Meine erste Rennrad-Tour durch Da Nang, Vietnam 🇻🇳

I should go straight here. But that doesn’t work. There is a construction site here. So off to the main street. and parallel. Things are a bit wilder here. My goodness! There’s one thing I won’t miss here: that’s the horn. or the honking here.

This is the most important tool here in Vietnam. So if everything doesn’t work. but the horn has to work. It’s unbelievable how much there is honking here. but that’s a different kind of honking, as a warning sign. Be careful, I’m coming now or I’ll overtake you. It’s different for us.

For us that means: get lost! You have no business here. We just use it aggressively. but here this is a warning sign. I have to turn right here. but it’s annoying. you hear it all the time. As a European who is not used to this, you are constantly frightened.

And they come shooting out of every alley and hole. and without looking. it simply closes. into the intersection. and honked in advance. according to the motto: I’m now driving into the intersection and you all have to wait. That’s extremely criminal here in some cases. you really have to be careful here.

One cannot assume that any rules will be followed here. Right before left or red lights are completely uninteresting. As soon as it’s free, we drive. you always have to look to the right, to the left, to the front, to the back, to the top, to the bottom. you can never be sure.

Even if you turn left, you can’t be sure whether someone else will pass you on the left. and maybe even want to go straight. So a very dangerous story. completely different place than Thailand. even the Philippines, where it is so wild. even there it is still orderly. Although it is also very chaotic.

This takes some getting used to. Now Da Nang is still a relatively small city. I think only the fifth largest. I don’t want to know what things are like in Hanoi or Saigon. It must be catastrophic there. but I think you adapt over time. and it will be fine.

So, and now I’m totally lost. Damn hoe! Where have I ended up now? Oh Lord! You shouldn’t film and follow routes at the same time. but looks interesting here. This is one of about 7 bridges, I don’t know exactly. or even more bridges here in Da Nang.

And there’s such a beautiful… um, yes, I just see that it’s forbidden. Damned! There’s a nice parallel bridge going over there. Honk look at him here! such a beautiful parallel bridge here. but there it says forbidden for cyclists. that’s a pity. because otherwise I always drove over the big bridge.

So I went over there on my moped. and I always saw the Parallel Bridge. and pedestrians walk there. So I thought I could ride my bike over. but I see the sign: Forbidden for cyclists. That means I have to cross this big big bridge here. then nothing helps.

Let’s just drive over the big bridge. What should it? this is also a fun traffic route. You can drive up to here against the traffic. and then have to turn around here. to then drive on the bridge. because there is oncoming traffic here. So the street ends there at the junction.

I think you can drive up to the front and then turn left. but then you are still on the wrong side. I dont know. No, straight ahead was blocked. So very strange. But well, they don’t have the same rules here anyway. Wrong-way drivers… are the order of the day here.

So there’s always someone coming towards you. on the wrong side. Therefore, everything is not viewed so narrowly. So, now we go over the big bridge. Yes, there is also this wonderfully developed cycle path. which runs parallel to the street. which I gratefully decline.

Because I prefer to drive here on the road. and here you can see the bridge that I actually wanted to drive on. that looks so beautiful. especially completely empty. there’s not even anyone running. I don’t understand why it’s closed to cyclists. They don’t make any noise or anything.

Or whiz over it at 40 km/h. yes, well, maybe I would if it were a segment. but I don’t understand it. They are building a bridge here. which remains largely unused. well, there is a person there. he got lost there. yes, strange. At least over there, the other big bridge.

This is the Dragon Bridge. that’s one of the features here. we’ll go there later too. There is a fire show every evening at 9 p.m. The dragon’s head breathes fire. there are a lot of people there. I’ve been there as well. However, I only filmed with my smartphone.

But also quite a spectacle, looks very beautiful. As I said, that’s where it goes from there. Are we even driving over it? I do not know. In any case, we’re going there. But here’s the beautiful bridge, what a shame. There is such a small park here. so that would have been really nice.

But good. Then we just have to go over here, where it’s less nice. The first impressions are wonderful. at least for me. Driving around the city is probably not for everyone. but I like it because it’s the best way to explore the area.

And from my point of view it’s the best way to get around. before you get around by taxi, on foot or by public transport. I take the bike and get into every corner. and even come to small areas like here. This is probably something like a better place to live.

Everything looks very modern and new. The “better” people live there. just like the old-fashioned Germans say. and I will now continue towards Dragon Bridge. I’m not really fit today anyway. I still have a bit of a stuffy nose. It’s not a cold though. But the nose is closed, especially in the evening.

The nose becomes more and more closed. I don’t know, I caught something again. I just did sightseeing for the first week. and the week was hardly over. I got a fever. This may be because one day I rode a scooter all day wearing just a shirt. and it was quite cold that day.

You can say cold. Cool, cold. I also drove up to Hai Van Pass. I don’t know how high it is, but the elevation difference is about 650 meters. And it was rainy and cold up there. people walked around there with thick jackets. and I was dressed in a thin shirt.

I then bought a cheap rain poncho. and drove downhill again with this one. And afterwards another coastal road where it was quite shady. So I was on the scooter for hours. and I must have caught something. That wasn’t good for my organism. then I had a fever. lay in bed and took paracetamol.

And all that crap. but today I had to go out. I have to move around here a bit. Even though I was still pretty damaged when I woke up this morning. but if you got up and moved a little. and you were outside. then the organism gets going a little. and the cycle.

And then it works. I’ll probably be exhausted again tonight. but at least I was outside. the sun is shining, the weather is nice. the legs feel like rubber. That’s unbelievable when you haven’t done anything for a week. how difficult it is to get back on the bike.

I’ve been training on Zwift at home for 6 weeks now. I did quite well for my standards. and followed a program. but if you take a week off. the form goes down again immediately. at least for me. I always notice this extremely. But now we’re going on tour, as I said.

Will be a short lap, 35km today. Roam around a bit, look at the area. and then back to the comfortably warm room. and under the blanket. That over there is probably some kind of amusement park here in Da Nang. I’ve often seen pictures of this Ferris wheel here.

The pleasure seekers can let off steam there. Otherwise, what else do we have here? such an arena. whatever. and here we go to a kind of peninsula, I would say. I would compare it with the island “Schütt” in Nuremberg. which is located in the middle of the old town.

And it’s such a little quiet oasis. with a small circuit. a 2km loop. you are in the middle of the river. and everything is nice and green. and you have peace and quiet. I’ll take a look at that. but first we go past the amusement park. Xin Chao, which means hello.

I can do that already. and: Cam on. That means thank you in Vietnamese, but then it stops. And now we are on the round. on this peninsula, I say. “Schütt” island from Da Nang. It goes here to the river. then it makes a 180° turn.

So not 360°, as some politicians say. but 180° and then it goes back on the other side. approx. 2km. you have the city all around you. but here there is total peace. no traffic, nothing. Here you can roll along comfortably. or who wants to do their intervals.

Then this isn’t a bad area either. he can heat things up here. and knock one out. I hope you understand me well. I left my external microphone at the hotel. I use the insta360 One X3. including wind blowers on the microphones. I hope they help. Not that it’s too windy again.

Because there is a breeze here. I also put on my yellow jersey. So that people can see me clearly. because the traffic is a bit wilder here. I thought so anyway, but I also saw it in the first week. as I drove around a bit. So I thought I’d wear something flashy.

To be seen. I have light at the start. all you need. but even that is no guarantee of getting out of it unscathed. you still have to take care of yourself. you always have to think for others. you never know if they are following the rules. or take care of yourself.

Always drive defensively yourself. to get out of it safely. and nothing happens to you. but here, he’s quite relaxed here. Hello! yes, make sure you get out of it unscathed. It’s better to drive defensively than insist on your rights. That doesn’t help here anyway.

So, here we are on the river, wonderful. beautiful, look at it. very nice, quiet oasis. The Ferris wheel over there again. Oh, wonderful! It’s just a short introductory round. As I said, I’m just driving around here for a few kilometers. there are much nicer corners. along the coast.

The coastal road with wonderful views of the city. There is also a Buddha statue on the coast. such a tourist attraction. and there is the Hai Van Pass. and the Ba Na Hills. and what else do I know? So, there is still a lot to discover.

But today I’ll take it easy for now. flat. only in the city. Let’s see how I feel tomorrow after the tour. whether it was good for me or not. you will see it. The thing looks like a huge UFO. Maybe that was it once.

And has now been converted into an arena to camouflage, no one knows. but definitely looks interesting. but I still don’t know what it is exactly. I’ll see if I can discuss this somehow. can find out. and write it under the video. we have to go straight here. It’s relatively quiet here.

And it continues here. wherever. Dragon Bridge ahead. here on the right. I’ll show you right away. and that’s about it now. but first here 2000 scooters. But no matter, we’ll smuggle ourselves in here. and here we go! and this is the head.

The dragon head. He always breathes fire. In the evening at 9 p.m. and then the road is closed here too. everyone is standing down by the river. and up here on the bridge. hundreds of people. and then watch the spectacle. is quite impressive. Here it is on the left.

Everything is full in the evening. and here on the right there is always a night market. there by that archway. but I don’t know if it’s only on Sunday. that can be good. In Thailand they are always on Sundays. Maybe that’s the case here too, because I was here on a Sunday.

Here you can see the Dragon Bridge again. and we drive a little further along the river here. that’s pretty nice too. then we’ll make a little loop up there. and then we go back again, that’s enough for today. I hope it doesn’t do too much harm.

But like I said, I had to get something out. move because otherwise you will go crazy. I’m here to cycle, not to stay in bed. this is a big restaurant. Then I hope all of this didn’t do too much damage. I’d like to say thank you for watching.

Hopefully see you in more videos here from Da Nang, Vietnam. then thank you for watching. Turns on again. Subscribe to the channel. Give a like. and does all the other jokes you do on YouTube. Get in! See you in the next video. Until then. Ciao Ciao! Hi! Hello!

Is that your dog? Is that your dog? No? What is your name? My name is Jochen. My name is Mary. Mary? Nice to meet you. Oh yes, before I forget. A little note on my own behalf. There’s another promotion on insta.

There are huge discounts for the X2, for example. This is the predecessor camera to the X3 that I’m currently using. The discount is 190 euros. ($206.-) that’s quite a lot. and the X3 now only costs 399 euros ($433). I think before it was €550 or something ($597). I’ll link the whole thing below.

If you can take a look, it’s definitely an opportunity. who wants to have a camera like this. he’ll take a look there. and maybe one or two people will strike. I then also take action, namely grab it while eating. and again at this point: Ciao Ciao!

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Nach meiner ersten Woche, in der ich nur sightseeing ohne Fahrrad betrieb, ging es heute zum ersten Mal mit dem Rennrad etwas durch Da Nang. Leider ereilte mich nach dieser Woche ein Virusangriff und legte mich mit Fieber lahm für 2 Tage. Dem Infekt geschuldet ließ ich es ruhig angehen und rollte nur ein paar Kilometer durch die Stadt, um mir einen ersten Eindruck zu verschaffen.

➤➤➤Wenn Du amazon Einkäufe tätigen und mich gleichzeitig in meiner Arbeit unterstützen möchtest, verwende bitte meinen Partnerlink ohne Zusatzkosten für Dich. Vielen Dank!

Länge: 42,34 km
Dauer: 2:05:35
Höhenmeter: 75m
Schnitt Max
Geschwindigkeit: 20,2km/h 43,4km/h
Herzfrequenz 115 bpm 171 bpm
Trittfrequenz: 71 98
Leistung: 80W 557W
Kalorien: 605
Temperatur: 26℃
Verstrichene Zeit: 2:35:48

Wer mich direkt unterstützen möchte:

➡️ Mein Rad Equipment:
✘ Wahoo Elemnt Bolt:
✘ Sigma Frontlicht:
✘ Restrap Satteltasche mit Volumen:
✘ BBB Lenkertasche:
✘ Rückspiegel für’s Rennrad:
✘ Speed Sensor Radnabe:
✘ Radarwarner gegen annähernden Verkehr von hinten mit Rücklichtfunktion:
✘ zuverlässige Wattmess Pedale:
✘ Halterung für Wahoo und GoPro:

➡️ Mein Kamera Equipment:
✘ 360° Action cam:
✘ 360° Action cam:
✘ Insta Go2 cam:
✘ Action Cam GoPro Hero 7 black:
✘ Action Cam GoPro Hero 9:
✘ Vlog Kamera Sony:
✘ Akkus für GoPro inkl. Ladegerät:
✘ Stativ mini für GoPro:

➡️ Meine Drohne:
✘ DJI Mavic Mini:

✘ = Dies sind AMAZON.DE Partnerlinks. Ich bekomme eine Provision und du kannst kostenlos meine Projekte unterstützen.
Du kannst auch andere Produkte über die links beziehen, die nicht aufgeführt sind, um mich zu unterstützen.

Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit und weiterhin viel Spaß beim zuschauen.



  1. Schönes Video. Wie kommt man eigentlich darauf, ausgerechnet in Da Nang Radurlaub zu machen? Sind dort die Hotels sehr günstig und gibt es noch andere Sehenswürdigkeiten?

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