by  H Kim Lake it’s like a big huge turnaround there’s   a couple massive cafes and bars above it and it’s  also known for tons of TOS but the nice thing is  

That during these holiday times they actually shut  down the street around the lake and traffic here   as you’ve already seen is insane so it makes it  a lot safer and a lot more fun to be able to walk  

Around the lake without uh almost getting killed  by bikes and cars H hi okay so you should also   know that like local people don’t really go out  that much in the middle of the day so this lake  

Is like absolutely packed at dawn and after dust  so midday like this when it’s chill is the best   time to go unless you want to get totally swarmed  by backs of local tourists joggers Runners couples  

On dates and in general just like a teeming mass  of humanity when I came here with my parents they   literally didn’t want to leave their hotel room  because you could not walk around this Lake it   was like being in Golden week China during the  absolute Insanity when people are just straight  

Up filet sardine in a tin pressed together  packed on Sal this is a classic old temple   in the lake I think it’s about a thousand years  old sitting in the middle of H Kim and you can see that beautiful little Scenic bridge that is  

Like the picture [Music] spot and on  this holiday weekend Christmas Eve and   a Sunday it is packed with local people  hanging out tourists women come to take photos the beauty of Hanoi hidden charms of beautiful Hanoi local girl  shows me ultimate food [Music] tour yeah so we’re  

Actually headed to AEM like a tiny little Alleyway  just off the lake whereas there is a famous old B   shop and we’re going to get a bowl of the classic  sizzling beef garlic traditional hanoian for so  

We’re about I think we’re about 100 met in there  somewhere up through this mass of people and down   a hidden Alleyway you can it is like definitely  worth it to come here on the weekend or a holiday   when the road is closed down because it is  usually super dangerous and treacherous just  

Across this street even though it is one of the  you know sort of more popular tourist destinations   they’re usually bikes just like absolutely  ripping by this is also where Bourdain filmed   his his famous episode of Hanoi where they like  knobbed up a GoPro on a motorbike and he drove  

Loops he’s actually driving loops around this  like tiny little oval where people work out and   jog in a very touristy part of town and uh sweet  I think I talked just enough to last us to get  

To foot in here it’s uh got a bit of a lineup  outside but hopefully we’ll be able to get in there what a first impression this Alleyway was  filthy but straight up annoying that probably   means the food’s good and look at it just  packed with local deep fried bread sticks so

Good yeah the brisket looks really nice it’s like the classic cook brisket  and ra [Music] so looks really [Music] Yummy all right bonus tourist note this sign is   also implying that Donald Trump  and Kim Jong Un have had this soup served up to the meeting oh look at  this brisket wow looks good whole thing s on wow that is a big delicious hunk of me [Music] oh so you can see the whole process  and that brisket is just ending up in   those beautiful paper thin slices perfectly  cooked and tasty ready for the bowl of soup Um interesting so we’re paying for a deep  fry bread separately before we get the soup   but I guess it’s just so busy here that  they’re taking cash up front this looks   super delicious oh yeah go yeah so we got bits  of the raw beef in there just like cooking in  

The Steam and then also the like long slow  cook brisket this looks absolutely delicious that some hot sauce and some lime in [Music] there you want to eat the bread sticks too yeah for so good there just like a delicious fried  and the soup is hot spicy really rich beefy

Broth the spicy and the flavoring  everything is just like way cleaner   simpler straight up de fro not  so much like what you get in   seon where it’s a lot fishier a lot  more enough mom and also a lot more sugar mom pickled garlic m what you read

Yeah I mean compared to the BL really BL  water down for near our place and also the   10 place is salty too salty for me Sal no  no the [Music] 10 it’s too salty but that’s yeah it’s strong the bro is really clean  right yeah it is it’s delicious the brisket  

And the broth and the star here but  it’s like I mean this to me is just   like the classic the epitome of F and  anoy even though it’s obviously packed   and it’s like a known spot it’s been  around for decades forever right like  

Yeah to me this is strong this is like  a solid like 9.0 it’s incredible are you satisfied Wow Let’s get  one more look at that broth and all right this is the part in the video  where I tell you we felt really guilty right  

Now because we didn’t have our two children with  us so when we saw these kids having fun and doing   cute stuff we basically had to admit we were bad  parents being selfish and trying to get a little  

You know fun time in away from the kids smashing  foot expensive hotels all right we found proof   in Hanoi that children will in fact do anything  including Pickup Sticks kids look like they’re   having fun little impromptu game of D Jenga  in the middle of the street and we’re about  

To head over to hanoi’s oldest and most famous  ice cream shop which is just around the corner   from the lake and by a big beautiful luxury mall  for those of you who want to get some Prada and  

Gucci you can get in on that side of town too  now is as good a time as any to start talking   about this cost of living thing Vietnam might  not technically be the world’s cheapest country  

But it’s Dirt Cheap an inexpensive meal is two  bucks us this is all over YouTube you’ve seen a   million2 videos including on some idiot who calls  himself noodle Channel just for an example that’s   about 1,000 of the percentage of a meal in New  York what does that mean well it means a meal  

For two bucks in Hoi Min cost about 25 bucks  in New York City Beer still a buck a kilo rice   is under a buck and a pack of sigs is a buck 25  right next to Old quarter is the French quarter  

And it has that classic New Orleans Vibe I mean  these beautiful little balconies gorgeous RW   iron work and hanging flowers definitely  makes you feel like you’re in the Big Easy don’t think I forgot the title of  this video we are going to the Metropole  

Hanoi and just for reference if you want to  skip ahead and check this ice cream shop is   like literally 200 M from the hotel and later  on in the video so like whatever 10 minutes  

For you or like 6 hours for me when I’m on the  back of a grab we’re going to take a beautiful   little motorbike tool through this exact  street once it’s reopened the sun’s going   down it’s beautiful and it’s pretty crazy that  it’s a thousand times more expensive so this  

Is Kem Chang TI which is the oldest ice cream  shop in all anoi been here for about 65 years   so we’ll get in there and grab some food see if  we get right inside if we can get a better view here Maybe not maybe that’s  just it that counter service There I have a feeling if we walk all the  way back there’s actually a little sit   down area in an ice cream bar that we can  find yes here it is and it is packed oh my Goodness we’re going to try out the taro root  it’s like a purple starchy kind of thing very   popular in desserts in Southeast Asia and what  looks like matcha but my wife promises me it’s   actually young sticky rice so it’s like a  green rice flavor and they’re about 15K eat

So70 it’s pretty good like knowing how  sweet and ridiculously sugary a lot of   things can end up being in this country as  far as desserts go this is like pretty chill   it’s got a lot of creaminess a little  bit of hint of matcha and that’s it you  

Want to swap matcha for Taro they have  sticky rice ice cream a little bit do a swap the Taro one is I think it’s actually a  little too subtle for my Western taste it’s   just very plain very simple but a gorgeous color  a little bit of coconut milk flavor oh you know  

Pretty yummy and for the price you can’t beat it  these are 50 cents each so two sticks for a single   [Music] dollar oh yeah I love my wife is dying cuz  a little kid just asked in Vietnamese asked her  

Mother why my wife is Vietnamese but her father is  a foreigner so you do the math we’re only like 9   years apart I don’t think it’s that bad8 years do  I look like a daddy I’m going to make her call me

Daddy NSFW too much information guys time to cut  but strong recommend the MAA ice cream is good   it’s like a solid 7.5 out of 10 and at 50 cents  can’t be beat we just decided to stop for coffee  

It’s I mean pretty chill place when you’re at  home cam in Old quarter and we basically just   flew up here to stuff our faces eat as much  food as we could and chill out in a really   beautiful hotel room so the coffee is actually  the most expensive thing we’ve had so far the  

Fo was like less than three bucks it was 60k so  maybe like $240 or 50 depending on the exchange   rate the ice cream was 30k two which is like a  doll and A4 so like we’re out 375 total before  

The coffee and then we just kind of walk around  town until we get this notion to look for pillow   dumplings which are absolutely amazing and  for a minute I thought we weren’t going to   be able to find them but what I mean you’ll see  anyways if you don’t like the ASMR food stuff  

Skip ahead go to the end find the hook watch  the expensive hotel these are snails by the [Music] way this is a Al restaurant they’re like  cleaning off snails on the street I don’t think   we’re going have any Al inois it’s more of a  Saigon thing but that’s a famous uh place that  

Is a famous place Chang here first they’re  known for boiled snails for boiled snails I   think too there’s a lot of desert places seeing  some cam some ice cream and CH but I’m sure if   we keep looking we’re going to be able to find a  place doing pillow dumplings like a little deep  

Price the cost of living thing London is like  631 more expensive for food 540 more expensive   for beer and an absolutely absurd 700% more  expensive expensive for a one-way ticket on a   bus flying is cheap in Vietnam too and I’m talking  London Canada the crappy one it’s classic Vietnam  

Traffic people on both sides of the streets  ever in honking nowhere to go a full sea of bikes a and then in the midst of like utter chaos he  just stumble upon a beautiful old Temple like This fore spe [Music] spee [Music] Spe [Music] love back into the madness just like that back on the   street and into the chaos  and the ball cap goes back on so after like literally an hour of  walking in circles to these maze like   Street reads voila there she is the magician  the pillow dumpling maker this lady has magic Hands yeah I guess all right we think we  found it some hidden pillow Dum things I   only see bang Tom and bang boy but she’s  going into the back somewhere deep down   that hidden alley there are pillow  dumplings what’s going in the deep fryer oo there they

Are all right so you saw those they’re  almost like perogi style dumplings called   the pillow dumpling how do you say  it in Viet bangoy [ __ ] [ __ ] like   a salad bread no [ __ ] pillow  oh pillow there you go a bread

Pillow also see she’s making a nice spring  roll with like uh woodier mushroom some   carrot and looks like pork and  shrimp glass noodles as well in there the full stages stage one 2 3 4 5 then  de Pride spring roll in your mouth seven

All right so we have to try at least one of  these spring rolls we know it’s everyone’s   favorite hot off the grill super deep fried  delicious look really tasty had a bunch of   carrot glass noodles wood mushroom  all that yummy stuff let’s get a bite

Really nice sweetness from the carrot  and the mushrooms bit of ginger in there   a bit of garlic very simple so traditional  classic rice paper roll spring roll fine quo Drive oh so that’s [Music] good I to fold the   rice paper in here again P it on  to side right and then P [Music]

Right [Applause] on normal days is about 1 on  holidays is it will be much more wow be up until 10,000 spring rolls a day  so Auntie selling on a slow day 1 th000 Spring  

Rolls a day on a busy day up to 10,000 a day she  says which is incredible means over a th000 an   hour but watching her roll she’s banging them  out like impressive cheers thank you Auntie yum yeah so let’s get a look at our pillow dumpling  this thing is probably scorching hot

Inside kind like a samosa yeah it’s  definitely like a samosa or like   a pierogi or more pastry style thing  but let’s have a bite who knows what’s inside M oh it is super hot [Music] and I feel like it most V is like  something Latin American like almost  

Like [Music] a what are those things from  Peru called not a quesadilla enchiladas   not an enchilada oh God there’s a really  popular one in Toronto I go to all the time I think I know what you’re talking about I  also know mine going beefy Empanada oh thank God  

Yes it’s like just looking Empanada as someone  who’s lived in Latin America and spent tons of   time eating Latin food yeah incredibly it’s the  delicioso and it really reminds me of a empanada   let’s get can we get a look at the whole one  so that is it it’s like the Asian Empanada  

Definitely pillow dumplings bang boy this is so  good highly recommend like solid 10 out of 10 all right we have been eating so much we are  getting our third classic hanoian breakfast now   so we’re headed to a soy place which is like  a sticky rice dish and along with the pho and  

Banh cuon it’s probably the most popular  breakfast you can get in anoi in Vietnam   so excited to check this out and I think it’s  just around the corner if we don’t get smashed   by a bike walking through all time I’m not going  to dox her anything weird but that lady over my  

Shoulder was giving me bad vibes she like said  something to me about not putting her in the Vlog   which you can probably hear if you listen but  like who cares no one’s going to see the Vlog  

Lady I mean really that’s a bit much anyways  I guess I did dox her now and she kind of got   her weird Freudian wish but most importantly the  soy place is up ahead on the corner that’s soy  

With an X folks sticky rice survive the crazy  traffic of anoi and get delicious eats for a Dollar and there it is I walk by some old band lady I don’t  know if you said that I was like filming   Street traffic and you here I don’t want  to be on it presumably she means my Vlog  

That no one watches but uh you know [Music]  hopefully I have more humility than that I   don’t I don’t care if anyone’s watching  or not but if you are appreciate it right   now we’re going to get in on the sticky  rice and uh hopefully that’s why you’re

[Music] watching kind some of the like Odin type  meat there’s chicken over there boiled chicken   this is like Stew some tiny Stu sausage so we  going to get the sticky rice it’s the traditional   with one like a soy sauce egg Chinese sausage a  little bit of shredded dried pork and some Pate I

Think that’s the Pate right there wow uh we got here we got some like pickle  cucumber action the iced tea obviously a soda chin   M me is underneath here yeah so mung bean slices  that’s what she’s like slicing up super fast  

Thinly sliced Lan like Chinese sausage the Pate as  well as the shredded pork or pork floss and then EG all right so we’re going to get into this  soy sticky rice there is so much going on here  

The Chinese sausage the pat shredded pork the mung  bean in the bottom and then this delicious looking   soy sauce egg I uh I just don’t where to start  there’s so much stuff on top of this you literally  

Like can’t even see the actual soy the sticky  rice so I’ll dig my way into the bottom nice nice oh getting greedy with the  first bite there it [Music] is it is like super fatty and Rich it is  really intense the pat day is incredible  

But compared to some of the other breakfasts  we’ve had in ano this is like oh man if I   was eating this in the morning it would  slow me down this is like $4 so it’s also   literally way more I me we got a lot  of stuff but it’s way more expensive  

Than any of the noodle addition we’ve had  for [Music] breakfast there’s the actual rice then that’s the pate and the sausage it’s good but um but not great like 7 out  of 10 this would just this would knock me  

Out of 8 this in the morning I’m going to need  a nap after this for sure so many calories in a bowl all right next up on our ultimate street food  tour of Hanoi bang we’re going to steal everyone  

Else’s title cuz if it works it works and that’s  how YouTube works we are going to Cafe gang the   infamous creator of egg coffee is probably going  to be insanely packed it’s been here for 60 odd  

Years 67 years now and we’re going to order  the famous cafe Chun and we’ll show you how   it’s done but basically it’s a coffee made with  a beaten egg and condensed milk to avoid having Dairy [Music] how many people want to sit here

[Music] keeping it simple it is packed in here  and super loud so I’m not going to try and talk   too much but we’re getting one egg coffee hot  and one egg caca so you can do like a chocolate  

Version maybe if you don’t like caffeine CU you  sleep really well or you’re not an adult um or   maybe you’ve been in hiding for the last 500 years  when caffeine has taken over the human population anyways fair game you can’t handle coffee  you can’t handle coffee you can get a cacao  

Version we’re about to try both oo there they  are fun super fast this place is a well oil   machine pumping out thousands of these coffees  a day so let’s have a look and then I [Music] taste [Applause] the way they decate the

Rest close up close up one [Music] more  actually see like changing color and you   are supposed to stir these up you don’t Stir It  Up you literally just got like a mouth full of egg we steal Mama’s chocolate oh yeah interesting so the egg  chocolate is thicker than the regular Cafe  

Chong here is the cafe Chong according to  Google Maps it’s been 3 years since I’ve   had one of these I’m sure it uh destroyed  my gastro internal gastrointestinal system   GI was it called your GI track D doesn’t do  so well with eggs no like no Club no [Music]

It’s a lot it’s very intense bitter  Robusta coffee flared with insanely   sweet sort of like egg custard on top it’s  like a float basically they good I mean   it’s good it’s a it’s an experience  it’s a experience chocolate lover I think I like a chocolate  version better you have to try it

Wow oh wo it’s very different yeah it’s very  different right the chocolate version has none   of the like burnt ACD bitter Robusta coffee flavor  oh yeah so it’s actually like yeah it’s kind of   a nicer drink it’s just straight up dessert and  there no it’s not like beefing about being dessert  

It’s not pretending to be anything else it is  just uh really yeah it’s pretty delightful good   delicious treat so there’s your recommendation  maybe you want a cacao Chong instead of a cafe  

Chun strong 7 out of 10 on the coffee I’m going  to say 10 out of 10 on the egg chocolate it’s just   delicious like I mean if this is what you want if  you just want a delicious chocolate drink this is

Fantastic mom recommends the chocolate drink  Daddy needs more caffeine though cuz I don’t sleep   that’s how I make these if you’re wondering with  two kids and a family and a full-time job it’s   by not sleeping on to the back of the bike and  off the sofitel hotel Metropole finally a bunch  

Of you probably just skipped ahead to this point  in the video but hey that’s what YouTube’s for if   you missed it up to this point I’ve basically been  proving you that yes Vietnam is one of the world’s  

Cheapest countries and I’ve done so by eating  and drinking a bunch of delicious food and a   full walking tour of old quarter Hanoi we had ice  cream F coffee chocolate drinks egg drinks sticky  

Rice all kinds of Delicious stuff and you add up  all the prices 30 60 90 130 170 plus a coffee 210   and 85 is 285 I suck at math but I think 285 is  like 12 bucks $12 us for an entire ridiculous  

Food tour bang There It Is proof now we’re on the  way to the Metropole you’re going to see a little   hotel tour of how the 1ers in Hanoi roll notice  the traffic signs as we drive through this part  

Of town all of a sudden it’s all big brand names  we’re about to get into that area where it’s all   gorgeous Old Colonial architecture it’s impressive  stuff it’s French it’s Mediterranean it’s my folks   so again on the right hand side there’s the ice  cream spot as I mentioned earlier and where we  

Ate forget about the Circle K and boom here’s my  favorite store Louis V yeah you got to love that   spot and next up we have the United Colors of  mercedes benz a beautiful turnaround on the way  

To the opera house uh some very expensive shoes  if you can’t tell and just buy in time messing   with you here uh actually though we are about to  go to the bamboo bar in the hotel Metropole it’s  

A lovely place I have a full review linked in  my blog below check out the opera house by the   way huh juicy that’s what the French people did  took over the world murdered everyone then made  

Them drink coffee and build Opera Houses I mean  they did that in Mexico like I’m only kind of   half joking all right hotel is up on the left  here a lovely young lady is going to give us a  

Tour we’re going to see the pool the deck and go  to the bamboo Bar for a Graham green martini and   if that’s not the perfect night cap to a day  in Hanoi I certainly don’t know what is bang  

There It Is folks the most expensive hotel in the  world’s cheapest country come on let’s go inside hi since how do I get to the bamboo bar bamboo  bar let me you Qui okay thank you so much come

On do you feel cold today no I’m Canadian I  like it I love the weather what about you I   feel so cold are you from Yes um I live in  near West Lake w yeah yes I know where T is  

Yeah sure I’m staying out there oh it’s  a very cool neighborhood very trendy yes   so when you’re not now yeah you chill  out and wear some jeans and like casual wear It’s s yeah thank you wow so beautiful yeah in the in the evening is more beautiful in  

The evening it’s more beautiful I  think I came at the right time you know little Chim Little Birdies this  is our dream and Spa in a swimming pool   okay I think it’s too cold to swim  even I’m I’m not going in for that

Today is pimp beautiful thank you  it’s my brother than take care come on [Music] now one perfect thank you come [Music] on you Char me [Music] sir fagra tyene o Rich delicious an epicurean Delight cheers the ho chi minh and Graham green  to the finest Gentlemen of the 20th century spies  

Poets Scholars impresarios and revolutionaries  this is how the other half lives we’re at the   bamboo bar in the Hanoi Metropole joying a  Graham green [Music] Martini it’s delicious   the snack cost about $41 so a little over a  million Dong in a country where the average  

Female employee makes 7 million Dong a month the  average male 8 million a month so about $210 to $240 and although I’m truly grateful to be  here and be welcomed by hanoians I do think  

It’s important to see both sides of this coin the  contrast the high and the low and before you judge   think about this side the Prada the beauty the  Finesse and the neoc colonialism that comes with   cold heart the cash the beautiful meeting place  played host to Obama and Anthony Bourdain Donald  

Trump and king Jong Un who I happen to have a  great story about my college roommate uh let’s   call him Axel grew up in Switzerland he was the  child of a couple diplomats and when he was there  

There used to be these two uh Korean brothers so  I was born in 83 so I’m 40 now Axel’s the same age   and these two brothers lived with an aunt pretty  normal kids and told us all these funny stories  

About them these weird sort of picadillos and the  big one was the one brother Kim was obsessed with   basketball and not not just American basketball  but NBA basketball and in particular Chicago Bulls   and one player Dennis robman and according to Axel  he wasn’t very good or athletic the kid was kind  

Of chubby he clanked shots but he loved to play  horse and he loved to shoot and it turned out that   you know of course he was Kim jongon and became  the leader of North Korea and North Korea doesn’t  

Have a lot of allies but Vietnam is one of them  and the way we came to know that his stories were   in fact true and were Vindicated was that later  on in life Kim Jong-un brought Dennis robman to  

North Vietnam because he was still obsessed with  basketball so if there’s a moral to the story it’s   that all innocence is a kind of insanity as Graham  green once said that’s it for tonight cheers I’m Out [Music] 0:49:55.520,1193:02:47.295 [Music] Bo For yes sir please come one thank You What

#hanoi #vietnam #foodtour

My vlog setup:

The only guide I recommend to Street food in Vietnam:

Add sweet tunes to your vids with Epidemic Sound:

read our hotel review:

The price in the thumbnail is for this room: HERITAGE WING, CHARLIE CHAPLIN SUITE WITH METROPOLE PRIVILEGES AND BENEFITS, KING BEDS…look it up, if you think it is clickbait. 7 large. no joke. If you’re thinking about traveling to Vietnam, you’ll want to check out the most expensive hotel in the world and some of the cheapest street food on this hotel and food tour of old quarter, hoan kiem hanoi vietnam! In this video, we take a look at the world’s cheapest country and see why it’s worth spending your money on a trip to Vietnam, and where to eat and where to sleep in hanoi.

From street food to beautiful landscapes, Vietnam has something for everyone. If you’re considering a trip to Vietnam, be sure to check out this video to see why the most expensive hotel in the world is worth a visit!

0:00 Teaser
0:45 Food tour of Old Quarter in Hoan Kiem, Hanoi
1:10 King Roti
3:00 travel tips
10:10 Pho Thin Bo Ho
16:00 Kem Tràng Tiền
19:00 How much we spent so far
19:30 Hunt for pillow dumplings
20:00 cost of living in Vietnam vs New York or London rant
21:45 finding zen at the temple
24:30 magical spring rolls…
25:15 and pillow dumplings!!!
32:30 Xôi Yến (sticky rice)
36:00 Cafe Giảng – Cafe Trứng (egg coffee)
41:00 back of the bike tour to Hotel Metropole
43:55 Hotel tour w a local girl
45:30 bamboo bar
47:00 so how expensive is the hotel?
48:00 wait, you know Kim Jong Un?
49:50 bonus: after dark hotel tour

Subscribe for more noodles! TODAY I VLOG AT THE Most Expensive Hotel in World’s Cheapest Country, hANOI vIETNAM. Let’s eat more street food in Asia together in 2023. I love Asian Street Food and travel around Vietnam in this Vietnam travel vlog and SE ASIA looking for the best street food and making amazing delicious street food vlogs every week. Join me my mission to discover the hidden street food gems of SAIGON, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and all of south east Asia as I travel in search of the best cheap street food. Make sure to share the videos with friends and family, if you saw street food that made you drool… stay hungry!


  1. As a Vietnamese, I need to say that no matter how hard they try to beautify the city, the slum and corrupt mindset that litter indiscriminately and lawlessness traffic will keep Vietnam a third world slum for generations to come.

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