
What kind of place is this? Are we going to do something wrong now? Wrong go! Wrong go! Why? How come the military facilities are here? We obviously just walked to the Martyrs’ Shrine as Brother Long said . Why are we now at a dead end ? Hahaha, this Google doesn’t

Work. Google just doesn’t work in Taiwan. That’s why the big brother just tried so hard to get it. We were asked to take us to the Martyrs’ Shrine because we followed the navigation and ended up in a dead end. Oh my god, what’s going on in Dagangcang

? There is a clothing store here. Next to the Dagang Bridge, there are many trinket shops and clothing stores in Dagangcang. This pedestrian street looks like a good place to go shopping. I want to take a look at the Flying Mystery Deer. This car looks cool. Is it a double-decker

? Is this an old-fashioned car? What kind of car is this? It looks so cool. Ah, originally we wanted to come back to the Dagangcang and Martyrs’ Shrine tomorrow , but Brother Long couldn’t stand it and insisted on letting us see the night view.

So let’s take a look at the night view of the Dagang Bridge. This bridge can be rotated. Walk around. Can you rotate around and then go from there ? It’s quite interesting to go down there. Where do you go to the bridge ? After eating, it’s so comfortable

To walk around in this pedestrian street. There is a small business district on the other side of the pedestrian street and the bridge , and there are all kinds of beautiful shops in it . I think the clothing store looks quite fashionable and of good quality. It’s a small shop

With a cafe and a restaurant. So what is this green building ? The shape of the lights is weird. In the winter in Kaohsiung, I wear short sleeves , haha, especially after drinking Brother Long. That bowl of nourishing nine-tailed chicken soup, I feel that wearing a suspender is not too much.

This store is Snoopy . I am going to go to this Snoopy store at Dagangcang No. 8 to have a look. Hey, hey, Cao Ni Ma. Riding a bicycle. Cao Ni Ma, riding a bicycle. This is suitable for me. I ride it. It seems to be like this expression at times

, haha, this one is quite cute, the little yellow man, the little yellow grass mud horse, this, this, oh, the clothes in this store are quite interesting , and the Aladdin Grass Mud Horse, the grass mud horse in Aladdin’s Magic Lamp , oh, this Nike, this hook from Nike is so cute

I originally came in to see Snoopy, but I ended up buying two pieces of clothing for the Mud Horse. One was a Mud Horse riding a bicycle and the other was a Mud Horse Minions. Martyrs’ Shrine . Hello, hahahaha . What kind of fate is this? Wow, what are you eating? Hahahaha

, we came up here twice. The scenery is really good. Yes, yes. Have you ever gone up there ? We just came here , so we came here to take a look. We came up twice in a week. Wow, this place is really nice

. I will bring some home-cooked food. Oh my god, drink 250CC of 58 sorghum. Wow, 58 degree sorghum. Kinmen sorghum. 250CC. Yes , wow. It ’s so powerful. Can you drink it? I don’t drink it. I still have beer here. No, no, thank you. Thank you. Wow, what is this? What a fate.

You guys go up there for a while. Ha , you can go up this staircase later . There is a LOVE . There is an observation deck . The view from the observation deck is even more unobstructed. Go up that side, right? This is the staircase later. Go up to the Martyrs’ Shrine.

Don’t go straight. Turn left as soon as you go up. After turning left, write LOVE . Isn’t that light very beautiful ? There is an observation deck over there. Yes, you can see it from here. Over here at Building 85, you can see Building 85. You can see the Kaohsiung Port

Here right now , right? This side is blocked by trees again, and then you can see the night view of Kaohsiung City, right ? As soon as you go up, you can have a clear view . It’s great. Let’s go up and see what happened to me when I was a child.

I was born and raised here at the base of Shoushan Mountain. We will go down early today because we are going on a day trip tomorrow . Which day trip are you going for? Hey, I went to Chiayi in central China to see the bald cypress. The bald cypress is the most beautiful.

The most beautiful is November. Now we go there in mid-December and it has already bloomed . It has already started to turn yellow. The yellow bald cypress is mainly on the lake, in the shallows, in the shallow water. It grows up from underneath. When it grows up, it has a reflection, you know?

There are probably dozens of them throughout Taiwan. There are probably dozens of them . Tomorrow we are going on a day trip specifically to see the bald cypress tree at the Yuliao ruins in Chiayi. It ’s so awesome. I obviously happen to be going on a day trip.

Otherwise, we usually go there at 7:30 or 7. Come up at around 7 o’clock. Then we’ll leave at 11 o’clock. We’ll leave again. It’s past 1 o’clock. It used to be very lively here. It used to be very lively. There’s a table over there, a table over there, a

Table over there, like this . We are sitting in the middle . They are all making tea. They are in a row like this. It feels great. It feels like family . It is great . We are the youngest here. You know, right? Hahahaha. It ’s so funny

To me. 65 Are you old? Can’t you tell that they are 65 years old? They are over 70 years old. Are you in your thirties? Haha, you are as old as him. Wow, thank you, beauty. Oh my God. I still want to find a wife who is so young. She

Is so good at talking. Do you really see? You are so young, haha, those are some big bosses, because as they get older, they have handed over the business to the next generation, yes, yes, they all come up so that next time we have a chance, we will come back to meet you

And have a drink with you, okay, have a good trip, okay? Bye, it’s so funny. I even saw the elder brother and sister who just ate at Brother Long’s place here. It ’s so cute. The elder brother drinks 250 cc of 58-degree sorghum by himself. He comes up twice a week

To see the night view. It’s so good. Oh my God, we just I should mention that there is no such thing as his guidance. We have gone a long way around Chung Martyrs Shrine. Do we have to walk so far? Such a big staircase is so lively. There is a LOVE below,

Which is romantic LOVE. Everyone comes to check in. There is an endless night view . This is a place where you can eat instant noodles. I Why did I dance the Yangko? Listening to someone playing the saxophone, I danced the Yangko. It seemed wrong . Is it 16 steps or a few steps

? Wow, this Martyr’s Shrine is so interesting. There are young people sitting on the high stairs watching the night view. Sitting in this pavilion, drinking 58% liquor, old brothers and sisters , and then there is an artist slowly playing the saxophone. This should be considered an artist, street artist

, and below there are brothers and sisters who are cheering and clapping their hands. Wow, this place is really so romantic and wonderful. There is also a modern art installation on it. The LOVE young people like to check in. It feels like it is a mixture of romance from all ages gathered

On this small hill. It is really interesting for us to see. Arriving at a different Kaohsiung, a different Taiwan, and a different night view




  1. 高雄是一個很美的城市,他規劃的很好,我也很常去高雄玩,夜景不輸台中、台北、高雄也可以租遊艇出海遊玩😊,妳的背景音樂好好聽,會讓人很陶醉。

  2. 高雄忠烈祠原本是日治時代的「打狗金刀比羅神社」,後改名為「打狗神社」、「高雄神社」,中華民國接管台灣之後,在去日本化的狀況下,台灣各地的神社就改建為忠烈祠,安放抗日戰爭以及國共內戰中逝去的英烈,後續台灣有榮民身分的老兵過世、軍警消等人員過世之後,也可以選擇安置進忠烈祠。

  3. 親愛的,你說的那個綠色奇怪的建築是音樂中心,前年七月回去剛好有不同造型的大氣球在水面上,企鵝,鴨子,貓咪…..超開心看你找到的草泥馬店,我們上次沒看到過,下次回去踩店❤,your background ending music is so romantic. 🎉

  4. 謝謝Iris幫高雄爭回一口氣,之前肖恩來高雄鹽埕介紹,真的是亂七八糟,盡是走些殘屋亂瓦,嬉笑著說花街小三花柳病,留言給他建議一些高雄景點還被他的粉絲圍攻,其實身為土生土長高雄人我們是很驕傲的,看到自己的故鄉被胡亂介紹,內心真的非常不爽,所以我早就退肖恩追蹤,也退掉付費會員了,看他們二次來台的點閱率就可知道沒做功課,不尊重當地人的下場。

  5. 那個雙層的車是英國的公車

  6. 妳看到的那棟海邊會發光六角形建築,那是高雄流行音樂中心(英語:Kaohsiung Music Center,簡稱高流),基地位於高雄港11-15號碼頭(真愛碼頭、光榮碼頭及苓雅寮車場),占地約11.89公頃,於2021年正式啟用。

  7. 看到階梯上的情侶,就像20幾前年輕的自己,這地方真的是滿滿的回憶,看來是時後了,要戴上老婆來重溫青春年華的記億。

  8. 以前看影片焦點都放在畫面,背景音樂對我來說就是個旋律,自從上次老闆說音樂太重要了~我才發現 您頻道的影片在於音樂的選曲到下音樂的時機真的讓人看的很舒服也可以說療癒吧。本身對音樂就是個外行,所以能給出的評語就是自身的感受~看起來就是很舒服的影片。感謝老闆讓我對音樂有了多了一層的認識。頻道影片也很棒每每看完都能感受到你們的快樂及幸福都讓我有莫名的感動。請繼續紀錄下去。感謝 易拉罐&老闆

  9. 台灣其實沒有多美的風景,能玩的地方也不多,是個小小的島,自己出國以後,還是最喜歡自己的家鄉,便利又安全,不用到處提心吊膽的,最美的還是人,人情味還是最棒的,好好享受~~~莫莫答

  10. 現代人,去Google,馬來西亞人口3000多萬華人7000000,台灣人口全部華人,24000000,人均GDP,差台灣3倍台灣今年人均GDP,2023年,超越日本韓國,可以去抖音,輸入台灣人均GDP,中國不敢造假

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