Visiting Bangkok’s Sinking Village Island 🇹🇭

Jesus Christ it’s early we have an action  packed day with one of our favorite people   and best friends here in Bangkok plant we are  currently waiting for the one and the only magn   magnificent Dan Bangkok guys welcome to pak nam  welcome to samut Prakan very different part of  

Bangkok that we’ve never explored yet and is  pak nam market we’ve never seen it like this it   looks absolutely beautiful it’s a very traditional  Thai market as well it’s currently the morning   time too coming up to roughly around 9:00 a.m. and  uh this is when you want to be exploring Bok and  

We’re very excited we’re bringing you somewhere  very special today so yeah let’s go on another   chaotic Adventure we’re starting our day off with  a nice coffee from 7eleven as well no better way   hello how are you sorry keep you waiting L sorry  keep you waiting we’re so excited hey you how  

Did I nice to meet you man hi naom to meet you  typical YouTube camera everybody okay so we are   all here we will get ready and get on a this is  crazy okay guys so the general gist of today is  

We’re going to a very special and uh first up  we need to figure out how we’re going to get there you need to tell them that  it’s I don’t know how to say that   it is a ferry to an island and  then another Ferry uh to another

Part cup look at this oh my God right we are on a boat and uh we only paid  I believe six BTS to get across and now we   are just going to go basically across there  I don’t know if it’s very visible no just  

Across there and uh from there we will have  to take a local bus and then another boat   and then we’re going to get to the temple so  let’s have a look at what this is going to be   like very local experience I have never  seen anybody else doing um this the way  

We’re doing it right now so I’m very very  excited I have no idea what is expecting us beautiful River PR Bangkok this  is why this is our favorite city in   the world genuinely our favorite city  in the world it’s the most beautiful  

Part of one of the most beautiful parts of  Southeast Asia everything about this is just   absolutely magical words can’t even really  properly describe what this is like it’s class look at the cargo ships here  they’re amazing feeling so manyi   in between the cargo ships  yeah just trying to survive

This is what I’m talking about guys  this is the real the real Thailand right here wow gorgeous look at those boats can only imagine what the  history has been here on these waterways we have a beautiful clear  blue sky today as well gorgeous Sunshine

A doesn’t get any better guys  it does not get any better than this that was a really good idea to stand at that  end of the boat that view is unbelievable at the   back of the boat yeah was class you can really  see in a lot of these areas that the water is  

Quite a bit higher um than it was probably  originally planned to be now um a lot of the   people here seem to be living directly off of the  river and also obviously directly on the river so   a lot of the people seem to be having these  um traditional type of still stilled houses  

But the uh water levels are quite High are we  already there we’re going to be getting off of   the boat now yes oh we have to hurry let’s go  let’s go let’s go we need to hurry we’re always

Late hey we made it let’s go this was our boat  of choice today well of choice this is the boat   we got but here we are guys I’ve have no idea  where we are to be honest we will try and drop  

It every now and then along the way I’ll try and  keep track of where we are on Google and let you   guys know but as of right now I’m clueless but  this is gorgeous the journey over I already said  

It was just like six butts per person but it felt  like we were going on a cruise like a cheap tour   sort of tour so if you’re ever just like in  Bangkok and want to take a boat somewhere six  

SP you can take it from that fairer that we were  just at so nice here we are guys there’s a market   another local market this is where you’re going  to find some very good priced good quality food  

Here and uh the plan right now is from here I’ll  have a look at the mo ping the plan right now here   guys is that we’re going to make our way to a bus  and from that bus it takes us to another Ferry  

And then we take another boat to where where’re  the destination is that we’re supposed to go to   so I apologize if it’s a little bit drawn out  before we really jump into this video but wow   this is a part of Bangkok a part of Thailand  that we definitely have not experienced at all

Yet beautiful bu cup so guys we initially thought that we were  going to have to get a van but it turned out   that the van was uh going to take a while to  come so and it up PO in a taxi we just split  

The cost between the three of us it’s only  around 100 for the three of us and uh yeah   we’re making our way now towards another  boat that’s going to take us somewhere now   Dan did say that it’s possible that the area  that we want to go to to take the boat could  

Be flooded apparently like the pier could be  flooded no idea to be honest what to expect   but we’re going to see what happens um if it’s  flooded we might be going for a swim but we’ll see well guys we hopped out of the taxi  and this is roughly where we’re going to  

Be taking a very small boat towards  our final destination of exploration   today it should be very interesting  these little boats over here you see yeah oh no this is uh this is going to be  an adventure for sure we’re going to take  

Now these ones over here guys oh no it’s really  cool to see that we are theoretically still in   Bangkok but uh there’s basically nobody here you  have like the odd taxi going past but other than  

That there’s really not that many vehicles and  if you look at our last video from the L area   and there’s so many people on scooters and cars  and so on but this one here this area is still   theoretically considered Bankok from what I  understood and it’s so empty and uh now we  

Kind of have to figure out how we are going to get  on this boat and who even is the captain I think   the captain is lying in the hammock over there  potentially he’s going to wake up he will have  

To wake up in order to uh drive us over but yeah  this uh fabrication here this pier is a little bit   improvised Maybe yeah go for a swim just going  to stand on this little floaty everything here  

Is moving by the way if you cannot tell by the  way I’m filming it’s probably going to be not   a steady hand but yeah this little flotation  device that we’re on right now is also moving  

And uh yeah we will just basically stand here now  and wait for a boat to arrive or for a captain to   arrive I’m not too sure um is somebody just going  to show up to pick us up or nobody’s listening to

Me so now you can see guys just how  small these boats are it’s going to   be interesting I’m very tall I’m very  heavy Naomi is very tall that’s my   that is relatively tall as well so it’s  going to be yeah oh yeah oh look at this fellow guys the nerves

Wow get on she just saying that  we have to one of us should grab   the boat and when you step in okay on  this one you don’t step on the edge   just I’m not a boat grubber just in  the middle you can I asked him oh I

You don’t sit you just step in slowly  yeah is this our sign to step in now not   yet [Laughter] wait there’s so much confusion  right now you are go slowly should be all right okay I’m on and you try to hold hold to  this us yeah oh sit down first out

Sit I got it are we in oh wow I think you’re  sitting the wrong way I’m sitting the wrong way   all right go next to him welcome to the chaos  two explorers here we go you sit in the middle  

Let’s mix it up oh oh Jesus nervous we’re doing  a wobble here oh that’s good okay we’re on we’re   on are you going to are you going to ride I’m  going I’m going to try and rotate now I should  

Be fine maybe stay this way then we can talk to  each other on the all right I’m good the Titanic   the [Music] Titanic this is going to be give me  show me your hand very special o oh there’s a  

Bit of power behind this I feel like set me up  man let’s go wow is so good off we go [Music] guys wow unbelievably fast this is crazy I know what oh my God talk about a unique experience this is out  of this world right [Music] here look at how  

Gorgeous that engine has some serious power  behind it [Music] wow oh my God I’ll tell you   what guys this is very worth doing something  totally totally different different experience it’s crazy to see just how flooded this area is  so a lot of these areas over here guys people are  

Living here have a look just over here there’s a  house actually a couple of houses unbelievable and   the water level is right there right on the  level of where these people are living that   people live on the side it’s unbelievable  isn’t it like the especially when it gets  

Flooded the water level is like in their living  room yeah it’s crazy oh that’s a fancy house oh   they have the money that’s a very nice house  that’s where Dan Bangkok lives wow look at this [Applause] I can’t believe that  this is so close to Bangkok yeah  

Yeah it’s mental it doesn’t feel like Bangkok it’s crazy all right guys we have arrived this  is going to be an adventure getting off   this thing okay you just have to hold on for  dear life I think okay Naomi’s dying to get  

Off we’re going to get off I’m not dying to get  off I’m just the more people keep us steady the better we call him to come and  pick us up oh we call him yeah   you’re taking his number nice we’re  taking the number so we can call him  

To get back what 300 round trip yeah  yeah you want to take this one oh sure Hello friends somebody has to stabilize  for Luke to get off now I’m good you’re okay   all right guys if you ever do this trip  make sure to take the phone number of  

Your captain because uh obviously you  need somebody to pick you up they don’t   know that you’re going to be waiting here so  you need contact details and it’s a 300 bat   round trip both ways so how long was that  that was like what 15 minutes 15 minutes

Easy such a nice uh nice experience I can’t  believe this is so close to Bangkok it’s crazy   well this isn’t it considered Bangkok you  need a hand see you so he come okay see you byebye all right this is a very makeshift way  of getting around and this is our peer here on  

The road that’s why and look at where we are  guys what is this I don’t even know I kind like I don’t understand but every  time every time we meet Dan we we   end up in the most random places this is one of

Them I think I think she’s creating  bait bait looks like bait it’s making   it really small how you call it English  but um she doesn’t fish it the people in   this area just bring it to her because  her team working on the road oh so but  

It’s for for their food or this is  bait for oh this is what they eat okay I thought it was bait for the crabs  you know drying it in the sun yeah they   dryed yeah oh got it ah I love your  mask school um Chinese temple Shrine  

Um what’s that man gr forest and where  all the community are that direction so   we go there first wow this is going to  be very cool you got be as loud as you can a bunch of tourists being a  bunch of [Music] plunkers how cool is

This literally stretches like like a kilometer  towards this Temple and so many of these bells here this is fun and we are surrounded by water  this place is quite literally flooded so guys   the water is rising so much here measur this used  to be a road and it’s basically been taken by the  

Water and they’ve built this obviously higher up  above the water and it seems to be basically like   a permanent battle between people and the elements  of nature obviously it’s absolutely fascinating temp all one directly at the entrance  of the temple basically you have this  

Little restaurant that will stuff for you  especially on the weekends they just said   they have seafood that’s initially why we  came to this restaurant because we wanted   to try the Seafoods but they still have a little  bit of fish during the week and other things as  

Well so we’re just going to um order some stuff  and have some food and then go on to visit the   temple it’s going to be super super tasty the  lady already looks like she knows what she’s

Doing do you know thanks careful me oh the  size of this this this like a booket you want   to go in my bag I take you home with me okay  go in my bag yeah go on oh that is delicious  

It looks radioactive though yeah I’ll bet your  tongue blue yeah I’m going to have three eyes   now in a second you soda yeah oh she was going  for yeah so what are we getting prawn pad crab   house yeah I I didn’t fully understand there  was something with this chakra vegetable so  

He’s ordered like an omelette and he’s going to  have this vegetable it says pose around here I   don’t I don’t know too much myself don’t  know what to expect I know I know we’re   getting a por p of power and an omelet  yeah that’s the problem we were standing  

There and he was just like squid or prawn  and we like what with what what comes with it love lovely D this is so refreshing guys  it’s a long enough walk you’re walking in the   sun basically uh for a while this cat is really  adorable what do you want but yeah you’re walking  

In the Sun for a while so careful hello I think  it want I think it knows I I said pad crap how and   now the cat wants to hang out with us oh she’s  making little biscuits yeah biscuit a biscuit  

Factory is open we’re going to have some food here  guys and then we’re going to check out the actual   Temple as well so yeah if you are looking for  something very different very alternative to do  

Very close to Bangkok as well highly suggest this  and uh we’re going to try and put together the   details and leave it for you in the description  and obviously get in contact with this man here  

This guy is literally the legend of Bank he will  let you know how to do it as well is this is this   the magical plant yeah oh um it’s really salty  so the first thing you have to do is they have to  

Qui it first yeah so it will reduce the saltiness  of it and it will be munchy that’s what they say   so try that it’s going to be munchy kind of like  noring nauy could like the Japanese Noy like see  

Should be something like that Al like kind of  salty what it looks like just right bab don’t   don’t worry about too much just small piece of  it I’ll try a little piece of this guys wow it  

Looks very very fresh very green also want a small  piece of it it’s still salty yeah but it’s salty   from the sea water it’s salty yeah very salty Bo  already man M you want algae that’s nice that’s  

Not bad at all it’s kind of like um tastes like  spinach like a salt it tastes like a salty spinach   if you want some of that green stuff you can have  this oh my God that is really Sal this food looks  

Absolutely stunning and I didn’t try yet I don’t  actually know how spicy it is how pet is it is   it pet pet or like just a little pet spicy just a  small pet it’s good let’s try the food it’s going  

In with the rice oh yeah it’s a nice amount of  spice I was thinking because the lady saw us um   and we’re obviously white usually they make it  a little less spicy but the lady did not care

She no farang version this is the local version  really good M super tasty it’s excellent I love   food anyway I’m I’m terrible at describing  food but yeah like they said it’s spicy and   plenty of seafood here you got runny egg as  well I say that M mine’s not that runny but  

I don’t mind yeah fantastic and we sat  here nice breeze good company it’s been   a adventure already oh me and LC at this  he’s elbowing the cat this cat is really   interested in this F that’s local stuff of  course it is seafood pad crap H guys this is  

What it looks like nice big fried egg here  as well big old prawns as well hey and the   egg is cooked to perfection good down you go  down you go nice R EG thr throw them in the river just sit and wait I can’t see  the food this is H it looks absolutely

Beautiful right let’s just go in  and try one of these big prongs here I think we they just BR but  maybe they don’t have enough FR for   full oh my God yeah he’s gone out  to a fish delicious delicious the   porns are delicious delicious that is  unbelievable oh it’s nice and spicy as

Well that was nearly the end of the camera quality really really  good he going in for the rice   oh yeah that’s a nice amount of spice I was think fastic absolutely delicious meal guys  unbelievable food very spicy Seafood  

Pad crap and now I’m going to go and explore  this island Temple what a beautiful day this   was already plenty more to explore obviously  we also had that big radioactive blue soda   and you’ll see these all over Thailand  but they’re absolutely delicious and um  

Very refreshing as well great meal super tasty  I’m really full now popcorn cab bye-bye yeah I   was saying the the road is literally gone  on the other side so they had to obviously   raise this up it’s crazy how they live with  the water it’s just a part of everyday life

Here wow talk about beautiful this is just kind of the  beginning here of this Temple area   and we are again just entirely  surrounded by water this is uh never seen anything like this before in my  life yeah we made our way into the temple parts  

And there’s a apparently an old part of the  temple that has been flooded but people are   trying to ongoingly like raise the level of  the floor and this part here this is the new   part of the temple basically Dan just said that  it’s built with very expensive teak wood if they  

Call Golden teak or something like that I don’t  know but we’re going to go towards the uh older   Temple I believe First to have a look at how  flooded it actually is and then uh visit the  

Newer par S as well yeah let’s check it out  this is um so unique so special can really   see on the right side it’s all water all just  water and then on the left side it’s sort of  

This Mangrove like a muddy muddy you can see  that it’s very wet but it’s not uh submerged   yeah I think they’re really working on raising  the floor level yep and there’s a big statue   of Buddha here as well yeah and also on  the right side there’s lots of boats that  

Is filled with different versions of Buddha and  other historical figures from what it looks like yeah you can see the damage here that  the water has caused guys CU here was   a street a road Once Upon a Time and now  Nature has took it back and it has reduced  

It to this mother nature something that we  really need to respect don’t ever mess with it actually have this special to walk on the SE how special is this oh my God don’t tell us that we don’t bring you along  with us to the most special places this is

Magical how the yeah so many different ones crazy  it has been under the sea you think it it was a   submer my opinion yeah and they just take it out  from the ocean ah okay okay because this uh Green  

Layer is what happens a lot of times to metal I  think it’s called py it’s like a form of oxidation   or something yeah it’s possible that it’s because  of the salt water that’s why they look like that  

Oh I was wondering why all the Buddha image is  here M but they’re here because they actually   belong to this Temple but they has been sunk with  the sea oh it’s just my opinion and I didn’t ask  

Possible and then they have like new newer ones in  between yes and older ones that are from the old   Temple it’s definitely new because some are broken  as well it would make sense that it’s from the  

Old Temple that was submerged so beautiful though  allow to go you so yes guys this old part of the   temple here is actually below sea level and what  they’ve done is they’ve elevated the floor or uh   basically created an artificial platform around  the outside of the temple I’m not too sure now  

Exactly how old this Temple is but you you can go  inside you can access it um and it’s absolutely gorgeous Dan’s having at it with a big gong now very very low more Bassy kind of a s really   big but low W that is so nice  beautiful here we go guys Naomi

H H yeah I feel so aggressive it’s your turn I’m   going to give a Gong go smash give  a g smash give it go so give it a smash really hard o That’s powerful it vibrates  on Luke I will go you you just do   it a little bit lighter than what you anticipate

[Music] okay let’s go like it’s so nice you want me take your this is the  time for fancy watch you off your head   no I’m going to walk face first into the entry  okay what is this I’m crawling in I’m crawled

In this is like the human think I’m  just going to do a quack quack the   UNF fanciest crawls of the most back oh no  Luke is getting stuck as L Luke should have crawled I’m in WoW right this is obviously  not the original floor it’s probably like  

I don’t know one or 2 m higher than what  the floor used to be so these windows and   entry paths used to be lower probably lower  and more accessible yeah like the original   floor from what I can see is uh now below  sea level which is crazy to think so this  

Is like literally now been built an artificial  floor if you want you can stand inside the door   so we get an understanding of how small it is  so Luke is about 1 M 80 or 6 1 M 90 or 6’2 so  

Small the entry is not so high anymore but wow  it’s crazy it’s crazy usually you never I love this so guys apparently this Temple is made out of  the teak wood simply because we’re so sort of   encapsulated by water they were afraid that if  they used something like iron or metal or any  

Type of metal actually that it might actually  rust because of the water that is surrounding   it so they went for a teak wood and uh yeah  that is not cheap it’s not cheap at all I’m   sure I can’t imagine what the cost of this place  was to actually build but the craftsmanship that  

Went into this place it’s one of the kind very  very special and I love this statue here as well we are in one part of the new Temple and  the new Temple is still being built as we speak   so I’m trying to just talk really fast in  between the gentlemen over there cutting  

Woods and cutting tiles um so this new Temple  is basically built out of a very expensive type   of teak uh it’s called like a golden te or  something like that Dan Bangkok set and uh   as I said parts of it are still being built it’s  predominantly made out of wood and the detailing  

On the house the outside is so so beautiful and  they even already decorated parts of it with the   golden little applic Haze and golden color so  to speak so yeah uh we’re so grateful that Dan  

Is showing us this area and um I don’t know this  is just so beautiful I really want to come back   when all of this is done as well so we need to  come back to Thailand 100% just at least to see  

What this Temple looks like when it’s finished  but this is a straight prawn then yeah it’s not gay what is is it boiled or fried or it’s boiled okay oh it’s strange if you  boil it and it’s straight like this  

It’s not okay oh I just mean straight in  terms of sugar they boiled it with sugar   really yeah what why do they boil  it with sugar I don’t know one one yes you eat the whole thing eat the whole  thing they just gave straight it’s called  

Straight CR because if you boil it it’s sort  of uh in this shape which is a straight sh   and apparently they boil it with sugar  uh do you take the casing off you just   eat the whole thing the whole no but the  tail and everything everything yeah care  

That spiky part of it just to it’s  like a prawn candy very sticky yeah sticky very sticky yeah sticky tast is nice it’s not bad Seafood yeah true   it tastes a little bit like  candy sure Candy let’s say

Candy right guys so we made our way  a little bit outside of the old and   the new Temple making our way here into  a very very remote part of this island   right now there is nothing around here at  all just water nature it’s beautiful very  

Very peaceful here mostly just the sound of  nature it’s a little bit of construction over   in this direction because they’re trying to  basically make the road more Compact and um   dense so it’s able to sort of hold against  the water but yeah this is crazy it’s so

Nice this is um what we had guys we literally  just ate this we had a boiled version of this   plant in the restaurant very salty quite  tasty but um to give you an idea of where   we’re walking this is an entirely compacted dark  Road and um literally I don’t know how to even  

Describe this to be honest very accurately  but we are in the middle of nowhere there’s   a couple of sort of of makeshift um huts and  houses around that I believe the local people   live in and these people live on the water  they survive on the water their life is in  

The water and we spoke to a man there just  a while ago and he said that he would he’d   rather live rather live on the water than on  land because there’s too many people on land  

There’s too many there’s too much greed on land  and none of that exists none of that conflict of   interest exists in the water out on the water so  very special place indeed so here guys they are  

Drying fish and this is a real traditional  way of drying fish on a net out in the open sun I’m trying it yeah yeah then is just mumping  his way through the village it’s okay not very salty it’s not salty how come it’s not  salty and they go cuz we not put salt

In watch out these people these people are living   here in this have aak house  what a beautiful house this is these people are so nice so friendly to have a house here in this in  this location is so special so beautiful

For the reason we see them sleep now because  um they going out to fight the muscle in the   evening oh yeah yeah yeah so everyone just  sleep at daytime yeah it’s too hot to be awake [Music] anyway I’m struggling yeah so

Nice we just walk past many of this right  yeah and in the past they don’t have the   water supply to come here so they have to do  they have now yeah they used to have this for  

The rain water rain water yeah but since they  have the pipe straight to the house they don’t   use it anymore so they break it but it still FS  up with water yeah with a normal pip water it’s   still uh doing its purpose yeah yeah even  though you don’t need it what a beautiful

House and it’s quite cold in that house I  didn’t expect so cold in there inside the   house yeah it’s I thought it was  going to be really hot in there   it’s cold inside yeah very very relaxing  environment then the hammer oh Dan found  

Himself a hammock try everything  trying the Village Life yes very nice another example here of a house on the  water very sort of the structure itself looks   fantastic very very well put together but  then everything else seems to be sort of  

Pieced together from the surroundings and  uh oh he’s dry drying some fish here as   well [Music] very very beautiful place  this is the coolest place like we’ve   explored Bangkok for significant amount  of time months never seen a place like

This this just keeps getting better and  better guys I don’t know what to say to   this literally just keeps getting cooler the  deeper that we go in the more beautiful it get oh there’s a Temple here how cool is this little community so many   Beautiful People such nice  people also theiling here

They’re really getting the locals actually brought us some  some water some free water just to welcome   us that’s amazing and it’s exactly what we were  looking for walking around here in the sun you   definitely need some more this is fantastic  and they’re preparing for a very big Festival  

That’s going to take place now on this coming  Thursday I wish that we would be here for it   it is I just asked if the M Skipper is the  mascot of the town because they have a Mas  

Mut Skipper statue and he said it’s actually the  mascot of the Town yeah yeah there’s the mascot [Music] guys so happy to be sitting in the shade  you can probably see I’m uh looking a bit tomato  

Again it’s getting a little bit hotter now because  it’s like midday it’s incredibly hot yeah oh this   water is fantastic just found a bicycle and  pulled the bike pulled the bike out with the   river look they come up with the river I don’t  think that’s drivable anymore no oh he’s the  

Head of the village no way are the gentlemen with  thees and now we’re going to go to his house to   Museum and in his home stay as well I’m going to  go to his house oh wow his house is the museum yes  

That’s what that’s what I understand speci all  right guys so we made it to Museum and this is   also the home of the leader I guess you could say  of the community the guy who gave us these lovely  

Cold but bottles of water yeah we’re going to make  our way inside and check this place out oh those   are the suits oh yes yes that’s what I mention  oh they’re the shoes yeah to walk in the water  

Shoes so this museum is pretty much dedicated to  all of the things that they are finding in the   bay because historically this area um seems to  be like the area where all of the Chinese boats  

Would sort of arrive so they’re finding loads of  the Chinese porcelain um as you can see here so   you have Lads of broken bows but you have also  millions and millions of soup spoons that’s so  

Cool and a few bottles as well this looks like  a coconut that was made for uh to be a basket   basically wow they have so many cool things  here and it’s all things that they found in   the area here you can see the Chinese dragon  how amazing and out there they’re currently  

Trying to get their Village ready for uh the end  of January Festival I think it’s uh Luna New Year Festival here you can see the difference basically  on the very left is the way it uh used to look  

Like with the land basically when you still had  the road I believe this is basically the road   here that you can see um where you still had the  electricity post that’s 50 years ago 50 years ago  

And then this one is how long ago about 30 years  30 years ago approximately it used to look like   this so you still had a little more land and  this is approximately what it looks like now  

And here in the front is the temple that we have  just been at so it’s sort of of the only part of   the land that has not been submerged in the  water oh guys this is um an example of a hom  

Stay somewhere where you can actually stay  on the water it’s 600 BT and that includes   three meals but 600 B per person yeah so uh not  regardless of if you’re staying together in one   room or something like that you will still pay  600 bus per person and including three meals so  

Breakfast lunch and dinner is included in the  stay here and you’re staying here like there   or here wherever you want so beautiful right  of rooms on the water yeah they have a lot of rooms be this seems a nice oh good

Here you go guys your own little slice of  paradise right here big space you can stay   here with your family actually and there’s a  nice sort of living area at the front here as   well where you have things like kettle ways  to make yourself a coffee in the morning for  

Example there’s loads of fans you can  obviously get yourself a mosquito net   if that’s what you need as well and um yeah  I can imagine staying here relaxing you also   have a canoe so you could actually just canoe  your way around the little or the massive area  

Of water here and uh navigate your way back  to your cabin very special place indeed for   600 bat a night with three meals included you  really cannot go wrong and this is literally   where we met the amazing people that gave us  the water they’re making a stage as you guys  

Saw for a festival so there’s no better time to  come and stay than right around this time of the year you feel right at home oh no they do have  mosquito Nets oh the pink onein is a mosquito  

Net sorry I didn’t identify it as a mosquito  net because it’s pink but it’s very basic have   a look I to take the shoes off of course so this  is what the home stay looks like you basically  

Have little mattress on the floor I assume  they put some sort of covering put couple of   cushions yes and then you have the mosquito net  thank God because it’s a little bit open on the  

Side they better have it and it’s near water  so near water as well so yeah if you have an   issue with any sort of insects or spiders or  something like that may maybe not the place  

For you but uh if you are into nature the way  Luke and I are this would be the perfect place   and as we said Meats included as well so you do  get I assume um some like very traditional or  

Authentic food for this area which would  be oh Seafood yeah yes which would be so   good but allergy to Seafood then I can’t help  that yeah if you’re allergic to Seafood this   is not the place if you are allergic to other  things like me but not to Seafood this is the

Place all right guys what an absolutely  unbelievable experience and we have Dan   Bangkok himself to thank for this amazing day  this place is absolutely incredible we highly   recommend all of you guys to check this place  out but before you check the place out I want  

You to go and check out native fank that’s  this man here and his amazing partner as well   they have a really fantastic YouTube channel  where they’re they’re going to be based out of   Bangkok now as well for the next while so if you  want to know anything at all about Bangkok check  

Out these guys and also also check out Dan’s  new channel which is called Dan Tha travel y   um we’re going to link all of the information  down below also to the home stay we’re going to   try and find all of the information online so  just check it out if you’re interested yep for  

Now guys my name is Luke my name is Naomi we’re  the two M explorers and this is your reminder   to keep exploring and we’ll see you guys in  the next adventure for for watching popcorn C bye-bye

Welcome to Ban Khun Samut Chin, Thailand.
Today we are in Samut Prakan just outside of Bangkok with @NativeFarang & @DannThaiTravel. We are visiting a totally unknown island village community which has an interesting temple and somewhere that is untouched by tourism. This island is known as Samut Chin. This island in Thailand has been battling against rising water for a long time and has a resilient population of locals who keep building higher.

📍Location of this amazing place :

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Thanks for watching!
Naomi & Luke


  1. Thank you to Dann and Natt for joining us on this adventure. If you guys want to know where to go and find this place, please message Dann Bangkok on Instagram. Cheers everyone!

  2. ไปทำคลิปที่บางกะเจ้าชิครับ อยู่ตรงข้ามแม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา อยู่ในเขตกรุงเทพสวยมาก

  3. สวัสดีค่ะหร้อมทีมเลยว้าวมีเพื่อนเยอะเลยขอให้ทุกคนมีความสุขว้าวยินดีดีใจด้วยคงสนุกมากเลยครั้ง 😃 🤯❤ 🙏

  4. Even across short distance to the other bank of Chao Phraya river, 6 baht is still very cheap. The boat is quite old, at least 50 years I think and will last at least 2 more decades. The main expense is diesel fuel. BTW, I visited this temple before on a group of bike tour. The old chapel was now under sea water level and the temple built a new one with higher elevation.

  5. It's not battling against rising water. It's battling against coastal erosion. The fish farm aquaculture business was developed by destroying all the mangrove along the coast. The coastline was extended by building bunds and most of those have been abandoned over the years.

  6. ต้องลองกินอาหารอีสานครับตับหวานเนื้อติดมันย่างนมย่างใส้ย่างน้ำจิ้มขมอร่อยสุดสุดครับจากแฟนคลับช่องนี้ครับขอบคุณที่รักเมืองไทย❤

  7. อยากให้คุณไปเที่ยววัดหงษ์ทองทีสร้างบนทะเลอยู่ระหว่างสมุทรปราการกับฉะเชิงเทราวิวมันสวยงามมากคุณต้องไปประมาณเวลา16:30-เป็นต้นไป เที่ยวให้สนุกนะครับ👍🙏🇹🇭

  8. There is a long tail boat with speed 200 km/hr. you can search on youtube. it's unbelievable!!! 😱😱
    ….Learning about Thai local culture, food and people is a good experience for tourist. 👍😁

  9. Tour guide wasn’t very helpful telling you and your audience where they were going. Location name or even just a Temple name would be awesome thanks🥹

    ที่นั่นวัดชื่ออะไร อยู่ที่ไหน ใครทราบบ้างครับ อยู่ซิดนีย์อยากกลับไปเที่ยวมากเลยครับ

  10. คุณทำคริปได้ดีมาก จุดที่ไม่เคยเห็นมาก่อน สวยงาม โชคดี มีความสุข❤😂❤😂

  11. ว้าว​ สถานที่น่าสนใจ​มาก​ สงบ​ ผ่อนคลาย​ ไม่วุ่นวาย​ ชาวบ้านน่ารักมากๆ​ เราชอบรูปแบบ​การท่องเที่ยว​แบบนี้​ สนุก​มาก​ 👍👍

  12. I grew up in muddy area near river like this. Ride long tail boat for fishing while mangrove palm all along the river bank. Love to see you guys explore the area.

  13. น่าเสียดาย หากคุณนั่งรถเลยไปอีกสักหน่อยก็จะถึงหมู่บ้านของผม เรียกว่ากหมู่บ้านสาขลา ที่นั่นยังมีความเป็นธรรมชาติที่สมบูรณ์ และมีอาการทะเลอร่อยๆ คราวหน้าอยากให้คุณลองมาเที่ยวดู รักคุณทั้งสองคน😊😊😊

  14. ยังมีให้คุณค้นหาอีกหลายที่ เช่นเกาะเกร็ด และชุมชนจังหวัดสมุทรสงครามและอีกหลายจังหวัดเหนือจดใต้ที่น่นค้นหา❤❤❤❤หาต่อไปเที่ยวให้สนุก😊😊😊

  15. Hi guys I love your videos. I’m visiting Thailand starting next week. I will be in Bangkok for the first week starting on January 25th. I have two questions. First of all I would love to meet up with you. Do you know where you will be from January 25 – February 1?
    The other thing I was curious about is food delivery services. I hear vloggers talking about food delivery from Food Panda and Grab. I’ve never seen a video on the costs and logistics of using these. I think it would make a good video for you guys to show the ins and outs of these services. What do you think?

  16. used to live in Samut prakan and loved it very convenient and great places to entertain eat dine out was living in Gold Fish village next to foodland supermarket great place busy but nice

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