
As soon as Cao Ang entered the door, he saw a pretty woman with slightly rough skin, probably caused by working in the fields for many years, walking towards the main house carrying a basin of hot water. The woman was not too surprised

To see Cao Ang. Instead, he came forward and said, “Young general, you are here to see my master. Well , Cao Ang knew that this woman should be the woman that his father had arranged for Huang Zhong to take care of him. He even nodded and asked

The young general to go to the guest room and wait. Now, my master has not regained consciousness yet.” When he woke up, Cao Ang couldn’t help but frown when he heard this . He couldn’t help muttering in his heart, how serious the teacher ‘s attack was. With Huang Zhong’s physical condition,

He hasn’t woken up for so long . Isn’t this a bit exaggerated? Cao Ang thought as he I walked towards the guest room , but as soon as I entered the guest room , I saw that a lot of people had gathered inside. The three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu

, Zhang Fei, Dian Wei and Xu Chu, as well as the two uncles Xiahou Dun and Xia Houyuan, the eldest son Zixiu , were also there immediately. Noticing that Cao Ang said hello one after another, Cao Ang smiled and nodded , then stepped forward and asked curiously.

You are all here to visit Old General Huang, yes. Liu Bei was the first to nod and said, “Didn’t Wang Situ say that he had been beaten by him?” Can anyone improve their strength? Our three brothers have been beaten a lot , but so far there has been no change at all,

So I thought of coming over to see if Han Sheng can really improve his strength. Liu Bei’s expression was very strange as soon as he said these words. Zhang Fei also muttered with some dissatisfaction . I don’t know how many times I have been beaten by the military advisor,

But it’s not like this now. If this is true, I will go to the military advisor to fight now. Zhang Fei felt a pain in his anus as he spoke. At that time, I took a breath of cold air. As for the two brothers Xiahou Dun and Xia Houyuan, they were fine

After all. After all, they ate less , but Zhang Fei ate all the peppers in one go. This means that Zhang Fei’s physical fitness is very good. Otherwise, it is estimated that now Like Cao Cao, the people he pulled were almost exhausted , but Zhang Fei looked uncomfortable and miserable

. Cao Ang also looked at Zhang Fei with sympathy , then shook his head and said, General Zhang should still look for him. Lie down somewhere for a while, otherwise it will be quite uncomfortable for you. When Zhang Fei heard this, he waved his hands and said nonchalantly, ”

When have I ever been afraid of this? Today, I will never lie down even if it hurts to death . I think you can do it.” After all , it was quite uncomfortable to stand like this for a while. At this moment, Liu Bei also started to persuade Zhang Fei

, and while they were trying to persuade Zhang Fei, another pretty woman also walked in and put a quilt on the bed. He put it on the couch in the guest room , then raised his head and said to Zhang Fei. The general seemed to be feeling a little unwell.

I brought the general a quilt. General, please rest for a while . When my master wakes up, I will come over and inform the generals . He said that this woman was more sensible than other women . Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement. After all, it really hurt. It

Was burning . Zhang Fei lay on the quilt laid by the woman. He made a sound of enjoyment as soon as he was being fucked . Not to mention that lying down is much more comfortable than standing up . Looking at Zhang Fei like this, several people were immediately amused

. However, they didn’t say anything more , they just smiled and then Then they fell into silence for a while. Perhaps it was because they had been tortured so much yesterday. Gradually, everyone staggered around and fell asleep. I don’t know how long it had passed. Everyone vaguely heard a sound coming from outside

. Naturally, they had been vigilant for many years . Almost instantly , everyone opened their eyes. Even Zhang Fei, who was lying on the bed, also opened his eyes. However, he was still snoring like thunder. He could actually fall asleep with his eyes open.

This was the first time that everyone had seen this kind of thing. The magical operation made everyone look at Liu Bei in surprise for a while. My third brother’s little problem just made everyone laugh . Seeing everyone’s eyes falling on him, Liu Bei also smiled helplessly

And then stepped forward and slapped him. Zhang Fei’s buttocks went up , and the sound like a pig being slaughtered suddenly resounded throughout the Huang Mansion. Zhang Fei had to jump up to a height of more than one meter in the air and then landed firmly on the ground . Brother

, what are you doing? Zhang Fei looked at it with a look of pain. Looking at Liu Bei , he asked Han Sheng if he had woken up and didn’t hurry up to see him. Liu Bei then took Zhang Fei and hurried over to see what was going on. The others followed him

And walked away within two steps . I saw Huang Zhong practicing martial arts in the open space in the front yard. I saw Huang Zhong holding a red blood knife and waving it like a tiger and a fierce wind. The light of the knife connected in front of him.

It was really impossible to splash water. Brother , Huang Hansheng seems to have really improved. Experts can tell whether Guan Yu has fought against Huang Zhong as soon as he makes a move , so it can be seen at a glance that Huang Zhong seems

To be really aggressive in his move at this moment . He is not sure whether Wang Xiao is really deceiving him or not . After beating, the strength can really be improved , but it doesn’t make sense. Why have we been beaten so many times without any change?

Zhang Fei was still mumbling on the side, thinking that this was completely unreasonable, but Dian Wei wanted to simply say more. You will know what you are doing if you hit me. Dian Wei said and rushed forward . When Xu Chu saw this, he followed closely. The unexpected surprise

Was that he shouted loudly and then fought with the two of them with a red blood knife . Although Dian Wei and Xu Chu did not bring their own weapons , as a military general, how could he have so few weapons in his home collection? The two of them casually took out weapons

That they thought were relatively easy to use from the ordinary weapon racks , and started fighting with Huang Zhong. Dian Wei was holding two single swords and adding them together made a double sword , although it was not as easy to use as a double halberd. But it was enough.

As for Xu Chu, he picked up a broadsword. Although this sword was not as easy to use as his own, it was not bad. It was considered good among ordinary weapons. They were all weapons used by Huang Zhong to practice his skills. As long as the quality is passable,

Dian Wei and Xu Chu are both born with supernatural powers, and they both follow the path of conquering ten abilities with one force. At this moment, the two men joined forces to attack Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong immediately felt great pressure , as if he was facing two tigers. The

Attack was as fast as thunder and as dense as heavy rain. In a short time, Huang Zhong was suppressed, and he was almost unable to fight back . Looking at this scene, Guan Yu frowned and muttered in confusion. Isn’t this right? Just now it seemed that Huang Hansheng’s strength was definitely

More than this. Why does it seem to be the same as before now, right? Although Liu Bei’s strength is not top-notch , his eyesight is Although the fight between Huang Zhong and Dian Wei and Xu Chu, who were both absolutely top-notch , had only lasted four or five rounds

, he had already seen the key point. Although Han Sheng seemed to be being beaten by Dian Wei and Xu Chu at this moment, you If you look carefully at his expression, it is clear that he looks at ease. However, Dian Wei and Xu Chu are both like

The third brothers. They are fire-like generals. Once they attack, they will be as fierce as flames. If you choose to confront them head- on, you will be afraid. Even Lu Bu may not be able to take advantage , so now Han Sheng seems to be being suppressed and beaten

By the two of them , but the two of them actually did not put any pressure on Han Sheng . When their fighting spirit subsides , it will be when they fail. Liu Bei said The words are conclusive , but Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are a little doubtful about this. Brother

, if Huang Zhong were five years younger, I would still believe it . But now Huang Zhong is almost fifty, and with his physical strength, he can really do what Huang Zhong does. The biggest problem is that he is too old. Zhang Fei feels that Huang Zhong may really plan to do this

As Liu Bei said , but can his physical strength really support him to do all this? Zhang Fei is deeply doubtful about this . In fact, it is not only Zhang Fei but also Guan Yu is the same. He has the same doubts at this moment. He

Feels that Huang Zhong’s age no longer supports him to do this. But Liu Bei is very confident in this. You are optimistic that he will win in the end. It must be Han Sheng. When Liu Bei answered so firmly, everyone was stunned. He couldn’t help but cast curious eyes on Huang Zhong

. If Huang Zhong could really defeat the combined efforts of Dian Wei and Xu Chu , it would be enough to prove that his strength was actually improved after being beaten by Wang Xiao , and he could become stronger after being beaten. This was a little too incredible,

But they couldn’t help but believe it when the facts were in front of them. The battle between the three of them continued. Dian Wei and Xu Chu’s fierce offensive was intercepted by Huang Zhong again and again. After being intercepted again and again, the two began to slow down. They

Planned to fight a protracted battle with Huang Zhong , but as soon as they slowed down their offensive rhythm, Huang Zhong started his own counterattack. Just when the two of them were planning to slow down a little, Huang Zhong suddenly He took a step forward and then hit Xu Chu’s head with

A headbutt. Xu Chu was not Dian Wei and did not have a head that was comparable to a stone. Huang Zhong felt dizzy after being hit by the impact. His body couldn’t help but take two steps back . Although it was only It was only two steps

, but it also created an opening. Huang Zhong didn’t care about the pain in his forehead , stepped forward and slashed at Dian Wei. Dian Wei held two knives to block Huang Zhong’s attack , then raised his leg and kicked Huang. Huang Zhong’s eyes quickly opened his legs

And clamped Dian Wei’s feet before Dian Wei ‘s legs could hit some important parts . Dian Wei relied on his own strength to pull Huang Zhong over. At this time, Xu Chu had also slowed down and hurriedly came to kill Huang Zhong. Seeing this , he immediately let go of Dian Wei

And then pulled away to deal with Xu Chu. Dian Wei took two steps back because the force used to pull away his thigh was a bit too strong. This also caused Xu Chu to become a man to deal with Huang Zhong

At the moment. The next moment, Huang Zhong was like a tiger and launched the most ferocious attack on Xu Chu. For a while, Xu Chu was so suppressed that he could not lift his head. This situation continued. When Dian Wei attacked again, Huang Zhong used some means to repel Xu Chu.

The cycle went on and on . As a result, Huang Zhong only had to face one person all the time, turning the siege into a battle . Although it was equally uncomfortable, he could still accept it . This makes Dian Wei and Xu Chu feel uncomfortable. They feel that Huang Zhong is as

Cunning as an old fox at this moment . Although he has been fighting , the rhythm of the battle is completely out of his hands. This feeling is particularly uncomfortable and even… Dian Wei reminds Dian Wei of a person named Zhao Yun

. Dian Wei also feels the same way every time he fights with Zhao Yun. The opponent’s various skills are endless. Every time Dian Wei fights with him, he feels that the rhythm of the battle is completely out of his control , even if he is not beaten. Zhao Yun was defeated

But would still be at a disadvantage. Faced with an extremely aggrieved situation , Huang Zhong was in a similar situation. All of this made Dian Wei and Xu Chu feel aggrieved , and in the end they just threw them away. The weapons in my hands are no longer fighting.

Huang Hansheng, this old fox, is really uncomfortable fighting you. Dian Wei and Xu Chu both looked at Huang Zhong with aggrieved expressions . It’s a good thing that he forgot about the military advisor, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to do it so easily. Cross this shackles. When everyone heard this,

They all looked at each other. Then they turned around and walked outside in unison. Huang Zhong looked at their leaving figures and asked with some doubts, aren’t you here to see me ? What are you going to do? Get beaten, everyone. He didn’t even look back

, he just left these words in unison and rushed to leave. It’s a good day . It’s a good day. It’s already three o’clock in the morning . Wang Xiao woke up from the arms of Lu Lingqi and Mi Zhen and then walked gently. After getting dressed, I walked out.

Today’s weather was particularly good. The bright sunshine fell on me, making Wang Xiao feel particularly comfortable. With the sun in his head, Wang Xiao came to the front door of his house. As soon as he opened the door, Wang Xiao planned to take two steps forward

To take a look. As soon as I landed on this busy street , I heard a voice coming from below . Yes, yes , that’s it . Wang Situ, hit me two more times and I’ll go. Wang Xiao was immediately startled by the movement, and his whole body seemed to be frightened. He

Ran back for more than ten meters like a rabbit , and then his eyes fell on the tiles in front of his house . Wang Xiao looked at this scene with a surprised look on his face and muttered strangely. Then he saw a figure rising from the ground. Got up

This is none other than Xu Chu , and there is a big shoe mark on his face. It seems that he stepped on his face just now . Zhongkang, there is something wrong with you. Even when you touch porcelain, it touches the door of my house. I can tell you.

Even if you are really stepped on by me and something goes wrong, I won’t pay you any money. Wang Xiao teased Xu Chu angrily. Wang Xiao really didn’t hold back this time . How could someone play like this? This is true. Don’t be afraid of embarrassment. Wang Situ, just whip me.

I will never be angry. When Xu Chu heard this, he became even more excited. As he spoke, he pulled open his clothes to reveal his strong chest muscles , and then looked eager. Looking forward to it, he stepped forward and wanted Wang Xiao to whip him hard. Looking at this scene,

Wang Xiao could n’t help but frowned. Are you fucking sick? This scene is so eye-catching that even Wang Xiao has to do it. It’s off-putting to say that , especially for myself, but I just woke up from the warm and fragrant embrace of the ladies

, and as soon as I opened the door, I saw such an eye-catching scene . How could Wang Xiao not be off-appetizing? Seeing that Xu Chu was still approaching. Wang Xiao also frowned. Without thinking , he punched Xu Chu in the face . Immediately, Xu Chu flew straight into the air like

A kite with its strings broken, and then hit a pile of debris not far away. In the end, this time he stabbed the strong man ‘s lair. As Xu Chu fell, he was hit by a group of people. Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan , Dianwei and others were actually

Hiding in these debris. Xiao’s words were just words. In the end, Wang Xiao had actually noticed them , so he directly knocked Xu Chu away and immediately got all these people out. What are you doing one by one ? Wang Xiao looked at these people and frowned

With confusion on his face. They asked incomprehensibly that they were all fine yesterday, why did everyone seem to be sick today? At this moment, Lu Lingqi and the others also heard the commotion here, got dressed, and came over. Lu Lingqi looked at

The famous people under Cao Cao’s command. At this moment, the generals all collapsed in front of their homes and couldn’t help but look confused. Husband , what is going on? Lu Lingqi and the others all looked confused and puzzled. They had no idea what was going on. What is the

Relationship between these people and husband ? Aren’t they all pretty good ? Why are they all beaten like this by their husbands and lying in front of their own homes ? Don’t worry about them. They are all sick. Wang Xiao said in a bad tone.

He was obviously a little unhappy about what happened just now , but he thought. I think it was just like this when I got up. Who could stand it ? I must be feeling very unhappy now. This is also normal. Although Lu Lingqi was a little hesitant about this, she didn’t say anything

More when she thought it was Wang Xiao’s order. After all, everything was fine. It has already happened and now there is no point in thinking about it anymore. An Xin can just follow Wang Xiao’s order and wait a moment . Seeing that Wang Xiao seemed to be really angry, everyone was panicked.

Dian Wei hurriedly got up from the ground and then He quickly came to Wang Xiao and said with a flattering look on his face, “Commander , we have no choice. That’s why we made such a decision. What on earth is going on ? Tell me clearly.

You ran to my door very early in the morning and looked full of lust.” You were begging me to hit you, do you have some special hobby? Wang Xiaodang rolled his eyes and said impatiently to Dian Wei, but he didn’t dare to delay and immediately said to

The military advisor. In fact, this is what happened. Han Sheng had already woken up. And his strength has really improved. That’s why we came to see you, military advisor, because we want you to give us a beating . Maybe in this way we can improve our strength.

Dian Wei looked at Wang Xiao expectantly. I am extremely looking forward to Wang Xiao being able to beat him up now. He has woken up much faster than I thought. Wang Xiao was also a little surprised when he heard this

. Originally, he thought Huang Zhong would be unconscious for three or four days. Unexpectedly, he had already woken up after just one day. Yes , and my strength has also been improved. Military advisor, I really want to make progress, so military advisor, please give me a beating too. As

Soon as Dian Wei said this, everyone else also rushed forward. Wang Situ, you can’t favor one over the other. No matter what Chongyong says. I am also your uncle, you have to beat me, Wang Situ, I have always felt that I, Liu Xuande, deserve a beating, don’t you think so too ?

Come on, beat me as much as you want, let me completely change my ways. With everyone’s begging, Next, in the end, even Cao Ang squeezed over. Teacher , being beaten by you can really improve your strength. Cao Ang looked at Wang Xiao expectantly, and his eyes were about to shine. Zixiu

, don’t you kid also want it? Cao Ang was heavy. As a teacher’s disciple, how can I not get beaten? I beg you, teacher, please give me a beating . It’s completely chaotic. Although Wang Xiao had thought before that after Huang Zhong’s results appeared, they might actively come to look for him.

But Wang Xiao Xiao didn’t expect it to be like this . This is a bit too fanatical, can’t you people be more reserved? Just when Wang Xiao was having a headache about this, someone suddenly pulled his sleeve. Wang Xiao turned around and saw Lu Lingqi. She was looking at herself

With a shy face and then lightly opened her lips. I want my husband too. Wang Xiao looked at them and felt his scalp numb. Especially when Lu Lingqi next to him had intervened, Wang Xiao didn’t know what to do . “You all , please calm down and don’t cause trouble here.”

Wang Xiao said helplessly, and then slapped Lu Lingqi’s small butt righteously. “Be honest, do n’t make trouble for me, husband. ” Lu Lingqi was slapped by Wang Xiao. Immediately after the photo was taken , his face turned red , his mouth pouted, and he looked at Wang Xiao with aggrieved expression. Husband

, I also want to make progress. As your wife, I can’t always have this strength. Even Uncle Wen Yuan can’t beat her. Lu Lingqi is too weak. As soon as the words came out, Mi Zhen and others who

Were still in the room watching the situation outside couldn’t help but look down at their own bodies . It seemed that they couldn’t even defeat a soldier. Wang Xiao even more helplessly smiled and said What you are saying is a bit contemptuous of Wen Yuan

. After all, he is also the best general under your father’s command. Zhang Liao is a talented person. Even in the shining stars of the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, he is one of the most dazzling stars. You just open your mouth. Wanting to defeat Zhang Liao

Is a bit too much, but Lu Lingqi also had something to say about it. She is right, but I am your husband and your wife after all. As the number one woman in the world, how can I do it if I don’t even have such a little strength ?

Lu Lingqi said with a serious face, her words were full of persistence and expectations for this matter , which made Wang Xiao also look helpless. It ‘s okay to hit others. You can’t hit women . You said that if you are a master of that kind of boxing, you can’t hit a woman.

Forget it , but now this is my wife. It’s a bit unreasonable to hit your own wife. You should be obedient and don’t cause trouble. I will give you more special training. Wang Xiao has no choice but to make this promise to Lu Lingqi. I hope it can make Lu Lingqi calm down.

Well, Wang Xiao has already said this. In the end, Lu Lingqi could only accept it aggrievedly . Lu Lingqi’s small buttocks were spanked twice , making Lu Lingqi’s face turn red as if she was about to bleed. Then she waved her hand to let Lu Lingqi leave . After Lu Lingqi left,

Wang Xiao turned to look at the group of people in front of him who were still waiting to be beaten. After thinking for a long time, I couldn’t come up with a practical solution. Finally, Wang Xiao decided to go . Let’s go together to find Lao Cao

And ask him to come up with a charter. Everyone will listen to Wang Situ. Naturally, everyone has no objection. Everyone will follow Wang. Xiao went to find Cao Cao, so as long as he was beaten by Chong Yong, it was really possible that his strength would be improved.

Although Cao Cao had always expected this to be true , when it was confirmed , Cao Cao found it so incredible. After all, he just let Wang Xiao Just a beating can really improve Wang Xiao’s strength. Is there any sage theory on Wang Xiao’s fist?

But the expectant eyes of the people in front of him told Cao Cao that all this is true. Wang Xiao really has such power . Wang Xiao really Being able to do this kind of thing, now is not the time for Lao Cao to doubt whether this matter is true or not

, but to think about how to deal with this matter . I can’t fucking beat them every day. Originally, Wang Xiao just wanted to take advantage of this. The ability slightly improved Cao Ying’s overall strength , but Wang Xiao never expected that in the end, these guys would all go crazy,

One by one, making people’s scalp numb. They were begging themselves to beat them. I couldn’t just get up and beat people every day, right ? This would be the case. It shouldn’t be me but Man Chong, right? That’s true, but this matter is easy

To handle. You can only hit ten people every day. Cao Cao said to Wang Xiao in a matter-of-fact manner. You can only hit ten people every day to let them. Wouldn’t it be enough to arrange the time yourself

And then take the initiative to come to the door one by one to be beaten? Cao Cao’s suggestion is indeed good. Wang Xiao thought about it and felt that it is okay. After all, if you beat ten people in one day, there will be no problem.

Then just follow what you said. Who would be the first person to come first ? Wang Xiao said and turned to look at the people in front of him. But who knew that the first one to self-recommend was not any of them. Instead, it was Cao Cao Chongyong who was beside him.

Let me be the one. The first one is Cao Cao. He looked at Wang Xiao with curiosity and expectation. Even if he saw this magical thing with his own eyes, Cao Cao would have many questions. So in order to solve these questions, Cao Cao decided to experience it himself.

Maybe this can help him further . I understand what is going on. Old Cao, Wang Xiao, I originally thought that beating Cao Cao was a bit too much, but then I thought about it. This is also for Cao Cao’s good. Only when Cao Cao becomes more outstanding

Can Cao Ying become more powerful in the world. Okay, then let me beat you for a whole day. Wang Xiao knocked out all ten people including Cao Cao. Among them, only three of them, Cao Cao, Dian, Wei, Xu and Chu, succeeded. The others didn’t succeed because of their fate

, but it was enough to solve this situation. Originally, Wang Xiao planned to leave directly, but Xiahou Dun and Xia Houyuan grabbed Wang Xiao and said that they had something to discuss with Wang Xiao. The three of them found a restaurant and sat down together. After that,

Wang Xiao said to them impatiently. People asked, what are you planning to do with me? You can’t just hope that I’ll hit you harder tomorrow . Wang Xiao looked at the two of them with a strange expression, not understanding what they wanted to do, and neither of them knew. He said that

He was just urging the waiter to serve wine and food. After the wine had passed three times and the dishes had gone through five flavors, the two of them said to Wang Xiao, “Chongyong , you are becoming more and more amazing now. We two brothers have talked about it and

Think that these changes in you should be related to You carry the Book of Saints with you, so we plan to learn from you . Then you don’t want me to give you the bamboo slips hanging around my waist. This is not what we mean. We want you to come forward

And help us find a way. Get the bamboo slip from Mr. Wen Ruo’s hand. That ‘s right , but Chen Ping’s handwriting must be more powerful. We are all real relatives. Please help. This is what happened in Xun Yu’s house. How to deal with it depends on Wen Ruo. Yours. At

This moment, Xiahou Dun and Xia Houyuan are looking at Wang Xiaochongyong with livid faces. I am your relative. In terms of seniority , it is not an exaggeration to call me uncle. Now you are determined to betray me . What Xiahou Dun is calling at this moment is a grievance . Xia Houyuan

, who was so angry that his lungs almost exploded when he looked like that, looked at Wang Xiao with a very hurt look and said, Chongyong , we all believed in you and told you about this matter. This is the result of your treatment. Ours?

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, Wang Xiao raised his middle finger to them on the spot and made an international gesture. You asked me to come over and steal Wen Ruo’s things and then you plan to give me nothing.

This is not treating me like a fool. Are you a fool? Wang Xiao was speechless for a while. These two people wanted to let him steal Xun Yu ‘s bamboo slips , but they didn’t intend to reward him. Isn’t this just making me work for nothing? I can do it myself

. So Wang Xiao changed hands and told Xun Yu about it . Then there was a scene in front of him. When Xun Yu heard Wang Xiao’s words , he couldn’t help but smiled bitterly and shook his head. Chongyong , if you say so, you can’t betray me

As long as someone pays you. What are you saying? Wang Xiao immediately refuted Xun Yu with a righteous look on his face. After hearing this, Xun Yu felt a little relieved. It seems that his relationship with Wang Xiao is still close enough. However, the next moment Wang Xiao said,

“You are my brother, sister and friend. You have to pay extra. Now Xun Yu is really speechless. This is really the first time he has met Wang Xiao.” Such a person is simply the best. Okay, stop making trouble. When Wang Xiao saw that Xun Yu seemed to be really angry, he

Immediately waved his hand and passed the matter over to these two serious people. What are you going to do? Wang Xiao was quite curious about Xun Yu. How they planned to deal with Xiahou Dun and the two brothers didn’t know how they came up with the idea. They

Actually suspected that it was because they had been wearing bamboo slips for a long time that they got the approval of those ancient saints. That’s why they became so outrageous. If they really followed this logic , they shouldn’t have come. To steal Chen Ping’s manuscripts, you should go directly to dig Confucius’s grave.

You might be able to find some more useful things from his grave. Of course, if you do this, something will probably happen. First of all, the corporal literati all over the world will have to scold the two of them. There is black smoke coming out of the ancestral tomb . Let them go.

I can’t really attack them. In fact, there is another sentence behind Xun Yu, not to mention that I can’t fight him. Okay. Anyway, this matter itself has nothing to do with me . Wang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said it didn’t matter. Then he said to Xun Yu, “Besides

, you came here for some other reason, right? In fact, it was Xun Yu who asked him to come here this time , not Wang Xiao who came here on his own .” You know about the battle in Qingzhou, right? When Wang Xiao of Qingzhou

Heard this, a look of thought flashed in his eyes, and then he suddenly realized: Are you talking about Yuan Tan attacking Qingzhou? If you want to talk about the current war in Qingzhou, it must be Yuan Tan attacking Qingzhou. That’s right. Xun Yu nodded. Then he said that Yuan Tan attacked Qingzhou.

Qingzhou governor Kong Rong could not stop the attack and ran away. So Qingzhou had completely fallen into Yuan Shao’s hands. During this period, Yuan Shao did not interfere with Cao Cao’s affairs, allowing Cao Cao and Wang Xiao to attack these aristocratic families. Vigorous suppression , but this does not mean that

Yuan Shao has not made any moves. On the contrary, Yuan Shao has actually been taking action. This time, his target is Qingzhou. He has already attacked Qingzhou once before, and at that time, Qingzhou was taken by one third. All the territory was captured , but due to other reasons

, especially Cao Cao’s intervention, he did not completely capture Qingzhou. This was his second attack on Qingzhou , and this time Cao Cao really had no time to take care of Qingzhou ‘s affairs. Although the aristocratic family has been suppressed by them and constantly eroded away the power to resist,

The aristocratic family is a centipede after all. The closer they get to victory, the more ferocious their counterattack becomes. Now Cao Cao has no energy to care about these things. He was able to focus all his energy on the encirclement and suppression of the aristocratic family. Where did

Kong Rong go? He ran back to his hometown. Kong Rong’s hometown was in the state of Lu, which is Qufu, Shandong. Kong Rong was quite famous in his hometown. The Kong family was even more famous locally and fled back. After the Kong family,

Even the Yuan family would not be able to embarrass Kong Rong. After all, the family of saints cannot be offended easily , otherwise the Kong family would not have become the same family as the Zhang family. It has been passed down from ancient times to the present

, and it still exists even in modern times. The Zhang family mentioned that Zhang Tianshi’s family in Longhu Mountain also had a character at this time. Zhang Lu of the Hanzhong Five Pecks of Rice Sect returned to the State of Lu . Then, Wang Xiao actually still didn’t quite understand

What he was planning to do. Kong Rong ran back to the State of Lu and followed him. What does it have to do with me? You suddenly called me over just because of this matter. Wang Xiao looked at Xun Yu with confusion.

Even if Kong Rong was dead, he wouldn’t call me over to talk to me alone . Chong Yong , me. I know you are in a hurry , but don’t be so anxious. Listen to me. After Xun Yu waved his hand , he continued to say to Wang Xiao, Chong Yong

‘s current situation is that someone wants to let Kong Yu become an official in the court , so I came to you to talk about it. What is the situation of entering the court as an official ? When Wang Xiao heard this, he couldn’t help but frowned. Who is the little emperor?

Otherwise, who else can there be? Now there is no one useful to His Majesty. Naturally, he wanted to give it a try, so he found him. Wang Xiao said to Kong Rong with a look of disdain. In fact, Wang Xiao didn’t care about this matter . After all, Kong Rong,

Except for his hard bones, had no other abilities. If you say he was a loyal minister or a person of high moral character, then There is no problem at all , but other than that, he is useless. Yes , I just want to talk to you about this matter

, Chongyong, and see what you mean by it. Time, place , etc. Xun Yu looked at Wang Xiao with some confusion, while Wang Xiao said He stood up and looked at Xun Yu in front of him and said the time and place. I went to pick him up personally. Kong Rong was

The 20th grandson of Confucius and the head of the contemporary Kong family. A very famous filial son in history, Wang Xiao also studied with Kong Rong when he was studying. Rang Li, what about this article? However, in this era, Kong Rong should be most famous for his fight for righteousness. During the Ling

Emperor’s period , the power of the ten permanent servants was greatly enhanced. The famous scholar Zhang Jian offended one of the ten permanent servants, Hou. Zhang Jian secretly ordered the prefectures and counties to arrest Zhang Jian. At that time, Zhang Jian was good friends with Kong Rong’s elder brother Kong

Bao, so he went to seek refuge with Kong Bao. However, Kong Bao was not at home to receive Zhang Jian at that time. It was Kong Rong who received Zhang Jian. Originally, Zhang Jian saw that Kong Rong was young. Kong Bao planned to leave since he was not at home

, but Kong Rong took the initiative to keep him here. Later, the officials in the prefecture and county knew about it , but almost everyone below the Prime Minister tried to hide it from them until it was no longer possible to hide it. They could only secretly inform Zhang Jian to escape

, but Zhang Jian escaped , but Kong Bao and Kong Rong were arrested. When they were interrogated, Kong Rong said that he was the one who took Zhang Jian in, and he should bear all the charges. Kong Bao said that Zhang Jian was Although he was not at home,

The crime should be borne by himself . Seeing the two of them rushing to say that they were guilty, the interrogating officials had no choice but to find their mother and ask her what her opinion was . That is to say, let her decide which one to keep. But their mother’s answer

Gave these officials even more headaches. The adults should be responsible for family affairs. I am the mother, so the blame lies with me. The three members of my family are rushing to bear the blame. In the end, this matter can only be reported. The court ultimately made the decision. Kong Bao was convicted

, but Kong Rong and his mother were innocent. Kong Rong also became famous because of this incident. In contrast, Rang Li, who is more well-known in modern times, almost no one cares about Kong Rong. Rong has another stone from the latrine.

At this moment, Wang Xiao is on his way to meet Kong Rong. Wang Xiao doesn’t know much about this Kong Rong , but one thing Wang Xiao knows very well is that the stone in the latrine is smelly and hard. In history, Kong Rong opposed Cao Cao many times

And spread some unfavorable remarks to Cao Cao in private. For example, Emperor Gaozu once said that no one with a different surname could be granted a title, and no one could be granted a title within a thousand miles of the capital. Each of these was aimed at Cao Cao

. In fact, Kong Rong disliked him quite a bit and could even be said to be disgusted. It was just because Kong Rong was too famous that he could not be touched for a while, so he just tolerated it. However, he secretly kept collecting dirt on Kong Rong

Until finally Cao Cao took it. A bunch of so-called evidence put Kong Rong to death on the charge of unfilial piety. I remember that at this time, there was also an allusion. Kong Rong asked to keep his two children when facing the envoy sent by Cao Cao to execute him.

They were too young. But the answer given by the envoy was that there were no intact eggs under the overturned nest , so Kong Rong’s family was implicated and died. However, this sentence was also said by Kong Rong’s two children. What is the specific truth? Anyway

, there is no way to know. Wang Xiao is a military advisor who doesn’t want this allusion to appear. Are you planning to kill Kong Rong directly? Along with Wang Xiao is Xiahou Dun. Originally, he was still thinking about how to explain to Xun Yu later, but Wang Xiao came directly

To let him know. He followed him and walked together to greet Kong Rong. However, looking at Wang Xiao’s conversation with Xun Yu just now, Xiahou Dun thought that Wang Xiao was going to kill Kong Rong in advance. Why did he kill him? It’s justifiable.

You are going to kill Kong Rong now with your mouth. Why do you think Kong Rong is already the head of the saint’s family ? There are many scholars in the world who support him. They can say that as long as Kong Rong doesn’t seek death

, Cao Cao will be the real one. Even the emperor won’t touch him. After all, it’s easy to catch a fox and end up with a reputation for being coquettish. The higher the position and the

Authority, the more people will care about it. On the contrary, most of those who kill and kill at every turn are reckless. They don’t care about reputation at all and don’t think it is of any use. So when things happen, they always speak with a knife. So what should I do

? Didn’t you tell me everything? Kong Rong definitely won’t support the eldest brother. Since he doesn’t support the eldest brother, let’s let him do it. Why are you here to trouble us? Xiahou Dun himself is an upright person, so he also knows that it is difficult to persuade people like Kong Rong.

What’s more, these scholars all have a problem, that is, they have a bad mouth. In the early years, wasn’t it because Cao Cao was raped? Bian Rang scolded him in a hurry, and finally killed Bian Rang, who caused these subsequent incidents

And even caused Chen Gong to join forces with the local aristocratic families in Yanzhou to drive Cao Cao away. I have to tell you in advance that someone with such a reputation Literati outside have a common problem , that is, they have bad- mouthed people . You have to be careful

When we meet later. Xiahou Dun, even now , whenever he thinks of the scene when Bian Rang scolded Cao Cao, he gets angry . I feel that Cao Cao just chopped off Bian Rang with a knife, which really took advantage of that bastard. But Kong Rong has always been as famous as

Bian Rang . I guess his mouth is not much better , just a Kong Rong. Wang Xiao didn’t pay too much attention to these things about himself. After all, he was also a pianist in Zu’an for a period of time. Before time travel, he had not been careless and lost his

Horse. Even if he was able to spray , could Brother Zu’an be able to spray , could he be as ugly as what they sprayed in ten seconds ? Let’s start with a few shielding words. I hope you won’t regret it when the time comes, military advisor. Xiahou Dun

Continued walking with Wang Xiao as he spoke . After about two hours, the two finally arrived at the location given by Xun Yu , and there was indeed someone waiting here . It’s not one person, but two people. One of them has a very long beard, about ten or twenty centimeters.

His expression is solemn and his body is thin. At first glance, you can tell that he is a great scholar . The other one is about twenty or so, with a white beard and a slightly arrogant expression. Since Wang Xiao and the others arrived, they had not looked at them seriously

, but Kong Wenju and Wang Xiao didn’t pay attention and went straight to the older man. It was Kong Rong who hurriedly bowed his hands and saluted and said to Wang Xiao, this is Kong Rong . My friend Mi Heng is the one who went to Xuchang with me.

I don’t know what the general’s surname is. How do you call Mi Heng? Wang Xiao looked at the two people in front of him in surprise. If it was Kong Rong, forget it. Why did he bring you with him? Heng, this guy is a pure troll. He

Can be said to be a strong contender for the strongest troll in the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms. In history, this guy scolded almost all the capable people in Cao Cao with just one mouth , especially him. When I first came to Xuchang, I actually prepared a self-recommended greeting card

And so on. However, I felt that there was no one in Xuchang worthy of meeting me , so I never sent a greeting card. In the end, the good letter of greeting was so worn by his clothes that the handwriting could not be read clearly. There was no need to go out. What

Was even more ridiculous was that someone recommended to him that he could go and pay homage to Xun Yu or Zhao Rong, both of whom were among the nobles. They are all very famous in the literary world , but Mi Heng just took one look at the two of them

And said that Xun Yu had a good face and could use his face to express condolences to others . Zhao Rong must be a good person in managing the kitchen, which meant that Xun Yu had a good face. Yu was just good-looking, while

Zhao Rong was a fat man who only knew how to eat and drink. This shows how arrogant this man was. Later, Kong Rong recommended him to Cao Cao because he had a good personal relationship with him and knew that this man was very talented.

But Ni Heng But he looked down on Cao Cao. He often mocked Cao Cao behind his back. Facing Cao Cao’s recruitment, he repeatedly claimed to be mad, so his crazy words made Cao Cao unable to do anything . After learning that Kong Rong recommended this person to him,

Cao Cao appointed Ni Heng as drummer Rang. His original intention of playing drums to add to the fun was to humiliate Mi Heng, but Mi Heng just accepted it. Later one day, Cao Cao held a banquet and asked the drummers to uniformly dress and perform on

Stage. However, Mi Heng did not change his clothes. After being scolded by the minor officials around Cao Cao, He even took off his clothes and continued to play the drum, which made Cao Cao lose his face. When Kong Rong learned about this , he reprimanded Mi Heng

And took him to admit his mistake to Cao Cao . However, Mi Heng’s way of admitting his mistake was to sit on the ground and take a pot. He hit the ground with a sledgehammer while cursing Cao Cao , and even scolded the civil and military officials around Cao Cao.

In the end, Cao Cao had no choice but to send him to Jingzhou to add trouble to Liu Biao. At first, Liu Biao and the literati in Jingzhou fought against each other. He was also very polite and had to let him read all literary creations before they could be published.

Once when he was away for something , Liu Biao wrote a memorial with others. When Mi Heng came back, Mi Heng asked Mi Heng to see the result. After just one glance, he said that Liu Biao and the others were not good at writing , and then tore them up. From then on,

Liu Biao also had some opinions about Mi Heng, and finally sent Mi Heng to Huang Zu. Huang Zu was also polite to Mi Heng , but later at a banquet. In front of the guests, Mi Heng began to speak rudely again

, and in the end, he directly called Huang Zu a dead old man. Huang Zu was so angry that he ordered to kill him on the spot. He was only twenty-six years old when he died. It can be said that Mi Heng spent most of his life. He has always been a troll,

Especially since he was 20 years old, traveling around and among various princes, he has hardly talked to any princes, and trolled wherever he went. The main theme is a mad dog character who bites whoever he catches . Well, you actually I know that although I , Mi Heng, are somewhat famous now, I

Am not very famous . So when I saw Wang Xiao, I seemed to know that I was immediately interested. I knew that Wang Xiao looked at Mi Heng and nodded with interest. His words are sharper than swords, and I have admired him for a long time. Wang Xiao doesn’t know what

Mi Heng’s other abilities are like , but if you want to criticize people , you must be fair . If an ordinary person hears this, they may feel a little embarrassed . After all, it’s not a good reputation for being a bad scolder

, but Mi Heng doesn’t do it at all. He didn’t care , but immediately retorted, ” General, you are joking. My mouth is faster than the knife on the general’s waist. I am so presumptuous that I dare to talk to Wang Situ like this. If it was a normal matter

, Xiahou Dun might have tolerated it, but I didn’t expect this Mi Heng.” He actually dared to talk to Wang Xiao like this. At that time, Xiahou Dun shouted angrily at Mi Heng , and even planned to draw his sword. Seeing this, Kong Rong hurriedly stepped forward to stop the two of them

. They misunderstood each other. After he persuaded Xiahou Dun first, Kong Rong Only then did Rong come forward and bow to Wang Xiao. Your Excellency must be Situ Wang Xiao, right? Kong Rong has admired Wang Situ for a long time. His name is indeed well-deserved when he meets him today.

Kong Rong said with an excited smile on his face , as if he was Everything I said just now is true. As for Wang Xiao looking at Kong Rong, he was thinking about another thing in his mind, which

Was the theory that Kong Rong killed his brother and his mother. Kong Rong eventually caused his brother Kong Bao to take in Zhang Jian. Being killed is the origin of brother-killing. When Kong Rong was executed by Cao Cao, one of his crimes was lack of filial piety.

Kong Rong believed that parents have no kindness to their sons. The fundamental reason why they have children is to vent their desires. Mothers are just There is no connection between a container containing a child and the two being completely separated after the child is born. If we really want to talk about kindness,

It should be the kindness of teaching and raising rather than the kindness of childbearing. This view is actually consistent with the filial piety of this era. It was violated , so this became a major piece of evidence for Cao Cao to kill Kong Rong. Over the years,

Wang Xiao sometimes saw similar comments on the Internet , but Wang Xiao felt that this could not be regarded as Kong Rong killing his brother and mother. First of all, Kong Bao also wanted to die. At that time, they were fighting for justice. This was seen by everyone. Secondly

, Kong Rong did not deny the kindness of his parents , but believed that giving birth could not be regarded as a kindness because the starting point of this matter was to vent his anger. Desire can only be regarded as kindness if it is raised and educated.

Wang Xiao, as a modern person, recognizes this point. After all, Wang Xiao has seen many cruel parents on the Internet. For example, one locked his two daughters in the house and went out to have fun by himself.

The most critical point about the mother who ultimately caused her daughter to starve to death at home is that she had done this before , but because she didn’t close the door , her daughter ran out. The neighbor called her and made her feel that she was disturbed,

So she locked the door directly. Then she left, which directly caused the two daughters to starve to death. There were more people like this at home than allowed her to survive. Therefore, Wang Xiao quite agreed with Kong Rong’s theory that kindness should be nurtured

Instead of living, so he gave Kong Rong the favor at the moment. For the sake of Kong Wenju, Ni Zhengping lets you go this time. The prime minister is still waiting for you. Wang Xiao has no time to talk to Ni Heng, this troll, to reason. He is just a troll, and

At best he has some literary talent. That’s all , and to be honest, in terms of combining literary talent and trolling It also depends on Chen Lin , who is the number one sprayer in the Three Kingdoms , and the most important point is

That she is serious, can spray to the point, and spray flowers. Even Lao Cao was frightened when he saw the crusade written by Chen Lin. Khan’s head was healed at that time, and Mi Heng scolded Cao Cao several times , which only made Cao Cao angry.

However, there was no such operation that could rejuvenate Cao Cao’s skills. This shows that there is still a certain gap between the two. Mi Heng just scolded Cao Cao, but Chen Lin did. Skilled trolling is completely different , so Wang Xiao doesn’t really care about a simple troll like Mi Heng

, but Mi is quite dissatisfied with Wang Xiao’s attitude as a person who is so arrogant and arrogant. Naturally, Mi Heng couldn’t tolerate Wang Xiao’s attitude towards him, so he smiled contemptuously and said, “It turns out that Wang Situ has also admired Wang Situ for a long time. Isn’t it notorious for

Admiring his name for a long time? ” Wang Xiao looked in front of him with a joking look on his face. In Wang Xiao’s eyes, Mi Heng is just a small role. Wang Xiao actually doesn’t care about Mi Heng’s thoughts, actions and other things. In other words, neither Kong Rong nor Mi Heng

Pays attention to him at this moment. It’s just that there are some things that he has to come over and explain clearly to Kong Rong first. Kong Wenju: First of all, I am Situ , a civil servant, not a military commander. Don’t make a mistake next time. Also, I hope you

Can clearly understand what one thing is like after you arrive in Xuchang. What kind of words should be said and should not be said ? Wang Xiao said to Kong Rong with a serious and serious face. Kong Rong can be regarded as a great scholar

After all . If he really talks nonsense, it will be a troublesome thing. Wang Xiao also wants Kong Rong to leave after the past. What kind of things can you say and what can’t you say? Wang Situ, are you threatening me to stop meddling in other people’s business ? No

, I just hope you can put your mind on the people instead of some things that have been doomed. Things that are destined to decay and will eventually be replaced. Kong Rong immediately fell silent when he heard Wang Xiao’s words because he knew very well what Wang Xiao meant.

Things that are destined to decay and will eventually be replaced. This sentence is just the difference. Just say Liu Xie’s name directly . His Majesty called Wo into the court as an official . He helped the Han Dynasty for the benefit of the people. How could I not? Before

Kong Rong finished speaking , Wang Xiao had already put his hand on Kong Rong’s head . The palm of his hand was like a hat, covering almost the entire top of Kong Rong’s head. Even Kong Rong’s skin could feel the rough texture on Wang Xiao’s palm and his skin as hard as iron.

At this moment, Kong Rong It seems that what is placed on top of his head is not a palm but a big mountain. It is so thick and terrifying, and carries a pressure that makes Kong Rong almost unable to stand up. Think clearly when you speak, use your heart. Think about

What you should do. Wang Xiao picked up his bamboo slips as he spoke . The moment the bamboo slips were in his hand, Wang Xiao’s figure suddenly became taller in Kong Rong’s eyes. His eyes penetrated through Wang Xiao’s finger holes . Rong seemed to have seen his ancestors.

He had seen the countless sages in the pre-Qin period who debated and refuted each other in order to promote their ideals. This was a kind of existence that was completely beyond Kong Rong’s understanding. He was almost seeing everything. In an instant, Kong Rong’s brain had shut down.

At this moment, he had completely emptied his mind under Wang Xiao’s words , and he was trying to continue to understand according to Wang Xiao’s words . Perhaps what Wang Xiao said was not entirely true. It’s wrong. This world must first have people and then the emperor

. Maybe I should think carefully about whether I am here to help the emperor and become a foolish, loyal and useless person , or whether I am here to benefit the world and become a useful person. This kind of thinking is going on. Changing Kong Rong ‘s thoughts

Wang Xiao saw Kong Rong’s expression changing with a satisfied smile on his face. Although Wen Sheng’s skill can’t really brainwash a person , it is better than those MLM e-mails. Brainwashing techniques such as deceit are much stronger. With this skill, Wang Xiao can only make others accept his own ideas and theories

. Once the other party accepts it , everything will be fine. Everything is difficult at the beginning , but as long as this opens the door, everything else will be easy. It can be a lot easier. Now Wang Xiao is starting this , and perhaps because Kong Rong is a saint, Kong

Rong accepts it much faster than others. Wang Xiao feels that in a while he will be completely let down. After Kong Rong accepted his thoughts, he only needed to act with emotion and reason. He believed that Kong Rong would soon understand what he should work hard for. But at this moment,

Mi Heng who was standing by him suddenly made a move. As an arrogant man with his eyes above his head, Mi Heng was not affected by Wang Xiao’s literary skills at all . Perhaps in his eyes, there was no one he could worship. Naturally

, he would not be interested in Wang Xiao’s literary skills. There is no reaction from the holy skills , especially now that the target of Wang Xiao’s Literary Saint skills is not him. Therefore, Mi Heng looked at Wang Xiao’s actions with a look of confusion and dissatisfaction. Xie

Thought that Wang Xiao was threatening Kong Rong with force, so he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Kong Rong’s shoulder. ” Wen Ju , are you okay?” Then Mi Heng yelled at Wang Xiao again, “Situ is just a reckless man . He is crowned by monkeys.” You’re just a thing,

You really think you’re a great scholar. Even if you kill us today, you won’t be able to make us surrender. Ni Heng’s noise and interference immediately woke Kong Rong out of that confused state and looked at Wang Xiao. There was also a hint of fear and consternation in his eyes.

What on earth was this method ? How did you do it? Wang Xiao couldn’t help but frown when he saw Kong Rong like this. Mi Heng’s chattering voice kept coming from his ears. At that time, he frowned. With a frown and a backhand, he slapped Mi Heng’s whole body away

And then rolled on the ground like a broken rubber ball. After more than ten laps , he fell on the road. Then Wang Xiao turned his eyes to Kong Rong again and said with a smile, Kong Wenju, don’t be afraid, let’s continue . Xiahou Dun looked at Wang Xiao in surprise.

After all, didn’t he say before that he should calm down and not be violent? Why did you strike first? And this slap could probably beat this kid Mi Heng half to death. But the next moment, Xiahou Dun immediately took the lead in applauding. Damn this bastard, I would have wanted to hit him

If it weren’t for Situ. He was already dead just now when you stopped him . As Xiahou Dun clapped his hands and applauded, the soldiers all spoke up to support Wang Xiao, Master Situ, well done. We have long wanted to deal with this bastard. He really takes himself seriously. I’m just looking for

Death. I dare to talk to our Lord Situ like this. I deserve to die. A loser scholar has no money and no power, and even he has no eyesight . Even Lord Situ dares to offend us. Believe it or not, we can all drown him with a spit.

Damn it , everyone still respects Wang Xiao very much. After all, the treatment they are receiving now is all obtained by Wang Xiao. Their family members have enough food and clothing to wear because of Wang Xiao’s efforts. It can be said that today’s Sanzhou

I don’t know how many people in the land, big and small, are thinking about Wang Xiao’s kindness. These soldiers are the same . They are even the first ones to be grateful to Wang Xiao because of Wang Xiao and his friends, whether it is the pension for those who died in battle

Or the treatment of their widows. With better and more care of these people, all these are the reasons why they should be grateful to Wang Xiao. So when they saw Mi Heng being so disrespectful to Wang Xiao, these soldiers had long wanted to go up and deal with him

. It was just because of Wang Xiao. Xiao had told them not to mess around before , so he didn’t take action. Unexpectedly, Wang Xiao did it himself and beat the bastard until his nose was bruised, his face was swollen

And his body was completely bruised. To be a human being, you don’t just need to spray shit all over your mouth . I really thought I was famous. No one can look down upon you. You deserve to be so old and have accomplished nothing.

It seems that Mi Heng has never received an official position in his life. From the beginning, he just wanted to be an official and enter the official career. He went to Xuchang to pay his respects , but because he was too high-minded and no one looked down on him, the invitation was not

Sent out for a long time . Naturally, no one was willing to guide him to become an official. Later, even Kong Rong repeatedly recommended him to Cao Cao , but because he had offended Cao Cao in advance, he was not hired by Cao Cao in the end.

As for Liu Biao, he was sent to Jingzhou. Although they respected Mi Heng, they did not let Mi Heng become an official. After all, respect is only one thing. But whether he has this ability is another matter. At this moment, Mi Heng has been knocked unconscious

By Wang Xiao’s slap . He probably won’t wake up for a while. I originally planned to get along with you as a scholar . Everyone . You have to make me angry when you use literature to make friends. Now when I get angry, you ride on the horse again and hit the bastard

To death. Wang Xiao stared at Mi Heng who was lying on the ground and cursed again . He didn’t know it was Mi Heng. After hearing his curse or something, his body twitched twice unconsciously, as if to protest Wang Xiao’s words , but he quickly stopped moving

Again. It seemed that he was basically dead. Wang Xiao didn’t care about this. He just glanced at Mi Heng coldly and turned around to continue his brainwashing of Kong Rong. Wang Situ, what on earth did you do just now ? Because Mi Heng disturbed Kong Rong, the brainwashing was not complete.

At this moment, he could still recall what Wang Xiao instilled in him. Those things, Wang Xiao’s theories and thoughts, were like some kind of magic spell that kept echoing in his mind. All of these things made Kong Rong feel fear and consternation . At this moment,

Kong Rong felt as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. Usually those thoughts that he would never think about before are constantly flashing and jumping in his mind , making him fall into a chaotic emotion. Kong Rong doesn’t even know why he has these thoughts . The only possible doubt is

It was Wang Xiao in front of him. Wang Situ, what on earth did you do to me ? Kong Rong kept trying to resist these thoughts to keep himself awake and at the same time questioning Wang Xiao. But in the face of all this , Wang Xiao just smiled faintly. Your head

Is on your own neck. What can I force you to do ? I’m just telling you something I want to say and what I think. Wang Xiao spoke calmly, as if he really didn’t know anything about it. But Kong Rong knew very well that everything he encountered now was related to

Wang Xiao . It could even be said that it was all caused by Wang Xiao . Otherwise, he would not have such an idea . So Kong Rong turned around and wanted to leave , but he had just Wang Xiao’s immortal grip fell on his head once he moved.

At this moment, Kong Rong’s head seemed to be clamped by a huge vise . Wang Xiao’s huge palm was like steel poured into iron. He firmly grabbed Kong Rong’s head and controlled it so that Kong Rong had no chance of escaping. At the same time, Wang Xiao also kept telling Kong Rong

His thoughts. At first, Kong Rong was still right. This was very resistant , but because Wang Xiao had already instilled some knowledge in this area before , it was even faster this time. Kong Rong quickly entered the state and was constantly accepting Wang Xiao’s ideas . It is not necessary and impossible

For Kong Rong to accept it completely , but it only needs Kong Rong to accept part of it, and the remaining part only needs to be allowed to be reflected and understood by himself. After all, this kind of thing that requires brains is very important

To Kong Rong and the others. For a literati, it couldn’t be simpler. On the other side, Xiahou Dun looked at this scene and became more determined in his thoughts. Sure enough , Chongyong became so magical because he held that bamboo slip. He didn’t have it at all

When he didn’t hold the bamboo slip. This feeling now comes as soon as I take the bamboo slips and my whole body becomes It’s different . It seems that my guess is correct. The bamboo slips are the most important. Xiahou Dun’s mind suddenly turned around when he thought about this.

It seems that only Chongyong’s bamboo slips have this ability. Does this mean that I was looking in the wrong direction before? At this moment, a bold plan began to appear in Xiahou Dun’s heart. Wang Xiao took Kong Rong and dragged Mi Heng back to Xuchang. At this moment , Liu Xie He

Is anxiously waiting for Kong Rong’s arrival . After all, he can only place his hope on these external forces now. There is basically no hope internally. Neither Xun Yu nor the other ministers have any hope. It is better to wait for death than to ask them for help. So

Now Liu Xie can only hope that outsiders like Kong Rong can stand on his side. This is also the reason why Liu Xie recruited Kong Rong as an official in the court . But when Liu Xie heard that it was Wang Xiao who went to pick up Kong Rong,

In fact, he was a little unsure in his heart. He was really afraid that Wang Xiao would turn around and chop Kong Rong into pieces with a knife . After all, this was not the first time Wang Xiao had done this to His Majesty

. Wang Situ brought Kong Rong and Mi Heng back . Among them, Kong Rong was still intact, but Mi Heng seemed to have offended Wang Situ, who had been beaten to a pulp and dragged back. When Liu Xie heard this, not only was he not angry

, but he breathed a long sigh of relief. Mi Heng, this person, I I have always heard that he has an arrogant and arrogant temper. It is reasonable to offend Wang Xiao. Being beaten is completely deserved. As long as Kong Wenju is fine, it will be fine.

Kong Rong is a descendant of Confucius , no matter his status or other things, he is not you. This time, Heng Neng was compared to Liu Xie who valued Kong Rong the most. As for Mi Heng, he had no regard for him at all. What’s the use of taking him with

A guy who has a bad mouth ? So for Mi Heng being beaten, Liu Xie didn’t care at all and even breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Mi Heng was there. It was estimated that Wang Xiao’s anger would be vented on Mi Heng. In comparison, Kong Rong was naturally much safer

And quickly changed my clothes. I want to see Kong Wenju and Liu Xie in person. They are very concerned about this matter. After all, this is Kong Rong. As long as we can get his approval and help, if we can use the reputation of the saint’s family to criticize Cao Cao

, maybe Cao Cao will be forced to do so. Transfer part of the power to yourself. These powers don’t need to be big. Just a small amount is enough. At least let yourself live a little like an emperor instead of a plaything

. I can only say that Liu Xie is still too young to really think of these outsiders. Speech will pose a threat to Cao Cao and Wang Xiao. Before the gate of Xuchang City, Cao Cao and Liu Xie were already standing here waiting . However, the purpose of their coming here was completely

Different. The prime minister also came to see Kong Wenju. Liu Xie saw that Cao Cao was also there. The first thought that flashed through his mind was that Cao Cao was here to win over Kong Rong, but Cao Cao sneered disdainfully and said that your Majesty may have misunderstood

That I am not here to see Kong Wenju but to pick up Chongyong for such a trivial matter. Chongyong actually went there in person , which really made me feel uneasy. So I came here to take a look. At this moment, Cao Cao was actually full of contempt and disdain for Liu Xie.

Liu Xie actually thought that Kong Rong could pose a threat to him, and he didn’t know why. Which genius gave him the inspiration to get this result ? At this moment, Cao Cao was full of disdain and contempt for Liu Xie . In his opinion,

Liu Xie was just a little kid who hadn’t grown up, and his knowledge of the world was still too much. You are so narrow-minded that you mistakenly believe that just a mere Kong Rong can pose a threat to you. This is simply ridiculous! Can Kong Rong pose a threat to yourself

? What kind of threat can a guy who can’t even defend his own territory pose ? Instead of worrying about Kong Rong himself, Why don’t you worry about whether Chongyong’s mood today is not good enough ? Otherwise, why would he suddenly find something to do and pick up Kong Rong?

Normally, you can just leave this kind of thing to others , so why do you have to do it yourself? Just between the two of you. During the conversation, Wang Xiao had already brought Kong Rong to the city gate , and there was a person tied behind Wang Xiao’s big butt, Mi Heng.

At this moment, his body had been dragged along all the way. The ground was scratched and his body was covered in blood and flesh. Many places had been rubbed away . With the naked eye, Duo Liu Xie could see that the air he had entered had not yet come out

. Although Duo Liu Xie had no trouble in his heart when he saw this, he also knew that Mi Heng was Kong. In order to win over Kong Rong and Liu Xie , Rong’s friends immediately stood up and reprimanded Wang Xiao. Wang Situ , how could you treat Wen Ju’s friend like this?

Wen Ju was a saint and should be treated with courtesy both emotionally and rationally . How can you treat him like this ? Isn’t this a slap in his face? Liu Xie can be said to be doing his best to sow discord

. He wants to cause conflict between Wang Xiao and Kong Rong , so that Kong Rong can only rely on himself. But Obviously Liu Xie still miscalculated one thing, that is, Kong Rong has been brainwashed by Wang Xiao. When he heard Liu Xie’s words, Kong Rong not only did not show any anger

Or approval , but said to Liu Xie seriously. Although Wang Situ’s move was inappropriate, and the punishment for Zhengping was indeed too severe, in the final analysis, it was all because of Zhengping’s deliberate provocation. This is the most critical and important thing. First, it was Zhengping’s provocation,

And secondly, Wang. Situ’s punishment was too severe. Liu Xie looked at Kong Rong with a dull expression. His brain was already overloaded. He should have been helping Kong Rong to speak. Why would Kong Rong speak to Wang Xiao ? Isn’t Mi Heng his friend? One after another Doubts arose in Liu Xie’s heart

And Liu Xie began to feel a little dizzy. However, Kong Rong did not stop there. Instead, he continued to say: Your Majesty, as the emperor, you should put the world first and the country and the country first . How can justice and justice be paramount , so why

Do you think you should protect me just because I am a saint? You must know that no one is without fault, even saints make mistakes, not to mention us mortals. So Your Majesty, you should understand the situation first. Then make the most correct conclusion Instead of just scolding Wang Situ like this,

How can he convince the public? Kong Rong’s endless chatter can be summed up in one sentence: Liu Xie did something wrong. After hearing Kong Rong’s accusations, Liu Xie felt that he was about to die at this moment. He collapsed. Didn’t he find an ally for himself but a good dog for Cao Cao

? When he thought of these things, Liu Xie felt as if he had turned into a complete clown. Kong Rong’s bizarre transformation even made Cao Cao feel it. A trace of weirdness . Kong Rong has never been a man of eloquent words. Instead, he is an upright

Guy who can even be said to have a neck as tough as a knife. I really can’t think of any position or excuse for him to make such a choice and behave like this . But next For a moment, Kong Rong turned to look at Cao Cao. Prime Minister

Cao , I think you are the same. You have too much control over the court. As a minister, such behavior must be arrogant. But from the perspective of the people of the world, Prime Minister Cao, what you are doing is too deep. This approach has indeed brought them safety and stability.

Today is a chaotic era with endless wars in various places. Prime Minister, you concentrated the power on yourself. Although it goes against the principles of a minister , you also protect the people of the three states. Therefore I will not criticize you on this point.

The real purpose of Wang Xiao is to instill this theory into Kong Rong. To put the people first and put the people’s livelihood first , this is what ministers should do most. The reason why Confucianism is able to win

The last laugh among hundreds of schools of thought is because Confucianism is the most adaptable. From the time when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed all schools of thought to only respect Confucianism, Confucianism has included a responsibility to serve the emperor. Taming the people of the world for the emperor

Is not simply to benefit the people of the world. However, they do have the concept of benefiting the people of the world in their own thoughts. What Wang Xiao did was to shake the priorities of these two items. Now in Kong Rong’s thinking,

First of all, it is for the common people of the world, and secondly, for the Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie. Wouldn’t it be much easier? For the common people of the world, everything Cao Cao has done is acceptable because there are no people like Cao Cao. It will only be worse. Everyone knows

That a little emperor like Liu Xie cannot achieve anything. So under Wang Xiao’s operation, Kong Rong naturally changed from Liu Xie’s helper to a neutral faction and even wanted to He was leaning towards Cao Cao, Kong Rong. What are you talking about? When Liu Xie heard this, he immediately understood that Kong Rong

Was not here to help him at all. He said nonsense about serving the country and the people, but he wanted him to help him deal with Cao Cao to make his life easier . Who knew that when Kong Rong came, the first thing he said was to support Cao Cao

. Isn’t this disgusting? Your Majesty, you just said what you think is correct. Kong Rong looked at Liu Xie seriously and said , Your Majesty , please imagine the current situation in the world. What should you do? The situation in the world is in chaos now

. If the court does not have Prime Minister Cao, The support has already disappeared in this chaos. The chaos in the world at this moment is no less than that in the late Qin and early Han Dynasties, which was so life-threatening. Extraordinary people should be used to do extraordinary things.

Kong Rong’s words cannot be said to be true. It was an enlightenment , but it also added fuel to the fire. For Liu Xie, he didn’t want to hear this at all now. He only wanted to know one thing now, that is whether he could regain power.

Every time he showed that he had such thoughts He will immediately be attacked by Wang Xiao and Cao Cao in a mixed doubles match. Now he finally plans to find a foreign aid. But as soon as he opens his mouth, the first thing he says is, I support Cao Cao

. This horse riding is not bullying. Now Liu Xie really wants to kill these people in front of him. Faced with Liu Xie’s impulse, Kong Rong shut him up with a simple sentence, Your Majesty . What’s more, even if the Prime Minister is willing to hand over power,

Your Majesty, do you think Wang Situ and others will listen to you ? Reality An extremely realistic punch hit Liu Xie directly in the heart. My, Liu Xie wanted to say that he could do it, but based on the current attitude of Wang Xiao and Cao Cao’s people towards him, it seems that

This is almost impossible. Once Cao Cao announces that he will It’s probably not necessary to return the power to Liu Xie. The next day, people like Wang Xiao might riot and arrest him. So after thinking about this possibility, Liu Xie immediately became honest. Now he also understands

Kong Rong . It was impossible for this guy to help him. If he wanted to take back the power from Cao Cao and keep everything in his own hands , he would have to find another way. After thinking about this, Liu Xie would of course accept his fate. Just think of it

As losing again. Anyway, it’s not the first time he lost to these two people . At this point, Liu Xie is quite open-minded. If he loses, he loses. It’s just a loss . He doesn’t even know he lost. How many times have you given it to these two guys ? Your Majesty

, next time if you have anything else you want to do, just tell me. I will definitely help you do it. Wang Xiao looked at Liu Xie with a face full of laughter. Although strictly speaking, Kong Xiao Rong is not considered to be with Wang Xiao and the others ,

But Kong Rong was brainwashed by Wang Xiao and accepted part of Wang Xiao’s view of the world, which is the theory that the people are important and the king is despised. This is for most Confucian scholars. They are all putting the cart before

The horse because one of the core of Confucianism is to serve the king . This theory that the people are more important than the king is used to deceive the people and has no practical significance. But now Wang Xiao brainwashed Kong Rong and made Kong Rong accept this. This theory

Is undoubtedly the best choice for Kong Rong, who has the concept of attaching importance to the people and ignoring the king. Maintaining the status quo and letting Cao Cao take charge of the government is undoubtedly the best choice. In contrast , if the power

Is really returned to Liu Xie, it will cause many problems . Kong Rong would choose to speak for Cao Cao , but this does not mean that Kong Rong is on Cao Cao’s side . On the contrary , he is also very aware of what Cao Cao is doing now. It’s

Just that the current world situation is such that it has to be done. But these are not things that Liu Xie can understand. Now he just feels like a clown. After thinking for a long time, he selected the helpers to deal with Cao Cao, and

Finally they came. He immediately defected to Cao Cao , but these were all trivial matters. Cao Cao didn’t even take it seriously . The main reason why he came to greet Wang Xiao was to pick up Wang Xiao. Secondly, it was to give face to the Saint’s Family. After these things were done,

Cao Cao raised his head. He said to Wang Xiao that Chongyong was coming with me. Yuan Shao was in trouble. When he heard that there was something serious to do, Wang Xiao did not continue to waste time with Liu Xie , but left directly with Cao Cao

. Only Liu Xie was left with him. Kong Rong and the two men stood in front of the city gate. Your Majesty, your Majesty, resigned first. Please think carefully about the matter concerning Prime Minister Cao. This matter is not trivial. But if Your Majesty really wants to save the country of Han Dynasty,

Prime Minister Cao is a must. Kong Rong said After that, he turned around and left. Liu Xie was left standing alone , looking at Kong Rong’s back with a livid face. Liu Xie really lost everything this time. Nothing good happened in the whole process . It was all caused

By some shabby things . It’s so annoying, but Liu Xie can’t help it. Just like Kong Rong said, Cao Cao’s ability is really necessary in this situation , so now he can only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach . Is this the emperor? What a fucking coward.

On the other side, Wang Xiao is talking to Cao Cao about the current things. Gongsun Zan is dead. Cao Cao’s first words made Wang Xiao’s eyebrows slightly raised. It was earlier than I expected . It seems that Yuan Shao is serious. It’s so cruel. Historically,

Gongsun Zan had to stalemate with Yuan Shao for several years before he died. But now the situation is different. The people under Yuan Shao’s command are all united. Once these people stop fighting among themselves , they are still quite powerful. Gongsun Zan’s subordinates It is normal for

Those few troops and talents to be unable to stop them. Eight days ago, Yuan Shao’s army broke through the ancient county. Gongsun Zan personally killed his wife, concubines, children, and children in the middle of the night , and then set fire to himself. General Baima is a ruthless person.

Gongsun Zan and Wang Xiao A person who has been famous for a long time but has never had the chance to meet. Although he has been in this world for more than a year , in fact , only about one-third of those familiar figures have been seen

. It is estimated that with time in the future. As time goes on, we will see less and less of these people. After all, many of them will eventually turn into powder under the torrent of this era . Gongsun Zan is one of them. Gongsun Zan has been guarding the border

For so many years . He did go too far in killing Liu Yu, but he was worthy of his status as General White Horse. Cao Cao also said with emotion that Gongsun Zan was also one of the eighteen princes who originally attacked Dong Zhuo,

But now he died in Yuan Shao. In the hands of the leader of the alliance, it is also embarrassing. The White Horse General Gongsun Zan is really good except for being a little cruel. Wang Xiao also approved Cao Cao’s evaluation. Gongsun Zan was a minor official in the county in his early years

, but because of his handsome appearance and loud voice, Because he was energetic , he was favored by the governor of Zhuo County and was promoted. Later, he gradually reached the position of Zhonglang General and became a bulwark against foreign invasion in the north. Gongsun Zan’s main opponent was the Xianbei people.

Under the leadership of Tan Shihuai, the Xianbei people once rose to become A major enemy of the Eastern Han Dynasty , especially Tan Shihuai defeated the Han army in one fell swoop during the Northern Expedition of the Han Army in 177.

In addition, the Xiqiang rebellion intensified, and the Han-Qiang Hundred Years War became more and more intense. These things all led to the Eastern Han Dynasty having to defend Xianbei in the north. Strategy , but in this case, there is one person who can win eight out of ten battles with Xianbei

, and this person is Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan knew that the Xianbei people worshiped the white horse, so he replaced all his bodyguards with white horses every time . When charging into the battle, Xianbei people would hesitate when they saw the white horse and could not shoot in time,

Which gave Gongsun Zan a greater chance. In addition, Gongsun Zan himself fought bravely and was not afraid of death. He quickly made a name for himself in Youzhou and was called the White Horse General Xianbei. People’s looting activities in Youzhou have also weakened. However, at the same time, Gongsun Zan’s

Attitude towards the Xianbei Xiongnu, Wuhuan and other tribes was to kill them all. This was completely inconsistent with the gentle policy of Liu Yu, the governor of Youzhou, so there were many conflicts between the two. Liu Yu treated Xianbei and others. The foreigners believe that

Everyone should be treated equally and everything should be done in accordance with the law. It allows them to feel the generosity and majesty of the heavenly kingdom. But Gongsun Zan is different. He is one of those extreme people who can backhand stab a passing foreigner to death when he is in a

Bad mood while walking on the road. The molecule Gongsun Zan is a die-hard Han supremacist who is completely opposite to Liu Yu’s soft- hearted idea of ​​world unity. The contradiction between the two naturally becomes more and more acute . Especially after the chaos in the world,

Liu Yu once gathered a hundred thousand people to attack Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan originally felt that he was fighting. However, he planned to run away first , but because Liu Yu ordered not to kill innocent people indiscriminately and to cherish the people’s property, the soldiers were afraid of accidentally injuring the people

And were unwilling to destroy the people’s houses. Therefore, they could not attack for a long time. Gongsun Zan seized the opportunity and burned Liu Yu’s house with fire. After his defeat , Liu Yu himself was captured by Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan first made Liu Yu a puppet for a period of time

And then killed him. Because Liu Yu’s gentle policy was very popular in Youzhou , many foreign tribes even heard about Liu Yu’s death. Weeping bitterly and raising troops, he planned to avenge Liu Yu. Liu Yu was too kind and could not live long in this troubled world. Wang Xiao shook his head slightly.

Liu Yu is a good person , but it is difficult for good people to survive in this world , especially bad good people. But after Gongsun Zan’s death, Yuan Shao not only occupied the four states of Qingyou and Hebei Province , but he also used Gongsun Zan’s death

To win over many foreigners for his use . Yuan Shao also adopted some good-looking farm girls and took them as volunteers. The girl then married the leaders of Xianbei, Wuhuan and other tribes to gain their support and help. Now at least 50,000 Xianbei and Wuhuan soldiers have joined. The 50,000 soldiers

Under Yuan Shao’s command are not a small number. Cao Cao’s expression was quite solemn when he talked about this. I’m afraid it’s more than 50,000. Now Tan Shihuai has been dead for several years. His son is another waste. Yuan Shao has now unified the north.

Xianbei and Wuhuan will definitely be controlled by Yuan Shao , and in order to dominate the grassland, they will definitely actively cooperate with Yuan Shao. So I guess that there will be about 100,000 foreign troops joining Yuan Shao in the end. Cao Cao immediately frowned when he heard

This. What should we do if we frown ? With one hundred thousand foreign soldiers plus Yuan Shao’s own troops, we are afraid that we will face an army of more than three hundred thousand. When Wang Xiao heard this, he looked confident and said to Cao Cao . Cao Cao

Looked very surprised. Looking at Wang Xiao, it was clear that he did not expect this word to come out of Wang Xiao’s mouth . After all, Wang Xiao has always been quick to cut through troubles . This time, he actually said the word “drag” ,

Which really surprised Cao Cao . Wang Xiao looked very indifferent to this and said in an understatement that Yuan Shao’s current strength is just as you said , he is much stronger than us. If we choose to confront Yuan Shao at this time, we will suffer too much.

I heard When Wang Xiao said this, Cao Cao immediately fell into silence. Yuan Shao was different from Yuan Shu , both in terms of military strength and talent. Yuan Shu was far inferior to Yuan Shao . Perhaps during the period when Dong Zhuo was in chaos, Yuan Shu was stronger than Yuan Shao.

But after Yuan Shao completely occupied Jizhou, Yuan Shu It has begun to be inferior to Yuan Shao. After Yuan Shao now occupied the land of Ji and Qingyou , Yuan Shao became the veritable number one prince in the world. Even Cao Cao, who ranked second,

Was at least close to twelve compared with him. There is a strength gap of 30,000 , so the best option for Cao Cao now is to delay until Cao Cao accumulates enough strength to have the combat power to compete with Yuan Shao. Now he can only delay

. Or do you think you can think of it? The way to deal with the foreign soldiers under Yuan Shao’s command is just as Wang Xiao said. Yuan Shao now adopts a governance method of being broad on the outside and tight on the inside, firm and soft

. Therefore, many foreigners have surrendered to Yuan Shao and joined Yuan Shao’s command . The aliens greatly increased Yuan Shao’s military strength. It was not easy to deal with them . Moreover, Yuan Shao’s control over these aliens was reserved even after his death. After the Battle of Guandu,

Yuan Shao had died of illness , but his The sons were still able to order the foreign leaders to follow their orders and send troops to cooperate with them to fight against Cao Cao. Even after the defeat, they also planned to flee to the outside

World . The major tribes were very welcoming to them. However, on the way they met Gongsun Du, who was also a When the whole land of the Central Plains fell into a state of endless civil war, Gongsun Du relied on the outermost counties of the Han Dynasty, such as Xuande in Liaodong,

As his foundation, and fought all the way outward to conquer the three Koreas, Goryeo, Fuyu, etc. Now the area where the stick is located has been beaten all over, and the main one is one. Gongsun Du did not get involved in internal struggles and focused on developing outwards.

After capturing several of Yuan Shao’s sons, he killed them all and gave them to Cao Cao. This was considered a nominal submission to Cao Cao. In addition, Liaodong and other places were too harsh and cold for Cao Cao. After all, there were many princes in the south waiting to fight with him ,

So Gongsun Du became the king of the Northeast and managed his three-acre land with peace of mind. From this, we can see Yuan Shao’s attitude towards these foreign tribes. How strong is the control? Even after his death, his sons can use his remaining power to control these foreign tribes.

So if he really takes action against Yuan Shao now, those foreign tribes will become another source of soldiers for Yuan Shao. This will be a great disadvantage to Cao Cao. Benchu ​​has always been a person I have to admire in terms of winning over people’s hearts. Cao Cao sighed helplessly at this moment.

Yuan Shao was the best at winning over people ‘s hearts since he was a child. When he was young, in order to make his identity as the legitimate son more legitimate, he kept his filial piety. Six years , which is a full six years, Yuan Shao kept his filial piety in his hometown

While secretly getting to know the party members who were persecuted by Shi Changshi and providing them with shelter. Therefore, at such a young age, he had already left a good impression in the hearts of scholars all over the world. And what is Yuan Shu doing at this time

? He is wandering around the world as a knight-errant. This is also the reason why more people choose Yuan Shao, the nominal legitimate son , instead of Yuan Shu, the actual legitimate son . It will win people’s hearts , but it cannot be fair. Justice

Wang Xiao said with a hint of contempt in his words that although Yuan Shao was good at winning people’s hearts , he could not completely control them. His advisers and generals had many factions fighting among themselves , even at the expense of the overall situation

In order to deal with each other . Benefits If we hadn’t progressed so fast this time that they had to temporarily cooperate, it is estimated that the battle between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan would have been delayed for two or three years. This is because

Cao Cao heard this and immediately smiled and nodded. This is indeed the case. He is good at it. Winning people’s hearts but he was unable to do so. He planned too much and implemented too little. After roughly understanding what was going on at Yuan Shao’s side, Wang Xiao waved his hands

And said with an indifferent expression , then it ‘s settled. What’s the deal? When Cao Cao heard this, he looked at Wang Xiao with a confused look on his face. He seemed to have no reaction. He decided to decide something with Wang Xiao. Of course, I would personally

Deal with the remaining little Karami from the aristocratic family. What is the little Kalami? Cao Cao still looked at Wang Xiao with a confused expression, his eyes revealed a trace of confusion, and said that I will do it myself next. Sima Yi, that loser

, has not given up the people of these noble families for so long. Completely clean it up . I heard that he has been in a stalemate with the aristocratic families in Yangzhou for five or six days. I will go and cut the mess in person. Cao Cao

Was immediately shocked when he heard this . It’s not that bad. There won’t be much left. Sima Yi estimates that it will be resolved in two days. There is no need to rush to take action now. Originally, Sima Yi was asked to go up to let Sima Yi act as a shield

To attract the hatred of some aristocratic families to Wang Xiao. Now that Wang Xiao suddenly goes up by himself , wouldn’t that mean All previous actions were in vain Is that why Cao Cao asked Wang Xiao to wait or let Sima Yi deal with these guys by himself?

There is no need for this last step. Wang Xiao also went into battle himself. If it had been before, I would have waited, but now Yuan Shao is there. It’s already an armistice. If we continue to fight, there’s no guarantee that Yuan Shao won’t take the opportunity to attack us.

I think you don’t want to see Yuan Shao coming directly with an army of three to four hundred thousand people . After hearing Wang Xiao’s words, Cao Cao was immediately speechless. Of course he doesn’t want to see this, so this matter is settled like this. I will go and prepare for it.

When I get to the place, I have to ask Sima Yi what he is doing for food. Sima Yi is sitting in Jiujiang County, Hefei County, Yangzhou. Inside the camp, there was a long sigh . Yang Xiu was standing beside him, scolding him. Sima Yi, I said you are really a waste.

How long has it been and you still haven’t captured these people ? If you continue like this, I’m sure the military advisor will take action himself. Since Yang Xiu took the initiative to join Wang Xiao, he was arranged by Wang Xiao to be Sima Yi’s assistant

And do some auxiliary work for Sima Yi , such as arranging food and fodder, planning the march route , making suggestions, etc. To put it bluntly, he came to be a bookkeeper. Originally, Yang Xiu was Sima Yi didn’t want to get involved in this matter,

And now he couldn’t figure it out for a long time, which made Yang Xiu very annoyed. He was always worried that it would affect his image in front of Wang Xiao , so during this period , he came over from time to time

To put some pressure on Sima Yi. Sima Yi should resolve these matters as soon as possible, but Sima Yi is also a leader. He also wants to resolve these matters as soon as possible, but the time is not so easy to deal with. Moreover, Wang Xiao only gave him a few thousand troops,

So he had no advantage at all in front of these aristocratic families. Moreover, he is still young and far from being the fire captain of Cao Wei later. So in this situation, Sima Yi really wanted to die. It was too difficult to handle. None of these aristocratic families would die

In a short time. There is simply no way to win over their urging. You will know the urging every day. If it were really that simple , I would have solved them long ago. The biggest problem now is that these aristocratic families have used all their means to

Return local products. There are many local officials who are colluding with these aristocratic families. What can I do? If you have a way, why don’t you get it yourself ? Sima Yi didn’t like Yang Xiu very much, but he always felt that this person was at odds with him.

Now Yang Xiu is with him. What’s more, Sima Yi’s opinions on Yang Xiu greatly increased. Even when he scolded Yang Xiu, Yang Xiu raised his eyebrows and immediately counterattacked at Sima Yi. You are useless and you blame me.

Who was Situ in the first place? You are the one who has been entrusted with the important task, right ? Now you probably still have the nerve to yell at me. Yang Xiu’s tone of voice was full of disdain and contempt, which made Sima Yi’s anger even more intense. If Yang Dezu

Hadn’t looked at Situ’s face, I would have killed him right now. Sima Yi said that he really wanted to use the knife. However , Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao were watching from the side, so it was impossible for them to actually use the knife. Those aristocratic families, you are the ones who can’t

Beat your own people, but you showed no mercy at all. Ah, as a voice full of displeasure fell into their ears, Sima Yi and others were all shocked , as if a mouse had seen a cat. Especially the helplessness and bitterness on Sima Yi’s face could hardly be concealed

, and he had no idea at all. What expression should I use? In the end, I can only look at the visitor with a mournful face and salute. Si Ma Zhongda has seen Mr. Situ and I have seen Mr. Situ. Zhao Yun and others also bowed and saluted

And said hello to Wang Xiao in unison . Wang Xiao nodded slightly and said, let’s get up. Thank you, Mr. Situ. After everyone stood up, Wang Xiao did not immediately explain his purpose. Instead, he looked at Zhao Yun and said, “Zilong , there is something I have to tell you first .”

Zhao Yun looked at Wang Xiao’s face. Full of doubts and confusion, Wang Xiao came all the way here just to tell him something. He shouldn’t. But Zhao Yun didn’t know what was going on , so he could only look at Wang Xiao with curiosity and

Wait for Wang Xiao. Xiao himself explained clearly what was going on. Gongsun Zan was dead. Wang Xiao’s words immediately made Zhao Yun’s face change drastically. He almost fell down and fell to the ground. General Gongsun Zan was really dead. Zhao Yun looked incomprehensible. Looking at Wang Xiao,

Although he had already guessed that this day would come, when he heard the news, Zhao Yun still couldn’t accept it. He couldn’t accept that Gongsun Zan really died like this. That’s right. Wang Xiao nodded and said About ten days ago , Yuan Shao captured Shanggu County.

That night, Gongsun Zan personally killed his wife, concubines, children , and then set himself on fire. Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but frown. This Gongsun Zan is indeed as his name suggests , and he is as ruthless as the rumors say. His wife, concubines, and children

Were actually able to lay hands on him. When Zhao Yun heard this, he let out a sigh of relief, and his whole body seemed to be a deflated rubber ball. He suddenly became sluggish from the time I followed General Gongsun to now. It took about more than three years.

In fact, during this period, I have already seen that General Gongsun will eventually fail. He is too cruel and too radical. He will be an excellent general , but definitely not an excellent lord. Zhao Yun is like this. As if he was recalling a close friend, he spoke with an extremely lonely expression,

And his words were also filled with helplessness and sadness about this matter . Although Zhao Yun is no longer Gongsun Zan’s subordinate, after all, he followed Gongsun Zan in the north and south. After such a long time , it is normal for Zhao Yun to feel a little sad

When he suddenly hears that Gongsun Zan is dead. Now Liu Xuande is erecting a tomb for Gongsun Zan in Xuchang. When he returns, you can also offer him a stick of incense . Well, I will, Zhao Yun immediately. Then he nodded and said with a serious face , success is a white horse,

Failure is a white horse. Gongsun Zan ‘s Baima Yicong was defeated by Qu Yi’s Xiandenshishi, although Gongsun Zan ‘s strength remained the same . He was stronger than Yuan Shao but also showed signs of decline. Afterwards, in the battle of Longcuo, Baima Yi completely destroyed Gongsun Zan and was

Defeated. From then on, Gongsun Zan never defeated Yuan Shao again , so Wang Xiao had such a sigh . With the destruction of Baima Yicong, the fate of Gongsun Zan, the Baima General, has come to an end. But when Zhao Yun heard Wang Xiao’s words, his heart moved slightly. Situ

, I think Zhao Yun looked up at Wang Xiao, hesitated for a moment , and then said, I think. I never knew if it would be possible to re-establish the Baima Yi Cong. Wang Xiao came to tell Zhao Yun so much. In

Fact, he also wanted Zhao Yun to rebuild the Baima Yi Cong . After all, now that Gongsun Zan has died , the Baima Yi Cong has almost disappeared. Among the three thousand Baima Yi Cong, he should be the only one who survived. There is only Zhao Yun.

Everyone else has disappeared into the dust of history. After the two battles between Jieqiao and Longzhuo, it is estimated that Baima Yicong did not even leave any seeds. The only one who has the possibility of rebuilding Baima is Zhao Yun. The reason why I tell you These also have this meaning.

If you really plan to rebuild Baima, I will definitely help you. No matter what help you need, you can tell me. Baima Yicong’s performance when facing Xianbei and other foreign races can be said to be quite outstanding. The future king Xiao and Cao Cao will definitely take action against

The aliens , so rebuilding the White Horse is also very necessary. Please rest assured, Situ, I will definitely rebuild a White Horse team that is stronger and better than before. Yi Cong will rebuild a powerful team from scratch . Being an elite is quite difficult and requires a huge amount of money

, but Wang Xiao agreed to his request without hesitation . Zhao Yun was very surprised , but at the same time , he was also full of gratitude for Wang Xiao’s trust in him. He Yuanpan actually agreed to his request so easily. This was originally one of my goals

. But before that, you have to explain something to me . Wang Xiao smiled and waved his hand . He looked like a gentleman , but these words shocked everyone. They looked at Wang Xiao with serious and uneasy faces. They knew that the big one was coming.

Wang Xiao should not just come to chat with them this time. It was even more impossible. It was to tell him that Gongsun Zan was dead. The most likely reason was that he was dissatisfied with their current progress. In fact, they had basically determined this. Especially for Sima Yi, he knew that

Lord Situ ‘s battle was a bit tricky. The place is good and it will take some time , but I promise that these problems will be solved as soon as possible. Sir Situ, please give us some time. What does it mean for Wang Xiao to show dissatisfaction ? Sima Yi doesn’t know this,

But his subconscious is telling him that it is best not to know, so before Wang Xiao Before Xiao’s attack, he immediately began to plead for mercy . At the same time, Yang Xiu also hurriedly said to Master Situ that the family has reached the last moment. Their counterattack is indeed

More fierce than ever before . Although our progress is slightly slower, I Yang Xiu, who can guarantee that these people will be captured within three days, said and pointed at Sima Yi next to him. I will use Sima Zhongda’s head on his neck to guarantee it. Sima Yi suddenly raised his head and

Looked at Yang Xiu with a surprised look on his face. You’re awesome. You’re using my fucking head as a guarantee. Yang Xiu said confidently that you were the commander of this battle. If you failed this time , you would have been dead

. Using your head as a guarantee is not something that should be taken for granted. When you heard Yang Xiu’s words, Sima Yi couldn’t help but want to quarrel with Yang Xiu , but Sima Yi soon held back. After all, Wang Xiao was still watching from the side.

If there was really a quarrel , it would be It’s not pretty to let Wang Xiao watch a joke , so Sima Yi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down , then looked at Wang Xiao seriously and nodded, Master Situ, I am willing to use my head as a guarantee

Within three days. I will definitely defeat them. Well, Wang Xiao nodded and seemed quite satisfied with this. Sima Yi and Yang Xiu both breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Wang Xiao would not continue to pursue their own responsibilities. But the next moment, Wang Xiao became silent. He shouted softly and said

, “What you think is quite beautiful. You really thought I would give you a chance.” Wang Xiao looked at them with a teasing look on his face and then smiled and said, “I have given you enough time . Are you really not strong enough or not?” Wang Xiao,

Who dared to fight against the aristocratic family, immediately frightened both Yang Xiu and Sima Yi and turned pale as soon as he said these words . Especially Yang Xiu, who really felt as uncomfortable as he wanted. He originally thought that Sima Yi would be able to deal with the aristocratic family alone

. It’s enough that he shouldn’t be assigned to these drudgery tasks , but who knew that Wang Xiao would actually arrange for himself to be here. This made Yang Xiu a different person inside and outside. But he also knew that as long as Sima Yi could handle these aristocratic families,

He and Sima Yi However , if they and Sima Yi are suspected by Wang Xiao, they will also fall into a situation of death . For these reasons, Sima Yi and Yang Xiu have always been worried about being suspected by Wang Xiao. Now that Wang Xiao said this,

The two of them immediately became worried. Mr. Situ, we really don’t have our loyalty to you, Mr. Situ. The sun and the moon can tell. The two of them hurriedly expressed their loyalty to Wang Xiao , but there was no use.

Wang Xiao turned his head and looked at Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao are standing aside. I asked you two to come here just to let you keep an eye on them. Now, what do you two think about this? Report back to Lord Situ. During this period of observation, General Mo and Zilong

Did not find any difference between the two of them. The collusion with the aristocratic family occurred. The biggest problem that prevented the attack for a long time was the aristocratic family’s desperate resistance. Zhang Liao immediately stood up to answer Wang Xiao’s question

And analyzed it for Wang Xiao with a serious look on his face. The reason was that Sima Yi and Yang Xiu were originally worried about whether Zhang Liao would deliberately lie against them. However, seeing Zhang Liao truthfully reporting the truth, the two of them immediately breathed a sigh of relief

, and their hanging hearts finally settled. Well, Wang Xiao set his sights on Zhao Yun again. Seeing Zhao Yun also nodded slightly, he let the two of them go , but then continued: Since Zilong and Wenyuan said so , I will not hold you responsible, but leave the next battle to me to

Command . After hearing this, both Yang Xiu and Sima Yi were stunned. However, it was obvious that their reactions were a little different. Yang Xiu was obviously unwilling, while Sima Yi was relieved. Aren’t there only 10,000 people? I have been fighting for more than ten days and still haven’t settled

A bunch of losers . I’ll show you later what it means to use soldiers like gods and what it means to achieve a great victory with zero battle loss ratio. The aristocratic families in Xiao Zhi Yangzhou jointly elected to coordinate and command these private soldiers of the aristocratic families. The King of Shan

Is actually a high-level glove trained by these aristocratic families who specializes in doing some shameful things for the aristocratic families in Yangzhou. Now he is facing Sima Yi. He is not a person who has left a name in history . He is not even in today’s world. He was just a nobody,

But Xiao Zhi knew his fate very well. From the moment they were sent out to be bandits, Xiao Zhi actually knew his fate. Being abandoned and abandoned by aristocratic families was almost inevitable because they From the moment

They became bandits according to the instructions of the family , their identity as bandits has been confirmed. As a local rich family, reputation is very important. If others know that they are secretly colluding with bandits and even commanding these bandits. If thieves attack the local people, their reputation will be greatly damaged.

In order to avoid all this from happening, no matter whether they can complete the task given to them by the family, they will not escape death. After completing the task, the family naturally has enough capital and Cao Cao negotiated terms , and once the terms were agreed,

They, the bandits, would have to die. If they couldn’t finish , they would be wiped out by the officers and soldiers , and the family would surrender under Cao Cao’s high pressure . But no matter what the outcome was, they would only have one end, and that would be death

. Zhida had thought of all this from the beginning , but Xiao Zhi did not struggle but accepted the result calmly because he was a dead soldier and his family was raised by a noble family. He was destined to be unable to resist. He cannot resist the aristocratic family.

Everything he has is given to him by the aristocratic family: life, family, martial arts, knowledge, everything is given to him by the aristocratic family. So he only needs to act according to the orders of the aristocratic family and ensure that this plan can be successfully implemented. Boss,

We have already followed The officers and soldiers have been fighting for more than ten days. Brothers have suffered heavy casualties . And among the officers and soldiers on the opposite side, a man suddenly appeared like a god of war. We are no match at all . So I think

We have to withdraw first. If we continue like this, we They all have to die here. A bandit came over with his face covered in blood and asked Xiao Zhi eagerly. Although they are dead soldiers with rich killing skills and experience , their weapons and equipment

Are not as good as those of officers and soldiers. Now the long battle has made them a little weak , but Xiao Zhi has been holding on, so he came back to discuss with Xiao Zhi to see if he could withdraw. But as soon as he said it,

Xiao Zhi fell on him with a knife. The knife on the ground in front of him was less than an inch away from him. It was just a hair away from hitting him directly . He was frightened so much that he was sweating

All over. His whole body showed a look of fear and uneasiness, but Xiao Zhi just had a look on his face. Looking at him indifferently, he said in a cold tone, “Do you really think we are bandits ?” The man was stunned at first

, but then he realized what he was doing. Xiao Zhi stared at him with a frosty face, with a hint of intolerance in his voice. Suspicious murderous intent, our mission is to fight Cao Jun here as long as possible . It is best to defeat Cao Jun instead of hiding like real bandits

Under the siege of officers and soldiers. I heard Xiao Zhidu said this. This man seemed to have woken up from a dream and remembered that he was not a real bandit , but a dead soldier ordered by the family to pretend to be a bandit .

They were all people who came to die according to the order of the family , but now some of them People don’t seem to want to die, at least they don’t die here meaninglessly without even knowing why. Boss, our current strength

Is actually enough to find a place to become a king on our own. Xiao Zhi is the strongest among them . He is the most intelligent person, otherwise among the dead men of so many aristocratic families in Yangzhou, he would not choose him to be the boss in the end.

Now most of them obey Xiao Zhi. As long as Xiao Zhi gives an order, they will definitely follow Xiao Zhi. Your wife, children, and parents are all gone when you start a new business . They are dead soldiers. They were selected and trained by aristocratic families to become private soldiers.

But this does not mean that they really have no concerns. On the contrary, in order to control these private soldiers, aristocratic families often select some. People whose parents are still alive serve as private soldiers even if they don’t have parents. They will also let them marry and

Have children. This is also in the hands of the aristocratic family. This is why even if the aristocratic family asked them to come here to die , these people also came. They didn’t have it at all. There is no room for rejection. As long as you say a word,

Boss, I can give up on them now. As a man , since I was born between heaven and earth, I shouldn’t have any ties, whether it’s my parents, my wife, or my children. I don’t need to care . I just want to live. What this person said is called an upright person

. Even Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but raise his head and glance at this person in surprise . You are an unusual person to be so direct. This is the first time I have heard someone say such a thing. When Xiao Zhi heard these words, not only did he not feel any shame,

But he said even more confidently: Boss , since I can give up my parents and family, you should also give up yours. With our current strength, I can find a place and become a king on my own. When the time comes, I can’t find any kind of woman, let alone a wife.

I have no problem finding a new father for myself. As soon as this person’s words came out , Xiao Zhi picked them up on the ground. The knife then flashed a cold light in the air, and the man’s head flew into the air . The headless corpse spurted out blood ten feet high

Like a fountain . Xiao Zhi stood in front of the corpse with a cold face. He said, “But it’s a pity that I’m not you. I can’t reach the point where I have no father, no mother, and no relatives. ” Xiao Zhi said as he walked out with a knife.

He didn’t know who made the move, Zhao Yun or Zhang Liao , who could scare this guy. One of the two people, Xiao Zhi, must have lost his courage. Xiao Zhi came to the edge of the battlefield, but the scene in front of him completely stunned him. He saw

A naked man with blood all over his body and bulging muscles. He was stepping on corpses all over the ground with a knife in his hand. He pinched a half-dead man and set his sights on Xiao Zhi. Are you the boss of these people? It was only then that Xiao Zhi remembered

That the man just said that there was a person like the God of War , but he did not say that it was Zhao Yun or Zhao Yun. Because they should all know each other, any one of Zhang Liao’s thoughts seemed to stir up countless waves in Xiao Zhi’s heart, and his

Expression became even more strange and uneasy. Who are you? Xiao Zhi has never thought about it. In this world, there is such a person, such a weird and terrifying guy, who can even be said to be inhuman. Is this kind of existence really a human being?

From childhood to college, the art of war and the classics of sages all told me the truth: more people are more powerful. But now this wise saying seems to have been completely overturned. Just looking at Wang Xiao and Xiao Zhi standing in front of him, he felt that the world was so unreal,

As if it was all just a dream , but the smell of blood filled his nose and The wailing sounds coming from his ears are telling Xiao Zhi one thing . This is true. These are all true. Xiao Zhi took a long breath

And then forced himself to calm down with a look on his face. “I , those people behind you are not right.” Do I hate you to the bone? Why are you standing in front of me now, but you don’t recognize me? This sentence immediately made Xiao Zhi react. You are Wang Xiao, right

? There is someone who is said to be invincible in the world and can easily defeat Lu Bu . Only Wang Xiao, a reckless man with muscles, can have such terrifying strength. You answered correctly. It’s a pity that you understand it is a little too late.

With the conversation between Wang Xiao and Xiao Zhi, many dead soldiers in the battlefield could not help but feel the fear in their hearts. He turned around and wanted to flee , but they had just taken two steps before Wang Xiao threw the corpse in his hand out.

It was like a huge stone falling from the sky. The corpse hit these people hard, and they were immediately stunned. As if being hit by a speeding carriage, the whole person flew up in the air and then fell heavily to the ground. There was blood flowing out of the mouth, nostrils, ears

, and even eyes. It looked like he was bleeding from all the seven orifices and was about to die. Ah, it’s pretty good that you were able to hold off Sima Yi for so many days. Even if you were forced, I had to take the risk to deal with you personally. Wang Xiao

Took the risk by killing everyone on his own. Although the system does not restrict Wang Xiao from taking action on his own , this kind of situation on the battlefield Killing everyone is not like what a civil servant should do , so Wang Xiao said that he took a risk,

Which is not a mistake. If it weren’t for the fact that Yuan Shao’s progress was too fast , Wang Xiao had to take action. It is estimated that Wang Xiao will still wait and let Sima Yi deal with them by himself , but now time is running out

And it has to be like this . Monster , you are really a monster. Even saying that you are a human is a kind of reluctance. He looked at Wang Xiao and Xiao Zhi’s tone in front of him. A rare commotion arose.

Xiao Zhi had always looked very calm when faced with the lobbying and betrayal of his subordinates . However, when he saw what Wang Xiao had done, Xiao Zhi was completely unable to calm down. Fear was like wildfire eroding his heart , making his momentum continue to weaken when facing Wang Xiao.

Fear continued to increase. You are right. I may really be called a monster. After all, to you, I It’s not much different from a life-threatening ghost, isn’t it? Wang Xiao’s disdainful and ridiculing words fell into his ears, making Xiao Zhi’s already frightened heart become even more panicked at this moment. He fell silent

, but he didn’t just sit still and wait for death. Xiao Zhi was being beaten by Wang Xiao. Under the huge pressure, there is actually nothing to say. Rather than chattering incessantly, it is better to meet the real chapter with his subordinates. Although Xiao Zhi is extremely sure that he

Will be the one who dies in the end. Instead of running away , do you want to fight me? King Xiao looked up and down Xiao Zhi. Although he did not leave any reputation in history , he was able to stop Sima Yi for such a long time

And had such courage. He was much stronger than many people. Some of them were not recorded in the history books. Leaving their own names in the list may not be because they are any worse than those who left their names. It may just be that they don’t have the opportunity.

Xiao Zhi doesn’t say anything else. At least they will not be worse than the unparalleled god general Pan Feng and his like. But in the end, they are not. Leaving one’s name in the history books is ultimately due to the lack of an opportunity, and today seems to be the opportunity .

What’s your name? You died in my hands today. There must be a name when the historian records it. The moment Xiao Zhi said it He had already killed Wang Xiao. The steel knife in his hand drew a cold crescent in the air.

The blade driven by the blade was like a call of death, attracting the opponent’s eyes . It attracted the opponent like a moth to the flame. Generally speaking, Xiao Zhi felt that the sword he had thrown himself into was the best sword he had ever used in his life

. Both his energy and spirit had reached a peak. This was because he had already decided to live toward death in his heart. If this is the perfect sword that he can use , maybe even Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun can compete with it. Just when Xiao Zhi was thinking this,

He heard a slight sound , and then his own sword stopped . With just two fingers , the knife in Xiao Zhi’s hand had been pinched so that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break free and couldn’t move even a little bit forward. This knife

Is good enough to be used as a nail clipper. Wang Xiao said while holding on to his hand . With a little force, there was a crisp sound . The tip of Xiao Zhi’s knife was broken directly by Wang Xiao. Looking at this scene

, even Xiao Zhi, who had been prepared in his heart, couldn’t help but open his eyes wide with surprise and panic written on his face. This was an eighty-year-old steel knife that was broken with two fingers . But soon he would no longer be surprised

Because Wang Xiao threw the tip of the knife with his backhand and penetrated Xiao Zhi directly like a flying knife. His body cut his heart in half , and Xiao Zhi didn’t even react. Then he fell straight down. Looking at Xiao Zhi’s body, Wang Xiao didn’t react at all

. He just turned around and walked towards the camp with a few losers. Isn’t this done? Can’t you save me some peace of mind every day ? Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Sima Yi and Yang Xiu have all competed with the dead soldiers sent by these aristocratic families pretending to be bandits

, so they know better about the strength of these dead soldiers , although they are still relatively weak. They are not real soldiers , but the difference is only in weapons and equipment. In terms of combat effectiveness, these dead soldiers are no different from ordinary soldiers.

It is even possible that these dead soldiers are more dangerous than soldiers because they are all dead soldiers . They are real soldiers. I will die with you with my life, but soldiers may not do this. But now these dead soldiers are completely frightened

By Wang Xiao . Even Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun are in particularly weird moods at the moment looking at Wang Xiao. There was a trace of fear in his eyes . They knew that Wang Xiao was very strong, but none of them had ever thought that Wang Xiao could be so powerful. How

Could they be frightened by me, to a level that would almost make people like them with countless blood stains on their hands feel scared ? Yingzi was so frightened that he couldn’t speak. Wang Xiao came in front of them and looked at several people with dull faces. He chuckled and said

. After hearing Wang Xiao’s words, several people came back to their senses. Zhang Liao on the side looked unbelievable. He looked at Wang Xiao and said, Mr. Situ , have you become stronger again? There are tens of thousands of dead soldiers. In this moment, Wang Xiao killed at least one or two thousand

, and he still used extremely cruel methods to kill these people with his bare hands. After tearing this apart, all the people behind him were frightened , so that they did not dare or have the courage to continue fighting Wang Xiao. Even the few remaining people

Were watching Xiao Zhi being killed by Wang Xiao like a chicken . After they were killed, they all became honest. Such powerful combat power far exceeded all their knowledge of Wang Xiao’s past. After all , although Wang Xiao was strong in the past , he would rarely do such a thing and

Challenge it all by himself. The situation of an entire army and finally completely defeating this army can only be described as a god descending to earth, right? Wang Xiao thought carefully about the system when he heard the words. The last time he cheated, he only gave himself the ability to help others improve

, but He has not improved his strength , so based on the above, his strength should not have improved. Wang Xiao shook his head honestly. I have always been like this . You, as my personal guards, don’t you know clearly?

I have always been like this. He is a gentleman who tries his best to be a gentleman with words but not with hands. The power of a gentleman’s force is just to make others calm down and listen to me reason with him. It is not something worth caring about. Hearing Wang Xiao’s words,

Everyone was stunned for a moment. I don’t even know where to complain. It’s not something worth paying attention to. It’s just to make others calm down and listen to their reasoning. What you said makes us all feel ashamed. After all, Mr. Situ has a higher level of thinking than us. It’s normal for

These people to be a bit taller . Yang Xiu, among other things, has a really sweet mouth. He can figure out that the reason why Shangyi was killed in history was not because of trivial matters like a box of cakes and tasteless ribs . It was because he intervened in the heir competition

Between Cao Zhi and Cao Pi , and finally Cao Cao knew that Cao Zhi had passed the test many times with the help of Yang Xiu, and he became dissatisfied with Yang Xiu, which led to the murder of Yang Xiu. Look at what Dezu said. He is very sensible.

Wang Xiao is quite useful to what Yang Xiu said. After all, it is very comfortable to be flattered by others. Sima Yi, the flatterer, looked at Yang Xiu’s bastard look and felt a burst of contempt. He knew all day long that he would be flattered once he was asked to do it.

I don’t know how a person like this, who would push back and forth on anything I asked, got Wang Xiao’s favor and was entrusted with such an important task. Sima Yi couldn’t help but sigh again

When he thought about it. Lord Situ, I can’t say that I didn’t try my best in this battle, right ? I really tried my best this time. Even if Mr. Situ doesn’t take action, I estimate that they will be dealt with in about three days. Sima Yi did not

Grovel to flatter Wang Xiao like Yang Xiu did. Instead, he went to explain to Wang Xiao with a serious look on his face. I hope Wang Xiao can forgive me for the current situation. Wang Xiao just glanced at Sima Yi quietly and then fell into silence. Sima Yi is only a teenager now

. Neither his strength nor ability have fully grown. He can do what he is now. The level is already very good. He defeated these aristocratic families at almost the minimum cost with limited troops. Just as he said , even if he didn’t come, he would still be able to win in two days

. But now Wang Xiao is a little too much. He is too hasty. He needs to solve these problems as soon as possible, otherwise Yuan Shao may really take action. I believe you can do what you said , but now we have no time. If you can’t get rid of these guys,

Yuan Shao might actually take action. So I hope you can reflect on the mistakes you made in this battle and how to avoid them. Otherwise, how can you make contributions if we really start a war with Yuan Shao later? Originally, everyone was a little worried about this

, thinking that they would be reprimanded or even punished by Wang Xiao , but they did not expect that Wang Xiao’s words directly silenced them all, and they all looked at Wang Xiao and the others with extremely surprised and surprised eyes. They didn’t expect that Wang Xiao’s first words

Were to care about their future. Now that the world has stabilized, there is a high probability that the world’s overlord will be chosen from two people. One is Yuan Shao from Hebei and the other is our Prime Minister Cao. This will be an extremely difficult road. You will face many crises.

If you are still like this without any growth, you will all die. Wang Xiao’s tone has become more serious and serious than ever before. According to my guess, probably In two to three years, we will definitely have a big war with Yuan Shao to decide who this world will eventually belong to.

In this battle, I hope that you can all live and make contributions to your ancestors . Do you understand? What Wang Xiao said was very serious at the same time. It was so serious that it even made Sima Yi and others feel warm in their hearts. They all promised Wang Xiao that

We would live up to Master Situ’s teachings. Yuan Shao in Yecheng, Jizhou, Hebei Province was currently discussing with a group of advisers about raising an army. Now Gongsun Zan The four states in the north of the Han Dynasty are already in my hands. What do you think of Xianbei and Wuhuan?

What is their attitude ? Yuan Shao is really full of success at this moment. As soon as Gongsun Zan is eliminated , he completely controls the four northern states. Jizhou , the land of the four states, is the granary of the world. There is a lot of food

And grass. Bingzhou and Youzhou are close to the outside of the Great Wall. The folk customs are fierce and it is an excellent reserve of soldiers. Finally, Qingzhou has an excellent geographical location and can easily penetrate into Xuzhou through Youzhou , thus threatening Cao Cao’s hometown Yanzhou. The security

Of these four states is based on the strength he has accumulated over the years. Now Yuan Shao has more than 200,000 soldiers under his command. These are just Han soldiers. After Xianbei and Wuhuan have surrendered, there will be a large number of soldiers. Foreign soldiers have joined his army. After

All, he has more than 300,000 soldiers under his command. Even if they are pushed all the way, they can raze Cao Cao to the ground. My lord, Xianbei and Wuhuan, most of the tribes have already chosen. They surrendered and accepted the women you sent to make peace with your lord.

However, there were also some tribes who were far away and thought that we were beyond our reach. Not only did they not accept the solicitation of my lord , but they also killed the women

You sent to make peace with your lord . Hearing this, Yuan Shao’s face immediately turned gloomy. We are in a remote place and think we are beyond our reach. Who do they think I am, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty? To deal with them, I still need to

Do it myself. Yuan Shao has not much interest in these bitter and cold places outside the Great Wall. Now he is wooing these foreign races just to enhance his strength. And make sure that when he goes to war with Cao Cao and the others, these aliens will not steal his butt.

Therefore, Yuan Shao’s method of dealing with the aliens outside the Great Wall is also very simple . He will give some benefits to the tribes that are relatively close to them and let them kill those tribes. In addition, he will tell If they are disobedient,

They may want to play some tricks on me. Then let them be careful and treat their neighbors with violence. This is the policy discussed by Yuan Shao and his counselors. They will not directly interfere with the rule of these foreign races , but will use support. The representative method is

To create some powerful tribes and then let them represent Yuan Shao to form a control over the tribes outside the wall . This is actually an old trick. I don’t know how many people have used this trick , but I have to say this trick. It is really easy to use.

Now these Xianbei, Wuhuan and other foreign tribes are willing to submit to Yuan Shao and work for Yuan Shao. It is also because of this. I can rest assured that I will convey your wishes to them immediately. I believe that the leaders of these tribes will definitely understand what you mean, my lord

. Feng Ji immediately nodded and agreed to the matter. Yuan Shao also nodded with satisfaction. It would be great to be able to do this. Okay, this is just a trivial matter. It’s not worth mentioning. A few vicious dogs can’t make it happen. Yuan Shao waved his hands indifferently

, and then continued to ask Jushu how he was preparing for Cao Cao’s use of troops. He was almost ready. Now Cao Cao is still fighting with each other internally , but from the perspective of time , he may have entered. It’s coming to an end. We must seize the time

, otherwise everything will be too late. As early as the beginning, Ju Shou had proposed to Yuan Shao to take this opportunity to use troops against Cao Cao. But at this moment, Yuan Shao was still at war with Gongsun Zan. If he used troops against Cao Cao again,

It would be a double battle. This would be a double battle. It’s a big taboo for military strategists. In addition, Yuan Shao wanted to wait and see the situation , so the matter was shelved. Now Gongsun Zan is dead, Youzhou has been pacified , and even the foreign tribes

Have expressed their intention to submit to Yuan Shao. At this moment, Cao Cao The battle with the internal aristocratic families has not stopped yet . This can be said to be the best opportunity. At this moment , Cao Cao can be quickly eliminated by using troops

. This is the unanimous view of Yuan Shao’s camp. Now that we are ready, let’s set off as soon as possible . Time is running out, Yuan Shao said with a serious face , but a glimmer of memory and thought suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Back then, I, Gong Ziyuan, and Cao Mengde and the others were friends who behaved lawlessly and recklessly in Luoyang. At that time, Gong Road looked down on him. Meng De felt that Meng De had lost face by being too close to me, but he didn’t expect that after so many years

, he would die in Meng De’s hands on the highway. At this moment, Yuan Shao felt that he had already won, so he suddenly became Being so sentimental may be the pride and emotion of a winner , but it seems that Yuan Shao’s mentality came a little too early.

It is clear that there is nothing yet, but this mentality has already begun to appear. Yes, after so many years, I didn’t expect that Cao Aman would reach this point in the end . Xu You was also filled with emotion when he heard this. After all, after all these years,

They had always thought that Cao Cao would only become a corrupt official like his father, but they did not expect that the world would be in chaos now. Cao Cao actually became one of the few great princes in the world and also killed Yuan Shu. If they had been young,

They would have laughed out loud just hearing this news , but that was the end of it. Next was Wang. It’s the end of Xiao and Cao Cao. Yuan Shao , who is so eager to take action against the noble family, will definitely suffer backlash. He doesn’t care about it at all. His

Words are even filled with contempt and ridicule. He seems to be arrogant and complacent. What’s next, my lord ? Should we? Tian Feng heard what Yuan Shao said and saw him for so many years and almost got over his arrogance. Then he planned to mention that

It was time for them to prepare and plan to send troops. But as soon as he spoke, he saw a homing pigeon flying in from outside . It landed on the bird stand next to Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao looked at the carrier pigeon and frowned . If they misjudged this pigeon,

It should have been sent by an undercover agent lurking in Cao Cao’s territory. Could something have happened? Yuan Shao said to himself. Immediately , I quickly took the letter from the carrier pigeon. I just glanced at Yuan Shao and couldn’t help but roared. Damn it , Wang Chongyong’s concubine ruined my life!

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed. Incomparably chaotic, 196 years have passed, and it is even more chaotic. The year 197 came. In this year , Sun Quan, with the help of Zhou Yu, took over the position left by his brother Sun Ce

And became one of the Eight Horsemen of the Jiangdong generation. Liu Biao began to have some health problems . Liu Zhang of Shu was still fighting with Hanzhong. Zhang and Lu quarreled with each other , Ma Teng and Han Sui. Because Cao Cao’s demand for horses was greatly reduced and

Their income dropped sharply, the Qiang people under their command began to have some riots and dissatisfaction , but they were suppressed by force and began to sell their war horses to Yuan Shao at a reduced price. The relationship with the alien races outside the Great Wall is also constantly improving.

Many leaders of the alien races outside the Great Wall fully recognize Yuan Shao , and some of the most powerful alien leaders have publicly stated that Yuan Shao is their adoptive father. They should and should respect and recognize him. Yuan Shao obtained about 130,000 foreign soldiers from the hands of these foreign godsons

, including 30,000 cavalry , 30,000 slave infantry, and 70,000 slave infantry . The remaining tribesmen were the ones who failed in the internal fighting between tribes. These slaves will become the slaves of the victorious side. These slaves will be used as cannon fodder and livestock.

They are also an important part of the military force of these alien races. Through the filial piety of these godsons, Yuan Shao now has more than 300,000 soldiers and can launch a war against Cao Cao at any time. It was the most glorious and grandest war of this era

, but Yuan Shao was not in a hurry , but was waiting for a suitable opportunity. Therefore, Yuan Shao began to win over all the princes near Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Liu Biao, and even Ma Teng and Han Sui who were farther away. He is trying to win over these people

And let them take the lead in attacking Cao Cao. This is Yuan Shao’s best opportunity to create a situation where Cao Cao must fight on two or even multiple fronts. Only in this way can he be sure of victory. However, there has not been any progress at this point.

These people were all receiving gifts , but nothing happened . Although this annoyed Yuan Shao , Yuan Shao did not care too much. After all , these were all within their expectations. On the side of Cao Cao, Wang Xiao used absolute power to eliminate the last strength of the family, and then successfully

Defeated all the families in the three states. The population hidden in their land and some other black industries were all dug out by Wang Xiao. However, Wang Xiao did not kill any aristocratic family because of this, he just cleaned up all these things, confiscated all the black industries, confiscated all

The hidden people, re-registered the land, paid taxes strictly in accordance with the law , but was not crazy, and did everything. It has reached the limit that a family can accept and has pushed their bottom line downwards. The family has spit out a lot of benefits

, but at least their roots have been preserved. This is a blessing in misfortune for them . This is a chaotic situation. Year , but the chaos is not overt but secret . The successive battles in the previous year have made the princes feel the pressure and made the soldiers tired of killing.

This year is a year of rest and recuperation , but it is also a year full of crises. Last year The seeds will bear fruit this year. This year’s fruit will also determine whether you can still stand on this land alive next year. Today’s ten people have done it. How do you feel?

Wang Xiao looked at the ten generals who fell on the ground with a look on their faces. He asked a bit teasingly, but no one answered him because all ten people passed out. Cao Cao on the side looked at this scene, but he was quite satisfied. Even when he came to

Wang Xiao with a cup of hot wine , the wine was still there. Wen Chongyong, drink it while it’s hot. How come Guan Yunchang warms the wine and kills Hua Xiong ? Is this Wang Chongyong warming the wine and beating ten generals? Wang Xiao joked

And then picked up the cup in Cao Cao’s hand and drank it all. It can’t be said that it’s just that. It happened that the wine was still warm, that’s all. Cao Cao smiled, shook his head , and continued to say to Wang Xiao, ” Chongyong.

Since I was beaten by you last time, I feel that my mind seems to be more flexible. I am getting older.” There were times after that when my mind couldn’t move so fast, but now it makes me feel like I’m four or five years younger. How come I can rejuvenate myself

After being beaten by me? When Wang Xiao heard this, he joked at Cao Cao, hehehe, maybe Zhongyong Do you really have this ability? Cao Cao chuckled when he heard this , and then continued: I have been busy with family affairs recently , thanks to you and Wen Ruo

Fengxiao and the others who took charge of the overall situation. When Cao Cao said this , his expression suddenly changed. Becoming a little helpless and bitter, Wang Xiao looked at Cao Cao like this. He also sighed softly, how is the old man doing? How much time is left?

The miracle doctor Hua Tuo said that it is estimated that it will only last two days. Is there really no hope? Maybe there are some other ways . Before Wang Xiao finished speaking, Cao Cao shook his head. He shook his head and said to my father, his time has come.

In fact, his health has been deteriorating since the second half of last year. At the beginning of this year, he was so weak that he could only stay in bed. He could only eat a bowl of white porridge every day. I also thought about giving it to him. He took some tonics

, but he was worried that he would not be able to take them. Later, Hua Tuo was even more worried that his longevity was about to expire and there was no way to save him. What Cao Cao was talking about was, of course , his father, Cao Song.

Cao Song’s health had been in poor health since the Chinese New Year . He was bedridden, so Cao Cao had no time to deal with official affairs these two days. Instead, he left everything to Wang Xiao, Xun Yu and others. He himself took care of Cao Song wholeheartedly at home

, even Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and other clansmen. During this time, my dear , he also gave up his official duties and went to the Prime Minister’s Mansion to care for and care for Cao Song. While the two were talking, they saw a figure in the distance coming in a hurry

. His father, teacher, grandpa, grandpa, he, he, was dying. Cao Ang’s face was full of tears. Weeping, he came to Cao Cao and Wang Xiao and said something to them in a crying voice. Cao Cao ran home after hearing the words, while Cao Ang stepped forward and took Wang Xiao ‘s hand

. “Teacher , Grandpa,” he said I have something to tell you, teacher. Please , teacher, come with me. Hua Tuo? Hua Tuo? Hurry up and call Hua Tuo. If you still can’t find Hua Tuo within a quarter of an hour , I want you all to die.

Anger and panic. Uneasy and anxious, all the voices intertwined together and turned into a frightening threat. Xiahou Dun was currently scolding the guards around him and ordering them to find Hua Tuo immediately. Although Cao Ren and others nearby did not speak , they did not stop Xiahou Dun.

Although they all know that it is impossible to find Hua Tuo now , and even if Hua Tuo comes, it will not help. But at this moment, they are all at a loss and have no idea what they should do, so they can only pass on this uneasiness to others. You guys

Are so noisy, even if you are noisy to God, Father, he will not get better. Cao Cao came back in a hurry. As soon as he arrived, he heard the noise of Xiahou Dun and others. His face suddenly sank. Even if he opened his mouth to reprimand the elder brother

, several people saw this situation. He lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at Cao Cao . Only Xiahou Dun still said to Cao Cao eagerly : ” Brother, uncle, he, he.” Although Xiahou Dun was a tough man , he was also an extremely filial child.

When he was a child, others only insulted him. He is a teacher who dares to kill people with a knife in a busy city , not to mention that the person lying inside now is Cao Song, who is actually the head of the entire Cao family. I ‘m fine

. I’ll go in and see my father. As for Hua Tuo, he left the day before yesterday. Go now. Where are you looking for someone ? Cao Cao said and walked straight into the house . Looking at Cao Cao’s leaving figure, Xiahou Dun’s expression kept changing.

Finally, he chose to obey Cao Cao’s orders and gave up the idea of ​​looking for Hua Tuo. After Cao Cao entered Soon Cao Ang pulled Wang Xiao over and Chongyong , you are here too. Xiahou Dun just subconsciously said hello and didn’t pay too much attention

To it. He didn’t notice that what he said was a bit inappropriate. After all, everyone here is Xiahou. Wang Xiao, a member of the Cao family and the Cao family, came over and was asked by Xiahou Dun. It’s hard to say whether there is a yin and yang meaning in it.

But fortunately, Wang Xiao didn’t care about it and just nodded at Xiahou Dun. “Well, Zixiu said, the old man He wanted to tell me something , so he pulled me over . Maybe. Xiahou Dun looked a little dull and said expressionlessly

. After all, you once saved the lives of the old man and De’s brother, and now you are the person Meng De relies on most. The old man has something to say. It’s normal to talk to you alone. Just after Xiahou Dun finished speaking,

He saw Cao Cao walking out of the house. At this moment, Cao Cao’s expression was very calm , without sadness or joy , as if everything around him had nothing to do with him, but he had been with Cao Cao for so long. Wang Xiao knew Cao Cao’s character very well

And could see the sadness and pain buried deep in Cao Cao’s heart. The Wolf King would not show his weakness in front of the wolves , but this did not mean that the Wolf King really had no fear of Meng. De Wang Xiao stepped forward and wanted to comfort Cao Cao, but

He heard Cao Cao say, Chongyong , my father has something to say to you . Wang Xiao looked at Cao Cao with a puzzled look , then nodded slightly and walked into the house . Mr. Cao Wang Xiao walked into the house lightly , but as soon as he entered,

He couldn’t help but frowned because the room was filled with a smell. It was a smell of medicine mixed with the smell of old people and some excrement. It smells bad, but it is precisely because of this smell that Wang Xiao is more sure that Cao Song is really running out of time.

Chongyong, you are here. Cao Song, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes and moved his head slightly to let himself go. Looking in the direction of Wang Xiao, the old man Wang Xiao hurriedly stepped forward and came to Cao Song. Because Wang Xiao had not met Cao Song much

When he was busy outside for a long time, and his impression of Cao Song was that he could hold him in his arms . Cao De was running and calling for help. However, Cao Song at this moment really made Wang Xiao understand what it means to be dying. His sunken eye

Sockets, sallow face, lifeless eyes, and weak voice all spoke volumes about this old man. We have reached the end of our lives . It is so good to be young. Cao Song looked at Wang Xiao in front of him and smiled reluctantly. I remember old man, when I first met you,

You were so energetic and strong for two years. It’s been so long that I’m already lying in bed and hearing the nagging of my ancestors all the time. And the summons of Taishan Mansion , but you still have the same spirit, but you were born a few years later.

No one can tell the future days. Wang Xiao was unusually humble, and spoke to Cao Song in a very gentle voice. Cao Song was a little distracted when he heard Wang Xiao’s words and muttered , yes, no one can tell the future days, but old man, I know very well

That the Cao family needs you no matter what time it is. Cao Song suddenly changed the subject and stretched out himself and as if with difficulty. A hand like a dead tree grabbed Wang Xiao’s palm. Chongyong , the Cao family will have to trouble you in the future.

Although I, an old man, don’t care about things , I can see clearly that Meng De is already forty and two years old. I don’t know how many twists and turns there will be in the future. Waiting for him , the world

Is not settled day by day, and he needs to run around every day. Even if he calms down the world, governing the world is still a problem. Old man, I have seen the sun rise on the top of Mount Tai, I have also watched the ebb and flow of the Bohai Sea,

And I have listened to the market. The laughter of the common people has also tasted the cries of the emperor’s relatives. This world is still a world where thousands of people live without anyone . But I am not like the few among these. The Cao family has great rivers and mountains

, but they are owned by others. What a misfortune it will be for my Cao family to make a wedding dress , and how helpless it will be for you, Wang Chongyong. You and Meng De should be more patient in the days to come. In addition, Ang’er, you can rest assured that

He will treat you like a father and will not treat you badly. If you have any disadvantages, everyone in the Cao family may be biased against you , but they are the only two who treat you sincerely. In the days to come, I hope you can work together with them to stabilize

The world , stabilize the country , and stabilize the world . I would like to express my gratitude in advance. You, if there really is a Taishan Mansion Lord in this world, I will definitely beg him to let you let Meng De and Ang’er come down later. The world needs you.

The foundation of the Cao family also needs you. Your Cao Song is dead. This old man is Wang Xiao who personally came from Zhang. What was saved by Kai was also Wang Xiao ‘s first contribution after coming to Cao Cao’s command . Now Cao Song is dead. After being rescued by Wang Xiao,

He lived for two more years , but finally left this world. The only difference is that The possibility is that Cao Song was killed by Zhang Kai in history , but now he is dying. One is in vain and the other is enjoying his old age

. But no matter what the result is , the Prime Minister’s Mansion and even the whole of Xuchang are covered in a cloud because of Cao Song’s death . With a white layer of Meng De’s condolences , Wang Xiao came to Cao Cao and raised his hand to pat his shoulder gently,

As if he wanted to comfort Cao Cao. But when the words came to his lips , he didn’t know what to say and could only turn into a simple two words. I ‘m sorry, it’s okay. I’ve already expected this day. Cao Cao looked calm and even smiled at Wang Xiao.

But this smile looked so sad, as if a person was at a loss and didn’t know what to do. How to face the world and make a subconscious first reaction. Falseness and panic are the most true portrayal. Wang Xiao just looked at Cao Cao and said slowly that it will be okay

. Everything will be fine. You did so well . I believe that the old man has reached the Nine Springs. Next time I see you, the ancestors of the Cao family will be able to straighten their backs . Cao Cao nodded and I hope so.

But during this period, I’m afraid I can only trouble you and Wen Ruo and the others. I have to deal with my father’s affairs. If nothing happens , just go ahead and do it. I will handle it all with Wen Ruo and the others. Wang Xiao comforted Cao Cao again,

Then turned and left. Cao Song is dead. As an outsider, Wang Xiao is still not suitable to stay here for ten days. At that time, Cao Cao took care of everything. Cao Song’s funeral sent messengers to various princes to inform them of Cao Song’s death

, as well as the overall coordination within the Cao family. Everything was handled by Cao Cao in an orderly manner. It can be said that there is almost nothing. When Cao Cao came back to take over government affairs , he was even more vigorous and resolute. There was no trace of mistakes,

As if he was really not affected by Cao Song’s death at all . But after he came back, Cao Cao seemed to have been lingering. A kind of attitude of keeping strangers away. Almost everyone dared not approach Cao Cao at this moment. Even when reporting work to Cao Cao, he looked in awe.

However, not everyone is like this . For example, there is a certain person who seems to be unknown. Heartless people don’t care about this at all. What are you doing ? Didn’t you ask Lao Cao to approve this document ? I’m anxious to use it now . Wang Xiao saw that the person

He sent to Cao Cao to review the document never came back and he was so worried. Come over to see if they were lazy, only to find that these guys were all standing in front of Cao Cao’s gate without going in . Yang Xiu was startled by Wang Xiao,

And his whole body trembled. When he turned around, he found that it was Wang Xiao who was doing this. He breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at Wang Xiao helplessly and said, Situ, the Prime Minister looks so scary now. I really don’t dare to go there

. Otherwise, Mr. Situ, please help me hand it over to the Prime Minister. Yang Xiu said and handed the document to Wang. Xiao made Wang Xiao frown involuntarily. Why are you afraid of Lao Cao but not me, right? When I heard this, Yang Xiu was even more troubled and almost cried

. But fortunately, Wang Xiao didn’t care about it and waved his hand . Then he took the documents in Yang Xiu’s hand and said to a bunch of losers . Wang Xiao walked straight to Cao Cao. At this moment, Cao Cao was reviewing the documents in his hand,

But suddenly he felt a darkness in front of him. He looked up and saw Wang Xiao standing there. In front of me, Chongyong, why do you have time to come to my place? Wang Xiao is usually either wandering outside or sleeping at home. Why do you have time to come to my place?

Why do I have time? You said why do I have time? You are so stiff all day long. The dead fish face scared the people below so much that they didn’t dare to come. I asked them to come to you to review some documents, but there has been no movement

. When I came over, they were all standing outside and did not dare to come in . Wang Xiao also raised his hand and pointed at Mr. Yang Xiu, Situ, who was looking outside. Are you afraid of this? Are you disturbing the Prime Minister? Yang Xiu was a little worried about

What Wang Xiao said, but he is afraid of Cao Cao and this cannot be changed. He is afraid of what I will do. As long as you have done nothing wrong , I can still accuse you unjustly. I heard Cao Cao say this. After that, some people

Could not help but flash through Yang Xiu’s mind , such as Lu Boshe, Bian Rang , and others. They didn’t seem to have committed any damn crimes , but in the end they were not killed by Cao Cao. This is something everyone knows , so what Cao Cao said

Is almost unconvincing to Yang Xiu. The courageless waste Wang Xiao glanced at Yang Xiu with disdain and then placed the document on Cao Cao’s desk. Go check it out and sign it for me if you have no problem. Also, when you have time, go out and walk around

The racecourse . There are so many good horses there . If you are really upset, I can go out riding with you. Cao Cao did not answer Wang Xiao’s question . He reached out and took the document Wang Xiao handed over and looked at it carefully.

This is the iron-eating beast customs clearance document from Shu. Liu Zhang really got one for you, not just one but several. You can feel it. We have established a small family. Wang Xiao said with a proud and expectant face. He has always liked some rare and exotic animals in his life,

And now he is looking forward to the arrival of the iron-eating beast. Everything in your family has tigers, white tigers, and now there is a group of them. I guess there will be elephants and the like in the future. Fortunately, there are no true dragons or unicorns

In this world . Otherwise, I guess you have to catch them. Cao Cao smiled and then signed his own name on it. His name was stamped with his own seal , but before Cao Cao could return the document to Wang Xiao, Wang Xiao had already taken the document

And threw it to Yang Xiu with his backhand. Then he went straight up and snatched Cao Cao away . He was in a bad mood. Go out for a walk. Now I am as concerned about your mood as an old lady. Wang Xiao directly ignored Yang Xiu’s stunned look and Cao Cao’s struggle

And directly carried Cao Cao outside. Let’s go relax together. Wang Xiao carried it. Cao Cao was carrying a little chicken and walked all the way outside. There were soldiers all along the way , and they even met Yu Jin who came to find Cao Cao . However, both the soldiers and Yu Jin

Turned their heads in unison after seeing this scene. He looked to the side as if he hadn’t seen this scene at all. At first, Cao Cao was a little embarrassed and even wanted to raise his sleeves to cover his face so that others wouldn’t know it was him.

Although this was completely a cover-up, Cao Cao let Cao Cao behave like this. No one could be mistaken when he came, not to mention that the person who would be carried away by Wang Xiao must be a rich and powerful person. With this height, besides Le Jin, it was Cao Cao

. But gradually, Cao Cao relaxed and even completely I don’t care anymore. After all, if you think about it carefully, it’s not like this happened once or twice. They are old fucking acquaintances. They are so ashamed. After thinking about all this, Cao Cao naturally stopped thinking about these things when he relaxed.

She let Wang Xiao carry her towards the racecourse , and even looked at the surrounding scenery with interest in Wang Xiao’s hand. She observed Xuchang’s customs and customs at close range , without seeming to have any psychological burden at all . Although the people around him didn’t know Cao Cao,

They did know Wang Xiao. As one of the majestic Three Masters of the Han Dynasty, Wang Xiao walked on the streets all day long to maintain public security and punish lawbreakers . Therefore, many people saw Wang Xiao and said hello to him. Situ , come sit down and have a cup of tea.

Wang Situ, the new big cakes from my house are very hot. Why don’t I give you two ? Wang Situ , have you caught another thief? With such a wretched face, I’m afraid he’s not a prostitute. It must be so . I have seen those arrested lewd thieves before , with

Slutty eyebrows and obscene expressions. Everyone was talking about it and soon Cao Cao had become a damn lewd thief . But In response to this, Cao Cao still kept a straight face , as if he had heard nothing and knew nothing. He even had the mood to say to Wang Xiao, “Chongyong

Didn’t see that these people are quite friendly to you , but don’t forget that you are the Third Lord.” One of the disciples, Wang Xiao, could not be on an equal footing with these ordinary people. He had to know the rules. Wang Xiao didn’t listen to a word of Cao Cao’s warnings

. Instead, he couldn’t help but admire Cao Cao’s strong mentality. Sometimes others said It’s not necessarily a mistake. Old Cao, you are really shameless. When Cao Cao heard this, he ignored Wang Xiao and just rolled his eyes , then let Wang Xiao carry him to the racecourse. When he arrived at the place,

Wang Xiao Not long after Cao Cao was put down, the official in charge of the racecourse came over. Unexpectedly, the Prime Minister and Master Situ came to inspect Xiaguan . They were far away to welcome them. Forgive me. The official from the racecourse came forward to salute the two of them, and then

Stood there honestly. The one on the side did not dare to say a word because now everyone knew that Cao Cao had just died. My father was worried that if he could not say a word well, he might offend Cao Cao , so naturally it was impossible

And he did not have the courage to talk nonsense. He could only be honest. Standing there waiting for orders from Cao Cao and Wang Xiao, you can go and do whatever you need to do. The Prime Minister and I walked around the racecourse to look at each other. Wang Xiao waved his hands

And allowed the other party to leave. Although he was a little embarrassed by this order , there was not much. What did he say? Instead, he turned around and left Meng De. Let’s go and see how Jueying’s flesh and bones are doing after such a long time.

After hearing Wang Xiao’s words, Cao Cao opened up his chatter a little. While walking with Wang Xiao in the racecourse, he talked to Wang Xiao about the racecourse. Now the ponies in this racecourse are basically Jueying’s flesh and blood . I don’t know what is going on with Jueying. Normal horses

Have been bred so many times that they have already died. But Jueying has no intention of doing this at all. The most ferocious time was when he bred four hundred mares in one day. It was a monster. Four hundred mares . Wang Xiaowen Yan couldn’t help but burst into laughter at that time.

Good guy , this is no longer something that can be explained in just a few seconds. He is an unprecedented horse who can do this. After all, this is four hundred mares . One person can do it by himself. Four hundred times it will be wiped out. Go and see Jueying.

It can be said that it is full of descendants now. Wrong, now there are only sons and no grandsons. Hearing this, Cao Cao also chuckled and nodded . Yes, it is true that there are only sons and no grandsons , etc. When the two came to Jueying’s side,

It seemed that it had just finished mating and was eating grass leisurely. Suddenly, a familiar and dangerous feeling arose in its heart . Jueying looked back almost instantly . When he came to Wang Xiao’s position, Jueying immediately shook his head and broke the reins when he confirmed that it was Wang Xiao.

Then he exerted force on all four hooves and ran as fast as a large black pickup truck traveling at high speed. Cao Cao rushed towards Wang Xiao. Looking at this scene , Wang Xiao was still saying, Chongyong , look at how good Jueying is to you. He was so enthusiastic as

Soon as he found out it was you. Cao Cao said Jueying harshly before he finished speaking. The strange force that hit Wang Xiao’s body was like a train acting on Wang Xiao’s body . Even Wang Xiao’s body swayed slightly , but then Wang Xiao forcefully held on to Jueying’s body. The impact

And the next moment Wang Xiao used both hands to lift his right foot slightly and then stamped it on the ground. The whole ground trembled slightly. Wang Xiao also grabbed Jueying’s head and pressed Jueying directly with force. He fell to the ground. Cao Cao was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Didn’t Jueying come to welcome Wang Xiao? How come in the blink of an eye, Wang Xiao knocked Jueying down? What happened in this scene? It was so fast that even the horse officials didn’t realize what was happening, but Wang Xiao went up to Jueying and slapped him, you stupid fool,

Why don’t you let you be the emperor of horses? Hundreds of horses a day. The little mare is waiting for you to come, and you actually want to attack me. You are just a white-eyed wolf and a heartless thing. Cao Cao looked at this scene

In confusion and did not recover for a long time . He hesitated for a long time . Then he opened his mouth and said to Wang Xiao, Chongyong, what is going on? Cao Cao couldn’t understand why he suddenly took action and pinned Jueying to the ground and beat him. However

, Wang Xiao said with a cold face, it’s not because This beast actually wants to attack me. As Wang Xiao said this, he gave Jueying another hit. This made Cao Cao even more confused and attacked you. He was not here to please you . Jueying was a horse with a very strong

Temper in Cao Cao’s impression. The horse has never attacked others since it was tamed, so when Wang Xiao said that Jueying was here to attack him, Cao Cao didn’t believe it and wanted to please him. Wang Xiao snorted disdainfully and continued. This guy is probably an absolute must. I threw him

Here to breed and it made him feel uncomfortable. As soon as he saw me, he wanted to attack me . At this moment, Jueying, who was knocked down by Wang Xiao, was also struggling to get up and wanted to continue attacking Wang Xiao every day. Taking aphrodisiacs and engaging in high-intensity

Mating every day is really uncomfortable. Moreover, animals are different from humans. The mating of animals is more based on the instinct of reproduction rather than the purpose of true love . And their mating In fact, they are all accompanied by a certain amount of pain. After all, animals are not humans and

Do not have so many skills. Of course, except for dolphins , this guy is the Teddy in the sea. This guy can bite off the heads of small fishes and then make himself a cup. This guy is also the first in the world. Moreover, among the ten outrageous incidents of

Animals wooing humans around the world, at least seven or eight of them are caused by dolphins, but horses are definitely not among them. That’s why Jueying is so angry. Wang Xiao ’s treatment of him will be revealed after seeing Wang Xiao. Xiao immediately rushed forward and wanted to beat Wang Xiao first

, but it misestimated the fighting power of itself and Wang Xiao. The dog is quite rampant. It has been three days without a fight. Wang Xiao said it again. Jueying was given a few blows. The time gradually increased as Wang Xiao pinned him to the ground and

Cleaned him up. Soon Jueying woke up and did not dare to make any more moves when facing Wang Xiao. Zhongyong looked like it should Even if you know you are wrong, don’t be angry. After all, this is a living person. Feed him aphrodisiacs every day to keep him happy.

This is also a fatal thing. After hearing Cao Cao’s words, Wang Xiao let Jue go. When Ying saw Wang Xiao let him go, Jueying immediately got up from the ground and came to stand next to Wang Xiao as if to please. He kept rubbing his head against Wang Xiao,

And he didn’t have the manic look before. He was a shameless and shameless thing . Xiao smiled and scolded Jueying, but then said to Cao Cao, Meng , you can also choose a horse. Let’s go out for a walk and relax. Cao Cao did not refuse , but calmly nodded and

Accepted Wang Xiao’s proposal. Cao Cao His mount, Huang Feidian, was also at this racecourse , so Cao Cao rode directly on his horse, Huang Feidian, and Wang Xiao galloped in the racecourse, feeling the wind constantly blowing across his face and watching the surrounding scenery retreat rapidly. Cao Cao’s poet’s heart

Seemed to be a little turbulent again. Did Meng De feel a little more relaxed? Wang Xiao looked at Cao Cao and chuckled and said, “Yes ,” Cao Cao nodded . He felt a little more relaxed. Actually, think about my father carefully. It is already much better than most people.

A life of prosperity and wealth, peace and smoothness, and finally the end of a long life. This result is already better than too many people. Although Cao Cao said this, there is still a little bit in his words. After all , this is his father’s death.

How could he let go of the sadness in his heart so easily ? But after all, Cao Cao is Cao Cao. While galloping with Wang Xiao, Cao Cao was also talking to Wang Xiao about his thoughts. He also focused on his future thoughts. My father once said to me before he died

That I can distrust and doubt anyone, but I can’t doubt you, because my relationship with you does not allow for the slightest impurity in it , otherwise this impurity will eventually evolve into my absolute Unbearable consequences. What do you think of this ? Wang Xiao smiled indifferently when he heard this

. What can I think? Or what do you want me to think? I, what can I think? Cao Cao was very straightforward when he heard this. When I heard this, the first thing I thought of was Gaozu and Huaiyin Hou Han Xin. Interesting , do you want to be Gaozu

And let me be Han Xin? Although the general trend of the world has not yet stabilized , we can probably see what will happen to the world in the future. Not surprisingly, when one person is selected from Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, they will take over the banner of the

World from the Liu family , then establish their own empire in this world , and continue to write their own great chapter. There are some things and some grievances. It also started from this time. How should Cao Cao treat these heroes in the future? Should the rabbit die,

The dog cook, and the bird be used up , or should we share the honor and disgrace and share the world? In fact, at this time, we can already start to make judgments about Gaozu and Han Xin. Cao Cao shook his head slightly and said that Han Xin’s death has His reasons

Were also those of Gaozu , but in the final analysis it was a matter of trust. Gaozu did not trust Han Xin, so in his eyes and in Lu Zhi’s eyes, Han Xin had to die. If he did not die, they would have trouble sleeping and eating.

They were afraid that they would make wedding clothes for Han Xin. When it comes to speaking, as a minister, you should immediately express your loyalty, but Wang Xiao did not do this and even said , “Aren’t we just the same as you and me? I am now twenty and five,

But you are forty and two .” I am even more obedient . Don’t you worry about me? As soon as this sentence comes out , even a king who has no such thoughts will probably be tempted to kill because his danger is already on his face

, but Cao Cao is still He said with a very calm look: Ang’er treats you like a brother and a father, and I treat you like a son and a younger brother. If I doubt you , don’t I doubt that my son will rebel against me

? What’s more, you may not be Han Xin, you can also be Wang Jian or Meng Tian. I am by no means the emperor of the Han Dynasty. My achievements may be comparable to those of the First Emperor. You may not know it. Wang Xiao looked at such a heroic Cao Cao

, but he suddenly couldn’t help laughing . Hahaha, Old Cao , has anyone ever told you that you are very good? Shameless! Compared with the first emperor Ying Zheng, looking at ancient and modern times , it seems that there is really no emperor who dares to say that he can definitely compare.

Now Cao Cao’s sentence is particularly obvious. It is a very high evaluation of himself. That’s why Wang Xiao said such a sentence about Cao Cao. Shameless, but Cao Cao didn’t care about it at all. He even said smugly. It’s not because I’m shameless, it’s because I have confidence in you. Cao Cao’s expression

Suddenly became serious as he spoke . His whole person was completely different from before. It’s as if he’s a different person. Chong Yong. I’m not saying these words to boast or think too highly of myself . It’s because I’m sure of your and my strength.

Cao Cao’s words couldn’t help but make Wang Xiao’s heart move slightly. He came to this world. Although I have been helping Cao Cao since then , in fact, my mentality has never changed. I have always been a happy- go-lucky mentality and just give a little push when things happen.

I really want to say how big a person I want to be. In fact, there is no goal . Even the idea of ​​unifying the world and ending the troubled times is actually more of a goal that only appeared after joining Cao Cao’s camp. Because this is the goal

That the entire Cao Cao camp is working hard for , I regard this as a goal. But in fact, none of this is very attractive to him. However, Cao Cao’s words at this moment made Wang Xiao start to reflect on his own heart. Did he really think about what he wanted to do

After he came to this world ? Or do you have any goals that you must achieve ? Wang Xiao thought about it carefully and asked himself deeply , but in the end he only got one answer : It doesn’t matter if he really does, it doesn’t matter whether it is fame, fortune

Or imperial supremacy. It doesn’t seem to have much meaning in my eyes . Since I came to this world, I have always had a mentality of not caring about living in life . With your strength and my command, in the future, we will definitely be able to conquer a large territory,

Not only the current Central Plains land. There are other more larger territories, three Koreans, one hundred Vietnamese barbarians, and even more distant overseas lands. Everything will become my territory. By then, our achievements will be enough to amaze future generations and make the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors feel ashamed. When

Cao Cao talks about these At that time, Wang Xiao saw an emotion in Cao Cao’s eyes, an emotion that was coming out without any concealment. That was ambition. Cao Cao looked at Wang Xiao and said with a tone full of expectation and enthusiasm

. Why am I not afraid that you will betray me ? Why am I not a rabbit? The dead dog cooks the bird and hides it all Because my ambition is endless. A rabbit died and there were rabbits all over the place. I shot a bird and there were flying birds all

Over the sky. Dogs can always come in handy . Bows can always be used for archery. Cao Cao’s words are very bewitching. If it is Ordinary people may have completely believed what Cao Cao said at this time and would not hesitate to do anything for it. But when Wang Xiao heard this,

He smiled faintly and reached out to pat him, still immersed in his great imagination. Cao Cao, Old Cao among them, do you think I am a dog ? Cao Cao just came back from his extremely grand ideal , and when he heard Wang Xiao’s words, he

Immediately fell into a period of hesitation and confusion , but then he Then he reacted and hurriedly raised his hands to defend himself. No, it’s not Chongyong. I didn’t mean that . It’s just a metaphor. Cao Cao closed his eyes helplessly as he spoke . According to my understanding of Chongyong,

This situation is I need a few punches, at least two punches, to relieve my anger. I hope he won’t hit me in the face. After all, I plan to go to Mrs. Zou to have a good chat about life and literature. What if he really punches me anyway ?

Cao Cao’s heart was full of helplessness and helplessness. But until the end, Wang Xiao’s punch did not fall. Instead, a big hand fell gently on Cao Cao’s shoulder. Meng De, what is this world like, and how should this earth be? I’m actually not interested in this , but since you’ve said so,

I ‘ll look forward to what you said. After all, it would be great if people a thousand years from now don’t have to learn foreign languages , although it’s almost impossible to accomplish. That’s it. Cao Cao can probably understand what Wang Xiao said

. Even if there are some things that he doesn’t understand, Cao Cao can just ignore them. Anyway, this is not the first time that Wang Xiao has said something that he doesn’t understand. He always treats it as a strange person. After all, there are existences beyond ordinary people’s understanding.

There are some behaviors that others cannot understand. This is normal , because everything in your eyes may not be the same as everything in others’ eyes . But why does Chongyong act like he understands what he is talking about? It seems that a question arose in Cao Cao’s mind.

After all, if it was just a hundred Vietnamese barbarians and three Koreans, it would be understandable that everyone knew and were familiar with those places . But there were some places further away that were different, and he had never heard of them . How did Chongyong know about

These places that were far away and even inaccessible by land? Cao Cao had a lot of doubts about this , but he didn’t ask Wang Xiao a word since he had already said that he would give it to Wang Xiao. Xiao trusts him, then he must show his trust

In Wang Xiao . There shouldn’t be even the slightest doubt. The sea is a far more dangerous place than the land. Every step is full of danger. The most common thing in the world is not the land but the ocean. So Mengde , your ambition may not be achieved in a lifetime.

That’s not right. My ambition cannot be achieved in a lifetime. I will work hard for it all my life . Then I will never have any other thoughts or ideas about you in my lifetime. This way you and I I will always maintain this relationship until I die, until you die.

Cao Cao smiled and said what should have been a bit sad. Then he gently pulled the reins and claws. Huang Feidian stopped. Chongyong , I already feel better. Let’s go back. I think you should be anxious to see your iron-eating beast. Liu Zhang can’t be said to be an honest man,

But in this era of cannibalism, he can barely be regarded as a good person. He treats the people under his rule with kindness and responsibility , even though he is not capable. But his character was pretty good. When Liu Bei besieged Chengdu,

He still had enough food and grass to last for a year, but he still surrendered because he knew very well that he had lost . If he continued to fight, it would be just a desperate struggle. Not only would he not get any benefits, but he would also The common people of Chengdu

Were involved in the war , so Liu Zhang finally chose to surrender, which gave him a good reputation. Just like Lao Cao’s evaluation of Liu Zhang, he was weak and incompetent. He could only settle down in a corner . If a normal Shu prince faced a Central Plains prince,

Generally speaking, we don’t pay too much attention to the requests made. After all, there are other princes so far away in the middle . I don’t care who you are and what you want to do , but Liu Zhang is different . Old Cao asked him for the iron-eating beast

Liu Zhang. Without saying a word, he went to capture two iron-eating beasts, a male and a female, and their children. They packed up the whole family and sent them over. I have to say that Liu Zhang did a pretty good job. I just wanted to have them. One of

Them did not expect that Liu Zhang had only packed up one family. Wang Xiao looked at the cages in front of him that contained five giant pandas , large and small , with a satisfied smile on his face.

At this moment, these giant pandas seemed not to care about the people nearby at all. The situation remains the same as before, sitting in the cage and constantly stuffing various foods into his mouth. Dian Wei couldn’t help but sigh when he saw this scene. I now understand

Why the military advisor wants this kind of animal. He is exactly the same as the military advisor all day long. Before he could finish eating, Dian Wei was hit hard on the back of his head by a big dick . Dian Wei was hit and staggered. He

Couldn’t help but let out a cry of pain , but he was not angry because he knew very well that this would happen. Who is the military advisor who hit me ? This is telling the truth. You can’t beat me because I tell the truth. It ‘s the military advisor. You said yourself

That you have to be honest. Dian Wei still wants to argue with reason. After all, you can’t do it yourself every time. Just say something and get beaten. How unjust you are. Moreover, when I was a low-ranking military advisor, it was okay to do this. Now I am a Situ .

Isn’t it supposed that adults should not remember the faults of villains? Why is it still like this? There is no change at all in this code. Wei is very uncomfortable. Military advisor, you are already a Situ. Why don’t you have the generosity that a Situ should have? Don’t be so serious about everything.

Dian Wei said to Wang Xiao with an aggrieved face, trying to make Wang Xiao recognize his words. From now on, he shouldn’t be beaten every time he said something . But who knew that Wang Xiao would hear Dian Wei’s words? After Wei said these words, he couldn’t help but laugh.

You kid, why are you being honest with me? If you are really honest, then I ask you why every time the Prime Minister is not around, Madam, when they ask you, you always say that the Prime Minister is here to see me. Isn’t that what the Prime Minister said? Before

Dian Wei could finish his words, Cao Cao interrupted Dian Wei and scolded Dian Wei with a serious face. How can you compare Chongyong with these beasts ? This is a great insult to Chongyong. He quickly apologized to Chongyong for the insult. Cao Cao’s serious and serious words Dianwei was mute for a moment

And couldn’t express the pain of eating Huanglian . He obviously said every word was true. How come he was not a human being inside and outside in the end? Originally, he followed Cao Cao came over to see what this iron-eating beast that Wang Xiao was so looking forward to looked like. Madam Ding

Also set her sights on Cao Cao at this moment. She said this several times. If I go to find you, come and tell me that you are here. Chongyong’s side is actually all fake. You went to find those shady women again. Mrs. Ding showed signs of getting angry as she spoke.

Mrs. Ding is Cao Cao’s first wife and has been with Cao Cao for many years . Naturally, it’s clear. What kind of virtue is Cao Cao? It’s just that she never said anything . Let Cao Cao do whatever he wants outside , as long as he doesn’t go too far.

Cao Cao also respects Madam Ding very much and will try his best to let Madam Ding do this. Otherwise, after Cao Ang’s death, Madam Ding She would not make such an outrageous but strong move as unilaterally divorcing Cao Cao. If a woman from a slightly powerful family in the local area

Were put together with a prince, it would be completely out of proportion . But Mrs. Ding can Cao Cao returned to her parents’ home and completely ignored Cao Cao who came to apologize. In the end, she almost unilaterally divorced Cao Cao. This kind of thing is quite explosive in this era. Therefore, when

Mrs. Ding turned around to settle the score with Cao Cao, Cao Cao also had a terrible headache. Madam, do you believe me or do you believe E Lai? This fool doesn’t believe it . Madam Ding looked at Cao Cao with disdain. E Lai can be considered an honest person.

He became like this because he followed you. He actually learned how to do it. Hey, hey, madam, you can’t say that to be honest. I still have many shortcomings. Dian Wei scratched his head in embarrassment and showed an honest smile , but what he got in return was the unanimous

Look of disdain from everyone present . I am Are you praising you? Mrs. Ding looked at Dian Wei with disdain and said seriously: “Don’t follow the Prime Minister and do some shameful things from now on. The ladies in your family complained to me in the end. It’s not a small thing.

Since you marry someone, you have to be responsible for them. You can see for yourself.” Look at what you are like now. If you really want to say it, you have to be Chongyong to be considered a good man. As Mrs. Ding said this, she cast her eyes on Wang Xiao

And said with admiration, Chongyong’s wives. I have seen that they are very at ease with Chongyong. They never have any worries or doubts . Moreover, Chongyong is worthy of their trust. He has never messed around outside and has never even been to a brothel. Look at each of you again .

I have been thinking about that nonsense all day long , especially Prime Minister. Don’t you always say that those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black ? Why haven’t you seen any change in you after you have been with Chongyong for so long

? Mrs. Ding’s words will not only Cao Cao was speechless. The most important thing was that Cao Cao’s eyes were wandering back and forth between Mrs. Ding and Wang Xiao . An uneasy thought began to appear in his heart. This terrible thought was only in Cao Cao’s mind . It flashed through

And was immediately forgotten by Cao Cao. It was impossible. It was absolutely impossible. Chongyong’s hobbies were completely opposite to his own. Chongyong didn’t like young women at all. He only liked girls. Any of the ladies in his family were better than his own. Beautiful , so these thoughts of mine

Are just random thoughts. Cao Cao thought about it in his heart and soon calmed down. Yes, what he wants to do so much is fucking impossible no matter what he thinks. Huh, Cao Cao is long. He let out a breath and turned his head. Just as he was about to say something

Nice to Mrs. Ding, he heard Wang Xiao say , Madam, “I am just a little more stable and dedicated than the Prime Minister. You are so dedicated. What are you doing?” At this moment, Cao Cao and Dian Wei are really focused . Ten thousand grass mud horses are galloping past.

Why don’t you first see how many women you have in your family , including my daughter who is still waiting for you to get married , and Da Qiao who has not grown up? I was talking to Xiao Qiao , but Mrs. Ding really took in these words

. She immediately turned around and yelled at Cao Cao. Look at you, take a good look at you. Day by day, you will know that you are not at all formal when you go out and fool around. Look at how good Chongyong is. Cao Cao really

Has no interest in arguing with Mrs. Ding. There is a master who once said that you should never reason with a woman because she can’t reason. What’s more, Cao Cao now doesn’t even have reason, so it’s even more impossible. You will have thoughts and plans in this regard. Okay, okay, hurry up

And send these iron-eating beasts back to me. When Wang Xiao saw that Cao Cao and Mrs. Ding were about to start a quarrel , he hurriedly spoke to interrupt the conflict between the two . After all, he was considered Cao Cao’s future son-in-law

Caused a quarrel between his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, which had some bad effects, so he immediately stepped forward to smooth things over and asked Dian Wei to send the iron-eating beast back to him. Although Dian Wei was a little unhappy , it didn’t matter much. No matter what , he agreed very decisively.

After all, compared to the Shura field , this kind of physical work is more suitable for him. Therefore, Dianwei stepped forward and took over the iron-eating beast without even thinking about it. However, Wang Xiao did not leave because Wang Xiao did not leave. Xiao has other things to do, such as

Going back with Cao Cao to meet Cao Cao’s daughter. Well, let ‘s end these unimportant things. There is actually one more thing to do this time. I think my father also told you before he died. Alright Chongyong , um, Wang Xiao nodded. The old man did tell me before he left

That he wanted me to meet the eldest lady as soon as possible. If both parties have no objections, the marriage will be completed after he has completed his filial piety. Although Cao Cao has always emphasized that he is his son-in-law, his His daughter must be his legal wife in the future,

But after all, this is just Cao Cao’s unilateral emphasis. In fact, neither Wang Xiao nor Cao Cao has officially announced it. It is just their verbal agreement . Even this agreement was made back then. Cao Cao said it like a joke. Over the years, it was because Cao Cao was the boss

, so everyone did not fight. Otherwise, every family would have been beaten to death because of the position of the head wife. But it is precisely because no one came to fight for it. Cao Cao didn’t care so much and just waited with peace of mind for the two to get married.

This was what Cao Song said when he died. Now Wang Xiao agrees , but what if he doesn’t want to do it in the future ? So he must If Wang Xiao is still willing to decide this matter directly, Cao Song also said something similar to Wang Xiao when he died.

In fact, Wang Xiao has always had a very dull attitude towards this matter . After all, this matter Cao Cao had said it early, but Cao Song said this because he was worried about himself and the Cao family. After all, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. It

Can be done as soon as possible, so just do it as soon as possible. For this purpose, Cao Song asked Cao Cao and Wang Xiao to put this matter together. Now that the matter is settled, let’s go now that everything is known. Speaking of Chongyong, you haven’t met my daughter yet, right ?

Although in the eyes of most people, Cao Cao’s eldest daughter is already Wang Xiao’s wife , but in reality Wang Xiao really didn’t know what Cao Cao’s daughter looked like . After all, besides leading troops in battles, Wang Xiao only fished at home

And acted like a fool. He didn’t even go to court , let alone go to Cao Cao’s house. What’s more, when you come to see his daughter, you just tell Cao Cao, “Old Cao, I’m here to see your daughter. ” So Wang Xiao has never seen Cao Cao’s daughter until now

, but when he can be sure, Cao Cao’s daughter looks pretty good. Peugeot, um . Wang Xiao nodded. I have never been to you. We discussed many things outside. Let’s go and meet my daughter. After all, you will be husband and wife in the future.

Cao Cao said and stepped forward to lead the way for Wang Xiao. She took him all the way back to her home. Mrs. Ding followed closely behind . Only Dian Wei was like a coolie, still moving the giant panda for Wang Xiao

. I don’t know what evil I did in my previous life. I will end up like this in this life. Next, the military advisor went to see my future wife. My lord is still with me, but in this coolie, Dianwei muttered as he and a group of guards transported the iron-eating beasts to

Wang Xiao’s house. The behavior of several iron-eating beasts along the way . They were all quite calm , as if they didn’t know anything. They even stretched out their hands to grab and twitch Dian Wei ‘s clothes . Finally, one of them actually tore off a piece of Dian Wei’s clothes

And put it in his mouth. As he chewed and watched this scene, Dian Wei showed a weird look. Sure enough, he was exactly the same as the military advisor. He had an amazing appetite and could eat anything. Dian Wei said that he sent a few giant pandas to Wang Xiao’s door

Because it was to be converted into a zoo. Wang Xiao’s house is now several times bigger than before. Dian Wei stood in front of Wang Xiao’s house and looked at such a huge manor. He couldn’t help but sigh . After all, it’s a military advisor. This garden

Is three to five times bigger than my house. Dian Wei said, The giant panda was sent in , but who knew that the giant panda, who had been calm just now, suddenly became restless at this moment , and Dian Wei also saw something.

The white tiger that had been snatched back by the military advisor had already arrived in front of the gate and was staring at it eagerly. Wang Xiao followed Cao Cao to the Prime Minister’s Mansion. Because of Cao Song’s death, everyone in the Cao family was still busy preparing for Cao Song’s funeral

, so almost everyone was there , even Cao Hong, who was assigned to guard the ancestral grave . This is also here. At this moment, Cao Hong was crying in front of Cao Song’s mourning hall. His eyes were red and swollen, his voice was hoarse, and

His whole body was in a state of collapse . Looking at this scene , Wang Xiao was even a little surprised. After all, did Cao Hong really have such a deep relationship with Cao Song? I remember that when Cao Cao made the decision to deal with Cao Hong, Cao Song was the first

Person to support and suppress the opinions of everyone in the Cao family . Wang Xiao thought that the relationship between Cao Hong and Cao Song was just that of common sects , but looking at it now The situation seems to be quite good.

After all, Zi Lian is also a member of the Cao family. After my father passed away, he should come back to meet Chong Yong. Don’t you have any objections to this? Seeing Wang Xiao set his sights on Cao Hong, Cao Cao immediately became worried. Wang Xiao would feel that he had violated his

Previous promise , so he hurriedly explained to Wang Xiao. Wang Xiao shook his head and said calmly that Zi Lian’s matter had nothing to do with me. He had already paid the price for his words and deeds. As for what will happen in the future? It’s up to you to decide. Wang Xiao

Is actually not very interested in what Cao Hong will be like in the future . After all, Cao Hong is also a member of the Cao family. He has paid enough for offending him, and there is no need for him to hold on to it. Let Cao Cao make his own decisions

On the rest of these things. Chongyong, don’t worry. After my father is buried, I will let Zi Lian take my father’s memorial tablet back to his hometown tomb . Cao Cao still felt that Wang Xiao might still hate Cao Hong after all. That incident shocked Cao Cao himself.

If he didn’t handle it well, Wang Xiao might have left directly. At that time, Cao Cao really wanted to draw his sword and hack Cao Hong to death , but he still resisted the impulse in his heart and In the end, he made the decision to give up on Cao Hong completely,

So Cao Cao felt that maybe Wang Xiao hadn’t forgiven Cao Hong yet, so he had to show some expression. Although Wang Xiao actually didn’t care about this, okay, you can do whatever you want . Wang Xiao waved his hand He stopped paying attention to this incident.

Although he wanted to let Cao Hong go , even if Cao Cao had already said so, just follow Cao Cao’s wishes . As for more Wang Xiao, he had no idea. Cao Hong now said to him It was no longer relevant and could even be said to be a passerby.

However, just when Wang Xiao was about to walk over directly, Cao Hong noticed that the two of them were looking at each other . Wang Xiao originally thought that Cao Hong would get angry , go crazy , and scream at him again. Unfortunately, Cao Hong would also stare at himself with resentful eyes.

After all, it was because of him that he left Xuchang and lost his power, status and wealth. But unexpectedly, Cao Hong did not do this , and Cao Hong even felt a little bit of hatred and anger. They couldn’t see Wang Xiao. All he could see in his eyes was calmness

, like a lake without wind or waves. The two looked at each other for about two breaths. Cao Hong immediately bowed to Wang Xiao and saluted. Cao Hong, a grassroots man, paid homage to Wang Situ. Cao Hong’s salute was very standard , and there was nothing inconsistent with etiquette .

Wang Xiao just responded softly, then his eyes wandered around his body and finally said, Meng De , we should go , Cao Cao originally said He thought that Wang Xiao might have something to say to Cao Hong or had other plans, but in the end he just left calmly.

This made Cao Cao confused for a while , but Wang Xiao acted quite calmly and even responded to this. He said calmly, ” I said Zi Lian’s handling is your Cao family’s own business and I will not interfere, so I will not ask about anything about Zi Lian nor have any opinions.”

After Wang Xiao said that, he went straight to He walked into the inner room and left Cao Cao standing there for a long time without realizing what was going on. Finally, Guo Jia came over and stood beside Cao Cao, looking at Wang Xiao’s leaving back and saying, ”

When did the prime minister see Chong Yong?” Chongyong, who broke his promise , said that his words will always count. He said that he would not interfere with Zi Lian’s affairs, so he would not interfere. No matter whether Zi Lian is humble or angry, it has no meaning in Chong Yong’s eyes,

Because this matter has passed. Therefore , he will not pay any attention to this matter . But it is precisely because of this that Prime Minister, you must be cautious when handling this matter . Because Chongyong believes in you, he will not ask about this matter

. But if your The result is biased . Then you should know what the result is. Guo Jia’s words were very easy, but they weighed heavily on Cao Cao’s heart. I understand. Cao Cao nodded to express that he understood.

Then Cao Cao did not have anything to do with Cao Hong. After the conversation , he turned around and left. Everything should be business as usual. Since Wang Xiao approved of Cao Hong’s handling at the beginning, let’s continue like this in the future. After Cao Cao left,

Cao Hong stood there and watched Cao Cao’s leaving figure, but his heart was filled with mixed feelings. He knew that maybe he would never be able to come back here again in his life. Cao Ren, Cao Chun and others looked at this scene and their expressions became complicated.

In the past, they always said how serious the consequences of offending Wang Xiao would be, but after all, It was just a joke . But this time, Cao Hong’s fate made all of them understand this truth from the bottom of their hearts. Don’t offend Wang Xiao.

If it weren’t for Wang Xiao, the only thing that awaits you would be life worse than death. Once, one person was inferior to ten thousand people, and he had wealth and a bright future. Jin now has no idea how everyone has to rely on relatives and friends to survive.

What a feeling it is. They shudder just thinking about it. There must be one Qian Quan and famous person in this world, but now Cao Hong has no one . How painful it is . How helpless they are. They must not offend Wang Xiao. These words are like being

Branded on their hearts with a branding iron. This sentence is still fresh in the memory of each of them. But on the other side At this moment, Cao Cao also brought Wang Xiao to a boudoir of his daughter’s house and sat down. Then he called to the back room and said, “My daughter

, Wang Situ, has arrived . Come out and meet me. ” As Cao Cao finished speaking, a woman slowly walked out from the back room. When this woman The moment it appeared in Wang Xiao’s eyes, the first thing Wang Xiao saw was that her clothes were different from Cao Cao’s simple style.

The clothes on this woman’s body were unusually gorgeous, brocade patterns , silk and satin, which gave people a luxurious feeling at a glance. Wang Xiao knew that this woman was Cao Cao’s eldest daughter, Princess Qinghe, Cao Yuan. Cao Yuan and Cao Ang were both born to Mrs. Liu.

Later, Mrs. Liu died of illness and they were raised by Mrs. Ding . Historically, Cao Yuan was originally going to marry Ding Yi. He also discussed this matter with Cao Pi , but Cao Pi said that Ding Yi was not good-looking and her eyes were too small. Women all love beauty

. I was afraid that Cao Yuan would not be willing to marry Cao Yuan to Ding Yi, so he changed her to Xiahou Mao. But Xiahou Mao did not agree . In fact, Cao Yuan didn’t like Cao Yuan, so she took up a lover outside soon after they got married

. Later, when Xia Houmao was guarding Guanzhong, he took in concubines on a large scale, which made Cao Yuan very angry. As a result, the relationship between the couple was particularly at odds. Cao Yuan conspired with them to frame Xia Houmao and let Cao Rui execute Xia Houmao. However, it failed later

, and because of this incident, Xia Houmao and Cao Yuan were completely strangers and had almost no relationship. There is little room for change. This girl, Cao Yuan, has a bit of a fierce and fierce temper. This is for sure. But as Cao Cao’s daughter, it would be really strange

If she didn’t have these characters. You know, Cao Cao, one of Cao Cao’s daughters who married Liu Xie into the palace as his concubine . At the end of the festival, when his brother Cao Pi usurped the throne, he even threw the jade seal on the ground

And said that God will not protect you. Compared with this , Cao Yuan’s actions can only be said to be ordinary . Cao Yuan has met Wang Situ Cao Yuan naturally knew Wang Xiao. After all, he was Cao Cao’s right-hand man and her preselected husband. Cao Yuan

Had been paying attention to Wang Xiao since a long time ago when Cao Cao first said that Wang Xiao would marry Cao Yuan in the future. Therefore, At this moment, when I saw Wang Xiao, not only did he not have any signs of life,

On the contrary, I was still filled with a bit of joy. I had long heard that Cao Yuan, the eldest daughter of the prime minister, was naturally beautiful and as beautiful as a fairy. She was beautiful and smart, but she was a wonderful woman. Today, when I saw her, she was indeed well-deserved.

She was just a compliment. You don’t need to praise her to death. You have to pay for it , so Wang Xiao, the upper and lower lips touch each other and there is nothing. In fact, if I really want to say it, Cao Yuan is

Indeed a beauty. Perhaps it is because the wives of Lao Cao are all great beauties , so Cao Cao’s sons and daughters are all beautiful. Not inheriting Cao Cao ‘s mediocrity in appearance, everyone is extremely outstanding in appearance. Cao Yuan is no exception.

Moreover, Cao Yuan is not the kind of thin beauty with an oval face that is common in modern times, but a small round face and a figure, although she is dressed in a skirt. Covered up, but you can still see that she is a graceful type rather than a bamboo body.

It can be said that Cao Yuan is the most traditional classical beauty , just like the sentence describing Zhao Feiyan. If you add one point more, you will feel fatter and if you take less, you will feel thinner. In addition, a pair of red phoenix eyes

And a pair of warm eyes like hot springs can make people feel good when they smile. Cao Cao first looked at Cao Yuan and then at Wang Xiao, and saw that the two of them seemed to like each other. Quite satisfied, the stone in his heart suddenly fell to the ground

. You know what he is most worried about is that both of them are dissatisfied with each other or one of them is dissatisfied with the other . Although Cao Yuan definitely has to marry Wang Xiao, this point is completely non-negotiable. But if possible,

Cao Cao still hopes that Cao Yuan can find a satisfactory husband instead of marrying someone else unwillingly. In this way, their future married life will definitely be full of conflicts. As for Wang Xiao , if he really doesn’t like Cao Yuan, then It was over and all his thoughts

And plans would be in vain. Seeing that the two of them were quite satisfied with each other, Cao Cao showed a relieved smile and said to Cao Yuan, ” Daughter , come with me. I have something to say to you.” It was said that his father, Cao Yuan, nodded

And then followed Cao Cao out of the room. Wang Xiao was standing alone in the room. This was the first time he had entered a girl’s boudoir. The novelty and slight embarrassment mixed together made Wang Xiao somewhat embarrassed. But Wang Xiao is Wang Xiao after all. This feeling soon disappeared.

Then Wang Xiao began to look at Cao Yuan’s boudoir. In the future, Cao Yuan will be his wife. He took a closer look at the boudoir to confirm Cao Yuan’s preferences for the future. Married life is also very helpful. But this time, Wang Xiao discovered something different.

In addition to the rouge, gouache, dresses, red and other things that are usually found in daughters’ homes , there seemed to be some things that shouldn’t be there. Wang Xiao As he spoke, he reached out and took out a riding whip

From the back of a dress . Although this thing was hidden by Cao Yuan, Wang Xiao’s eyesight was so sharp that he could already see the whip that a girl of hers had placed in her room. What does a whip do? When Wang Xiao was wondering, he discovered something new.

Cao Yuan’s dressing table seemed to have moved marks. There were also scratches on the ground. There was something behind the dressing table. Wang Xiao thought about it and grabbed it with one hand. The whole dressing table was lifted up by him with a slight lift. Wang Xiao also saw what

Was hidden behind the dressing table . It was a painting. Wang Xiao was confused and picked up the painting hidden behind the dressing table. He got up and unfolded the painting , only to see that the painting was actually of a man , and he was very familiar with it

, because the painting was his mother’s own , and it was also the painting of him holding up the rhinoceros at the banquet where Cao Zhi was born last year. This king Xiao frowned, with a puzzled look on his face. Why did Cao Yuan have a portrait of me

? And it was the picture of a big fool. Wang Xiao looked at it and thought about how this painting fell into Cao Yuan ‘s hands . He painted me that day. There must be quite a few people who are doing this. Judging from the artistry and brushstrokes of this painting,

He should be a master of calligraphy and painting. And I should have seen this painting before. It looked familiar. Suddenly, Wang Xiao thought about it. Did Wen He draw it? How could I be in the hands of Cao Yuan? Wang Xiao was muttering when he heard a bang. When he looked back, he

Saw Cao Yuan standing there with a shy face and a pot of hot wine had been spilled. It was all over the floor. Cao Yuan stood there and looked at Wang Xiao with a shy and uneasy look. She really didn’t expect that this painting had been hidden in such a place

And could still be found. Wang Xiao looked at Cao Yuan and hesitated. After a moment, he said, Miss Cao , how could this portrait of mine be in your hands? A girl’s home secretly hides a portrait of a man. If there is no problem, I guess no one will reply.

It’s just that Wang Xiao doesn’t know why Cao Yuan wants to secretly hide it. Hiding this painting and how this painting came into Cao Yuan’s hands. But facing these questions from Wang Xiao, Cao Yuan just blushed and couldn’t say a word. “I, what should I do? I’m so embarrassed.

” Before, her father said When I was asked to meet Wang Situ, I had already hidden this painting. How come it was still discovered? What should I do? Should I tell the truth and admit my admiration for Wang Situ ? But this really won’t be exposed. Do you think she is a womanly

Woman? Although women today are much more open-minded than those in the later period when they were obsessed with three obediences and four virtues, this kind of thing is still somewhat embarrassing. The most important point is that it doesn’t matter if you collect other people’s portraits and others find out. Then

It’s a big problem. Relax , it ‘s not a big deal. I’m just curious. This painting should have been painted for me by Wen He at the Prime Minister’s banquet to celebrate the birth of Cao Chong . How did it fall into your hands ? Wang Xiaoxiao Cao Yuan began to comfort her,

As if she were comforting a child who had done something wrong and didn’t know what to do. She was full of gentleness and tolerance. After hearing Wang Xiao’s comfort, Cao Yuan’s expression gradually softened . He lost the previous shyness and anxiety , but his face was still a little red

And he was hesitant to speak. In fact, I asked Mr. Jia for it. I heard that many of them were painting portraits of you, Wang Situ, at the banquet . I became curious and wanted to go to them to get one to see what such a heroic figure like Wang Situ looked like.

But I couldn’t find it. I contacted several people but none of them were willing to give it to me. In the end, I had no choice but to approach Mr. Jia. After my repeated entreaties, Mr. Jia gave the portrait to me. It turned out that

Jia Wen and this guy had never mentioned it to me . This matter, Wang Xiao chuckled and nodded. He seemed to be indifferent to this , but in fact, Wang Xiao had roughly understood the purpose of Jia Xu’s move . Cao Yuan would marry him sooner or later

And gave the portrait to Cao Yuan. Yuan is also selling Cao Yuan a favor. After that, he can be regarded as having someone in his own family who can talk to him , or he has a way out in case something happens in the future. Cao Yuan can

Talk to herself and Cao Cao more or less. It can also block some disasters for him , and the most important point is that in this way, Jia Xu does not even have to publicly declare his side. With his help,

He will not have any grudges with other forces. After all, he is worthy of being a thousand-year-old bastard and an old turtle. The retreat is very comprehensive. Wang Situ, what are you talking about? Cao Yuan looked at Wang Xiao with some doubts, not understanding what Wang Xiao just said,

But Wang Xiao just waved his hands indifferently and said with a smile , it’s nothing . As Wang Xiao said this, he stopped paying attention to this issue and shifted the topic to Cao Yuan. Wang Xiao stared at Cao Yuan with a smile on his face, and then said

Softly with a hint of playfulness, Miss Cao , since it was a long time ago. You have already seen my appearance , so I don’t know what you think of me. Cao Yuan never thought that Wang Xiao would ask herself this. She was stunned. No matter how vicious and vicious

She was in history , but now she is A girl who is less than 20 years old is still a little uncomfortable and shy when she suddenly faces such an explicit question from Wang Xiao. I should answer Wang Situ. It means that I have a very good impression of Wang Situ and I

Like Wang Situ very much. But it’s so embarrassing, and doesn’t it really make me look rude? What if Wang Situ thinks I’m a loose person? But if I lie, will Wang Situ think I’m dishonest? What if Wang Situ thinks I’m dishonest ? What should I do if Situ is angry and

Doesn’t want to marry me? What should I do? Many thoughts flashed through Cao Yuan’s mind, making Cao Yuan’s whole brain dizzy . Even Wang Xiao could see Cao Yuan. There was a trace of heat rising from Yuan’s head , and her face became more rosy. Good guy

, I didn’t realize that this Cao Yuan is still a steam girl. Wang Xiao couldn’t help laughing when he saw this scene . Hahaha, Miss Cao . You don’t need to be restrained . You can say whatever you want. I, Wang Chongyong, am not a person

Who abides by etiquette and law. It is absolutely impossible for me to have any opinions about Miss Cao because of such a trivial matter. What Wang Xiao said was so loud that he almost slapped his chest to guarantee that he was definitely not. He is an unruly person.

In fact, Cao Yuan herself had heard about Wang Xiao’s lack of etiquette. So after hearing Wang Xiao’s words, she thought for a moment and immediately relaxed. Since Wang Situ had already After saying this, the little girl took the liberty. Cao Yuan took a deep breath to calm down as much as possible,

And then said to Wang Xiao. The little girl has admired Wang Situ for a long time , but she has never known Wang Situ’s appearance. Later, she learned from Mr. Jia After I got this painting in my hands, I finally learned about Wang Situ’s appearance. Through this painting,

I could feel Wang Situ’s power , which was beyond anything I had ever seen or imagined. The absolute power of men. Just looking at this painting, I don’t know how many times I want to really meet you, Wang Situ . Today, I finally saw you.

Cao Yuan looked at Wang Xiao with a smile and joy, but at the same time, her face There was a trace of uneasiness and uneasiness in Shang . After all, she was just a young girl who had just started to fall in love. It was normal to feel a little uneasy when she

Saw her idol for the first time. Now that she had poured out all her thoughts, Cao Yuan Looking at Wang Xiao uneasily like a prisoner waiting for trial, waiting for Wang Xiao to give her the final judgment. Seeing Cao Yuan like this, Wang Xiao just smiled slightly and said that

After three years, when Mrs. Cao’s filial piety ends, I will come to the Prime Minister in person. Wang Xiao , who proposed the marriage , did not stay in Cao Yuan’s room for too long . After all, it was the girl’s boudoir. He just got to know Wang Xiao briefly and left.

However, this meeting was of great significance to Cao Cao because he was at least certain. It was enough that Wang Xiao would really become his son-in-law, and it could even make him excited to set up a table . Of course, he also really set up a banquet with wine and

Planned a banquet for the whole city on the fifth day of April , and at the banquet. The marriage between Wang Xiao and Cao Yuan has been decided , so it is a sure thing. After all, as Cao Song said, there will be variables before the matter is settled

, and Cao Cao is also worried about the emergence of this variable , so he He was so eager, but Wang Xiao didn’t care at all about the variables . If he wanted to marry, no one could stop him. If he didn’t want to marry, no one could force him.

So Wang Xiao didn’t care at all and let Cao Cao and the others do it. As long as they like it, it doesn’t matter anyway. On the other side, on the bank of the Yangtze River in the east of the Yangtze River, a warship is drifting alone on the river.

A handsome man in white clothes like snow, with a face like a crown jade, is exceptionally handsome. At this moment, I am standing by the river with a miserable look on my face. Bo Fu, I have helped Zhongmou stabilize the situation in Jiangdong , but because of your death,

The Jiangdong aristocratic families have also started to fight back. Although with the cooperation of Zhongmou and I, these aristocratic families did not cause trouble. If there is any big movement , it is already impossible to maintain your dominance in Jiangdong. Zhou Yu stood on the riverside

And looked at the warships on the river. That was the warship on which Sun Ce was shot . They were in the last battle. Jiangdong suffered heavy losses . Sun Ce, Xu Sheng, Cheng Puhan, Huang Gai, the lord, and the four generals all What they

Got back in exchange for dying in battle was only the territory south of the Yangtze River . These were already in their pockets. Such a result would probably be unacceptable to anyone , especially Zhou Yu , who watched Sun Ce die with his own eyes. With his relationship with Sun Ce in

Front of him , when he saw that scene, he really felt like he was cut into pieces by a thousand knives , as if he had swallowed a needle and all his internal organs were stabbed so painfully . Jin, you came to see my brother again. At this moment,

A blue-eyed young man walked over slowly. This man is somewhat similar to Sun Ce, but he is not as heroic as Sun Ce. Instead, he is more gloomy and cunning , and his eyes It is also different from ordinary people. It is green, just like a pool of blue water. This man is

The younger brother of Sun Quan and Sun Ce. Bu Zhouyu , the current lord of Jiangdong, heard this, shook his head slowly and said, I am letting myself go. Remember Bo Fu’s death, remember the hatred in his heart. Zhou Yu’s words were full of resentment and unwillingness

, just like a fierce ghost from the depths of purgatory. When Sun Quan heard Zhou Yu’s words, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, but at the same time it seemed There are some other emotions among them. Wang Chongyong killed my brother and killed many generals in Jiangdong. This is the unanimous

Hatred of everyone in Jiangdong. To avenge Sun Ce is the main theme of Jiangdong at present. After all, Sun Ce ruled Jiangdong during this period. Sun Ce , who still has considerable influence on Jiangdong, took the initiative to hand over power to Sun Quan. As his successor, Sun Quan must avenge Sun Ce

, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public . Especially now, the core components of Jiangdong’s team are not Jiangdong people but those who follow him. Sun Jian and Sun Ce’s old troops who conquered the world will never sit back and watch Sun Quan not avenge Sun Ce. For

Example, the Zhou Yu in front of me is avenging Bo Fu. It is certain , and I already have a relatively mature plan. Zhou Yu took a deep breath. Let yourself calm down as much as possible , and then said to Sun Quan in a slightly trembling voice.

Yuan Shao should have been in contact with us recently. Some Sun Quan’s eyes immediately flashed with disdain when he heard this. Zhou Yu was knowingly asking about these letters. He might not be the last one to know. But Zhou Yu was definitely the first to know.

Now the military power of the entire Jiangdong is in Zhou Yu’s hands. Now Zhou Yu is telling himself this , knowingly . However, Sun Quan didn’t say anything. After all, he still needs Zhou Yu. Yuan Shao has been in contact with us. I hope we can reach an alliance with him

And send troops together to attack Cao Cao from both sides. Although Cao Cao’s territory is rich, it is not easy to be outflanked . After Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan in the far north, there were no opponents nearby. He was able to concentrate on dealing with Cao Cao, but Cao Cao is surrounded

By strong enemies from Jiangdong, Sun Quan, Jingzhou, Xiliang, Ma Teng, Hebei and Yuan Shao. Once the war begins, these princes will be able to join the war and besiege Cao Cao. Yuan Shao is also using this to constantly contact the nearby princes and plan to join forces with Zonglianheng . Surround Cao Cao

And then annihilate him in one fell swoop. Being surrounded in the hinterland of the Central Plains is a matter of course . Since Yuan Shao intends to make an alliance, agree to it. We can also use this plan to eradicate Cao Cao and kill Wang Xiao. When he heard Wang Xiao’s name,

Sun Quan’s eyes were Immediately, a trace of doubt and curiosity flashed through him. This was not the first time he heard this name, especially after Sun Ce’s death. He had already heard this name until his ears almost became calluses. But he had never met Wang Xiao, so he had no idea

About it. Wang Xiao is also full of curiosity. Is Gong Jin , Wang Xiao, really a monster? I once heard from the soldiers who participated in that battle that Wang Xiao was able to walk out of the raging fire unscathed and even control the flames to ignite our army’s camp.

Burning countless soldiers to death, he was as terrifying as the god of fire Zhu Rong, as dangerous as the soldier lord Chi You. Well, Zhou Yu nodded. Wang Xiao was indeed a monster , a monster that did not need to be measured by human standards at all

, but he was also It’s just a person. I believe he will die if he is fatally injured. Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu with a puzzled face. He didn’t understand what Zhou Yu meant by this. However, he had a hunch that Zhou Yu seemed to be planning something very dangerous.

But Zhou Yu didn’t say anything more , just shook his head lightly and said in a tone full of hatred. I was just thinking about how to completely kill this monster. Wang Xiao of Xuchang was in the prison at the moment meeting someone with Cao Cao

. There is still a person standing next to Wang Xiao, it is Liu Ye Zijing . I think you should also know what the situation is in the world now. The country of the Han Dynasty is already in turmoil and is in danger

. At this moment, the most important thing for you to do is to choose. A correct choice. Liu Ye was currently trying to persuade Lu Su to surrender. Wang Xiao and Cao Cao were watching from the side , but Lu Su had not spoken a word since he was captured.

He was like a mute. Even on the way, because of After the exhaustion of the journey, he contracted wind-chill and had a fever . He didn’t say a word along the way. In the end, he was examined when he was detained in Xuchang Prison.

Only then did he discover that he was infected with wind-chill and treated him. At this moment, facing his friends, he persuaded Lu Su. Once again, he showed his best ability and remained silent throughout the whole process. He watched Liu Ye quietly. Originally, Liu Ye still had a lot to say and wanted to

Tell Lu Su that he wanted to persuade Lu Su to surrender . But when he saw Lu Su like this, Liu Ye also said If there is no explanation, he can only hold it all back in his stomach. After all, he can see from Lu Su’s appearance that

Lu Su has no such thoughts at this moment . He doesn’t even have the slightest intention of surrender. Prime Minister Situ. Let’s forget it. Liu Ye hesitated for a moment , but finally spoke. Zijing obviously has no thoughts in this regard now. Even if I say it to the sky

, it will probably be useless. Liu Ye doesn’t know what will happen after he says these words , but according to his speculation, the most likely death is that it is not him who dies, but Lu Su who dies. Master Situ , I beg you to let him go.

He is a talented person and he shouldn’t. Maybe we can think of other ways to die like this. Liu Ye was trying his best to save Lu Su’s life , but Lu Su didn’t care at all and didn’t even react at all. He looked like a walking corpse.

Lu Su was still the same and Wang Xiao didn’t say a word. Liu Ye could only focus on Cao Cao. Prime Minister Zijing is really a talented person. I have known him for several years and I know very well his ability and his ability to surpass him. I’m more than ten times better.

Well, after hearing this, Cao Cao finally made some noise. Although he didn’t know much about Lu Su, Wang Xiao once said that Lu Su was a talented person , and Liu Ye even said that Lu Su’s talent was very good. Being twice as big as him made Cao Cao couldn’t help but

Feel some love for talents. When he looked at Wang Xiao and said, ” Chongyong, what do you think of me ?” Wang Xiao chuckled when he heard this and said, ” How else can I view this matter? That’s it.” Wang Xiao said , and stood up suddenly.

At the same time, he pulled out the knife on the table. The bright knife shone with a dangerous cold light in the dark cell. The people watching felt frightened. Seeing this scene, Si Liu Ye He hurriedly wanted to open his mouth to dissuade Wang Xiao , but as soon as he spoke,

He met Wang Xiao’s cold gaze. He swallowed all the words he said. This was Wang Situ, this was a genuine generation of killing gods. He was in front of him. He was just a pawn, so what position did he have to dissuade him? After thinking about it,

Liu Ye finally had no choice but to give up interceding for Lu Su. He had to consider offending Wang Xiao for himself. From now on, he would really have a difficult time in Cao Ying. Don’t you see , Cao Hong, as a clan member of the Cao family and also Cao Cao’s savior,

Has gone back to guard the ancestral graves because he offended Wang Xiao . A pawn like him will definitely die without a complete body if he offends Wang Xiao , so Liu Ye can only choose Silent , but Wang Xiao did not stop because of his silence, and

Lu Su did not speak because of Wang Xiao’s behavior. Cao Cao just looked at him from the side, without stopping or approving. He didn’t care about Lu Su’s ending, although he loved him. Lu Su is talented , but he can still distinguish between great talents and small talents.

But if Wang Xiao wants to kill him, Cao Cao will not stop him in any way , because it is Wang Xiao who wants to kill him , so he already has a way to kill him. But if Wang Xiao has other ideas, he can’t stop him.

So whether Lu Su lives or dies depends on how Wang Xiao makes his decision . Lu Su ‘s expression seems a little moved as Wang Xiao walks towards him step by step. But then he slowly closed his eyes again and seemed to have given up everything. Wang Xiao came to Lu Su

And slowly raised the knife in his hand , as if the knife would cut Lu Su in two in the next moment. Looking at Wang Xiao’s actions, everyone thought that Lu Su might be dead. Even Lu Su himself thought so . That’s why he closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

Do you think you are dead? Wang Xiao, look. A strange smile suddenly appeared on Lu Su’s face , and then he threw the knife in his hand in front of Lu Su. If you want to die, you can pick up the knife and commit suicide. Of course, you can also choose to

Stay here for the rest of your life. I will feed you and feed you. As long as you don’t die, I will keep you . It’s your choice. Wang Xiao didn’t decide Lu Su’s fate by himself , but let Lu Su decide by himself . But he didn’t really let him decide.

It was just between two or so It is a matter of choosing one of three paths. One is death, one is life, and one is surrender. Three paths are in front of you . Wang Xiao is waiting for Lu Su to choose a suitable path. Your lord Sun Ce will die in my

Hands. You return from Jiangdong in a great defeat. The heavy losses are all because of me. So what do you think you should do now ? End your life as a loyal minister or let yourself be stained with the stain of surrendering to the enemy. The Prime Minister will

Pave the way for your family . Of course, you have one last choice. That means you don’t want to die and you don’t want to be stained. Then you can spend your life in this cell like this . Every word of Wang Xiao’s words fell like a blade on Lu Su’s heart.

Every word was forcing. Lu Su must make a choice and make the choice that he feels is the most correct and the one he wants to make. So Lu Su picked up the knife on the ground and put it on his neck. His breathing gradually became heavier

, and then he seemed to have made up his mind. With the same determination , the sword fell to the ground with a clang . I am willing to surrender. Lu Su’s surrender is actually not as difficult as imagined, because at present, Lu Su is not

Essentially loyal to Sun Ce. The reason why Lu Su took refuge in Sun Ce is entirely because of him. Friendship with Zhou Yu At that time, Liu Ye suggested that Lu Su should be temporarily attached to Zheng Bao . Lu Su also followed Liu Ye’s suggestion, but met Zhou Yu

When he was leaving. Later, he was dragged by Zhou Yu to meet Sun Ce and became Sun Ce. However , in fact , Lu Su did not have much loyalty to Sun Ce. He was only entrusted with important tasks during the period of Sun Quan. At that time, Sun Quan controlled Jiangdong

And Zhou Yu had most of the army command in Jiangdong. Although Sun Quan knew that Zhou Yu was loyal to him and the Sun family. Geng Geng , but after all, it was the people left by Sun Ce who were definitely not as comfortable as the people he personally trained.

Therefore, Sun Quan set his sights on Lu Su and after many conversations with Lu Su, he determined that Lu Su was a man with both civil and military skills. Lu Su was cultivated as his number one confidant. In fact, there is another important point here, that is, after Sun Ce died in history,

Lu Su was actually not very optimistic about the Sun family in Jiangdong. He bid farewell to Zhou Yu and planned to go to the north. After all, it is difficult to say that Jiangdong without Sun Ce has any possibility of achieving great things. But in the end, Zhou Yu used

The words of Ma Yuan, the ancestor of Ma Chao, to warn Lu Su that in today’s world, not only the king chooses his ministers, but also the king. Let Lu Su think carefully whether he should Placing his future on a monarch he didn’t understand at all , Lu Su gave up his plan

To go north and stayed in Jiangdong. This is why Wang Xiao was so relaxed and confident that he could win over Lu Su. Because in essence, this person is not as loyal to the Sun family as Zhou Yu. People always need a step. I will give you this step.

Now, I, Situ Wangxiao of the Han Dynasty, welcome you back to the embrace of the Han Dynasty. For the sake of the Han Dynasty and the unification of the world. And try your best. Wang Xiao looked at Lu Su in front of him and showed a satisfied smile.

In fact, Wang Xiao could be said to be sure of Lu Su’s surrender , because if Lu Su really wanted to die, he wouldn’t just say a word. It should be that he should not eat or drink , but he didn’t do that. He just lacked a step.

He lacked a step that could make him decent or helpless. Wang Xiao gave him a step, so he naturally came down . But Lu Su After hearing Wang Xiao’s words, the first words he said made Wang Xiao and Cao Cao couldn’t help laughing . There is no possibility of the Han Dynasty’s revival

, especially in your hands. Lu Su’s outspokenness even made Liu on the side laugh. Ye Du was a little embarrassed. Liu Ye was a smart man , so he knew what Wang Xiao and Cao Cao were thinking , but he didn’t care about it because he himself also knew very well

That the Liu family was in trouble . As a clan member of the Han Dynasty, Liu Ye was in Historically, he was a man who actively made suggestions for Cao Cao and even gave many policies to conquer Wu and destroy Shu to unify the world. It was just because of Liu Ye’s identity

That these strategies were not adopted by Cao Cao and Cao Pi. Your idea is good , but now we are still We have to try to revitalize the Han Dynasty first , right? Wang Xiao chuckled. What is the specifics of this matter? Everyone has a steelyard in their minds.

There is no need to bring it to the table . This will only cause more trouble . Hahaha , I have Zijing to help each other like a fish in water. It ‘s really a big show. Now it’s time for Cao Cao to perform. So Cao Cao immediately showed his style as a

Wise master and made a scene. His words were quite beautiful. Lu Su was also quite satisfied. It was just that he abandoned the dark and turned to the light. Thanks to the Prime Minister and Situ Buqi shed tears of gratitude. We are all millennium foxes,

So naturally we can play better than the average person. These words and behavior seem to be a true story of a wise king and a wise minister . Zijing is still very weak now. I feel sorry for him. You have prepared a mansion. The servants, guards, and doctors will all be

Here in a moment. I will send someone to send Zijing there. Cao Cao , who is well-educated, does not say anything else. This set of procedures is still very familiar. But anyone with real talent and learning comes. First, there is a house with dozens of servants and guards.

Others may be added depending on the situation. Regardless of sincerity, this one is definitely full, but from this point of view , it is definitely a good boss. Thank you very much, Prime Minister . Lu Su doesn’t have it either. He refused and accepted the gift calmly. Seeing that the matter was settled,

Wang Xiao greeted everyone and sent Lu Su away . However, he still stayed in the prison and had no intention or intention of leaving . Seeing this scene, Cao Cao was puzzled for a while . Chongyong , what are you still doing here

? A normal person wouldn’t want to stay here for more than a quarter of an hour. The cell is a cold place and full of musty smell. In addition, many people have suffered from the disease. The punishment was indispensable , and the stench from the rotten and suppurating

Wounds that were not treated was also unacceptable. Under such circumstances, a normal person would not want to stay in this cell for even a second, but Wang Xiao did not leave . It was while looking around that Cao Cao suddenly felt a little weird. Every time Wang Xiao behaved abnormally,

It must be that he had some plan. Although he still doesn’t know what the plan is , he can tell with his toes that it must be beneficial to him. Meng De, didn’t you hear any sound? When Cao Cao heard the words , he immediately held his breath and listened carefully.

But the only sounds that came from his ears were the wailing of the prisoners and the rustling of mosquitoes crawling on the ground. No, Cao Cao. He shook his head and said that he didn’t hear anything. Wang Xiao didn’t care and walked straight towards the place where he heard the sound.

Soon they came to the front of a cell. This cell was different from other cells. There is only one old man who looks slovenly. He is muttering to himself at the moment. The hammer technique is about strength and weight , while the sword technique is about elegance and agility.

If I want to use the hammer, I must transfer all my previous memories and insights about sword techniques. Forget , but how should I forget this? They have all been engraved in my mind. How on earth should I forget this? Wang Xiao looked at the crazy old man in the cell

And couldn’t help showing an unexpected expression. Wang Yue , you are still alive. Wang Xiao, actually. I always thought that Wang Yue was dead. After all, no one mentioned Wang Yue to me after that incident. It was as if this person had really disappeared out of thin air.

In addition, there was no movement at all from Yuan Shao . He had an attitude of completely giving up on Wang Yue. All of this made Wang Xiao think that Wang Yue was dead, but he never thought that he could still see him in this cell at this moment. Is he dead ?

He has always been alive and well. Cao Cao was also stunned when he heard Wang Xiao’s words. I never said he was dead , I just kept him here all the time. I have tried to persuade him to surrender before , but they all failed

, and now he is full of thoughts. They were all hammers and swords. It felt like he was going crazy. Wang Xiao thought about it carefully. It was true. Cao Cao never told him that Wang Yue was dead , but he didn’t care about it. That’s why I thought Wang Yue was dead.

Wang Yue, do you still remember me? Wang Xiao didn’t pay too much attention . He just tried to step forward and asked Wang Yue. Originally, he thought Wang Yue was crazy. He probably didn’t recognize him even if he asked. But who knew that

As soon as Wang Xiao’s voice fell into Wang Yue’s ears, Wang Yue’s whole body seemed to be electrocuted, and then he suddenly rushed towards Wang Xiao , Wang Xiao, Wang Yue’s weather-beaten eyes. There seemed to be a stormy sea surging. He looked at Wang Xiao with an expression

As if he was looking at a rare treasure, full of longing and expectation . But Wang Xiao just looked at him quietly and then asked, “Do you want to learn the hammer technique?” Well, Wang Yue nodded excitedly and then said to Wang Xiao in an even more excited and even trembling voice, ”

I want to learn. I have been trying since I was defeated by you and I am looking forward to it. I want to learn the hammer technique and see it.” When it comes to your strength, I already know that the sword can never be compared with the hammer.

If you want to become stronger , you must learn the hammer. At this point, Wang Yue suddenly showed a look of pain and helplessness , but I can’t do it. I can’t forget the sword I have learned and used all my life! Wang Yue beat his head in great pain. He has practiced

Swordsmanship for many years and has deeply engraved the swordsmanship into his own bones. How can he forget it so easily? But if you don’t forget how to use the sword , you will never be able to learn how to use the hammer in your life. Seeing Wang Yue in so much pain

And discomfort, Wang Xiao chuckled and said, “If you want to learn the hammer, I will teach you .” X2 Two confused people The voices came together, one was from Cao Cao and the other was from Wang Yue. They both looked at Wang Xiao in surprise.

They never thought that Wang Xiao would actually say such a thing. After all , Wang Yue planned to assassinate Wang Xiao. But in the end , Wang Yue failed. Now that the old man is still alive, it is considered Cao Cao’s benevolence. Wang Xiao actually wants to teach him Meng De

And let him out. Wang Xiao said as he reached out and grabbed the iron lock on the cell . Wang Xiao exerted force with both hands, and sparks flew out of the iron lock. Even if it was torn off, Wang Xiao said and asked Wang Yue to come out,

But Wang Yue just looked at Wang Xiao with a blank expression. He didn’t know how long it had been before Wang Yue did this. He opened his mouth and said, “I think I may have made a mistake about something .” Wang Xiao frowned and looked at Wang Yue with confusion and confusion.

What’s wrong with the old man Wang Yue? He said he wanted to learn to hammer, so I told him that the treatment was good enough. Okay, why is he still looking like he has lost his soul? What does this mean? Although Wang Xiao felt strange in his heart

, he didn’t pay much attention . He just looked at Wang Yue quietly and waited for Wang Yue’s answer. Maybe the reason why you Being able to defeat me and win so easily is not because of how good your skills are , but because you are strong enough. Wang Yue said as

He looked at the iron lock on the ground. This is a real iron lock. Even if you use a knife or an ax to chop it. Even if you try to chop it, you may not break it, but you just tear it off with your bare hands. Is this still a human being?

This is not a human being . This is the comment that Wang Xiao has received the most, but I have to say that this is the absolute most correct comment because normal people will never be able to do this. However , Wang Xiao seemed a little dissatisfied

With this evaluation . What do you mean I have no skills? Do you think I only rely on brute force? Wang Xiao’s eyes widened and he even stepped forward and grabbed Wang Yue’s wrist. They’ve all been lifted up. Today, I’m going to let you see the world’s most powerful person.

Wang Xiao said and carried Wang Yue outside . Wang Yue didn’t even have the slightest intention of resisting with Wang Xiao’s strength. He is now no different from a rabbit in Wang Xiao’s hands , not to mention that his body and bones are not as good as

Before after being locked up for so long, and he no longer has the strength to compete with Wang Xiao. So Wang Yue very honestly asked Wang Xiao to lift him up. When we arrived at the door of Xuchang Prison, there was an open space where the guards usually exercised their fists

And took a rest. So when they saw Wang Xiao carrying Wang Yue out, all the guards turned their attention. It was Wang Situ and the others. Naturally, everyone knows Wang Yue’s weird old man Wang Xiao. As for Wang Yue, they are even more familiar with him.

After all, Wang Yue has been in the cell for nearly a year, and he has dealt with countless bullies and even some jailers in the same cell. Wang Xiao, who was impressed by Wang Yue’s strength and hoped to learn a few tricks from Wang Yue , just took a quick glance

And found that there was someone he knew among these jailers. Isn’t that person Niu Jin a doorman? Why are you here in Xuchang Prison now? When it was time to leave, Wang Xiao just glanced at Niu Jin and then didn’t care. After all, it was just a one-time relationship,

Not a deep friendship, and there was no need to care about what he was doing now . Therefore, Wang Xiao just left Wang Yue alone. Then he put his back on the ground and hooked Wang Yue with one hand. Wang Yue , this time I will use the same strength as you

And give you one hand. You can try it to see if I only have brute strength. Besides , I promise that I will One punch at a time, all your knowledge of swordsmanship will be transformed into hammer skills . Don’t worry. Wang Yue knew that he was no match

For Wang Xiao. If he wanted to fight Wang Xiao, he had to take the lead first, so he didn’t even say a word. Then he directly attacked Wang Xiao and killed Wang Yue. Wang Yue had been locked in a cell for nearly a year. Although his body had become a little thinner

And his strength had declined a little , during this period of time, he had been concentrating on studying and thinking about his skills. The current king Although Yue’s physical fitness is not as good as a year ago , his skills are more mature and exquisite. His whole person is like a black shadow.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Wang Xiao and punched Wang Xiao straight in the face. Facing the current No. 1 in the world, even Wang Yue did not dare to be careless. Once he struck, he went all out

. But right after The moment his fist was about to hit Wang Xiao, Wang Xiao disappeared. That’s right , he disappeared. Even Wang Yue didn’t see clearly. He only felt that Wang Xiao in front of him was like a gust of wind. Almost in an instant, he had come to his side.

When you saw Wang Xiao appearing beside you, Wang Yue was shocked and hurriedly wanted to stop punching and counterattack Wang Xiao , but it was too late. A huge punch fell with Wang Xiao’s words. The fist had already landed on Wang Yue ‘s face . Even though Wang Yue was knocked away

, this time it was not like the way Wang Xiao used to hit people with a direct punch, sending the opponent flying to the ground like a ball. It just made Wang Yue fall down a little, and then stood up again like a carp. But there is something not very nice about it.

One of his eyes turned into a panda eye. How much do you remember now? Hear Wang Xiao. Wang Yue only felt that his brain was dizzy for a while, perhaps because he was hit by Wang Xiao’s fist and he was a little dizzy. Then he thought about his previous swordsmanship insights and experiences

, and some of them actually became blurry . But Wang Yue Yue Ye didn’t care, he just thought he was knocked unconscious, so he shook his head to wake himself up a little , and then said 70% 780% , that’s effective. Let’s continue. Wang Xiao said and strode towards

Wang Yue who was beaten by Wang Xiao just now. After punching him, Wang Yue didn’t dare to take it lightly anymore. Seeing Wang Xiao coming over, he immediately punched out. However, Wang Xiao didn’t even care. He just raised his hand and grabbed Wang Yue’s fist lightly. Although

Wang Xiao said that he would not use more strength than Wang Yue, it was like a fight between the left hand and the right hand. There was no way to tell the winner. Therefore, Wang Yue’s hand was grabbed by Wang Xiao and could not be pulled out

At all. He could use his other hand to attack Wang Xiao , but before he could punch, Wang Xiao had already grabbed his wrist and threw him to the ground , just like the flail Wang Xiao used to thresh grain at home when he was young. With the same snap

, Wang Yue was thrown to the ground by Wang Xiao. At that time, his eyes bulged out and he opened his mouth and almost spat out a mouthful of blood. This must have hurt. Cao Cao just took one look and couldn’t help but let out a sigh

. Just looking at it makes people feel very painful . But this Wang Yue really resisted the beating. Even Dian Wei and the others had to scream when they were beaten like this by Wang Xiao , but this Wang Yue didn’t say a word,

As if he didn’t even say anything. He didn’t care about Wang Xiao’s attack. This old man didn’t expect to resist beating Cao Cao so much. He was very surprised when he said this. But Man Chong, who came to him at some point, muttered thoughtfully, Prime Minister, do you think there is a possibility?

He was actually beaten speechless by Wang Situ. Cao Cao couldn’t help but was slightly stunned when he heard this, then nodded and said, it’s not impossible. During the conversation between the two, Wang Xiao’s brutal attack on Wang Yue was still continuing. How much do you remember after being swung twice

By Wang Xiao like a hammer? At this moment, Wang Yue felt that his brain was in chaos and his whole person seemed to be in a state of confusion. He almost could n’t even remember who he was . But Those memories and insights about swordsmanship are still in his heart.

Wang Yue said uncertainly or fearfully. After all, after being tortured by Wang Xiao like this, Wang Yue’s heart was actually full of excitement. Frightened and uneasy , he didn’t know what kind of cruel atrocities he would face after saying these words, but he soon knew it . He

Saw Wang Xiao backhand and threw Wang Yue to the ground again . His body was in contact with the hard ground. In an instant, Wang Yue felt as if all the bones in his body were falling apart . For the first time in his life,

Wang Yue felt that he might as well die. This feeling of being treated like a plaything and being manipulated and manipulated without being able to resist was really too much. It was painful , but the real pain was not just that, because the next moment, Wang Yue was slammed to the ground

Again by Wang Xiao. This time, Wang Xiao did not hit Wang Yue like before and asked him once , but kept hitting him . When Wang Xiao rescued Cao Song, he was still holding two people as weapons and was swinging them like a tiger.

Cao Cao and Man Chong, who were watching this scene, couldn’t help but frown. Especially Man Chong , who couldn’t help but murmur. Who is the cruel official here? They all say that I enforce the law harshly and use torture ruthlessly. Those who fall into my hands will have their

Skin peeled off even if they don’t die. But why do I feel that Wang Situ is the one who hits the hardest ? Wang Yue was beaten by Wang Xiao. After several laps, he even vomited blood, his whole body ached, and his brain was in chaos.

Wang Xiao glanced at Wang Yue’s miserable situation and felt that it was almost over. When he asked, how much do you remember now ? Do you still remember your mother’s name? Do n’t you remember? Wang Yue said with a dazed look

On his face, as if he was really beaten stupid by Wang Xiao. After getting the answer he wanted, Wang Xiaodang let go of Wang Yue, then supported him and let him Stand up straight, the last step is just around the corner. You will be able to succeed soon. Wang Yue didn’t even know

What he was doing at this moment . Hearing Wang Xiao’s words, he just subconsciously asked a question. However, the only person who answered him was: The huge fist banged . I saw Wang Yue standing upright and fell to the ground. Have a good sleep

And you will become a master of hammering when you wake up. As soon as Wang Yue fell down , Niu Jin already ran over quickly to help Wang Yue. Come on, Niu Jin, right ? Why do you still have a relationship with Wang Yue?

Wang Xiao looked at Niu Jin with a very calm expression. This Niu Jin originally designed Dong Cheng and the others to catch Xiao Bai. There was a man I met when I came back and passed the city gate. Historically

, he would be considered a mid-level and high-level general in Cao Wei in the future. It was rumored that he was poisoned by Sima Yi because of the prophecy that the ox will follow the horse after the horse. At that time, Wang Xiao also paid attention to him,

But now There are so many talented people under Cao Cao. It was just a Niu Jin Wang Xiao who was forgotten soon . That is to say, he has a good memory. I saw him here today and remembered him again. He reported back to Wang Situ

. I think we are masters and disciples. But Wang The master has always refused to admit it, saying that he has never seen someone as stupid as me. I don’t deserve to call him master. Wang Xiao looked Niu Jin up and down

, and then took another look at Niu Jin. His force value has reached 82. Such a display of strength. Any force in the Three Kingdoms is the backbone of the force. Wang Yue is more than enough to be a general. No matter how picky he is

, he should not think that Niu Jin is not good. You just saw how I dealt with him. If you really think Wang Yue Why didn’t your master come out and stop it ? Because I am the prime minister’s subordinate and Master Wang is the prime minister’s prisoner.

I can’t destroy private cattle for official duties . Jin said it very seriously and calmly , but Wang Xiao could hear a tremor from his words. Obviously this Niu Jin is not as brave and fearless as he said, but it is good to dare to stand up at this time.

His father-in-law Cai Yong, whom he had never met before, cried twice at the banquet for Dong Zhuo and wanted to help Dong Zhuo. After collecting the body , Wang Yun and Wang Situ killed him. Now that Niu Jin has the courage to come forward, it is already considered courageous. In

That case, why do you have the courage to come forward now? Wang Xiao asked curiously, Niu Jin didn’t dare to come forward before, why now? You have the courage to stand up again. Before, Wang Situ, you were dealing with the prisoners , but now you have been dealt with.

As a disciple of Master Wang, it is natural for me to take care of Master Wang. Hearing these words of Niu Jin, Wang Xiao couldn’t help laughing, but At the same time, he also roughly understood what Wang Yue was thinking. This Niu Jin was a good choice for his successor.

Perhaps Wang Yue had taught all his skills to Niu Jin , but he was also worried that Niu Jin’s relationship with himself would bring negative consequences to Niu Jin. Bringing trouble. After all, as an assassin who assassinates Cao Cao’s camp’s second-in-command, he may die at any time . Not only him

, but even those who are related to him may face the pain of Cao Cao’s killers. In this case, In order to pass on his mantle, Wang Yue chose not to recognize Niu Jin. As long as they have no relationship, Niu Jin will naturally not be implicated. Wang Yue, a bad old man,

Has a pretty good idea. Wang Xiao looked at Niu Jin and said Niu Jin, just follow me from now on. It just so happens that I also plan to release Zilong and Wenyuan. From now on, you will be the commander of my guards. Niu Jin almost scared his eyes out when he heard

This. This is King Situ. Xiao’s guard commander is equivalent to Wang Xiao’s confidant . Although it may look like a low-level official position, when he goes outside, he can be said to be a third-level official. It represents Wang Xiao’s face

. Who dares to ask in the entire Cao camp? Niu Jin, who was having trouble with Wang Xiao, never expected how such a small person could suddenly become so successful. Why was he unhappy ? Wang Xiao looked at Niu Jin with great interest, and Niu Jin was frightened. He quickly said, “No,

No, no. ” If you are willing , please submit to the official position. If you are not willing, just come to my house early tomorrow morning and follow me to the military camp to order mao. After Wang Xiao settled the matter here , he clapped his hands and turned to Cao Cao.

Meng De has nothing to do, so I will go back first . Cao Cao He nodded and watched Wang Xiao leave. However, when he looked at Wang Xiao’s back, his eyes became a little emotional. Chongyong was indeed Chongyong, and he had no idea what kind of status he had now

And what kind of power he had. He didn’t even care about how many people’s fate his words could change. What Cao Cao was talking about was, of course, the fact that Wang Xiao asked Niu Jin to become his guard commander. This may seem inconsequential , but in fact it is enough to

Change the fate of Niu Jin. The fate of many people , especially in ancient times where the family power was deeply entangled and the network of relationships spread all over the world, Niu Jin was considered to have attained enlightenment and became an immortal

From this moment on , and anyone who had some relationship with him would have a chicken or dog ascending to heaven, at least there would be nearly a thousand numbers. People will change their own destiny because of this, but Wang Xiao is not aware of this at all. Where does

This Niu Jin come from, what is his background, whether he is loyal or not, he directly makes such a decision without caring about it. It’s good to be young , Cao Cao thought. These were just helpless sighs , but there was no intention to oppose Wang Xiao. When Wang Xiao came home,

Dian Wei and Guo Jia were still having headaches because of Xiao Bai. I said Guo Jijiu, what are you doing? Is there any way? I’ve been here to watch you fawning over this tiger for a while . If it doesn’t work, I’ll take action. Dian Wei originally planned to take action after seeing

Xiao Bai. No matter whether the other party is Wang Xiao’s pet , he is a fierce tiger after all. He still had to put his own personal safety first, but before he could do anything, Guo Jia came out from nowhere and brought a big fat chicken

, and then began to use the big fat chicken to bribe Xiao Xiao. Bai asked Xiaobai to let him and others pass. I shouldn’t have seen him bribe the big white tiger with a chicken before . Why can’t he do it now? Guo Jia looked completely

Indifferent to the big fat chicken in his hand. Xiaobai, who was interested , also wondered for a while whether he wanted me to throw it over. Guo Jia said and threw the big fat chicken towards Xiaobai. As a result, the big fat chicken landed in front of Xiaobai and fluttered a few times

, then turned around and stared angrily. Guo Jia can’t do it. Guo Jia looked at the big fat chicken and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart. The next moment, the big fat chicken flapped its wings. He kicked Guo Jia directly in the face. Oops,

Guo Jia was kicked by a big fat chicken. Just when he was about to fall down, he was grabbed by a big hand. You two are playing tricks in front of my house. Wang Xiaogang As soon as I came back, I saw Guo Jia and Dian Wei playing tricks in front of

Their house. They didn’t know what they were doing when they faced Xiaobai . Especially Guo Jia was kicked to the ground by a big fat chicken. He was so big. This person is simply embarrassing! Military Advisor Chongyong and the two were overjoyed when they saw Wang Xiao’s appearance . Especially Guo Jia

Was overjoyed and quickly came to Wang Xiao. He said with aggrieved face, Zhongyong , it’s not because of you. I , Wang Xiao, smiled when he heard this and then looked at Guo Jia in a playful manner. You are such a big person. Don’t tell me

. I don’t know what kind of heartless person I am . After looking up and down, Guo Jia continued, ” What’s more, you are not a little girl , but a grown man. Who is disgusting to look like this ? ” Wang Xiao’s merciless words made Guo Jia so angry

That he even turned over. He rolled his eyes and then yelled at Wang Xiao, “Wang Zhongyong , I came here to discuss something with you. Just treat me like this. If you come to me, what else can you do to me ? I think Wang Xiao has such an idle look on

His face.” He said disdainfully. After all, Guo Jia’s appearance really doesn’t look like someone with serious business. Instead, he looks more like a visitor. And I’m not talking about you. You and Xiaobai are old acquaintances . Why don’t you dare to go in? Isn’t he just a tiger? Show your manly nature and

Subdue it. Wang Xiao said and raised his hand to pat Guo Jia on the back . At that time, Guo Jia staggered and almost fell to the ground without a somersault. After Guo Jia stabilized his body, Even though he glared at Wang Xiao, he looked like he was going to eat Wang Xiao.

In this situation, Wang Xiao and Guo Jia didn’t say anything, but Dian Wei was the first to complain. That military advisor offered wine to you. Are you kidding, can you wait for me to send these bears in? Dian Wei said with an aggrieved look, I’ll give it to the military

Advisor, you sent the bears over. He was AWOL. The prime minister’s side is now Zhong Kang alone . Maybe he is talking to the prime minister now. Those who say bad things about me are not bears but pandas. Wang Xiao corrected the mistakes in Dian Wei’s language , but Dian Wei said indifferently

That a bear is a bear. Where did the cat come from ? He also has one of the characteristics of an honest person: Don’t you think this panda looks cuter and better-behaved than ordinary bears ? As a lover of rare and exotic animals,

Wang Xiao immediately began to introduce Dian Wei to the differences between pandas and ordinary bears . This idiot can recognize the cuteness of pandas , but after hearing Wang Xiao’s words, Dian Wei looked at the several giant pandas in the cage with confusion and confusion , then scratched his head and asked,

“Is it cute? Such a big thing.” How can you tell they are cute ? And when they pin down a living person and eat his flesh and blood, military counselor, will you still think they are cute? I’m crazy. Wang Xiao was immediately offended by Dian Wei’s words . This is

Not a weird brain circuit! Guo Jia on the side was even more amused by Dian Wei’s words . Hahaha , it’s really you. Unfortunately, some words really have to be said by you to have this effect . Dian Wei was stunned by Guo Jia’s words and looked at

Guo Jia with an ignorant look. Am I telling the truth? That’s how things are. This bear must eat meat. As long as it eats As for meat, there is naturally no difference between human flesh and animal flesh for him. Besides,

Xiaobai, who is raised by the military advisor, eats nothing less, no matter whether it is human or anything else. Dian Wei’s success made Wang Xiao feel a little bit… Uncomfortable. After all, he just keeps pandas because he thinks they look stupid and cute

, and he doesn’t intend to raise a few war beasts. So you asked him to imagine the scene of pandas killing people and eating meat. To be honest, Wang Xiao really can’t accept it. I mean it’s possible. Do you think there is a possibility that this panda can be vegetarian? When

Wang Xiao said this, both Dian Wei and Guo Jia were stunned. Then the two of them coincidentally set their sights on several giant pandas. At this moment, they were still pulling at each other. They stuffed those tender bamboos into their mouths and chewed them with relish.

It can be seen that they really like to eat this thing. They are really vegetarians. How can bears be vegetarians? Even if they don’t eat meat , they should eat fruits. How can you eat bamboo? It’s just embarrassing. You have grown so big for nothing . A rough guy like Dian Wei

Doesn’t think there’s anything cute about giant pandas. To be honest, they are powerful . After all, they are a kind of bear. I think they should have fighting power. The result was not bad. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a vegetarian.

This immediately made him feel that the giant panda in front of him was completely useless, but Wang Xiao scoffed at his idea. Don’t look at this giant panda. It seems to be quite useless, but in fact, as a bear, its fighting ability is quite good.

At least ordinary people are definitely not their opponents. Wang Xiao waved his hand and saved some face for the giant panda, and then began to issue an eviction order. Okay, you two can go back to where you came from. Even a big cat is afraid of such a big person.

How can such a big cat be so brave ? After hearing Wang Xiao’s words, both Dian Wei and Guo Jia invariably turned their attention to the one still squatting The little white guy at the door has this whole life’s flesh on his body These white fangs

And the way he is squatting and scratching his ears with his hind legs, I see, it is really a big cat, but the fighting power of this big cat is a little too strong. Most people will die if they meet each other. Okay,

You don’t want to be here. If you stand there in my eyes, just do whatever you have to do. I still have to clean up and place all the giant pandas. Wang Xiao said and was about to drive them away , but at this moment Guo Jia stopped Wang Xiao. Chongyong

, I really have something important to ask you. How come you, an adulterer, were caught in bed by someone’s husband? Wang Xiao asked in a teasing tone, while Guo Jia could only helplessly shake his head and said, “It’s not me. ” Are you that kind of person? What you said

Is that I want to talk to you, Chongyong, about your future strategic policy. What are you going to do once the war with Yuan Shao starts ? Or are you sure of winning? Wang Xiao originally wanted to drive him away directly . As soon as Guo Jia said this, he had no choice.

Now he is seeing the decisive battle with Yuan Shao getting closer and closer. Everyone knows that the general trend of the world is here. Who will win , who will dominate the imperial map, who will lose, and who will turn their heads to nothing. Now not only Guo Jia

But also many other people want to know what the outcome will be. They all want to know what Wang Xiao’s plan is for this , because everyone now knows what happened on the battlefield. Cao Cao has basically handed over the future to Wang Xiao. The decisive battle with Yuan Shao is basically certain

To be a situation dominated by Wang Xiao. In this situation, many people want to find out from Wang Xiao his plan , how he wants to face Yuan Shao’s attack and his How sure are you of winning ? In fact, even if you don’t ask me

, I plan to tell you in two days. Wang Xiao looked at Guo Jia and hesitated for a moment , then decided to tell Guo Jia. Come on, please send this car of pandas to me , but the tiger at your door, Dian Wei,

Looked at Xiao Bai who was still squatting at the door with some fear and said with some concern , but then he was greeted by Wang Xiao’s ridicule. How can you be afraid of tigers even if you are such a big man

? Didn’t you say that you once chased tigers across the mountain stream and scared a big tiger ? Why are you still afraid of tigers now ? Tell me honestly, are you bragging ? Wang Xiao smiled and said to him Dian Wei started joking , but Dian Wei obviously took it seriously.

Even though he hurriedly explained, “No, absolutely not. I was chasing the tiger back then. It’s just that your tiger was a little too big. ” Wang Xiao looked up and down. Bai seems to be quite big. He has been fed very well these days. Your sisters-in-law are also feeding him

Extra food every day to gain weight. It is normal for him to lose weight in two days. Wang Xiao said as he led people there. Walking inside, Xiaobai saw that Wang Xiao did not drive them away, so he did not stop Dian Wei and Guo Jia from walking in. However , even so

, Guo Jia was very cautious when he came in , and looked at Xiaobai from time to time for fear of Xiaobai. Bai Hui suddenly attacked him , but luckily Xiao Bai didn’t do this. He just stared at Guo Jia eagerly. But after all, Guo Jia was Guo Jia

. After he was sure that Xiao Bai really wouldn’t do anything to him, he immediately became bolder . Bai , I am Guo Fengxiao and I am your master’s friend. Don’t you remember me? I gave you a name when I was just brought back , but your master denied it at that time.

You said Baishanjun sounds so nice . He must. What do you call Xiaobai? It sounds like a stupid dog. As soon as Guo Jia said this, Xiaobai’s throat was like a broken bellows, and he made threatening sounds one after another. Hearing this, Guo Jia was also nervous and worried

About Xiaobai. He would really pounce on him and bite him, so he hurriedly said, ” You were just joking. That ‘s why Xiaobai didn’t do anything to Guo Jia. Husband , is this the new animal you brought back?” As soon as the three of them entered the door

, they saw that Lu Lingqi was already there. After waiting here for a long time, when she saw Wang Xiao , she hurriedly stepped forward to see what kind of animals Wang Xiao had brought back. As a result, Lu Lingqi was shocked and immediately showed a

Strong affection for these black and white fat guys. Husband, these Bears are so cute. Lu Lingqi said that she wanted to reach out and touch these giant pandas . However, giant pandas are obviously not very accepting of strangers, so she hurriedly took two steps back

. Seeing that these giant pandas were unwilling to get close to her, Lu Lingqi didn’t care , but she was very angry. She excitedly shouted to the back room, sisters, come out and have a look. The new bear that your husband brought back is so cute. Women like cute and well-behaved ones

. So when Lu Lingqi shouted this voice, it immediately became so loud that several women ran out and started together. Among the people watching the giant pandas, there were even two sisters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao. They had been living in Wang Xiao’s house for almost a year, and they had basically accepted

The fact that their two sisters would become Wang Xiao’s concubines in the future. If not, If they were younger , I guess Wang Xiao would have executed them on the spot. As the two youngest girls in the hospital, they are also the most irresistible husbands to such honest and cute animals.

These bears are so cute, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao have such cute faces. He looked at the panda in the cage fondly , then raised his head and stared at Wang Xiao with sparkling eyes and said, “Well, Wang Xiao smiled and nodded when he heard this. It’ll be better if you like it

. I’m going to bring my father-in-law over in two days.” Thank you husband for being able to see your father every day . When Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao heard this, they immediately ran to Wang Xiao excitedly and gave Wang Xiao a big hug. Looking at this scene

, both Guo Jia and Dian Wei were jealous. I couldn’t help but mutter in my heart, “You beast, okay?” There are still outsiders here. Wang Xiao smiled and pinched the cheeks of the two girls , then turned to Dian Wei and said, “Come on , let these pandas go first

, and then watch them for me. Don’t let them hurt my ladies. Also, little ones.” Bai , you are responsible for disciplining these guys and making them obey the rules, you know? Although he was a little reluctant, since it was Wang Xiao’s order, Dian Wei naturally had no choice but to accept it.

After Dian Wei was arranged, Wang Xiao took Guo Jia to the backyard to re -enter. Yong, can you tell me now? How do you plan to deal with Yuan Shao? To be honest, there is still a big gap between our army and Yuan Shao.

Guo Jia looked at Wang Xiao with a worried look , but Wang Xiao looked at Guo Xiao with interest. Jia Fengxiao , don’t you look down on Yuan Shao? Why are you so afraid of Yuan Shao now? I thought it would be difficult for Yuan Shao to achieve great things

, but I didn’t expect that because of your appearance, Yuan Shao actually defeated Gongsun Zan much earlier than I expected. Now Yuan Shao Bingfeng Zheng Sheng and all the people under his command are also working together. If our army wants to compete with them, they may be a little short of strength.

How will you know if you don’t try ? Wang Xiao looked at Guo Jia with a smile and said calmly. And you don’t have to worry. I’ve already asked others to come to my house to discuss this matter on the way here . So just wait. Others, please call everyone over .

Aren’t you afraid of something ? Are you worried about Meng De? Most of them called Wen Ruozhi, Caiwen and Zhongde. I don’t know. I also called my cheap father-in-law , Liu Bei’s three brothers, and Gongming. Wang Xiao said calmly. It was as if this was really an insignificant thing,

But these words really shocked Guo Jia. Are you really planning to cause trouble, right? Even if Guo Jia and Wang Xiao have known each other for such a long time, they can be considered clear about Wang Xiao. He has a fearless character , but this time when he heard Wang Xiao’s words,

He couldn’t help but feel shocked. This is no joke. Not only did you call Wen Ruo and his group of counselors over , you even called The most important thing is that you called so many people but not the Cao family and the Xiahou family. What on earth do you want to do?

Mr. Cao has passed away . Now everyone in the Cao family and the Xiahou family are busy, even me. The ladies have all gone back to help. Now that I call them, they have to have time. Wang Xiao still said nonchalantly, but when he heard these words, Guo Jia showed a helpless smile.

Am I telling you this? Chongyong , are you still? You don’t understand what I mean. What I mean is that you are calling these counselors and generals who are close to you to your home in such a big way. Do you know what

This means? Do you know what your behavior is in the eyes of outsiders ? Speaking of which , Guo Jia hesitated for a moment and then continued, ” You are seeking death by forming a party for personal gain. Any minister in any dynasty who dares to do such a thing will definitely die

, because this is completely a rebellion. All the powerful people will be killed.” All powerful ministers , both civil and military, are summoned to their homes. If you say that this is not an attempt to rebel, no one will believe it. Especially for those in power, this kind of behavior is too dangerous

. Even if there is really no ulterior motives , Those in power will never allow such a person to continue to live. From this moment on, it doesn’t matter whether he wants to rebel. What matters is that he has the ability to rebel. This is the most important thing

. Are you underestimating me or Meng De ? Wang Xiao still looks calm and indifferent to these worries about Guo Jia. These small things are really nothing in his eyes. This is because you are different from any ministers in the past , whether it is towards the Prime Minister

Or this person. The world is like this . Maybe I really shouldn’t look at you as a normal person . Guo Jia sighed softly and said, thinking about it carefully, his worries are indeed a bit unnecessary. Who is Wang Xiao? What does he think about this world? What an important existence.

As long as he is not really lost, Cao Cao will never do anything detrimental to Wang Xiao . And everyone knows that Wang Xiao ‘s desire for power is not strong . If it weren’t for Situ’s power, How could it be that Wang Xiao almost ignored these government affairs

And handed them all over to Sima Yi and Yang Xiu ? Even the final supervision was put in charge of Xun Yu. Chongyong , here we are , while the two of them were talking , they heard a chaotic sound. Voices , Xiaobai’s threatening shouts , and the voices of several ladies scolding

Xiaobai. After a while, they all came to the house . In terms of being close to Wang Xiao, having been in contact with Wang Xiao for a long time , and even acquiescing to the existence of Wang Xiao’s faction , these people are people with power, both civil and military,

And each of them can truly influence countless people with their words and deeds . The existence of thousands of people’s lives can be combined to form a small court. No wonder Guo Jia showed such an expression when he heard that Wang Xiao called them all over.

It was like the prime minister summoning the six ministers, the general and the commander-in-chief of the imperial army. It would be the same if he was called to his home for a meeting. No one would not think twice about it. No matter what happened, it was estimated that the emperor

Was already doomed to live a short life for a few years when he heard the news . He was frightened for no other reason , but Wang Xiao was He called all these people over openly and said to them with a serious face. The main purpose of calling

You this time is to talk to you about Yuan Shao. When do you think Yuan Shao will launch an attack? The time to attack should be this year , and if I guessed correctly, the day will be very soon . Xi Zhicai touched his little goatee and said thoughtfully.

At present, the Sun family of Jiangdong has agreed to cooperate with Yuan Shao. If they relent like Liu Biao, these princes are bound to relent. They all agree to cooperate with Yuan Shao to encircle us. When Yuan Shao attacks, what Wang Xiao asks are serious matters

, and they are also things that everyone is worried about and pay attention to recently. Therefore , Xi Zhicai They immediately gave their own answers , and it was also considered as a way to attract others. Soon everyone gave their own opinions. Once the war starts,

Our army will be at a disadvantage in terms of strength. In addition, because our army is surrounded, it is not accurate to describe it as being attacked from both sides. He must have been attacked on three sides before he said to Xun Yu with a serious face.

In the north, Yuan Shao crossed the Yellow River and pressed the army. In the south, Sun Jia and Liu Biao were waiting for an opportunity . In the west, Ma Teng and Han Sui were even more like tigers and wolves. Once our army shows any weakness, They will take action immediately.

In this case, we will face an enemy force that is at least five times our size. The situation is quite unfavorable for us. As the chief steward of the entire Cao Camp, Xun Yu knows the specific situation of the Cao Camp far better than anyone else. There are more and deeper

, so he knows that the current situation is actually quite unfavorable to Cao Ying, especially in order to develop its strength, Cao Ying has offended almost all the nearby princes , so the pressure they will face now is naturally not Normally, Wang Xiao nodded lightly and responded nonchalantly.

He was obviously not surprised by the result. But then Wang Xiao turned his eyes to Jia Xu again and asked lightly. Speaking of which, there must have been a lot recently. Everyone is writing letters of surrender to Yuan Shao. You should know something about this article, right? Jia Xu was startled

By Wang Xiao’s question. What does this mean? Jia Xu immediately hurriedly explained. It seems that there are really a few people who are not afraid of death behind the scenes, planning to betray the Prime Minister to leave a way out for themselves , but there must be no one like me. After

Jia Xu finished speaking, he seemed to be still worried that Wang Xiao didn’t believe him and took a deep breath. Then he calmed down a little and then said, Situ, you know me. I am always afraid of death and never do anything that I am not sure about. I will definitely not do

Such a thing, writing a letter or secretly seeking refuge with Yuan Shao . Wang Xiao nodded and seemed to be. I believe that when Jia Xu saw Wang Xiao, he believed him. Jia Xu breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t scare himself to death. If Wang Xiao really believed that he had

Secretly colluded with Yuan Shao , he would probably be his on this day next year. It was the anniversary of his death , but then Wang Xiao set his sights on Xun Yu . ” Wen Ruo, where are you ? ” Will the emperor abdicate to the prime minister

Tomorrow ? But since Wang Xiao asked Xun Yu like this, he replied seriously, ” Chongyong , you also know me. I dedicated myself to the prime minister and died. I don’t know how many things happened in Xuchang.” You are carrying it on my shoulders

. If I really have the intention to surrender to the enemy, I am afraid that everyone will be buried in the loess today. Wang Xiao nodded and then turned his eyes to Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu was still watching the excitement when he saw Wang Xiao. Xiao stared at him

And immediately felt his scalp numb. Don’t look at me. Situ , you know me. I am decisive and ruthless. If it were me, I would have dragged my family to Yecheng by now. That’s right, it’s Wang Xiao . Nodding slightly was regarded as acknowledgment of Cheng Yu’s words , but then

Everyone else began to feel uneasy. They all looked at each other with worried expressions on Wang Xiao ‘s face , for fear that they would become Wang Xiao’s next suspect. However, Wang Xiao did not I didn’t do that, I just said something calmly. I heard that you all have special skills and

Are loyal to the prime minister. But one of you lied to me. Everyone looked surprised when they heard this. The people here are all the people Wang Xiao trusts. They are the people close to Wang Xiao. They are very loyal to Cao Cao and Wang Xiao. How could they surrender to the enemy?

So everyone looked at Wang Xiao with confusion and waited for Wang Xiao to say. After saying the name of this liar , Wang Xiao turned his gaze to Jia Xu’s body with a calm expression. ” You must have been telling the truth just now, right ? ” Jia Xu

Suddenly showed a confused look after hearing this, but before he could open his mouth to defend himself. Zhao Yun and Guan Yu came to Jia Xu like two ghosts. The Yajiao Spear and Qinglong Yanyue Sword landed directly on Jia Xu ‘s neck. Mr. Wen He, please don’t move

. At this moment, Wang Xiao didn’t even take out any weapons. The evidence was just one sentence, and the two of them immediately took action to restrain Jia Xu, a counselor that Cao Cao respected very much. Although Jia Xu was not too angry , there was a turmoil in his heart. Situ

, I was you in person at the time. You should know best who I am, the one who invited me . I have definitely not betrayed the Prime Minister. Jia Xu knows very well that he has not done these things at all. He has never even

Thought of betraying Cao Cao. So if Wang Xiao really says that he betrayed According to Cao Cao, this is just an attempt to incriminate others , so why bother? Okay, Zilong Yunchang, what are you doing ? I haven’t finished my words yet. Hurry and retreat. After hearing this, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu

Retreated . The threat in front of them was already there. He left , but the threat in his heart still exists. If he doesn’t figure out why Wang Xiao said this, the next time it may be his death. Jia Xu has always had a very keen sense of death

. He can detect it very clearly. There is a danger of targeting him or possibly involving him. Although Wang Xiao did not really intend to do anything to him , Jia Xu could also feel that he was somewhat dissatisfied with him. It is estimated that Guan Yu and Zhao Yun’s actions

Were also to scare him. What just puzzles Jia Xu is that Why did Wang Xiao do this and what exactly made Wang Xiao feel dissatisfied with him that caused Wang Xiao to target himself like this. Wen and I just asked not whether you would betray the Prime Minister

, but about the fact that some people want to take refuge with Yuan Shao. You know something about everything , but you are so considerate of me. What you did made me quite unhappy . Hearing Wang Xiao’s words, Jia Xu breathed a sigh of relief . Is it because of this? Situ

I I thought what you just said was a warning to me not to make some small moves in private and not to think about betraying the Prime Minister . But you are really asking me if there is anyone who is seeking refuge with Yuan Shao behind my back.

Can you still not know about these things? Jia Xu doesn’t know Wang Xiao. Is there anyone involved ? But the first thing he has to do now is to change the things he just said about him so that he would have misunderstood. One is deliberately concealing, and the other is stupid and ignorant.

It seems that they are all his own responsibility. But there is a huge difference in the magnitude of the responsibility. After all, doing something intentionally is more culpable than an unintentional mistake. It’s okay. Wang Xiao and many people present know Jia Xu’s character and what kind of person Jia Xu is. He

Is as slippery as a loach when he speaks human words, and he is as slippery as a loach. Thirty percent of his letters are considered the limit, but no one cares about why Jia Xu did not tell the truth. The key is whether he intends to tell the truth later.

This is the limit. The most important thing is that Wen and you have always done things without sparing anything and never taking risks . It is precisely because of this that your observation of things, collection of intelligence and speculation are much better than others

, so you should have some things in your hands that we don’t have. Tell me only the information you know. Anyone you know is secretly having an affair with Yuan Shao . Now the enemy is facing a life-and-death battle. If we don’t deal with these people

First , we all can’t even think about Ansheng. Jia Xu has never thought about it. He didn’t have the guts to betray Cao Cao and would even try his best to help Cao Cao win. But the same Jia Xu would also turn a blind eye to some things

Just to leave a way out for himself. He couldn’t put his own All his life is pinned on others because it is too dangerous. The only one who can really make Jia Xu believe is himself. Except for himself, everyone else is unworthy and cannot be trusted . Even Wang Xiao

And Jia Xu are mostly in awe but really. He put his wealth and life on Wang Xiao without even thinking about it. This is why Jia Xu can live peacefully and remains stable even after experiencing many court turmoils and even changes in dynasties . From a certain point of view,

He is the same type of person as Sima Yi in history. They are both people who live for themselves and work hard for themselves. As the same kind of people, it is impossible for Jia Xu not to be aware of Sima Yi’s threat, just as

It was impossible for him to be aware of Sima Yi’s threat during the Battle of Chibi. He didn’t realize that Huang Gai’s plan was the same. However , when facing Sima Yi, Jia Xu did not choose to become his enemy because there was no need to face Huang Gai’s plan.

He didn’t mention it at all because Cheng Yu, Xun You and others had said it to Cao Cao. But Cao Cao didn’t care about it, Jia Xu knew that even if he spoke, Cao Cao wouldn’t listen to him. If that was the case, then why should he waste his spit?

Jia Xu was such a person, a refined egoist, and there were many counselors in the world who were planning for the army. People who seek for the country and the world , but there are very few people who seek for themselves like him. He wants to live and live better

Without getting involved in danger. This is Jia Xu’s idea and his goal. Everyone present. Everyone knows that Jia Xu is such a person , so although Jia Xu is also one of the important officials in Cao Ying , others have a somewhat repulsive attitude towards him. It

Can be said that Jia Xu is the most dissociated among those who belong to Wang Xiao’s faction. This is also the reason why Zhao Yun and Guan Yu immediately took control of Jia Xu after hearing Wang Xiao’s words , because in their eyes, Jia Xu could really be a traitor

, but Wang Xiao didn’t care about Jia Xu at all. It is almost impossible to say that he is a traitor, but if you say that he does not work hard or is pretending to be deaf and dumb, it is very possible. It is very possible that Wenhe,

If you don’t want to say it, it doesn’t matter if you write it down, Wang Xiao said. He winked at Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, and the two understood immediately. Liu Bei went into the room and took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Zhang Fei brought a desk

And placed it in front of Jia Xu. He said softly , Mr. Jia, please, um , Wang. When Xiao saw this, he couldn’t help but frown. Originally, he wanted Zhang Fei to scare Jia Xu, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered that Zhang Fei actually respected the nobles very much.

Which soldiers did he look down upon ? Yun Chang immediately became the king. Xiao then changed someone to ask Guan Yu to come. After hearing this, Guan Yu didn’t say much and just came straight to the back of Jia Xu. One hand was stroking his beard,

And the other was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword . A pair of red and phoenix eyes were narrowed to only a slit . It was as if he was asleep , but at this moment Jia Xu felt a huge pressure on his neck, as if a cold sharp blade was gently scratching his

Neck. A strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared on Jia Xu’s forehead . There was a layer of fine beads of sweat, and his expression became more serious. He could clearly feel that Guan Yu standing behind him seemed to have turned into an executioner at this moment, and

He would cut off his head with just one order . It’s not necessary. Jia Xu looked at Wang Xiao with a wry smile, hoping that Wang Xiao could be a little more tolerant and hurry up. If you continue to dilly-dally like this, everyone will be unhappy. Seeing that this old boy Jia Xu

Is still dilly-dallying, Wang Xiao immediately snorted coldly. This can be regarded as completely dispelling all Jia Xu’s extravagant hopes. He does not intend to betray Cao Cao, but at the same time, he does not want to offend others for no reason , especially now that Yuan Shao is too

Powerful and Cao Cao has risen too fiercely and because of the reuse of Wang Xiao. This caused the nobles all over the world to hate him. Therefore, the current situation has been created. All the princes in the world have the intention to attack

Cao Cao. Yuan Shao, as the person who hopes to defeat Cao Cao the most, takes the initiative to contact all princes to join forces to destroy Cao Cao. If this plan succeeds, Cao Cao will almost definitely lose

From the situation , so even if Jia Xu He has confidence in Cao Cao and Wang Xiao , but he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. His original intention is that if Cao Cao and Wang Xiao really lose

, it will not be too late for him to decide whether to stay or go. But now Wang Xiao is forcing him to make a choice , Situ . You have already said this, what else can I say? I will write down the list here. Once Jia Xu makes a decision

To take action, he will always kill him. His ferocity and viciousness can be said to be rare in the chaotic world of the Three Kingdoms. His speed is rare. The names of no less than a hundred people appeared densely on the bamboo slips . Everyone felt shocked just by looking at them.

They thought that Jia Xu would only give out some people and leave as many escape routes for themselves as possible , but now it seems that Jia Xu seems to have We plan to catch all these people. Whether the people on Situ ‘s list are suspected of having an affair with Yuan Shao

Depends on whether Situ can find evidence. All I can do is write down all the people who are suspected. If I’m not with them, at best, they just want to get me to join them. As Jia Xu spoke, he handed the bamboo slips with names densely written on them into Wang Xiao’s hands

. There must be at least 120 or 30 people here, right? One hundred and forty-eight people , including chiefs of various states, counties , and heads of some aristocratic families. I have no evidence , and they have never told me that they had an affair with Yuan Shao.

All of them are just my guesses. Situ, are you serious? To attack them, Jia Xu is indeed a poisonous person. This move is to kill them all and leave no further trouble . Everyone who is suspected by him is here. As long as they are investigated, they will not escape death.

Many of them are in Jia Xu. I had a friendship with Jia Xu when I first came to Xuchang, and I have never neglected Jia Xu in these days, but Jia Xu betrayed them all without blinking an eye , and even Jia Xu didn’t even have any evidence,

But Wang Without even hesitating, Xiao threw the bamboo slips to Zhao Yun . Zilong went to arrest everyone in Xuchang and let Man Chong interrogate him carefully. Anyone who had an affair with Yuan Shao would be punished as treason. When it comes to ruthlessness, Wang Xiao has never been weaker than Jia Xu.

It can even be said that he is even worse than Jia Xu. When doing things, he has to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons again and again. If he is not completely sure or forced by the situation, he will never act rashly. But Wang Xiao is different.

Wang Xiao is this People never think so much. He only cares about one thing when doing things, that is, whether he wants to do it or not . As for the price , it is such a huge price to be an enemy of the world’s aristocratic families. Didn’t Wang Xiao also take action?

So Wang Xiao never pays for this thing . He cared about the consequences of doing so, even if there was no evidence at all, he would take action against the people above just based on Jia Xu’s list. Wang Xiao didn’t even frown before he issued the order

And waited for Zhao Yun to take Wang Xiao. After the order was given, everyone began to discuss whether it would hurt the hearts of the people below if Zhong Yong did this. After all, he was arrested for interrogation without any evidence , and there were so many people.

There was no one among them who was wrongly accused. It will make people all over the world feel cold. Xun Yu still doesn’t support Wang Xiao’s idea. But as soon as he said these words, Wang Xiao directly refuted him: ” Why didn’t you stop me just now?

” Wang Xiao said and said, “Xun Yu.” He glanced at it and continued, “You actually know in your heart that these people are restless elements and we should take measures against them. But you didn’t expect that I would be so extreme and directly send people to arrest them

, especially when there is no evidence at all. But Wen Ruo, you seem to have forgotten one thing. What we are going to face now is not just a simple prince, but all the princes in the world. Yuan Shao, Sun Quan, Liu Biao, Ma Teng and Han Sui may all take action

Against us. In this case, there is no time. Let’s take our time. Wang Xiao’s expression is more serious and serious than ever before , because he knows very well what a serious situation Cao Cao will face once the alliance is achieved. I am just one person

, and I am a powerful opponent. I have the ability of a thousand troops , but I don’t know the art of cloning. I can’t kill a thousand people. I can kill ten thousand people, but not ten thousand people. I can kill a

Hundred thousand people, a million people, or even tens of millions of people. One day, our manpower will be exhausted. If Yuan Shao joins forces to besiege us. I may be able to lead my army to stop Yuan Shao’s army on both sides of the Yellow River , but what about the other princes?

These princes also have their own armies, their generals, and their counselors. In the face of internal and external troubles, who of you can guarantee that we can really stop them from this calamity ? If the world is in hand , everything will be destroyed. Wang Xiao rarely speaks

To them in such a serious and serious tone. In the past, most of the time, Wang Xiao looked careless, as if nothing mattered, but this time Wang Xiao Xiao’s performance was completely different from anything before. This seriousness and earnestness also made everyone understand one thing

, that is, Wang Xiao was coming for real. Therefore, everyone was fascinated by Wang Xiao’s words. In silence, because they all knew that the current situation was really dangerous, to the point that none of them dared to say that they could win

Surely . After all, this was not a discussion with Cao Cao . If they faced Cao Cao, they would definitely pick up nice and inspiring words. Just like Guo Jia’s classic theory of ten wins and ten losses, but now we are facing a situation like Wang Xiao, it is naturally unnecessary. I said

We all know these things about military advisors , but these things are also between you and a few people. Mr. Zhang , I don’t understand this. Just tell us, those of us who are wielding swords and guns, what to do ? Zhang Fei’s carefree temperament is used to him

. Even if he opens his mouth, he asks Wang Xiao impatiently to find them. What are you here for? After all, these things have nothing to do with them . They just need to obey orders. Just try to win as much as possible on the battlefield. At least Zhang Fei cannot understand

These strategic arrangements. Naturally, you are here to see what you think about this battle. Strategically, we have made preparations , but tactically We still need you to carry it out. Tell us what you think. As soon as Wang Xiao said this, Liu Bei was the first to stand up and said that General

Situ Mo thought that our main enemy was Yuan Shao . If we could defeat Yuan Shao quickly, the other princes would be nothing but scattered sand. The attack is self-defeating , so I think the best way is to concentrate our troops and attack Yuan Shao first . Wang Xiao nodded and then chuckled.

That ‘s right. Don’t say it next time. Liu Bei let Wang Xiao choke when he said this. He didn’t understand himself at all. What did he say wrongly that made Wang Xiao choke like this? He prioritized defeating Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao’s subordinate Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He, Gao Lan, and Han Meng were called the Four Courts and One Liang of Hebei. The five of them were all fierce generals who were unique among ten thousand. In addition, there were Qu Yi, the brave general who personally destroyed Baima Yicong and

An army of no less than 300,000, may have more than 400,000 troops under Yuan Shao’s command by the time we take action. You can defeat Yuan Shao if you say you defeat him first. His current strength advantage is too great. Even Wang Xiao can’t guarantee that he can defeat

Liu Bei quickly. What he said is a backache at all. But when he mentioned Yan Liangwen Chou and others, Guan Yu ‘s DNA was touched again . In the eyes of a certain person, they are no different from

Those who cheated and sold out. When Wang Xiao heard this, he couldn’t help but smacked his tongue . My cheap father-in-law and I are still alive. You can see that everyone looks like they are cheating and selling out. Guan Yu returned to power , but he could really kill Yan Liang, Wen Chou

, and Wang Xiao thought it was impossible. Yan Liang could defeat Xu Huang in twenty rounds. Wen Chou defeated Zhang Liao first and fought Xu Huang in thirty rounds, with no outcome. Earlier updates It is a fierce battle with Zhao Yun for sixty rounds. Zhang He is one of the five good generals.

Needless to say, Gao Lan looks like a passerby , but after all, he is one of the Four Court Pillars , and he is not an ordinary person. Guan Yu said that he sees these people as Inserting the bid to sell first is a bit of bragging

, but before Wang Xiao could mock Guan Yu, someone had already spoken first. Guan Laoer was bragging again. I just came a little late. Let’s see who inserts the bid again. I see you are quite good at selling the first one . I saw Lu Bu holding Fangtian Huaji and

Gao Shun coming quickly. As soon as he entered the door, he said to Wang Xiao, a foreigner. I am familiar with Xiliang’s Ma Teng. Han Sui gave it to me. To deal with Lu Bu , his reputation has been ruined since he killed Ding Yuan and defected to Dong Zhuo

. At least many people in the Central Plains scorned him. But one thing is that the foreigners who were scared of him by him still have feelings for Lu Bu. The awe-stricken foreigners do not have so many ethical and moral constraints. They only recognize the strong. As long as they are strong

, no matter what they do, they are right. So even if Lu Bu committed something that is unacceptable to the Han people, for the foreigners, this is not the case. It’s not a big deal at all , so in the eyes of those foreign races,

Lu Bu is still the murderous God of War . Of course, this is only for Wuhuan. After all, Lu Bu ‘s main opponent when he was at Yanmen Pass was Wuhuan , followed by Xianbei and Xiliang. Although the Qiang people had been dealt with when they were in Chang’an,

There was not enough time after all. They simply killed some people , but the oppression of the Qiang people was still slightly insufficient. The Han-Qiang war could last for a hundred years , although there were quite a few of them. Part of the reason is due to the corruption and incompetence

Of the imperial court , but the Qiang people’s tenacious fighting power and fighting spirit that is as hard to extinguish as wildfire is also a huge reason. Marquis Wen , you are really sure that you can defeat them. Wang Xiao is not unaware of Lu Bu’s strength

, but now Now I can’t make any mistakes in my layout. Xiliang’s Ma Teng and Han Sui seem to be passers-by. They don’t have much high-profile performance on the big stage of the Three Kingdoms. They are just like NPCs used to gain experience , but Wang Xiao knows it very well.

How powerful they are in the land of Xiliang. Even Cao Cao, who had defeated Yuan Shao, encountered considerable resistance when he pacified Xiliang . In the end, even Lu Bu, who cut his beard and abandoned his robe, was killed by Ma Chao. They have many years of experience in fighting against foreign races

, but they should not be taken lightly. In fact, the Qiang and Wuhuan Xianbei are not much different. If we really want to say it, it is just that they are more closely related to the Han than the other two ethnic groups, so they have learned more about the Han. In normal battles,

They will cooperate as closely as the Han army. But once they are forced too close, they turn back to their original form and reveal their barbarity and madness as aliens. This makes them seem more powerful , but they are nothing more than a piece of loose sand. Lu Bu mentioned the Qiang. His

Face was full of contempt and disdain. Ma Teng was a descendant of General Fubo Ma Yuan. He was forcibly elected to the position of leader by the Qiang people . Unlike Han Sui, such a person would not put everything into consideration. It was taught to the Qiang people, so the Qiang people today

Are not much different from before . They can fight with the wind better than anyone else, and they can fight against the wind better than anyone else. Lu Bu analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the wave of Qiang people and their purpose

In detail for Wang Xiao. It is also to make Wang Xiao believe that he can really deal with the Qiang people , and Wang Xiao does believe it. If you don’t believe it, there is nothing you can do. Now there is no more suitable choice for you to deal

With the Qiang people than Lu Bu. Okay , since Marquis Wen, you have already Having said that, let’s do it like this. Wang Xiao said and ordered: Wen Hou will fight in the future. You will be the commander of the West Front. Wen Yuan Boyi and Miaocai will join you to lead

20,000 troops to fight against the Qiang people. Ask 20,000 soldiers to fight against Ma Teng and Han Sui’s combined Qiang army of at least 120,000. This is almost impossible. But Lu Bu didn’t even blink. It ‘s a piece of cake for

These foreign races in my eyes. It’s just a native chicken and a wardog. Erlu Bu is naturally full of confidence. After all, he and Gongsun Zan were the two most ruthless people who killed foreigners on the northern border. Now, even though they are replaced by these foreigners from the West

, the result is the same. is nothing more than one word Remember , your main task is to defend. As long as you can defend until I defeat Yuan Shao’s army, it will open up the situation. In the future, the sky will be high and the sea will be full of responsibility.

In order to make Lu Bu foolproof, Wang Xiao not only asked all of Lu Bu’s former subordinates to return to Lu Bu. His side even asked Xia Houyuan to cooperate with Lu Bu. Xia Houyuan and Lu Bu have many similarities in their tactical styles. They both emphasize the importance of soldiers and speed.

They are good at running and attacking. General Xia Houyuan likes large-scale cavalry attack tactics. The tactic of attacking the enemy’s camp overnight has already reached the enemy’s doorstep, forcing the opponent to surrender helplessly. As a result , they have gained the reputation of Hubu Guanyou.

Now, the two of them are allowed to cooperate to better solve the problem of dealing with the Qiang people in Xiliang. Someone has chosen , so the next one is Jingzhou Liu Biao. Wang Xiao said and his eyes wandered around everyone, but this time he discovered a problem.

The person who knew Liu Biao best among them didn’t come to Hansheng. I didn’t call. Is he? Wang Xiao looked around and didn’t see Huang Zhong’s figure. He suddenly felt a little strange. After all, in his impression, he should have called Huang Zhong. Just when Wang Xiao felt strange about this,

He heard There was a rush of footsteps outside , and then Huang Zhong also hurried in with someone. Sorry, Situ Mo will be late. Wang Xiao heard this and looked up at Huang Zhong , and then his eyes fell on the tattoo on the man next to Huang Zhong. Pin

Was captured with Zhang Xiu before and was imprisoned because he was unwilling to surrender. Later, Huang Zhong begged Wang Xiao to take Wen Pin to his home and put him under house arrest. Unexpectedly, Huang Zhong actually brought Wen Pin over now . What happened ? Wen Zhongye, you have figured it out. If

You can come with Huang Zhong, you must have figured it out and decided to submit. Now is the time to employ people. It is also a good thing to have more people. The general has just gone with Han Sheng to see Prime Minister Cao . I deeply regret my previous stubbornness.

I hope Mr. Situ can be a gentleman and not remember the faults of villains. Zhong Ye was joking. It’s a great good thing that you can abandon the secret and turn to the light. How can I blame you? Wang Xiao looked at Wen with a satisfied look. Then he said, in this case,

The battle with Liu Biao will be left to you. I will let Zi Xiao be the commander, Han Sheng Zhongye, and you two will assist me from the side. I must firmly suppress Liu Biao’s army and not advance even an inch along the Yangtze River . Er

. Hearing this, the people immediately responded and explained their mission. Now there was only one person left who needed to be careful. The last one was Sun Shiwan. Liu Biao and Xiliang had already decided on the candidate to lead the army , Jiangdong. As for the Sun family, this time will be

The grandest and most important battle since Cao Cao called himself a prince . Anyone who can shine in this battle will become the hero that Cao Cao values ​​and relies on most . This temptation is enough for them. Everyone was moved by it

, so at this moment, those who had not yet received the order all set their sights on Wang Xiao, hoping that Wang Xiao could choose them , especially those who were confident in themselves, such as Xu Huang, but Wang Xiao Xiao just shook his head and said, Jiangdong Sun Family,

I plan to let Meng De make the decision himself. At present, almost all of the candidates arranged by Wang Xiao are from his own side, so some Cao family members are also selected to join them , such as Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren.

But if it is true that the three armies were arranged by himself and he was the one fighting Yuan Shao, would this make Cao Cao seem a little too uninvolved? Considering these aspects, Wang Xiao decided to let Cao Cao arrange the third army by himself. After all, he

Is the boss who has everything done by himself. Isn’t it a bit too leisurely for him to be the boss? Everyone showed a look of regret when they heard this , especially Liu Bei and the others . After all, in Liu Bei’s opinion,

The coach of the third army should be the last one. It’s up to me , but I didn’t expect that Wang Xiao would hand over the decision-making power to Cao Cao. No matter which way I go, the result I want is the same , which is to hold on . I must hold

On until I defeat Yuan Shao, and there must be no chance of anything happening. Otherwise, our situation will be extremely difficult. I hope all of you can understand this. Everyone is still clear about this , so they immediately responded in unison. Wang Xiao nodded and didn’t say much

. He just asked Jia Xu The others all chose the team they wanted to accompany the army and went out with the army as the leader of the army. Among them, Jia Xu chose Lu Bu’s western front , but it was understandable.

After all, Jia Xu was an out-and-out Liangzhou native, his professional counterpart , and then there was Sima Yi . Cheng Yu , who chose the Jingzhou front with him, were both unscrupulous characters who would do anything to achieve their goals. I believe they would definitely give Liu Biao a good drink. The rest

Of the people would either follow Wang Xiao to Guandu to face Yuan Shao or stay behind. After Xuchang sat in the court and arranged everything, Wang Xiao dismissed the meeting and informed Cao Cao of everything. Three months later , the Yangtze River and the Yellow River were the two most important water sources

In the Central Plains, where almost all Han people were raised. The swordsmen and the chilling atmosphere on the long rivers of the ancestors have overshadowed the majestic momentum and turbulence of these two long rivers. Everyone knew in their hearts that a great war was about to begin. Sun Quan

Handed over the command of the army to Zhou Yu , but at the same time he He also followed the army to the bank of the Yangtze River. His purpose was simple : capture Hefei. As long as Hefei could be captured, the road to the Central Plains would be opened. In this way

, Jiangdong would have the opportunity to enter the Central Plains and conquer the world. This is why Sun Quan even They had already handed over all military power to Zhou Yu but still insisted on going with the army. The reason why Liu Biao’s idea was similar to that of Sun Quan,

But Liu Biao’s was not Hefei but Wancheng . After Zhang Xiu was defeated, Wancheng fell into the hands of Cao Cao. This has made Liu Biao sleepless. An Wancheng is the gateway to Jingzhou and is now in the hands of Cao Cao

. Cao Cao can send troops to attack Jingzhou anytime and anywhere. In order to avoid this situation , Liu Biao agreed to Yuan Shao’s alliance to send troops together to fight against Cao Cao’s Jingzhou and Cao Cao. Jiangdong is a neighbor and also a bitter enemy.

This is the first time they have united. Therefore, on the Yangtze River, Liu Biao led 80,000 naval troops and Sun Quan, leading 60,000 naval troops, met in person . At that time, General Sun came to our army alone and asked me to return your father. The matter of the corpse

Is still fresh in my mind , but I didn’t expect that just a few years later, you have become the leader of Jiangdong , and you will form an alliance with me. Both Liu Biao and Sun Quan came in a small boat with only a few guards and a general

. When they arrived at the river, they communicated with each other. The general beside Liu Biao was his nephew Liu Pan. Although he was unknown in the novel, he was a fierce general in history . The general next to him is Zhou Tai. This person is Sun Quan’s personal bodyguard.

The most famous incident in history is an injury and a jug of wine. Sun Quan was once in danger when he put down the mountain rebellion. It was Zhou Tai who fought in a bloody battle to protect Sun Quan from rushing out. However, in this battle, Zhou Tai suffered twelve wounds

From swords, guns, arrows and other injuries all over his body. When the military doctors were treating him, the people nearby were dumbfounded when they saw that Zhou Tai was so seriously injured , but Zhou Tai didn’t care and even picked up the wine bottle.

He said he was injured and drank a pot of wine. The two came to the center of the river. Sun Quan looked at Liu Biao in front of him. Although he was still brooding about Liu Biao’s murder of his father, Sun Quan was not an ordinary person after all. He quickly adjusted.

He then looked at Liu Biao with a calm expression and said, Liu Shijun, after so many years of separation, you are still as energetic as ever , but you have made great progress. Liu Biao looked at Sun Quan with a smile on his face and said that gentle smile that

Made people laugh. It was completely impossible to tell what he was thinking in his heart. When Sun Quan saw this , he could only mutter “Old Fox” in his heart. Then he ignored this and continued to say that the people stationed in Wancheng this time were Cao Ren

And the former envoys. I’m afraid it will be difficult for the two generals under your command to conquer Wancheng. Is it difficult? I think the real difficulty should be you, General Sun. Liu Biao said as if he was an elder who really cared about Sun Quan

. He was stationed in Hefei this time. Therefore, Yu Jinle, Li Dian, and the others, in addition to the tiger cavalry commanded by Cao Chun, are also preparing for the battle in the rear. Once the battle begins, they will arrive within three hours and join the battle . In this case,

General Sun, you, a person who has just inherited the legacy of his father and brother, really have a chance of victory. Is it possible? You, Sun Quan, are young and have some poor Qi-building skills. You immediately made Liu Biao angry. Seeing this, Liu Biao laughed happily. Hahaha, I won’t tease you, a child.

I wish General Sun can succeed immediately. After all, the Cao thief and the Wang thief must die. On the land of Xiliang, Ma Teng and Han Sui led 70,000 and 50,000 troops respectively. A total of 120,000 troops have entered the western capital Chang’an and are planning to continue to march eastward to

Occupy Luoyang. It’s a pity that the imperial capital has been like this for many years . Ma Teng stood in front of the ruins of the imperial palace in Chang’an and looked at the ancient city that was magnificent a few years ago but has now fallen into this state.

I couldn’t help but sigh , but it’s just a matter of the past. Today’s Han Dynasty and the imperial court can still have some dignity. Isn’t Chang’an just like the Han Dynasty now? There is nothing left except the name . Han Sui walked slowly. When he came to Ma Teng’s side,

He spoke in an almost contemptuous tone about his disdain for the Han Dynasty. I always feel that you are a little different now than before . Ma Teng looked at Han Sui and said in a strange tone. Both Ma Teng and Han Sui were kidnapped by the Qiang people

And had no choice but to become their leader. Han Sui’s real name was Han Yue, whose pseudonym was Wenyue. Later, he was kidnapped by the Qiang people and became a rebel. The court mistakenly thought that Han Yue was a rebel, so he was wanted. Han Yue

Had no choice but to change his name to Han Sui. Later, several leaders supported by the Qiang people also fought openly and secretly to attack each other. In the end, they either died in the rebellion of their subordinates or died on the battlefield. Only Ma Teng had the last laugh. Ma

Teng and Han Sui were a little arrogant because their ancestors were General Fubo and Ma Yuan , a famous general. However, Han Sui seemed to have gradually forgotten that he was actually a Han during the years of leading the Qiang people in battles. What difference can I make

In becoming a real Qiang leader? Han Sui turned to look at Ma Teng with a strange expression and said, “I just want to live. I didn’t see it when we were captured by the Qiang people.” What did you shout that you would rather die than surrender after becoming General Fubo?

Now we have led these Qiang people to kill countless Han people. Don’t tell me that you still want to turn back. Han Sui stared at Ma Teng for a while before continuing. What ‘s more, we have all entered Chang’an now. Cao Cao’s army from Luoyang is also coming

. Do you know who is leading the army? Wen Hou Lu Bu . When the words Wen Hou Lu Bu appeared, Ma Teng’s body couldn’t help but tremble slightly. The Shadow of the Famous Tree of Man How powerful and terrifying Lu Bu is. Ma Teng and the others knew nothing about it.

After Dong Zhuo moved west to Chang’an, the Kwantung Allied Forces had ended their crusade against Dong Zhuo. They were replaced by the Qiang rebels led by Ma Teng and Han Sui. They have been fighting each other for a while. During this period, they fought against Lu Bu many times,

But they never won once because Lu Bu’s tactics and fighting methods were too restrained. The Qiang people, like other foreign races, worship the strong and rely on their morale on the battlefield. Those generals who fight with one against a hundred maintain those Qiang generals. Every time a Qiang general kills a person,

The morale of the Qiang people will increase by one point. Therefore, once there is a favorable wind, the Qiang people can fight better than anyone else. But if the opponent is a tough opponent and difficult to deal with, then Now that we are in trouble

, leaders like Ma Teng need to use their brains to come up with a suitable tactic to defeat the enemy. But in terms of tactics, Ma Teng and Han Sui are not Lu Bu’s opponents. They are best at cavalry encirclement and suppression, large-scale group charges, and arrow rain covering strikes.

These tactics are all left by Lu Bu. They can’t use them in front of Lu Bu. Therefore, in front of him, When facing Lu Bu, they always lost more than they won. Over time , they all had some subconscious respect for Lu Bu. So when he heard Lu Bu’s name,

Ma Teng actually felt a little uneasy and uneasy in his heart . Wen Hou Lu Bu had not met him back then. Go to me , otherwise he will definitely lose. Just when Ma Teng was a little uneasy because he learned about Lu Bu’s appearance,

A voice full of disdain came from behind him , and then he saw a tall and handsome man holding a tiger-headed golden gun and wearing bright yellow armor. With eyebrows like swords and eyes like the moon, the young general rode his horse and came in front of Ma Teng and Han Sui. Chao’er,

You must not underestimate Lu Bu. Back then, I knew that one person and one halberd could shock everyone. There is no one invincible in front of the Hulao Pass, so all the heroes in the world dare not accept the challenge, right? Ma Chao waved his hand and said with an arrogant look

, but they are just trivial matters, why should they matter? He Lu Bu has Fang Tian painted halberd, I have tiger head Zhan Jin The name of Lu Bu’s Wen Hou is so powerful that the name of General Shenwei may not be weaker than his. Ma Chao is

Another god of war figure in Xiliang after Zhang Xiu. Zhang Xiu once broke through the North in Xiliang in his early years. However, after he followed his uncle to defect to Dong Zhuo, this name gradually became less resounding and was replaced by Ma Chao’s name as the Divine Power General. Ma Chao

Fought bravely and was extremely handsome, which was enough to rival Zhou Yu, Sun Ce and others. A top-notch handsome man who is as handsome as a man . In addition, he has superb martial arts skills and almost always wins every battle with the Qiang people, which makes the Qiang people in awe.

Over time, he has the name of the divine general Xiliang Jin Ma Chao. The divine power is that Ma Chao has amazing fighting power, just like a heavenly general. When you go down to earth, you will feel how powerful and invincible he is every time you fight with him

. Xiliang Jin Ma Chao said that Ma Chao is as handsome as a brocade horse, so beautiful that people are intoxicated. One of these men is not only handsome, but also handsome. Chao’er, you have never seen Lu Bu galloping on the battlefield at his peak

, so you still have some disdain and contempt for him. But as a father , I must remind you that Lu Bu’s strength is probably still there . Your expectations are above your expectations. Once you meet Lu Bu on the battlefield, you must be careful or you will definitely lose

. Ma Teng knows that Ma Chao is arrogant and arrogant. But what he has to face is Lu Bu. When he thinks of those scenes where he was defeated by Lu Bu, Ma Teng becomes confused. He couldn’t help but emphasized to Ma Chao again and

Again. Although Ma Chao was disdainful in his heart, he still nodded. Father, don’t worry. The child understands . However, father , we and Liu Biao and Sun Quan have already sent out troops , but there is still no movement from Yuan Shao’s side. They won’t be there. Lie to us. After

Hearing this, Ma Teng raised his head and looked at the northern land, then slowly shook his head. No, Yuan Shao will definitely take action . He may even be taking action now. We have lost this battle, and our friends have no way to retreat. But if Yuan Shao loses, he will definitely

Die. Yanzhou Taishan County will definitely not sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. This is the junction with Qingzhou and Xuzhou, and is where the three states are interconnected. Since Yuan Shao defeated Kong Rong and obtained Qingzhou, Taishan County has been in a state of high combat readiness

. Now it is surrounded by Cao Cao on all sides. It is quite bad , and there is a possibility of overturning at any time, so Taishan County’s defense work is even more important. Although almost everyone believes that the two sides of the Yellow River are the real place

For the decisive battle, Taishan County’s defense cannot be careless . Cao Cao wanted to ensure that nothing goes wrong. He even asked his most trusted brother Xiahou Dun to lead 5,000 soldiers to garrison Taishan County. At the same time, Zang Ba and other Taishan bandits who had returned were also here

. There were about 20,000 soldiers garrisoned in the entire Taishan County . Everyone knew that Guandu was the real place of decisive battle , but The eldest brother asked me to come here to guard Mount Tai. Is n’t this intentional neglect ? I rolled my eyes and

Couldn’t help but murmur in my heart. A group of capable generals and counselors in Guandu, as well as Wang Situ, don’t care about you, General . Besides, it’s not like we don’t know what you are going to do . General, although your strength is pretty good. Not bad,

But when it comes to fighting, you really don’t have any talent. You are just an ordinary general. If you are to fight with those strong generals, you will become a general. If you lead the charge, you will suffer big losses. It is better to stay in the rear and settle down.

Han Hao just muttered these words about internal affairs in his heart. He definitely didn’t dare to tell Xiahou Dun directly. Han Hao, do you think it’s really useful for the elder brother to let us garrison Taishan County? Yuan Jun really takes the road of Qingzhou . Han Hao thought about it carefully.

Then he shook his head. Qingzhou’s current military strength is actually not many , only about 50,000 . Although the commander of the army, Yuan Tan, is Yuan Shao’s eldest son , he does not have much real talent and learning. He is just a mediocre person.

With only 50,000 troops, it is expected that It is almost impossible to tear apart the defense line of Taishan County . If Yuan Shao wants to send more troops to Qingzhou, such a large-scale military deployment cannot escape our eyes. Therefore, Qingzhou’s mission should be the same as ours, focusing on containment.

It is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to attack. Han Hao is not only Xiahou Dun’s deputy general , but also the think tank around Xiahou Dun. Many military matters can only be determined by Xiahou Dun after consultation with Han Hao. Therefore, when he heard Han Hao’s words,

Xiahou Dun’s face The dissatisfaction became even more obvious. By saying that, I am only here to watch them make contributions. I am really angry. Xiahou Dun is already hot and impulsive by nature. When he heard this, he suddenly became even more annoyed . Forget it, Han Hao. You watch me here and

Relax while I go hunting. Xiahou Dun said this and picked up his bow and arrow and was about to leave the city , but Han Hao grabbed him and stopped him . General, what are you doing? I’m afraid this is inappropriate. Han Hao looked at Xiahou Dun eagerly and said seriously, ”

General, you are the commander-in-chief of the army. Now a war is about to begin. How can you leave the city without permission? If you encounter something , it’s not your fault.” Yuan Jun will definitely not attack Taishan. Since you have said so , what can happen if I go out for a walk

? Han Hao was stunned by Xiahou Dun’s words and was speechless. After hesitating for a long time, he could only relax. Let Xiahou Dun leave and keep an eye on the city. No matter what happens, he is not allowed to open the city gate without authorization. After Xiahou Dun warned him,

He rode out of the city and entered the mountains and forests. I don’t know what the elder brother was thinking about Hefei Wancheng Chang’an. There are four fronts in Guandu, but none of them let me go. Instead, I was asked to stay in Taishan to

Contain the 50,000 soldiers and horses in Qingzhou and Yuan Tan, a young boy with a yellow mouth. As a military general, hunting is almost a common hobby , especially for Xiahou Dun. The reason why he was able to recommend Dian Wei to Cao Cao was because he heard that there were tigers nearby

, so he went to hunt them . However, he encountered Dian Wei chasing the tiger alone. Only then did he introduce a fierce general to Cao Cao. He was fearful and even looked complacent. After all, Xiahou Dun’s command was indeed not very good, but his martial arts were definitely top-notch.

He was only a little weaker than top-notch ones like Guan Yu. In addition, he now had neat armor, bows and horses, not to mention. It’s an ordinary beast. Even a tiger can be dealt with by Xiahou Dun at his own expense . Suddenly, a group of flying birds soared into

The sky from Xiahou Dun’s left side. They flew so fast that at first sight, they were frightened. There was only one possibility for the frightened birds in the forest. The big guy Xiahou Dun was there immediately. He stretched his bow and nocked an arrow, and then shot out

The arrow. In the blink of an eye, it had disappeared into the forest and disappeared without a trace . Why , there was no sound at all . Even if he was shot on the spot, there would be a dying cry. Xiahou Dun saw that he shot out an arrow.

But there was no reaction at all. He immediately frowned, and at the same time there was an ominous premonition in his heart. Could it be that Xiahou Dun turned over and dismounted , took out his spear and walked cautiously towards the place where the arrow was

Shot. However, Xiahou Dun heard the news just after taking two steps. There was a burst of chaotic footsteps. These were not the footsteps of animals , but of bad people. After all, Xiahou Dun was a general. He immediately understood in his heart what had happened. He even wanted to retreat,

But it was already too late before Xiahou Dun walked back. He saw an arrow hitting his war horse directly next to him. The war horse just neighed and fell into a pool of blood. Damn it, your mother. The war horse is any warrior’s most important partner besides his family,

And he is on the battlefield. The second life now saw with his own eyes that the war horse he was charging with was shot dead on the spot. Xiahou Dun was furious and turned his head in the direction of the arrow

. Then a general in white armor walked out of the forest with an arrow in his hand. He came out and was followed by a group of tall and burly soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding green dragon halberds. Xia Houdun didn’t expect that I, Zhang Junyi, would be so lucky. I

Just wanted to catch a tongue, but I met a good meat ticket. Zhang Junyi , you are Yuan Shao’s general Zhang He Zhang He Yuan Shao’s general Xia Houdun, the third of the Four Court Pillars of Hebei Province, remembers that Wang Xiao had mentioned this person

Before when he introduced the Hebei generals to them, saying that Zhang He was an all- rounder with both civil and military skills and he also had military training. Yuan Shao wanted to fight back then. Gongsun Zan’s Baima Yicong once formed two special forces. One of them was the first dead soldier who

Crippled Baima Yicong in the Battle of Jieqiao. The other was the Euphorbia soldiers trained by Zhang He. It is said that the Euphorbia soldiers chose They are all strong men in the army , and all of them are skilled in bows and horses, and their combat prowess is astonishing.

When they mount, they are heavy cavalry, when they dismount, they are heavy infantry . The soldiers in front of Zhang He, wearing heavy armor and holding the green dragon halberd , are obviously the legendary halberd. Shixia Houdun had also seen information about the Euphorbias. It was said that not long ago, two

Xianbei tribes who did not obey Yuan Shao’s orders were surrounded and suppressed by the nearby Xianbei tribes under Yuan Shao’s orders. In fact, those two tribes still had the upper hand at the beginning , but with Zhang He With the appearance of Zhang He, everything became different. In just one night,

Zhang He and his Euphorbia soldiers slaughtered two tribes and beheaded more than 20,000 people . After this battle, Zhang He and the Euphorbia soldiers left behind on the grassland. His reputation is already vague. It’s a good idea to succeed the deceased Gongsun Zan. General Xiahou. I originally came out to catch a tongue

, but since I met you, why don’t you come with me? Anyway, you are also a tongue and you can also catch it. As he said this, Zhang He picked up his halberd and strode towards Xiahou Dun. Hu Xiahou Dun didn’t say anything when he saw this

, he just let out a long breath and his eyes suddenly changed. At this moment, Xiahou Dun’s eyes were like the sky. The hawk above locked onto its prey like a falcon . You are too underestimated. Xiahou Dun suddenly burst out with a roar, and then he rushed towards Zhang He

Like a bolt of lightning. The cold light of the tip of the spear flickered for an instant. As if they turned into a rain of flowers all over the sky, they fell in so many colors that it was impossible to tell which one contained the real murderous intention . Seeing this, Zhang

He also frowned. Originally, he did not take Xiahou Dun seriously. After all, everyone knew Xiahou Dun. Fighting is actually not very good , but now that Xiahou Dun takes action, Zhang He finds that he has really underestimated this often defeated general. Although his military ability is average

, his martial arts is not weak at all . However, Zhang He is not a vegetarian. He achieved his current fame not just because he was good at using soldiers. Zhang He ‘s body sank slightly, and then he held the halberd with both hands. This time, Zhang He only grasped the tail

Of the halberd handle with both hands , and then slammed the halberd. He swung out with a sweeping sweep and crashed into Xiahoudun’s offensive. Xiahoudun’s spear danced with spears and flowers, all of which were useless at this moment . Zhang He’s halberd was as unreasonable as an iron rod. Breaking into it,

All his backhands were disrupted. Seeing this, Xiahou Dun could only retreat and wait until he could regain his footing. Then he kicked off his body with both feet and stabbed straight into Zhang He’s chest like an awl. Zhang He swung the halberd in his hand horizontally

And used the branches on the halberd to withstand Xiahou Dun ‘s straight thrust . Then he kicked Xiahou Dun in the lower abdomen and knocked Xiahou Dun to the ground. Then Zhang He took advantage of the victory and pursued the offensive with one wave

After another , knocking Xiahou Dun to the ground. After being suppressed, there was no chance to fight back. After about thirty rounds, Zhang He seized Xiahoudun’s flaw and directly hit Xiahoudun on the chest. Xiahoudun immediately flew away and fell heavily to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurting out.

Then he completely fainted and was tied up and taken back. Zhang He looked at Xiahou Dun on the ground with a smile on his face . In fact, in terms of martial arts, he and Xiahou Dun were almost the same. However, when Xiahou Dun was fighting, he was restless

And couldn’t exert his full strength , so he was beaten by Zhang He. Zhang He was naturally quite satisfied to be able to defeat an opponent of equal strength so easily. At the junction of Taishan County and Qi State, all the 50,000 soldiers and horses in Qingzhou were gathered here .

However, their coach was not Yuan Tan but Zhang He. Since General Xiahou is awake , don’t pretend to be asleep. You probably still have a lot of things you want to ask me, right ? Zhang He sat in the position of the coach and looked at the tied up Xiahou

Dun with a smile . Change the coach of Qingzhou from Yuan Tan to you . Do you really want to launch an attack from Qingzhou ? I guessed wrongly that the main battlefield is still in Guandu, but you have all overlooked one thing,

That is, the strength gap between the two of us is too big. In Guandu, you sold iron and scraped together a hundred thousand troops, all of which were used to fight us to the death in Guandu. But you But they have forgotten that besides Guandu, we still have enough spare power to

Attack you from other places . Zhang He stared at Xiahou Dun with a joking face and said that this military deployment is the result of Tian Fengju, Xunchen, and Xu You judging and matching the five my lords. The five of them , who were designed by the advisors they relied

On, have always fought among themselves in the past. They have never worked together. This time, if the five of them join forces, your Cao camp will definitely lose . We all know that once more reinforcements are sent to Qingzhou, it will definitely attract your attention

. But if it is just I secretly changed a coach and you will definitely not be able to find out , so I changed positions with the eldest young master and followed closely. You were fooled into thinking that the coach of Qingzhou was still the eldest young master.

In fact, he had already been replaced by me. The next step was to capture Mount Tai and then Enter Xuchang , recapture the emperor , and cut off your retreat. Zhang He’s idea is very good. But after hearing this, Xiahou Dun just sneered. ” Don’t dream.

I told them before I left that they must not open the city gate. Han Hao and Zang Ba are here in Taishan County.” Can they defend until death ? Zhang He didn’t care when he heard this and just waved his hand indifferently. Then tie General Xiahou to me and

Then attack the city together. I think none of your former subordinates are willing to hurt you. You, a good general who loves his soldiers like his son, still haven’t found the general? Han Hao is eagerly asking about the current situation. It has been several hours since Xiahou Dun went hunting,

But so far there is still no news at all. We have already They checked several places where General Xiahou often went hunting, but no clues were found. It was as if General Xiahou suddenly disappeared. When Han Hao asked, these soldiers looked helpless and confused. How could this happen? Han Hao

Took a deep breath, with a look of helplessness and irritability on his face. An ominous premonition slowly rose in his heart, making him feel restless. Something was wrong . This was too wrong. Han Hao stood in the city . With one hand holding the saber on his waist,

And the other hand gently tapping the bricks on the city wall, he also muttered to himself, “Is it possible that Yuan Tan really intends to take action , but he shouldn’t? With his ability, he wants to break Mount Tai.” The county is simply an idiot.

Han Hao is not looking down on Yuan Tan , but Yuan Tan is indeed not a famous general . If he had not had a good background , I am afraid he would have only been a low-level officer in his life. Han Hao believed

That he, Zang Ba and others were guarding Taishan County. Even if Yuan Tan had twice as many soldiers and horses, it would be impossible to break through Taishan County. However, just as Han Hao was thinking this, a scout came quickly. Something happened

To the general. The scout came to Han Hao with a nervous look on his face. Said General Qingzhou’s 50,000 soldiers and horses have been assembled and are coming towards us. Yuan Tan is crazy. He really dares to attack. The moment he heard the news, Han Hao even doubted whether he heard it wrong.

The scout heard this. He also hurriedly explained to the general that what was written on their big banners was not Yuan but Zhang Zhang . Among the many generals in Hebei, the only one with the surname Zhang was Zhang He. Han Hao quickly guessed the identity of his opponent

And also understood the opponent’s intention. Are they planning to build the plank road openly and covertly to deceive Chencang ? Do they want to move the main battlefield from Guandu to Taishan County ? However, Yuan Shao’s specific defense deployment is not clear yet. What if it is

The old formation? Han Hao took a deep breath to calm down as much as possible, and then this Then he told the scouts around him to immediately send someone to inform Wang Situ that Zhang He had appeared in Taishan County. The situation may have changed. Please ask

Wang Situ to make a quick decision . The other scout immediately turned around and left to go to Guandu to deliver a message. The scout who came to report was sent down by Han Hao to rest. Guandu is obviously the most suitable place for a decisive battle. Why Zhang He

What on earth was Yuan Shao thinking about appearing here ? At the same time , Yuan Shao led 380,000 troops to Guandu, claiming that 800,000 troops came to Guandu. His army was like a torrent of steel, a long river of armor , swords and spears in his hands, like a forest, and

The armor on his body was like the sea . The 100,000 troops led by Wang Xiao and Cao Cao were dwarfed by many. The two sides faced off against each other across the Yellow River. Just from the lineup, it was clear which one was stronger and which one was weaker

. After all, Ben Chu was worthy of being the most outstanding heir of this generation of the Yuan family, the fourth and third generation . I am really envious of such a large battle. Cao Cao just looked at Yuan Shao’s military appearance and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. He is really envious

Of such a big gesture , even though he is now regarded by everyone as… Apart from Yuan Shao , he is the most powerful prince , but in terms of real strength, he is still far inferior to Yuan Shao. This is why so many people are not optimistic about the battle

Between themselves and Yuan Shao , because this is really not possible. What can we do? The opponent may have an army of 300,000 to 400,000 at the first attack, but I have only less than 200,000 at full cost. Now, the army that can be used to fight against Yuan Shao is only 100,000

. The rest needs to be used to defend other princes. The sneak attack can be said to be really desperate. Why are you so envious? Wang Xiao and Cao Cao stood on the river bank and stared at the military appearance on the opposite side . Although in the eyes

Of many people who know part of the history of the Three Kingdoms , Yuan Shao is a waste . He can lose , but only those who have truly experienced this period of history will know what a fallacy this is.

Yuan Shao is so strong that it can even be said that he is stronger than most of the princes in the world today. Yuan Shao has strong self-control . One thing that even Cao Cao can’t compare to is that he was able to keep filial piety for

His nominal parents, whom he had barely met. He didn’t eat meat, take wives , take concubines, or have sex for three years . Cao Cao definitely couldn’t do this. In addition, Yuan Shao was good at charity. Even a few years after his defeat, the people of Hebei still remembered his good governance.

This was something that Cao Cao, who was very particular about using heavy codes in troubled times, could not do it . In fact, Yuan Shao still had strong combat effectiveness even after his defeat in the Battle of Guandu. Cao Cao was unable to pursue deeply.

The reason that ultimately led to the complete defeat of the Yuan family was not Yuan Shao but Yuan Shao. After Yuan Shao died, his sons failed to live up to expectations and could not even integrate the resources left by Yuan Shao.

This led to them being defeated one by one by Cao Cao. Therefore, whether he admits it or not, Wang Xiao must face up to one thing, that is, this battle with Yuan Shao will be a battle that he has no confidence in winning. Especially in this battle, Yuan Shao’s subordinates

Showed an unprecedented unity of scouts . Is there any news about where Yuan Shao’s generals are and what they are doing? War is fought because of the information gap. The more important the position is, the more important it is to hand it over to the person you trust

Most . So I found out where Yuan Shao’s generals are. You can roughly guess Yuan Shao’s strategic intentions wherever you want to do them , and make arrangements in advance to avoid falling into the opponent’s plan. These days, Xun You, Guo Jiaxi, Zhicai and others have been making calculations

And guessing Yuan Shao’s strategic arrangements day and night. So far, they have three to four hundred plans , and they are still calculating. Cao Cao shook his head and said that the six generals, Si Ting Yi Liang and Qu Yi, who he relied on most at the beginning , have been missing since

The war started. I’m worried that they may not be in Guandu but somewhere else. Do you think Yuan Shao may openly build the plank road to conceal Chen Cang ? Well, Cao Cao nodded and said uneasily. If Benchu’s think tanks work together, we may retaliate against Cao Cao. Before he finished speaking

, he saw a soldier hurrying up to him with a piece of paper and said: Prime Minister Situ, this is what Yuan Shao sent, saying that the crusade against the Prime Minister is for Yuan Shao. King Wen of Yuzhou knew it as soon as he heard it. What is this?

The first troll in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. It has been recognized as one of the best essays throughout the ages. Chen Lin’s essay on Yuzhou came to Yuan Shao. In history, it was because of this essay that Cao Cao was so frightened that he was shaking all

Over. His blood surged up and his blood broke through in an instant. The tumor in Cao Cao’s brain was suppressed and he recovered briefly. But now the tumor in Cao Cao’s brain has not moved at all . I guess it is still benign. At this time, letting Cao Cao see this thing

Is afraid that it will really make Cao Cao angry. So Wang Xiao can only say: Cao Cao persuaded Meng De , you have to think clearly. Then when you look at this, Chen Lin’s pen wants the sword at your waist to be sharper. I guess you will go crazy after reading this

. Well , there is such a thing. Cao Cao was originally a poet with high literary attainments and had a high interest in literary works, so when he heard Wang Xiao’s words, he became even more interested. This is like telling your teammates that there is a big sniper outside the window

When playing an FPS game. Don’t show your face . As a result, your teammates will have to say to you, ” I’ll see what’s going on” and then you will be exposed . The more warning and admonishment, the more likely it is to make the other party’s curiosity burst.

Cao Cao happens to be this kind of person , so he will immediately take the admonishment. When I came over, I heard that the Ming Dynasty wanted to control the danger and the loyal ministers were worried about the difficulty of establishing power . Therefore, there were extraordinary people, and then there

Were extraordinary things . The leader , Zhao Gao, was in charge of the autocratic dynasty and his authority was fortunate . People were coercing him at the time and no one dared to speak out. In the end, the rebels were defeated and his ancestors were burned and humiliated

. This will forever be a reference to the world and the dictatorship of Zhen Lu and Hou Ji. Liang Zhao, who was both internal and external commander of the two armies, was good at taking advantage of all opportunities and

Decided on matters. The provincial government banned Xia Ling and went up to the tomb to chill the country . So Zhu Xu, the Marquis of Jiang, raised his troops in anger and killed the barbarians. He rebelled and respected Taizong . Therefore, the king’s rule was prosperous and the light was obviously integrated

. This was the minister’s establishment of power. It is also clear that Prime Minister Cao Cao’s grandfather, Zhongchang Shi Teng , and Zuo Xing Xu Huang, worked together as monsters, gluttonous, trampled, tortured and tortured the people, and their father Song, a beggar , took the throne with him because of the stolen goods

. What Chen Lin wrote was a propaganda article, just like a modern naval draft. It cannot be regarded as confusing right and wrong , but it is definitely taken out of context to maliciously guide the public’s thinking. The whole article will deny Cao Cao’s achievements one by one.

All of Cao Cao’s mistakes were magnified to the point where even Cao Cao’s father and grandfather scolded him. He compared Cao Cao to all the traitors in the past and present and scolded Cao Cao constantly . They stood on the moral high ground and pointed fingers at you . The most important

Thing is that they all criticized Cao Cao. One point is that even with Cao Cao’s literary skills, he can’t find any mistakes in the whole article , because the things mentioned above are indeed biased, but they are all true . His grandfather was indeed a eunuch, and

His father also committed corruption. Bribery and other crimes , but these things of theirs were infinitely magnified by Chen Lin , as if they had become crimes that were unforgivable and even deserved to be struck with thunderbolts. Cao Cao’s brain looked at this article. He began to work quickly.

He wanted to find a place where he could refute and counterattack Chen Lin. As long as he could find the mistakes in Chen Lin’s essay, he could use his literary talents to counterattack the opponent . However, Cao Cao carefully read the entire essay . I checked it again but found no mistakes.

Everything is real and there is no fabrication. Unless it is exaggeration, it is exaggeration. But it is precisely because of the exaggeration based on facts that even a quick-thinking person like Cao Cao cannot fight back. But this also made Cao Cao even more angry. He felt like a ball of fire was

Burning in his internal organs , and it was still rising along with his breathing. It was about to burn his brain. Mengde, Mengde , are you okay, Wang ? Xiao frowned when he saw Cao Cao’s appearance. He couldn’t really be angry. Come on, anyway.

Wang Xiao immediately wanted to persuade Cao Cao to calm down a little , but before Wang Xiao could say anything, Cao Cao rushed to Wang Xiao. Xiao waved his hand and said with a hard smile: “No, I’m fine. Chongyong , this Chen Lin is really as you said.

This blade is sharper and more hissing than my blade. Before Cao Cao finished speaking, his face immediately turned pale, and his brows were furrowed. He seemed to be No matter how severe the pain, Wang Xiao didn’t hesitate when he saw this. He immediately raised his hand and struck the knife

On Cao Cao’s neck . Cao Cao’s eyes suddenly dimmed and he fell heavily to the ground. Right here. In an instant, Xu Chu immediately made a move to catch Cao Cao , while Dian Wei rushed towards Wang Xiao with an arrow.

At the same time, he slashed Wang Xiao with both halberds in his hands , but Wang Xiao just stepped forward and passed through the gap of Dian Wei’s attack. He passed through and came to Dian Wei , and then he hit Dian Wei with a push on his shoulder, knocking

Dian Wei away. He was pushed directly from the tent by Wang Xiao and flew to the position of the camp gate. He hit the gate hard. What happened? What happened? General Dian was beaten out. Who did this? Is it possible that General Dian offended Master Situ again? The soldiers around

Were all looking at this scene with doubts and confusion. Xu Chu in the big tent was at this moment. He stared at Wang Xiao with a livid face and then carried Cao Cao on his shoulders . However, he had no intention of

Stepping forward to fight Wang Xiao. Instead, he was looking around for directions and wanted to run away , but he did not wait for him to take action. Wang Xiao couldn’t help but laugh and said, “You two are a little too nervous, right?”

Meng De was angered by Chen Lin’s words. I was afraid that something might happen to him because of his anger , so I knocked him out. Otherwise, the blow of the knife just now was enough to cut off Meng De’s head. After hearing Wang Xiao’s words,

Xu Chu was silent for a short time , but then he knelt down on one knee and said respectfully to Wang Xiao . The general was so anxious that he misunderstood Master Situ and begged Situ. My lord, I have punished you. You are also loyal. I am not a small-minded person

And I will not be dissatisfied with you because of this trivial matter. Wang Xiao waved his hands and really didn’t care about this matter at all. At the same time, he said to Xu Chu, besides, you guys go and take care of it. Mi Heng, this loser, brought me this piece of shit.

If you want to start a fight , let’s see who has a sharper mouth. Several soldiers stepped forward and pulled Dian Wei off from the gate of the camp. Then they saw that Dian Wei had been hit by him. The corners of the deformed gate’s mouth couldn’t help but

Twitch. Situ, this is too scary, isn’t it? Compared with General Dian and Situ, they are like a giant and a puppy. They have no power to fight back at all . Well, they were knocked dizzy by Wang Xiao’s elbow. When Dian Wei heard this, he immediately shook his head and yelled incomprehensibly, asking

People to call Situ quickly . He was going to rebel . When the soldiers around him heard this, they were all frightened. The few soldiers who were supporting Dian Wei were He even shook his hand and let go of Dian Wei. Dian Wei’s body, which was weighing two hundred kilograms, was as

Straight as a stone and he fell to the ground, almost causing his nose to bleed. You uncle, you bastards. Dian Wei covered his nose with one hand and got up from the ground. He was about to speak to the soldiers who had helped him before , but the next moment

A big hand fell on his shoulder and a sinister voice appeared in Dian Wei. Wei ‘s ears are filled with evil thoughts . Next time you are so irritable and talk nonsense without seeing clearly what is going on, I will let you know what it means to respect the teacher

And the way. Dian Wei knows that the person standing behind him at this moment is No one knew that he was no match , but he still put his hand on his weapon and made up his mind to fight to the death. But before he could do anything,

Wang Xiao had already raised his hand and grabbed Dian Wei’s Tianling Gai and then A huge force of brute force was twisting Dian Wei’s head bit by bit, turning Dian Wei’s eyes around. At this moment, Dian Wei could see Wang Xiao and Cao Cao being supported by Xu Chu.

Prime Minister Evil Lai was just angry for a moment. It’s just a heart attack. Master Situ didn’t intend to do anything to the Prime Minister. You misunderstood. After hearing Xu Chu’s words, Dian Wei glanced at Cao Cao again. The situation at the moment did not seem to be a big problem.

Only then did Dian Wei finally feel at ease. Situ I was too reckless. Dian Wei, like Xu Chu, immediately knelt down on one knee to Wang Xiao and respectfully admitted his mistake. Just know that you were wrong. Just don’t be so reckless next time . I don’t know what you kid is thinking

. Do you think that I want to do such a thing to Meng De ? I am that kind of person . Well, Dian Wei was silent for a while when he heard this. Although he muttered softly , everyone said that who has the best chance is Situ you.

Moreover, the prime minister is never right. Are you on your guard ? As soon as Dianwei said these words, Wang Xiao let out a cold snort. At the same time, Dianwei could still feel that the big hand holding his Tianling Gai was as if it was made of steel poured into iron

, and it was exerting force to make Dianwei There is a feeling that the next moment, my head will be crushed like a watermelon. Wrong , wrong, wrong , Situ, I’m wrong, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m really going to die. Hum, Wang Xiao snorted coldly

And released the hand holding Dian Wei’s head . He said, hurry up and bring that loser Mi Heng to me. Things like this have to be done professionally. When Dian Wei heard this, he immediately showed a puzzled expression. What can Situ Mi Heng, that loser, be

Beaten by you last time? After he fainted, he showed no sign of repentance and still uttered nonsense every day. If not for Situ and the Prime Minister’s orders not to touch him , I would have killed this bastard long ago. When it comes to Mi Heng and

Dian Wei, The fire in the stomach is because this bastard is a real beast. They say that they eat other people’s mouths, are weak and use other people’s hands, but Mi Heng has no consciousness in this regard. Everything he eats, uses and wears every day is provided by

Cao Cao and the others , but he still loves Cao Cao. He said bad things to Wang Xiao and felt that Cao Cao and Wang Xiao were both blind people. This man’s mouth smelled worse than a latrine. Wang Xiao also knew what Mi Heng was, so he didn’t pay too much attention

To what Dian Wei said. Everyone has him. The same is true for Mi Heng. Wang Xiao said in a very casual tone . Although I have always said that Mi Heng is a waste, in fact, he is not really a waste . After all, his mouth and tongue are still good. If possible,

I really want to cut off two pieces of his thin lips and tongue just to use it to argue with others. Well, Wang Xiao said this lightly, but Dian Wei couldn’t help but frown because he knew that Wang Xiao would say this

, which shows that Wang Xiao is If you really have this idea , it seems that Mi Heng, Situ , is not as casual as he said. Okay, hurry up and bring him over. Also, remember to take off all his clothes for me .

Dian Wei is originally here. I was about to leave, but I was stunned when I heard this. Then I looked up at Wang Xiao with a look of disbelief. Situ, you have so many beautiful wives and concubines in your family. How can you still have Long Yang Zhihao? The word Wang just

Came to his lips. Xiao has already pinched Dian Wei’s mouth and said, “Come on, you have learned the Analects from Wen Ruo for so long. I want you to go over and bring Mi Heng over to me. I want him to go to the opposite side to meet Yuan Shao.” What the hell

Are you thinking? I think you really have to let me teach the Analects of Confucius myself. After Wang Xiao said this, he let go of Dian Wei. Hearing Wang Xiao’s threats, Dian Wei naturally did not dare to say more. What’s the matter? I just asked with some confusion in my heart.

Why did I have to take off his clothes when I asked him to go over to quarrel ? What the two armies want in a verbal war is a momentum. Mi Heng, this guy has a bad mouth when he is wearing clothes , but if he takes off his clothes,

He can make the scolded ancestral graves emit black smoke like Mi Heng and others. What experts in quarrels like is to be shameless. If Mi Heng is allowed to wear clothes, he may still have a little face , but if he takes off all his clothes, he will be embarrassed anyway

. Don’t be afraid of being more embarrassed. After all, things like the bottom line are broken step by step. In terms of writing, Mi Heng is not Chen Lin’s opponent , but in terms of quarreling, Yuan Shao and tied up may not be Mi Heng’s opponent. Wang Xiao

Waved his hand as he spoke. He signaled Dian Wei to go and do it quickly. Come on , I’m still waiting to see him. You are talking to the Confucian scholars. In addition, prepare a boat and I will personally send him there to avoid any accidents on the way. It will be

Humiliating to the scholar. Dian Wei can be killed and cannot be insulted. Dian Wei strictly follows Wang Xiao’s instructions. At his request , Mi Heng was stripped naked and thrown on the boat. Wang Xiao also boarded the warship and headed for the other side of the river

. However, Mi Heng had been yelling and cursing since he got on the boat , looking very angry and dissatisfied with this. Although Wang Xiao didn’t care , he still felt that Mi Heng was too noisy. If you don’t want me to pull out your tongue now, just be honest.

Wang Xiao’s threats are really not of much use to Mi Heng because This person is really not afraid of death. He is a born troll. He can even put his own life and death aside in order to troll people. That kind of attitude and posture that no one in the world

Can look down upon is annoying , but he can still do it when necessary. It ‘s quite useful. Wang Situ , you don’t have to scare me. Mi Heng looked at Wang Xiao calmly and even a little arrogantly and said, if I was really afraid of your threat, I would

Have done it when I first came to Xuchang. I’ve been scared by you , but do you think I’m a little bit scared by you ? Even Wang Xiao has to admit that this guy Mi Heng is really not afraid of death. There is nothing Wang Xiao can do about this.

After all, he still needs Mi Heng to scold Yuan Shao for him. He can’t really kill him, right? Iron Bone Zhengzheng, you are quite a man in this regard. But Wang Xiao looked Mi Heng up and down. Then he said, you should also know what I called you here for, right?

As the saying goes, a drop of water’s kindness should be repaid by a spring. You have been eating and drinking in Xuchang for so long. It’s time to do something for the prime minister. After a while, scold me to death. But Mi Heng accepted Wang Xiao’s request without any hesitation.

This surprised Wang Xiao . Well , you just accepted it. I thought you would have some other ideas , just like what you said, Wang Situ. A drop of water’s kindness should be repaid by a spring. What’s more, I have also read Chen Lin’s essays. Her literary talent is outstanding

, but it is precisely because of this that I want to compete with her. I am an enemy. Although Chen Lin writes essays , in the final analysis, she is just a fan. Zi Mi Heng is also a troll. When the two trolls met

, they ended up with a male and a female. Mi Heng was such a proud and arrogant person. Naturally, he agreed without hesitation. I understood that Mi Heng could agree so easily. Wang Xiao’s face naturally showed a satisfied smile. “You play well today. I will be here to cheer you up.

I hope you don’t disappoint me.” Wang Xiao said and picked up two adult thighs from the side. The thick and thin drumstick then came to a huge cowhide drum that was a head taller than Wang Xiao. Dong Wang Xiao hammered it down,

And the roaring drum sound resounded on both sides of the Yellow River , making countless people look at it and cast their eyes on it. Wang Situ personally beat the drum for me on the big ship and cheered me up in this war of words. If I lose this war of words, I

Will raise my head to see you . What Heng wants is recognition and respect. At this moment, Wang Xiao gave him respect and recognition . The most core existence outside was willing to help him beat the drum and cheer. At this moment, Mi Heng suddenly felt that Wang Xiao was not so hateful.

Wang Situ , I had treated you a little before. Mi Heng originally wanted to apologize to Wang Xiao , but who knew this? Just in the middle of saying this, Wang Xiao opened his mouth and said, “I’m going to say something ugly first. If you really lose in a while, I will really

Pull out your tongue. After all, my rice will never feed useless people.” Wang Xiao’s words directly knocked back Mi Heng’s apology. How the hell would I want to apologize to you? I’m such an idiot. After Mi Heng muttered something in his heart

, he then set his sights on the other side of the river. In Yuan Shao’s camp, Mi Heng immediately took a deep breath and then lost his temper. Although the reputation of Yuan Shao IV and the Third Duke

Of Hebei was great, he was just a disciple who deceived the world and stole his reputation. He came out as a slave and actually competed with his master for his family property. As a Han Chinese, he colluded with foreign races to bring trouble to the land of China

. The traitor is also in Yuan Shao’s camp. At this moment, everyone is gathering together to praise Chen Lin’s appeal. Brother Kong Zhang’s appeal can be said to be extremely beautiful . Just this appeal is comparable to an army of 100,000 . Tian Feng Although this is an exaggeration

, it really acknowledges that Chen Lin scolded Cao Cao in this article , but there is a fact that even talented people like them can’t find in it. There is little room for rebuttal. Based on my understanding of Cao Amo, I estimate that he has passed out from anger now.

As one of Cao Cao’s childhood playmates, Xu You naturally knows Cao Cao quite well. At this moment , he has already roughly guessed it just by thinking about it. How uncomfortable would Cao Cao be after seeing this message ? As for other Ju Shou Feng Ji Guo Tu and others,

Although they did not rush to compliment Chen Lin , they all expressed their approval of these words of praise . After receiving praise from everyone, Chen Lin is also quite satisfied. After all, this appeal can be regarded as the most satisfactory article for him in these years. After Kong Zhang’s appeal is spread,

It will definitely blow throughout the world like a gust of wind . When the people hear Kong Zhang’s appeal, In the future, we will definitely think that Cao Cao is a rebellious minister and traitor. This will be of great benefit to our future actions.

The biggest role of propaganda is to guide the people’s wisdom. If the people’s wisdom is not yet developed, the people in the world are ignorant. They almost believe whatever the above says. And Chen Lin’s article Once the message spreads, a considerable number of them will definitely

Think that Cao Cao is a rebellious minister and a traitor, and they will feel disgusted with Cao Cao. In this way, they will naturally choose to support Yuan Shao. Someone once said such a sentence, the high ground of public opinion. If you don’t occupy others, you will occupy others.

This is what Yuan Shao and the others are doing at this moment. However, just as they were talking and praising Chen Lin’s speech, a burst of drums suddenly came from outside , and the drums were extremely loud. It was like thunder rolling from the sky.

Before anyone could react to what was going on, Mi Heng’s yelling had already reached Hebei Yuan Shao IV and the Third Duke . Although their reputations were great, they were nothing more than deceitful disciples. The servant Er actually competed with his master for family property

And status. However, the Han people colluded with the foreign races to cause trouble in the land of China. Who is the traitor? This scolding immediately made everyone around Yuan Shao angry and evil in their hearts . After all, that person who is not afraid of death actually dares to humiliate his lord

Xu like this. Youdang shouted angrily and then shouted to the outside that someone was coming. Soon, a general came to the tent. This person was also Yuan Shao’s general. In the past, he was one of the eight captains of Xiyuan with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others . Lord Chunyu Qiong

What orders did the gentlemen have ? Chunyu Qiong walked into the tent and immediately started asking them . Although her words were clear, However, all the people present were mature and mature , and they immediately smelled that Chun Yuqiong’s body seemed to have a faint smell of alcohol.

It was obvious that this guy was drunk, but it looked like he had just had two drinks. Yuan Shao was concerned about his subordinates. He had always been broad on the outside and tight on the inside. As long as he was not too disobedient to him,

Yuan Shao would turn a blind eye and forget it. Therefore, even if he noticed that Chun Yuqiong was drinking in the army , Yuan Shao did not blame him . He just frowned in displeasure and then stopped talking. Seeing this, Xu You hurriedly said, ” Who is yelling at General Chunyu outside? He

Actually insulted the lord in this way. You immediately lead the troops to kill this person . Xu You originally thought it was just Cao Cao.” Bian sent someone over to yell at Chen Linxing Wen as a counterattack , thinking of killing the person directly.

But who knew that Chunyu Qiong was embarrassed when he heard this? Mr. Ziyuan , he was yelling at the center of the Yellow River. How can I go forward? Go and kill him. Everyone was surprised when they heard the words . After all,

The sound of shouting and cursing can be transmitted so far in the center of the Yellow River. This man’s voice was very loud. But then Chen Lin seemed to have thought of something. She narrowed her eyes and then relaxed. Xu said, Cao Cao was afraid that he had called Mi Heng over.

Mi Heng, Xu You and others all looked at each other in shock when they heard this. They actually don’t know much about Mi Heng. They just know that this person is eloquent and an eloquent person . But there are more things. I don’t know much about it. When Chen Lin saw

This, she immediately told them that Mi Heng was a talented person with a quick mind. He was considered a talented person in the local area. He was very arrogant and could even be said to be arrogant. Not long ago, I heard that he had gone to Xuchang with Kong Rong.

I hadn’t. I care too much. Now it seems that Cao Cao was angered by my appeal, so he asked this person to come and fight back. Hearing Chen Lin’s words, everyone became more and more puzzled. This is not right. Kong Zhang, your appeal is ours. Everyone has seen it

And it can be said to be impeccable. Can Mi Heng really find a point to fight back ? Chen Lin shook her head but then said , but Mi Heng doesn’t care about this at all. He is just a mad dog and he never curses people. He cares about whether he is justified

Or unreasonable, and doesn’t even care about whether he can scold others. Hearing Chen Lin’s words, everyone frowned and Tian Feng couldn’t help muttering. Isn’t this just a common man? Every common man is already considered a Tian. If Feng said it nicely, he would be a hooligan if it sounded worse.

Chen Lin nodded slightly and said, “That’s really it. This Mi Heng is a common man. Although he is knowledgeable, he only uses it to curse people. If you say that I curse people, it is justified.” If the pen is used as a knife and the knife hits his heart,

Then he is using his mouth as an arrow to pierce his weak point. This person is unreasonable and scolds you directly. You will vomit blood and go crazy. You will want to kill him thousands of times. He cut his body into pieces with ten thousand swords and cut him into pieces with

Five horses. His voice was so loud that even the thunder from the sky could not cover up his voice when he cursed. So I guess it was him who was insulting me on the Yellow River at this moment. When everyone heard this , they all understood. Isn’t this right? A talented and knowledgeable

Little gangster? And the next moment they realized how powerful this little gangster was . Yuan Shao was ambitious and wanted to subvert the government. He once targeted the Dong thief and wanted to establish a new emperor. Yuan’s family, four generations and three princes had been favored by the emperor

And now they are no longer there. Wanting to serve the country , but instead planning such a treasonous act, how is it any different from an animal ? I have always heard that Yuan Shao has six generals

Named Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He, Gao Lan, Han Meng, and Qu Yi. It is said that these six people have unstoppable courage and there are soldiers who are immortal in the world. Mengtian ‘s reincarnation and Zhongran, in my opinion, are just six broken- backed dogs that only know how to bark. Erdong

Followed Mi Heng’s yelling and cursing. Wang Xiao also started beating the drums again. The sound of the drums was like the sky. A thunderbolt struck the hearts of all those who heard these words, causing them to involuntarily focus their attention on the small warship in the center of the Yellow River

. Many of them even saw the sword in Wang Xiao’s hand. Every time the drumstick falls, a layer of ripples will appear around the warship , and the rushing water of the Yellow River will seem to calm down a little . Of course, they all thought that they were just blind and

Did not really take it seriously. After all, this It’s a bit too outrageous , but Mi Heng’s scolding is still somewhat effective. At least many soldiers on Yuan Shao’s side have begun to stand on the shore, open their mouths, and curse at them

. But because the water of the Yellow River is rushing, they all curse again. Although the sound could be transmitted to Wang Xiao and the others, it was so noisy that it was impossible to tell what they were cursing. We could only judge from their mouths that were constantly opening and closing

And their body movements that were so excited that they were dancing to the point of being scolded. He was excited and probably had some greetings to his family. However, Mi Heng didn’t care at all . He even reached out and patted his naked chest muscles , and then said with great arrogance, ”

I can’t hear you . You trash can even curse.” I don’t even have the strength to think that even your ladies will despise you in bed. Can’t you please be louder, be louder? Aren’t women allowed in the military camp? Is it possible that all of you have the power of Longyang?

The unmasked conference last night led to this. Are all of them soft-handed and weak-footed ? Do you even have the strength to curse? Mi Heng was cursing and imitating Wang Xiao’s classic moves . He raised a middle finger at the Yuan Shaojun soldiers on the other side and then mocked: “Speak

Louder, you are a waste of heaven.” Their anger is like a blazing flame, devouring their reason. Heavenly eunuchs are men who are born with incomplete development. These people are simply unable to do things because they are too short. Even eunuchs who are not born with that thing,

But as long as they are men, they will never tolerate others talking about themselves like this. So when Mi Heng cursed these words, the people opposite all went crazy. They all opened their mouths and said the most beautiful words they could think of. All the worst and most filthy words were spewed out,

With a twisted and angry look as if he wanted to eat Mi Heng alive, but Mi Heng didn’t care at all. Anyway , he didn’t even listen to what they said. Not to mention , even if Mi Heng hears it , he will just treat it as if he has not heard it.

What he wants is you like this. Wang Xiao is also looking at Mi Heng with satisfaction at this moment. What he wants is Mi Heng’s squirting like a mad dog. In a verbal battle with Chen Lin, no one in the world would be able to beat him. But Mi Heng is different.

Mi Heng doesn’t care about winning or losing. He just wants to make himself comfortable and scold him. He will scold the other party’s ancestors for eighteen generations. It’s enough to turn his head upside down . There will always be some trash talk or dirty words in his mouth that ordinary scribes

Are ashamed to say. But the more such dirty words are used, the more lethal they are. After all, barefoot is not afraid. Others are shameless when wearing shoes , but Mi Heng is shameless. So after being so angry that he almost went crazy after being scolded

By the opposite party, Mi Heng also put a proud smile on his face. You useless bastards will probably never be able to have children in the next life. Give birth to a son. Prime Minister Cao has a lot of strong and capable soldiers

Under his command . Why don’t you ask your wives to borrow some seeds? The worst we can do is suffer some losses. When the child is born, he will still have your surname. Let you raise him like this. Killing people and punishing the heart. These words

Mi Heng directly made the Yuan Jun soldiers on the opposite side so angry that they almost vomited blood. Wang Xiao’s eyes kept wandering over those soldiers. No, no , no , nothing . Mi Heng looked at it with some curiosity. Wang Xiao didn’t understand what Wang Xiao was looking for. He

Had already been scolded like this , but the most important generals under Yuan Shao’s command still didn’t show up. Could it be that Meng De had really told me that they were playing tricks on me to repair the plank road secretly to Chen Cang? Wang Xiao was suddenly worried about the situation

On the other side of Qingzhou . If the other party really planned to take action on Qingzhou, could Xiahou Dun really be able to stop it? However, before Wang Xiao could think about these things clearly, he saw some movement on the other side of the river.

Then I saw several scribes coming to the scene. After they appeared, the Yuan Jun officers and soldiers who were still excited before all closed their mouths and looked at these scribes with respect and admiration. Tian Feng Ju, Chen Lin, Xun Zhan, Xu You, Guo Tu Fengji Okay, okay,

Most of Yuan Shao’s advisers are here. Wang Xiao was originally worried that the other party might be using the open plank road to secretly trick Chen Cang, but when he saw that these advisers were there, he immediately felt relieved. After all, these advisers are here. If those advisers

Disappear, Most of the generals are at least six, and three of them should still be here. Well, Mi Heng didn’t care about the others, but he immediately became interested after hearing Chen Lin’s name . After all, he was also the one who made Chen Lin’s statement. After seeing it,

He knew very well that he could not learn that elegant and clever way of cursing , but it was precisely because he could not learn that that he was so curious and expectant. At this moment, Chen Lin was also looking at Mi Heng , a scholar with a not bad background. The scholar

Mi Heng was actually naked and only wore a pair of shorts. Because the literati of this era did not modify or abandon the six arts of the gentleman, they all had to learn them and learn them well . Therefore, Mi Heng’s outfit is quite good and

Looks quite good. Because he was so strong , he didn’t look like a thin dog at first glance . After noticing that Chen Lin was sizing him up, Mi Heng even moved his chest muscles proudly and provocatively, and then said, “What are you looking at ?” Are you a perfect man?

You stupid idiots, you idiots, see my imperial army coming. You don’t think about how to kneel down and beg for surrender and save your life. Instead, you are struggling with your official career. You really don’t know whether to live or die. Yuan Shao, this person is a usurper, a treacherous person with

No virtue and no conduct . If you sacrifice your life for him, you are actually helping Zhou, committing cruelty and going against nature , and you will be punished by heaven . What you said was so impassioned that the people on the other side were furious when they heard it . Lord ,

The fourth generation and the three princes are famous all over the world. In those days, you killed the eunuchs and protected the party members , which was a model of morality in the world. You are like this today . What does a slave who is a concubine have to do with it?

According to what you say, I can just find a prostitute outside and have sex with her and give birth to a bastard. Can it be regarded as my own flesh and blood ? Or is it that your Xu You family tradition is so open that you can even have a bastard?

I can also accept you. Xu You’s eyes widened and he was ready to curse. Even Yuan Shao, who had not shown up in the camp, almost vomited out a mouthful of blood after hearing these words . Although Yuan Shao was a commoner

, he After all, he is also a recognized bloodline of the Yuan family , but Mi Heng’s words directly compared him to a bastard and his mother to a prostitute. Such words, which are almost like scolding by a local ruffian,

Will one day change from a well-known literary figure. It was really eye-opening for Yuan Shao to say it from the mouth and on such an important and serious occasion. However, Mi Heng’s words have not ended yet. He is still continuing to utter the story of killing the eunuchs in the past

. You are so embarrassed. He only asked a special envoy to serve as a mere ten regular servants. He brought dozens of soldiers with the emperor’s will to kill Yuan Shao, but he made suggestions and asked the general He Jin to summon Dong Zhuo, Ding Yuan and other foreign

Soldiers into Luoyang . This caused Dong Zhuo to chaos . Such behavior can be called a loyal minister and can be cited . It seems to me that the one who is causing chaos in the world is Dong Zhuo, but

He is actually Yuan Shao. Yuan Benchu ​​is the biggest traitor in the world. Yuan Shao stood in the camp and originally didn’t want to hear Mi Heng’s dirty words. However, when Mi Heng revealed the matter about Dong Zhuo, For a moment, his originally angry face became more panicked.

How many years ago did Dong Zhuo enter Luoyang? How could that move go wrong? The struggle between the aristocratic family and the eunuchs like Shi Changshi seemed to be just The struggle between the courtiers and the treacherous ministers who brought trouble to the court

Is actually a game between the aristocratic family and the imperial power. At that time, the Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong, who was a descendant of a remote royal family, was a relative of the general Dou Wu ‘s family and was sent to Luoyang as a puppet. Chen Fan and the others wanted to

Join forces to establish a more complete, superior , and easier-to-control Han Dynasty. But who knew that Liu Hong was not a fuel-efficient lamp ? Liu Hong used the Shi Changshi to create a mutiny and successfully eliminated them. The power of Dou Wu and Chen Fan ‘s family received a huge blow

And even led to the disaster of party imprisonment. Therefore, those who were recognized as party members, their relatives, friends and disciples could not enter the court as officials , which greatly increased the family’s control over the court. The weakened Ten Constant Attendants also took this opportunity to successfully climb to the pinnacle of

Power and became Liu Hong’s chess piece to control the world. After that, the imperial power did not need to directly fight against the aristocratic family. It only needed to check and balance the aristocratic family through the Ten Constant Attendants. This situation continued until the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Because of the

Fierce attack of the Yellow Turban Army, the ten permanent servants and their party members were not familiar with military affairs . In the end, Liu Hong could only order the removal of the party ‘s prison, and the family’s power returned to its peak almost in an instant. During this period, he also

Began to contact He Jin and Winning over He Jin, a relative of the Shichangshi faction, he became a supporter of the family. His original plan was to control the government just like Chen Fan did back then, and control the entire world by controlling the emperor . Therefore,

He planned the invasion of foreign troops into Luoyang. Dong Zhuo was originally dismissed from office because of a crime. It was his uncle Yuan Wei who helped him re-enter the officialdom. According to the rules of the aristocratic family, he should be a disciple of the Yuan family. The Yuan family is his benefactor.

He should support the talents of the Yuan family. Yes , but the final result was completely different from what he had imagined . Dong Zhuo was a reckless man who did not abide by the rules of the game. Instead, he had a military encounter with

The Yuan family who had shown him kindness and the virtue of reinvention. And competed for the fruits of victory that he had planned. Although Dong Zhuo paid the price for his stupidity in the end , his perfect plan was completely bankrupt. What was left was only this chaotic and broken country

, waiting for him to unify it again . But this is the case. Well, after all, those behind the scenes are not as good as those in front of the stage. Yuan Shao let out a long breath and then looked up at the sky outside. The world will eventually be unified.

This troubled world was born because of my plan, so it should be done by me myself. Ending the Highway, my stupid brother, I don’t know if you thought about this scene at the last moment of your life. Thinking that this world will eventually fall into the hands of our Yuan family

Just like my plan back then. But at that time, we were the biggest beneficiaries. Now, this brother has become the last heir of my Yuan family. Yuan Benchu, your biological brother who is so disgusted that you go crazy. Yuan Shao said with a ferocious and proud smile on his lips.

Looking at the sun on the horizon, he seemed to have seen the end of his life. Becoming the one with the last laugh brought the Yuan family to the most glorious scene in history . This feeling made him even more satisfied when he thought that his stupid brother had risked

His life for all this. Yuan Shao’s biological mother, who expected a slave to be a slave, was not even considered a concubine. She was just a maid in the Yuan family. Yuan Shu also never admitted that Yuan Shao was his brother. Now, what are the fourth and third sons of the Yuan family,

These things have to do with him, Yuan Shao? Are they related? Could it be that after adopting him, Yuan Shao’s mother changed to another person ? Whoever gave birth to a dog is a dog. It is impossible to give birth to a pig son. Yuan Shao originally had no intention of talking

To Mi Heng. He is just a mad dog. Just bark twice, forget it. After all, if a dog bites you, you can’t bite the dog. But what Mi Heng said now really made Yuan Shao very angry . Yuan Shao could still pretend that he didn’t hear what he said before.

But now this is really a bit too much. Following Yuan Shao’s roar, a strong man wearing heavy armor over a black and blue robe and holding a pear blossom mountain ax walked over quickly . This person is the Lord . One of the six generals that Yuan Shao relied on the most,

The beam in the Four Courts of Hebei Province, the vanguard general Han Meng was originally in Yuan Shao’s plan. At this moment, these six generals must be secretive and hide themselves in the dark. This is used to create a confusing formation. As long as Cao Cao’s counselors

Cannot find these six people, they will not be able to figure out Yuan Shao’s strategic intentions. When Yuan Shao really takes action, they will definitely lose even if they understand . But now Yuan Shao is really Mi Heng’s words made him so angry that he was so

Angry that everyone had already yelled at you and your mother. Who can bear this? Especially when Yuan Shao thought about the treatment his mother received in the Yuan family and how she was treated by her father. When Yuan Shao was caught in the scene of surviving and protecting himself among his wives and

Concubines , he couldn’t tolerate Mi Heng’s words. He became the true heir of the Yuan family and couldn’t let anyone bully him. He couldn’t let anyone look down on him. This was what Yuan Shao’s biological mother pulled before her death. The last words he said while holding Yuan Shao’s hand are also

The goals that Yuan Shao has been working hard for for so many years . I will not let others look down on me , and I will not let others look down on my mother. I will leave your name on the Yuan family’s genealogy. As long as I win this battle

, this battle, mother, just wait a little longer . Yuan Shao said as he strode outside, while Han Meng said nothing. Mi Heng followed Yuan Shao outside and arrived at the edge of the Yellow River. At this moment, Mi Heng was still talking nonsense , while Xu You and others had all been

Defeated by his trash talk offensive. Only Chen Lin could still confront him , but After all, Chen Lin was using a pen. Such straightforward and explicit trash talk was really not his strong point. Yuan Shao came over and said nothing more. He just pointed at Mi Heng on the warship and said,

“Kill him. Whoever kills this person will be rewarded.” Thousands of pounds of gold , hundreds of horses, all shooting arrows for me. Although Wang Xiao was just beating drums to cheer, he was always paying attention to the situation on the other side . When he saw Yuan Shao bringing Han Meng out,

A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face. It took so much time. After a lot of effort , I finally saw what I am. Mi Heng looked at Wang Xiao with a puzzled face. Wang Situ , what do you mean by this? It does n’t mean anything.

He just thinks that this action is worth it. Wang Xiao smiled indifferently and then turned his gaze. On the bodies of Yuan Shao and Han Meng, although Han Meng has the lowest status and reputation among the six generals that Yuan Shao relies on most, his role for

Yuan Shao is very similar to that of Le Jin. He is a character who charges forward and charges forward . He is the commander of the army , so Han Meng is far inferior to Yan Liang, Wen Chou and others in terms of fame and status. However, Han Meng is quite brave.

If there is anything that requires killing people, Yuan Shao usually lets Han Meng do it. And just like everyone under Yuan Shao’s command, If the six people, including Han Meng, had not appeared in Wang Xiao’s plan, they would really not be able to judge and analyze Yuan Shao’s strategic intentions.

But now that Han Meng has appeared , Wang Xiao can probably guess a little bit. It seems that it is not the case. I built the plank road secretly to Chencang , but planned to form an encirclement on both sides , making it difficult for me to take care of myself.

Wang Xiao muttered thoughtfully, but before he could say anything else, Yuan Shao had already shouted and ordered everyone to shoot arrows. This is a golden gift . Hundreds of horses. With such a generous reward, there must be brave men. Therefore, under Yuan Shao’s order,

The soldiers on the shore, regardless of whether they had the ability or not, all fired arrows at the warship in the center of the Yellow River , but in their hands The bows and arrows were all just ordinary bent bows. It was simply impossible

To hit a target three or four hundred steps away. These arrows flew softly for a while , then fell softly and sank into the rolling yellow sand of the Yellow River. My lord, you shouldn’t have brought General Han out. Yes, my lord , if you bring General Han out now, I

‘m afraid Cao Cao’s advisers will guess our plan after we go back . Tian Feng and Jushu immediately started to blame Yuan Shao for his impulsiveness. The rest of the behavior was like this. Although Xu You and others did not speak , there was a trace of displeasure in their expressions.

Although it was just Han Meng, it seemed insignificant, but this time they had to face many capable people under Cao Cao’s command . Once they knew Han Meng’s So this plan is bound to be understood by them. Although this will not change their advantageous position , it will also cause them more troubles.

Any mistakes may eventually lead to the failure of all their previous efforts. They are all famous celebrities in the world . I didn’t want the end result to be failure after working together , so everyone seemed a little dissatisfied with Yuan Shao’s impulse this time, but Yuan Shao didn’t care about it

And even asked them, what if it is your mother who is being insulted here today ? Will he be so calm? Yuan Shao’s tone was very calm , but it made them all speechless because they all knew that Yuan Shao was a filial son. Yuan Shao had always had a wish

To put his mother’s name in the Yuan family’s genealogy , but the Yuan family All the clan elders are opposed to this matter because Yuan Shao’s mother is just a maid. Putting a maid’s name into the family tree is impossible for even an ordinary small family to agree to ,

Let alone the Yuan family. Therefore, even if Yuan Shao is now He is already the de facto head of the Yuan family , but he is unable to achieve this . There is only one way for Yuan Shao to achieve his goal, and that is to unify the world.

By then, the Yuan family will naturally have no objection. Although this is only Yuan Shao’s goal. One of them, but it is also known to all of them, like Gaozu did when he told Xiang Yu that he wanted to cook his father. Not only did he not stop

Him, he even took the initiative to say that he wanted a share of the pie. I can’t do it and I am ashamed of it. Yuan Shao got angry. After drinking, he immediately spoke to Han Meng and said , “Kill this man. ” Xu You and others were speechless by Yuan Shao’s words.

The heaven and the earth are great, loyalty and filial piety are the greatest . This is the rule of the Han Dynasty that continues to this day. Loyalty to the emperor and filial piety. Yuan Shao’s words can be described as The sincere filial son naturally had nothing to say in this situation

. Han Meng immediately followed Yuan Shao’s order to set up his bow and arrow , tied a cloth soaked in kerosene to the arrowhead, and lit it. The arrow shot out and rocketed like an orange-red light, roaring across the sky and heading towards the warship. Today , the Prime Minister’s army

Is approaching the border . If you resist stubbornly, you will be turned into powder. Do you obediently submit to the Prime Minister , or follow Yuan Shao and die without a burial ? You should do it. Think carefully about what Mi Heng said before you saw an arrow flying towards you.

Although it looked like it shouldn’t be able to hit you, after all, it could be shot directly from the other side of the river , and it was a rocket. There were three or four arrows here. A hundred steps away, the other party actually has a general with such superb archery skills.

After Mi Heng was surprised, Wang Xiao had already come to the side of the boat and stretched out his palm, as if swatting a mosquito, and grabbed the rocket in his hand. I have never heard that Han Meng’s archery skills are of such a level before . Wang Xiao said this,

But there was no trace of surprise on his face. Instead, he looked very indifferent. Seeing this, Mi Heng seemed to have thought. What did he say to Wang Xiao immediately? Wang Situ heard that you can shoot across the river and throw a spear to kill Sun Ce who has already left the shore.

Now he doesn’t know if he can kill Yuan Shao. At first, Wang Xiao shot across the river and directly inserted Sun Ce. The death in the warship caused an uproar in the world. Mi Heng estimated that if Wang Xiao could shoot Sun Ce, he should also be able to shoot Yuan Shaocai, right

? It was too far and I didn’t bring anyone with me. Wang Xiao shook his head. He originally didn’t. If you don’t have this plan , you don’t even have your own precious eagle bow. How can you shoot Yuan Shao? It seems that you can try it.

Wang Xiao looked at the arrow in his hand and suddenly an idea came to his mind . However, this distance is probably impossible. Wang Xiao He roughly estimated the distance between Yuan Shao and himself, and then all his muscles worked together. Hearing a bang , Wang Xiao stepped out of a hole

In the boat plank under his feet . Wang Xiao fell directly through the hole. But after Before he fell, the arrow in Wang Xiao’s hand also flew out. Where are you, Wang Situ? Where did Wang Situ go ? Mi Heng was already cursing and didn’t

Pay much attention to Wang Xiao’s actions. After he heard the sound of something falling into the water behind him, Then he turned his head and looked behind him , but he didn’t see Wang Xiao. He could only see a big hole where Wang Xiao was standing before.

Although there are few water battles in the north , it’s not like the repair of warships is so bad, right? Even Wang Xiao can’t even see it. Even Situ can’t carry him. Mi Heng muttered as he came to the entrance of the big cave and looked inside. Wang Situ, Wang Situ,

Are you still alive? Wang Situ, are you still alive? Wang Situ, are you back in the water? Do you need me to come down? It’s not right. I can’t swim either. And it’s just Wang. Situ’s body is almost twice as heavy as mine, isn’t it? I’ll go down to save him.

Isn’t it a meat bun that beats a dog and never comes back? Mi Heng just said a few words when he saw the turbid Yellow River water full of sediment flowing down Wang Xiao. The big hole that came out poured into the hull. It looks like this warship will sink to

The bottom soon. Seeing this scene , Mi Heng felt even more panicked. It’s over. It’s really over. I can’t swim. And I’m afraid Wang Situ drowned too. Even if I don’t drown, I will be chopped into minced meat by Cao Cao after I go back. Mi Heng shouted with worry and regret,

It’s really over now , I should have known earlier. It is not only Yuan Shao who scolded them all, but also Cao Cao and Wang Xiao. I scolded all of them individually so that I will be able to leave a name in the history books in the future.

Whether it is a good reputation or a bad reputation, as long as If you can leave your own reputation, you have already surpassed more than 99% of the people in the world . But while Mi Heng was muttering like this, there was suddenly some movement in the big hole,

And bubbles were popping up one after another. It crackled as if the water of the Yellow River had been boiled. Then Mi Heng’s surprised eyes saw a water column rising into the sky , and then Mi Heng seemed to see a figure from the yellow water column.

It was a figure. A strong and resolute body full of masculine charm and an unparalleled sense of power. Bang Wang Xiao jumped up and landed heavily on the warship. His clothes and hair were wet , and there was even some mud on his face

, but it did not let Wang Xiao. Xiao looked embarrassed , but he had more of a wild beauty , just like a giant wild beast from ancient times, which made Mi Heng stare blankly for a moment. What the hell is this broken ship ? I just stomped my feet and

Planned to use it. With just a little effort, the entire deck was damaged. Wang Xiao casually touched his face and then cast his eyes on the other side of the river with an unhappy expression. At this moment, the arrow he threw back with his backhand had already arrived in front of Yuan Shao

. The next moment, Yuan Shao would be shot dead on the spot , but at this critical moment, Han Meng suddenly pushed Yuan Shao away. It was fine, after all , the arrow could not turn, as long as it did not hurt Yuan Shao, it would be fine. It’s okay,

But who knew that Han Meng took the initiative to come forward and swung out the pear blossom mountain ax in his hand ? Han Meng planned to use the back of the ax to knock back Wang Xiao’s arrow. I have heard these three words Wang Chongyong.

I don’t know how many times I’ve done it today, I want to see if you are really as powerful as the legend says. Han Meng let out a roar full of expectation while using his pear blossom mountain ax to hit the arrow thrown back by Wang Xiao hard. Logically speaking, Yagami’s arrow

Shouldn’t have much power, especially since it had flown a distance of three to four hundred steps, and it should have been the end of the crossbow. However, when Han Meng’s pear blossom mountain ax collided with it, a powerful force suddenly appeared . At this moment, Han Meng felt as if he was wrestling

With a bull. The huge power came from the ax and even made Han Meng almost unable to hold his ax . However , this did not let Han Meng. Feeling fear actually made him more excited. At this moment, his face showed a bloodthirsty look.

Because of excessive exertion and emotional excitement, Han Meng’s face was dyed blood red , and Han Meng’s breathing also became It became more and more intense, and an almost crazy smile appeared on his face. Kill , kill, kill . This is the opponent that is truly worth killing.

Han Meng is a reckless man. This is the unanimous evaluation of Han Meng by all the counselors under Yuan Shao. He is not too much. There are many strategies, and there is no commanding talent. He only knows one thing when marching and fighting, and that is to kill

. The reason why Han Meng was chosen by Yuan Shao in the first place was because he could kill well and he was as crazy as a madman. thirsty for blood He wants to pour all his desires into killing , and because of his madness,

He has not married and had children so far because he is not interested in it. There are women everywhere, corpses everywhere, bloody battlefields, piles of heads , and The enemy’s wailing and begging for mercy after death are satisfying and refreshing. Han Meng is such a killer.

He always has only one thought in his mind, which is to kill . Unless there is an order from Yuan Shao , there is only one way he can do it. Zi Sha went crazy again. After Yuan Shao was pushed away by Han Meng, there was no trace of panic on his face

. He just looked at Han Meng’s state and frowned in displeasure. Just when he was about to say a few words, a click suddenly sounded. Wang Xiao The arrow that was thrown back was directly shattered by the confrontation between the two forces . The only arrow,

After losing the balance of the arrow shaft, flew directly out like a bullet and flew towards Yuan Shao. Be careful. Seeing that Yuan Shao was about to die on the arrow, Yan Liang and Wen Chou, who had been hiding in the dark, immediately rushed out and stood on both sides of Yuan Shao

Like two door gods. The two swords in their hands worked together to attack this man who had little strength. Looking at the arrow that fell on the ground, Yuan Shao, who looked like he was sure of victory just now, was already sweating profusely. He reached out and touched his head in a

Daze. Is it still possible for Yan Liangwen, Chou and Han Meng to decide? It was good to see the three of them. Wang Xiao looked at the three members standing on the other side of the river. The Hebei general nodded with satisfaction

And then directly stretched out his hand to lift Mi Heng up. The boat was about to sink. We could only jump back for a while. Ni Zhengping Don’t yell, you know ? Mi Heng was carried by Wang Xiao and he roughly estimated the distance from here to the shore with his eyes

. There is at least three to four hundred steps away from here to the shore . You can jump over there. Wang Situ, are you kidding me? How far can a person jump? The ones Mi Heng has seen are only about ten steps at most. Even some war horses with excellent breeds

Are probably at this level . Although they are occasionally heard of in some legends. There are legends about famous and handsome horses that can leap thirty or forty meters away , and there are even legends about carrying their masters and leaping over cliffs when they are being chased. But first of all,

Those are just legends . Secondly , the distance between them now is It is even more outrageous than those on the cliff. It is a full three to four hundred steps away. This horse is not like any land creature can cross the distance. That’s why Mi Heng suspected

That Wang Xiao was really joking after him. But for this Wang Xiao said with a nonchalant look . Who are you kidding ? And are you awake? You said how could I jump over such a long distance? I’m not a superman. Mi Heng looked on helplessly. Wang Xiao ‘s eyes full of suspicion

Seemed to be asking Wang Xiao, aren’t you? There is nothing in Wang Xiao’s performance during this period that can be linked to the word human . He is simply a wild beast. This is not the first time that the humanoid monster Mi Heng and other people who know Wang Xiao

Suspect that Wang Xiao is actually a terrifying monster turned into a spirit , but the specific kind of monster is unknown. Then Wang Situ, you just said that you would take me to dance with you. What does the past mean? Mi Heng looked at Wang Xiao with a puzzled look and asked.

After all, it was Wang Xiao himself who said he would jump over just now , but now he said that he couldn’t jump over. This is completely inconsistent. Wait , Wang Xiao won’t do it either. Say more , but came to the big hole that he had stepped on, grabbed the wooden board

On the edge of the big hole with one hand, and pulled hard . Suddenly, a large piece of wooden board was pulled out by Wang Xiao like a piece of skin. Then Wang Xiao moved the wooden board to He threw it

Into the water and then jumped onto the board with Mi Heng in his hand. Although Wang Xiao and Mi Heng weighed about three hundred kilograms together , the board was big enough , so even if it could bear the weight of the two of them, it wouldn’t. The idea of ​​sinking

Just makes Mi Heng a little uneasy. The current of the Yellow River is actually quite fast. Now that they are standing on this wooden board, they are like two ants standing on a leaf that has fallen into the river . There is a possibility of it overturning at any time. Wang Situ

, in fact, we can still wait on the boat for the Prime Minister to send a new warship to pick us up . It is too risky now , and how can the two of us go back? Not to mention that we don’t have oars in our hands now

. Even if we have only The two of us are not strong enough to move forward in this rapid Yellow River! What Mi Heng said is very reasonable. Wang Xiao also nodded in approval. Then Wang Xiao came to the edge and raised his feet against the edge of the warship.

Looking at this scene, Mi Heng’s face showed an expression of kindness and doubt . How do you describe this expression ? It has the stupidity and curiosity of a silly roe deer in the Northeast when he meets a human for the first time in his life.

Wang Situ, what are you going to do? Mi Heng is completely I can’t understand . I don’t understand what Wang Xiao is going to do. Of course, he is sending me back. Didn’t you say you don’t have enough kinetic energy to go back? Wait for me to kick you.

This kinetic energy will be enough. After all, Mi Heng has known Wang Xiao for a long time. Bu Chang didn’t have a correct understanding of Wang Xiao’s words. Before he could figure out what Wang Xiao ‘s words meant , Wang Xiao had already kicked him on the warship. At this moment

, Wang Xiao’s The legs burst out with powerful force, causing both the warship and the plank to gain powerful kinetic energy in an instant. The warship began to move towards Yuan Shao’s side , while the plank was rapidly moving towards Cao Cao’s shore at an exaggerated speed. Going so fast

Even made Mi Heng feel dizzy and have the urge to vomit. Wang Xiao , who has seen seasickness but not board sickness, looked at Mi Heng who was about to vomit. He couldn’t help but gasped and said, “Although the board is fast , it is too fast because

The original balance is not good.” It was broken and the board began to tilt and was about to be submerged into the water. Seeing that the board was like pebbles floating in the water at the last jump , Mi Heng had already closed his eyes in despair.

The big Han Situ and Yi Yi A naked man sank into the Yellow River and died. How does this look like the ending of a deformed sadomasochism ? Although I really want to leave a name in history , but this kind of reputation is a bit too radical.

Even Mi Heng has already thought about it. When their outcome was revealed , Wang Xiao said calmly that there were still forty or fifty steps left, which should be enough . Mi Heng subconsciously asked a question , but before Wang Xiao could answer him,

He felt as if he was flying. It was as if he was up , but after taking a closer look, he was sure that he was really flying. The moment Wang Xiao finished speaking, Wang Xiao jumped into the sky like a flying geese. Then he continued to fall towards the shore.

Looking at this scene, Mi Heng’s brain had completely shut down. All of this was completely beyond his understanding of the world. He felt that all the things he had seen since he was born were added up. None of them are as outrageous and outrageous as the things that Wang Xiao saw today.

In fact, not only Mi Heng, but also the soldiers of Cao’s army who were watching the excitement on the shore were dumbfounded at the moment, looking in disbelief as they continued to fall. Wang Xiao and Mi Heng Situ are like cannonballs. Situ is coming here and will catch you.

Xu Chu also came here at some unknown time , and beside him there were people like Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, etc. They stood together and seemed to want to reach out and catch you. Wang Xiao fell from the sky , but just when Wang Xiao was about to fall,

Zhang Fei suddenly said something. You said, according to Wang Situ’s strength and his weight , when he falls, if we can’t catch him, will we be smashed into pieces? Spread the meat, everyone fell into silence because of Zhang Fei’s words . Then several people who looked at each other unanimously made a choice.

Everyone retreated thirty steps to leave enough space for Lord Situ to land . Watch . The ground was getting closer and closer. Although Mi Heng had been trying his best to restrain himself, in the end he couldn’t help but scream out the fear in his heart because this was really too scary

, especially from the height of Wang Xiao’s leap, it seemed that he would definitely fall to the ground once he landed. It will fall into a puddle of mud. This height is even higher than all the trees Mi Heng has seen in his life. Mi Heng really can’t think of any other result

From such a fall besides being shattered into pieces . He is going to die. People below, you have to catch us. Before Mi Heng finished speaking , he saw that those people who had vowed to catch them all retreated back at this moment. Suddenly, a vacancy appeared

In the endless sea of ​​people. It is an island in the vast ocean. It is usually so eye-catching , but now Mi Heng has no emotion at all about it . All he has is pain and helplessness. Is it possible that a genius like me

Would really die like this? Mi Heng was not afraid of dying under the comic farce , but it was so ridiculous and worthless that Mi Heng could not accept it. Seeing the ground getting closer and closer to him, his fear was also increasing exponentially.

This feeling was similar to that of death. It’s the same feeling of fear when you play a jumping machine in an amusement park and then find that your safety belt is broken and the guardrail is broken. It can really make people lose their minds in an instant .

This is because Mi Heng’s consciousness is tenacious , otherwise most people would have fainted from the shock. It passed , but looking at him like this, I guess he actually wished he had fainted directly, right? Wang Xiao, if I were to die and become a ghost, I would not let you go.

You were about to hit the ground . Mi Heng only had time to say one last thing. He cursed and then closed his eyes resignedly. In his imagination, maybe he would experience a burst of heartbreaking pain , the kind of pain that would be many times more painful

Than kicking the corner with his little finger . I was struggling to die in this pain , but I didn’t realize anything I imagined. I just heard a dull sound, and then I felt as if something hit my face , and my nose was filled with the smell of earth

, and then there was nothing. Mi Heng opened his eyes with some uneasiness , only to find that he was still being held up by Wang Xiao. In front of him was a solid ground less than two fists away from him , but it did not cause any harm to him.

Mi Heng also noticed that Wang Xiao’s feet were already exposed at this moment , and there was a shallow pit under his feet . It seemed that it was caused by the impact of his large body on the ground when he fell. It should have splashed onto his face before. It’s just

The soil under Wang Xiao’s feet. Even if you are a ghost, you won’t let me go. I’m afraid that you will become a ghost and you won’t be my opponent. Wang Xiao threw Mi Heng to the ground , then looked at Mi Heng with a face full of ridicule and said,

If it was before this Maybe Mi Heng will still say something sarcastic. After all, if anyone in this world has really seen a ghost, you can be sure that you are better than the ghost. But now just looking at Wang Xiao’s operations, Mi Heng is really not sure that

The ghost can be better than the one in front of him. This monster is even more terrifying. If you don’t prepare, if the ghost comes, you will have to kneel down and beg for mercy when you meet the person in front of you. I heard that Wang Situ is also a lustful person

And likes some rare and exotic animals . Maybe a pretty female ghost comes. You can’t even keep your chastity as a ghost. After all, Mi Heng is a literati with a lively and even weird mind. He always thinks of things that others won’t think about at all. After thinking of these things,

Mi Heng couldn’t help but shudder. This is too scary, isn’t it? Immediately, Mi Heng didn’t dare to say anything more , but hurriedly raised his hands to Wang Xiaoyi and said, “Situ Zhen is a god, Situ, Situ, are you okay? Oh, Wang Situ, are you still alive?

I am Lao Zhang.” I just said that I would catch you, but Xu Chu was afraid of death. What did he say? Wang Situ, you are so heavy , I am afraid that we will all be crushed to death , so I retreated to let your mother’s stinky fart Zhang Yide

Just say it was me. The one who wanted to catch Wang Situ was you, a bastard who was so afraid of death that you turned around and ran away. Now you actually have the

Nerve to confuse right and wrong in front of Lord Situ. Xu Chudang looked at Wang Xiao with an angry look and cupped his hands and said, Lord Situ, you understand me. I, Xu Chu, am definitely not the person to do this kind of thing. Well, Wang Xiao nodded.

Zhongkang, you are such a person who likes to flatter your boss , but you often pat the horse’s legs and think about this kind of thing. Most likely, you are not the one to do it. Xu Chu ‘s face suddenly turned red when he heard Wang Xiao’s words. He wanted to say something

, but he couldn’t say it. Okay, you can handle your own matters privately. I don’t have time to play with you now. Hurry up and take me to see Wen He. I have something to tell them. Wang Xiao said that he was going to find Cao Cao, Jia Xu and others,

But Mi Heng stopped him. Wang Situ should change his shoes first. It’s not etiquette to go out barefoot. Although Mi Heng was only wearing one at the moment. The trousers had absolutely no position to speak of Wang Xiao , but as soon as he said these words, he immediately reminded them that

I would go get Xu Chu. This kid is always the most active in these matters. Mi Heng immediately spoke up . He ran to get Wang Xiao’s shoes. Even before anyone else could react, the boy had already run away like a rabbit. He waited for Xu Chu to bring the shoes and

Wang Xiao put them on before going to see Cao Cao and the others. Chongyong, didn’t you curse people in the past? Why did I hear that you almost killed Yuan Shao? When Cao Cao saw Wang Xiao, he said with regret that if he really killed Yuan Shao,

He would really be killed by Wang Xiao in this battle. Someone rewrote it. I didn’t have this idea at first, and I never expected that Yuan Shao would actually appear in front of me . Wang Xiao smiled, shook his head , and said, “Forget it,

I just discovered that Yan Liang, Wen Chou and Han Meng are on the other side of the river.” The possibility of Yuan Shao’s camp building a plank road secretly plotting against Chen Cang should be slim. Before Wang Xiao finished speaking, he noticed that everyone’s faces were slightly ugly. Before he could ask,

Jia Xu had already taken the lead and said, ” Situ Babaili has an urgent letter from Taishan.” Something happened over there. Zhang He has captured General Xiahou alive and is tying him to the big banner to attack the city. Han Hao of Taishan County , you don’t want anything to happen to Xiahou

Dun. Now open the city gate and surrender. I guarantee you will be rich and prosperous. If you continue to resist, you will definitely die. Zhang He is standing there. Below the city and behind him is the big banner. But in the past, it should have been hung with a big flag

With Chinese characters , but now it is tied to Xiahou Dun ‘s mother Zhang He. You bastard , if you have the ability, kill me or else I will. I must chop your dog’s head off. Xiahou Dun is really going crazy at this moment. He never thought

That one day he would be so embarrassed and be tied to a big banner by the enemy and used to attack the city . What kind of shame is this? The only thing I can do about the operation of my eyes is that I don’t have a knife in my hand

, otherwise I would have to kill myself now so as not to be embarrassed alive. If you lose, you lose . Xiahou Dun, you are not as good as others, so who can blame you? Just give it honestly this time. I’ll be the meat vote.

Zhang He is quite satisfied and proud of this. After all, if Xiahou Dun really wants to say that his strength is not inferior to his own, he was able to defeat him in more than thirty rounds because of Xiahou Dun’s mentality problem. He didn’t use his full strength

, but no matter How can you say that you just won the battle ? Isn’t that enough? Thinking of this, Zhang He raised the halberd in his hand and pointed the halberd at Han Hao on the city wall. Han Hao , you have to think clearly. Xiahou Dun is Cao Cao’s brother

. Cao Cao has always treated him like this. Trust is added. Now that he is in my hands, you have actually fallen into a certain death situation. If you don’t open the city gate, I will kill Xiahou Dun. Even if you defend the city later,

Cao Cao will kill you because of Xiahou Dun’s death . If you open the city gate, I will really return Xiahou Dun to you. But if you lose this city, Taishan County will surely fall. Cao Cao will be trapped in a two-front battle. At that time, you will not be able to escape

And die. This is Zhang He’s strategy of war. Zhang He’s use of troops is like a spider laying a web. He will sort out all the information and weave it into a big web , and then lure the opponent into the web

He has laid little by little until he waits for the opponent. When Zhang He is completely caught in the net, he will win a great victory . However, there is also a problem with this kind of military strategy. It is easy to be destroyed by some unreasonable people’s intuition

. Moreover, once Zhang He is not the coach, the information he possesses may be incomplete. If it is not complete, it is easy to make mistakes, which will lead to mistakes in one place. This is also why Zhang He performed poorly in the battle against Shu.

As the coach, Sima Yi did not really trust Zhang He at all, let alone give Zhang He a person who can perfectly display his abilities. The opportunity , so the performance of Zhang He’s Sima Yi’s subordinates as deputy generals in the Battle of Shu can only be described as normal

And nothing too outstanding. At this moment, Zhang He is trying to attack his heart . What he said is just a guess. What if Cao Cao What if Cao Cao didn’t take Xiahou Dun so seriously? But these are just in case, there is only one life.

No one is willing to gamble with his life on a possibility , especially if this possibility is so slim. Han Hao, you have to think clearly whether you should bet that Cao Cao will be merciful or surrender to Kaicheng now. As long as you surrender,

I guarantee that you will become The great hero who defeated Cao Cao will enjoy endless glory and wealth in the future. Zhang He said to Han Hao seriously, as if he almost swore to God, but before Han Hao could say anything, Xiahou Dun had already spoken. Shoot me an arrow immediately. Shoot

Me an arrow and kill me. Hurry up and kill me. Xiahou Dun’s eyes are now red. He knows very well what the fall of Taishan County means . Once Taishan County falls to Qingzhou, these 50,000 Yuan troops will directly approach or even capture Xuchang. At that time, everything will really be over.

Cao Cao is almost certain to lose . Then Xiahou Dun will become the eternal sinner of the entire family . Therefore, when he was arrested, Xiahou Dun was already prepared to die. Han Hao will kill me immediately. I promise. Brother, I will definitely not blame you.

As long as you hold on to this city until Brother’s reinforcements arrive, I guarantee that you will not be punished in any way. Xiahou Dun has no other choice but to use this most helpless way to assure Han Hao. I hope Han Hao can make up his mind

To ensure the safety of Taishan County first. As for himself, just think that he has been killed by Zhang He. Han Hao listened to the words of Xiahou Dun and Zhang He and fell into a period of torment. Han Hao , what do you want to do?

If you really open the city gate, Taishan County will definitely fall. Then we really won’t be able to look back. Ever since he heard that Xiahou Dun was captured, Zang Ba led his Taishan bandits here to help defend the city , but now he feels that he really What’s more,

This dilemma of coming in the wrong place is right in front of us . No one can choose. I , Han Hao, and I have been following Xiahou Dun for several years. A solution ! Seeing that Han Hao didn’t reply for a long time, Zhang He

Knew in his heart that he had to get some strong information, so he immediately shouted and attacked the city . Following Zhang He’s order, the army began to attack the city. At this time, the bows and arrows on the tower were The hands should be used to shoot arrows

, but no one dares to shoot arrows now. After all, Xiahou Dun is tied to the banner and is at the forefront of Zhang He’s army. What will happen if they accidentally injure or even kill Xiahou Dun by shooting arrows ? They are just a small soldier

. Who would dare to do this before getting the order from the garrison ? Even later, the war god Zhu Qi was tied up in the Tumu Fort. During the siege of the city, the soldiers on the tower only dared to shoot arrows in return

After getting the order . Even so, they were still trembling with fear. They were so shocked that they were afraid that Zhu Qizhen would be shot to death by accident. The soldiers on the tower now had the same mentality . The only difference was that Zhu Qizhen, who was also tied up first,

Kept shouting “Let’s go” . The defenders in the city opened the door. At this moment, Xiahou Dun kept shouting for the defenders in the city to shoot arrows. It is best to shoot him to death with one arrow. Han Hao , are you a woman who is riding a horse?

Don’t grind with me here. Chirping, shoot an arrow immediately . If this city is lost, I will kill you first and then commit suicide . Xiahou Dun is still chattering and noisy, trying to provoke Han Hao to kill him immediately. Otherwise, if this continues,

This city will definitely not be able to defend it. If the city cannot be defended , almost all Taishan County’s troops will be destroyed. When Taishan County falls, Xuchang will be in danger. Once Xuchang falls, Cao Cao will almost certainly be defeated. Xiahou Dun does not want to see this scene

Even if he dies, so he has been stimulating Han Hao to let Han Hao Kill him , but after all, Han Hao and Xiahou Dun have been subordinates for so many years. Xiahou Dun has been a favor to Han Hao. In addition, Xiahou Dun is Cao Cao’s brother.

It is really difficult for Han Hao to make a decision. Zang Ba on the side looks at Zhang He. The soldiers under his command were constantly approaching , and the soldiers on the city wall did not dare to shoot arrows because they did not receive orders from Han Hao.

They could only watch and let these soldiers continue to approach. This made Zang Ba anxious like ants on a hot pot. Ten steps, forty steps, thirty steps, Han Hao only has thirty steps left. If you continue to hesitate like this, they will attack the city wall. Zang Ba roared at Han Hao

, but seeing that Han Hao still didn’t react at all, Zang Ba could only He shouted to the soldiers that the archers were ready , but the archers on the city wall paid no attention to Zang Ba’s intentions. Instead, they all focused on Han Hao. Zang

Ba was the leader of the Taishan Bandits , although in name and in reality. They are all under Cao Cao’s jurisdiction , but there are actually some differences between Zang Ba, so the only ones who can command and control are the Taishan bandits under Cao Cao. These soldiers under Cao Cao don’t

Know much about Zang Ba , let alone follow Zang Ba’s orders . Zang Ba has no authority in the eyes of these soldiers. They will only listen to Xiahou Dun and Han Hao because they are the real leaders of these soldiers. Han Hao , if you fucking kill me,

The prime minister may not necessarily kill you , but you If you lose the city, Wang Chongyong will definitely tear you into pieces. Seeing Zhang He’s soldiers approaching, Xiahou Dun’s heart tightened. Even if he roared angrily, it was this sound that made

Han Hao , who was already a little shaken, immediately do something. Han Hao drew out the sword from his waist and pointed it at the Yuan Jun soldiers who were gathering like a swarm of ants from the city. At this moment , Han Hao’s face was already filled with tears.

Back then, the eighteen princes challenged Dong. At that time, Han Hao’s uncle Du Yang was taken hostage by Dong Zhuo and threatened Han Hao. However, Han Hao did not give in , so his uncle was killed by Dong Zhuo. After hearing this, Xiahou Dun came to see him personally

And invited Han Hao to join his army. Fighting Dong Zhuo together, Han Hao has been following Cao Cao since he started his career. For so many years, Han Hao has been Xiahou Dun’s right-hand man. No matter what situation they face, the two of them face it together. For Xiahou Dun,

Han Hao has always regarded him as his elder brother , but now he has to disregard Xiahou Dun’s life and death . This makes Han Hao feel uncomfortable, but he also knows that these are what must be done to lose Taishan County. The price was something none of them could bear

, so Han Hao could only order to release arrows. As Han Hao’s order was issued, the archers on the city wall who had been preparing for a long time immediately shot the arrows in their hands. Countless arrows shot out from Arrows poured out from the city wall and

Turned into a rain of arrows that enveloped the attacking soldiers. Many soldiers of the Yuan Army who were attacking the city screamed and fell under the arrows. The screams of the Yuan Army soldiers began to echo continuously on the battlefield. If you really shoot the bastard Han Hao, isn’t he afraid that something

Will happen to Xiahou Dun? Will Cao Cao skin him? In this life, Cao Cao had not been defeated in Wancheng. Naturally, no one knew that Cao Cao could tolerate himself for his own great cause. He wanted to kill his enemy , so when he saw that Han Hao had completely ignored Xiahou Dun’s

Safety and ordered the arrow to be fired, Zhang He’s face turned cold almost instantly, but it was only for a moment. Soon, Zhang He’s face had calmed down. It’s not that he didn’t expect such a situation, or that he had already thought of it.

It’s just that this is the worst result he expected. The whole army will attack . We have bought so much time. You must give me today. Capture the city. Following Zhang He’s order, the battle completely turned into a siege. It was the bloodiest meat grinding ground in the cold weapon era,

A living millstone of flesh and blood. If the land is a person’s mouth, then the city is the mouth. The teeth inside If you want to capture a city, you have to pull out a tooth. The pain and difficulty can be imagined

. Now what Zhang He has to do is to pull out a back molar, and this is done without anesthesia. It sounds like an almost impossible task , but Zhang He is confident that he can complete it. Give Xiahou Dun to me and keep pressing forward. Aren’t they afraid of killing Xiahou Dun?

Then let them kill him . This person is useless to us anyway. Zhang He said with a cold face. He said that to him, Xiahou Dun was not a person worth paying much attention to . He was just a chess piece used to capture Taishan County.

Since this chess piece has no use now , let him play his last use. As long as Xiahou Dun If he really dies in the hands of Han Hao, then this will become a thorn in the side between Han Hao and Cao Cao. Maybe Han Hao and Cao Cao won’t have any feelings

For a day or two , but as time goes by, I don’t believe that they can really be friends. Nothing has ever happened. As long as there is even a small friction, it will become the most fatal link between them. All he needs to do is to wait aside and wait for

Han Hao and Cao Cao to finally turn against each other . Taishan County will fall into your hands . Of course, the premise is that you still haven’t captured Taishan County at that time . Originally, the archers on the city tower were careful to avoid Xiahou Dun when they fired their arrows

. But now these people will Xiahou Dun. After moving a little further, they suddenly became a little wary. After all, they were just small soldiers shooting the general, but it was a capital crime. None of them dared to do so.

Suddenly, the speed of arrows on the city wall slowed down significantly. This situation is not uncommon . Xiahou Dun immediately spoke and just thought. I wanted Han Hao to take action , but Han Hao had already pointed his bow and arrow at General Xiahou Dun . After this battle,

I will definitely sacrifice my life for you. He said an arrow piercing the sky and directly hitting Xiahou Dun’s sharp left eye . The moment the arrow shot into Xiahoudun’s eye, Xiahoudun felt as if his whole body was being burned by flames. The severe pain seemed to tear his whole body

In two and crazily eroded his brain. At this moment, Xiahoudun felt It was as if he was in purgatory and was experiencing the most painful and torturous thing in the world. Even someone like Xiahou Dun, who had long disregarded life and death, couldn’t help but let out a scream , ” Han Hao

, you bastard! ” You stepped on the horse and didn’t shoot me to death. Xiahou Dun’s angry roar reached Han Hao’s ears. Almost subconsciously, Han Hao wanted to raise his bow and shoot again , but when he saw an arrow stuck in his eye socket, blood had already covered his face.

Xiahou Dun’s face turned red , but Han Hao couldn’t take action anymore. He was injured so badly that he probably wouldn’t survive. Han Hao could only use these words to persuade him not to attack Xiahou Dun , and then he looked away and ordered loudly. The soldiers around me fired arrows and

Shot all these bastards back . Seeing that Xiahou Dun was so seriously injured, the soldiers on the city wall were also furious. They didn’t blame Han Hao , because they all knew that the one who felt the most uncomfortable at the moment was actually Han Hao. What

They resented was the Yuan army under the city. What they resented was Zhang He. Therefore, they used all their strength to fight like crazy against the enemy who killed their father . Facing these already red-eyed Cao soldiers, Zhang He’s troops For a while, I was suppressed and couldn’t go any further.

Damn, this is completely different from what I expected. Zhang He’s blood pressure went up when he saw this scene , because everything was completely different from what he expected. Originally, Zhang He passed through his own conception. After such a heavy blow, Han Hao will be unable to exert his full strength

Due to excessive psychological pressure. These soldiers will also use rat weapons because of Xiahou Dun’s situation so that he can easily capture the city. This is the most normal and correct thing. That’s the right way, right? But now all developments are moving in another direction. I seem to have misjudged all of this.

Well, okay. I didn’t expect that all the people under your command, Xiahou Dun, would be as hot-tempered as you, right? What kind of general would he lead with what kind of soldiers? These soldiers are already evacuating on the city wall. These soldiers are already red-eyed.

If you continue to fight, you will only be using your own lives to fill up your own men. With 50,000 people dead , we couldn’t pay for it all just to capture the city , so Zhang He immediately ordered the withdrawal. Soon, Zhang He’s troops left behind two to three hundred corpses

And some siege ladders and other siege ladders. The instrument withdrew and looked at the corpses under the city. The smell of human blood filled the nose. Han Hao fell into a deep silence. Han Hao , don’t worry . If the Prime Minister really pursues the investigation,

I will definitely come to intercede for you. Zang Ba comes. Looking at Han Hao’s devastated look, Han Hao thought he was worried that Cao Cao would punish him for giving up Xiahou Dun . But after hearing Zang Ba’s words, Han Hao slowly shook his head . I’m not worried

. It’s not the prime minister’s punishment but the general’s current situation. The punishment is overwhelming . It’s just a death. He has been in the army for so many years and has lived a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife. It won’t be a surprise when he dies.

It’s just the thought that he actually regarded him as his brother. Xiahou Dun was in such a state that he might even kill Xiahou Dun. Han Hao felt an indescribable pain and grievance in his heart . A ball of anger was accumulated in his chest like a raging fire,

Making Han Hao eager to vent it out and bring him into his eyes. Everything was chopped to pieces , but at the same time, Han Hao also knew that he absolutely could not do this. All of this was his own choice and he could not blame others. As a qualified general,

The most important thing is to be able to control himself. What if he can’t control himself ? Go and control the army . General Xiahou Zang Ba was silent for a while when he heard this. Then he spoke and said, General Xiahou,

You just wanted to die. You just did what you should do. General Xiahou, Izumi Izumi will not blame you. I know. We all know it , but I still feel it in my heart

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