「PEDALING MORI」 eBikeのふるさと森町 秋篇

S Hello it’s you blow with the m be the forest the CH is Never End Get on Up if it going to WR with me I find you C and find you oh I want to roll with a baby I just want to go on play this I want to talk with a baby

Oh oh I want to kick out of sing so I just want to tou like the80s I want to play with a baby baby baby baby the sun any satisfied hello hello we going to me together get all up if you’re going to ro with me nothing’s more is needed

Oh on and and on and on And r with a baby I just want to go on a play this I want to talk with the baby oh oh I want to kick out of s say I just want to dance like the80s I want to play with a baby baby baby Baby H

世界初の電動アシスト自転車を生み、育てたeBikeのふるさと。静岡県周智郡 森町

大洞院 (https://www.mori-kanko.jp/touristdetail/1102.html )
菓子司 中島屋(https://nakajimaya.buyshop.jp/ )
菓匠あさおか(https://kasho-asaoka.jimdofree.com/ )
北嶋糀店(https://www.kitajimakoujiten.com/ )
重要文化財 友田家住宅(https://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/kankosports/bunkageijutsu/bunkazai/1002825/1041003/1041890/1004971/1020994.html )
ミリオンペタルバイクパーク(https://sites.google.com/view/millionpetalbikepark/ )
遠江國一宮 小國神社(http://www.okunijinja.or.jp/ )
サステン株式会社(https://www.sasten.jp/ )
エルドラード森町(https://eldorado-morimachi.jp/ )
ヤマハモーターエレクトロニクス株式会社(https://www.yamaha-motor-elec.co.jp/ )


  1. Mr Yamaha, when will the new r9 be launched, yes, I'm sure it will be a true legend, not these strange electrical things, so far a new legend has not appeared on the market, think about it!!!!

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