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Varvara and Nikolai were considered a couple since childhood. The boy decided at the age of 4 that when he grew up, he would definitely marry the neighbor’s girl. He told his parents as much. The parents

And their neighbors laughed at such boyish plans, not even knowing how this idea would turn out. And Nikolai was really obsessed with Varya from an early age. He gave a tough rebuff to anyone who, wittingly or unwittingly, offended his girlfriend or even just approached her, regardless of whether he

Was an adult or a child. At school they sat at the same desk. Kolya carried a heavy briefcase behind Varya. They did their homework together. In the summer we rode our bikes to the river for a swim

And were inseparable. Kolya couldn’t imagine his life without Varya. The girl reciprocated his feelings. At first, she considered him her best friend. When they began to grow up, Varya thought that she loved Kolka,

And her future fate was predetermined. She will marry him, give him a bunch of kids, and everyone will be happy. When the guys were in high school, they often went into the forest

Holding hands. There they dreamed and made plans for life. Kolya suggested submitting an application to the registry office immediately after the graduation ceremony. Varya doubted why so early, but study,

Education. She didn’t want to spend her whole life in the village and work on a farm. Well, if you go to work in the library or at the post office, you don’t have to be a milkmaid at all,” Kolya persuaded her

. But doubts had already settled in the girl’s soul. What did she see when she was sixteen? She was only in the city with her parents twice. What’s in the village? It’s certainly beautiful here. Everything here is

Original. But there are no prospects for her. And after graduation, she will be able to marry Kolka. Or maybe not for Kolka, maybe it’s still childish persuasion. In general, Varvara was

In doubt. And then a friend came from the city and told me so many things. What an interesting and rich life there is, how many new friends she has made , how interesting it is to study, go to the cinema,

To exhibitions and concerts. Varya was so impressed by her story that the girl began to seriously think about leaving. But she didn’t know how to tell Nikolai about this . He was a quick-tempered and hot-tempered guy,

So a quarrel could not be avoided. The only person with whom she could consult and tell about her doubts was her grandmother. Parents on both sides were already preparing for the wedding, and it seemed to Varya

That her mother wanted to quickly send her daughter into an independent life, since two more brothers were growing up in the house . The paternal grandmother lived on the other side of the village and did not particularly maintain relations with her

Son’s family, especially after the death of his grandfather. Raisa Ivanovna was in constant quarrels with her daughter-in-law; her grandmother especially did not like the idea of Varya’s early marriage. – Do you

Want to marry a seventeen-year-old girl? — Raisa Ivanovna was indignant. – Just think, Kolka, he’s also my fiancé. Yes, I never liked him, he’s too violent, and their whole family is like that. Oh, and she will have to endure it with him,

Then mark my words. Don’t even listen to anyone, my little berry, go and learn. At the same time, you will check your feelings. If you need each other, then he will wait for you, and you will understand for yourself.

Granny, how can I tell him this? He’ll kill me. Well, not a husband yet, but already this. And you, Varvara, set conditions for him. If you wait, I’ll marry you. Well, if not, then it’s not fate,

Then. Kolka yelled and was indignant for a long time. But Varya was like flint. I set the conditions. She calmly listened to her friend and silently left, promising to write and often come to her native village.

Four years in the city flew by quickly, and Varya returned to her native land. During this time, she realized that her place was there, next to her family, next to Kolya. Apparently, he is her destiny. The wedding

Was scheduled for mid-September. Preparations were in full swing. Parents on both sides bought food and alcohol. A village wedding is a serious matter. The whole village will be visiting,

And we must not lose face. Varya walked along a forest road. She went to the neighboring village for the second time to try on a dress. On the way back, Kolya promised to meet her. They wanted to wander through the forest,

Like in ancient times, like in childhood. They had their own treasured place. There they once met sunrises together and saw off sunsets. Kolya saw Varya from afar and waved his hand at her. Then

They walked together to the river, holding hands. Varka, how happy I am! How long have I been waiting for this day when we finally become husband and wife. Kolya tenderly kissed his bride. Or maybe we won’t wait

And become spouses today? Right here and now? I no longer have the strength to endure. At first Varya did not understand what her fiancé was talking about. But when his kiss ceased to be tender, but became rough and assertive,

And his hands began to nervously unbutton the blouse on her chest, Varya understood everything. The girl began to ask, then beg Kolya not to do this and wait until the wedding. But her resistance only

Inflamed the guy even more. He got angry and threw her to the ground. “I’ll now check how faithful you have been to me , how untouchable you are, otherwise maybe it’s not worth marrying you. There are plenty of good girls in the village

Who always agree, not like you.” And he continued to tear her clothes, but Varya fought him off with all her might. “So you were waiting for me,” Varya croaked. — Did you think

I signed up to become a monk? – Kolya furiously covered the girl’s mouth. She had already lost her last strength and had practically stopped resisting. Suddenly, they both heard an ominous roar reach them.

“Wolves!” – Varya screamed. At that very moment, Nikolai loosened his grip, and the girl managed to push him away and jump to her feet. A pack of wolves, led by an old she-wolf,

Were approaching the young people in a semicircle. The thought flashed through Varvara’s head that she had already seen this wolf somewhere. The girl stepped back, noticing that the wolves were surrounding Nikolai, and he stood and

Could not move. Varya came to her senses and rushed away from this place, quickly home to the village. The wolves stood there a little longer. The she-wolf looked into the eyes of the young man for a long time , as if hypnotizing

Him. Then she howled for a long time, thereby giving a sign to her relatives, and they, obeying, went into the forest after her. Varya cried on her grandmother’s shoulder, telling everything that happened to her in the

Forest. You, my berry, completely forgot, you were still little . Then you and your grandfather saved a little wolf cub in the forest, which was crushed by a tree. And so time passed, and the wolves returned the debt to you.

And Nikolai was always suspicious, I told your parents about this, but they didn’t want to listen. He is not worthy of you, Varvara, you will still meet your true love. The wedding, naturally, did not take place, and the disgraced Nikolai had to leave his native place forever. Dear viewers,

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Варвару и Николая считали парой с самого детства. Мальчик еще в 4 года решил, что когда вырастет, то обязательно женится на соседской девочке. Он так и объявил своим родителям. Родители вместе с соседями посмеялись таким мальчишеским планам, даже не зная, чем эта идея обернётся. А Николай действительно был одержим Варей с малых лет.



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