【オリチャリ!】ついに600kmブルベに挑戦!40時間以内に川崎から浜名湖を往復!無事に帰って来れるのか!?(2023 BRM1111東京600kmウナギ)

Early in the morning on the Chuo Expressway , we will depart for the meeting place, Todoroki Arena, the starting point. I wonder if everyone is there already? We have arrived at Todoroki Arena. Now we have registered for the start. We leave Todoroki Arena and head towards Lake Hamana. We depart at night

. Around 6:30 a.m. , we encountered machine trouble and had to make an emergency pit stop. Yes, I’m sorry , the handle was somehow loose. It’s really low, it’s dangerous, we’ll do some construction.It’s fixed somehow , so let’s hurry up.Today ‘s 600km brevet started from Todoroki Arena in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture,

Went 300km one way to Lake Hamana, then turned back straight and came back the same way. The course is a total of 600km, and as expected, the time limit for 600km is 40 hours, so I booked a business hotel near Omaezaki on the way.The

Advance plan was to get to the hotel around 1:30am, sleep for about 5 hours, and leave around 6am. That’s what I was planning to do, but looking at the weather forecast, it looks like

It’s going to be quite difficult with a headwind all the way back, so I think I’ll have to leave the hotel a lot earlier, like 4 or 5 o’clock.It ‘s 8 a.m., 2 hours have passed. I’ve traveled less than 30km, so my pace is quite slow, but I want to hurry up

And not rest as much as possible.I’m still running through the city of Kanagawa, and I keep stopping at traffic lights. Why can’t I pick up my pace if I get through this ? Another traffic light, I’ve been stopped at the traffic light for a long time now.

I’m crossing the Sagami River, which is not moving forward.I’m finally getting closer to the mountains.If I get closer to the mountains and the sea, it should be a lot easier to ride.I entered a rather strange rice field road.I wonder if it really fits, but well, it’s a nice place. Right now,

It’s been 3 hours since I left at 9 o’clock.The distance is less than 50km, and I think I’ll be able to reach the coast of Sagami Bay around Oiso soon.Now, I’ve arrived at the resting point.This is my usual way back from Brevet, and I’m using my computer. This is a 7-Eleven.

7-Eleven Oiso Kokufu store. Ah, I’m back. Let’s get some supplies, stop by the restroom, and take a quick break. After taking a break at the convenience store in Oiso, I turned to Route 1. From here on, I’m heading towards Odawara, Yugawara, and Atami. The course I take every time is like a garden,

So I do my best as I cross the river.On my left, I see Sagami Bay entering Odawara. From there, I enter the seaside, where I take Route 1. If you go straight, you’ll be heading towards Hakone, but turn left and head towards Yugawara and Atami.At

10:20am, about 4 hours and 20 minutes later, you’ll have just passed Odawara Port.This is the usual Route 135 along the coast, with some ups and downs. I’m going to go all the way to Atami. There’s a lot of traffic and it’s a little dangerous, so I’m going to go safely. I’m

Passing in front of Manazuru Station. It’s 10:45, 83km. I think it’s a pretty good pace. After this, I’m going to cross Yugawara and head towards Atami. Actually, I crossed Atami from Yugawara to test drive this brevet, but when I disassembled this bicycle

In the parking lot of that pachinko parlor on the way back, I left behind a part called a quick release for the rear wheel. It looks like it’s gone, so I’d like to stop by and see if it’s still there. I wonder if there’s a parking lot for my quick release Prego.

Last time I parked my car here at Times B , I did a quick release around here. I can’t find it , gaga, it’s a shame. There weren’t any left, so I gave up and went back to Brevet. Now, we’ll cross Yugawara and enter Atami. We’ll

Pass in front of Atami Station and head toward the mountain pass. There are a lot of tourists around here , so we should be careful, but there aren’t that many of us. I wonder if they have stopped coming . No, there are a lot of them! That’s amazing.

Then we’ll start climbing from here. I wonder if we can climb the Atami Pass, about 6km in about an hour. Let’s do our best . Once we get through this, it’ll be a real climb . Continuing

, it’s the first and last mountain of the first half, so if we can get through this today, we’ll just have to go straight on a mostly flat road, so let’s try a little harder. Ah, it’s an amazing hill, you can’t really tell in the video. Climb Hakone Pass. That means I’m

Doing my best, do my best , condensed milk , so when I see this golf course, the climb is over. I’m glad I came for just one test run. I managed to get through the Atami mountain pass. It’s almost 100 km and it’s past 12 o’clock. The gross speed is now 15.8 km

/h. I have zero savings Yes, I had lunch at Family Mart after passing the check . There was no one there anymore, so let’s hurry. It’s Numazu city, the street in front of the city hall, but even though it’s Saturday afternoon, most of the shutters are closed.

Yes, beyond Numazu, we go to Fuji city. I’m heading towards Shimizu, the next checkpoint in Shimizu, and I’m planning to stop at a convenience store.After leaving Numazu, I’ve been going straight, riding the tailwind, and making good progress.However , the straight is too long and there’s no change, so it’s boring.I’m

Pretty tired. I’m coming.There ‘s a sign for the station, so I guess we’re already in Fuji City.Well, we’ll soon cross the Fuji River.We’ll finally pass the Fuji River.Even though we ran the 300km brevet before, we’ll cross this bridge and turn

Right. I feel like I’ve made a turn. Today I’m going to cross this and go left. Fuji River Bridge. It’s a big, amazing river . I’ve come a long way

. I still haven’t reached PC1, 10km to go. Well, I’ve finally crossed PC1, and from around Shimizu to the Okure coast. I’m running towards that point.The next checkpoint is beyond that point.I’m already tired after running 170km, and it’s now 4:30am.We’re just barely stable.Let’s do our best.We’re passing through the Abe River.It

‘s already starting to get dark.After this, we’re heading straight ahead. After passing over a small mountain pass called Okure Kaigan , I headed towards Omaezaki . After taking a short break and replenishing my supplies at the PC earlier, I felt better, so I’m still able to run for now.

Yes, I’m about to cross the Ishibu Maritime Bridge, and it’s dark. I don’t think you can see anything, but it’s a pretty beautiful place . Is this the Okure Beach? So let’s do our best to climb up. We’ve crossed the large collapse coast and entered Yaizu City. It’s

Now 6:30 pm, 206km have passed , and we’ve crossed the Oigawa River. Can you see the Oigawa River? It’s a straight stretch with no traffic lights in sight. I am gradually increasing my time savings.I arrived at the checkpoint of 7-Eleven Omaezaki.I passed the checkpoint at the Omaezaki convenience store. It’s pretty close, but

Let’s eat well.We’re headed to Lake Hamana, the turnaround point 70km away.I don’t have much in savings, but I guess we ‘ll still make it in time.I passed the Hamaoka Primitive Power Plant.It was pitch black,

So I couldn’t see what was going on inside. I don’t think there is, but there seems to be a nuclear power plant in the back.The building on the left is the Kuretake Inn, the hotel where I will be staying tonight.I want to stop by the hotel and sleep right now, but

I’ll probably go to Lake Hamana , which is 60km away from here, or maybe 50km away, and come back. I was planning to check in at 2 or 3 o’clock or I would give up at Hamamatsu and go home.This

Might have been the first and last time I saw Kuretake Inn.The Tenryu River is probably the 7th installment of the famous river introduction series.Is the Tenryu River really the Tenryu River?What? I can’t see it, but the Tenryu River is flowing below . It wasn’t the Tenryu River, it was the Kikukawa. Kikukawa.

Ah, the Kikukawa of the Tokoha Kikukawa. You were very good at Tokoha Kikugawa High School’s second class . Ota River, I don’t know if it’s a famous river, but it’s pretty big. 9:45 pm, 265km, we’re not even half way there! This is Tenryu River. It’s really big

. It may not look like it, but it’s as big as the Tone River I saw before. Big but tired I was able to see a nice river. I don’t think I can see it at all, but this is probably Lake Hamana. Can I

See it? It’s a pitch-black lake, or rather the sea, and the space is widening. It looks like I’ll be able to reach the turning point somehow. Wow, I wanted to see this when it was bright . I’m sorry, but I’ll have to find a place to rest

For a while. It’s not possible. It’s going to take 3 hours to get back to Kuretake Inn. Where the hell is this place ? Well, let’s sit down for a while.My lower back hurts, so I’m already DNF.I could just take the Shinkansen back from Hamamatsu, but I guess it’s

Okay if I’m this tired.Well , let’s just go to the turnaround point.Let’s go Karaoke BANBAN , we’ve arrived.Turn back. Please get a receipt from Family Mart.I have an important announcement here. I did my best to reach my destination, but it was tough.The hotel I booked was 60km back from here.For now,

I’m thinking of going to Hamamatsu. Let’s go to Hamamatsu. Yes, Karaoke BANBAN. Thank you! That’s helpful. It ‘s not open yet. Well, that’s true. Even so, it’s nice that it’s a little warm. Let me use that space.


1:02 スタート!
7:58 湯河原で寄りみち
13:17 通過チェック
16:39 大崩海岸
22:39 作戦会議
25:12 大事なお知らせ・・・


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