从中国自驾到法国!房车丢在巴黎!人回国了!签证到期太惨了【VanLife】ENG SUB

Driving an RV from China to France And now we are so close to the Mona Lisa Tourist visa for self-driving Europe is only 90 days When the visa is about to expire We are looking for a lawyer in Paris to renew the visa Result renewal failed

If the car is left behind, the French must return home Our last days in Paris Fortunately, I had help from local friends. We stopped by the roadside to rest Turn around and look This is… Today we are going to meet our audience friends He’s near Paris safer

Salmon bought from the Faroe Islands for our friends Its enthusiasm will last for about 5 minutes. Good start family moments It’s so strong that I’m a little scared A bag of snacks in exchange for a brief touch you have your couch It’s back on its couch sit

Wow, he has a coffee machine in this kitchen Look at the living room of this room This is a 66-square-meter room His living room plus his kitchen are so big And the scenery is pretty good too He is considered to be near a wealthy area. His yard is quite big too

Then the property fee + tax of this house It’s actually quite cost-effective Then the price of this house is not bad Just over 20,000 yuan per square meter near paris Wow, look at him, he looks really good The police station is just a tree away from here.

Then this is where he plays games and works All kinds of Lego are placed here We have a dog and two stray cats at home Wow, you’re so particular. You even put two pieces of chocolate in it. The kind of machine I’ve always wanted to buy This makes espresso

Just push this coffee powder up It can extract the coffee liquid More fragrant Also relatively pure Guess what I found here? here we go Started playing games at other people’s homes oops It’s too heavy Go eat fried chicken now This is a MINI Cooper s

This space feels quite big when you sit up. let’s try it Go back to eat I bought a lot of fried chicken How much does this pile of fried chicken cost? Very cheap, less than 30 euros There’s someone watching eagerly below third day in france It started to rain in the morning

We parked our RV here yesterday This neighborhood is relatively safe. But there was someone yesterday Isn’t our window open? It was here that he found someone inside He stayed for a while and then left. What’s the security problem in France? It is indeed relatively poor But it is divided into regions

What about some communities? There are more French people living in places like this. There are almost no thieves like this. Came to someone else’s house again Why again? Today we are going to visit Paris Louvre Because I was stared at last night So today we parked next to the police station

Parking the car at the police station will make you feel more at ease. Let’s go to dinner now Now it’s the “Japanese and Korean District” of Paris This should be a relatively wealthy place in Paris Because we just came I saw a lot of parking lots with very good cars. same

There’s bound to be some pickpockets here So pay attention to safety Said this place is very popular As expected, there was still a queue at this restaurant after two o’clock. Mostly Asians There are also many locals look! As expected of us Come here and wait in line for a meal. It’s still raining.

Look at this bike to prevent it from being stolen He took off the seats It also has a Chinese menu I finally understand why so many French people The menu is printed with such a big national flag Then its appetizer is fried chicken, tofu and rice It looks like a rice dumpling

Zongzi with chicken But zongzi is glutinous rice, but this one is not The chicken is tender and juicy Then crispy The good thing about Japanese food is that you don’t need to tip, right? No, no, there is no tipping in France. ah? ? ? ?

Or should I say you have already been fooled? We’ve tipped many times I chose tempura ramen The taste of shrimp is quite strong Delicious ramen flavor This is their specialty udon It’s grapefruit flavored I stayed in Guangzhou for a year or two before I often eat udon noodles This one tastes grapefruit

This is the most delicious udon I have ever tasted. It will have a fruity fragrance when paired with the beef Is it worth queuing in the rain? It’s worth queuing in the rain The entrance to the Louvre also has Chinese characters. We are now under the pyramid of the Louvre

This is a secret passage It was our friend who found one Fast pass entry to the Louvre You don’t have to wait in such a long queue They have this tour map of various countries here This is in Chinese Can see the Mona Lisa See Chinese sponsorship here

We are now under this big pyramid Buried underneath is the Virgin Mary Magdalene (content of the novel) I was watching “The Da Vinci Code” I really think it’s very mysterious here After coming in, I found It turns out it is a Where to buy tickets What now We officially entered the Louvre Museum

It only takes 10 minutes from queuing to ticketing Wow, there are so many ancient Greek statues here. right Is this a real statue? All are genuine Wow, they have this ancient Greek artifact just sitting there. Then there is no protection no glass There’s no fence either

When we came in we saw a lot of people I said this should be something special. Saw the real thing This dome is really magnificent Look at the Greek statues Use marble to cloth this The texture of muscles, hands, Very well carved She wore a veil. Can you see it?

We’re going to see the Mona Lisa now Look how long it’s been since this Mona Lisa Still as popular as before Except Mona Lisa All oil paintings basically have no protection. It’s really close to the Mona Lisa You will find every angle Mona Lisa is all different

And her eyes are always staring at you Mainly the atmosphere here It will make you feel that this painting is even more different Driving an RV from China to France And now we are so close to the Mona Lisa Really happy So happy There are so many people queuing up here.

We probably just watched it Came out in less than 1 minute I still remember several years ago I read the book “The Legend of Da Vinci” with Riot Just introducing Leonardo da Vinci And then he was still introducing his Mona Lisa

At that time, I also read a lot of rumors on the Internet Said he painted a self-portrait of himself Then he said Mona Lisa was the mistress of a rich businessman Then let’s talk about the painting of Mona Lisa There is a portrait of the devil in the details

There are many different legends urban legend Make her very mysterious We are also thinking Why did she become a very famous painting in Da Vinci? There are many entertainment properties in Then everyone finds it easier to understand able to watch her In fact, many of Leonardo da Vinci’s other works

More famous than this one But Mona Lisa is particularly popular Still popular till now How important is this gossip and scandal? for an artist This is what we saw in history textbooks before The painting “Liberty Leading the People” Wow his author is Paul Delaroche The painting is of a young church woman

Died in the river He painted this feeling between light and dark People like us who don’t know much about painting It can also be seen This is a beautiful painting Said this wild boar looks a bit like their dog This is the souvenir shop in the Louvre They even have Egyptian figures

You can’t see cultural relics like this in Egypt, but they have them here They went to Egypt to “sweep goods” relatively early We are out now Come over and see if there’s anything interesting to do Go out for a walk Let’s find something to drink now The Louvre is so big

This is still a better area Or a wealthy area? This feeling This is a LV store And then it’s co-signed by Yayoi Kusama I heard that it is after the artist dies. This building can appreciate in value It’s quite interesting to see this building It turned out to be an artist’s studio

This is a very famous local artist in Paris Various locations in Paris There will be a mosaic of this puzzle Said you can drink here But what about this dirty and messy ground? Don’t dare to drink Did he ever think that one day he would be holding a light bulb in his mouth?

A bottle of Coke here is 1.8 euros This one is a little different it is italy They all taste the same They also sell Italian spring rolls. Going further to Western Europe The more food they have here, the more abundant it will be There’s a cream in this

And then a lot of these nuts I just drank some Coke and took a break here. The climate here is hot in the morning and cold in the afternoon Have some ice cream Its ice cream is such a flower Then an ice cream is 5.3 euros

This is what this ice cream looks like like a flower Wow, this milk tastes so good. Mango has no milky taste But the mango flavor is very strong I know how to describe the creamy taste of it it is apricot It tastes like nuts It seems like a gathering here

Let’s go in and take a look Entered by mistake But they let us in Let’s go in and take a look Shocked my eardrums and heart That’s the place just now it is a gathering of young people They are probably young people like 15-678 There are security personnel inside to maintain order.

But once inside Just a strong smell of marijuana I can’t stand it anymore and come out quickly. This street is full of various shops. Then real estate and stuff like that Buy an 80-square-meter house in the center of Paris, France Now we have to take the subway

If there is no acquaintance to bring him I don’t dare to take this subway What? ? ? You can also use WeChat for this subway ticket. A metro ticket costs 2.1 euros Then you can take the subway for a whole day without leaving the subway station. if you are willing to

This is Paris Metro Line 1 It’s relatively modern. So it doesn’t feel that scary safe and sound Last stop today There are quite a lot of tourists here It’s just that everyone knows there are a lot of thieves here. But it is many people

It can’t stop his enthusiasm to come out and play here. Then we just experienced the subway I just saw someone evading fares. That person, that boy is very skilled a high jump Then he walked over Another thing is that guns are banned here. But there are ways to hold a gun

It’s just a test Can we have that little pistol? sunset It’s still very pleasant This is the French God of War Napoleon Capture this copper pillar made from the enemy country’s cannon So why is there Big Ben and the Queen of England here? He randomly buries easter eggs and stuff in these streets.

Returned to the car safely The car was very good after I came back. There is no problem Today we continue to explore Paris But the difference is that we take the subway directly Do you think the majority or minority of people buy votes? most Don’t throw away your tickets Wow, it’s really messy.

We are about to pass It’s a very messy place in Paris. Is the 93rd arrondissement (Seine-Saint-Denis) We can take a small train and experience it We were riding here just now There is a black guy evading fares It was discovered by the staff here. Once found, let him pay a fine

Then he said he had no money I was kicked out because I had no money. What about after being kicked out? This guy is very arrogant Just start yelling at them Start scolding After I finished cursing, I calmly waited for the next car. I calmly waited for the next car.

And then I was punished here You’ll be fined around 50-60 euros, I guess. A ticket is 4 euros This kid just came up and asked for money Then I asked for money and got off the car. Does more graffiti mean the place is more chaotic? Friends told us

Be sure to put your things away when passing these messy stations. Just be vigilant around you and it won’t be a big problem Look, the subway is only a few stops away. Just from a particularly chaotic area To such a rich area They struck a delicate balance

It is said that as long as the artist paints on any wall This place will appreciate in value I’m so reliable This friend got two for us Musée d’Orsay pass Focus on a quick pass No need to queue France sends one to the United States The United States sends another one to France

Wow, this Musée d’Orsay is also spectacular. The same goes for the art museum here. without any protection Generally this kind of foot shape she is a beauty Her bag… Very modern, right? Yes, so modern Rodin’s Gates of Hell Wow, what details Every character is a story What we see now Impressionist paintings

His paintings are not that kind of realistic I just painted it for you in every detail. Make you feel like looking at a photo It is actually a combination of light and shadow When you look at it from a distance, it has a very artistic feel. Look at this girl

She is not very thin But she is so beautiful They are both wives painted by Monet, but they express different moods. This painting is the famous “Water Lilies” I really like the color scheme of this painting. It feels like I accidentally These are all France and Europe Some very famous painters painted here

Mainly, this floor is mainly about impressionism. Although I don’t know much about art. But the feeling of walking here see these It still feels pretty good Just very relaxing We are now at Gauguin’s exhibition hall It is the prototype of Maugham’s novel “The Moon and Sixpence” a very rich celebrity

I suddenly realized it overnight Just woke up want to paint Then it started to be miserable But a very legendary life So if it’s you You would choose sixpence on the ground Or should you look at the moon in your heart? What about Gauguin’s paintings? Can fetch up to 300 million U.S. dollars

Is for sale This was created after he moved to Tahiti I think Gauguin’s life is also full of legend. I feel like many of these painters are After his death, his paintings became famous Except for one person of course That’s Picasso

Picasso is a person who has made a lot of money while still alive. An artist who lives well This one was painted by a painter from Leidong. What about this painting he painted? its color and its feel Especially suitable for putting on cheongsam What about the painters of their generation?

It will also be influenced by Japanese Ukiyo-e You will find that there are some oriental elements in his paintings Next we went to the Van Gogh exhibition, which we loved very much. Where are Monet and Van Gogh? He is an impressionist painter that I like very much I think they are great

Look at this relatively expensive painting of his It’s protected by a layer of glass We are now in Van Gogh’s exhibition hall You know that in this world Which country has the most copies of Van Gogh’s paintings? is China In a small town in southern China there is a place

They specialized in copying Van Gogh’s paintings. Sold all over the world right There is also a documentary about him now What were the conditions at that time? He received photos and some records of Van Gogh’s painting And what about this person? He feels very confident

The painting is 100% the same as Van Gogh’s After seeing the original painting He found that what he painted was completely different then he cried Except for the deviation in the painting There is also a difference in the creator’s philosophy Although this is how they make a living

But you will find the difference between artists and copyists It’s actually quite big. This color scheme is really girly This girl is beautifully sculpted It makes me feel that there is brilliance inside her eyeballs Wow, this painting is so three-dimensional. I can even feel its depth

This painting is called “The Knight of Flowers” It’s about moving towards lofty ideals and resist temptation The story of this painting This is Tang Seng’s experience in the daughter country I heard this is The world’s first department store I don’t know if it’s true or not.

We can go in and have a look I’m quite curious I bought a few glasses of juice at the supermarket next door. This freshly squeezed pomegranate juice is 1.5 euros This is French foie gras This foie gras is 32 euros This is what they use to spread bread for breakfast.

Jams like theirs are purely natural. It says bo on it 8 euros a bottle I finished it after almost two breakfasts Wow, there is actually a dedicated Asian snack street It says on this store that thieves are rampant Please protect your personal belongings Wow oh my god Called Hot and Sour Hoof

The cold dishes are super chewy and fragrant. It really feels like home This is our favorite dry pot I feel it tastes quite similar to the one in Leshan Very burnt Then the meat is very tender Well we ordered 5 dishes 4 hard vegetables and 1 green vegetable

It’s just that the portions of the dishes here are particularly large. Go back now I’m getting used to it by taking the subway here. Just be careful Put the bag in front Isn’t this subway smelling like shark meat? Try not to sit at the door if there is a seat

Then those who don’t have a seat should go inside. this stop How do you say dangerous? Or? Also passed the train station So there are many people It’s really hot here Does the subway here have air conditioning? Let’s go out for a spin at night (charging while driving)

Because the car is out of battery There are no suitable charging stations here. Three Chinese people drove an RV with Chinese license plates Running wildly on the streets of Paris at night It really came from China. This is a Chinese license plate Refuel the car by the way Ah, that’s ok

It already means it’s okay try it Bought local French foie gras yesterday (another morning) This is what they use to add bread See how it tastes Wow, this foie gras with bread is so delicious Our afternoon tea time They even thoughtfully prepared small desserts for us. Wow Let me try this

This lemon tart is also quite delicious and sour. The pizza restaurants here are all baked in this kind of oven. A pizza costs about 12-14 euros It smelled pizza and ran out Burger flavor pizza What? burger flavor There is also this saying Meat patties, tomatoes and cheese sauce are burger-flavored

This pizza is a traditional European food In addition, burgers are also the main dish here. A combination of the two It tastes really delicious Tuna flavored pizza I think this burger tastes delicious Because of this fish It’s dry and doesn’t have the fresh and tender texture of the fish.

There is only the flavor of cheese and tomato left The burger tastes really good I was eating pizza when I learned that my visa renewal failed. You can only buy a plane ticket to return to your country and then apply for a visa. The car is left in a friend’s yard

We parked the car here Thanks to the master supervisor Fatty, we will come back to pick you up after completing the visa renewal process. As a result, my connecting flight in Türkiye was missed. But fortunately, the Turkish airport provides free accommodation and free flight change If interested, deduct 1

Can we talk more about free of charge? flight delayed We missed our flight back to Beijing But Istanbul actually has Free hotel for us I’m curious about what Take a look at the room we got for free Surprisingly good It is said that this is a five-star hotel.

Then he also has free breakfast lunch and dinner Do you think this is okay? It’s really a blessing and a curse Misfortune depends on blessing, my friends. tired to sleep We returned home after a day trip to Istanbul I hope Xiaobaipang will be fine when he returns to Paris.




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  1. 我1984年第一次去已經這麼亂了,跟著每一二年去一次只是愈來愈亂,但巴黎是好地方,去了這麼多次還是想去,可能是自由及文化的氣息吧! 看了這片子決定今年在巴黎過聖誕節了!

  2. 92北京火车出境,因该是2连,蒙古,贝加尔湖,到了莫斯科,飞某东欧国。。。,。。。。。。你们居然能跑那么多地方,厉害。必须赞

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