【Full Movie】出軌丈夫傍上富婆,強逼妻子打掉肚子裡的孩子,不料妻子一個舉動,讓他慌了!

I’m pregnant with your baby I’m pregnant with your baby -When did you find you’re pregnant Just a few days ago. You were not at home. I went to the hospital for a check-up Where did you go Why are you so cruel What did I do wrong You should treat me like this

Yue, I swear to you I’ll never leave you again, Yue Swear? Does the swear work How many times have you sworn Which time are you true Do you know? I’m like a psycho every day. I keep looking at this phone I just miss Wei Ming, Wei Ming, Wei Ming

I can’t sleep every night I lost a lot of my hair I’m worried about you, you know I’m worried something happened to you, you know I know, I know, baby I really, honestly, I miss you so much I miss you so much I, but I can’t help it

Yuanyuan. I love you. I’ll be back soon after my business is done Your Majesty, time for meal. Come on I’ve been busy for the lunch all morning. Have more I won’t eat. I’m losing weight You’ve made so many delicious food Have some meat. Try it You can’t reach it. Is it good?

Quite delicious Have some more. And have more vegetables Are these not to your taste No. Thank you When are you so polite to me now No. Quite delicious Stop eating. Tell me what the matter is Actually, there’s something I want to tell you Oh, I don’t know how to tell you about it

What’s wrong? Tell me Tell me about it I think, Yue, no matter what happens I think in this world, you are my favorite person Wei Ming, don’t you love me anymore Oh, no. Of course I love you I said in this world you are my favorite person

If you love me, can you say so You can’t say it No, I mean I hope you can have an abortion Why? Why? The child belongs to both of us us two Yes Why should I have an abortion I know, but things have changed now I have to leave for several days

We can’t get married. I… What’s wrong? Something serious happened to me What’s the matter? How… How dare I tell you actually I embezzled a lot of money from the company The other day I said I was caught by the police after I was drunk I lied to you. I… I don’t know

What I should do Now the police are catching me everywhere I don’t know what to do I’m dying of anxiety Wei Ming, I won’t let you leave me again I won’t let you leave me again Well, I have an idea Don’t they want money We can give them all our money

If it’s not enough, I’ll sing more in the evening and I can do a part-time job. If it’s still not enough I’ll ask my parents and sisters for some money for a little more cash Do you think it can work out Yue, listen to me We can’t pay back this money

Why can’t we pay it back Tell me Tell me! Now Why can’t we pay it back? Why You’re killing me Yue I’m a bastard Please forget me, okay? Please I don’t deserve your love, clear I hate you Please forget me I hate you I’m just a bastard Why can’t we pay it back

What’s up I wanna talk to you about something A Taiwanese businessmen planned to pay me to let me drive him around Beijing seemingly for some project investigation He’ll pay me a lot. Shall I say yes Why do you discuss it with me Nonsense! If I discuss it with someone else

Will you be glad Please hurry to discuss it with someone else You and I are strangers Boss. How do you sell this fish 14 yuan for a pair Can you make it cheaper? Ten yuan for a pair Sorry, the cheapest is 12 yuan OK, forget it I’m serious

If I really say yes, I may stay out of town for some time If you have to ask me about it I think you can either say yes or let your mother hang a bottle for you and you can lie in her arms You are so timid

A good man is ambitious, you know So you want me to say yes As you like I’d better do it Just for Dongzi I’ll do it now, lest I get in your eyes here Come on What do you mean by that Why don’t you beat yourself up Since Yang Dong came back

You began to treat me badly, didn’t you Alas You’re so narrow-minded You’ve been thinking wildly all day How else do you want me to treat you better What’s the matter with me? I don’t think I’m worse than Dongzi Alas! Please stop quibbling Please stop quibbling Stop it You’d better hurry to leave here

Don’t get in the way here Don’t bother me. I may be better off If you give us another hand The love of me and Dongzi will make you more jealousy How dare you If you don’t believe it, try it Alright Wei Ming, I thought about it You’d better turn yourself in

No matter how long you’ll be in prison, I’ll wait for you Our baby in my stomach will wait for you, too No way. Absolutely no I’m having it settled now It’ll be all right when it’s over I don’t have to turn myself in Can others really help you

It should work. I’m taking the blame for them If they force me too much I’ll betray all of them Is it that easy Didn’t I tell you I’m taking the blame for the company I did it for the company When the truth comes out they won’t do anything to me

When do you think this thing will come to an end Maybe soon. Maybe it’ll take some time But during this time I can’t make any mistakes The most important thing now is that you take good care of yourself Don’t worry about me Ouch! The heart is beating Ouch! I’m so anxious now

Are you still so interested in watching movies Dear, would you please knock slowly on such an expensive monitor Alas, Qin Yue is turned off again. I can’t find her I’m so anxious Dear, why are you so anxious Listen, Qin Yue and Wei Ming are falling in love now We can’t harass them

What a nonsense How bad Wei Ming is! Why can he make Qin Yue obey him What a bastard he is Dear, don’t care if Wei Ming is good or bad If you ask Qin Yue about it on the call won’t you know it Didn’t you see me calling her all night

But I can’t get through Dear, I think you’re wrong Can’t you do anything else tonight Read books, newspapers and watch TV All are better than calling her all day for you right Besides, Qin Yue is no longer a child She is an adult She has the right to deal with her feelings

Actually you can’t help her Qin Yue is my sister Of course I should care about her What a man she is in love with now I’ll forget it if he is a good man but she is in love with Wei Ming He is a bad guy at first sight

He looks like a wolf in sheep’s clothing Our Qin Yue is an innocent sheep It’s called sending sheep into a wolves’ den, you know Oh, what a nonsense! Wolves and sheep Let me tell you isn’t Qin Yue with Wei Ming now What is it called

This is called one willing to fight and one willing to suffer clear Maybe these two people are living a happy life Nonsense Stop talking nonsense Alright. Dear, don’t worry Let’s not care about their relationship Dear, your Wolffy wanna serve you, Wolnie Wolffy? You are a weasel I’ll call her again

What? You used to call me Wolffy Why do you call me a weasel now What a life are we living now How did it become like this? Shut up Come on, Wolnie Yuanyuan Why are you here again? Well Now I have cooperated to produce a collection of poems with a domestic modern poet

I wanna send you a copy to share my achievements in recent years Come in I’m not bragging The collection of poems can be said to be a subversion of the traditional poem absolutely representative of the highest level of misty poetry in modern China The work is divided into three parts

It consists of six chapters My work is in the second and third parts All right, Guan Peng. Don’t bother me, will you I’m really tired today If you want me to see your collection, just put it here I’ll read it when I’m free. I want to have an early rest

How many times I’ve said it The health is most important People can’t live for money, can they Although it is impossible without money But with money but poor health, it’s even worse It’s like a car without oil Take your car as an example Okay, okay. Stop it. I’m really tired

Let me massage you Don’t touch me Yuanyuan, stop being unforgiving now I knew I was wrong I really… I really regret it Especially seeing you being so now makes me heartbreak Yuanyuan, please give me one more chance Let me care about you and take care of you

Really, I really want to make up for my fault Make up? No need. If you made up for me what should I do to my boyfriend now He’s your boyfriend He’s using you to get something What’s good about him? Isn’t he just younger than me So what? Youth is a sin?

Let me tell you, Guan Peng, Wei Ming is much better than you He loves me. He takes great care of me Yuanyuan He’s using you on purpose Who has no purpose Dare you say you came to me today for no purpose Besides, everyone wants to live better

Wei Ming did it for he wants to take a shortcut to be more successful in his career He also paid for it What’s wrong with it Besides, as long as he treats me wholeheartedly I can’t wait to give him the company earlier So I can retire earlier

You let love go to your head It’s my own business but not yours All right, leave me alone, okay OK. Take a rest. When you are not tired let’s talk sometime. I’ll leave the collection here first Read it when you are free Um Qin Yue, I’m leaving Don’t look for me

I’m most sorry to you all my life But I’ve come a different way If you still love me have an abortion, please Forget me I sent 300000 yuan to your bank card Don’t worry about the money Although I can’t say the money is clean, it’s not illicit money Forget me

Find a man who loves you more Hi Yuanyuan, haven’t you got up yet Little lazy cat I can smell the smell in the quilt My flight will take off this morning I’ll be back soon. OK Qin Yue, stop crying. Ouch God helped you It’s good that this man disappeared

It’s not worth your nostalgia for him Qin Yue! Qin Yue Ouch, where is Wei Ming now Wei Ming disappeared again Yes. Qin Yue is in despair for it now I’m so worried Wei Ming is such a bastard, isn’t he He is a bastard Who Dongdong Dongdong? Landlord Dear, is our rent paid Yes

OK, that’s easy Wait a minute, please Master Liang Mr. Yang Hi, Miss Qin May I know why you are looking for her Could you do me a favor Please come in I’m embarrassed Come in It’s okay Why are you like southerners Have a seat Do in Rome as Rome does

Yes, that makes sense What’s wrong Well, you know it’s inconvenient for my brother to go to school now due to the long distance So I wonder if I can get him transferred to Ms. Qin’s school Ouch, I see A piece of cake Thank you Dear, did you hear that

Mr. Yang said, it’s inconvenient for his brother… Yes, I did. I am not so capable as a primary school teacher Our headmaster probably can’t manage it, either You’d better go to the Education Bureau to go through the normal formalities I understand, Master Yang Thank you. Sorry to interrupt you. Goodbye Dongdong Yang Dong

Just now my wife had a bad attitude. Don’t take it to heart It’s mainly because something unpleasant has happened to our family recently. She didn’t mean to treat you badly, clear Actually, my wife is still very kind-hearted like you Well, I’ve known what favor you want me to do you

I’ll tell my wife when she feels better Don’t worry. I’ll help you as much as I can Hey! It’s a little inappropriate today You made our relationship with neighbors so stiff It’s not very good Neighbors We’re just renting here We did pay the rent You don’t need try to befriend him

He is from Beijing You think if you try to befriend him he can treat you as his own friend Hey, stop. If you were not having a bad time with Qin Yue I wouldn’t talk to you about it What’s wrong with me? I’m quite happy The unlucky jinx can leave Qin Yue

I’m so happy Ouch! If you are really so happy about it why are you upset now But Qin Yue is my sister after all She is so ignorant to hurt herself Won’t I feel sorry for her Courier! Come back What’s the matter What’s going on What did you do to it What’s wrong?

What’s wrong? Yo can see what’s wrong Isn’t it a ticket for Hamaha piano concert Look at the date. Look at it Is this June 6th, yesterday’s You can see it’s yesterday’s Yeah You know it was yesterday Of course. I’m not stupid You send me a ticket

To yesterday’s concert today. What can I watch? What can I watch? Oh, yes, you can’t get in the concert with a ticket for yesterday What a mess I really don’t know how to deal with it now I sent it to you as soon as I got the notice as fast as I can

I can’t explain that to you You have to ask our manager for an explanation You’re so good at passing the buck Let the company explain it to me Why should I let the company explain it to me Then you can call him or… Why should I call him? I won’t

OK. Don’t be angry, please It’s bad for your health It’ll make it easy to get cancer when you’re old Hello, manager. This is Yang Dong. Yeah Well, I… Hello! Manager My cell phone is dead. I’m sorry I have rechargeable batteries downstairs

I’ll go down and get it. I’ll come up to you right away Come back. Did I allow you to go You’re so good at acting Your cell phone is dead, isn’t it My cell phone is fully charged I just charged up. You can use mine What’s your company’s phone number? Tell me

It’s on the envelope. You can see it How dare you do so Since you do so it must be solved today What did you do Didn’t you tell me that our price list were sent to Olive Company long ago But they told me they didn’t receive it at all Ms. Zhao, we really

Sent the price list to the express company last afternoon and repeatedly told them to get it received this morning. But What But now the situation is our goods were taken off the shelves And they asked us to clear those Because we didn’t give the price list to them in time

Do you know how much loss this will cost Ms. Zhao, I… I think Olive are taking it as an excuse The express company has promised that before 10 a.m they’ll get the new price list received by them No matter how anxious they are, they’d get it received in time

The key to the problem is that many other little companies unite together to give high rebate to the Olive I think they’re using this as a pretext Then don’t let them get something on us Do you know whose concert this is Do you know how much a ticket costs

Don’t explain this to me I won’t listen. I won’t listen. Don’t explain this to me What’s your name Yang Xi How did you train your employees Your employee named Yang Xi What? Tell me your name Yang Dong What’s wrong with Yang Dong of your company How did you train your employees

Actually not long ago I wanted to forget it But due to his bad attitude I must get it solved today Yes. If you don’t give me a compensation I’ll go to Consumers Associations, the Trade and Industry Bureau and also the Public Security Bureau I’ll get you punished hard. I’ll make you suffer

Take it. Explain to them. Take it Hello, manager No, I didn’t have a bad attitude Manager, really… Hey! Mana… He hung up So it’s solved? Does it mean that it’s solved? If not, tell me what to do next What to do next Do I know what to do? Tell me what to do

I told you I can’t explain it You have to go to the company and ask the manager for explanation I don’t understand it Why should I go to your company I don’t have time to go there Why should I go there Then I really can’t explain it to you

Tell me what you want, please Olive has taken up many market shares in Beijing You must know it better than me Ms. Zhao But for the current investment of our company We really have no way to give lower price than the price other third-rate companies offer What shall we do? Get closed?

All right. You two, go back to the office first Come up with an urgent plan What’s up? These two department managers how bad they are What’s the matter Forget it While you were back have you done the things about your parents All done. What’s the matter

Is it useful to tell you? Can you handle it for me Of course. I’m so capable I’m your fiance In the whole company, except you who is more dedicated than me Didn’t you just come back You must be tired all the way. Take a rest Oh, I’m fine. After solving the problem

When can’t I rest Besides, you also said that the interests of the company are above all else Let’s solve the problem first OK. Then I’ll leave this trouble to you Okay Why did you come back so early today Leave me alone. I’m so upset Why? What happened I lost my bike again

It’s not a big deal You can ride mine first. I don’t need it anyway It’s a big deal I lost all the express mails on my bike too What do you think I should do What? Did you call the police Of course. Once I am unlucky Nothing will go on smoothly with me

Nothing will go on smoothly with me Well, it usually costs 1 min to get the packet received but I met a pretentious woman She quibbled over it for ten minutes I couldn’t find my bike when I got downstairs Yep. It doesn’t matter that you lost your bike

It doesn’t matter. But the express matter None without anything urgent will send express, right Yeah, you’re right Why am I so unlucky I can’t keep the job anyway Hey, no, no, no. You can’t lose your job now Then what shall I do? I can only make as much money as I can

Don’t say that OK. Stop Stop talking about my bad luck Tell me about you and Gangzi I didn’t see Gangzi come back for days Someone paid him to let him drive him out of town Don’t care it. I don’t care him I’m so unlucky Whoever sees me is unlucky

I shouldn’t have come back Didn’t I come back to cause you trouble All right, what does my relationship with Gangzi have to do with you Don’t blame it on yourself Don’t comfort anyone I’m not comforting you, but telling you the truth Don’t worry Everything can be solved Xiaoyang Mom Come back

Let me help you Mom, I put them here I won’t care. I gotta get going Don’t go out. I’m asking you something Did Gangzi call you Yes, but I ignored him Alas I’m not to blame. He often feels jealous He often feels jealous for no reason

How can I have a good talk with him Can’t you stay away from Dongzi You’ve grown up. No matter what happens you always stay with him Mom, what are you talking about What do you mean I always stay with him Listen to my advice You two have grown up

What if you fall in love with him Alas! You’re getting married Mom, you are so funny I could have been with Dongzi long ago if I wanna be with him Don’t worry about it with Gangzi, please What do you mean If you two won’t accommodate each other

Can you live together well in the future But I can’t live with him with grievances What happened to you? What do you want to do with Gangzi I don’t know what to do? It’s up to how he behaves Alas How many times I’ve been worried about you Alas You… Let him tell you

What I told him at that time When you just came to the company Is the most important thing for us that we can’t lose the express our customers gave us Didn’t I say that -Yes. -Zhuzi. You shouldn’t think so Didn’t you call the police What’s the use of your anxiety

I think none of us is to blame for it Who is to blame? The thief He has no professionalism, right He can steal the bike but he shouldn’t take the letters and the mails… What a bastard he is for he take all away Ma Sang, is this your brother Yes, yes, yes

Aren’t you setting me up Zhuzi, what are you talking about Who helped you with this company I, right? At that time, you said I helped you a lot But now you said I’m setting you up You don’t know Just because we didn’t get the express of Yuanyuan Liquor Company

Delivered to the customer in time They told us that now it’s caused a direct losses about several hundred thousand yuan except for the indirect loss It causes them lose several million yuan in total How much money can my small company make a year How can I compensate them What? Are you exaggerating

Really that much Exaggerating? Ask him if that’s the case Boss, it’s my fault I am willing to bear all the consequences What? Can you bear them? All right He said he’ll bear… Oh, you should trust the government Didn’t you call the police You both keep silent.That’s it Leave here now. Let’s go

Are you naughty at school today No Good. A verbal praise for you Brother, where is your bike My bike is being repaired I can’t take it back yet Brother, I’m tired You’re tired? Come on Do you want to be Liu Xiang I want OK. Let’s race home

Who gets home first will be rewarded with a bottle of coke Really Really. Come on, start from here Come on. Ready, run Brat, playing a trick? How dare you How dare you spit on me? Can’t I catch you? I make it Are you convinced? Let me hold you Haohao -Haohao -Baby

Haohao! Haohao! Alas! Baby I miss you so much, baby Hello I miss you so much, baby Oh, mom, what are you doing Oh, baby, I miss you so much Baby, did you miss me I did Really? Good boy Sit inside, dad OK Sit inside Sit down I’ll get you some drinks No, thanks

No, thanks We all had some drinks at home We’re here for a discussion Sit down I want to have a talk with you I want to talk to you, too Haohao, Haohao, come on Well Have fun in the yard alone I’ll have a chat with your grandparents My magic cube isn’t fine yet

I’ll do it for you later. Go Grandma, grandpa, bye bye Bye, baby Be careful Don’t go far, baby. Don’t go far All right, your eyes are falling Alas. Haven’t you been a mother Alas You shouldn’t say so to your mom Right It’s too hot This What are you doing

This is 500,000 yuan, the deposit for buying the house We had summed it up Your father sold his house Plus the money in his passbook About 530,000 yuan in total If you don’t mind, we’ll take 30,000 yuan and leave the 500,000 yuan to you to raise Yang Hao Is it okay

Uncle, I can’t take the money. Please take it back My condition is very simple I just want nothing but Yang Hao Take it Uncle, I really can’t take the money Keep it for your family This money is not for you but for our grandson How high prices are in Beijing

And we heard that in Beijing, it costs at least one million yuan to support a child We are old and have no money But the money is the legacy of my daughter and your father They’re gone Haohao is our only grandson If we don’t give the money to our grandson

Won’t we be bastards But… Dongzi, don’t say anything. During these days we can see you treat Yang Hao very well Rest assured. We won’t say anything We are willing to entrust the child to you Oh my god The old women is crying again Why? Stop it, OK I’ll cry. I’ll cry. So what

The mother of the child is gone. Tell me I feel bad. I feel bad He is only six-year-old How will he live in the future Oh, my God. Our daughter we paid much to raise is gone suddenly All right, all right Alright. Stop crying Dear, I feel bad Alright

Who knows how sad I’m as her mother All right. Stop, okay The child’s parents are gone but his brother is alive They’re gone. What else can you do Don’t worry I’ll take good care of Haohao OK, we’ll Dongzi, don’t blame me and her. You never did anything wrong We know we are wrong

We admit our mistakes to you Don’t blame our mistake on the child. How pathetic he is I beg you, Dongzi Aunt, please don’t say so Uncle and aunt. Don’t worry about this I will be good to Yang Hao I’ll take good care of him Look. He has agreed I know you are warm-hearted

You’re kind. Thank you, on behalf of Yang Hao’s mother Ouch, please don’t Thank you. Thank you All right, all right, mom, let’s go now How embarrassing it is to cry here Let’s go Bag Help your mom Dongzi, bye Uncle and aunt, I can’t take the money

Uncle! Uncle! Uncle! You didn’t take the card Dongzi, don’t say anything That’s it What Let’s go. Go now Uncle, I can’t I can’t take the money really Let’s stop it This is for my grandson Right, let’s let Haohao talk with his grandma again -Haohao! -Haohao! -Haohao! -Your grandparents are leaving

-Haohao! -Maybe he’s playing at the door I’ll get him back Hurry up Haohao! Yuanyuan, I’m back Wei Ming, welcome back Have a hug Be careful. The apples How is it Pour me a glass of water. Today, I didn’t stop talking with president Li Have some water first Oh, one more

All counters will be kept All goods will be sold again Really? Ouch! Wei Ming! Here you are I really didn’t see that you’re capable of making it Tell me How did you persuade president Li Actually, the method is very simple An eye for an eye Don’t those liquor groups

Just want to fight a price war with them Then we can reduce the price promote sales and give more rebates to the supermarket accordingly Then will president Li take our goods off the shelf Well said. Then tell me How much profit are you gonna give them I’ve counted. 3% How much? 3%

Wei Ming! Wei Ming! How bold you are Do you know what 3% means No. I… I… I calculated according to the daily profit I know more about the profit account than you do Why don’t you discuss it about such a big thing with me before you make a decision

Do you know how much loss this will cause to the company No, I think If they take our goods off the shelf our… our labor cost backlog cost and it of transportation I calculated that although we gave up 3% of profit But we reserved 7% If we lose the platform of Oliver

Wouldn’t we lose more Wei Ming, you are so short-sighted Are our goods only sold in Beijing Within three days All our stores in the country will know about it If they all ask us for the 3% of the profit What shall we do

How much loss will the company bear? Have you thought about it Yuanyuan. How about… I’ll call president Li to let him remove all our goods What about the credibility of the company We are running a business but not playing a game I Alright. Stop it I’ll go back to the company now

Hold an emergency meeting to find a way Mrs. Xia! Mrs. Xia! Is Yang Hao here No, what’s the matter I don’t know. I can’t find him all of a sudden Stop talking so much nonsense Let’s look for him now. Come on God! Come on, come on Comrade police

My child is lost. Please help me find him Don’t worry, tell me slowly Can I take it easy? My child is lost Calm down. Come in and tell me Aunt, aunt, is Haohao back? You haven’t found him yet Aunt, don’t worry Can I take it easy? How long has it been

Why did you let the child play outside alone? What if we can’t find him and he got caught by bad guys There are so many bad guys Mom The police is looking for him Mom, don’t worry If we can’t find him, I can’t live anymore OK Dad! Dad

Uncle! Uncle! What’s wrong with him? -Dear -Heart attack. My dad has heart attack Hurry up. Get him on the sofa Help my dad I’m helping him Dear Slow down. Be careful. Don’t scare me, dad Call 120 now Dear! Dear! Oh my gosh! The kid hasn’t been found yet

But my husband becomes so now. What shall I do Hello! Why hasn’t it been answered yet 120? My dad had a heart attack Come here now Wei Ming, why are you still here Didn’t we agree to have dinner tonight They’re all waiting for you I’m too ashamed to go there

I caused such a big loss to the company I won’t go. You can go alone Alas. I tell you, you can go It’s just a working mistake You should still have this meal Oh dear! I don’t care whether I’ll eat or not now, really I’m being thoughtless. It’s all my fault

Yuanyuan, I just wanna know about the meeting Can we recover the loss We found a way Really The agreement you signed with Oliver is supported by all of us Really Maybe this is also a good way to stopping the decline of the company’s sales performance

That means I’ve made the right choice by chance Maybe I need thank you I’m hungry now Hungry Let’s go for dinner Doctor, how’s my dad A heart attack. Luckily he was sent here in time He’s out of danger now Can we see him now Not yet. The patient needs rest Thank you, doctor

Thank you, doctor Don’t worry. It’s okay Aunt, There’s nothing wrong with uncle You are not in good health, right? Send her back for rest first I can stay here What about Haohao He hasn’t been found yet We must find him It’s all right Liu Xiaoyang called me just now

Saying that the police has started to look for him I don’t think it’s hard to find him now I’ll be the first to let you know if there’s any news, OK OK, Dongzi. I’m not very talkative But just now I saw you busy for us I’m so grateful to you

Ouch! Anyway, thank you -It’s OK -Thank you, Dongzi Thank you Have a good rest at home. Don’t worry too much Well… I’ll send my mom back first Then I’ll come back then you can leave Thank you, Dongzi. Let’s go, mom Have something to eat, aunt What a mess Dongzi! Dongzi

How’s it going? Did you find Yang Hao It’s all right. Don’t worry. Didn’t we call the police The police have deployed people to look everywhere It must be all right OK. Sit down here How’s the grandfather of the child It’s okay. He’s been rescued Great! How did it happen

You had a real whammy I had a real whammy. I really don’t know which immortal I offended Why has the misfortune dogged me these days Isn’t that a coincidence Everything wrong happened these days Don’t complain It’s more than complaining, really If we couldn’t find the child

I’d be too ashamed to face my dead father Everything will be okay I… I wish I was the man lying inside I can be unable to wake up all my life What are you talking about? Who’s to blame Blame yourself It’s you who left Beijing for elsewhere

Do you think Liu Meili is worth it? Alright. Stop talking about this What’s the point of saying so now Besides, Liu Meili is not to blame It’s all caused by my bad luck I found myself the god of plague a jinx. Whoever sees me is unlucky Whoever is with me is unlucky

You were getting married with Gangzi I got back, which makes you and Gangzi in conflict. Gangzi must hate me now Really Hey! What do our relationship have to do with you Don’t blame yourself for everything wrong. I and Gangzi are in conflict. It has nothing to do with you

Don’t blame yourself for it Alas, we didn’t lock the door Why are all lights on What happened? Did you forget it No, I didn’t Haohao Oh my baby My baby Don’t scare him, mom I won’t Oh, baby. Why did you come here alone Baby, tell me Tell me who brought you here

I came by myself This child The child is so pathetic Where are my parents They’re on business as I told you They’ll come back a few days later They don’t want me, do they No You are the darling of your parents They won’t abandon you Meizi Call Dongzi now

Let Dongzi tell your father that we found Haohao OK, I almost forgot it Hello, sister, it’s me Hi, Qin Yue. I just got off work I’m in Beijing now What? Have you come to Beijing Don’t come to pick me up Well, you can send me your house number I’ll just find it myself

Let’s talk when I’m here. Bye, sister Aunt, what’s up I wanna discuss something with you Are you going out No. Let’s talk in my room How bad it is to stop you to get down business It’s nothing serious. Let’s go Excuse me, may I ask which one is the 22nd

The 22nd? This one This? Thank you You’re welcome Anyway, I just don’t think it’s good for him to go to the Northeast Listen to me, Dongzi The child can grow up everywhere Dongzi, how about… I have told the child His parents are in the Northeast

So just let me take the child back first Don’t worry, I mean what I say Two years later at most I’ll bring the child back to you Two years later he can accept the education you said as well, right Right Is it OK, Dongzi Dongzi, you saw it, too

My parents regard the child as a treasure Besides, alas my dad has a bad heart I’m worried every day you know? I’m afraid something will happen to them again How about this… Mom, well… During the summer vacation and winter vacation Or when you miss Haohao you can get him here

You can get him anywhere anytime, OK Now that you say so, I think it’s OK But I have one condition Go ahead Before Yang Hao goes to primary school, you must bring him back to Beijing Ouch! We’ll Isn’t his registered permanent residence still in Beijing We’ll bring him here at that time

OK, OK Besides This is the card with 500,000 yuan you gave me last time You must take it back Ouch, no No No If my husband knew it his heart disease would be even more serious. We can’t take it Listen to me, please I know exactly what conditions are in your family

I’m young. I have plenty of opportunities to make money We can’t take it. It’s for Haohao We can’t take it, really, Dongzi OK. If so, I have one more condition If you don’t take this card Yang Hao is not allowed to leave me Will you take it? Just take it, please

Is it so delicious I burped Qin Yue, would you like another bowl of rice No, thanks. I burped just now I’m full. Peiyi, did you cook this dish Yeah, yeah So delicious! I haven’t eaten our hometown food for a long time So delicious! Good

How much is it for a month to rent your house Boss! How much is our monthly rent You know, prices are very high in Beijing And this location is good Although the room is small, the rent is 1500 yuan at least 1500 yuan Yes. Yes You’re under a lot of pressure

Ouch! You must not move I just wanna do the dishes Don’t move. You don’t know your sister is very harsh If you help me do the dishes she’ll eat me It doesn’t matter. We’re a family Alright Ouch! It doesn’t matter, Qin Yue Hey, dear. After you finish doing the dishes later

Go straight to my colleague’s house Besides, let me remind you Don’t go out drinking at night Otherwise, I’ll… I’m really sorry, Peiyi I know I give you trouble for I’ve come all of a sudden How about this? I’ll sleep on the sofa Ouch! No way Yeah. Don’t be so polite with us

When you are with us Yep I’m sorry How to sleep… Well Qin Yue, if you don’t mind The three of us can sleep together tonight Hey! What are you talking about Just kidding Qin Yue, don’t take it seriously Never mind I’ll do the dishes Hurry up Nonsense

Sister, I found your husband quite humorous This kid Don’t be so harsh to him Am I harsh to him. I treat him well enough Ouch, but my husband is a man after all I usually respect him The big affairs are all decided by him But he is good at one aspect

He respects me and discusses everything with me Qin Yue, tell me Have you finally realized how bad Wei Ming is now You don’t like it when I mention him, do you Are you still loving him now Sister, I’m upset now, really I want to find him anyway When I find him

I’ll ask him why he did this to me He’s absconding to avoid punishment Where can you find him I was told he didn’t have done these things If so, why did he lie to you that he has done these things I don’t you know. Maybe he has some difficulties

I was told that he had come to Beijing So I came to him I want him to give me an explanation How can you find him? Beijing is so big How can you find him Oh! I thought of a way for you We’re in the age of the Internet

We can find someone online quickly We can let all netizens post widely I believe we can find this heartless man Sister, I really beg you not to do this If you do so, can he still be alive won’t he be ashamed Besides, I don’t want I don’t want this to happen

I think you should just give up looking for him After all, he gave you 30,0000 yuan I don’t usually have a good impression of the guy But he did a good job on this thing I don’t want his money but himself Money is of no use to me

When I see him, I’ll throw the money in his face and ask him why he did this to me How can you find him? If you can’t find him Are you looking for him endlessly But I must know the truth Ouch, Qin Yue! You’re looking for him Doesn’t it take time

I’m afraid that your belly will get bigger day by day. You forgot how I advised you in Yantai? It’s hard for a woman to live with a child alone What should I do? I can’t find him now I want an explanation. Is it possible for me to give up my child casually

Well, I’ll let you find him But if it turned out that he was with other women it would be too late for you to regret Even it’s true, I want him to tell me himself I’m serious Ouch, you’re so stupid and stubborn, sister Ouch, it ticks me off

Sister, don’t worry about me. I’ve decided No matter what happens, I want an explanation I’ll ask him why he did this to me Otherwise I’ll be sorry for myself, really I’ll be sorry for him You’re sorry for yourself You’re sorry for the child Have you ever thought about our parents

Have you ever thought about me? We are your family your relatives If mom and dad knew it how sad they’ll be I see you like this I… I’m also very sad Sister, please don’t be so I love you It will be OK

#六六撩剧 #中国电视剧 #错爱 4CH

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