The oldest street of The Hague – Live Walking Tour

Good afternoon welcome to the hack we are next to  one of the oldest streets of the hack in another   name Dan hack Dan hack actually the street  is Dan it’s written like this and the name  

In English it’s about Dunes because in the past in  the medieval times I think uh uh there was a way   goes through the dunes towards to the Sea so this  side where thean Singham Beach is located if you  

Go straight ahead you will arrive to Singham Beach  and after that you can see the United Kingdom if   you have a telescope and this site goes to the  danak central the train station the the main  

Road is there actually we had a bike tour in the  past in the last summer I think we had uh cycle   towards the singam beach today we’re going to walk  through this stre streets we will see around some  

Of the chick shops stylish shops stores and we  will see some museums along the road some of the   places you will recognize I think it’s written  like this again d the dunes way the temperatures  

By the way hello everybody have a good Sunday this  the last day of the weekend and this is the last   live stream until the next weekend enjoy thanks  for walking with me today the temperature is at  

The moment six celsus but due to the strong wind  filling is about one Celsius let me see who are   on the lest so let me greet you one by one [ __ ]  is here one Tong are us Watchers and Peter milder  

From the Netherlands your hometown that’s nice  uh for thanks a lot I didn’t know about that uh I didn’t know about that I will check about  the days why not we can do another live stream  

From there from this cening image we have been  there before but we can Vis it again in a better   weather ging hello it’s a cold weather yes but uh  we will have like 1 hour walking T together in the  

City of the heck from Houston Texas traveler AI  is here again thank you Melo family good to see   you uh there is a little story something related  to is on our way I will mention about that later  

Hopefully I will remember and Leo is here Tommy  son good morning Jack Mundo our regular Watchers   regulars are here Tibor is here from Hungary  and I hope I’m not missing anyone Dave is here   hello and David still Sundar from D 420 Amsterdam  from us bomia from Brazil I think Pier Caron from  

Montreal Canada aandi our friend this year from  Turkey thank you so much I think I saw everyone   now we going to start our walking tour it’s  pretty cold so it’s better to walk there is   a Japanese restaurant here B the hack it looks  authentic look at that it’s like a living room  

And there are some sake options hatsumago I  think Tomy son you are lucky again because you   have a Japanese history background that’s why  be you are lucky I didn’t plan this but I just   saw that Japanese restaurant is a very authentic  one it seems and already for 25 years it’s here

199 anyway this is a lifestyle uh stor Street I mean along  the street there are many lifestyle and   uh hous living stores both sides and it’s a  former antique store Street there are still   many antique stores on the sides the streets  or along the street but nowadays more about  

Life style and living stores also some  good restaurants like one of them is this   one Walter Benedict and uh it’s pretty popular  you have to be early to find a table there by   the way I have to uh fix my ties uh shoot  sorry just a second W Street I’m going to

Fix the heck you can try your chance we have  a rental bike here Walter Benedict breakfast   lunch Drinks dinner anyways let’s continue  to our way have a great time together from   Russia St Petersburg minus 20 oh my God  it’s nothing here like 6 Celsius and Al  

Giveon greetings to tames Valley UK and  from Ukraine hello uh good evening I think there dexel restaurant there’s an  organic Supermarket here since 1988 ball there is an Argentinian restaurant  here I think this one Sabor Latino laeta   an Italian k cops Dak p and what  is that another Asian store it

Seems right just a second oh not not this one  Argentinian one is not this one another one is in distance most of the buildings on the streets  uh the street they are from 18th century there   are are a lot of national monuments and  you can notice some of them already by  

The way there was a miniature Museum uh on  this direction I couldn’t remember the name   but it’s world famous one we had visited  like 2 years ago on a live stream and lock   house what is that laa Cina Argentina  I think it’s called Cina La that’s this  

One is the one I mentioned again they have  good options all right I think I see messy here number 10 Cina Argentina already famous dressed like you are  already famous white it’s a good slogan what do  

You think let’s have a look there are some stylish  stores some clothings dress on the street it’s a   bit different from the Centrum of the hack Centrum  is about 20 minutes from here by walking by the  

Way there’s a 50% discount here but you can’t  see the prices like I see the price for example   that leather leather glov uh it’s about €190  if there is 50% discount then it will be like 990 but I think it’s a real letter Andreas  Miller a German Watcher welcome how was  

Your detox by the way uh he was in a  social media detox I think and Miller   Mr Aloha never been in the hack oh  Dar uh hopefully you will enjoy this one I have some Turkish Watchers on this  live vide so sometimes I speak Turkish to

Them another good stories here  again there is a discount 30% 50% and Cina Trad tradition Italian Pizza restaurant the store the street is empty today  because it’s Sunday afternoon and it’s cold I   mean shop stores are most of them are still  open but on Saturday it’s more lively and  

Vibrant this this street also it’s a bit out of  the Centrum bathroom and wellness store this one   that’s why is not really uh crowded that one  Ben Barbers hairdresser another lotas I don’t   know why there are many lock and key stores on  the street this is the second one we see and  

On the side streets there are more stores  like Dutch be Beauty Boutique and what is   that this is like an art store I didn’t see  this before imagin as I said there are many   I think lot of the connection let me see  if we survived Miriam hey good afternoon  

Our supporter thanks for coming Les Arnold  Arnold you’re welcome our longterm long time watcher oh Miriam’s birthday it was  Miriam’s birthday happy birthday Miriam I’m sorry just a second so it was Miriam’s birthday he  she’s 20 again happy birthday Miriam

Look at the building for example  this one is from 1898 on the top   of the building you can see that clearly it’s written oops sorry know touch the screen  doesn’t work well with this gloves despite I touch screen friend

Okay Cafe forart forart is somewhere close by  and this is Wasco Bell I was there for breakfast   today it’s it feels like a French restaurant  but the coffee and the little toasty was nice   something like toasty cro I think I at CR  H FK from 2021 this is another good looking

Restaurant we are in the Porsche area of uh the hack vles lotting and they are  closing to store so there’s a discount 50% we’re almost at the end of the street  by the way Pablo welcome hello good afternoon it’s another antic store some colorful things for Dutch

Woman Amsterdam deck Len Len  is another rich town of the ne a lot of r Dutch lives around Latin oh there’s  a Latin dancing night here Latin wenesday but   but only it’s only for me nice people only  door open at 10:00 free entrance only good

Wipe and how about the other side Club to Del   every Wednesday DJ Nast skills and  DJ sweet it’s interesting karoke uh this is the street where I took the thumbnail  photo there’s another bar over there and there’s  

A Taj Mahal Indian restaurant I see on the left  side that’s Club where they have Latin night and   there’s Imperial Imperial Romano I don’t know if  it’s the same business with the one in Amsterdam   there’s another Imperial Romano it’s again in  Italian pizza and other food restaurants it’s uh I  

Think it’s the same name but I don’t know if it’s  the same business is this one is we have a fox here it’s an art gallery wow me Melo family had a lunch at wasab in Harland  when we met I didn’t know that it was also there wow let me show you some

Prizes Roman dresses this jacket is € 279 and this this R is €89 there’s a discount that’s why and it’s like a short 130 there’s a big discount for  30 20 50% and there’s another   Italian I think grocery here look  at the beauty of the streets here

It’s open it’s like a night markets of Amsterdam Tak and we have arrived to longa forart I think   let me see wow I hope you you can feel  the cold atmosphere here that’s all my   aim today to show you the cold atmosphere  chick latte breakfast coffee lunch coffee  

Tea cake chocolate it was also full today  this is another popular one I think chick L and there’s the famous hotel here Hotel  this IND this we’re at the end of Dunes way Dan this is longa for Hal it’s with L letter uh  like this it goes like this the last time when  

We were here it was for the Christmas fair for the  Christmas fair I think uh in December we were here   in another shitty weather but normally especially  in the summer almost every Saturday Sunday there   is an art Market Antique Market or a food market  here in the longa forart you may remember that  

But normally in my previous videos we start  the video from there and we walked through on   this corner we were getting our coffee espresso  here and we were walking towards that direction   so it’s an L letter here on the left there’s  a famous building for a famous artist AER I  

Think most of you know AER from his mathematic  related artworks there’s an Asher Museum here I   think since 195 or something they are uh showing  asers all artworks from Spain Italy and from the   Netherlands it’s open every day between 11 to 11  and 5 CL and entrance fee is nowadays 1250 for

Adults I think the building itself is from  18th century should be as I remember it was   a family house in the past but nowadays  it’s a museum and National Monument of course thanks Tommy yeah Paulo Melo says  this museum is awesome I’ve never been  

There so far but today I noted that I noted  to visit in the Fisher te welcome Christopher Yan uh glad to see your feedback  Christopher thank you so much Peter milder already mentioned about  the name of the hotel uh before I told you

Guys it looks so empty and quiet today but I  like I like hope you are also enjoying this   vlog because I mean it’s not like this  every time I mean mostly in the summer   or spring when you come here there’s a crowd  here there’s a local market something an art  

Market and the streets are more lively but  today Sunday afternoon in the winter and uh   quite cold weather that’s why probably most  of the people live here they prefer to stay   in that beautiful cozy bars around the  market area the popular place or about  

Around the bhof there is a place called hat  plan I think the square there are many uh   different kind of bars there I will go there  we are slowly walking towards that that area  

And this video is going to end up hopefully in a  warm cozy bar and the Terrace we will order our   first thing and we will uh say goodbye to each  other until next weekend this is the place that  

I mentioned to you for the Art Market and this  area is called Museum quarter Museum area like   Museum plane in Amsterdam there’s also a museum  quarter here it’s this place and there’s another   Museum that I think uh no it’s the theater uh  the Royal Theater conic Lake coring Lake SC it  

Says this should be a museum and if you have  a museum cart the entrance is free to the this Museum what thatto Carl Bernard F sakar very   long name uh unfortunately I don’t know  about that so I can’t tell you much uh in distance I can see the Dutch Parliament

Benof I forgot to tell you about the  d i I thought as if you all know about   the city but this is the chur uh most  popular city of the Netherlands after   Amsterdam and rdam the population is  uh uh is over 500,000 and the Beautiful  

Li density is only 10 minutes by train  from here it’s the factor capital of the Netherlands the capital of the Netherlands  is Amsterdam but because the city the   the country is managed from the hack  it’s called The Factor capital of the  

Netherlands the right side is the benov  this way goes to the pop Street and that side Longo for heart I just sto for these  people passing by because they were making   so many noise so much noise that’s why  I step for a minute this the real life  

Oh night back is back welcome nightbat uh  our weather forecast moderator nightball   thanks very much I noticed that he was  not here yesterday Michael SL hello Welcome and the previous theater I show  you uh jel no not Jella Leisure face uh   it’s similar to the one in St Petersburg  I been to St Petersburg two times before   and I had visited Hermitage Museum there  but it was like maybe 10 years ago I was  

Invited to make a video for a Latin dance  Festival in St Petersburg so I had traveled   from Istanbul to St Petersburg in that  times I used to live in stul in that times the tables are looking very nice  if you don’t count the cold weather

Here look at that it’s really nice this clamor  Cafe Restaurant is here and they have M flamb   Bay I think it’s flam kitchen similar to Turkish  flat bread flat bread or uh Pizza let’s say Tin  

Tin uh dog Pizza they have pink tables outside  and at at this moment we have 100 Watchers on   this live stream thanks guys thanks for your  support also for as usual I would like to thank   to thanks to all YouTube members and Patron  supporters I will have a surprise for the  

First three uh longest YouTube members very  soon I will have a surprise for them I have   some YouTube and Patron supporters who are  contributing to this channel financially and   mentally for more than uh 2 years the first  three ones I will have a little surprise

I’m planning something thanks Paulo  this one touchreen friendly so I like   this I can still use the smartphone  when I wear this but uh not perfect   but better than nothing and it’s  see it makes me very warm in my

Hands we are about to be around at plan the  square and on the right side there should be mace house by the way about aser aser  Museum it’s called mcer the long   name is mait cornelis or cornelus moris  cornelus AER the full name we’re going to  

See the moris house it’s not AER marus AER  another marus mait to be honest this is the   square where it’s surrounded by many good  bars in the summer they have Terraces in   the winter also but not everyone can sit  there in the winter despite the heating

I think that building in the corner is former   uh uh judgment Ministry something  Judiciary Ministry but the former building I’ll just take a look to Ma’s house and   then maybe we will go back  I don’t know let’s see let’s

See I’m not sure about anything today  hello G and Adrian welcome guys good to see you yeah we can get inside of B house Norbert  welcome Northern UK was here also I forgot that I think they have French toss  here what’s that vental Tas oh  

There’s a Brer here Brer moris moris  house this is how it’s written Mar house hello Monica greetings to  Indiana pois The Wanderer from many a theander this is ma house it’s a former city hall it’s also Museum nowadays you  can see Golden Age paintings inside  

Let’s see how much is the price for  the entrance opening ours first so   it’s open every day but time the hours  are different and the price is adults 1950 for adults and this is the entrance of Dutch

Parliament you can see this uh art in this  Museum Mar house and there is a connection   between Brazil and about this building that’s  why I want to take attention of Melo family and   other Brazil Watchers this building was built  by as I read uh with this slavery money uh the  

Owner of the building who ordered to to build  this building he was uh Dutch Brazil governor   in that times in the 7 no 18th century I  think he was Dutch president governor and   he was the creator of the slave route between  Brazil Africa and the Netherlands so he was  

Working for Dutch West indiaan company I think  the richest company of the all history in the world so later it was used as a city hall  nowadays it’s a museum mait house the mait   mait is the name of that Governor Dutch  Brazil Governor because of the sugarcane  

Uh trades the sugar canane Fields were used  by Dutch in that times and there are some I   think sugar cane motives the design there  are some sugar canes on the design of the building Mar oh yeah Tower of the Prime Minister I think  

That one right yes you’re right  Peter thank you for reminding us uh sear has a question uh okay SEC ask how I how I wear when  I go out what kind of clothing I have when I’m   going out so SEC the question is there’s  no inner special clothing uh for today I  

Have two t-shirts on my inside and there’s  a polar with a cap and only jacket but this   a warm jacket also is a product of North Face  uh normally it’s uh rain repelled jacket but I  

Wash it in a laundry so it’s not like that any  longer but today is not really cold that’s why   I I wear something like this if it’s uh colder  like if it’s minus 5 for example uh I I would  

Wear one more shirt normally when you wear  two T-shirts it creates a t thermal thermal   feeling so you feel you feel warm you don’t  have to wear something special if you wear   two T-shirts together and then one thicker  thing and then a jacket but uh gloves are  

Very important it’s a must and also hat you  have to have umbrella cloes and hat in the   winter umbrella you need in the summer or  winter or spring all the time this is the entrance of the Dutch Parliament and we go inside now today they don’t work I

Think we are in the bhof b andof means something   like inner yard and there should be  small church after this inside of the bov the the area we walk through today is like an  open air museum and department store at the same time hello Frankie Sonya let’s  use this small door small

Gate here is the little church I will  say but no we can’t see that the church   entrance is from the other side as I see  uh a part of the inner yard the pin Hall   is closed for renovation normally there’s  a church here and you can see the entrance  

At the other side but it’s it seems  it’s closed let me see the right side also yeah it’s closed this is this is the area where we  are now we are inside this is B Hof from   17th century view anyways we go back because it’s closed just a

Second we have something orange let me see  mam miliam thanks for everything you do for   us thank you Miriam thanks so much since from  Canada you are still watching us a big thanks   to you also despite you are living in the  Netherlands now you still didn’t leave us  

You are still with us thank you now she  is an apple D local appor with a better pronunciation yes it’s pretty quiet Mar bad  Rodriguez welcome by the way our regular   Watcher also I knew it will be quiet but it  doesn’t matter I think because we are walking  

Through some special areas some historic places  and I tell you something you you might not know   some little information I dig before the  live streams or I already knew I already know I have been to the hack many  times before so I know something but  

Each time I travel here I learn  something new look at this it’s beautiful again we are next to Ma’s house the G with uh per earring I think  that’s the name you can see that here and many others different

Artists oh this area is closed also  normally you can walk through this way I think been in Hope for RI it says there is a  big renovation all around to bin and Hof now it’s it’s time to find a cozy bar and drain

Something today’s video is not going to be long  I’m sorry but it’s already cold and I’m already   out for hours and we can’t discover the whole  the hack in one day another day we will cover   another part another day we will cover Turkish  part and Turkish and Middle East part there is  

An area like that another day we can explore  the Chinatown part today we jumped into the history historic part and the fashion lifestyle  part Barlo welcome there are many good bars around   this Square by the way I’ll try to find the the  one with heater outside and also fast service  

Hopefully let’s see around just I will show you  the square a bit first and then we’re going to see somewhere all of them they have tirs  and heaters you can see outside if you   want in the evenings it’s more crowded  today it’s not really crowded at this  

Time I mean ground Cafe time CA time  close this way goes to the central   area sorry this way goes to the central area  and primac and other shopping stores on this direction C so this is a popular bar square of the heck it’s  closed to the parliament so you can see some  

Politicians if you drink somewhere around here  I will prefer to the ones on the left side those   are more cheek bars I say more stylish I like more  cozy bars so I will get into the one on the left [Music] or here maybe let me see the [Music]

Tight and hot shop coffee breakfast  lunch and then there’s a music let’s   run away from the music and B  the next one maybe one of those [Music] all [Music] right by the way there is an  interesting coffee shop on the street let me show you this a mellow Family

Place Dr Green Coffee Shop Dr Green it’s a very  modern stylish place inside is really look like a pharmacy okay and yeah this one maybe or that one  Seafood Bar that one is Seafood Bar this  

Is barer bar bar means Mountain I think how  about the other one is that they have 40 no   64 beers there I’ll try this one back  they have her to and they have heaters outside and also they have [Music] snacks and here maybe and this up sit

Here okay I waved to the Bender inside I think  she will come soon or I will go inside she doesn’t come see okay [Music] and trunk hi hello we did the last round but  you can order from there I just change the  

Menu so you can just sit here okay it’ll  be just a different menu because we have   a different drinks menus all right uh I’ll  just get a beer and snack if possible okay   yeah here’s the drink can can I yeah  I already didn’t know actually let me see uh I will get her

Yeah do you have fries also yes yes also fries okay let me see Marell mil was probably the best uh I’ll check that from sear yes I missed that let  me see sorry thanks for reminding me uh see it’s uh I think I missed a long time

Ago sorry I couldn’t see that now  it’s the very past idea but thank   you so much SE if I missed  that one sorry I will sit here okay W is here welcome back and what El I couldn’t check the live  chat for 5 minutes I think so I’m reading now  

Please visit an albertin and compare prizes  to Amsterdam Walter White okay I will do it   another time but I have to get permission from  albertin stuff before that I’ll try to do that   yes I have just seen that the Super Chat from  SE thanks so much S I think s or SEC thank

You and Mr Aloha Prost thank you thank you darl okay waiting patiently for my haran  haran is a beer the bases mineral water   I mean like uh natural water water so the  taste is much better than H or amsel in my opinion bro that’s outrageous hello thank you thank you here it

Is PR with the contribution of yourselves we have a pure heart to on here okay let’s see the street whe RIT oh top of the Nemo Museum Dave sorry  I always forget about that if I don’t  

Forget that next time we can start from the  top of the Museum of Nemo in Amsterdam next time so this is here it’s not really  good because there are heaters on the   top on the ceiling and next next store  is restaurant is Leopold not this one  

It’s called CFE back something but liet  Bloom Str purose something okay you see   Dutch are still riding bicycle in their  L life no matter what the temperature is super hot Crocket yes but I [Music] already I have   already ordered fries probably fries with  my with with mayo it’s going to become

Cheers some Walkers they they they had cheers  maybe heard anyways we are finishing the video   here thank you so much for watching see you  next time probably next Friday or Saturday I   don’t think I will make another video by the way  next Friday no video yes next Friday I will be  

At a party and after that I will be in Amsterdam  International Salsa Festival so only on Saturday   probably one day we will have live video Saturday  or Sunday I will let YouTu members and patrons   supporters earlier others you will know when  the time arrives see you have a good day bye-bye

An ordinary Sunday in the Netherlands, cold and windy winter day in the Hague. We are going to start our live stream by walkingthrough one of the oldest streets of the Hague. Then we will see some of the museums and popular spots of the city centrum of Den Haag. #thehague #denhaag #netherlands #thehaguelive

Recorded on : 21 January 2024, Sunday

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NETHERLANDS Walking Tours :
AMSTERDAM Walking Tours :

0:00 At the corner of Denneweg (Street name)
7:25 Walkthrough the Oldest street of The Hague (Street name)
17:08 Lange Voorhout
17:53 Escher Palace
19:04 Walkthrough Lange Voorhout
27:43 Walking toward Mauritshuis
32:00 How i wear in January in the Netherlands?
33:28 Binnenhof – Dutch Parliament
38:42 Het Plein Bars and Cafes
42:30 Visiting a pub for a beer and fries


  1. Denneweg means pine tree street. "Dunes way" would be Duinweg😉
    Mauritshuis is built somewhere 1633 – 1644. In 1822 it became a museum. According to Mauritshuis foundation itself the date is 1644.
    34:32 The "Church" is De Ridderzaal (1288), The Knights Hall/ it aint a church even as it has two church like towers.
    Knight's Hall (castle). The Ridderzaal is the medieval reception hall building started in 1280 under Count Willem II of Holland and finished building under Count Floris V of Holland in 1288. The Ridderzaal is used for ceremonial state gatherings, including the annual Speech from the Throne. But no Church services ever held there

  2. Cheers Murat! Thanks for braving the cold, windy, and wet Netherland winter weather to give us this, Grand Walking Tour of the famous Government Seat, The Hague! 🧡🌷

  3. That's my kind of day too. I see you passed my relatives Romano's pizza restaurant. lol . A good friend of mine has a relative who works as an international law intern at the World Court in Den Haag. Travel is about learning for sure. I learn something new just walking around NY City when I go to job sites. Where stopped for a drink looks like 't Galgenhuis in Gent. The gallows. Ouch. It's across the street from the genever bar. How convenient.

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