中之島「橋」巡り Part3【糖尿ウォーカー】 #cycling #walking #picture #diabetes

This is the west side of Kamifunatsu Bridge. Looking downstream, you can already see the next bridge. Funatsu Bridge: A bridge built after the mid-Genroku period. It is said to have been located a little further east at that time. This is the westernmost bridge on the north side of Nakanoshima.

A bridge also extends to the south, beside the Hanshin National Highway. This bridge was closed due to construction. I’ll come back to that bridge, which is closed due to construction, someday. There is Nakanoshima Nishi Park on the south side of the street, so we took a short break before

Finally turning around and going around the bridges on the south side of Nakanoshima. Minato Bridge…During the Genroku period, the area around this area was actively built and maintained, and the bridge was built.

At that time, this area was lined with warehouses belonging to powerful feudal clans, and the warehouses had docks, making it a veritable port for merchant ships and transport vessels. There are still boats and docks…huh, even now? The current port is quite far away… It’s better to take it by car… I was thinking…

My bicycle chain came off. It’s quite tough. Once you leave Nakanoshima, head towards the next bridge from the south side of the Tosabori River. South side of Tosabori River… There seem to be a lot of companies related to trading companies because they have had warehouses for a long time.

Tosabori Bridge…Erected in 1921. Although it was built 100 years ago, it seems new compared to other bridges. I crossed the Tosabori Bridge and returned to Nakanoshima. What came into view was Ecchu Bridge. Pedestrian bridge. Already listed on the map of 1657. I couldn’t find my name on the railing.

From here, there are a lot of cuts because the reflection of people is intense. Please forgive me.Joanbashi Bridge is now in sight. It is said that this bridge was built by a merchant named Yodoya Joan when he developed Nakanoshima in the early Edo period . After this, we will pass through

One of the most prominent office districts in Osaka city . Moreover, since it was lunchtime , the number of people was reflected in the shot, so I cut it out. Aren’t you already making mosaics? Wouldn’t it be nice to make a mosaic? You may think so, but it’s on a different level.

Since I was in a crowd, I was able to see it close up. Even if you put a mosaic on it, the person in question will be able to tell, “Oh, it’s me.” However, everyone welcomed us and said , “Oh, it’s a diabetes walker!” “There’s a diabetes walker! Catch it!”

As I was saying things like that, it was time for the next bridge. Chikuzen Bridge… In the early Edo period, it was heading toward the Kuroda clan’s warehouse in Chikuzen. It is said that at that time it was a little further upstream than it is now.

This is all the footage you can use at Chikuzenbashi. I’m sorry that there are people in the picture. After cutting quite a bit, this is the next bridge.

Higobashi Bridge…This is also a bridge that was built towards the Higo clan’s warehouse during the Edo period. It took its current position in the Meiji era. Since there were too many people, we crossed the Tosabori River and headed east from outside Nakanoshima to the next bridge.

Nishikibashi…originally a movable weir for water purification. It is currently a pedestrian bridge. There seems to be a tile painting in the center… It had become a place for lunch breaks in the office district, so I gave up taking photos. I’ll come back later.

It can’t be helped since it’s daytime in an office area, but I cut back and head to the next bridge. The next intersection is Yodoyabashi. Yodoyabashi…Hung by Yodoya, a lumber merchant in the Edo period. Currently, 70,000 pedestrians and 60,000 cars pass through it every day. Making videos can be difficult

Because you can’t get the picture you want because of the crowd, or you can’t use it even if you can . However, as I was moving around a lot, my blood sugar level dropped. (Currently hbalc, 6.4)

I don’t know if I will be able to edit and publish the cycling videos I have taken, but I am editing them little by little, so please continue to support me. Now, it’s the last spurt. The next Sendannoki bridge is the last bridge.

Sendan no Kibashi…The name comes from the fact that there was a large Japanese sandalwood(Sendannoki) tree on this street. That’s it for this walk. Thank you for using our service.




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