Riding into a HAIL STORM in KYRGYZSTAN! 🇰🇬 [S5-E35]

Cup of tea this morning. Don’t mind if I do.  Thank you so much. Good money world. Welcome   back to our circumnavigation around the  globe by motorcycle. Bumblebees over there,   just chilling, and we’re here in the town of  Kazarman in Kyan. We had yesterday, actually,  

A rest day because after this really, really  long, long exhausting dirt road, climbing up,   up, up. Yeah, climbing, climbing. Wow,  oh wow, these are all bees. Oh my God,   the stupid mudguard screw is gone again.  We didn’t feel like continuing the next  

Day. We had the luxury of just taking a day  off. But today, it will be a crazy day. It’s   time to head back into the mountains. So let  me show you guys where we’re heading today. So we are here, and today we’re going to be  taking this little road over the Kama Pass  

To reach the city of Jalalabad. So our adventure  in Kyan is about to get even more crazy than the   last couple of rides because today we’re heading  to the highest pass that we’re going to take on  

So far. And yes, it’s all a dirt road. This pass  is actually open for only three months of the year   because it’s so high, but luckily we’re here at  just the right time that we can take it on. But  

On the map, it looks absolutely crazy, full of  switchbacks. I think the views are going to be   really good, but I reckon, as Evan would say,  it’s going to be pretty technical. Yes. So to   just gain a little bit more power and energy, we  will have now our nice provided breakfast. Ah,  

Free breakfast, yes. Yeah, we got some eggs,  got a little bit of veg, got some cheese,   got some bread. I don’t know. There’s some  apples and some little chocolate sweets,   and it’s amazing. The aim for today is to try  to reach a town called Jalalabad, and it’s about  

100 miles away. So actually not that far. I hope  we’re going to be all right, but it’s going to all   depend on the road condition. So yeah, exactly.  Crossed. So we will have our breakfast now,   enjoy a little bit, and then we’re ready to hit  the road. What’s this? Yeah, bye-bye. Bye-bye.  

Two, yep. Okay, yeah. Y sounds like a kitty cat.  Bye-bye. Thank you. Thank you. Bye-bye. Awesome.   That’s it. Leaving the safety of the guest house  and heading into the dirt roads in the mountains. I mean, yesterday we were sort of like, “Oh,  so good that we didn’t leave today because  

It was raining the whole day. It would dry out  overnight.” But then it was raining the whole   night as well. Yeah, there’s actually been quite  a lot of rain. I don’t know how that’s going to   affect this road, but yeah, we’ll have to see.  I kind of had nightmares already. I think the  

Forecast today is supposed to be really good,  like really nice beautiful sunshine. So I think   as long as we get sunshine for a couple of hours,  it’ll dry everything out. Oh, let me see if I can  

Get some fuel here. Yes, okay. And it’s not in  plastic bottles this time, which is nice. Okay,   yes. Oh, I think we’ll go here. Okay, ’cause this  is 92. So we’re leaving this beautiful place here,   Kazarman, with epic mountain views around. We  read online that Kyan is investing a massive  

Amount of money into building a whole new road  system here. And as you can see where we are now,   this is actually a completed section, and it’s  absolutely perfect here. But this project started   in, I think, 2013. And it was called like the new  North-South Highway. And the initial investment  

For the project was $2.2 billion, of which $200  million came from a grant. And then the country’s   own funds only managed to cover another $200  million. So they had to borrow from Chinese banks   $2 billion to make this construction. And the road  was supposed to take five years. But now it’s like  

10 years later, and it’s still not finished.  This road is actually supposed to be eventually   going to Jalalabad. But at the moment, they are  currently constructing a tunnel to go under the   mountain pass that we’re taking. But that tunnel  is still not finished. And that’s why we still  

Have to take the dirt road mountain pass, which  will eventually be the old road. But for us, it’s   the road, yeah, the only road, pretty much the  only road out from here heading south. Yeah. So  

At the moment, it’s a beautiful road. But that’s  all going to change in a few miles. Okay, there we   go. Look at that. Oh my God, beautiful junction.  And then it’s finished. That’s it. That’s it. That  

Was the nice road for the day. Oh no. Yeah. Okay.  So now we have, oh, my GPS is actually frozen. So   I don’t know, but something like 90 meters now  on this road. And then we’ll be in Gads. Yeah.  

I’m just hoping that the clouds will disappear  and that the sun will shine pretty soon because   otherwise we’re going to freeze. Yeah. I mean,  you can see up ahead, it does look really dark   up on the hills. And that’s basically where we’re  heading. But I mean, the forecast was supposed to  

Be good. So yeah. I really hope that it’s going  to clear. Anyway, let’s bump along for the whole   day. Hey. Yeah. Let’s hope that Bumblebee can take  one more day of bumpy roads and nothing else falls   off. It’s all about balance, isn’t it? Sometimes  you’re flying on the highway and sometimes you’re  

Fearing for your life. Well, I’m fearing from my  life on a highway as well. It’s been a stressful   two years for you. Hey. Yes. Stressful but really  beautiful. As… (Applause) Well, good morning,   guys. Oh no. Oh no. We’re hurting them. Wow, they  are beautiful horses. Look at them. Look at their  

Coats. Wow. Yeah, amazing horses. Got corrugation.  Yeah, come on, Bumblebee. You can do it. Oh, rock.   Oh, sorry. Sorry, Bumblebee, for everything we put  you through. Suzuki. Another group of horses here.   Beautiful. Wow. Bye. Have a nice day. They’re  living the life, man. Yeah, they are living the  

Life. I mean, that’s about as wild as you can get.  Farming, isn’t it? Yeah. Andre told us that they   really like to eat horses here and in Kazakhstan  as well. Well, look at all these birds. Nice.  

That’s a lot on the road. Yeah, I’m trying to  look on the road as well. Yeah, it’s always when   there’s something nice, suddenly you have like a  batch of gravel in front of you, you know? Yep.  

Always. As soon as I look to the side, suddenly  I’m going off the side of the road into the   gravel. And we’re about to fall off a cliff. Yeah,  it’s just how it is, isn’t it? Anyway, no rain so  

Far. A little drizzle here and there, but nothing  crazy. There’s a patch of blue sky over there.   And that’s our direction. So fingers crossed.  Fingers crossed the luck continues. Yeah, it’s   a horse paradise here. Yeah, they love it. Wow.  Oh, I think they like each other. Yeah. Beautiful.  

There beehives over there. Just going to put my  down a little bit. Hello. Guys. Guys, if you think   that we are crazy going up here on the motorbike,  look at this, guys. That’s tough, eh? Yeah. Hello.   Hello. How are you? Good. Big respect. Thanks. Big  respect. Where are you from? From Germany. Hello.  

I’m from Germany. He’s from England. Okay. Nice.  Yes. Crazy bike. Yeah. This is a crazy bike. Yeah.   I mean, this one doesn’t even have an engine. Good  morning. Hi. How are you? Did you leave Kazarman   today? No. We yesterday. So did you just camp?  Yes. Yes. Nice. Oh my God. You carry everything.  

You need equipment, everything to survive. I  think same as you. You want some cookies or   something? I think we’re good. Yes. And you have  lots of noodle packs. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. The   big bottle underneath. Well, the noodles in the  bottle. You’re going to try to go over the main  

Pass today? Yes. I think it’s like now. It should  be like 11 kilometers left. Okay. 11 kilometers.   And then the started going down. Goes down. And  that’s it. Oh, easy. Oh, we’ll be done in 10,   20 minutes. I’m just moving the bike. Hold on.  Oh, yeah. Group. Yes. Kistan. Thank you. Thank  

You very much. Bye-bye. The people here are so  amazing. Hey. Yeah. I think they’re so friendly.   How are you? Very good. H. How is the road? Is  good. Wow. There’s a lot of people coming. Hello.   Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you? Where  are you from? From England and Germany. Germany.  

Yes. Germany. Yeah. Good. What do you make here?  We go to Jalal. Jalad. Mm-hmm. From Kazan. From   Kazan. Yeah. Is it your hobby? Yes. Yes. It’s our  hobby. Are you afraid here? No. The road is good.  

It’s okay. I am here. First time. I afraid here.  Interesting. What do you make here? My husband’s   brother. Much. Much. Limbs have here. Oh, cool.  We saw many, many horses just down here. Many,   many horses. Yeah. It’s too beautiful. Yeah.  Beautiful. Do we eat? Where do we live? We  

Have a tent. We have a tent. We have food. We  have everything. And we stay at guest houses   in Kazan. Very nice. Very nice guest house. Yes.  Here, very nice. I live here. But I am here first  

In mountains. In mountains. I have afraid here.  Not beautiful. I wish you best. Love. Thank you.   Thank you. Thank you. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Send  us a message. All right. Good. Lou. Thank you.   Thank you. Thank you. We see you. Bye-bye. Oh,  the rain starts. Oh, wow. Look at this. Hold  

On a minute. I’m going to have to go through  because I’m not going to the edge. Okay. Oh,   wow. Okay. I’m just again. I just have to go  through. Yep. Oh, wow. Well, that was deeper than  

I imagined. Jesus. We’ve definitely had a lot of  rain here. Wow. Wow. Oh, my God. That was a little   bit of a mountain gathering. Hey. Yeah. Nice. It  was really nice to meet all of these guys. Back to  

The road. Hey. Yeah. Let’s hope that the other  side of the mountain is a bit drier. Yeah. Oh,   no. Look at this. Oh, my God. Okay. Okay. Now this  is a little bit. Yeah. That’s a bit dodgy. That   was. Oh, yeah. Okay. That was pretty. That was  dodgy. Definitely. Yeah. Was definitely hitting.  

Hitting the back tire very hard. Very good. Very  good. Very good. Very good. Very good. That was. Man, okay, okay, wow. Okay, that bit there was  just a little bit messed up, a challenge. Yeah,   I mean, that was probably one of the most  challenging little sections of road we’ve ever  

Done. I mean, that was crazy. I was just like,  “Right, I just gotta keep the throttle on.” Yeah,   we would definitely, definitely have fallen  there if you would have stopped. There’s no   way we could have stopped. No, I really hope  we don’t have anything more like that. If I  

See more stuff like that, I think we have to  stop and analyze it, okay? A bit more, okay,   rather than just go for it because I don’t want  to fall off the cliff. Yeah, that was definitely  

A challenge. Wow, that went like from a regular  road to a really crazy, crazy mud puddles. Yeah,   okay, no worries. Still upright, yeah. So our  cable tie repair on the chain guard is broken,   and so now we got to put new cable ties on  it. Okay, okay, let’s go a little bit further,  

And we’ll find a place to stop in the next  like 10 minutes. Okay, and we’ll have a little,   a little rest, compose ourselves a bit. Wow,  yeah, he’s just going. This day went from like   quite chilled, and I was actually really enjoying  it, to like, this is pretty intense now. We’re  

Getting higher and higher, yeah, and the road  seems to be getting worse and worse. So yeah,   we will just stay on the inside now, yeah.  Yeah, I mean, in the worst case, if we do  

Drop the bike on the inside, it’s okay, you know.  The main thing is we don’t drop it off the cliff. Exactly. Getting some views though, look at that. Yeah,  wow, starting to climb really high up now. Really  

High up, yeah. I can’t believe that this guy  is doing it on a bicycle. I can’t believe him,   really. These guys are tough. Front cameras  decided to turn off, give up on us. Okay,   camera’s like, “Now, mate, I’m out.” Okay,  big switchback. Let’s take it wide. Very  

Good. My Lord, very good. Thank you. Yes,  we’re not falling off today. Reckon should   we stop for a break somewhere here? Yeah, it’s  quite a big, nice open space, isn’t it? Okay,   yeah, let’s stop here. Do you think this dog is  actually going to attack us? I don’t know. Reckon  

He’s just bluffing. I think he’s bluffing. Okay,  little break. Compose ourselves a little bit,   ’cause that was, uh, that’s a hairy section.  I’m gonna have a look at the view anyway. Woo, yeah. We’ve come up some way already. Hey,  look at that. Look at these switchbacks. I don’t  

Think we’re at the top yet, but I think the top  is that’s up there. Wow, few more switchbacks   to come for sure. Not 100% finished yet. Okay,  it’s starting to rain now. So it’s time to take  

Off the medium mod and get our rain clothes on and  continue with this climb. Ah, it started hailing.   Luckily we are wearing our helmet. Oh, not good  at the moment. Not good. It’s terrible weather  

To be up here. Oh man, so we’re just going to wait  here and see if the weather gets any better before   taking on the highest part of the pass. Landslide  was here. Look at this. Okay, got a few puddles.  

Okay, yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay. That’s all right.  Yep, yep. Blue sky’s coming on the other side.   Can’t see anything. We got literally no visibility  anymore. It’s like, look at this. This is crazy.   I can hardly tell where the edge of the cliff  is and where the road is. Ridiculous. Yeah,  

We must be at the top now. Oh, yes. I think we  are at the top of the pass. Look at this. Yeah,   we made it. We didn’t die. Sunshine on the other  side. Yeah, the weather’s much better on the other  

Side. There’s pretty much sunshine over there.  Look at that. This is where we’re heading. Hey,   that’s where we’re headed. Yeah, yeah. We’re going  all the way along and heading out that way. This   is it. This is our highest point and the weather’s  looking a lot better on the other side. Yeah. And  

Look, the sheep’s coming to say hello. Yeah, wow.  That’s so nice. Hi, guys. Oh, I’m so glad that we   got past that bit, man. Yeah, we made it. We made  it to the top. [MUSIC PLAYING] Beautiful. [MUSIC  

PLAYING] All right. That’s it. On our way down  now over the pass. From now on, it’s easy.   Just rolling down. But anyway, man, I’m so glad  because, like I said, I had nightmares. You know,   I thought it would be really tricky, and it was  really tricky. But we survived. And now we can  

Enjoy a really open, nice view. Beautiful.  Absolutely beautiful. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh,   maybe actually the thing is, again, loose, is  it maybe? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It is. It is.   So we have basically just sort of hung up the mud  guard away from the chain with some high tensile  

Fishing line given to us by Doug in San Diego.  Thanks, Doug. And I think that’s going to hold it,   keep the chain guard in good condition. And  then when we get to the next town, we can get  

A screw for it. All right. 55 miles to go. Yeah,  let’s do it. And then we’ll be in Jalalabad. Hey,   what was that? Show me again. That’s really  nice. [MUSIC PLAYING] Whoa. [MUSIC PLAYING] We   are nearly at the bottom now. Oh, that’s amazing.  I’m so happy. Yes, we’re not going to die today.  

That’s always good, isn’t it? Yeah, totally.  Always good to survive, to ride another day. Yeah,   but wow, I can’t believe how remote some people  are living here. All around this mountain,   you can see some little tents where people  are living and their livestock around. Wow,  

I just can’t believe it. These guys are living a  wild lifestyle, that’s for sure. For sure, just   horse on the menu every day. Yeah, there we go.  Look at that. Oh, it feels so good, man. Really,  

No more cliffs. Yes, we are at the bottom. Oh,  my God, how nice. And we didn’t drop the bike   this whole Kyan adventure on all these dirt roads.  We have not dropped Bumblebee yet. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Put a guy hurting some horses  on an ATV. That’s the way to do it. Wow,  

Look at all these beautiful horses. Beautiful.  As well, it’s just a little boy. See if we can   just get through here without killing a foal. I  think so too. Look, they know where to go. Yeah,  

So I can see some diggers and that might mean  there’s been a landslide. Ooh, what do you think?   Should I just go? Um, I don’t know. Looks like  it’s been washed out. Do you think it’s better for  

Me to walk and you try to ride it? Because  I think it will be really, um… Yeah, yeah,   it’s going to be muddy. Muddy. Going to be really  muddy. Yeah, yeah. Maybe it’s best. It’s basically  

Just from here to there. Yeah, and it looks like  they’re cutting it out at the moment. I’m not even   sure I can go. Yet. Wow, they’re really carving  it all out right now. I’ll ask him if I can go.  

He said I can go. Okay. Yep. Wow. Oh my God.  Yeah, I think that’s it. Short but intense. Okay. I didn’t fall over, so we might. At this crazy dudes here from Lithuania. Hello  on like really cool bikes here. Bike, sorry,  

Here. One guy, his spoke broke. So, and  they tie it now with a cable tie. That’s   a good fix in my eyes. I have no idea where  these guys are from. Oh, he’s going. They   rented these bikes too. Oh, he’s going as  well. There we go. Coming on to the tarmac.

Can you believe it? Hey, wow. That was like 68  miles. 68 miles of pretty difficult roads. Yeah,   some of the toughest riding  I’ve ever done, seriously. Yes, that little kind of up and down  with all the puddles and the mud. Yeah,  

That was like nearly off the edge of the cliff.  That was like touch and go there. Oh my Lord. Now   we got a child roadblock. Oh no. Hello, hello. Hi,  hello. Hello, hi, cool. Wow, sunflower seeds. Oh,   cool, cool. They’re like literally hand picking  the seeds out of the sunflowers and drying them  

On the road. Wow, amazing. We’ve picked out  one guest house, which we saw on I Overlander,   which was supposed to be cheap but really  nice. And it’s just down here. The place is   apparently next to a place called [ __ ] art.  I just thought I’d let you guys know that. So  

Look around for some [ __ ] art and see what  you can find. The thing about guest houses,   ’cause they’re really hard to find,  ’cause they just look like houses.   Maybe one here. Oh, yeah, yeah, maybe.  Okay, yeah, let’s check out that house. Hi. Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Amazing. They have a room. So we’ve just noticed  that we’ve actually lost one of the rollers,   this one here. And this is the same thing that  happened back in Chile. And it started with one,  

Then it was two, three, four, five. So this  doesn’t look really good for the chain. We’ll   most likely need to replace the chain and the  sprocket at some point pretty soon. We’re going   to monitor this one and see if we get more of  them breaking or if it’s just one on its own.

Hi, me. Good evening, guys. We made it. Having  a life. Our four days of dirt road mountain   adventures are over. And we have made it here  to Jalalabad and the safety of tarmac. Yeah,   it was a really, really crazy ride. And I’m just  so happy that Bumblebee didn’t break anymore. I’m  

A little bit annoyed that we see the first signs  of the chain starts to break. That was a funny   sentence. Yeah, you got it. But actually, I think  we read that you might have to exchange your chain  

Every 20,000 miles. And we just counted that we  actually hit 20,000 miles since the last time we   have changed it. So it’s about time, to be honest.  So we’ll look to do that when we get over to  

Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, which is the  next big city that we’ll be coming to. The plan   is to reach Tashkent in like three or four days,  so not too bad. But it’s been four amazing rides,   a little bit scary at times, but the views  have been insane. The camping by the lakes  

Has been really, really beautiful. So  we were just rest now because tomorrow,   if everything goes well, we actually cross into  Uzbekistan. Yes, but that’s it from us today.   We hope you enjoyed the video. If so, please  give us a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel,  

Share the video with your friends and family,  comment below, and we will see you next time.

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It is day 486 of our Guinness World Record attempt to become the Youngest Pair to Circumnavigate the Globe by Motorcycle! In this episode we take on our highest pass yet in Kyrgyzstan, the 3000m Kaldama Pass, but with bad weather rolling in, can we make it to the other side in time?

Kazarman ➜ Jalal Abad

We are Lavi and Ollie 🌞 We are attempting a Guinness World Record to be the Youngest Pair to Circumnavigate the Globe by Motorcycle (Riding Pillion) 🏅🏍🌎

Join us as we record every day of our journey around the world.


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Main Camera: https://amzn.to/3tNrrlG
Media Mod: https://amzn.to/3DztLQw
Rear Camera: https://amzn.to/3iODzwF
Handlebar Mount: https://amzn.to/3tOtqGp
Lapel Mics: https://amzn.to/3AChwTz
Vlogging Mic: https://amzn.to/3CUeV7k
Drone: https://amzn.to/3NvY9jp

Panniers & Tank Bag: https://moskomoto.eu/collections/motorcycle-luggage
Top Box: https://amzn.to/3K68mBf
GPS Tracker & Security: https://sizzapp.com
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Peak Design Bar Mount & Phone Case: https://peak-design.pxf.io/EKJ9PX
Peak Design Selfie Stick Attachment: https://peak-design.pxf.io/EKJ9PX
Fodsports FX8 Air Intercom: https://www.fodsports.com/?ref=276
👆(Discount Code: LAVIANDOLLIE for 12% off)👆
Tyre Inflator: https://amzn.to/3SpIDdL

Backpacks: https://moskomoto.eu/collections/backpacks
Lavi’s Helmet: https://amzn.to/49hrnxo
Lavi’s Jacket: https://amzn.to/3Dl1Eo2
Lavi’s Trousers: Macna Ladies Equator Textile Jacket (Link unavailable)
Lavi’s Boots: https://amzn.to/3uzgPpX

Ollie’s Helmet: https://amzn.to/49hrnxo
Ollie’s Jacket: https://amzn.to/3qK34DN
Ollie’s Trousers: https://amzn.to/3JJYbC1
Ollie’s Boots: https://amzn.to/3uvn5Pq

Tent: https://amzn.to/46U79IB
Sleeping Mat: https://amzn.to/3u4lROo
Camping Chairs: https://amzn.to/46VAAKe
Pillows: https://amzn.to/3tQDtuR
Cooking Pot: https://amzn.to/3tMmsBY
Kettle: https://amzn.to/3DmWYOP
Bowl: https://amzn.to/3tMQPIf
Plastic Spork: https://amzn.to/3qJocK4
Metal Spork: https://amzn.to/3tQDUW1

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– Recorded in August

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  1. Kyrgyzstan was the furthest south in Central Asia that Russian railways went. China wants to run a rail line through Kyrgyzstan, but it's not a top priority. There is already a route linking China with Russia/Europe.

  2. 💚Another round and an exciting adventure – Olly is truly a professional rider – ✔ The best thing about your adventure is meeting other travelers and forming international friendships😉 Happy & alive 🥉🥉

  3. Awww, that was a nice social gathering up in the mountains. It's those moments you always remember. This is one memorable road this one! You needed stainless steel cable ties!
    What a stunning ride! Well done both of you for navigating that road upright!
    How good is the feeling when you come out the other side of something like that!
    Lucky you got Bumblebee's suspension fixed before that!

  4. I think your chain is probably too tight.
    I've done hundreds of thousands of kms of bike travels ,never have I had a chain break rollers .
    Fantastic footage ,a really enjoyable episode ❤

  5. That was so intense guys but worth it for the view at the top of the pass, just spectacular👌Those cyclists were so brave, that road must have taken a toll on them also! What a bummer about the chain, hopefully it will hold together until you reach the city in Uzbekistan🤞Another awesome video guys👍

  6. Carlos Freire – Brasil – Hello dear couple. I follow you from Brazil, video by video and even though you don't know me and I, in fact, don't know you either, with each episode I like you more. Thank you for taking me to such fantastic places. Kisses.

  7. That was a though one. Some bits of that road were utterly terrible. But, you didn't fall over! The off-road skill level is definately higher now than it was when you set out from Northampton, that's for sure!

  8. I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat with your editing! 😛
    It's amazing to see how far you guys have come since starting this round the world trip, and also that you're keeping an eye on Bumblebee to keep her in good condition to get home! You can do it!

  9. Another challenging day on the bike, that chain guard needs a better bolt with loctite or glue on it, like you said the chain is on its way out, good you survived another day.

  10. Thanks for taking us along on this journey. Watching you have fun, interact with people and each other, and grow through hardships is always a joy!

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