What If Plo Koon Raised Luke and Leia

Our story begins inside the medical facilities on  Polis Massa, Padme Amidala was dead. She had just   given birth to twins, Luke and Leia. The three of  her friends that were with her, were Jedi Masters   Obi Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Senator Bail Organa.  What came next, they were unsure. Obi Wan walked  

Away from Yoda and Bail to oversee the preparation  for the twins. There were a couple things that   needed to be done before they were allowed to  leave the facilities. It wasn’t anything bad,   just galactic standards for infants. Obi Wan  watched over with sadness. He would be taking one  

Of these twins surely. He didn’t want to admit it  to himself, but the reality is, the twins needed   to be taken care of, and they had to be split. If  the Emperor got to them, then he could fulfill his  

Evil legacy. While he was looking over the  twins a familiar presence washed over him. Master Plo walked through the building after  having seen the two senators vessels. He knew that   Polis Massa was one of the places for Jedi Masters  to go to, he had already been to locations inside  

Of the Core and the mid rim, before stopping here.  Each location had a place of refuge. In the Core,   it was Tython which was inside of the Core,  the location of one of the original temples.   He also went to Tempes which was in the Outer  Rim, location of a High Republic Outpost. Even  

Going to the wreckage on Devaron at the Temple  of Eedit which was in the Colonies location,   technically the Inner rim. Having not seen anyone  at any of these locations he was hopeful that   people would follow the path. Plo knew that if  the Jedi were to relocate, they needed to get away  

From the conflict. He didn’t quite understand what  the conflict was, but Tython, Devaron, and Tempes   all had directions to another location. Plo was  hopeful he would find someone and he finally did. Though when he walked in and found Yoda he was  surprised to say the least. Plo’s journey hadn’t  

Been easy. He was hopping from ship to ship to  avoid capture. After the clones turned on him,   he ejected last second and watched his ship  crash into a building. Before he escaped he   helped the injured out, and then at some point  stole a republic shuttle. It was early morning  

Upon his return to the Temple, the smoke was  still billowing out. When he tried to make a   landing he was chased off world, so he broke it  to Tython, before going to the other two planets.   He was running out of fuel and he knew that  Council members were to regroup at Polis Massa,  

So he came her last hoping someone would still  be alive. The fact that Yoda was here brought   him hope, but something was different. Prior  to his understanding of what happened to Yoda,   Obi Wan walked out and their conversation  began. It wouldn’t be until hours later  

That Plo would understand what  happened to the Grand Master. Sure losing was hard, but they couldn’t give  up the fight, not now. Maybe Plo was being too   hearty, something he wasn’t particularly  known for, but he couldn’t believe this.  

How could these two Jedi be so open to forgoing  the way. Yoda was going to split the twins up,   send Leia to Alderaan with Bail and send  Luke to Tatooine with Owen and Beru. But   Plo wouldn’t stand for that. How could they  be so hopeless. Before Bail could call dibs  

For a potential daughter Plo stood up. The force  put both Jedi on edge for a hot minute. He turned   to them both and expressed his shame. How could  they have fallen so far. They didn’t have any  

Desire to fix this? If they didn’t believe they  could fight the Empire, then why not train these   twins from birth? If he trained them from birth  then perhaps there was a chance for them to be   a challenge to Palpatine. If Skywalker was in  fact dead, then these twins were their last hope.

Plo told them that they couldn’t continue to down  this path, if they wanted to, he wouldn’t. They   were on their own, and they would forsake the  Jedi to oblivion. The Jedi Master walked off,   the Tantive IV hadn’t left the planet yet,  and the republic shuttle he stole would be  

Refueled. As he walked towards the twins  he could hear Obi Wan’s boots walking up   behind him. He asked Plo what he was doing  and Master Plo turned back asked Obi Wan   why they were so adamant on forgetting about  their mandate to the galaxy. Plo hadn’t even  

Heard Obi Wan’s message to the Jedi across  the galaxy, but he couldn’t believe that   Kenobi of all people was willing to give up on  Anakin’s children. He should’ve been the first   to tell Yoda that they shouldn’t be split  up and that they should be trained. Doing  

Anything less than that would be a disservice  to not just the galaxy, but Padme and Anakin. Plo expressed his shame and that  he wished it wouldn’t come to this,   but he was leaving now. There was no one that  could stop him. Kenobi tried to find the words,  

But what could he say. He just watched Luke and  Leia get whisked out of his life. Plo quickly   left Polis Massa after gathering supplies.  Yoda approached Obi Wan and informed him   that they would be going to Dagobah to complete  his training. It would be a lie to suggest that  

Neither master was affected by Plo’s words and  actions but what could they do now? Just like   they were in reaction to the Sith, they were  too slow to collect their thoughts and process   what happened before their very eyes. They  were failures to themselves and their order.  

Plo called them out on it and now all that was  left was the consequences of their inaction. Master Plo knew where to go, taking the twins to  Lothal. It was the same location he left behind at  

Every location he stopped at. Plo hoped for the  best, but he was unsure if anyone had seen his   little message. When he arrived it seemed as if  his hopes had proven him wrong. There was no one,   he gave the specific coordinates too. This left an  even more dismaying feeling inside of his chest.  

He didn’t believe anyone would go straight  there, but the idea that it was just Obi Wan,   Yoda, and himself was almost too much to bear.  He landed the shuttle outside the Jedi Temple   on Lothal and began setting up camp. The twins  were the quietest infants he’d ever interacted  

With. Hopefully that wasn’t a bad omen, surely  they were tired. They may have only been hours   old but their memories would likely be plagued  with the death of their mother. If they were   as force sensitive as their father, it was  entirely likely that one if not both of them  

Would remember the sadness that consumed  the medical facilities where Padme died. Plo, after having set up a campfire  and prepared some crates and such,   looked over the empty fields of the planet. He  hoped for the best, truthfully he did, but he  

Didn’t know what came next. Typically in a moment  like this he would consult one of his mentors,   whether it be Yoda, Tera Sinube, or someone else.  But now he had to trust one thing, and it was the  

Force. He had to rely on the force itself. The  fire crackled behind him and he looked off in the   distance. The children were sleeping by the fire,  simply due to him trying to make sure the shuttle  

Conserved as much energy as possible. He stopped  in the capital city of Lothal before he landed out   here. The shuttle would be operable for about  an entire year if he took care of it. That was   important for Plo. He had a severe disadvantage,  especially when it was in comparison to other Jedi  

Like Kenobi. Plo couldn’t just hide in plain  sight. Even with a hood covering his head,   his respirator altered his voice to be deeper  and more echoey. So just talking could alert the   wrong type of attention. He didn’t fear that the  locals of Lothal would report him to the Empire,  

But he couldn’t be too careful. Even if he  was just being paranoid, what he was doing   was in the greater service of the galaxy. Luke  and Leia needed to be protected at all costs. With them asleep, he walked back over towards  the fire and knelt down, he told himself to  

Trust the force. It was the only thing he  could do. If he continued to neglect it,   or be fueled by fear or frustration or even anger,  then he could jeopardize everything. He was one   with the force and the force was with him. The  fire and the soothing wind blowing across the open  

Landscape provided for the perfect ambience to  finding his peace through meditation. As he did,   he could feel a beacon through the force elsewhere  on the planet. It surprised him, but not as much   as the beeps that rang out from behind him as he  turned around to see R2 wheeling down the ramp.  

Plo turned back and pressed a finger to his mask  as the droid slid down next to him. Plo put his   hand on the droids head and asked him quietly what  he was doing here. Apparently R2 wanted to be with  

The twins, taking up the same mandate as Plo did,  protecting them and looking after them. He just   kept quiet until they got here, because he didn’t  want to get abandoned again, like he did by Anakin   on Mustafar. 3PO would be the politician’s  servant, just without his good friend.

Plo told the little droid to go back and be  quiet, not in a disregarding or disrespectful   way, just in a way to convey that he wanted to  meditate. One might assume that the meditation   went by swimmingly, but it didn’t. Plo was always  one of the more outstanding Jedi in the Order,  

It’s why he was on the Council, but he couldn’t  even connect. The only thing he had was the beacon   that he felt at the beginning, but he never felt  it again. His connection to the force had been  

Tainted by the rise of the Empire. It was the most  shame he had felt perhaps in his entire life. The   light felt extinguished, the hope had disappeared  and he was left with nothing but shame. He of course blamed himself. One of 13 seats  on the highest council inside the Jedi Order,  

One of 13 individuals that could decide the  fate of the Jedi and as it turned out the   fate of the galaxy. He, just as every  other member stood by idly. Of course   he didn’t know about Mace’s heroic duel  with the Chancellor, but he was left to  

Assume that his allies died fighting for  the galaxy. He would never know just how   close his ally had come to destroying the Sith  Lord, if only Anakin hadn’t betrayed the Jedi. Plo got back up and stepped away from the  fires, and looked at the cot he laid out.  

The two children were concealed,  covers overtop their infant pods,   it would protect them from anything that could  kill them. He was thankful for those pods,   because without them, he wouldn’t be able  to rest, but as he laid down on his cot,  

He realized that there would be no sleeping for  him. His mind was running laps around his head,   chasing after thoughts, all of them making  him overthink every action he ever made. He   honestly thought he should’ve been harder on  himself, but the truth is, he couldn’t be.

All of these thoughts led him to rest under the  starry sky on Lothal. In the morning he would   be the parent to two children that weren’t his,  two children that belonged to people he wasn’t   all that close to. Sure he and Skywalker had a  few bonding moments, but he didn’t know Padme  

Like Yoda or Obi Wan. He didn’t pity himself for  taking this role, he just didn’t understand how it   could come to this. How could the two people  who should’ve been there for their friend,   negate their roles as friend. Were they not  strong enough? Foolish? He was unsure. There  

Was no need to slander his friends, and this  wasn’t that, more so, he was just trying to   understand why it happened. How else could he come  to terms with it if he didn’t try to comprehend.

To avoid failure in the future he must develop  knowledge of why they failed in the past. If he   refused to do so, then he would be dooming,  the twins, the galaxy and himself. That was   something he couldn’t do. Plo took care of  the children in the morning and then when  

They finally went back to sleep he went back  into a meditation. It would become a cycle,   one that would remain the same on the daily  basis. He had enough supplies to last him   around 6 months, simply because Plo was used to  a schedule of fasting. The children would eat  

More than he would throughout the coming months,  which was perfectly healthy for him. His time was   spent continuously trying to harmonize with the  force once again. The task sounded so simply,   but things like this never were. The questions  only continued to mount up, and he at this point  

Didn’t have the assurance in himself to  traverse into the Temple behind the camp. R2 was a decent companion, but life was lonely  out here. For someone like Plo who had no issue   with being alone, finally found himself  yearning for companions. He may have been  

On the battlefront often, but the clones were  always there. When he wasn’t there, he always   had his brothers and sisters. Now, he was alone.  Nothing but the animals of Lothal, two infants,   and an R2 unit. Poor little droid had no one else  either, it was truly tragic. Plo after yet another  

Uneventful day looked at the Temple and walked  up to it. He wouldn’t enter it. Treading the tall   grass of Lothal felt surreal, and the silence in  the air aside from his footsteps crept through his   ears in an eerie but transcendent way. There was  no explaining it. As the Jedi master reached the  

Temple he looked up at it in all of its glory and  wondered if those who constructed it thought that   their order would become nothing. 25,000 years  of Jedi history gone in a flash. Plo looked back   to the shuttle. The droid and the children were  still as statues, and the fire still burned. His  

Head turned back and he raised his hand, laying  it gently on the side of the structure. He could   feel pulses radiating through the Temple, but  they didn’t give him any closure. There was no   freedom from his pain, just the continuation of an  insufficient comprehension of what had happened.

Truthfully he lost all concept of time.  He tried to keep track but after the first   week he was unsure. Maybe it was only 3 days,  perhaps it had been 3 months, the reality is,   it was only 7 weeks. His life had fallen through  the cracks and despite how highly he held himself,  

How hard he pushed himself, and how much he would  do for anyone who lived within the Temple. He   couldn’t help but feel like he was the last of the  Jedi. Yoda and Obi Wan were wherever they went,  

And he was here alone. A ghost in the plains,  lurking around, waiting for someone to come   home. He looked to the Temple before releasing his  hand and sauntering back into the camp. All of his   hope was in an 18 year long dream. Though each  day felt longer than the one that came before,  

How was he to rise above this. Again,  he fell asleep trying to meditate,   trying to bring some sense of reality back into  his life but it fell flat on its face and died. In the days that followed Master Plo  Koon, one of 13 Jedi on the high council,  

Fell deeper and deeper into a dark depression.  The droid was some sort of consolation,   and speaking into holorecordings helped  get things off of his chest, but he went   from a warrior to a shadow within seconds. How  could anyone come to terms with that. Some of  

The most respected Jedi, in his eyes, were  nothing but shells of their former selves. As he was running through the same thoughts  he ran through everyday of the last 7 weeks,   a new noise was heard. It came from the far side  of the ship, Plo upon reaction pulled his blade  

Into his hands and rounded the side of the ship,  igniting the lightsaber. He looked out and saw   someone skidding across the sea of nothingness  in a speeder. When it stopped, Plo recognized   the face instantly. It was Depa Billaba’s boy,  Caleb Dume. He stepped off the speeder and looked  

At Master Plo. There was so much brokenness in his  eyes and it shook the Jedi Master to his core. He   dropped his lightsaber and asked Caleb if he was  alright. He nodded his head with a weak smile,  

He told Master Plo that he saw the symbol on  Tempes. Considering he and Depa were on Kaller   it made sense for him to go to a place where  the Jedi were. He waited for a number of days,   after spending weeks getting off of Kaller.  It was so hard for him, the planet wasn’t  

The most populated and the people were  helping the republic look for the Jedi.   Caleb was already exceptionally young, having  become a padawan at age 11. As a 14 year old,   he was in a state of perpetual shock, having  watched his master get slaughtered by her own men.

He was afraid, but he survived. Caleb spent  about a week on Tempes until he realized that   it was time to go to Lothal. He was relieved to  be here, but he asked if there was anyone else,   and there wasn’t. Plo was rather transparent  with young Dume about the entire situation.  

He wanted him to be aware that they were in this  together, or as long as Caleb was willing to be   here. He appreciated the welcoming from Master  Plo. The Jedi Master offered up his cot to the  

Boy and then preceded to sleep on the ground, he  would get a cot when they needed to resupply in   the coming months. Until then, perhaps sleeping  on the ground would help him find the balance   he needed. Reality being, it wouldn’t. Plo  immediately went back into helping out Caleb,  

Which neglected his own journey through  healing. The Jedi Master would give Caleb   certain exercises, all of which meant to help  him with letting go. Plo had been doing this,   but the burden of blame still sat on his  shoulders. Caleb could let go of what happened,  

And with Plo’s training he became more connected  to the force, not immediately obviously. Plo on   the other hand didn’t have the same luxury, he  was part of the problem. He didn’t make it happen,  

And he wasn’t on world when it did happen, but  where did he go wrong. All of his years on the   High Council, how many years did he have to say  something. He was on the Council when Master   Katri died, when Mace Windu became a member, when  Sifo-Dyas went missing, when Yaddle went missing,  

When Dooku left the order, when Qui Gon died,  when the battle of Geonosis, happened, during and   throughout the clone wars, and yet he, just like  everyone else on that Council had no response. Plo’s love for the Skywalker children and Caleb  didn’t cease and he was frequently open with them,  

Especially Caleb, in expressing how important  they were for the future. However, he was stuck   in his head, constantly looking for a way out  of it. But how do you escape. For all he knew,   10,000 Jedi died because of him. For all  he knew, his failure to stop Skywalker was  

His own responsibility. This wasn’t a victim  mindset, but how could Plo move on, knowing   that all of those children inside the Temple  died looking at their hero. How could he come   to terms with reality with every generation over  the last couple decades was exterminated in the  

Manner of a few short hours. What about Huyang?  If he was gone, then the order was lost to time. Plo then began to gander over the idea  that perhaps it was time for the Jedi   to die off. The pessimistic route continued  to plague his heart, but there was so little  

To hold onto. When he started on this  journey he had a fight and he had hope,   but that was before he learned that there  were no more Jedi. Even though he was wrong,   100 out of 10,000 was terrible. That wasn’t a  lot of Jedi, it wasn’t a lot of hope either.  

It was the shambles of a once great order. Caleb  knew that Plo wasn’t acting right, but how could   he blame him. When Caleb showed up he knew that  the Jedi Master was hopeful to learn that another   Council member survived. Caleb assumed that Plo  was the last Jedi, but only he knew that there  

Were two others. Two Jedi that Plo deeply admired.  Perhaps that took the wind out of his lungs. The following months would repeat this  cycle, hopelessness mixed with assisting   the next generation. Luke and Leia were doing  well, and thanks to the help of Caleb, he went  

Into town and got the supplies they needed, even  bringing back some delicious meilooruns. Plo was   grateful for Caleb, but he could sense that  the boy wanted to move on. He wasn’t afraid,   which was good. Because the reality is, Caleb  didn’t want to stay put forever, he was afraid  

But Master Plo inspired him. Caleb believed  he could find a life out amongst the stars.   Plo couldn’t hold him back and he didn’t want to,  even though he really did. The company was nice,   but Caleb had a life to try and discover, it  wasn’t his burden at 14 years old to fix what  

The Council failed to handle. He wished Caleb  well on his journeys. The two of them had a   communication frequency, and they promised that  if they were in danger or if Plo had to switch   locations they would let each other know. Though  the frequency would be mostly for emergency,  

No weekly catchup, only silence. They would  just have to both hope the other survived. This silence would be indefinite, and as for  Plo’s time on Lothal, it would continue just   the same as this for the next 5 years. When Caleb  left the twins had just turned 1, now they were  

6 years old. Plo hadn’t mad much progress in the  last couple of years. He was still struggling but   he didn’t let it control his life the way he had  before. It was a slow rebuilding process. There   hadn’t been any signs of Kenobi, Yoda, Dume, or  anyone else. He believed Dume was still alive,  

But his fear is that Yoda and Obi Wan did  something ridiculous, perhaps challenged   the Emperor and lost. He didn’t know and part  of him didn’t want to know. What a terrible   fate that would be. Plo didn’t think about it  much, still having avoided entering the Temple,  

He was coming to peace with himself. This was  in part to the twins growing up. He taught them   everything he knew, it was the best thing for  him. He wasn’t constantly thinking about the   loss of the Order or the Rise of the Empire. He  realized, once again, why he was out here alone  

On Lothal with two children. He understood  that he did this for a future he would   likely never see. But it was a better future  than the one he left behind for the twins. And because the Jedi Order was nothing  but shambles at this point, Plo taught  

Himself how to let go of the code in a way.  He didn’t reject it, he believed that would   be too far in the wrong direction, however,  he allowed himself to actually love the twins,   as if they were his own. It released some  of the shackles surrounding his pain,  

But there was still much work that needed to be  done. The twins were given exceptional training   from one of the better instructors within the  Order. Luke and Leia were so young but they   knew more than just about any other 6 year  old in the galaxy. It was entirely due to  

The knowledge Plo remembered. Teaching them gave  him excitement and finally, after having spent 6   years on the planet without venturing into the  Temple, he would do it. Though he waited until   the children were sleeping. Instead of their  camp being just a vessel, they had little huts  

And while they were connected, Luke and Leia  had separate rooms, so they could have their   privacy. Plo didn’t have a hut per se, it was  more of an awning with a bed and some crates. When the children went to bed after an  extensive day learning about the midichlorians,  

A topic that very frequently put them to sleep,  he made his way for the Temple. The Jedi Master   looked up at the massive structure and raised his  hand, allowing the force to flea from his body and  

Raise the structure. He looked on with a sense  of pride, he didn’t know if he would be able to   do it or not. As he walked in he thought about how  his lack of using the force may have weakened him,  

But it turns out he was still highly connected.  His actual disconnect from the force was a mental   blocker, rather than a physical bond. The ancient  structure surrounded him and he walked through   the entrance before kneeling down in the main  corridor, focusing on the force and letting go.

Within the hour he stood up to a door  opening. He looked to his sides and entered,   leaving his Jedi weapon on the ground so that he  may recover it when he came out. As he entered he   was transported to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.  He couldn’t believe his eyes, pristine as it was  

The day he was brought into the order. He  couldn’t believe how beautiful it once was,   a sense of joy and pride returned. Plo heard  some of his friends behind him and turned to   see Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Depa Billaba.  They were all smiling and talking. They stopped  

And told Plo that they missed him, he started  forward with a sense of happiness he hadn’t felt   since. The moment it crossed his mind Mace cried  out, his hand having been removed and lighting   covering his face. Mundi and Depa were so in shock  they couldn’t react as the clones shot them dead.

Plo turned to the sound of the blasters and he  saw Commander Wolffee and Captain Rex running   towards him. Plo raised his hands ready to defend  himself before they were thrown to the side,   Skywalker stepped forward, with piercing  crimson eyes, holding the blade of a Sith Lord,  

Telling the clones that he would deal with this  traitor. The one who intentionally bombed an   orphanage on Cato Neimoidia. Plo rejected the idea  until Skywalker’s blade swung down on top of him   and he fell backwards. Luke and Leia were by his  side and he asked if they were alright. They had  

Terror in their eyes. They told him that they were  scared, someone was here looking for them. Plo   grabbed his lightsaber and told the children to go  further into the cave no matter what they heard,   they had no business leaving the structure.  If he didn’t make it, he gave them orders  

To stay as hidden as possible, escape if they  could. He wished that the force be with them. An evil laugh crept through the caves, and Plo  looked up to see a robotic machine standing next   to Sidious. Who was that? He knew that  Sidious was the dark lord of the Sith,  

But he couldn’t figure out who the massive beast  was. Without hesitating Sidious launched forward   and engaged. Plo defended himself as the suited  man marched into the structure looking for the   twins. Plo tried to stop him but his shoulder  was clipped, he turned back and fought as hard  

As he could. Sidious shoved him back and  before he could protect the twins he felt   the heat of a thousand suns crawl through his  chest. The twins could be seen darting out of   the corner and into the arms of the royal  guard, and then Plo fell into nothingness.

He couldn’t escape it as it approached. When  he looked up, he saw nothing but darkness. The   sound of a wookiee could be heard from behind  him as he turned back to see his instructor,   Master Tyvokka. The wookiee Jedi spoke up asking  him if he had given up on himself so easily. Plo  

Shook his head, slowly pushing himself off of  his knees. The wookiee warrior told him that   there was no more fight if he was dead. Plo asked  if he was. Tyvokka walked towards his student,   and suggested that he was as dead as the  order. The last of the Jedi and he did  

Nothing for the galaxy. It was truthfully  shameful. The opportunity of a lifetime,   a chance to make everything right, only to throw  it away in a cycle of self pity. Plo turned back   and asked his master what happened now, and  Tyvokka told him that he became one with the  

Force. Doomed with knowledge of the eternal  realm. The next generation would come and fix   his errors. Perhaps they wouldn’t be so down on  themselves. Plo acknowledged where his master   was coming from but he wasn’t able to take on  the entire Empire alone. Tyvokka suggested that  

The thought of him doing that was ridiculous. His  role was to be an inspiration. Regardless of his   peers or their failures, he had the opportunity  to undo everything the Empire built. But that   wouldn’t ever happen would it? Plo looked back  to his side and saw the cave to the Jedi Temple.

Plo started in the direction and then stopped.  Tyvokka asked what he was waiting for,   Plo turned to his master, and expressed that  whether or not this was a vision or an epiphany,   he wanted to ask if he would remember this once it  was finished. Tyvokka nodded his head, telling his  

Former student that he would remember everything.  Plo told his master that, no matter the trial, the   struggle, or the frustration, he always thought  of him. Plo expressed that Tyvokka helped him with   so much more than he could ever know. The wookiee  Jedi smiled and told his apprentice that he always  

Knew. Tyvokka put his hands together and bowed to  his student, telling him that the force would be   with him always. Plo mimicked his master, bowing  and when he looked up he was inside the Temple. There was no death, no Sith, no destruction.  Plo looked at his lightsaber and picked it off  

The ground, hoping that his master  understood how important to him,   he was. Plo stepped out of the Temple and closed  it behind him. He walked to Luke and Leia’s huts   and saw them both sleeping. Joy filled his heart,  what came next would be decided by his dedication  

To instruction. So Plo walked to his bed and  sat down, but he felt something in his side,   so he lifted himself up and pulled out  two crystals. Plo could feel it too,   both of these crystals were laced with his  Master’s essence. They weren’t his, but for two  

Crystals to be found on Lothal in such a fashion  was a show of how mysterious the force really was. Though for Plo, it did bring him a sense of  peace, believing that he was able to have one   final conversation with his former teacher. It  was surreal, but also comforting. In the morning,  

Jedi Master Plo Koon would return.  This would begin to make things right. In the coming weeks, he would explain  the lineage to the Skywalker twins,   their family history from what he knew  and so forth. It would also be at this   point that he would introduce them to  their very own kyber crystals, however,  

He didn’t want them building lightsabers yet, that  time would come. The most important thing for them   to do was to build a bond with their crystals. If  they could create such a bond with the crystals   alone then when it came time for them to put  them into their lightsabers, then they would  

Be unstoppable. He did give his reasoning for  not having done so yet, admitting that it was   fear that consumed him. The twins were old enough  to understand that their situation wasn’t right,   but with Plo’s words he was able to make sure  they knew it was nothing they had done wrong.  

Plo made up for the lost time and pushed  forward. This didn’t mean he immediately   overcame his own internal struggles, but as he  slowly fought his way out of his depression he   became enamored with making sure the twins became  the best Jedi the fallen Order had ever seen.

The next 8 years on Lothal would be peaceful. The  Empire had no presence this far out in the galaxy,   so Plo was able to safeguard the twins. At the  same time, there were additions to their little  

Crew. A year after Plo’s turn around they found  a loner who had to figure out a way to survive   on his own. Young Ezra Bridger was supposed to be  looked after by Tseebo, but the Rodian man never  

Ended up doing so. However, when Plo was on one  of his supply runs he found the 7 year old boy   and immediately felt the connection, it was the  same beacon of force he felt 7 years before, when  

They first arrived on Lothal, after Empire day.  Plo had a hard time convincing Ezra to trust him,   which was understandable, but he believed that  Ezra could have a home with them, and so he did. Truthfully, it was more than Plo initially  could handle. The twins had their own diverse  

Set of personality traits but they always  had each other. Ezra on the other hand had   spent the last several months alone, after  his parents were captured by the Empire. So   when Plo found him he was really off  put by everyone he interacted with,  

Though the Jedi Master gave him a home and  a new family, one that Ezra could’ve never   dreamed of. Because they were staying on Lothal,  Ezra was okay with not being in his family’s home,   leaving a message for his parents if they ever  returned. This was something Plo was unaware of.

When all three of the children were 14, they were  like triplets, as close as three kids the same age   could be. Luke, Leia, and Ezra all thrived around  each other, and with their training continuing,   after Plo learned of how high Ezra’s ceiling was,  a return of a new order seemed like a legitimate  

Possibility. Though not everything could be  perfect, because shortly after Ezra’s birthday   the Empire arrived, Plo couldn’t stand for this  anymore. The Empire had finally landed and he   couldn’t let the children become involved in the  fight yet. So as the Empire’s flags draped over  

The capital city of Lothal, Plo went in. The Jedi  Master having brought harmony to himself in the   years since the fall of the order was prepared. He  made a distraction and intentionally got himself   captured. In the process of getting captured  he would be brought to Tarkin’s fleet in the  

Mustafar system. Initially this seemed awful for  him, but Plo intended on this. His plans were to   lure the Emperor out and defeat him. He at this  point was unaware that there was a Darth Vader,   and the concept of Inquisitors was rather  pitiful. None of them were adequately trained  

And he figured that out when he was introduced  to Grand Inquisitor, the best out of the ground. Plo would break free inside the flagship over  Mustafar and a duel would commence between him   and Grand Inquisitor. Obviously without having  fought anyone in a while it was difficult,  

But he still was highly trained with the blade,  now with 14 more years of experience. Just the   vibration created from slamming blades together  took a minute to get used to. Vader arrived during   Plo’s fight with the Grand Inquisitor which forced  the Jedi Master to retreat, especially after Vader  

Got a lucky hit in on his shoulder. Before Plo  could escape he threw Grand Inquisitor into a wall   and shot electric judgment out at Vader, which was  highly damaging to his suit, truthfully speaking,   a lot more damaging than Sidious’ electricity.  Because while Electric Judgement wasn’t meant to  

Be harmful, Vader was full of darkness and his  suit was metallic. The Electric Judgement was   used to get rid of the dark abyss, Plo’s shot  nearly crippled Vader’s life support system,   which is something Palpatine hadn’t accomplished  in volleys of electricity. The light would  

Always prevail over the darkness, it was  a pity the former Jedi couldn’t see that. Plo felt so much disappointment, especially  considering the fact that if he survived this   next leg of the journey, he would be the bearer of  bad news for the twins. The fact that their father  

Was still alive would be just as challenging as  knowing who he became before he died. While Plo   was setting up the next phase of his plan,  the triplets, as he referred to them as,   were running rampant in the streets of the Capital  City. Just in time too, they wanted to make fools  

Of the Jedi until they ran into the Ghost Crew.  Caleb obviously hadn’t forgotten about Plo, and he   planned on stopping by to see if they were still  there after they completed this mission, however,   sometimes one just gets lucky, because Luke, Leia,  and Ezra stumbled into their little mission and  

Ended up helping out, which led to a whole chain  of events, none of which Plo would be privy to. The Jedi Master waited on Tatooine, he  believed it would be perfect, if he could   finish Vader off here, then perhaps he could  have his peace. But that wasn’t who showed up.  

Turns out both Grand Inquisitor and Vader informed  their Emperor that they had some struggles against   the Jedi Master, especially considering Vader’s  suit was completely shut down and he was stuck   in a bacta tank, nearly in critical condition. The  Electric Judgment had done him in. Sidious didn’t  

Understand, but he informed Grand Inquisitor that  he would deal with this Jedi himself. Because   Plo found balance within himself, and became more  harmonized with the force over the past 14 years,   he unlocked the most radiant version of himself,  one filled with the light side of the force.  

He was a beacon of light and when Sidious’  shuttle landed on the planet he could feel it. Plo was waiting, stepping out of his meditation  when he felt the arrival of Sidious. Plo was in   total harmony with the Dune Seas of Tatooine,  but when Sidious arrived he was surprised.  

He expected Vader and Grand Inquisitor.  Being that Plo needed an imperial vessel   to escape he used their frequencies to get  into contact with the fleet over Mustafar,   it just turned out that neither Grand Inquisitor  or Vader could show up. Grand Inquisitor wasn’t a  

Match for Plo’s lightsaber skill and while the  same couldn’t be said for Vader, the Electric   Judgment component could be deadly, especially  in a place filled to the brim with sand. When Plo looked at Sidious he felt a wave of  discomfort wash over his body. Did he doubt  

Himself in this moment, no. But he did have his  own reservations about his ability to defeat the   dark lord. Plo knew Yoda failed, he wouldn’t.  Rising to his feet and showing off his skills.   Sidious couldn’t help but laugh as the two  opponents looked at each other from across  

The sands. They met in the middle, their duel  rocking the planet beneath them. Face to face   for the first time since the fall of republic,  Jedi versus Sith. Their skill unmatched as their   blades danced back and forth, each of them using  all of their skill. Trading blows as the Sith Lord  

Took his stand over the Jedi master. They split  off, Plo realizing what he needed to do. Sidious   was still incredibly powerful, raising his hand  and shooting electricity at the Jedi Master.   Plo used the force to propel himself over him, he  then used all of his strength to launch his blade  

Into the air. The Kel Dor strength was nothing to  mock. Sidious lost his balance and his lightsaber   and then he looked up to the Jedi Master. His  voice sounding off to himself, he was one with   the force. Plo’s hand lightly pressed against  Sidious’ chest and he tried to stop but the  

Light would always rise even in the darkest  of times. The light consumed the dark lord   of the Sith and for just a moment Sidious  understood why the Jedi maintained their   values. He had just a split second to feel  righteousness, peace, love, compassion,  

And happiness, before it all slipped  away and he became nothing but dust. Plo stood, the wind blowing his cape behind him  before he dropped to his knees. He looked at what   remained of the Sith Lord and he couldn’t believe  it. And then he slowly fell down into the sands  

And felt his body go limp. He had never released  so much power before but, to consume darkness   it took everything he had to offer. Plo knew he  couldn’t wait forever, because Vader would come   for him once it became clear Sidious had gone.  The Jedi Master, in the coming hours would take  

Advantage of the night, and make his way for the  shuttle, setting a detonation inside of it, and   sending out a distress signal for Vader and Grand  Inquisitor, informing them that the fight had   gone badly and he needed reinforcements. Plo took  the Sith lightsaber and hobbled back to his ship.

Plo passed out inside the starship on his way  back to Lothal. When he did inevitably arrive,   he didn’t even realize the triplets  weren’t present inside the camp. He was   so lightheaded. All he knew is that Palpatine’s  overconfidence in the dark side cost him,  

But Plo couldn’t even feel much of his body. He  was drained extensively. All he could do is hope   for a moment with the triplets before he was  consumed by the force. Plo rested on his bed  

And when he woke up, about 5 days after the fact,  he was surrounded by faces young and old. Luke,   Leia, and Ezra seemed to make some new  friends, but so did young Caleb Dume,   who by this point had become a cunning young man.  The Ghost Crew was inside the camp taking refuge.  

A lot had happened in the last several years, most  of which Plo and the triplets had been unaware of. When Plo finally woke up, Kanan helped him up and  walked him over to the Temple. They had a slight  

Catching up to do, but Kanan was adamant that  Plo understood, that they were winning. He didn’t   understand, but as was described to him, the Jedi  were rebuilding, and it was because of him. Plo   was confused, what did that mean, how was that  possible. Plo at this point didn’t even remember  

Killing Sidious, he knew something happened  on Tatooine, but what it was, he was unsure. Kanan lowered Plo to the ground in front of the  Jedi Temple and told him that over the years,   especially since their arrival to Lothal, Obi  Wan and Yoda restarted. Plo didn’t understand,  

And Kanan got down to Plo’s level, telling him  that there were about a hundred Jedi thriving.   Plo looked over and Kanan put his hand on  Plo’s shoulder and told him he did it. None   of it made sense, the world was spinning  for Plo Koon, and Kanan could tell that  

He was having a hard time understanding  so he fleshed it out for the Jedi Master. Obi Wan and Yoda went into hiding on Dagobah  to complete Kenobi’s training, considering they   weren’t told by Plo where he was going. Obi Wan  over the following days became fed up with the  

Desire to stay in hiding, and suggested that  they leave. Yoda wasn’t against it but he was   controlled by fear. Obi Wan initially wanted to  find Plo, but then their mission statement changed   into a desire to save lost Jedi. Yoda suggested  the Temple on Ashas Ree, it would be balanced  

Out due to the Temple being built on top of a Sith  Temple, similar to the one on Coruscant. However,   Yoda decided that if they were going to use the  Temple, then they would go to the Sith Temple  

Beneath and restore it to a sense of light. It  worked, but it took time. On the other side of   this they went out into the galaxy to save  former Jedi, and then that list expanded to  

Force sensitives. The Path ran through the Jedi  and it all came back to Ashas Ree. For both Kenobi   and Yoda they saw the importance of community,  even with those who didn’t meet the standards   of the Jedi Order. While Obi Wan was much more  accepting of the predicament and their resolve to  

It. Yoda needed time. It was hard for him, being  that he had so much time as the Grand Master. He no longer was held in such high regard.  It wasn’t that he was disrespected, but   the younglings and padawans had so much trauma.  Their Order was a Bokken Jedi Order. Some could  

Be saved, but others could not. Some Jedi falling  to the dark side and being taken away. Some Jedi   were killed by Vader and the Inquisitors, but a  majority of them made it. The home of Ashas Ree  

Was expanded upon for the past 14 years and it  became a hub of activity. People actively were   brought into the home of the Jedi and homes were  built, constructing the people and the Jedi into   a community of survivors. It was truly beautiful.  Kanan accidentally found it after he left Lothal.  

He didn’t stay long and that would be how he found  Hera and started the Phoenix squad. Kanan then   continued and expressed to Plo that he was the  reason for all of it. He may have not known it,   and maybe he wouldn’t remember this, but  it was his doing. Plo just nodded his head.

He placed his hand on Kanan’s shoulder and  thanked him for coming home. He worried for   him for a long while, and he was proud of the  man he became. Kanan just smiled and thanked  

Him. The two of them sat in silence in front of  the Jedi Temple for a good couple of hours. When   they were finished they returned to the camp so  Plo could see the triplets and spend time with  

Them. It became clear during the meditation that  Plo would be consumed by the force, though he was   unaware when that might happen. He released so  much energy during his fight with Sidious that   he had doomed himself, with death starring him in  the face he realized the depths of his longevity.

For Plo it wasn’t about his legacy, that didn’t  matter, the Order he knew was long gone. But what   he cared about was the family he had constructed  here on Lothal. The triplets were everything to   him. He taught them everything he knew up until  this point and he would continue to do that until  

His life came to an end. The Jedi Master went to  his students, all 3 of them old enough to know   the fate of their respective parents. Ezra’s  were gone, same went for Luke and Leia’s. He  

Was the closet thing they had to a father, the  only difference for Ezra was he knew his parents,   but Plo was an at the moment father for him. The  news hit them hard, but they were accepting of it.

Plo then explained what caused this and that  he would do everything within his power to   make sure their future was theirs. That they  didn’t have to fight the fight that he and his   council failed. They were some of the highest  trained Jedi the former Order would have ever  

Seen. Plo’s expertise in pulling out the best  of his students showed with the three of them.   As he explained to the three of them, due to the  differences between the twins and Ezra. Plo said   that the force can be a trickle, a stream, a  river, or a flood for anyone who could sense  

It. The Force wasn’t about being stronger, Luke  and Leia weren’t stronger. He reassured Ezra,   just as he did the twins, to think of themselves  as doors. The wider they could each open their   doors, the more easily the force could  flow through them. For Luke and Leia,  

Their doors just started out a bit more open,  but he reminded them that any door can be opened   wider. The triplets took this knowledge into their  minds and allowed it to accelerate their training. Shortly after Plo informed his triplets that he  was dying, Hera came running out of the Ghost to  

Inform them that the Empire was pulling off of  Lothal. She revealed that the Emperor had died,   and the galaxy was stepping backwards, the  Senate was in a gridlock for control over   the entire Empire with Mas Amedda.  The trouble began on Coruscant.

Vader sent a couple of Inquisitors out to  Tatooine to find Palpatine and they were   killed in a blast that destroyed his shuttle.  Vader then realized that he needed control,   though, due to his lack of public spotlight, he  needed someone else. This forced him to make a  

Deal with Mas Amedda so that they could recapture  the senate to make sure there wasn’t a rebellion,   though the fire had already been lit. Thanks to  little cells of Rebels across the outer and mid   rims, the death of Palpatine became a rallying  cry. It was apparent the Empire would struggle  

Continuously without the rule of Palpatine,  and there was no successor, no plan in mind   of how the galaxy might handle the disappearance  of the Emperor. Vader took control of the military   side of things, but there was already an issue.  Because Palpatine kept Vader on a short leash,  

He now had competing interests. Many of  the Imperial Moffs believed they were   first in line to be successor and they all  made a beeline for Coruscant to put their   name in the hat. They wanted the power and the  credits that came along with being the Emperor.

Of course it didn’t stop there, the chain  of command was filled to the brim with power   obsessed officers that wanted to seize their  power. The Empire pulled all of its external   fleets back to the core to make sure they didn’t  lose their central power system. It was strenuous,  

And for Vader it felt like the beginning of  the end, especially due to the Moffs. But over   the coming days, weeks, and months everything  would become stable once more and the Empire   would stand tall again. Though an important  side effect to come from the Empire’s retreat  

From the Outer and Mid rims were the rise of  the Alliance. With a weak Imperial presence,   there was no need to be afraid. The  Empire had already become more cruel,   and when there wasn’t anyone watching the people,  they made it clear they didn’t want the tyranny  

To control them anymore. The rise of a  resistance was growing, and it was united. Back on Lothal, Plo decided he had  more lessons to teach his students,   most of them highlighting the importance of  the Jedi way. He knew that they would take it  

To heart, and that as this generations  representation of the chosen ones,   he knew they would end the Empire. He believed  that much at least. Master Plo focused on lessons   that didn’t revolve around the lightsaber.  He had done most of the important lessons  

Revolving around lightsaber training before  his fight with Sidious. In his experience,   students that learned lightsaber forms before  adulthood, typically became better duelists. At   least that was the case with Dooku. So he  spent the good part of two or three years  

Training them to wield the lightsaber in their  own personal styles. The twins used V and Ezra   used IV which was great because Plo knew both of  them, especially since V was his main form to use. Since he was too weak to use his blade, he  taught lessons in the force. They’d been inside  

The Temple before and they were used to using it  for lessons. Plo’s specific lessons were things   he learned over the years before the temple fell  and even as recent as within the last few weeks. Luke, Leia, and Ezra were all accepting and ready  of this. It was hard though, but they treasured  

Every single moment with Plo. Kanan even stayed  put on Lothal to continue training with Plo,   but the Ghost Crew wasn’t going anywhere  so they didn’t leave them behind. Instead,   it was interesting for the other members of  Ghost to see a Jedi Master in action. The  

Lessons were very difficult for Plo, barely  making it through any of them. Falling to   the ground a couple of times, and even  passing out. It was all very stressful   and even saddening for those closest to the  Jedi Master, but it was what he wanted to do.

Before the end of his life, when Luke, Leia, and  Ezra were each 16, he was visited by Obi Wan and   Yoda, each of them far older than they were when  they last saw Plo. Kanan and the Ghost did leave  

A few times, because Plo was living much longer  than even he thought he would live. During one of   their departures they stopped off at Ashas Ree  and informed the Jedi about their friend. The   visit was heart wrenching but Yoda and Obi Wan  saw that Plo was doing what he loved the most.  

He was teaching, helping others, and spending time  with those who meant the most to him. When Kenobi   and Yoda left, Master Plo would teach his final  lesson, one that took the triplets and Kanan into   the Temple itself. They had their own respective  visions and when they were finished he brought  

Them out into the fields of the planet. He told  them all that the force breathed through this   planet and every single one of them. It did the  same with every single person who existed within   the galaxy. The four of them knew this but he  continued, he expressed that in his journey he  

Realized that no one is ever really gone. There  was always hope for change, there was always a   chance for redemption. Kenobi and Yoda showed  that, and there would be a chance for others   to show their capability to change. Whether it be  other Jedi, Sith, people, imperials, and whatnot.

He then expressed that while this meaning  could go exclusively for the living,   it did go to those who passed on. His time  was coming, he could feel it. He would always   be with them. No matter how alone they  may be, they could always look to the  

Force and he would be there with them.  His final lesson was one of connection,   not just with themselves and their closest family  and friends, but with those who they may not know   and those that have moved on. The force was strong  with each of them, they were the next generation,  

And while it may have been scary to think  about, they had the courage, the strength,   the perseverance, and the determination to  be the guiding hand for an afraid galaxy. His lesson was followed by personal messages  given personally to each of them, as well as  

Holorecordings left behind. His personal  messages were what he could tell them in   the moment. The recordings were something he had  worked on the last two years. A diary if you will,   one holding his thoughts and excitement for  each one of them. It was a time capsule,  

There was even one that he gave over to  Hera so that she may share it with the   rest of the Ghost Crew. What he told each of  them would stick with them for a lifetime. Plo told Luke that he was strong and courageous,  but courage only took him so far. Reminding him  

That he needed to have the courage to be gentle.  He also had no need to be afraid of the future,   it was always in motion, no matter what he  faced, he would handle it and persevere,   he needed to trust that he would. With Leia,  he told her that she was wise, discerning,  

Forthright, and fearless. Her attributes  didn’t just make her a good Jedi but a   leader. Reminding her to never be afraid  of who she was, people would go to her,   she needn’t question their intentions  for doing so. When it came time for Ezra,  

Plo knew he would laugh, because that’s who  he was. Plo told him to never lose his humor,   because it would serve him well even when he  least expected. His determination never needed   to be questioned but he always needed to remember  that his challenges would be determined by his  

Attitude. Keeping his head up would garner him  the results he was more than capable of receiving. Then he got to Kanan, the eldest of the four  he would talk to. Plo told Kanan that he was   the big brother, the triplets would look to  him once he was gone. Plo reminded Kanan that  

His heart shined brighter than a star, and  he was fully capable of it. His resilience   would prove to be defining in this moment  of challenge. He then reassured Kanan,   by telling him to never lose faith in himself,  he had the gift that so many wished they had,  

Suggesting that Kanan stop searching for the gift  within others. The answers he needed would come. Plo spent his last night by the fire, the same  way his first night on Lothal started. Though this   time Plo was surrounded by a family, one  he could’ve never predicted. A General’s  

Daughter, a Lasat Honor Guard, a Mandalorian, two  psychotic droids, a Jedi Knight, Skywalker twins,   and Jabba the Hutt. It was a night that wasn’t  quiet, instead it was full of laughs, memories,   stories, excitement, and rejoice. As Plo  reminded everyone to not mourn his passing,  

Rejoice in his unity with the living force. The  point of saying this was not saying that they   couldn’t be upset, but don’t let his death hold  them back. He would become one with the force,   and that was okay. When everyone went to sleep,  Leia with her head against Plo’s right shoulder  

And Luke on the opposite side, he listened  to the instructions that had been given by   Yoda and Obi Wan. His body transcended the  living force and left for the netherworld. When everyone woke up, all that remained  were his robes, Plo Koon had become one  

With the force. His story may have  come to an end in the mortal realm,   but his journey was just beginning.  Everyone was saddened by his death,   but their resolve had never been stronger. They  knew what to do and they understood their purpose  

Now. They would go out and help an afraid galaxy.  Luckily for the twins they had a vessel and the   Empire was shrinking. All they needed to do was be  effective at rounding up people for their cause. The Ghost left Lothal and their journey  outwards began. The triplets would continue  

Their instruction with Kanan, which was  something he feared he wasn’t prepared for,   but thanks to Plo’s message and holorecordings  he was ready. It just took a moment for him to   realize he had the right stuff to  be the Jedi they needed him to be.

Despite Ghost crew being small, and fitting three  extra bodies and another droid into the ship,   they were extremely effective at making things  work. The triplets had space. Leia rooming up   with Sabine, with Zeb sharing space with  Ezra and Luke. It was much tighter but it  

Worked. The Ghost traveled to mid rim worlds and  bolstered support for the rebellion and without   an imperial presence, they were inspiring.  Their efforts did not go in vain as Imperial   loyalists started to lose favor and be ousted  from their respective positions in office.  

With only Imperial Army troopers stationed  out this far in the galaxy it didn’t take   much. The only naval support they had were  imperial light cruisers and due to the long   time established alliance thanks to the Jedi  on Ashas Ree, the rebellion had the proper  

Means to taking down light cruisers and causing  mass disruption across the mid and outer rim. Luke, Leia, and Ezra were truly forces to be  reckoned with. Thanks to aid from Senator Organa,   he hooked the three of them up with different  squads of rebels, which meant they all,  

At the age of 16 were leading groups of Rebels  into cities and planets across the mid rim to   rally support for their cause. This also did  mean that the Ghost went from an extra three   members down three members, but it was alright.  They were supportive, and Ghost even encountered  

Them on a number of occasions. All of Plo’s  instructions towards the triplets became   reality the moment they split up. While they were  obviously stronger together, they each had their   own individual glow ups outside of their trio.  It was just helpful to have room to breathe.

Though with the rise of alliances outside the  Empire, it was clear to Vader that it was time   for a retaliation. The Empire quickly cracked  down on the Rebels, sending out Grand Admiral   Thrawn to deal with the insurgents, however,  there was already an issue. Thrawn was sent out  

Because the Moffs weren’t governing over their  own sections of the galaxy. They had broke off   from their stations and allowed rebellions to  grow. They were so obsessed with greater power   that they reduced any chance for the Empire to  actually sustain said power without the Emperor.  

Mas Amedda had a voice but calls from the senate  led by Senators Organa and Mothma forced him   into a predicament. The senate clearly wanted  him out, and wanted someone new in. He tried   to restrict the democratic process, which was  working. But Bail and Mon quickly worked around  

That, forcing their way in and getting people to  vote. All that was needed now was Mas to slip up,   because they were just shy of the support they  needed. Mas was thinking about killing off those   who resisted him, and Vader was becoming  impatient, coming up with an idea himself.

During one senate session he joined Mas  Amedda and killed him in front of the   entire senate. Thrusting his lightsaber through  his back more specifically. Vader then informed   everyone that he would be the leader of  the Empire. All the moffs would return to  

Their sectors and stop the rising rebellion.  Vader’s show of force was met with hostility,   until such hostility was met with  an imperial force. Stormtroopers   went to each senate pod and raised their  weapons. Vader made it clear that he was  

The Emperor. Anyone who denied that would be  killed. Simply put, don’t test Lord Vader. Though the trouble looming became something not  even he could escape. His inquisitors were slowly   dying off. While Grand Inquisitor wasn’t killed  in the blast on Tatooine, he was killed by Kanan  

Jarrus over Malastare, inside of an Imperial  Star Destroyer. Apparently a C1 type astromech   was responsible for destroying the vessel. How  could a droid destroy a star destroyer. Because   Sidious had been gone for so long there was  no route to the Death Star, and the Empire was  

Falling behind on star tech advancements which  were costing them battles against the growing   alliance. With most Imperial fleets hidden  in the core, Vader sent the Moffs, Admirals,   and Grand Admirals out into the galaxy with their  imperial fleets to do the work of the Empire.

Though the saving grace for the Empire  had become nothing but a dream of a dying   tyranny. The Skywalker twins had their moments  of bravery and in a harrowing assault led by the   triplets over Eriadu, one that resulted in the  death of Grand Moff Tarkin, they awoke a beast.  

Vader sent his best fleet, along with himself  down to the system to cripple the alliance. The triplets were integral in two part battle.  General Syndulla led the fighter assault with   Admiral Raddus leading an assault in his  capital ship. The alliance may have had less  

Heavy hitters, but the combined leadership from  the rebel leaders, plus the battle on the ground   led to an imperial defeat. Tarkin was inside of  his personal destroyer, it would be the second   one of his destroyers obliterated by Chopper.  However this time Chopper would make sure he  

Claimed the life of the Grand Moff. On the ground,  Ezra led a group of rebels into the generator room   to shut down, not just the shields over the city  but the turbo lasers and hypervelocity cannon.   The hypervelocity cannon was a ground to orbit  weapon, however, due to the maneuverability of  

The Rebel fleet, it couldn’t land a successful  hit. The weapon was a huge waste of credits. Luke and Leia on the other hand led an  attack on the Imperial Fighter Facility. It   was a ground hangar bay, and because of their  assault, they stopped the doors from opening,  

Which cut off support to the fight  in orbit. To make things better,   the remaining inquisitors challenged the twins and  were subsequently killed for their attempt to stop   the Jedi warriors. Their presence was revealed  to Vader which is why he came to the planet.

To lose such a powerful planet so far away  from the Core could be detrimental to their   efforts. Elsewhere Thrawn was struggling  to contain cells of Bokken Jedi who were   operating alongside elite rebel units  scrounged together from around the galaxy.

On Eriadu, Vader’s fleet arrived. By this point  it was made clear that the Rebels weren’t going   to provide a fight in space, not against Vader’s  fleet, so a ground army was deployed. The battle   that ensued was a two way street. Rebels on the  ground, accompanied by the triplets had to fend  

Off not just the Empire trying to approach through  the front gates, which were guarded by a shield   generator and turbo lasers, but also Imperial  loyalists. Ezra alongside Kanan and the Ghost crew   led the resistance against the loyalists. They  had all their weapons set for stun, no need to  

Kill confused citizens. At the same time as all of  this, Chopper and Sabine manned the hypervelocity   cannon and began dumping rounds into Imperial  Star Destroyers, which was extremely effective. Vader led his army towards the gates and  bursted through after losing several heavy  

Tanks and troopers. The cities were chaos, and  the loyalists very quickly saw why there was a   rebellion. Stormtroopers targeted everyone, didn’t  matter who. There was no choice for surrender,   only execution. This turned some of the loyalists  immediately, while others saw it as accidental,  

Though accidentally using force wouldn’t  include burning down buildings. Was it the   rebels fault or the Empires? It wasn’t like  the rebels occupied the city for all that   long anyways. They were friendly and expressed  a desire to free them, there was no harsh rule.

Regardless, Vader got ambushed by the twins  when he least expected it. He toiled with them,   his lightsaber skills were far more advanced,  due to time, but these two, eager, quick,   and very well trained 17 year olds were  unlike anything he’d ever dealt with,  

At least since the fall of the Order. He hadn’t  faced a true challenge since Mustafar. Now he   was fighting for his life. The two of them  bounced back and forth, trying to win the   battle. Vader was able to hold his own, throwing  the twins back as they regathered and spread out,  

Having done this same exercise with Master Plo,  before his fight with Sidious. The twins came   in at two different directions, Vader blocked  and swung, he missed the first strike before,   Leia lifted her blade up and cut right through  his mask, which threw him to the ground.

Luke turned back after having been blocked away,  and he saw the face of Anakin Skywalker. He felt   so much pity for him, and with a gut reaction  called out to him, the name father etching out of  

His mouth. Vader turned to Luke with confusion and  their eyes met. He could see it in Luke’s eyes,   he had the same eyes as Anakin did. Leia turned  back over and looked to her brother and then her   father, before raising her lightsaber. Luke  put his hand up, saying that their father  

Was somewhere in him. She declined the idea, not  having seen the ravaged face of Anakin Skywalker.   His eyes turned over to her and he could see  the eyes of Padme Amidala. How could he not   recognize them. Both twins could see the confusion  on his face and they demanded that he stand down.  

Vader was flipping in and out of Darth Vader and  Anakin Skywalker. He had the potential to have   all the power in the galaxy. He asked them if  they were really his children, and they were,   but how could they associate themselves with  someone so evil. Vader rose to his feat trying  

To figure out what to say, and then he found  it. Telling them to join him, he could help   them establish a new. Before he could finish he  was launched across the chambers with the force. His body slammed into the wall and the twins  turned over to Ezra who walked in with a cocky  

Smile and shrugged his shoulders. He said  he didn’t want them to be pulled into some   world that didn’t exist. They expressed that they  weren’t going to join Vader, but their father was   still within the husk of the suit. The triplets  turned over and looked at Vader as he climbed out  

Of the rubble, telling them that they would pay  for what they did. Luke’s hand twisted around the   blade tighter, as did Ezra’s but Leia saw what  Luke originally saw, telling the three of them   to remember what Master Plo said before he died.  The two boys looked over and thought back to the  

Notion that no one was really ever gone. Ezra  always assumed it was in relation to the Jedi.   Luke thought for a moment and asked if she thought  Plo knew Anakin would return. Vader stumbled   over his feet, searching for his lightsaber. Luke  turned back calling his father by the name Anakin,  

And Vader stumbled to the ground, crashing down  with his breathing unsteady. He told the boy that   Anakin was gone, he was all that remained.  The notion was shocking and heartbreaking   all the same as the girl told her father that  what he believed didn’t need to be a reality.

The light was pulling Anakin back, but the  darkness was so comforting. Forcing himself   to be an evil monster was all he’d known since  the fall of the republic. Now he would have to be   uncomfortable, he would have to understand that  he couldn’t force his control onto everything,  

He had to be okay with being human and having  mistakes and not chasing power. Leia told her   father that all he needed to do was release the  darkness. Luke shot into his father, telling him  

That all of it was a figment of his imagination.  Ezra joined in, not knowing how to help but trying   his best. The words continued to dig into  Vader’s mind as he tried to resist the pull  

To the light but he couldn’t. He wasn’t capable  of staying away from it. The pull was too strong. No matter how strong one might think the dark  side is, nothing compares to the light. Vader   couldn’t escape this even if he wanted to. Vader  stumbled forward and his lightsaber slipping out  

Of his grip as his metallic fists slammed down on  the ground below him. Tears slid from his eyes,   watering the floor, as he choked over his  words. He told them that he was sorry,  

So sorry. He didn’t know how it got this far,  he didn’t know how to make up for all that he   had done. His eyes looked up and met the  gaze of his twins. They both de ignited   their weapons and told him that this could  be fixed, they each walked forward slowly,  

Keeping their eyes on each other just to be sure  they were confident in their approach. Anakin   said that all of his life, he did everything  he could for those he loved, and he finally   realized that it wasn’t for them, it was for  himself. Padme would’ve never wanted to die,  

But she especially would never want Anakin  to suffer like this. Qui Gon would’ve never   wanted Anakin to go down the dark path, neither  would Obi Wan. All of the people that looked up   to him wouldn’t have wanted to be slaughtered  by him so he could be the one to kill his wife.

Anakin at the end of all of it, realized that the  last 17 years of the children’s lives, he was on   the other side of the galaxy chasing power,  submitting people to the rule of the Empire,   and forcing oppression on an unwilling galaxy.  He shouldn’t have been doing that. He should’ve  

Stayed put, he should’ve been there for the  twins even if Padme died, he should’ve been   the father they needed, and now he could see  it. At the end of everything he’d ever done,   he realized how much he had taken from others to  fill a hole in his heart created by himself. He  

Looked to his twins and admired how beautiful they  were. He expressed that perhaps in another life,   they could’ve been a family. Maybe not with  Padme maybe with her, he didn’t know. But   perhaps in that other life, instead of burning  the galaxy to the ground he taught Luke how to  

Swing a lightsaber, or teach Leia how to  lift boulders. Perhaps in that same life   they could’ve gone on family camping trips to  Osuss and shared ghost stories by the campfire.   Maybe in that life, the twins could’ve had  a father figure and had themselves a family.

What made all of this more tragic,  and perhaps it would be something   that Skywalker would never learn, is that Plo  filled that role. He taught them everything   their real father should’ve taught them,  he gave them stories, excitement, love,   and paternity. Plo gave them fulfilling  relationships and did everything he spent  

An entire life rejecting because he saw how  lovely they were. That was a scar that Anakin   could never mend. Not just for himself but  for his children. Two children raised by a   man that looked nothing like them, fighting off  demons that were far from the children’s control.

Anakin stood up shakily, and he  walked over to the children calmly,   without his Sith weapon. He looked to both of  them, and asked if he may, and Luke nodded his   head before Leia did. Anakin reached his hands  out and gently placed them onto their shoulders  

As he told them that they were the most beautiful  things he’d ever seen. They were so gorgeous,   and he wished that perhaps he could get to  know them, but that wasn’t what would happen   now. Before he stepped forward, he told them  that he would like the chance to make things  

Right. He thanked them for taking a chance  on him, for giving him a moment to enjoy   them. Before he left he looked them both  in the eyes again. A small smile formed   on the left side of his mask as he told them  both that their mother would’ve adored them.

Anakin knew that Ezra wasn’t his but he gave the  kid a wink before he departed. Luke and Leia were   almost devastated, but they were confused too.  Their emotions couldn’t be understood, they just   hoped that their father could have peace, and  Vader would have his peace. Vader died the moment  

He saw the twins, and so Anakin Skywalker returned  to Coruscant. It wasn’t easy getting off world   but he didn’t care anymore. Using what he had  learned from an explosion during the clone wars,   Skywalker filled an entire Imperial destroyer  up with Rhydonium, and brought every single  

System and major fleet to Coruscant. The reality  is, Anakin knew the truth about his predicament. He had done so much wrong in the last 17 years.  Maybe he didn’t destroy a planet, maybe he wasn’t   personally enslaving people, but he took control  over the senate. He forced his will onto the  

Collective people of the galaxy after killing  Mas Amedda. He was the bad guy, the villain,   and it was his choice to do all of that. Once the  Alliance won, he would be killed. Instead of dying   like a villain, instead of being like Palpatine  or the Inquisitors or the Empire, dying out in  

A resistance to the overbearing light, he would  accept it. He would partake in it, and he would   give the galaxy the fireworks needed to start  their celebration of freedom. When the fleet   assembled, he ignited his lightsaber in the bay  of the destroyer. He raised the weapon above his  

Head and closed his eyes. He could see his family,  Padme and the twins. His blade sank downwards. He   could feel it the moment his arm dropped, the  nightmares, the pain, the suffering, all of it   was over. The Sith would be extinct, the Empire  would fall, his children would have the life they  

Deserved, and he felt it, all at once, a lifetime  full of slavery finally coming to its beautiful   end. Once the blade connected with the canister  he felt one sense of relief, and it was freedom. The orbit of Coruscant erupted into an array  of colors spanning the entire spectrum. It was  

Beautiful. Truly something magnificent. It didn’t  give the empire too much time. Admiral Thrawn   stood on the Chimera watching Vader’s flagship sit  idly before he was consumed in a beautiful wave of   colors, before simultaneously being destroyed.  The majority of the Imperial fleet was ripped to  

Shreds. Claiming all the rhydonium obviously took  some time, but Vader was the emperor and he got   what he wanted. The explosion was the largest one  seen since the creation of the galaxy, and it did   do some atmospheric damage to Coruscant, but it  was something that could be fixed with some time.

The Empire crumbled, and the triplets were apart  of the navy that liberated the Core. There were   some skirmishes but it was very apparent that  the whole of the Empire was finished. There   were standing armies and they resisted, but the  Alliance was growing stronger than ever before.  

When the galaxy saw the senate being held hostage,  they knew that there was no order, everything was   a figment of their imagination. The alliance that  grew from the first pullback from the outer and   mid rim were able to cultivate an audience. Super  loyal worlds obviously continued being loyal but  

The truth is, nothing could stop the rise of  the Alliance. When Coruscant’s colors turned   from Imperial to New Republic, it was clear the  game was won by the Alliance. With prime members   of the early established alliance still around,  they were able to guide the Empire into its  

Transitional period. This included Riyo Chuchi,  Mon Mothma, and Bail Organa. Their vocalness   against the Empire was seen as revisionary, and  those within the senate trusted their intuition   in this very important rebuilding process for  the New Republic as it was now being called.

The triplets broke off, Luke and Leia  went to continue their roots as they   went to Ashas Ree to find the collective  new Jedi Order, while Ezra went with the   Ghost Crew. Yoda was waiting for the twins when  they arrived, as he welcomed them to the planet,  

And expressed that he wished them well on  their future journeys. This new Order would   be welcoming of them if they wished to be apart  of it, though there was uncertainly. Luckily   for the twins someone of reason was around  to guide them forward, his name was Chirrut  

And he was a blind force sensitive, a Guardian  of the Whills from the ancient city on Jedha. Chirrut would be the new father figure for the  twins as they joined this continually growing   order of Bokken Jedi. It was a community of  around 14,000, but active Jedi members were  

Closer to 890. It was still hard for people to  feel inclined to trust the okay with using the   force. So they stayed in the community because  it was safe, but when the New Republic flags were   raised across the galaxy, about half the community  left. The other half liked their home here with  

People who were so similar to them. Chirrut didn’t  use the force like a regular Jedi but he was very   connected and understanding of it, thanks to his  blindness, ironically. Baze was here with Chirrut   but he wasn’t apart of the Jedi like his friend  was. Luke and Leia were very inspired, and like  

They were in the beginning of their fight against  the Empire, they trusted each other to break off   and go their own separate directions, both of them  becoming Jedi Knights, just like Kanan Jarrus. Ezra had the time of his life with the  Ghost Crew, Sabine returned to her people  

On Mandalore and Zeb went back to the  Lasat home world to be with his people   as they rebuilt their society from ash. Hera  and Kanan had a child, and Ezra would bounce   in and out of their lives, but the crew  always kept close and reunited frequently.

Initially Luke would become extremely invested  in the Order, and then Leia would become   extremely invested in the Order as Luke’s interest  decreased. It was funny the way the twins were,   they would just switch roles. One would be more  interested than the other and it would flip.  

Eventually Leia would take on a student of her  own and become an instructor. Obi Wan never got   too involved with either twin but he was happy to  see how far along they came because of Master Plo.  

There was so much adoration for Plo in this order  that, about 4 years after the Empire fell, the   Community would be brought back along with every  single Jedi in the order, as Yoda’s last wish   would be to see the raising of Master Plo Koon’s  statue at the front of the Ashas Ree Temple.  

Obviously the triplets and Kanan were there to see  it. Ezra would be the last of the triplets to join   the Order, but he would do so with the intention  of being the biggest goober inside the Order. While this new Jedi Order didn’t have the  same structure as the one that came before,  

It wasn’t as important. There was a Council that  was brought into power by every single Jedi inside   the Order. The community that stayed on Ashas  Ree also had a vote. There were some core codes,   but they were applied to those who wished to  follow them. If Jedi wanted to be like the  

Order of old then they may, but many Jedi were  like the triplets, having a sense of emotion and   care outside what the code permitted. Because  of the way the order was established and kept   in order many of the artifacts from the previously  established order were maintained and kept in good  

Condition. Professor Huyang would be instrumental  in the future of this Order. Though out of the   three triplets, Leia would be the first to reach  the rank of Master. When the twins finally met   Ahsoka they could exchange stories. The time they  had with master Plo and the time she had with her  

Father. It was truthfully such a wonderful time.  The galaxy was healing and it was greatly in part   to the last lesson Plo shared with his students.  The Skywalker twins would go on to be the lasting   legacy of this new Order, and the same would go  for their brother Ezra Bridger. With the galaxy  

Saved it was time for this new generation to  leave their mark on a people so ready for peace. And that my friends is our story …. Again special thanks to GalavantGaming,  Tristen, Mand’alor, SirWilliam1767, Darth Revan,   GranDaddy Bane, Cullen Rooney, SharkMidori, Rj38,  nick, Michael Erlanger, The Last Je’daii, Apollo,  

Weewoo670, Anakush Dankrunner, CT7567, Toaster  Oven, OzoofOz, Darth Nox, The Eternal Padawan,   Joshua Temme, Johnny Nguyen,  Sans the Skeleton, JediSloth,   MrYeetGamer, Lord Kallig, YounglingSlayer  66, Madmana Studios, Anakin003, Lord Drakkon,   Fordo’s Legacy Star Wars, Erebus Rex the  Wolf, The Man with three first names,  

DarkSaint46, Baron Joshua, & LordDeadwing for  supporting the channel! Let’s hit 4k likes

Jedi Master Plo Koon was killed during Order 66. What if he survived and raised the Skywalker twins? How would Plo come into contact with the twins? What would his reaction be to Order 66 & the response from his fellow Council members? Would Plo be able to adequately train Luke and Leia?

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Passage of Time – https://youtu.be/nX7-7miPPVk
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What Happens When We Die – https://youtu.be/f3tvj_Wil6w
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Instructions for Living Life – https://youtu.be/CsBdbOHWTH4
Terminus – https://youtu.be/hIZPPlM8LsQ
Still A Long Way To Go – https://youtu.be/hxcNFgQ2hJE
Magic – https://youtu.be/X7j3Kfsq56A
Long Way to Go – https://youtu.be/OVo_ozfNOFs
Age of Wonder – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wREEWCqS5d4

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  1. Good Plot, as usual. One criticism though: In a lotta vids of yours you're dropping articles in a way that makes a lot of sentences sound a bit strange. Most often you're doing it in regards to the grand inquisitor ("Grand inquisitor [verb]" instead of "The grand inquisitor [verb]") which makes it sound like name instead of a title. But especially in this video you've done it with a lot of other words now and then as well, especially "Triplets [verb]". Pls try to avoid it, it always takes me out of the story a bit.

  2. New what if idea……. double down on Chopper’s streak.

    ‘What if Chopper destroyed the Empire?’ Or ‘What if Chopper destroyed the Star Wars universe?’ (In the same vein as Deadpool)

  3. Plo should had made a holocron and archive what he learned from the Baran Do Sages so that the Twins can learn from it. In the Dark Empire comics, Palpatine gave partially dark side Luke access to the Imperial ships override codes and the self-destructs. With R2D2, Luke was able to commandeer the World Devastators but the local Imperial crew can override the ship if it wasn't a self-destruct.

  4. 2:40 yoda didn’t really lose to sidious , in the ROTS book it was stated that yoda beat sidious in lightsaber duel and after their battle with the pods they were both flung , and yoda found sidious had vacated the building so he retreated . He failed in killing sidious but he wasn’t beaten

  5. 18:05 I think Caleb would feel much safer with PLo as this isn’t long after he witnessed his master being killed , and plo would have motivation to complete his training and make him a knight in a couple of years

  6. What if Rey died and Ben Solo lived?
    Ben tries to use force heal on Rey to save her, but Rey convinces him to save himself instead of her. What would Ben do after Rey died?

  7. What if Anakin was given Barriss Ofree as a padawan.
    It would be interesting if she would still fall to the dark or if Anakin could inspire her anew since he wasn't as strict as Luminara.

  8. What if the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E, alongside a federation fleet (Star Treks federation), were transported to the Star Wars galaxy in the middle of the clone wars? Would be interesting as the Federations values would align with the Jedis in most circumstances.

  9. you'd think palpy would be smart enough to realize that maybe trying to solo the guy who just curbstomped vader and the grand inquisitor at the same time is kinda dumb.

  10. What if luke skywalker was raised by house wren on mandalore.
    Also what if obi-wan kanobi took up residence on mandalore so he could watch over both luke. Also so he could keep an eye on bo katan in honour of duchess satine whom obi-wan deeply loved.

  11. What if thrawn joined forces with Ezra when they got sent away?

    *Once they exit hyperspace with the purgill. Ezra- "Sorry Thrawn you have lost"

    Thrawn- "Oh quite the contrary young Ezra. Clear the bridge give me a moment with our 'guest'"

    *Troopers and crew leave

    Thrrawn- "You are a quite unremarkable adversary Ezra, I must admit I did not even expect those creatures. Now that the emperor presumes us dead I might as well to tell you my true intentions for joining the empire"

    Ezra sarcastically- "Enlighten me"

    Thrawn- "I come from a people called the chiss, My people are facing an alien threat too large for us to handle alone. The Empire as flawed and corrupt as it is is strong enough to defeat this threat if the reach your galaxy before my own. I know you may disagree with my methods, but I joined the Empire for the greater good of my people. Through this corrupt pollical system I was able to gain immense power, but there was no way for me keep my power if I let you rebels undermine the Empire, otherwise the Emperor would know I was not as faithful to him as I wanted him to believe. Now that you have proven to me how incapable the Empire actually is even with my leadership, I believe it is time to move on. I don't expect you to join me but I have no way of leaving this place without your "Force" ability. In my culture we have navigators, young girls known as "Skywalkers" that can use your "Force" to navigate hyperpsace and avoid dangers without using hyperspace lanes. With your help we can return to my people and leave the Empire behind. I know you hate me Ezra, but if you help me, I will be even further away from ever being returned to the Empire which I believe was your goal. However you will be even further from your friends"

    Ezra- "You have killed many of my firends, but my world is free now. I understand, I almost let the dark side consume me trying to fight the empire to protect my world. If the empire never threatened lothal and took my parents I probably wouldn't have minded staying a cadet, at least if I never met kanan. I could see that if I became grand admiral I could focus the fleet in other places than lothal. I can't forgive you but I don't hate you anymore, I let go of hate a long time ago. And besides, joining you seems better than being stuck on this rock until the empire finds us. I guess if zeb being stuck with agent kallus worked out why not us. Although I wish you joined us when he did." And skywalkers really? Like Jedi Anikan Skywalker?

    Thrawn- "I actually met him during your "clone wars", quite ironic. This Vader is obviously Anikan, although I don't think he appreciated me figuring that out. Vader actually helped me on a mission to fight these aliens, a necessary evil. Your rebellion would have been much more successful with my help I admit, but it would have taken me much more time to gain resources on your side than with the Empire. However considering our current situation that may have been the better option. Now we just need to convince my crew, you may need to pretend you helping me is against your will"

    Ezra- "That won't be hard"

    They go back to the chiss, use all the imperial schematics thrawn captured and ezra's force ability to teach the chiss. Ezra makes some chiss jedi, helps find adults with force sensitivty. Thrawn makes chiss tie defenders and interdictors. Thrawn never contacts morgan, but eventually sabine and ahsoka find him. Ezra returns home but has become friends with thrawn to their suprise. And he promises to help thrawn if they need an "unpradictable jedi". Thrawn in turn promises to help Ezra as long as "It doesn't affect the chiss yea yea" ezra interupts. With ezra knowing about the grysk, when they return the new republic actually decides a military is needed, which is good because they destory moff gideon before his cloning stuff reaches exegol and the first order returns years later but without plapatine. Ezra and Ahsoka and sabine being around actually helps luke have a more balanced jedi order and keeps ben from falling. Also when the first order returns ezra and sabine leave to go find thrawn for help and end up living out their retirement with the chiss. Thrawn and the new republic demolishes the first order and plapatine never has the chance to return.

    Eventually the favor is returned when the grysk finally attack the chiss and ezra and sabine's kid returns with chiss jedi to ask for help. A bunch of jedi and new republic/ planetary defense forces/ and mandolorians loyal to sabine come to help the chiss. Thrawn finally dies sacraficing himself and the chiss finally become a little more welcoming and join an official alliance with the new republic and the mandolorians.

    The chiss finally become a republic. They create a bicameral congress with the syndicure as a pure legislative body similar to the UK house of lords, and the chiss senate for all chiss to vote on. They have a seperate court branch with a supreme court, and since the defense fleet is used to be sepreate from the syndicure a seperate executive branch will be created with a President. That way the fleet will have civilian oversight but will still be seperate from the syndicure. Families then cannot control the government of their region but of course can still have private land ownership rights. We would then have elected governors, planetary sydicures/senates, and local courts with federal ascendancy appeal courts of course.

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