ČUDNE PRIČE 193 – LJUBINKA POPOVIĆ i stravično ubistvo u Domu zdravlja‼️

Dear friends, we are witnesses that a few days ago there was a state of emergency in Lazarevac because a man sent very threatening messages via e-mail to the workers of the Health Center in Lazarevac that he would come and kill them all there. And the police took it seriously. That

Man has the initials VS, he is 38 years old. He was also arrested by the police for threatening the workers of the Health Center. Criminal proceedings will certainly be initiated against him , because such threats should be taken very

Seriously. And this event will not be the subject of tonight’s story that we will cover. We will already cover an event from 2016 that really visited me on this story and that tells us that such threats are feasible and possible. And that’s why they should always be taken seriously. What

Actually happened in 2016? The subject of our story is an unfortunate incident when a nurse was killed in the Health Center at her workplace on January 12, 2016. And that nurse’s name was Ljubinka Popović. Ljubinka Popović was born in 1959 in Šabac. She finished primary school,

Later and high school medical school there because she wanted to be a health worker first and foremost. And immediately after finishing high school, she started working at the Health Center in Šabac. This woman, Ljubinka, was the favorite of all the people who knew her. Because from her earliest childhood she had a great

Love for people and a great need to help them. And she had a word of comfort for everyone. That’s how people remember her. And while they were children at school, and later her colleagues from work. This woman was also married. Her husband, as she affectionately called him

Mića, was actually Miroslav a good man. And the two of them had a very harmonious marriage because of the love they had for each other. In that marriage, they had two children, a son and a daughter. The two of them educated their children. And they started their own families later. Ljubinka

Had four grandchildren from her children and was expecting a fifth grandchild. And she was looking forward to retiring in two years so that she could devote all her free time to her grandchildren. So when would her friends ask her: “Ljubo, when are you going to retire?” She would say, “If I live in

Two years. I’m leaving and by God I can’t wait for that moment.” Those words she uttered: “If I live” seemed to have been prophetically spoken. Because what will happen to this woman not only shook Šabac and the surrounding area, but also disturbed the entire public in Serbia. Like every day, she

Came to work on time on January 12, 2016. She worked in the morning from 7:00 a.m. She came with her fellow nurses, drank coffee. They talked about the day before, about the holidays that were only ten days before this January 12, and about some holidays that are yet

To come. In that conversation came the moment when they start working with patients. Ljuba was leaving her doctor’s office, where she had been working for many years. She went to the main counter, took the cards and instructions. Then she talked to the patients. And depending on who’s turn it was, she would

Refer to a doctor’s examination. It all worked, because Ljuba also knew all the patients who come to the doctor by heart. And she knew all their problems. And in that pre-holiday mood and work, break time was approaching. It actually came at 9:30, when the doctors and medical staff

Go to the so-called doctor’s room to have breakfast there. Usually this break lasts about thirty minutes, although sometimes it can last maybe five minutes longer. And during that period, since usually all examinations are scheduled and it is known that during that

Period there is a break, there is no one in the corridor. And now, as always, Ljuba’s colleagues left at 9:30 a.m. to have breakfast and to rest a little from work. Ljuba stayed to do something in the doctor’s office. And she didn’t take

A break like she usually does. That day, as if it was destined, she stayed to finish some documentation in her room where she works in front of the doctor’s office. And at one point, Ljuba came out of her room where she was

Doing paperwork, most likely to go to the file cabinet. She noticed a young man sitting on a bench in the corridor. Since she knew him from before, she told him to come after the break. He just kept silent, nodded his head,

Got up and left the Health Center. And who was this young man? His name is Vukašin Vilotić. Vukašin was born in the village of Bojić near Šabac in 1976. He finished elementary school there, and later he finished high school in Šabac. Vukašin lived in Bojić with his mother Radmila and father

Božidar. From his earliest childhood, this boy’s friends used to joke at school: “Seka Persa, female Petko” and similar. And why? Because this boy had strange tendencies unlike other boys. He didn’t like to play soccer, he didn’t like to play marbles. In fact, he liked to hang out with girls

. And he especially liked to jump rope and spin that hoop around his waist. He loved that. He especially enjoyed being watched by boys. And of course they immediately started calling him “Seka Persa.” And when he would go home and find out that his parents had

Gone to the fields on some business or maybe to the neighboring village to finish something, he would sneak into their bedroom. And now he felt himself there as if he were Alice in Wonderland. He would immediately open the old walnut chest of drawers that his mother probably brought as a dowry, because

That is the custom. And he would take his mother’s wardrobe out of it, especially her underwear. You know those silk overalls, then the sock stuffers. And most of all, he liked to put on his mother’s nylon stockings and step into his mother’s

Formal shoes, which he kept only for the city when he went to the doctor, or to the famous Šabac fair. And then he walked in those high-heeled patent heels and imagined himself. And that he imitated with all his heart some well-known singers like Vesna Zmijanac and Nada Topčagić. And he tossed

His hair like that, imagined he had long hair and sang those famous hits: “I need your shoulder to cry on.” And of course the famous Vesnina: “Don’t curse black eyes, don’t curse white hands.” The boy loved and wanted to be an imitator of famous singers. He also had his idols who

Were imitators in that period. And he dreamed of one day being at those fairs when those tents were held. And music as she screams to be a singer. So that he dresses like Nada Topčagić and goes out and sings: “I need

Your shoulder to cry on.” And he enjoyed that fantasy of walking between the tables, and those drunken village lords with crooked hats beating him on the ass and shoving the highest denomination banknotes that were in circulation at the time into his chest. And so in that fantasy he matured as a boy, or

As a girl, I don’t know what. But he had a penchant for men. And when he was in seventh, eighth grade, he began to take a more serious interest in boys. And in that period, a guy just came on leave from the army. And

He drove bys. And he was passing right through Bojić. And he was from a neighboring village. And while he was going to see his friends, he noticed Vukashin. He says: “Oh, Vule, he says how you’ve grown, how beautiful you’ve become” and so on. And he: “Oh, Brother

Pero, you’ve really had a hard time in the army. What do they do to you there? What do they feed you?” He says: “We’re practicing. I was a special agent and that. Do you want me to ride you for a while?

Come on, sit on my lap, here.” And then he put it on the frame like this and drove it out of the village. And now Pera, since he came from the army, he heard various things and stories in the army. He

Wanted to try everything in action while he was on military leave. However, in that period, women, that is, girls who lived in the villages, were not quite as free as, say, today. And then he wanted to try

Some things with Vukashin. He drove him out of the village in that truck. At least that’s what Vukashin said . And Pera took his virginity away from him. According to Woollett’s story, the bicycle went forward and backward, there was some madness, all kinds of things. And since then,

Vukašin loves bicycles the most in the world. So neither the engine nor the car. Admittedly, later Vukašin also had a moped. He also had a car. But the bicycle remained in his heart. At one point, he even wanted to get a byss tattoo. After that, he gave up

Because he thought that it might harm him a lot in the course of the artistic career that he wanted. In high school, he only hung out with girls again who regularly told him about their love affairs. And what was

This guy imagining in his head? Listening to those stories from his friends, he was constantly imagining and coming up with a way to kidnap their boyfriend. I he liked that when one of his friends went to see her boyfriend,

He had to go too. When he came there, he was not so frigid, but my God, he was even offensive. He also liked to meet that boy, exchange phone numbers, and talk about things like: what music does he listen to? What perfume does he like? So let’s talk about some more free things,

What kind of women does he like? With how many breasts? and the like. And he started flirting with the boyfriends of his best friends. Actually Vukashin or Vuksi as they started to call him started to show his gay tendencies in public. And don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against those

Gay people. But I’m against it when some gay guy wants to kidnap his friend’s boyfriend, because that’s not fair play. But Vukashin was not interested in that at all. He was not interested in fair play. Because he wanted to achieve what he wanted at any cost. And he wanted his best

Friend’s boyfriend. And that way he would turn out to be a better chick than her. And now you know what Vuksi was doing? The number that his friend’s boyfriend wrote down, he would take home, pick up the phone and call that boyfriend. And if he gets it, he says:

“This is Vuksi. We talked yesterday in the park. Do you remember? I remember. I have to tell you something. Milica doesn’t deserve you at all. Because you are an exceptional boy. But let’s not make the story longer now, let’s meet and I will tell you about

A friend of mine who is interested in you.” And then they would usually find themselves in front of the Šabac cinema and go to see a movie like “Low Passions” with Sharon Stone. And I can imagine what happened there in the dark . But usually these young men were shocked after the movie.

In fact, they haven’t even seen the movie. They experienced something that is not in the movie, nor in “Low Passions.” Because Vuksi actually knew how to give them such a kind of pleasure that can only be seen in films for adults, which in that period and time were shown only in the

Partizan cinema. And the years passed, and Vuksi gained more and more experience in some things. And he became more and more perverted every day. He especially enjoyed being hired by those men who loved men, but who dressed as women, actually cross-dressers. Now, for those who don’t know what this

Term means, I explained it earlier when I was working on Noah Milivoyev. And Vuksi also liked to dress as a cross-dresser in that period, following the example of MTV stars. He watched MTV every day. He adored Whitney Houston, Madonna, Britney Spears and many big stars who came to us

From the other side of the Atlantic. At that time, Vuksi already wishes to become a presenter and to do a similar type of show as Minimax did. After many friends and partners, in 2003 he fell seriously in love

With one of his emotional partners for the first time. He was just so in love. And he even fantasized that one day he could change his gender and marry this partner of his. He was so in love and infatuated with his boyfriend.

Their relationship was very turbulent but also secret, because that young man was also a married man. He wasn’t the classic gay guy. And Vuksi, now that he realized that his partner has great feelings for his wife, did not hesitate to send some ambiguous messages to his wife as well. And when

She told this to her husband, his emotional partner simply went crazy. He went in front of his house with the intention of teaching him a lesson. And he wanted to break his car glass, actually the windshield. He was so

Furious that he lectured him that he no longer wanted anything to do with him. He was jumping. This one was so scared. He ran to the car in a frenzy. He didn’t know what to do. He was just waiting for this one to pick up a brick and

Smash his car, maybe his head. Then he pulled him out of the car and probably slapped him. Wuxi was terrified as a mouse. But he was also furious. After that, already in 2004, Vuksi decided to go to Šabac and look for a guy in a cafe there, whom he

Also knew to be gay. And to go with him somewhere near Sava to have a crazy time, to relax and in some way take revenge on his emotional partner. Because he believed that he was his emotional one his partner broke his heart. Vuksi left for Šabac in a rage. He found himself

There with his friend who also had gay tendencies. He cried and told him how he used him sexually. That he ruined him purely because he devoted himself to him as much as possible. Otherwise, he would have gone to Belgrade and made a great artistic career. That’s what Vuksi told his

Friend. And to calm him down, he gave him a box of Benzedin. And this one now plucked a few banjos right away. After that he drank a few more pieces. He drank one lemonade. And he decided to make a crazy circle around

Šabac. And what did he do? Vuksi got into his car, stepped on the gas, crashed and ran over a 17-year-old girl, actually Katarina Andrić, at a pedestrian crossing. And he seriously injured her friend. Unfortunately, Katarina Andrić died on the spot. And this madman

, instead of stopping to call an ambulance, stepped on the gas even more and ran away . Of course the police found him. She brought him in first for investigation. And when he was brought before the court to be tried for this crime, he told the judge

That he did it because he was angry because his boyfriend left him. And in fact , he most likely ran away for the reason that they wouldn’t find out that he was full of bensedine when taking his blood. And what happens next? The public prosecutor

Released Vuksi to defend himself. Wuxi fell into a deep depression, not because he ran over and killed a young girl, but because he was left by his emotional partner. He started seeing a neuropsychiatrist, using sedatives. He also went to those trials in

Connection with this event surrounding the traffic accident. And of course it started to go from hand to hand. Whoever had same-sex preferences and judged Wuxi that way, Wuxi ended up in his bed. Vuksi went to see a psychiatrist for a while, acted as a circus performer in some bars, where he also started

Singing. Vuksi was pushing his story. And in 2010, he experienced a great tragedy. This time, no emotional partner left him, nor did he leave anyone. His mother, Radmila Vilotić , who was 61 years old at the time, actually disappeared . So that was in 2010,

Sometime in May. Since then, this poor woman has been listed as a missing person. What exactly happened to her remains a mystery. And now she was allegedly also a psychiatric patient and had suicidal thoughts. And when it comes to a missing person, only the family can provide this kind of information.

So it is not entirely certain whether this woman really had psychiatric problems or not. However, she is certainly not there even to this day. The whereabouts of this woman is a mystery. The following year, Vuksi received another shock. What he did in 2004 and which dragged on

For years, he had to serve. In fact, he received a summons to serve his prison sentence. And Vuksi is going to serve a three-year sentence. He was serving time in the Sremska Mitrovica Penitentiary in the open part, where traffic convicts who have been convicted usually serve that sentence. In 2013, due to

His good behavior, Vuksi received a reduced prison sentence, much to his chagrin. Because he liked being in prison. That shortening and early release from prison was a shock for Wuxi. He cried for days after coming home. And he said, “God,

Why did I deserve this? Now I would be there with people who appreciate and respect me and whom I love.” Vuksi has in his brain who knows what values ​​he had. But it seems that it was much more difficult for him in freedom than in prison. He even

Said at one point to some of his friends: “I have to do something stupid to go back to prison.” And that friend must have given him smart advice and told him: “Vuksi, make sure to see a doctor. And tell a psychiatrist everything you told me.” And Vuksi did the same.

He went to the doctor, he told everything that was bothering him. And they scheduled him for daily treatment at the Day Psychiatric Hospital. Vuksi used to come there, he took medicine up to a certain period. And then he stopped coming on his own initiative. According to some of his friends, as

He told them, he allegedly did not like any of the doctors there. And then he had no reason to stay there. And Wuxi decided to find again some secure emotional connection. And in that search for God, two and a half years have passed

. Vuksi did not find his emotional partner, much less a rich sponsor to support him. Because of this, he falls into severe depression again. He does not use psychostabilizers. Sometimes he goes to the doctor but does not take those medicines. His father is no longer financially able to help him. He lives as

Vuksi lives, but by God it’s getting harder and harder. In one period, as I told some of my friends, he sometimes had nothing to eat for several days. Time passed and Vuksi became aware that he had not fulfilled himself

Either through his career, nor through his emotional life, nor had he finished any school, he had no trade. He just can’t do any work now. And he begins to feel great fear. At least that’s what he told some of his

Friends. And he thinks how to get out of this hopeless situation. He even comes up with the idea of ​​going to his psychiatrist and asking him to arrange for him to get a hospital like the one in Palmotićeva, or like

Laza Lazarevic. And to spend a year or two there, because he will also have food there. At the end of the day, as he told the doctor: “I will use the therapies regularly. Maybe I will be cured and everything will be okay.” However, the doctor advised him

To start taking these psychostabilizers regularly and that everything would fall into place. Of course, at that moment, the doctor most likely did not even know the background of that guy’s begging to go to the hospital. Because Vuksi

Didn’t even have a warm bed at home, he didn’t even have hot food, he didn’t have almost anything that is taken for granted under civilized living conditions today. Now I don’t know if Vuksi should have gone to the Social Service to

Tell the people at the Social Service what problems he has and what is happening to him. And that they may direct him to another instance. And that he might end up in a Home for neglected people. There are also such homes, where they will have accommodation. food.

I don’t know now if that man was fit for any kind of work with his age and his body weight. I believe that he was very capable of the job, but it was beneath his honor. He could do construction work. He could go to work in some

Agricultural combine. But no, he saw himself as a princess. And not just any princess, but he thought she was Sleeping Beauty or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I have no idea. Most likely, he fantasized about going to a forest like Snow White and finding a magical house with seven

Dwarfs who will take care of him. However, the famous, perhaps the coldest winter in the last ten years, also came , the icy winter of 2016. On January 7 , while the whole village was celebrating Christmas, roasting piglets, Vuksi and his father

Didn’t even have garlic. Vuksi said, “I can’t live like this anymore.” Instead of going to work, he goes to the doctor again. Now I can’t blame my soul, maybe this boy was really sick. His behavior is pulling him towards

Some kind of madness. But since the profession said that he is normal, I have to say so. According to the expert’s assessment, he is still normal. He does have a small mental problem, bipolar disorder, but he is normal. So with psychostabilizers he can be a normal worker in a company and

Do some work. I don’t believe that Šabac is such a small town. Because I know it is not. And there are many factories and various places where a person can find a job if he wants to work . I don’t see what is going on in Wuxi’s head now, it suddenly

Happened that he saw the only way out was to go to a psychiatric hospital. And that story has been going on for a couple of days since January 8, when he went to the doctor. And according to the doctor’s own statement, when Vuksi went to see him on January 10,

He told him that he had arranged for an ambulance to take him to Belgrade to Palmoticeva, and that he would be admitted to the hospital there. However, now Vuksi, for reasons known only to him, allegedly told the doctor that he suddenly feels

Much better now and that he does not want to go to the hospital, but will use psychostabilizers at home. And of course the doctor prescribed it. Two days later he had to go to his chosen doctor so that he could

Certify the prescriptions so that he could pick them up at one of the pharmacies. And that was that fateful January 12. Vuksi arrives around 9:40, sees that there is no one anywhere, sits on a bench in front of the doctor’s office, waits for someone to appear, turns

Left, right. At that moment, sister Ljubinka also appears, who sees him and knows him from before. And he says to him: “Vukashin, it’s a break now. Come after the break. You can stay here since it’s very cold outside. And you can also take a walk if you want.”

And he said, “I will walk.” The nurse goes to the filing cabinet, finishes what she has. And Vuksi gets up, goes outside, crosses the street. And right around the corner in Masarikova street , he buys a large butcher’s knife

In a store of crockery and kitchen products . He puts it in his coat pocket and goes back to the health center. He comes in front of the doctor’s office, sits on the bench, spends about a minute or two. He gets up, takes out a knife and goes inside. Sister Ljuba was sitting

At the table and was writing some paperwork. She heard someone open the door. She just mechanically raised her left hand and said, “Come back in ten minutes when the break is over. We’re on break.” And she heard

The door close. But she did not know that the person who closed the door did not leave the room, but was actually there. And to hold a big butcher’s knife in his hand. And just a second or two later, that same knife plunges into her left shoulder. She

Stood up, tried to defend herself. However, Vuksi was persistent. He stabbed this woman three times , and finally slaughtered her. He literally cut her arteries. And this woman immediately began to bleed profusely. And she fell on the floor of the office. Vuksi just turned around and went outside. There was still

No one in the corridor. He enters the toilet and washes his knife and hands there. He puts the knife back in his coat pocket, goes to the same bench and sits down and continues to wait. At 10:00 a.m. a minute or two later, a man who is also a patient, who has

An appointment with the doctor, arrives. He asks Wuxi, “Is there anyone inside?” However, Vuksi didn’t even register it, because he was talking to himself. and then he realized that there must be something wrong with this man. And he knocks on the office door. However, no one answers him. The man is persistent,

Opens the door, goes inside. And what he saw shocked him and he followed. He immediately ran into the corridor and started shouting: “People, a woman is lying in the office, she is covered in blood, she has been slaughtered.” This was of course heard by

The doctors and nurses who were still on break in their break room. They all ran outside, ran into the doctor’s office where the unhappy Ljuba was lying. They tried to give her first aid, but there was no help. She bled out and was dead. They immediately called the police.

The police came, they found Vuksi sitting on the same bench, nervously tapping his feet in place and repeating non-stop: “I killed because I want to go to an insane asylum. Take me to an insane asylum, I’m not normal.” The police

Immediately took him into custody. The unfortunate Ljuba was sent for an autopsy in order to determine what the actual injuries were that caused her death. And that was soon established. Vuksi was sent for expert examination, where it was determined that he is a mentally competent person. Also, at that first expert examination and

Hearing when he gave his statement, he had an ex-officio lawyer, and later he got a stronger lawyer who, admittedly, was retired, but he still did those strong cases, especially murder cases, and he had a strong fee. Everyone was surprised: “Now where does this lawyer come from to defend him?”

But my god, maybe he was defending him pro bono. It eventually became the fashion among those top and expensive lawyers. And at this re-examination, which was determined for Vuksi to take place in the closed-type hospital of the Central Prison in Belgrade, the profession found that Vuksi is a sane

Person. The Prosecutor’s Office filed an indictment against him. At their suggestion, it was requested that Vuksi be tried for aggravated murder, which the court accepted. According to this article, a prison sentence of 10 to 40 years is provided for this crime. However, since the prosecution asked for 30 years for what

Vuksi did, after two years of hard trial, the verdict was: Vukašin Vilotić was sentenced to 30 years in prison for the crime of aggravated murder in the Health Center in Šabac, which he committed against the unfortunate Ljubo. Both in the first-instance verdict and later in the appeal, it was confirmed.

Vukašin requested that he be sent to serve his sentence ahead of time, that is, before the second-instance verdict is pronounced. They came out to meet him and sent him to serve his prison sentence in Sremska Mitrovica Penitentiary. Vukašin is there and serving the same sentence. Now I don’t know if this young man

Was really normal or not. But the profession said so. However, even if he was normal and not, I don’t like the option that someone who is a psychiatric patient goes to the same doctor’s office as some other

Patients in order to ask for the certification of a prescription from a psychiatrist. Because I have the impression that this young man had no intention of killing Ljuba Popović. He wanted to kill anyone. And if the doctor had been there, and Ljuba was on

Break, he would have killed the doctor. And if the doctor hadn’t been there and Ljuba hadn’t been there either, he would have killed some patient, maybe that unfortunate man who came in and saw Ljuba’s dead body. Or, God forbid, if, say, a pregnant woman came

To verify her prescription, he would butcher her. And what surprises me, now the family of the unfortunate Ljuba Popović has to sue the Health Center in order to raise the insurance, because Ljuba was first of all killed at her workplace . And now I ask another question: The unfortunate Ljuba

Was a worker at the Health Center and she was killed at her workplace. And what about that martyr? Let’s say a man came from the village and wants to take a prescription or to be examined by his doctor. And someone kills him. So isn’t

He perhaps at work? Please the insurance must be valid for everyone who is in that institution. Because someone comes there to save someone’s life, and someone comes to save their health and life. I don’t know if I’m clear. Both

Those who work and those who are receiving treatment should be treated the same by the insurance institute. And that the insurance also applies to patients if, God forbid, someone kills them in the hospital. As is valid in a city bus, insurance is provided for both the driver and the passenger.

Now, it is not clear to me that if someone is insured, as Ljuba Popović was certainly insured, why her family now has to sue countless times with the Health Center in Šabac. And that it already reaches the Constitutional Court. And maybe end up at the international court for human rights in Strasbourg. Are

We such a complicated nation? It’s like we live in a labyrinth. And that nothing can be done and respected in a completely normal way. And that is the human way. And now everyone has to sue someone to exercise their rights. A soldier was killed in the barracks while standing guard. His

Parents have to sue the army. A man dies on the operating table because, say, the anesthesiologist gave the wrong anesthesia. Maybe a person is allergic to, say, morphine. And in order to reduce his pain, he gave him an injection of

Morphine and he died. And now what? Who is guilty? The patient or the hospital? And again, someone should sue someone. Children go to school, someone kills them there. Now the parents don’t even know who to sue. The one who killed them? Or should they

Sue the school? Or maybe his parents? There will simply come a time when we simply have to sue ourselves in order to accomplish and achieve something. Let’s say a man invites me to a wedding. I get unprovoked beatings there

. Who should I sue? Is it the one who beat me or the one who invited me to the wedding party? And they have been arguing for years about whether doctors and medical personnel should receive the status of official persons at all?

Admittedly, the conductors and drivers of the city bus are also controversial. They argue for postmen as well. Starting from this year, there is also a debate for teachers in schools. Eventually we will all become officials in this country. But if it is a salvation to reduce violence, then I appeal that we

All become civil servants as a matter of urgency and be protected by the state. Because she is obliged to protect us from each other. Because in the end, by the time these complex laws and regulations are passed, I’m afraid we’ll all be killing each other. Because the way this started,

By God, it will not turn out well. We are all somewhat calmer, we live better and better. And every day worse and worse things happen to us. And while I’m filming this show, I’m currently preparing the next one where a boy killed

A boy during school holidays, and with a knife. Now, whether he slaughtered chickens or piglets, I don’t know. But we have a lot of children who instead of chemistry in school carries a knife. Are they training to be leaders of the Black Threes? Or for future

Academic citizens? I’m just not smart. And you, dear friends, if you have any suggestions, write them in your comments. And we’ll see you in the next Strange Story. Until then, I salute you.

ČUDNE PRIČE 193 – LJUBINKA POPOVIĆ i stravično ubistvo u Domu zdravlja‼️

Medicinska sestra Ljubinka Popović (59), ubijena je na svom radnom mestu u četvrtoj zdravstvenoj ambulanti Doma zdravlja Šabac. Zbog ovog zločina odmah je uhapšen Vukašin Vilotić (42).

00:00 Čudne priče
01:41 Tema emisije
01:55 Ko je bila Ljubinka?
02:35 Školovanje i posao
03:09 Porodica
04:25 Tog dana
05:15 Posao
05:46 Pauza
07:11 Ko je Vukašin?
08:08 Detinjstvo
09:19 Skrivene želje
11:16 Prijatelj iz vojske
12:31 Vožnja biciklom
13:55 Drugaricin dečko
15:40 Telefonski pozivi
17:43 Želja za slavom
18:51 Sukob sa partnerom
21:16 Saobraćajna nesreća
22:21 Depresija i suđenje
23:25 Nestanak njegove majke
25:13 Skraćenje
27:23 Težak život
28:46 Odlazak lekaru
30:41 Najhladnija zima
32:07 Dolazak kod lekara
33:36 pauza
34:29 Napad na Ljubinku
36:53 Poziv upomoć
37:59 Hapšenje
39:05 Suđenje
40:10 Presuda
43:02 Životno osiguranje
44:01 Službena lica


  1. Kakav to psihijatar nekoga tko opetovano traži da ga pošalje u ludnicu uporno njemu prepisuje terapiju koju zna da ovaj neće uzimati kako treba?
    Moja komšinica ima bipolarni poremećaj. To je muka i za nju i za one koji s njom žive. Jedan dan je ona euforična, smije se kao blesava do suza. Sutra ili isti dan, malo kasnije, ona je depresivna, sažaljeva sebe, ubija u pojam svojim pričama. I od nje još očekuju da brine o bolesnoj majci. Njena sreća je što joj najstariji brat stalno pomaže, brine, mada ima svoju porodicu i probleme. I ne živi blizu ali jako često dolazi. Kuću im je novu napravio. Ali činjenica je da su i nju uništili psihički. Što roditelji, što bivši muž koji ju je maltretirao. Kći joj je odrasla sad i ona je kod roditelja. Noću luta po selu i hoda okolo, danju spava. Pomiješa tablete i krive popije. Nije to za samo biti i brinuti o sebi. Dok se Vuksi pretvarao u to što je postao, šta su radili roditelji i porodica? Jesu ikad s njim razgovarali? Koji doktor kad več ugovori bolnicu ne uvjerava pacijenta da u nju i ode? Sad je gotovo. Šteta je nenadoknadiva. A šta će biti kad za trideset godina kao starac izađe iz zatvora? Opet će nekog ubiti? Jer on može tko zna koliko poživjeti

  2. Mislim da se u Srbiji mnogo konzumiraju narkotici koji podsticu na nasilje I Menjanje identiteta. Narkotici se mogu nabaviti u Srbiji na crnom trzistu. A Postoje I zla semena srpska koje to zlo proturaju. Ne treba uzima ti idole makar bili obuceni u srpsko odelo. Treba se odvojiti od licemernih ljudi koji bi ponudili svoju pomoc za uzvrat trenutne narkoman ske ushicenosti. Vec je postala svakodnevnica u srpskom izrazu cuti,, gej, narkoman, kokain, brza kola, dobre ribe, dobra roba…dobar instrument, stranac nosi lanac,, a posla sve manje ima za mlade u Srbiji. Sela se ne ozivljavaju, ne pomaze se mladima da opstanu I zive u svojim kucama, dozive svoju porodicnu srecu, I grade svoju buducnost.Godinama se podstice ideologija nerada I brzog zivota.

  3. Naravno da bi medicinsko osoblje trebalo odavno da se tretira kao službeno lice jer na istoj su vrednosti kao i drugi koji se tretiraju kao sluzbena lica . I mislim da za ulazak u psihijatrijama i mozda domu zdravlja pacijent treba na šalteru pri ulasku da ostavi sve što moze nekoga zivotno da ugrozi kao sto je to u drugim zemljama i smatram da kada biste to uveli nebi se desavalo ovako nesto .

  4. Da li je sposoban ,uracunljiv,bolestan ili ne-mislim da je to jasno-ko normalan moze da ubija bez imalo grize savesti,samo zarad smestanja u ustanovu-zatvor ili bolnicu.Koja god da je opcija ocigledno su ga prilicno lagano shvatili jer za na slobodno kretanje sigurno nije.I ko zna koliko je takvih slucajeva koji slobodno setaju i u stanju su da ubiju bilo koga radi neke svoje bizarne fix ideje

  5. Ja aam protivnik nasilja prijtnji bilo kakvih..Ali sam na žalost doživjela na sopstvenoj koži od doktora jako ponižavajuće rijči i ako sam onkološki pacijent..Govorili su čak šta ja hoću svakako ću da umrem,vjerujte nikada nisam povisila ton a nemoli da sam im odgovorila na provokaciji.Jedan dan sam otišla po uputnicu jer sam jako povraćala krv medicinska sestra je izašla i počela da viče da sam debela svinja da je corona da ljudi umiru a ja došla njima da smetam,samo sam tada rekla DaBogDa ti ovako nekoga zajebavala kao ja i nije prošlo dva mjeseca ona je umrla od raka.Sada sam prije mjesec dana otišla u Tursku na veoma tešku operaciju a inače živim u Sarajevu gdje isto doktori su govorili da aam razmažena,da mi nije ništa a meni skoro svi organi otkazivali 6-sati su se doktori u Turskoj borili za moj život…Kada sam se vratila otišla sam kod istih i na konzili gdje je došao direktor bolnice i pitao me sali želim da ih tužim,rekla sam ne ima Boga on će da im sudi uzela papire moje nalaze i izašla…Čula sam posle da je direktor otpustio i oduzeo licence da ne unište ničiji život više,neznam dali je to tačno ali sam tako čula…Tako da hvala Bogu psihički sam bila jaka da nikada nisam pomislila da im nešto uradim a nemoli da im prijtim…Braco svaka čast na Vašim pričama…


  7. Obavezno uvest prisilan rad, za ostetu, ostecenih. A ne da im bude bolje nego ljudima na slobodi koji rade i financiraju sve. Barem za te zlotvore prisilan rad od 3 sata dnevno

  8. Ovo je došlo đavolsko doba , na svakom koraku luđak do luđaka kome više možeš vjerovati. Jadna Ljuba ona se našla na pogrešnom mjestu u pogrešno vreme . Počivaju u miru nedužna Božija dušo .Poz Braci .❤😂🎉

  9. Gospodine Braco, ovog puta ste nadmasili samog sebe…pitanja koja ste postavili na kraju emosije navode na duboko razmisljanje, nasilje sve vise bukti, a kod nas se ne primenjuju zakoni, bar ne na nacin na koji je to predvidjeno. Kao pravnica smatram da nemamo mi lose zakone, samo se ne primenjuju. Ubice nas neznanje . Radeci pravne poslove sama sam se licno uverila u neukost sudija . Presude se samo kopiraju, neko mozda nema hrabrosti da se odupre pritiscima, ali to sve nije opravdanje da mi kao drustvo cutimo i trpimo da se nepravda desava nekom drugom. To je donekle mozda odgovor na vase pitanje zasto su ljudi primorani da tuze i da vode postupke do Medjunarnog suda pravde. Tamo je pravda i moguca, za razliku od Srbije.Na kraju cemo mozda svi da krenemo da podnosimo tuzbe direktno u Strazbur. Sve najbolje u daljem radu i srdacan pozdrav.

  10. Ne slazem se s tobom braco kad si rekao da je bio sposoban za rad i bilo sta!!on nije bio sposoban za nista i krivi su sto ga nisu odmah zatvorili…automatski cim je gay znaci da psihicki nije stabilan i bilo sta…trebali su ga zatvorit i ne pustat van iz zatvora ili ludare

  11. Poštovani gd Braco,ja stvarno ne znam da li smo svi poludeli,da li nas posipaju sa neba nekim prahom ili smo ludi rodjeni…Svakog dana neko zlo se dogodi da prosto mislim da je najbolje nikud van kuce izaci…jer srecem i u grad prevozu i kod lekara i na poslu toliko ljudi koje vidis da nisu svoji..sta raditi?pa samo se skloniti i ne komentarisati..jer ne znaš koja budala je pred tobom

  12. Covjek je bio sve bez normalan,nesrecna zena je kolateralna steta ovog haoticnog zivota,a jesmo li kao drustvo humani prema ovakvim ljudima,da li im na bilo koji nacin pomazemo,pa mislim da ne…

  13. Ako je Bog stvarno digao Rike of nas, trebali bi se pitati zasto. Jer Pose, ako Ga trazis, naci ces ga. Ako Boga ostavis, ostaviti ce i on tebe. Pocnite od 10 zapovijedi, i to onih koje nam je Mojsije donio, pa do Isusovih propovijedi.

  14. Na žalost ogromne rupe i propusti idu baš od onih koji bi trebali biti čelično slovo uzora- institucije, od sudstva, socijalnih raznih ustanova, pa i po novom modelu raznorazni psihijatri koji nekakvim novim modelima stave pečat na kardinalnu grešku koja se evo u ovoj priči pretvorila u užas.
    osobno sam ogorčena, svi koje znam isto, koliko čitam reakcije ljudi-isto tako….. debelo kasnu ministri i država, jer nije ih ni briga.
    Jednom kad lava krene zaustaviti se ne može.
    Gospodine Braco, Vi ste uostalom sve daleko lipše objasnili i potpisujem svaku Vašu riječ. Sa ogromnom zebnjom o budućnosti mladih razmišljam…Šta je jedna gospođa u komentaru napisala; zgrožena današnjim reakcijama djece , njihovom agresivnošću , mlodernim telefonima, majkama sa skupocijenim frizurama, patikama, noktima, ali potomstvo prepušteno kome…?
    I ja sam često znala promatrati dok sam sa djetotom još malim po parkovima išla. Još nisu naučila ni govoriti djeca ,a već su se radili klanovi, kao ko je moćnija kasta, a mame ako bi im dijete otišlo do klana nniže rangiranog bi skočila odvući dijete i vratit ga u 'sigurnu' zonu bogate kaste. Šta očekivati za par godinija kasnije?
    Materijalno je alfa i omega svega, a prave vrijednosti se pokopavaju.
    Hvala Vam i na ovoj priči i unaprijed za sve šta radite!
    Ona nesretna cura koju je ubio ovaj nakljukan tabletama nadam se kao i ova gospođa šta je posvetila cili život humanom radu neka počivaju u miru, a ja se nadam da su u daleko ljepšim dimenzijama, jer ne mogu prihvatiti da toliko duša ,divnih i toplih zauvcijek na silu budu ugašene.

  15. Postovani Braco, redovno pratim vas program i u veoma mnogo slucajeva se slazem sa vama a ponajvise o tome da sam i ja striktno protiv nasilja. Ja niukom slucaju nepodrzavam nasilje ali mislim da je u vecini slucajeva zakazao celokupni drzavni aparat kao u ovom slucaju ztravstveni sistem koji je olako shvatao ovog momka koji po mom misljenju nije bas zdrav kako je predstavljen. Da su ga shvatili ozbiljno ova nesrecna zena bi danas bila ziva. Zato mislim i da treba tuziti bolnicu jer je ona kao ustanova duzna zastiti svoje radnike kao i posetioce to jeste druge paciente. Takodje mislim da netreba preterivati to sa drzavnom sluzbom jer ona samo jos vise kosta vec osiromaseni narod a pritom to nestiti od dusevnih bolesnika i zlikovaca. U mnogim evropskim zemljama su vec pozeli da oduzimaju zvanje drzavnog sluzbenika recimo uciteljima i mislim sa pravom. Ljudi su postali veoma cudni i koriste sve u licne svrhe pa i tu drzavnu sluzbu. Moglo bi se o tome dugo pisati ali to vise nije tema i zato za kraj bih pozelela vise licne odgovornosti, vise tolerancije za drugacije i naravno stop nasilju bilo koje vrste a najvise nad nejakima kao sto su deca, zene i starija lica. Srdacan pozdrav

  16. Nije mi jasno kako nigde nikoga nije bilo . Ipak je to oko pola 10 ujutru . Kako nema nikakvog obezbedjenja? Pre 4 i po meseca,kada sam za majku dolazila po neke papire,kod lekara , nekoliko puta je neki beskucnik lutao Domom zdravlja i trazio vise puta novac od nas koji smo tu bili . I nije bilo nikakvog obezbedjenja….Prosto neverovatno. . Zao mi je ove medicinske sestre. Nije zasluzila da svoju karijeru zavrsi ovako,bila je skoro pred penziojom i zelela je da mirno zivi kada doceka istu. Na zalost zbog ludaka koji jeste lud iako tvrde da nije ,jer niko normalan nikada ne bi nikoga napao bez ikakvog razloga nozem u ordinaciji (ili bilo gde) nece moci . …

    Koliko znam ,zabranjenoj je nositi nozeve (spada po zakonu u hladno oruzje) u skolu …. I zasto bi neko nosio noz u skolu ? Od cega – koga da se brani ili koga i zasto da napadne ? I gde su roditelji ? Staraoci ?

  17. Шабачки вашар је однеговао стотину простаклука, а могао је бити леп вашар, од угледа као и многи у свету.
    Неко је хтео тако!!??

  18. Gospodine Braco sve što ste rekli na kraju ovog videa ste u pravu. Pobićemo se mi između sebe. Sve je skupo, nemaština je velika, mnogo je siromašnih. Sve mi miriše na novi rat u Srbiji. A sam Bog zna kako ćemo da ga preživimo. Pozdrav

  19. Ovaj Vuksi, osim što je poremećen, užasno je lenj i razmažen.Nema radne navike i nikada ih neće ni imati. Nije isključeno da je njegova majka, zbog sramote i jada, pobegla negde preko grane, inkognito. Trebalo je da ga zadrže u zatvoru, još dok je plakao što mora da izađe. Jadna Ljubinka je kolateralna žrtva.

  20. Još jedan prestravičan slučaj. Vi ste G-dine Braco savršeno obradili slučaj, kao i uvek. Sve do najsitnijih detalja, i što je još važnije sa mnogih aspekata čovekovog postojanja. Poruka na kraju je presnažna i njome ste sve rekli. Bojim se biti deo ovog društva, u kom je morao da se dogodi onakav zločin u Ribnikaru, da bi se institucije počele ozbiljnije baviti bezbednošću građana i da bi narod počeo osveštavati u kakve sve opasnosti može da upadne,. Bojim se da smo za ovih 30 i kusur godina otišli od građanskog i civilizovanog društva. Zašto posle ovog događaja nije uvedeno pod obavezno da u svakoj instituciji bude obezbedjenja? Dokle smo došli prošle godine? Gde idemo dalje, strah me je i pomisliti.

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