視界觀985「北美再發現」之溫哥華篇:(61)發現新威斯敏斯特河畔美景 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, now I’m in New Westminster. I started my second ride on the edge of the New Westminster station . Actually, it has no purpose. I just ride here casually to take a look at the Colombian road I’m riding now. I think this street is quite good. There is a small store here.

I plan to go shopping here. Now I parked my bicycle on the street in Colombia and am ready to go shopping. Suddenly I found that a store is a It should be a store selling second-hand goods, but the Christmas atmosphere is still very strong. I read the introduction and it should be run

By a church organization. These are all things donated by everyone or collected by him , but he also makes them. It’s clean and low-income people can spend money here. And the Canadian tradition is that people don’t care about old things

. Of course, some things themselves don’t matter whether they are old or new. For example, you can see these decorations in your home now. Although some paintings are not good works of art , they can still be used to decorate your home. There are many books.

You can buy a book for 9 cents per dollar. Of course, there is no need for people and there is no need to buy it. This is sporting goods for skiing. There are still some things that you can browse here. This is the first time I have come to such a second-hand store.

You can see that the coffee machine is 19 yuan , including some rice cookers, lamps, etc. There are also many ovens, which are still very cheap. I came across such a store by chance, so I went in to take a look . It turned out to be a store

Selling second-hand goods , but I thought it was pretty good for people in need. It was very affordable and you could buy the things you need. There was one right at the door . This is probably the place where you pay for parking. These machines are all over the street . But

You can imagine that this kind of parking payment phenomenon did not exist here before . So the cost of driving is getting higher and higher . Okay, let’s go somewhere else. I continued to wander on this street in Columbia. Although this street is not really lively

, it still gives me a pretty good feeling because it was a commercial main street back then , but now times have changed and it is no longer what it used to be when it was the capital of British Columbia. As the surrounding cities continue to develop , this small town

Has gradually been left out , but I believe that it is not willing to sink into it, so it is doing its best to carry out some transformation and explore some cultural elements . But how can we make it prosperous again? Well, we can only leave it to time . Now

I am going to ride towards the river. Now there is a river downhill . The opposite side should be Surrey. For a city, if it cannot find a way to develop, it will slowly decline. It will sink and become a neighborhood filled with filth and evil. Those homeless people with no income

And those with criminal tendencies will come here one after another . Therefore, development is the last word. Only by making this area prosperous can we change the whole place. The appearance of the neighborhood. I am currently undergoing a process of reconstruction or beautification of this neighborhood.

Many buildings have been built along the river. There is a large place called River market opposite the river . I pass by a railway here. I thought of walking around the place called River market that I saw in front of me . In fact, there is a sign under construction here

That says Fraser river discovery center. I believe it is a place similar to a tourist introduction. I have already arrived at the edge of Fraser river. Oh , kids, it ’s so lively. Hahaha. We ’ve already arrived at the riverside. You see there is a floating dock here. Let’s look back and forth.

A very tall residential building has been built on the riverside. Wow, this residential building is also very tall . I believe this will become a tourist area in the future. It is to recreate the beautiful riverside scenery of New Westminster. I will take a walk here. There are a bunch of children

And a little dog. Look, there were actually some special signs erected here before. Where does the Fraser River go to the sea? It’s a long, long way away. But this sign has been exposed to wind and rain and is old and tattered, so there are still some problems with management. The opposite one

Is a discovery center that I just walked past. In fact, there is something wrong here. You can walk around and take a look , but I don’t know where to put this bicycle. I’d better walk around first and then talk about it. It’s still a very good place here . Now I

Raise my camera to a position that is level with my head. This way Look more broadly. There are some piers here. I see where this pier goes. One way is two yuan and 25 cents. The monthly ticket for this boat is 45 yuan. I believe this boat goes to the opposite side.

I went to Surrey and I don’t know if it is a riverside pier. Look at this kind of boat. Although it looks like it is made of iron, I think the hull should be a steel structure , but it is all made of wood and the fence

Is the whole thing. Let’s take a look at an antique boat. It’s across from Surrey. I don’t know if this pier here is a ferry to Surrey on the opposite side. I saw a small boat here towing a row of wooden rafts. I always thought that this wooden raft was The platoon

Is rushing down the river, but obviously it is not. He also wants to give it some power. Look at a small boat dragging such a wooden raft. I don’t know where it is going. This wooden sign is very long . You can take a look at the endless one behind it. Is

There a boat pushing it along? This is also a scene on the river bank. I don’t know where to pull it. According to what I saw when I went to the Fraser River the day before yesterday and was riding on the riverside in Burnaby. The current river should be relatively full

During high tide , because the water there has almost reached the ground, so it should be the best season for shipping. When you see this raft coming all the way, you can’t see the end. That feeling. It turns out that this wooden raft is transported in this way.

This is the first time I saw it. This is a dock in New Westminster. I just lingered here for a while. Behind me It’s the Fraser River. In the middle of the river, there are boats pulling wooden rafts for transportation. The place I can see in front of me is this pier.

This pier is a ferry . He wrote that you can go to the opposite side and you can also buy it. I believe that the buildings on the Yueka side are becoming more and more beautiful now , so I went for a walk on the riverside where the plank road is located

. Obviously , there are many more buildings here , among which I saw a lot of high-rise residences. The wooden rafts I just saw on the river are still being transported in an endless stream in the river. You can see a boat pulling it in front. There is also a boat

On the side that should be bound. It keeps going forward. It turns out that there are already It has been developed into a riverside area for everyone to relax. I don’t know if this house is private. It should be yes. You see, these houses are not bad. Although they are not very big,

They feel very close to the water. But everyone used to think of this place. It’s daunting because the security is so poor and drug addicts gather there. There are a lot of thefts. But I believe that after the city continues to reform, these phenomena will slowly disappear.

Today I was riding on the waterfront plank road here . I still I feel that this place will become more and more livable in the future. I believe that the people living in these buildings will not tolerate or allow this area to become a hotbed of crime.

As long as this idea becomes the common will of everyone, I believe it will be. There won’t be any problems. The appearance will change soon. You see, the building on the riverside is really better than I thought. So today I also had a new experience in New Westminster.

Just have a waterfront platform along the riverside. After a very leisurely ride, it feels like there are tall buildings on the other side of the river , echoing here. But I’m not sure. The other side of the river should be New Westminster.

It seems that new communities are continuing to be built on the right side. It feels like this side should be there. We are also building a small bridge to cross over . Okay, we have reached the end here. This place is called Fraser River Wetland, which is the wetland park.

There is also a pavilion here to cover the rain. I believe many people can take a rest here. Hello everyone . Facing the Feaser Riverside, behind me is a large area of ​​New Westminster residences on the edge of the Fraser River . Most of these residences are close to the water and

Face the river . I think the overall scenery should be very good. But everyone has been there for a while. I feel that there are some uncertain factors in this place , so relatively speaking, many people are not very interested, especially those who hope to be safer and have better educational resources

And have better prospects in the future . Many of the residents have moved away , but now this place is being rebuilt. Of course, it is difficult to return to the previous situation of being the provincial capital of BC , but he is also constantly working hard

. As more and more immigrants come to Metro Vancouver, I believe this place will also be a good choice to live in the future. Because it has its own skytrain, it is quite convenient to go to many places. Some historical relics and cultural traces accumulated over more than 100 years

Can also be used as tourism resources . I believe that this city is relatively small as long as it finds a way to develop in the future. It should be a good place to live. I came here today to take a look around. I also made some new discoveries

. Of course, I also have some new feelings. Although it is a bit difficult in the development process , the future prospects should still be good. A small town is here. Now it’s time for me to ride back. Find a way home here . I can’t figure out which way

Can take me home. Let’s ride first. It seems I can still follow this way. Let’s continue walking along this waterfront walkway for a while . It seems that this waterside walkway is quite long. Let’s go until there is no road. Here, you can see that the entire residential area

Is like that. They are relatively low-rise houses , but the environment is actually quite good. Look at these houses overlooking the river. They are very beautifully decorated and have a festive atmosphere. There is a map of this place. We just came this way from this shore and now we have arrived there.

We’ve almost reached the end . Sure enough, we’ve arrived at the edge of this community . Now we have to ride up the bridge. It’s going to be a steep climb from here. Now I’m riding west on 12th Street . There are all uphill slopes here . Just use slow speed.

The slope here is too big. There are people queuing up here. I don’t know what they are doing. I heard people say that every once in a while, some churches will distribute food, bread, canned drinks, etc. Anyone can go and get it without looking. Of course , I believe that

People who really need it will pick it up. I couldn’t ride up the big hills just now , so I pushed down a few streets. Now I’m at 10th Street , but it’s actually still uphill. There are a lot of

Them here. They should all be there. It’s the type of residential complex for rent. The front is called Mood Park. The place I’ve been to before has reached a small plateau. Now it should be going down from 6th Street and sixth Ave to the left . Wow,

I can ride all the way down. It ‘s very nice. It ’s a ride so I’ll share it here today. Thank you all for following and watching. See you next time . Bye.

#溫哥華 #newwestminster #fraserriver

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
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