視界觀998「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(72)新年前夕騎行溫哥華街道(2) @drchinviewtalk

I saw a road from Marine Way, so I turned in . It turned out to be a big uphill push and I pushed my car for a while. Now I turned to this small street, a quiet community. The roads here are named after numbers. East 62nd Street

But the whole environment is very quiet. I rode to the championship heights community again. The place I visited last time finally came to a major road, 49th Street. I now turned to 49th Street and rode towards Burnaby Central Park. I believe I have finished riding the most difficult uphill section.

Now I have ridden past Boundary. In front of Burnaby, on the left side of the road is Central Park. This is a park where we often ride here. Today we are just riding because these roads are all I have ridden it many times. I have nothing to introduce and no new feelings. I

Just want to share with you that on the last day at the end of 2023, I rode from Burnaby to Vancouver in the Greater Vancouver area. Some familiar ones and some not. I will show you some of the scenery on some scenic roads here along the way . I am now

Back on the cycling path under the skytrain. I came here to ride and didn’t say anything during the entire journey . Just like what I just told you, because of these The road is a road that I have ridden many times. There is really nothing special to say, but I

Am still silently doing some thinking. Now I have come to the last section of the road near the Royal Oak station . I rode back happily from here. Just now I was talking about my riding. I am also doing some thinking or reminiscing

About the riding process this year. I have forgotten that this year is the first ride in 2023. I believe it must be in January, but it is not New Year’s Day . I don’t remember it , but today It’s the last day of this year.

I should say that this year’s cycling has a beginning and an end. Not only in Guangzhou, around the Qifu New Village where I live, but also in Guangzhou , because it has such a good policy that you can take folding bicycles on the subway,

So I also took them with me. I have traveled to many places with my folding car. Of course, I put my car on top of my big car to ride in more places . My small car also followed my big car to Jiangnan for traveling

And riding in Shanghai. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery in many places with some of the surrounding ancient towns and villages. Many places have been passed by each other before or just passed by in a hurry by car. However, riding a bicycle allows you to visit some places at a closer distance.

I have wanted to visit them before. What’s more meaningful is that I came to Canada to visit relatives and see my children. Of course, the main thing is to ride around in Vancouver on my friend’s bicycle. One is to continue my habit of cycling for fitness. What’s more

, it allows me to take a closer look at a foreign country that I haven’t seen for a long time. In fact, I have experienced more of the beauty of Canada’s natural scenery in this city where I have lived briefly before . Today is my last ride in Canada this year. One day

I feel is very meaningful, at least it has a beginning and an end, so I will also share this paragraph with my friends. I wish everyone a healthy new year. On the basis of health, everyone has a successful career , dreams come true, and a happy life. This is also my

Heartfelt wish and blessing to my friends when I end my last day of riding today. Thank you all for your companionship and support this year. Of course, your encouragement, your likes, and your opinions are all indispensable. This is the motivation for me to continue riding next year. I thought of a sentence.

Although 2003 was not ideal, it has finally become a thing of the past. Although 2004 is not yet clear, there is always hope. I believe that for many people, in 2003 , although the epidemic was declared to be over , everyone did encounter it. All kinds of difficulties,

I feel that the old year is over and there is no need to be depressed. We still need to be full of expectations for the new year . I believe that as long as we work hard , there will always be bright prospects

Ahead. Let’s bid farewell to the old year and see you next year. I wish you all a new year. Continue to follow me and support me throughout the year . Thank you all . Goodbye.

#溫哥華 #vancouver #本拿比

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

Hi guys! I am Dr.Chin, a retired dentist. If you are watching my videos as the first time, you are very welcome to follow my channel and turn on the little bell, so that you will not miss every video I continue to update. Thanks for watching!

觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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